8525 USB Port died - Need sync assistance - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Okay, I know of the problems with some of these HTC phones, and mine is no exception... My 8525 (WM6) usb port has died (tried all the reset tricks, different cables), everything, except for making a custom pinned cable..
Regardless, I still NEED to use active sync. I know I can use bluetooth, but there lies the problem. I did a total reset on the phone while diagnosing the cable problem, and I cannot use BT as the initial activesync (wont let ya). Computer sees the phone, phone sees the computer, activesync starts when I press sync on the phone, but disconnects shortly after.
Is there a way I can force the BT / Activesync as the initial connection, can I use IR as the initial connection? Anybody else had any luck with this..
If the answer is.. yer screwed, any other options out there? I used PIMBackup to grab the contacts off my backup phone (8125 wm5), so I could at least have those. I mainly need to sync my contacts and appointments from outlook to the phone.
Hope there is...hope.

If you are on an Exchange server, you can set up exchange activesync and your contacts will be stored on the server while you have your device replaced. Other than this, I am unsure.
Good luck, I have had this problem on four different AT&T 8525.

Thanks Cliff,
I can continue to use PIMBackup with the device and SD card to create backups, I'll just not be able to sync appointments, so the Exchange will probably not be needed (good thing, since I am clueless on exchange anyhow).
Also, FYI, Cingular / ATT will not be replacing this phone. This is my 4th 8525.. The first 2 they replaced, no questions. #3, they finally gave in after I told them about the info on this forum, and others, documenting the problem. This time, they said it HAS to be user, and they would not warranty it... Fantastc huh..
That's why I used my 8125 as a "backup phone", I have been down that road.
Still looking for a BT solution though.


O2 Exec and Activesync 4

Just about to open Windows (on the top floor) and throw this thing through it!
Been waiting for months to upgrade to exec from xda2s, and 18hours after opening the box i'm ready to junk it. Cannot get it to sync at all. Read all the forums, zone alarm off, norton off, tried running as4.1, and still i'm getting dizzy watching this little green wheel going round and round and round and round and round..... 'connecting'
Does anybody have a work around or managed to get it to work. Without this facility the units useless to me, apart from maybe a quick £300 quick profit on ebay.
Help please.
I had a simlar problem, until I reluctantly ditched all my other Active sync partnerships (like my xda2 PPc partnership). then created a new partnership and it worked fine.
Good luck
Hi, Stupid question, but where do the older profiles live on my pc? I've looked in the activesync folder but no clues.
Open Avtivesync, go to file, click on mobile device, check and see what devices you have listed. then go to Delete mobile device.
This realy was a quick fix for me , you should be able to have multiple patnerships, perhaps some one else could suggest a better solution.
Thanks for your advice, but it looks as though I had deleted all previous profiles when I did a clean install of as4.1, and still getting dizzy!
Thought about calling O2, but quickly realised I would have better luck just ringing a random number out of the phone book.
I've tried every combination in the connection settings box, still no joy.
Need a solution soon before I reach for the Scotch and Razor Blades.
