(8 November 2007) S2U2 v0.72 - back to caller - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey, (30-10-2007)
Thank you for your translation contribution. Here it is another update... v0.72
- added a few more locations support to CallerID
- added international languages support (for non-English devices, d/l the S2U2LanguagePack.rar; extract your language's ini file; rename it to lang.ini; copy to the S2U2 installed folder; restart iLock2)
- fixed the unmapping issue of keyboard on unlock
- some minor bugs fixed
- more FAQs added in the ReadMe.txt
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
Language Pack (Afrikaans, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak & Spanish)
Clock Pack
Hey guys, (26-10-2007)
Following the previous thread, here is another major update... v0.7...
- added opton CallerID to have a full screen or thumbnail caller pic
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(left: CallerID = 1, right: CallerID = 2)
- when CallerID is enabled, & when a call is missed, a "Missed Call" will show who made that...
- added support to 320 x 320 devices
- smoother start-up
- some bugs fixed
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
There is no updated files only for download this time.
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the next post.
Besides, please read the README FIRST, especially the Known limitations & FAQ before you post your questions.
Finally, if you are happy with this app, pls CLICK HERE to donate to show your appreciation.

Readme First
S2U2 is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don't use your device. And it's has a CallerID function.
- WM5 Phone or WM6 Professional devices
- free RAM: ~ 1M for QVGA; ~ 3M for VGA
- If you have Slide2Unlock installed, please uninstall it first & then soft-reset.
- After installation, there are 2 shortcuts created under \Program Files\S2U2:
iLock2.lnk - start/stop ilock2.exe (on the 1st run, it runs silently in the background; on the 2nd run, it closes iLock2 & S2U2)
S2U2.lnk - manually start S2U2 (be sure iLock2 is running in the background, otherwise the Battery status will not be updated)
- A shortcut for iLock2.exe is created automatically under "\Windows\StartUp" as well.
- Installation on Storage Card is not supported (for the sake of stability).
- There are 2 clock font files for selection - clock.zip (default) & clockH.zip. How to use?
1. stop iLock2
2. delete those files under \GFX\Clock (under the installed folder)
3. copy the extracted files to \GFX\Clock
4. start iLock2 & S2U2
- For hi-res devices, please extract files (follow the above steps) from either vclock.zip or vclockH.zip & copy them to \GFX\Clock under the installed path. Otherwise the clock will be shown as half-sized.
Configuration: (in the Registry under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2. Please remember to RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings changed, otherwise it won't work):
- The Date & Time format can be customized by changing the keys DateFormat & TimeFormat:
d Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of week as its full name.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars both have five digit years. The "yyyy" pattern will show five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
yyyyy Identical to "yyyy".
For example, to get the date displays "Wed, Aug 31 94"
set DateFormat to ddd',' MMM dd yy
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
t One character time marker string, such as A or P.
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.
For example, to get the time displays "11:29:40 PM"
set TimeFormat to hh':'mm':'ss tt
- If you want to "auto start" S2U2 when the device is woke up, set:
Autostart to 1 (0 to disable)
- To turn off the LCD by S2U2, you may specify:
OffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- When the OffLCD is enabled, you may specify whether the device is suspended or remain active but with LCD turned off:
BlankScreen set to 0 or 1 (0 to suspend the device; 1 to turn off the LCD only)
- For devices with the capability to turn off the backlight, you may set S2U2 to start automatically when the device's backlight is turned off by:
IdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to IdleStart, ACIdleStart has the same function when the device is charging:
ACIdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to OffLCD, ACOffLCD has the same function when the device is charging:
ACOffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- Similar to BlankScreen, ACBlankScreen has the same function when the device is charging:
ACBlankScreen set to 0 to suspend the device; or 1 to turn off the LCD only
- If you want to install S2U2 to other folders or the storage card, please update the key:
S2U2Path to "the new full path"
- To turn off the LCD during a phone talk, set the key:
