Any pointers on making an OEM out of cab with setup.dll? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello all. I'm looking for some pointers and I'd greatly appreciate any help you can give.
I'm starting to make some OEMs out of cab files, and I've pretty much got that part down. The problem I am having is making an OEM out of a cab that utilizes a setup.dll file.
I have taken a registry snapshot before and after installing one of these cabs, but it is still missing something. Am I just SOL? Does anyone know of an app that will "decompile" the .dll file so I can see the install_exit and install_init calls?
My other option was to modify these cabs so that they have hard coded paths and force them to install without user interraction. Then dump them in /windows, make a mortscript in /windows/startup that will install the cab, delete the cab, then auto delete the mortscript. Does anyone have a better way of doing this?

I do it the old fashion way. Dump registry, install app, dump registry again and then Use windiff to see the new reg entry's. Also grab all the files on the ppc from the cab. (sometimes Setup.dll renames files in cab)
After you do a few, it'd becomes as easy as a regular cab. If you need help let me know.
If there is an easier way i don't know it. I hope there is though.


deleting registry keys automatically within a cab file

Hello professionals ;-)
i have to delete some registry keys during an softwareinstall with a cab file.
Can anybody tell me how to make an installationfile (like *.cab ore something else) deletes some keys in the registry!
i want to install some programs (like pocket plus) and make some configuration during cab file installation. so i looked into the registry what changes when i configurate pocket plus.
as i noticed there where som keys changed i can overwrite with the new values BUT there are some registry keys deleted also. How get them out???
is there any way ??
Have a look at creating a custom setup.dll file to include in the cab file.
You can certainly delete registry entries using it.
I don't know about deleting registry using cab files.
I think there is only options to allow or not to replace a registry key if exists during install.
Here a good link for .cab files Cab files
Apart that you can make your own install from PC to Pocket using RAPI. With that no problem to delete keys, copy files, add new keys ...
want to delete some keys bevore install
Thank's for your tips!
Have a look at creating a custom setup.dll file to include in the cab file. You can certainly delete registry entries using it.
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is there more information about this ?
how it works?
how to do?
as i looked at the CABFiles Website this looks very complicated to me ;-(
i am an absolute beginner in developing software!
i need an easy way to delete some regkeys during installation.
I think you can use the excellent scripting utility called nScriptM to achieve your goal. Simply run a search on this in google and you will come across a number of resources including the download location.
k_kirk said:
I think you can use the excellent scripting utility called nScriptM to achieve your goal.
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i will try this, Thanks!

making .cab files

For some reason, the .cab I made to fix the QuickGPS issue will *NOT* install. It was made with WinCE Cab Manager like I have made every other .cab file which has always worked.
Trying to install on the Kaiser.
Can someone figure out what went wrong? I'm frustrated.
In my oppinion there is a _setup.xml missing in your cab file. So the installer doesn't know what to do with your file. You should try to make such a file and intigrate it into your cab. The easiest way is to use and modify an existing _setup.xml from an other archiev.
For i do not know which filetype the file you try to install (that is defined in the _setup.xml, too) has i can not be shure. But if it is an dll you have modifyed u'll have to unregister it before modyfying and reregister it before you put it into the installer.
search for "unsigner" and "msigner", for signing dll's
One last hint. I use ZipStar for creating cab files. That is much easier for it has the look and feel of winzip.
this is strictly a reg patch .cab. I've used WinCE Cab Manager for a while now with no issues. I also checked some of my previous cabs and none of those had .xml files in them either so this looks consistant.
I've NEVER installed any of my cabs on the Kaiser so I'm wondering if the issue is the OS. I'll try to install this cab on my K-Jam just to see if it works there. If it does, the issue is a compatability issue.
If I manually create the xml file and create a cab using ZipStar, is that all there is to it or is it going to be missing something? I've never used ZipStar and not familiar with how it handles PPC .cab files. I checked out their website and I don't read German.
Thanks again for your help. I'll give your recommendations a shot.

Cab file creating

i just put together a cab file (for personal use) to remove sms threading (due to upgrading roms alot etc)
however i have hit a brick wall.
i do not know how to make the device restart after install?
i have compared to other cab files but the only difference is the other cabs install files not registry?
i'm not all that good with programming however i would really like to complete this cab for ease of reloading a new rom - so any input would be grateful - thank you
For cab file creating i use PocketPC Installation Creator. In the menu there is a check box to set the 'reboot after installation' behaviour. I played with it but noticed that my device only rebooted after installation of files. Because i found it to much effort to look into it, i didn't. After all it is quite easy to reboot manually.
You could use MSCEinf to examine different cabs and look for the reboot after installation setting (
I also noticed that some people make cab files from .xml files (sleuth for example). Maybe this method has other options than cabarc in combination with inf files.
Cant give you any answers, still hope it will be of any help.
Good luck and post back result if you figured it out.
The easiest way tocreate CAB files is to purchase a copy of WINCE Cab Manager from OCP Software
they have just released a new version which supports Vista
i created the xml document then created the cab from it.
should have said that sorry.
so i was looking for a way to restart device via the xml..
thanks for the input so far

[REQ] Complex Cab 2 OEM (Tutorial?)