I've completely given up with this thing. Managed to get it back in the box (which was a minor challenge compared to getting Activesync to work), somebody please save me from ebay.
Do you have you Exec running in Corporate mode? I found that in this mode it won't sync; you just get "Connecting"...and nothing.
I switch to basic or personal and it syncs with no problem. Myabe this will help.
If the machine you are trying to sync with is connecting to an Exchange Server then you will have difficulties.
Try syncing the calendar, contacts and tasks direct with the exchange server and do the rest (notes etc) with the laptop.
Activesync 4 is so rubbish I have resorted to wirelessly syncing direct to my exchange server.
For a while I was cursing the Exec as I had just got my 2s just how I wanted it when I up(?)graded but I remembered that half the fun of these things is solving the problems, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time!
The main thing that you need to remember with ActiveSync 4.x is that you must install this before connecting your EXEC.
If you don't the microsoft driver gets installed instead (and in my case) no amount of deleting/reinstalling was able to recover the situation.
Whilst I was in the middle of that crisis I did some basic PD to try and rectify. Including
a) Installing AS 4.1 build 4807 on another system (preferably clean installed say XP SP2)
b) trying another cable
c) Doing a hard reset of your device and then repeating above steps
d) (obviously!) removing all previous versions of ActiveSync (also afterwards using regedit to remove any final traces and erasing C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync) and then re-installing
I have tried to include some Device Manager pictures of a working system for reference purposes
Throught trial, and very much swearing at the walls, I've discovered the following:
1. If I have the XDA Exec switched on and connect the USB cable, then I can guarantee a 95% failure to connect.
2. If I turn off the Exec, by the power-switch on side, then connect the USB cable and just leave ActiveSync to power everything up, then I have a 95% success connection rate.
On very odd occasions, I've had to disconnect the Exec, turn it off, then plug the USB in again. And once I restarted the workstation first - probably didn't have to, but was going for a coffee anyway.
I had a failure with Active Sync and established that it still worked with my 2 C500's so I phoned orange.
Eventually made my way to level 3 (highest) tech support to be told that its microsofts problem and that they have withdrawn Active Sync 4 until they can fix it.
I can connect to my M5000, move files via explore but as for the necessity of syncing itand my contacts..............forget it
Interaction with Outlook
My sync problems went away when I configured Zonealarm to allow it to connect.
I also had to install Outlook, which I don't like as I use Thunderbird for Email. Sync would still not work untill I allowed Outlook to be the default email client. However, I have not defined any accounts on Outlook and Thunderbird does not seem to mind.
Re: Interaction with Outlook
Romney said:
Sync would still not work untill I allowed Outlook to be the default email client. However, I have not defined any accounts on Outlook and Thunderbird does not seem to mind.
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I got a whole series of increasingly depressed emails from my TBird install after I stuck Outlook on my lappie... In the end I had to take it out for the evening, give it some new extensions and what-not before it started talking to me again...