BlankOnTalk to 1 (0 to disable)
- To enable D-Pad input, set the key:
DpadOn to 1 (0 to disable)
- To show the Appointment information shown at Today's screen, set the key:
ShowAppointment to 1 (0 to disable)
- To change the format of Appointment's time, change the key:
AppointmentTimeFormat (use the same syntax as TimeFormat)
- Not to display the total no. of "Active Task", set:
ShowTask to 0 (1 to enable)
- To show the coming system alarm info, set the key:
ShowAlarm to 1 (0 to disable)
- To enable the Caller ID screen; set the key:
CallerID to 1 - full screen mode; 2 - thumbnail mode; 0 to disable
Only use the following 2 settings if your device have any abnormal behaviour:
- When NoPowerSuspend is set to 1, the OffLCD & ACOffLCD will be disabled. It'll untouch the Power Management and leave it back to the OS.
- When SafeMode is set to 1, iLock2 will not enter the "Unattended mode" (this is a special mode for the background jobs to run but without turning the LCD on). The device may need to soft-reset for SafeMode to be enabled.
- The default values are added on the first run of iLock2:
DateFormat=dddd', 'd MMMM
S2U2Path="\Program Files\S2U2"
Command Switch of iLock2:
iLock2.exe accepts the following command switches:
-slide to start/invoke S2U2
-nomsg to not to show any message even it closes itself & S2U2
-refresh to reload the registry settings & restart S2U2
Known limitations & FAQs:
- How to change wallpaper?
- Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; VGA is 480 x 640); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2. And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode.
- How to edit the registry?
- You need 3rd party software like "Task Manager" & "Total Commander". Try to google them & they are very user friendly apps.
- After changing the registry settings, iLock2/S2U2 do not behave as instructed??
- Pls RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings is made.
- If "Password/Pin Lock" or "Owner Information" are enabled to display at wake up, S2U2 may cause the screen flicker?!
- Pls disable these functions. Besides, it'll break the CallerID function!
- My device's special Keys are not blocked by S2U2?! (e.g. HTC Touch, the camera key on some devices...)
- This is a device specific problem that cannot be resolved.
- Error: UserNotification has too much records?
- That means the notification database contains more than 500 records. It'll ruin the Autostart of S2U2. Pls use other s/w (SK Tools, Memmaid etc) to clean it up first.
- The quality of the CallerID pic is so bad even the original photo is in high quality?!
- DO NOT use the system contact to add photo to a contact. Use other s/w like Inesoft Address Book or PocketCM to update the photo.
- How to mute an incoming call when CallerID is enable?
- PRESS the volume up/down keys.
- After soft-reset, the first call's callerID is not shown sometimes?
- It's an OS issue, no solution yet.
- How to restore the system caller tab?
- set CallerID to 0 or uninstall S2U2, then soft-reset.
- Some keys are not blocked?
- Please check if you have installed any key mapping s/w that will break S2U2.
- My device shows a blank screen on start?
- It's not compatible with S2U2. It's a h/w problem & could not be solved.
- Some of my scheduled tasks did not as schedule, but it'll start when manually turn on the device?
- Try to set a longer OffLCD (17 seconds or longer).
- Some of my device's background jobs (like email sync or bluetooth connection) stopped unexpectedly when S2U2 is running?
- Try to enable NoPowerSuspend.
- NOT Compatible devices: SX66, Xda IIs (Blue Angel)
- NOT Compatible s/w: AEButton, WA3, RealVGA
Trouble shooting:
If you find your device is hang with a blank screen or no response with any key or screen-touch, you may not need to reset it. Please follow these steps if your device has a camera button:
- press the camera button to invoke the built-in camera program
- press the end call button to go back to Today screen
- use Task Manager (a third party freeware; highly recommended) to close the S2U2.EXE
Special Thanks:
- Forum fellows at xda-developers (http://forum.xda-developers.com). Thank you for your testings, comments, supports & patience.

A_C said:
Hey guys,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the update.
But seems the first link is dead.

h0228631 said:
Thanks for the update.
But seems the first link is dead.
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Click to collapse
Thanks. It's corrected.

great work thanks man...

Still have an issue when running with RealVGA in 128 dpi and 96 dpi mode on XDA Universal
S2U2 only displays properly when running at 192dpi mode - at 128dpi mode the text and clock shift to the right and at 96dpi the clock and text shift way off right off of the screen
When running at 128pdi or 96dpi - the slider bar does not show. So it is very, very hard to get out of lock mode.

