Caller Id not working, hardware issue?!?! - P3600 General

Since a few weeks back my Trinity always shows Unknown as the user id of the incoming call.
At the beginning I thought it was Rom related, since I've been messing around with Mary's and Axel's roms. But I went back to the official one with same result.
I must admit that I have dropped the Trinity a couple of times. So I was wondering if anybody knows if this functionality is sofware or hardware related (maybe I damaged sth when dropping it?!?!)
Or maybe is some registry setting?!?!?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated!!

I had the same problem before though i didn't update any ROM. Try downloading your telco settings again. (Network Wizard).

caller id is a service of your provider so if you disable it once il will always be disabled, whatever rom or phone you use
you can reactivate it in the settings>phone>service

thanks both for your input.
I went to settings/phone/callerid/ and set to show to everyone.
However, I think this is only for the reverse process, to show your number to the person you are calling.
However, I still don't know who is calling me. Any other Ideas?

elsral said:
Since a few weeks back my Trinity always shows Unknown as the user id of the incoming call.
At the beginning I thought it was Rom related, since I've been messing around with Mary's and Axel's roms. But I went back to the official one with same result.
I must admit that I have dropped the Trinity a couple of times. So I was wondering if anybody knows if this functionality is sofware or hardware related (maybe I damaged sth when dropping it?!?!)
Or maybe is some registry setting?!?!?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated!!
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I've exactly the same problem since the beginning of january.
All the incoming voice calls are "unknown", no number is displayed.
But incoming SMS are ok, the sender number is correctly displayed.
I've reinstalled my network provider settings (Orange F), with no success.
Someone has a solution ?

try your sim card in another phone. i suspect your operator disabled it. you may want to give them a call.

ww2250 said:
try your sim card in another phone. i suspect your operator disabled it. you may want to give them a call.
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You were right. It's same problem with my sim card in another phone.
I've called my network operator, he reset the parameters of my line, and it works now.