Connecting, connecting, connecting.......

Activesync just keeps trying to connect and is never successful. I have re-installed Activesync on my pc but it didn't help. Also, my work pc doesn't connect either. Definately a problem with my 8125. All has been well for a couple months and I have added no new software before the problem started. This problem also happened about two weeks after I got the phone and the only resolution was a hard reset. What a pain reinstalling all the software and settings I have now, it's customized just the way I like it. Anyone know how to re-install Activesync on JUST the phone or have any other ideas?
Try the latest activesync 4.2 beta and disable any firewalls if possible on the pc. On the device start activesync application and go to menu\options - delete pc that you are syncing with and try again.
Deleted profiles on both pcs installed beta on one. Still no connecting. Tried clicking SYNC on phone, pauses for a second then nada. No connection.
Have you deleted profiles on the device? and disable firewalls, and if you have a network adapter enable it because latest activesync treats the connection with device as a network - there are many posts on this issue do a search and read through some - seem to be many different factors involved.
First- Thanks for the replies Mark
I removed the PC profiles from my 8125. Also reinstalled Activesync 4.2 on my work pc. Nothing. Although this time I got an error message- Cannot find the file "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=65257&clcid=0x409" (or one of its components) Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all libraries are available". Like I would know what that means. Anyways, no firewall enabled. Besides, this should not be happening, all of a sudden, on 2 separate pcs. That kinda rules out a pc problem. It has to be in the phone. That, and the fact that a hard reset fixed it last time. I'm thinking something corrupted in Activesync on the phone???
And searching on this forum is useless. I type in "connecting Activesync" and every post with either word shows up. 614 in just Wizard forums alone. Is there a way to search so that ONLY posts with both words show up? That way I can modify my wording until I find something useful. Search for any terms or use query as entered is ticked. On other forums you can just use quotation marks but not this one. It makes searching very difficult. ROB
Oh, and yes my network adapters are still enabled as always.
Yes best to search with the word AND cuts out all the other stuff i.e. activesync AND connection would do it. Yep sounds like it may be the device.
found couple of posts that seem to be relevant
Happy reading, the last post is about connecting activesync via bluetooth so maybe thats an option.
Thanks Mark. I think I may try the bluetooth connection when I get home tonight. Or I may just throw in the towel and do a hard reset. that worked last time. Plus, I can install the latest ROM upgrade. Shame theres no way to uninstall and reinstall Activesync on the phone. Seems that should do the trick (maybe). Just tried my friends 8125 on my work pc- syncs just fine. So much for all the pc fixes everyone seems to be trying.
I had the same problem with AS refusing to connect via usb or BT.
In the end i went & purchased (although the demo version would have done) Sprite backup. installed on the PC. Browsed to the install dir to find the cab file. copied to my wizard (wifi, or sd card reader etc).
Insatlled & backed up to SD card
Hard reset
stop here if you're happy, if not
AS to sync calender & contacts to pc
hard reset
update ROM
AS contacts, cal, docs etc back to wizard
install SW & settings
Yep. Had to hard reset. All is working again. Crappy Activesync. What's up with this P.O.S. ? Trying to setup bluetooth now and the pc finds the phone but AS won't connect. The phone finds the pc (HomeCenter) but it shows no services available. I'm assuming that there should be some listed (maybe Activesync?) Guess I'll have to do some searching for bluetooth problems with AS now. Did I mention that AS is a P.O.S??? But you all knew that already. :lol:
Dont forget to open a port in you BT settings (on the pc) and tell AS (also on the pc) to accept connections on that port.
Then your wizard should be able to see the AS service on the pc (you initiate the sync from the phone, not the pc)
I have had this problem since day one, and continue to have it despite several (more than 15) hard resets, multiple ROMs, multiple pertnerships etc. I plug in my PPC USB, and it just says "connecting" forever. Every time, after plugging in my USB, I have to shut off my PPC, and turn it back on. Then my laptop finds and connects with my PPC, and syncs all my data like it should. If I do this more than 3 times, my laptop crashes and reboots. If anyone has figured out how to fix this, let me know.