A_C, trying this new version, but stuck on a couple of issues,
caller id, my contacts are all setup as +44 ...... it dosent appear to pick that up only the 07867 .......
maybe a reg key to put custom country codes into?
I also have a spit second displaying of the original WM caller tab appear, its not to bad, as by the time ive got to my phone in a normal "it started ringing in my pocket" its back to S2U2 caller id.
What are the VGAfix, Speed, and ShowWeather settings?
can you expand on how to set these up? as im on a WVGA g900 and its working sweet anyway so im intrested in what the vgafix and speed options will achieve. the weather im personally not to fussed about but might use it
Top marks, its getting slicker and slicker i have to say

just test this version.
able to view caller phone number directly on the screen in additional to the total number of missed calls.

Thank you for update

hello. great app.
i'll be glad to help with english->french localization !

darkblak said:
Still have an issue when running with RealVGA in 128 dpi and 96 dpi mode on XDA Universal
S2U2 only displays properly when running at 192dpi mode - at 128dpi mode the text and clock shift to the right and at 96dpi the clock and text shift way off right off of the screen
When running at 128pdi or 96dpi - the slider bar does not show. So it is very, very hard to get out of lock mode.
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I've already told you it's the RealVGA's problem, not mine. If you need RealVGA, S2U2 is not suitable for you. FULL STOP.
It simply follow the system's built-in phone no. format. No customization could be made. The VGAfix, Speed, and ShowWeather are only used in S2U, not S2U2 any more...

Carnivor said:
I also have a spit second displaying of the original WM caller tab appear, its not to bad, as by the time ive got to my phone in a normal "it started ringing in my pocket" its back to S2U2 caller id.
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Me Too.
But the Problem with CountryID i dont have. It shows me the Name.
Thanks A_C for the CallID

Sorry, but no caller ID on my TyTn.
Yes, I restarted S2U2 and I also tried soft-reset.
There seems to be no difference for my device between caller-id set to 0,1 or 2.
The scree is always displaying the original WM caller tab.
Also there is no
"when CallerID is enabled, & when a call is missed, a "Missed Call" will show who made that"
on my device.
For me there is no change to v0.60 but I am shure you will have a fix for that
I am really waiting for the "slide to answer"-feature. Will we have it in v0.8?
Thanks a lot for your work...

JueLue said:
Sorry, but no caller ID on my TyTn.
Yes, I restarted S2U2 and I also tried soft-reset.
There seems to be no difference for my device between caller-id set to 0,1 or 2.
The scree is always displaying the original WM caller tab.
Also there is no
"when CallerID is enabled, & when a call is missed, a "Missed Call" will show who made that"
on my device.
For me there is no change to v0.60 but I am shure you will have a fix for that
I am really waiting for the "slide to answer"-feature. Will we have it in v0.8?
Thanks a lot for your work...
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What's the language of your device? Could you post a screen-shot of the original WM Caller tab?

A_C said:
It simply follow the system's built-in phone no. format. No customization could be made. The VGAfix, Speed, and ShowWeather are only used in S2U, not S2U2 any more...
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Ok, thats cool, i can just ignore the vgafix etc, i thought it strange they appeared installing this version and none of the previous s2us's
Also ive sussed the strange anomoly of +44 unknown contacts, i had spaces in the number, removed all spaces and its working fine.
Now were rockin!

Works perfect..
The only thing did not like what happened was that when i missed a call,
that my touch brings a notification about it and pushes it in front of s2u2..
but this is only for about 5 - 6 seconds
This by the way also happens with PocketCM, this will push it self in front of s2u2 when i get a sms.
The rest of it.. looks fine at the moment..
love it!!
hope that the problem that i had about my files on the storage card being loaded slow had to do with the setting: turn device off / turn lcd off
just 2 questions...
What does it actually do when the option turn off device is selected?
and what is: nopowersuspend
what does it do or not do?
Thank you!

close application
Hi A_C,
If I have an opened application (RescoExplorer), after that I slide to unlock and appear the today screen, the application comes closed.
It is corrected this behavior? if yes, who can I make to avoid that S2U2 closes the applications in execution?
NB: with the same settings this did not happen with version 0.6
thanks and optimal job
-> Edit: after many tests I have see that it does not make it always , therefore not to consider "reliable" this post; if I will be able to reproduce the behavior, I will make to know.

A_C said:
What's the language of your device? Could you post a screen-shot of the original WM Caller tab?
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Click to collapse
In my Spanish ROM the message is "Teléfono: recibiendo..."