Phone cut off problem! Have tried everything i can think of

Hi Everyone
Got a Wizard (badged as an O2 XDA MINI-S) about 4 weeks ago but having nothing but problems with the phone functionality.
The problem:
The phone will loose connection to the O2 network. I could be in the middle of a phone conversation for 3 mins or so and it will act like it has lost reception. I look at the screen - it shows the call still connected and the signal strength shows full. Then the screen will say disconnected and the signal strength will drop to nothing yet the GPRS indicator will still be there. I either have to reset the phone or switch the phone to flight mode and back out of flight mode! This problem occurs if i make calls or recieve them.
I bought the phone on the standard ROM from O2 then upgraded it to the ROM version which gave me the push functionality AUTD. I didn't use the phone long enough to tell if this problem occured after the ROM update.
Thanks to Faria and Machinagod's postings on here i was able to CID unlock the wizard to try a different ROM to see if that cured the problem. So i put the IMATE K-JAM ROM version on yesterday, didn't add anything else on it, still the same problem!!
Any ideas anyone? i'm pulling my hair out now!! :evil:
First i would try cleaning the sim contacts, both on the sim and device. Sometimes faulty contacts lead to this problem. (poss faulty sim - have you another sim you can try?)
Next i would contact o2 to check there is no fault at their end e.g. faulty transmitter, computer systems.
If none of these solve the problem then its prob a faulty radio on your device and i would exchange for a new one.
First i would try cleaning the sim contacts, both on the sim and device. Sometimes faulty contacts lead to this problem. (poss faulty sim - have you another sim you can try?)
Next i would contact o2 to check there is no fault at their end e.g. faulty transmitter, computer systems.
If none of these solve the problem then its prob a faulty radio on your device and i would exchange for a new one.
First i would try cleaning the sim contacts, both on the sim and device. Sometimes faulty contacts lead to this problem. (poss faulty sim - have you another sim you can try?)
Next i would contact o2 to check there is no fault at their end e.g. faulty transmitter, computer systems.
If none of these solve the problem then its prob a faulty radio on your device and i would exchange for a new one.
Do you have a SD card inserted ?
If so remove it for the day and see if the problems persist.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
The SIM card works fine in other phones (i've not had this one for long!) so i hope thats not the problem but i'll give it a shot. I'll try getting rid of all the contacts etc on the sim and phone and see what that does.
SD card - yes i have one inserted now but the problem was still happening when i didn't have one in there.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for your help so far
Latz said:
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
I'll try getting rid of all the contacts etc on the sim and phone and see what that does.
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heheh i think he means the actual contacts on the SIM! you know the metal bit of the SIM that makes contacts with the pins inside the phone!
not your phone book contacts!
HAHAHA LOL Stupid me!!!
lol thanks for pointing that out. :lol:
right - that didn't work anyone else have any ideas what could be causing this?
meschle said:
First i would try cleaning the sim contacts, both on the sim and device. Sometimes faulty contacts lead to this problem. (poss faulty sim - have you another sim you can try?)
Next i would contact o2 to check there is no fault at their end e.g. faulty transmitter, computer systems.
If none of these solve the problem then its prob a faulty radio on your device and i would exchange for a new one.
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I am having the exactly same problem.
I am going to request a new SIM card from O2 as I think it is due to the SIM. Will let you know my result.
Latz said:
right - that didn't work anyone else have any ideas what could be causing this?
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Exchange your phone - maybe a faulty radio in your phone. You could try a new sim but as you said you've tried it in other phones and they are ok.
Darklondon - thanks very much i'd appreciate the feedback!
Meschle - i've got to say i think i agree the phone has a problem! i just hope that if darklondon manages to resolve his issue with a sim card mine will work with the same resolve.
I also have this problem. Im on the T-Mobile network in the netherlands. When it cuts off you can see that there is no more radio contact (there is a cross on top). It then resets the radio and gets back. Within 10 seconds of the cut off i can be called and call back????
it's been a month since my last reply and I havenot yet change my SIM yet :shock:
however, i think i found the problem, at least, i think so.
the constantly cut off issue, for me, it's due to the overclocking. initially i overclocked my CPU to 264, which brought the instability to kill the "phone" program constantly. if you have any task manager try to kill a "phone" program, and you will see the signal bar goes off completely.
so, i changed my overclocking to 242. problem solved, no more cut off now.
wow really?! but i'm not overclocking .... mayube i should! i don't see the phone program in task manager?
I can see the "phone" program or say thread with SmallMenuPlus and vBar. And sometimes I can see more than one.
hm, I don't see a "phone" process with Memaid, but I'll try the reducing of overclocking too, since I have the same problem. 240 is the nearest option to 242 though in my omapclock...
I've found that this problem occurs using many of the AKU2 ROMS out there along with an application that requests a GPRS connection on a very frequent basis (GoodLink for me, MSFP, Agile Messenger for others).
The problem is that the application requests a GPRS connection, and for some reason the device decides to drop the call in order to connect.
For myself, this started happening after upgrading from a 2.17 summiter ROM, and continues regardless of what ROM post 2.17 I use. I've also tried flashing many different Radio ROMS, all to no effect.
I've been back to 1.8, and that's solved the problem. I'm now using a 2.17 ROM that I flashed today to see if the problem persists there.
This isn't an overclocking problem - as I never overclock.
I have a AKU2 ROM installed, though I never use GPRS (way too expensive here). So that can't really be it I guess...

