Contacts Folder somewhere???? - Mogul, XV6800 General

Is there a folder somewhere that has contacts stored in it? It might be in some code or it might not, just looking for a way to send a file of contacts through email. I have SPB and know the other ways, but really want to find a folder with the information in it. Does it exist? Thank you.
Ok found it. it's pim.vol in the My Device folder. can't do much with it as it's basically read-only and cant even delete it. so copyin and pasting won't work as the original folder can't be written over or deleted. sure there is a workaround somehow...

If you sync with a computer, you can export everything to either individual VCF files through Outlook and then zip them all together, or export as a list of comma separated values. Not sure of the best way to do it phone-only, though.



Is there any better way to backup contacts list rather then Microsoft Outlook?
I've seen a lot of different softwares around.
I just want some advice of an application that runs ok on 9100 and keeps my contacts safe.
By the way, the worst thing about using windows is that you KNOW that some day it will crash and you will have to format the device. It's dismissable.
I agree with you. I would love something that was able to export contacts to an XML file (and sms to a series of text files) just so I didn't have to pretty much relie on having access to a windows box.
As has been mentioned before, in the root directory of My Device there is a file named pim.vol. With Calendar/Contacts/Tasks not running copy this file to another location such as your storage card (don't move it!). Voila! There's your backup. No muss, no fuss.
Good luck!
Tref said:
As has been mentioned before, in the root directory of My Device there is a file named pim.vol. With Calendar/Contacts/Tasks not running copy this file to another location such as your storage card (don't move it!). Voila! There's your backup. No muss, no fuss.
Good luck!
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I was wondering how to back up my contacts too. Thanks for the info!
You're welcome, I was just passing on what I also learned here.
Another thing I do is to use outlook to save an exported copy of my contacts as a .pst file on my PC. I don't sync my pda with my PC but I do periodically allow a sync to take place during which I set up the connection to "replace what is on the PC with what is on the device". After doing so I export the contacts to the pst file, somewhere on my PC and then delete all contacts in Outlook (it's not my primary email app). By deleting them I don't have to worry about hackers getting into them, and I'm then prepared for the next time I want to sync them for the purpose of backing them up.
Then I save copies of both the pim.vol and .pst files to a storage card that I keep locked up.
So i just need to save the pim.vol . And if something happens and i need to format my device i only need to put the replace pim.vol and all my contacts tasks and calendar will be restored, its correct
i use Shozu ( ) lets me upload my photos right to Flickr, and as a bonus backs up my contacts. woo hoo
shozu looks good, however the wizard doesn appear in the list of compatible phones? What is the way round this?
How do you use the PIM file as a backup? I recently hard reset and then tried to copy the PIM file from my storage card back into the memory of the 8125 and I kept getting an error message that stated that either the file was in use or memory was not sufficient.
any thoughts?
u can use this contacts backup tool from
Hammered said:
How do you use the PIM file as a backup? I recently hard reset and then tried to copy the PIM file from my storage card back into the memory of the 8125 and I kept getting an error message that stated that either the file was in use or memory was not sufficient.
any thoughts?
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Rename the pim.vol to pim.vo and copy and paste backed up pim.vol - it works :wink:
meschle said:
Rename the pim.vol to pim.vo and copy and paste backed up pim.vol - it works :wink:
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Sir, Where do I find pim.vol, I don't understand how to go in root please help me.

Whjere does WM5 on the Uni store the addresses?