It is possible to deaktivate the originam CallID from Windows Mobile?
Because when i´m pressing the red or green phonebutton from s2u2, the original CallID comes for a second in the front. That don´t look so nice!

Hi A_C,
functions all super.
For me the best Prog. off my Device.
Thanks & Ciao Jörg o)


BatteryStatus-Plugin, DeviceLock and Overclock for XDA Neo

HomeScreen PlusPlus UI - Plugin
This is HomeScreen ++ UI Edition:
it's a fully customizeable today-plugin, which shows the remaining batteryload of the main battery... In addition to that, it can invoke the DeviceLock on wakeup of the device and overclock the omap cpu to a customizeable cpuclock.
WARNING. Use the latter one at your own risk ! It CAN damage your device !
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The project site is HomeScreen PlusPlus
and you can download it with this link -> HomeScreen PlusPlus Download
If you have a problem with BatteryStatus then the community can help you in case you supply your settings by:
- Export your settings by options->Advanced->Save/Export
- check the reg-file and remove your personal data
- attach the reg-file to your report
You want to spend me a pint?
First of all: Feel free to use HomeScreen PlusPlus free of charge ! If you like HomeScreen++UI, you can make a donation to buy me a beer or two through PayPal by using the button below. Just pay whatever you think is reasonable.
--> donations
CallLogs preview -04/07/2008:
- extract CallLogs from zip-archive
- Copy CallLogs.exe to the same directory as BSCallTimes.xml
- start CallLogs.exe
Beta-Testing of advanced version - RC2
Customization of HomeScreen++UI Edition
-> Manual for customizing and creating a theme
--> Thread for Themes (Collection of themes) and Questions about making themes !!!
Examples for xml-customization -> Project-Examples
Version 1.06 - build 0349 - 03/02/2009:
- added: command-sequence for command-queue seperate by a ‘;’, e.g. 1;1;1
- added: increase priority of gestures for last/first view of a row (only if animate > 100) to animate left-to-right if it’s the first view of a row or right-to-left if it’s the last view of a row
- fixed: changing of language-translation for "Remain:"
- fixed: taskmanager for WVGA
- fixed: selection of Items
- fixed: crash while theme reloading (UPDATE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
- fixed: relative path for StartApp
- added: allow arbitrary string-size for registry-tracker
- changed: allow length of operator name up to 20
- added: for class="start_app", allow relative paths for loading icons
- added: order="1" (attribute for View-Tags, 0 = left to right, 1 = right to left)
to use right-to-left (order="1") check-order for finding the best matching Item on tap-action.
order="0" is default
order="1" allows the following item-placements:
- added: switching up to 5 Views simultaneously (using index/index_1/../index_5 respectively subindex)
- added: ontap="Message" (Send a message to a window),
param: path-attribute has the windows' class name
param: title-attribute has the windows' title (Optional)
param: msg-attribute has the numeric window message
param: index-attribute has the numeric wParam
param: subindex-attribute has the numeric lParam (Optional)
e.g. ontap="Message" path="HHTaskBar" msg="1156" index="2" (Send msg=1156 to Taskbar-Window with wParam=2 - Set Vibra Mode)
ontap="Message" path="HHTaskBar" msg="1156" index="0" (Set Normal Sound Mode)
ontap="Message" path="HHTaskBar" msg="1156" index="3" (Set Silent Mode)
- changed: do nothing on tap of empty area (area with no Item beneath)
- added: actiontype for SoftReset ( ontap="SoftReset" )
- added: top/down-gesture
- added: round incoming calltimes in options
- added: Language-IDs 1603 (Outgoing), 1604 (Incoming) for "Round CallTimes" (HSLanguage Updated)
- added: log missed calls to CallTimes.xml
- removed: default startapp of mobile operator (starting of commanager)
- fixed: Allow up to 255 Views and up to 255 Rows
- fixed: Update Region for selmode="x"
- added: attribute (in View-Tag) for extending "Reach"/"UpdateRegion" of a View, e.g. extend="6" for 6 pixels.
This is particularly for sliding Views that have Items which are oversized if selected,