call history

When you go to option in call history, it give you the option NOT to delete call up to a year old...or never. I had mine set to never...but it still deletes the calls. it seems to only be keeping count for a week or two. is there any way to make this setting work?
Cant say i've noticed this since i've flashed my ROM so many times to test out the different Roms, lol.
However, one would presume that the registry entry for this would be the CallHistoryMax DWORD under HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone.
I have change my call History settings numerous times to test this theory but it has no effect on the DWORD value.
Anyone else have similar problems??
i have 4 friends with the 8125, they all have the same problem. i too had this problem with my 8125...i was hoping it would go away with the 8525...but no luck. im thinking its something in the OS and not the phone. what you guys think?
any one? try it yourselves guys. this option never works
rzanology said:
any one? try it yourselves guys. this option never works
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Interesting just looked at my call history and I suspect a sim card issue/setting may be the root of your problems.
The reason I say this is that my call history extends way back to January this year long before I even got the Hermes!! Info is therefore stored on the Sim. In addition there are gaps in the dates when I would certainly have made/received calls. This inconsistent recording of the info on calls I believe is related to whether the number dialled or received is recognized by the SIM the Phone memory or both. The longest remembered ones are obviously from the SIMs memory.
Not sure where this gets us exactly but my albeit inconsistent record certainly pre-dates this phone and back to my Motorola days.
funny you should say that. i just got a new sim card with the 8525...they gave me the 3g sim card. Thats kinda odd it would happen to two diffrent sim cards. i had 3 8125's and they all had this problem. now the 8525. the only phone it worked for was my ipaq 6515....and that was wm2003. It sucks because this is a reeeally good feture to have, you always have a number on file.
rzanology said:
funny you should say that. i just got a new sim card with the 8525...they gave me the 3g sim card. Thats kinda odd it would happen to two diffrent sim cards. i had 3 8125's and they all had this problem. now the 8525. the only phone it worked for was my ipaq 6515....and that was wm2003. It sucks because this is a reeeally good feture to have, you always have a number on file.
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Yes it is strange. I don't think I'm suggesting any kind of fault on the SIMs. But you know how you can save tel numbers to SIM or to Phone - (I always forget which mine is set to) well I just wonder whether this has any bearing on where the call history is saved and or affects how long it is saved for. If it's the SIM and not the phone then there will be limits on storage space for the records. The question then is if it's the SIM which mine must be - how can it be changed to save on Phone memory for a longer record?
Sorry - more questions than answers!

Please help - receiving phone calls

I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
Just tonight I was running call tests on my unit, and I see the same 2-ring delay. Doesn't matter if its asleep or fully on. I still have plenty of time to answer before voicemail kicks in. That delay is dictated by your carrier.
What sim card are you running? Do you know? Is there any way the check if you have the 64k or the 128k? I found some threads not related specifically to the X7501 but to the HTC hermes, that if you have the 64k sim card and an HTC hermes you might get some communication troubles, but that thread was pretty old and I'm sure HTC fixed that issue already.
Anyhow, hard reset doesn't solve this problem, and I do not even know how to begin addressing this issue.
Try some or all of the following:
Make sure your ringtone is in the Windows folder, or the ringtones folder.
Try a .wav ringtone (yes, i prefer mp3 too - wavs are too big) has a disable 3 second delay option - there is probably a registry key somewhere.
marek101 said:
I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
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which radio version are u using sometimes it is releated to the radio version and upgrading or downgrading to another rdio helps the problem. missing calls are mostly releated to radio version of devices.
I have not flashed this unit at all, and the default ringtone is there and yes I tried changing it too.
I'm begging to suspect that this might be a sim card issue. I'm using SM-32 from fido, is there one that is sm-64 or 128? google search did not reveal much..
i use phonealarm software with my athena, and i have the next issue:
if i active phonealarm, the phone sounds after the second or third ring,
but if i deactive phonealarm, the phone sounds just after the first rings.
use you PA soft?
note: i have tested and obtained the same results storing the rings at the
storage card, microdrive or programs memory. the problem is PA !!
next probe:: enable PA but set to "System" the "ring" and "ring type" parameters
at the all profiles. the result is fine: plays the configured sounds after the
first ring [i use mp3]
Is PhoneAlarm software enabled by default? I can not seem to be able to locate this anywhere on the phone?
Plus I got a little bit further with Fido, I have disabled my voicemail and now the phone rings after the second ring. Does this make any sense to anyone ?
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
Just need to call your carrier and have them increase the ring count before voicemail picks up. Tonight at dinner my mother complained about this on her phone - it would go to vm after 3 rings. She called cust service and upped it to 6 rings. Problem solved.
marek101 said:
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
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is the solution at the palonek web ?? i don't not !!