Active Sync problem when syncing from a different comuter

Hi all.
I had ActiveSync setup back in California on my computer, but now that I am at my parents place and have been trying to setup activesync on there computer to sync with my mda.
I had no problems back in Cali, but now when I load ActiveSync and connect the device, etc. it says that device is not connected and therefore I cannot sync. When I plug the device the computer recongizes that there is a windows mobile device, and ActiveSync tries to connect but with no success.
Does anybody know what I should do to fix this problem? I've searched and haven't really found anything specific to my problems, and I really need to be able to sync my mda for I won't be going back to my computer for a while.
Thanx alot
I'd suspect a firewall issue. Use this guide from Microsoft to troubleshoot ActiveSync 4.0/4.1/4.2 USB Connection Troubleshooting Guide
Good luck!
I've already troubleshooted, and we're talking about the firewall for my internet, right? Because if thats the case I've already disabled the firewall for all of my connections. Would there be other types of firewall that I should be aware of?
*I've tried it on another computer in the house, and I get the same problem. It recongizes a windows mobile device is connected, but it won't pick up the usb connection through activesync.
Thanx again
I am having the EXACT same problem... Does anyone know how to fix it???
Does anyone know how to fix it???
i m having the same problem
i upgrade form 1.6 to 2.2, rom available at t-mobile
its fast but active sync turns green then turn off
nothing happenes
the older 1.6 rom was workin fine
well im still having this problem, so if anybody knows who how to fix it im in need of help.
btw... i haven't upgraded my rom yet.
thanx alot
try file/delete mobile device in activesync and see if it still does it.
Anymore tips??? I havent been able to sync for 2 weeks now!!!!!!!!!
I am having the same problem with my MDA. My 8125 never had this problem its quite the PITA.
May not help...
You may have already tried all this...
First, don't use Activesync 4.2. Uninstall it, reboot, and install 4.1. I couldn't get sync with two PCs with 4.2. Removing it is a nuisance since it starts automatically and doesn't have an off selection; I use activesynctoggle.exe to turn it off. I keep activesync around since activesync problems sometimes can be fixed by turning it off and on again.
Second, if you are running zonealarm or another firewall, the procedure for permitting sync is more complicated; see e.g.
Third, remove the connection from the PC (on activesync, File/Remove Connections) and from the PPC (run activesync when not connected and remove), remove activesync from the PC and reinstall, and start fresh. Use a USB cable and don't mess with Bluetooth -- it is *much* more sensitive, as I found out painfully.
Good luck. It is really amazing that microsoft can't make software that syncs two microsoft operating systems, when Palm can make software that syncs windows with the palm OS reliably. Activesync is one of the worst programs I have ever encountered, and the release of 4.2, which seems to work less well than 4.1, is astounding.
Well my device stopped recognizinig my sim car yesterday so my device is worthless.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
A little more info please. Saying you have the exact same problem isn't enough! (trust me, no two people or computers have the same problems, exactly)
Please post what you're doing, AS version, ROM version... actually anything that might help us possibly help you.
When I connect my 8125 to my computer activesync doesnt recognize it on the computer or the pocket pc. But yet it still makes the chime noise. Im am still able to charge it on my computer, but activesync says "no connection"
ROM version WWE
ROM date: 5/11/06
Radio version 02.25.11
Protocol version
ExtROM version
Did you even try the suggestions I made?
Rjp20 said:
When I connect my 8125 to my computer activesync doesnt recognize it on the computer or the pocket pc. But yet it still makes the chime noise. Im am still able to charge it on my computer, but activesync says "no connection"
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I have had a similar problem and solved it with those procedures. Activesync is unreasonably sensitive and sometimes removing the program and connection and starting over seems necessary; then it will work until some setting or other gets messed up.
I'm having a similar issue but when I connect my T-Mobile Vario II (HTC Hermes) it starts the process but as soon as it's about to start syncing my PC reboots. I've just got a new laptop and it syncs fine. I've been using ActiveSync for many years and this is the first time I've had this issue. I've also got an Orange SPV C500 (can't remember which HTC device that is) but it's a smartphone and it still syncs fine.
I don't have any software firewall enabled as I'm behind a hardware one. I've looked round the web but no-one seems to have this issue that the system reboots.
Any ideas? I've re-installed ActiveSync, I've not tried removing the partnerships off the device yet but I don't think it's even created on. I've tried repairing Outlook but that didn't help. I may try re-installing Outlook but that is a bit of a last resort.
Thanks in advance,
I also had a no connection when I first connect to new computer....
Check the network connections, there should be a new network connection created for the computer/pda, check the properties and make sure all checkboxes are selected.
Mine wasn't ticked in the beginning, and was able to sync after I selected all the boxes...
WeeeRob said:
Any ideas? I've re-installed ActiveSync, I've not tried removing the partnerships off the device yet but I don't think it's even created on. I've tried repairing Outlook but that didn't help. I may try re-installing Outlook but that is a bit of a last resort.
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Windows XP has an event viewer (Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Event Viewer) that can probably tell you what took down your system. That would help isolate the problem - maybe.
Nothing so far... Does anyone else have any tips...