you know cvontact cards and stuff . . .???
pim.vol in the root directory.
Many thx VJ.
Just wonder if I have an app on my big rig that i can open a .vol with . . .
hey little rock,
sorry to bother you... You can open the pim.vol with a text processor (notepad or everything else) but I really don't know if it's the only way... the other problem is that I have no idea on how to manage the information enclosed (appointments, tasks, contacts)...I mean reading (or writing) the informations direcly from the pim.vol. Have you got some ideas on that???
thank you,
and thanks to everyone else for the replies...
raising_angel said:
hey little rock,
sorry to bother you... You can open the pim.vol with a text processor (notepad or everything else) but I really don't know if it's the only way... the other problem is that I have no idea on how to manage the information enclosed (appointments, tasks, contacts)...I mean reading (or writing) the informations direcly from the pim.vol. Have you got some ideas on that???
thank you,
and thanks to everyone else for the replies...
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Sync it with the desktop Outlook and export / import it there. Unfortunately, it's currently not possible to export these records to a text file on the Pocket PC. (see my WinCE DB-related articles in by blog for more info.)
I have a HP PPC which runs on PPC2002, it has "IPAQ BACKUP.EXE" and other DLLs. It is provided by SpriteSoftware as seen in the registry.
Items it backups in PPC2002,
1. PIM Databases (Contacts info is here)
2.Other Databases
3. File Systems
4. Registry
It is able to backup and restore properly.
I transfer the software to Universal, items it backups,
1. Other Databases
2. File Systems (PIM.VOL is here)
3. Registry
It is able to backup successfully in backup.nbf.
Does that mean I can restore successfully on Universal including my Contacts?
lads if you aint got a copy of contacts back up then
go to fiel explorer>open device menu>root directory
this is the main one it opens to
then right at the bottom is"pim.vol"
copy this file,put it on SD card
then if you ever need if after a hard reset
then after hard reset delete the "pim.vol"on the phone and copy your old one from the SD card
hope that is of some help to someone

save contacts onto sd card? how

hi people,
is there a way to save the contacts onto a sd card?
Tell us why you want to do that, probably we can get you a definate answer.
You can save contacts by means of backing up your phone, whch can be done with various software which can make an exe into your SD card. This exe can then be used to restore your phone (and contact)
Try Spb Backup, Sprite Backup
If you are trying to... ok, just tell us why you want to do that. I can go on and on and one.
In general, you can't store your contacts on your SD just like that.
at now my computer doesn't work and i am sitting in a internet cafe, so i can't sync my contacts with my PC. The other problem is, that i will send my prophet in the next days to repair the speaker in it.
have you got an idea how to seve the contacts??
Get Activesync and download SPB Backup and install on this internet cafe. Use SPB Backup to backup your stuff into your SD card, it ought to backup your contacts as well. Keep the SD card. Once you got your phone back, just execute the EXE file by SPB Backup, it will restore everything of your phone including theme, programs, settings, contacts, calendars.. etc.
You can also use the tool I'm gonna post below
It saves all your contacts to one file on your SD-Card.
Havn't tried to restore a backup file though..
BTW The file came from some PDAmobiz package.
hanmin the owner of the internetcafe doesnt allow me to install activesync or anything else.
mccune thank you very much. i'll give a try. thx again.
Don't bother with all that, I had the same problem in that I had to return my phone.
levenum, offered me the solution
"As for backing up contacts, there is a simple and painless way that doesn't require any installation.
In the built in file explorer select "show all files" option. Then in the root of the device you will see a file named 'pim.vol'. Just copy that to your SD."
If the phone says it can not copy as part of the file is locked, rename it first and then copy it, I don't why you can rename but not copy if it is locked, but it works.
When you transfer it back onto the phone it might not let you overwrite the original saying it is locked again. Just rename and then copy your file to the phone, you will need to soft reboot for the contacts to show.
serhataga said:
hanmin the owner of the internetcafe doesnt allow me to install activesync or anything else.
mccune thank you very much. i'll give a try. thx again.
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HAve you got a pendrive with BT? put it on the internet cafe and try to do everything with BT. Not! find a friend with Internet and download Jeyo Mobile, you can make with this tool a backup of your contacts to your sim or from your sim to your device.
the software that mccune has posted works fine. also the hint of NewSPV is great. ofcourse you can save your contacts to SIM but than you have by one contact if it has more than one number or adress more entries on the SIM of that person instead of one outlook contact.
thank you all for your replies.
problem's solved now
I must apologise, I thought that the software from mccune was the terrible one I had that demanded net framework 2.
I have just tried it and it is great. I have had a problem from day one with Outlook and Activesync, in that they would not sync and I kept getting 'Synchronzation Error'.
I just ran this bit of software, and it somehow just fixed my 'Synchronzation Error', all contacts loaded to Outlook.
Since the file - pim.vol stores the Contacts database which is located at the Root Directory.. Copy it and Save it on your Storage Card using the BUILT IN FILE EXPLORER ( won't work on third party File Explorers like Resco and Total Commander etc.. )
Now you got a backup of your Contacts on your Storage Card, or for security purposes, you may copy them and save it on your PC..
To restore..
Just rename the current pim.vol on the device to any file name ( ex. pim.vol1 or pim.volx ) then copy the pim.vol you have just save to your Storage Card using again the BUILT IN FILE EXPLORER
Reboot device and it is restored. See no ActiveSync involved? :lol:
Goodluck.. and just to make sure, try this before sending your Prophet for repair but i am pretty sure it would work.
Since the file - pim.vol stores the Contacts database which is located at the Root Directory.. Copy it and Save it on your Storage Card using the BUILT IN FILE EXPLORER ( won't work on third party File Explorers like Resco and Total Commander etc.. )
Now you got a backup of your Contacts on your Storage Card, or for security purposes, you may copy them and save it on your PC..
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I was wondering if anyone was going to mention that. I do this every so often with my Wizard, works great no extra software needed.
NewSPV said:
In the built in file explorer select "show all files" option. Then in the root of the device you will see a file named 'pim.vol'. Just copy that to your SD."
If the phone says it can not copy as part of the file is locked, rename it first and then copy it, I don't why you can rename but not copy if it is locked, but it works.
When you transfer it back onto the phone it might not let you overwrite the original saying it is locked again. Just rename and then copy your file to the phone, you will need to soft reboot for the contacts to show.
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This worked for me, but I have heard that it is not a reliable way to backup if you are going to reflash the device in between backing up and restoring. Can anyone confirm this? I hard reset to get back a blank phone, and then restored this file, and it worked, but I think I need to use a real backup method before reflashing the phone with a newer WM, since pim.vol might be an unrecognized format to the new WM.
I managed to backup the pim file then put it back into another device got the contacts on it cool. I renamed the original to pin but cannot delete it how can I delete it.
I'm sorry but the software that mccune posted doesn't run the setup on my windows! Can anyone help here!
the file works on windows mobile platform. it is not meant for windows.