that is they overlap with adjacent Views.
Don't extend a View if it's not needed, because it could reduce render performance
- added: gesture-attribute (can be 0 or 1) for Window/Row/View-Tags
- added: AppToDate-support (http://www.modaco.com/content/apptodate/267096/download-apptodate-supported-applications/)
- changed: animatebg="0xFF000000" for using todayscreen-background
- added: actiontype for toggling flight mode, ontap="ToggleFlight"
- added: animatebg-attribute for background color (BGR-Format) of animation, e.g. <Window ... animatebg="0x000000"...>
- added: first working version of View-Switching for up to 3 Views, View0 (index/subindex), View1 (index_1/subindex_1), View2 (index_2/subindex_2)
--> e.g. <Item .. ontap="View" index="0" subindex="1" index_1="1" subindex_1="1" index_2="2" subindex_2="1" >
- added: actiontype for "Do Nothing", ontap="DoN" or ontap="DoNothing"
- added: registry-value DWORD TempMultiply; e.g. 1100 results in multiply with 1.1
- changed: Name of Plugin changed to "HomeScreen PlusPlus UI"
- added: awareness of unicode-sms
- changed: DWORD TaskBarBattery under BS-RegistryKey for showing Batterylevel instead of CpuSpeed
- added: data-counter support for HTC Diamond
- recommended editor: Komodo Edit
Updated AppLauncher.exe to use sliding --> AppLauncher.exe
--> (XML) Example for AppLauncher.xml
- added: for TaskManager of BS - DWORD CloseButtonWidth ( create this registry-value and set it to 60 will span the [x]-button over the clock for a finger friendly handling )
BS Reloader by Lastnikita:
For theme-makers to download their themes and reload the theme
--> Explanation
--> Download
i have an ut starcom x-v6700 and it orks great. thank you . the only issue i had was when i installed it my backlifght immeditely goes out and i have to go to settings to make the backlight meter at 100%. also i dont think it matters much but the only theing that shows up on the line is the battery icon not the mhz. Thanks again
BatteryStatus Today-Plugin for XDA Neo
Thanks a lot !
i think your device has Intel's PXA 270 XScale processor build in. The overclocking features of BatteryStatus only affect the hardware registers of texas instruments's omap850 processor.
But its a good idea to show the cpu-speed of any cpu...
Wait for the next release ...
[Update] See version 0.02.200 - added always show cpu speed - testing state
works great on a Dopod 818 Pro!
what's the little \/ arrow to the left of the battery meter in the taskbar btw? (would be great if it was task manager )
you mean the right of the batterymeter ?
indeed its a taskmanager. Its vBar 2.2
Works great on my XDA Neo
awesome - two new things for my phone now
One of the best add-on.
Perfect plugin. But when i turn of the battery in options the hole plugin is not shown on my homescreen. And couldt you please make an option that shows the mobile operator instat of battery load. that wouldt be realy cool.
yes, the plugin should disappear when the batteryload is unchecked. (Its not a bug, ) Its a feature, because its a batterystatus-plugin by design
If enough users report the current options to be stable, i can add more features. The mobile operator is a good idea for the next releases.
It works pretty good
fantastic! thanks, pal. great prog
Near apocalypse!
Oh man! I nearly killed my phone and I don't know why!
I installed your plug-in only cause I liked the battery status thingy. I've never overclocked my Prophet so far because I never needed it. So while I was looking through the options for your program I thought I'd just overclock it once to see the improvements. So I set the speed to 221 MHz and BAMM!
The screen had all kinds of strange colors that where not supposed to be there. I mean, the contents on the screen were visible but there were some red lines and some shorter green lines and some black dots and I don't know what everywhere. Right then I knew I was in trouble! I tried to go back to the options menu of your program but couldn't. I wasn't even able to get to the options of the today screen since only MSN Messenger was displayed on the "Personal settings" screen. Damn Microsoft, everything breaks apart but I can still use their messenger which nobody wants!