Interesting Universal problem

Heh, I'm hoping someone on here will have some idea of what has gone wrong with my XDA Exec.
Just dragged it out of storage, unlocked it, upgraded the radio to 1.15 and the phone to WM6, but for some reason, it won't make or receive phone calls.
Now the phone picks up a signal (GSM & 3G) just fine with all the card's I've tried in it, and it will send a text message as well, but whenever you try to make a phone call, it disconnects the call.
Anyone got any idea's on what might be the problem here, and how I'd go about fixing it? Your help is much appreciated.
Are you on vodafone?
Personally I'm on t-mobile, but it shows the same behaviour with o2, Orange, T-Mobile and vodafone sim cards. I've tried em all, they all send text messages, but no phone calls can be made.
As I said - bizarre
kavinsky said:
Heh, I'm hoping someone on here will have some idea of what has gone wrong with my XDA Exec.
Just dragged it out of storage, unlocked it, upgraded the radio to 1.15 and the phone to WM6, but for some reason, it won't make or receive phone calls.
Now the phone picks up a signal (GSM & 3G) just fine with all the card's I've tried in it, and it will send a text message as well, but whenever you try to make a phone call, it disconnects the call.
Anyone got any idea's on what might be the problem here, and how I'd go about fixing it? Your help is much appreciated.
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i have the MDA pro and had this problem a while ago. i went to settings>phone> select the Band tab then changed the "select your network type " option from auto to GSM and has worked ever since. lets know how it goes.
william-johnson said:
i have the MDA pro and had this problem a while ago. i went to settings>phone> select the Band tab then changed the "select your network type " option from auto to GSM and has worked ever since. lets know how it goes.
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No dice, normal calls and emergency calls remain impossible to make
kavinsky said:
Heh, I'm hoping someone on here will have some idea of what has gone wrong with my XDA Exec.
Just dragged it out of storage, unlocked it, upgraded the radio to 1.15 and the phone to WM6, but for some reason, it won't make or receive phone calls.
Now the phone picks up a signal (GSM & 3G) just fine with all the card's I've tried in it, and it will send a text message as well, but whenever you try to make a phone call, it disconnects the call.
Anyone got any idea's on what might be the problem here, and how I'd go about fixing it? Your help is much appreciated.
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have you confirmed that the text messages are actually being sent, i have seen a case similar and it turned out the IMEI numer was blocked
You know I never thought of that, but yeah I sent my other phone a text message and it went through. Sold it now, so not my problem, but an intersting problem.
kavinsky said:
Sold it now, so not my problem, but an intersting problem.
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well done, mate

Strange Caller ID Problem

I have recently updated my T-Mobile Touch Plus to the official 6.1 Rom and since doing so have a funny problem when receiving a call, the callers number isnt displayed even when they are in my contacts.
The device doesnt seem capable of realizing that numbers that start +447 are the same as 07, one fix would be to update all my contacts phone numbers and remove the international dialing part but my SMS messaging would then not work as at present it displays the names correctly.
Has anyone got a fix for this?
I've had this problem for a couple of weeks since T-Mob updated mine and I agree, it seems to be related to the international format of numbers.
I have emailed T-Mob customer services to see if they can do anything and if I hear anything back, I will post here.
In the meantime, I was thinking of having a poke around the registry
I'll keep you updated
Problem Solved
a bit of googling today and I have found the solution it is due to a registry setting that (on my device) was trying to match 12 digits of the number, for the UK this needs to be changed to 10.
here is the link:
Nice one - but I don't really want it fixing - I want T-Mobile to admit defeat and swap it for a G1 for me
Failing that, I will put it in place though ;-)
I knew it would be something like that
Just got a used T-Mobile MDA Touch Plus and it was running the original WM6 so I updated it via T-Mobile UKs site to WM6.1 and since then I've developed the missing name problem on my texts.
I've tried changing the callerID thread in the registry and it's done nothing.