Looking for contact backup app that reads CSV files

backed up my contacts to a CSV file but I cant remember the name of the program I used and now I want to put them back on my newest rom... anyone know any apps that can do this?

SMS export in CVS file readable in Excel or other

After searching on the forum for any soft that would be able to do this, I'm posting this thread.
I'm looking for a tool that would allow me to export all my SMS in a text file (cvs or other) that can be easily modified, read, stored. Additionaly, I'd like to be able with that tool to import such a file.
reason is that I'd like to keep my SMS readable for ever, but also that I would be able to import on my Hermes the SMS from my SE K800i (for which I've got a tool to export in readable text format)
Thanks for your help
Jeyo Mobile Extender ought to do the trick.. you can download yr sms into outlook and export it to CSV format.. Cheerios
and can I do it the other way around ?
Reimport it from a CVS in outlook ?
yup. c'est possible!
Ca c'est cool
I'll try it
thanks again
karld said:
I'm looking for a tool that would allow me to export all my SMS in a text file (cvs or other) that can be easily modified, read, stored. Additionaly, I'd like to be able with that tool to import such a file.
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Another possibility (if you don't use Outlook, or don't want to use ActiveSync for this, or want it to happen automatically on the phone without needing to be docked) is PPC Pim Backup (also discussed here http://cleanimport.xda/index.php?threads/299705/).
If you want a csv text file output, be sure to turn off the "Binary backup (faster)" option. The resulting file will be called <filename>.pib which you can rename to <filename>.zip and open. Inside will be a file called msgs_<date>.csm, which is a readable/editable csv file.
HTH. HAND. Cheers.
Addendum: Oh, and if you create a file called msgs_<date>.csm and zip it up into a file called <name>.pib, then you can restore (import) the messages back in too. When restoring, there is an option to either delete existing messages before import, or to just add imported messages.
I indeed already tried that one (that I run on a daily basis), but the format of the CVS file is not really correct. Some messages a spread on multiple lines if they contains carriage returns for example.
And also the message is most of the time on multiple lines, which makes it difficult to re-organise it and/or to create a file for import
brownianmotion said:
Another possibility (if you don't use Outlook, or don't want to use ActiveSync for this, or want it to happen automatically on the phone without needing to be docked) is PPC Pim Backup (also discussed here http://cleanimport.xda/index.php?threads/299705/).
If you want a csv text file output, be sure to turn off the "Binary backup (faster)" option. The resulting file will be called <filename>.pib which you can rename to <filename>.zip and open. Inside will be a file called msgs_<date>.csm, which is a readable/editable csv file.
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Not for the letest version 2.8