Anyway, after a soft reset my Prophet just froze. After the next soft reset it worked again but I still couldn't use it in any normal way. I read through your instructions on your page (a thing which I maybe should have done earlier) and wanted to put a "dontoverclock.txt" file on my SD Card. Only problem: the SD Card inside the phone wasn't accessible, neither through the phone itself nor through my laptop. So eventually I took a digital camera, put my SD card in it and the file on the SD Card. The phone still didn't work though. I cursed myself and thought of all things lost should I have to hard reset the damn thing while I kept on doing soft resets. Well, suddenly it worked again, the clock speed is back to normal and all is fine.
But still. Isn't this strange? I thought almost everybody's Prophet still acts normal at 240 - 260 MHz while mine pretty much collapsed at 221 MHz. By the way, I don't blame YOU or your program for any of this.
From now on my Prophet stays the way it is. It obviously doesn't want to be changed and personally I understand that!
so first of all, thanks for your feedback. Any feedback is welcome
Your report is a better warning than my bold written lines hehe
The behaviour of your device is really strange. Anyone have had the same experience ?
I tried your steps and couldn't observe what you've described.
Did you checked "Set clock on wakeup" ? This should not be done at first time. Not at all.
Again: If you use the OMAP-Features, be careful with overclocking ! It CAN damage your device !
Following steps are important:
1) rtfm
2) Prepare a SD-Card for emergency case
3) try the options (careful)
You can try with OmapClock.exe prior to use the omap-features. (OmapClock.exe calculates with a Clock-Ref of 12MHz and BatteryStatus calculates with a Clock-Ref of 13MHz. This explains the difference.)
I think your device dont like to be overclocked, thus it would be a great help to post some of your devices details (ROM-Image, Branding ?, special software?, when did you buy it?, Do you use o2-homezone? i dont.).
This gives other readers to compare and think about before overclocking.
Nevertheless, i removed the cpuclocks not useful for XDA Neo and added the mobile operator name in V. 0.02.300.
There is a new version 0.02.300 !
I found a new bug. on my xda neo the alarm sounds such as sms or incomming email are not played reguarly when the loch device on wakeup obtion is enabeled. they are just played very short. after disabeling and softreset it work normaly
Thank you for this plugin
Thank you for your time and effort with this plugin.
Just installed on my M600 Prophet and running well and stable at 260 Mhz.
Will add to the forum if any problems arise but as i say running very well at the moment.
sebi112 said:
I found a new bug. on my xda neo the alarm sounds such as sms or incomming email are not played reguarly when the loch device on wakeup obtion is enabeled. they are just played very short. after disabeling and softreset it work normaly
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I can't reproduce this issue. Are the ringtones on the SD-Card or in mainmemory ?
The sounds are in mainmemory
sebi112 said:
The sounds are in mainmemory
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Click to collapse
I'm sorry, but i can not reproduce this. Anyone else experienced the same ?
When I set the speed to 260Mhz, Omapclock itself says it's only 240Mhz.
Hey man, sorry I was away and couldn't reply earlier.
Anyway, as I said, I did not read your warnings very attentively prior to overclocking my Prophet. So, yes, I did check "Set clock on wakeup". That was probably stupid.
The information for my device:
ROM-Version: GER
Radio: 02.19.21
I got the phone in May, it is O2 branded, but I installed nothing of the Extended ROM. I don't use the home zone app. As a matter of fact I don't use any plug-ins (except yours) and the system is generally held slim. That's also why I never needed overclocking. Everything's running smoothly!
As I said, once overclocked my Prophet started acting weird which I totally didn't expect at 221 MHz. I got everything back to normal, so no problems anymore!