Transferring data from Wizard to Hermes

I'm upgrading from the T-Mobile Vario (Wizard) to the Vario 2 (Hermes). What's the best way to get all my data across (contacts, bookmarks, files, calendar items etc.)? Is it as simple as syncing the old one, then the new one? Thanks.
Sync the wizard with Outlook on your desktop...then sync your Hermes with Outlook....
Thanks. My next question would be, since my original laptop died, outlook on the second laptop doesn't have any of my contacts, calendar items etc. In fact, I've never synced my wizard with this laptop. Is there anything I should do (i.e. settings, installations) besides installing activesync before I sync the wizard and then the Hermes? Want to make sure I don't somehow end up wiping everything off the wizard, as I don't have the info that's on it anywhere else.
active sync won't erase it, it will see all your info on the wizard and copy it to your computer, just like it will see there is nothing on my hermes and stuff on your laptop, hence copying it to your hermes.
Thanks again!
Can't seem to get them wizard to sync... I installed activesync, connected the wizard, both the device and the pc say connecting, after a short while the device stops trying, and activesync looks like it's still trying, and nothing happens. I went to zonealarm and added the three files mentioned in the help menu. Is there anything else I need to do before I can connect and set up a partnership?
Turns out the problem was zonealarm after all. I disabled it and the sync worked fine, laptop got updated, then the Hermes. Not sure why zonealarm was still causing this issue since I added the three files as instructed in the online help...

active sync, server error, re-sync

Many times I get an error message which telle me there was a sync-error and I have to re-sync (delete-reload) my device.
this is frustrating cos all my quiick-Contacts are lost and I have to setup the Outlook folder sync again all the time.
ANyone experiencing the same ?
ok the full message is:
There has been a change made on your server that requires you to re-synchronize all items on our device. Please perform a manual synch.
Support Code: 0x80883001
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server re-sync
We had the same in our cie with the central exchange server and it was happening for all mobile users.
Our central team did something on the exchange server but I don't know what, but for sure it's coming from exchange because it was solved centrally.
If you manage you exchange server I can find out what was done exactly by our support team.
same happens to me with normal outlook (no exchange)
is there any fix?
actice synck error
me as well, i have no exchange server and i face this problem every other day.
hope to find a solution for this...
One solution is to keep your Windows XP/Vista always updated, with the latest sercurity patches.
no, my vista is always up to date.
That's not the solution
I had problems with AS any time ago, and disabling Tasks syncing solved problem....
ok, I'll un-check TASK sync and see if it helps.
You run a different ROM though. Maybe it's ROM related.
I'll keep ya posted
Hi, am Santo, you mast going to controlpanell, sistem, hardware, device manager, end go to portable device, and uninstall windows mobil with-the cable mini usb to device, when is finisch uninstal end reinstall the cable mini usb to device, then gest a moment to install the driver. install activesync when is necessari. ex for the write. Ciao alla prossima spero di esserti stato utile. Venite a trovarci su: http://www.batista70phone.net
ok my friend, I understand that you want me to de/install the ActivSync Program? I use VISTA, I havn't installed activesync at all. It was build in, I suppose.
Well, the tip with deactivating TASK-sync helps for now
So far, so good...
Okay, so I did not read everyone's response here, because I have been staring at forums for days to try and find the answer to this very same question and I am starting to go cross-eyed. I found two things that have worked for me, one is guaranteed and the other has worked thus far...will update if it fails.
First, and I read this on another forum and got this answer directly from HTC's customer service. It is not the ideal solution, but it does work guaranteed. If you go into your settings for the sync program on your phone, or on the computer, and tell it to "NOT" sync your desktop email this problem will disappear. Now, what I did last time was change that setting so I could back up everything else and not lose any appointments and phone numbers I put in, then I went back and reversed it so that I could get my desktop email on my phone too. This is something I like to have so it is not ideal, having to do this every few days or so is a pain.
The second solution is one I stumbled upon. I went into the settings for syncing and changed it from, if conflict change on my device - to if conflict change on my computer. The problem, I believe is when there is a change on the desktop email everything gets all screwy. So I did that and haven't had the problem since then. I should note however, that I am not keeping the phone plugged in for long periods of time. I do one of two things, either I plug it in and let it sync then disconnect usb connections allowed (this lets my phone charge but doesn't let it sync repeatedly) or I just unplug after it has synched up.
I don't know if this will work for everyone, but I hope it helps. Good luck and God bless!