I was hoping someone could help me out. I've been trying for a while to make a working OEM out of a few sense 2.5 cabs. At the moment I have 2 to choose from, one posted on modaco(thread and file link and Sense - 2.5.2011.3030 for WM6.1 it easier, these cabs include full package, I've tried grabbing oem's from ppcKitchen with limited success). I was hoping someone could post a tutorial about converting cabs like such ^^ to an oem package for use with buildOS. Thanks in advance for any help.
This should help
When I use that tool the oem will build but not work. I've tried a few other tools but they also don't create working oems. cab2oem, oemizer etc.
I don't use sense, so haven't installed the cab, but here's how I make more complicated packages: Run sk tracker, and take a system snapshot. Install the cab, and run sk tracker again and take a second snapshot and compare the first two snapshots. Copy all new files to your oem (or EXT). Export all new reg keys to an app.reg or .rgu. My guess is that all the files go into \windows, so you won't need to deal with initflashes.txt files or app.dat files. You may need to get sense running (if it isn't running after the cab install). If you have to start it up (may require a soft reset), then run it and take a 3d snapshot. Compare shots 2 to 3-there could be a few new registry keys. Most are going to be in obvious places, like HKCU(or LM)\software\HTC\Manila, but you may have some certificates installed in odd places as well as random crap you'd never find without sk tracker in HKCR. You probably need all of these keys. The problem with just using an oem creator is that there may be reg keys installed by a setup.dll, or reg keys installed when the program first launches, and you'll miss these.
Remove any setup.dll from the package-it won't be needed. And since you're using buildos, I guess you'll need to create a .dsm (have fun with that-nicest thing about EVK is you don't need them). I guess there may be a startup shortcut, so you'll need the initflashfiles to get it in \windows\startup, unless you use an HKLM\init key to start sense up.
look at the main stickie or kitchen tools repository thread search for cab converter it works... but if your cab has a setup.dll will be hard you need to see whats inside of the setupdll and try to add that things to the OEM mannually like resources or regs

[Q] OEM package with dll

hey there,
i created an oem package which contains an dll file, one that exists also in the sys-folder as folder (contains imageinfo.bin and s000), when cooking with my kitchen buildos gives an error, something about that the expected file already exists as folder...
what can i do?
It's not a good idea to over-write a module; in fact, it's a bad idea, because it crashes most kitchens (buildos will crash every time).
1. Why are you trying to over-write a module with a file?
2. If you really want to do it, you need to remove the module from the sys directory. I'm not sure it's a good idea myself; you should at least convert the file to a module. If you don't know the difference between a file and a module, then you should search and find the answer. It's easy enough to do.
It would help a great deal when you start a topic if you give more information. What build are you using? What device? Most importantly, what module are you trying to replace?
Thanks Ted,
sorry for the small amount if informations. I'm using EXEcutor von pako777, it's kitchen tool for the omnia 2... almost, it dissambles the dump-file, then i can delete/add files and then it assembles it again... some kitchens i saw over here a really great, but the executor get the work done...
i found the informations, thanks for the hint i will now try reversmode.exe
right now i want to convert a to an oem package and so i need to replace shellres.192.dll and some other files
I think that kheb 1.1 (search, it's easy to find) is the best way to make a package for your cab. Just run a snapshot, install the cab, then run another snapshot (+difference). Select the 'make an oem' function. It doesn't make a working oem, but it will dump the reg keys that you need, and collect all the files (I assume they'll all go to windows). It sounds like you're building the rom straight from a dump, and not with full packages? Then you'll need to just swap the new files in for any old ones (as well as add new ones), and figure out how to add the registry keys, if there are any. I guess you can use ceregeditor or something similar to import the keys into the default.hv. Convert files to modules, if that's how the dll's appear in the dump.
You have to be a little careful with an app like kheb (or sk tracker): it may dump out some extraneous files or reg keys, as changes occur all the time to a device's registry and file system. Make sure you separate the wheat from the chaff. It's best not to soft reset after the cab install, if you're prompted to do so. That creates a butt-load of random new reg values that are irrelevant. If any certificates are installed by the cab, you can probably ignore them.
Thanks again, but i used the package creator from ervius to convert the cab, converted the rgu to an provxml and the dll-files with reversmode and everything worked fine
but i will take a look onto kheb, sound promising when converting a cab with setup.dll