(Thread CLOSED) Slide 2 UnLock v1.101 (updated on 14/5/2007)

The original v1.0 was released from http://rychlicki.net/en/2007/04/01/174 on April 1. I only picked the SLIDE.EXE up & after copying & pasting some codes (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=301517), it's now v1.101. Recent changes are:
(The latest version update can be found here)
v1.101 (14-5-2007) (it contains the SLIDE.EXE only)
1. hot fix for WM2003/SE about the missing SIP icon
v1.1 (13-5-2007)
1. support "auto start" when device is woke up; option "Autostart=1"
2. added "Off LCD" option to turn LCD off after n seconds
3. added "Blank Screen" option have a blank the screen (the device is still active) only instead of suspending the device (e.g. when using the Bluetooth to listen music)
4. added WiFi icon at the top bar (it'll only come out when WiFi is turned on, only works at WM5)
5. fixed the nasty WM5 flashing SIP icon bug
6. fixed some other bugs
Start from v1.1, INSTALLATION is necessary! If you have used any other methods to make SLIDE.EXE runs on wake up event, please UNDO it before using this version. It's now faster than any methods you used before. Read "How to use" of the readme.txt for details.
If you want to show me your appreciation, you may buy me a coffee by clicking here. Of course, send me a thank you message is also welcome.
v1.091 (7-5-2007)
1. fixed the Bluetooth icon not refreshed if option "Close App=0"
v1.09 (5-5-2007)
1. fixed the problem of displaying "Incoming Call" again
2. added "Wallpaper" & "Wallpaper Landscape" options to load the .bmp, .jpg or .png file you wants; make sure to include the full path of the file
3. some minor graphics changed
v1.08 (2-5-2007)
1. fixed the problem of displaying "Incoming Call" (FAILED)
2. added Bluetooth icon at the top bar (it'll only come out when Bluetooth is turned on, and only works for WM5)
v1.07 (1-5-2007)
1. renamed to "Slide 2 UnLock"
2. "VGA fix" for VGA devices (see below's SLIDE.INI)
3. added volume/vibrate icon at the top bar (not sure is it only work for WM5, maybe another disappointment for 2003/SE users)
4. battery icon changes color when charging
5. fixed the problem of displaying "Notification Bubbles"
6. displays figures of "Missed Call", "Unread SMS" & "Unread Email" properly when > 9
Please read the readme.txt for the details.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The following files are included in this release:
SLIDE.EXE - the locker
iLock.EXE - mainly for the "auto start" of SLIDE
SLIDE.INI - configures the appearance/behaviour of the locker
GFX (folder) - contains all the necessary graphics for the locker; fully customizable
How to use:
1. a simple INSTALLATION is necessary!
2. place EVERYTHING in folder "\Program Files\Slide2Unlock" on your device, otherwise the "auto start" will not work!
3. create a shortcut or map a hardware key to the iLock.exe (not SLIDE.EXE)
4. you may even let iLock.exe starts everytime you reset your device by placing it under "\Windows\StartUp" (NOT RECOMMENDED yet)
5. everytime you have changed the setting in SLIDE.INI, you have to execute iLock.exe to reload the settings.
6. to UNINSTALL, use Task Manager to kill the SLIDE.EXE & iLock.exe. Then delete all files from "\Program Files\Slide2Unlock" and delete iLock.exe from "\Windows\StartUp".
1. the Date & Time format can be customized:
For example, to get the date displays
"Wed, Aug 31 94"
add this line to SLIDE.INI:
Date Format=ddd',' MMM dd yy
For example, to get the time displays
"11:29:40 PM"
add this line to SLIDE.INI:
Time Format=hh':'mm':'ss tt
Non-english devices may still have some problem for the format of the date/time. If you have these devices, please use the most basic date/time format like:
Date Format=d'/'M'/'yyyy
Time Format=H':'mm
If you do not want to have date/time display, use these commands:
Date Format=
Time Format=
2. The "slide to unlock" animation can be turned on/off with: (removed after v1.04)
No Animation=0 or 1
3. After the unlock action, the SLIDE.EXE can be sent to background if:
Close App=0
It'll further speed up the loading time of the next execution, but it'll eat up more memory. If you want it simply exits as version 1, use this command:
Close App=1
4. The return speed of the button can be configured by:
Speed=n (where n is 1, slowest to 5, fastest)
5. If your device has a VGA screen, please add to have better fit font:
VGA fix=1
6. Load the .bmp, .jpg or .png file you wants; make sure to include the full path of the file
Wallpaper="full path of the file that will be used at Portrait mode"
Wallpaper Landscape="full path of the file that will be used at Landscape mode"
7. If you want to "auto start" SLIDE.EXE when the device is turned on, use:
Autostart=1 (0 to turn off this function)
8. To turn off the LCD by SLIDE.EXE, you may specify:
Off LCD=n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 is disable this function)
9. When the LCD is turned off by SLIDE.EXE, you may specify whether the device is suspended or remain active but with LCD turned off
Blank Screen=0 or 1 (0 means suspend the device; 1 means only turn off the LCD)
10. If there is no SLIDE.INI, the default values are:
Date Format=dddd', 'd MMMM
Time Format=H':'mm
Close App=0
VGA fix=0
Wallpaper=Application path + "GFX\Res\wallpaper.bmp"
Wallpaper Landscape=Application path + "GFX\Res\wallpaperL.bmp"
Off LCD=0
Blank Screen=0
Known limitations:
1. Cannot display UNICODE (for faster loading time)
2. GSM signal strength and Operator Name will NOT be available on WM2003 devices (but can be added manually)
3. "Missed Call", "Unread SMS" & "Unread Email" notifications will NOT function on WM2003 devices
4. Although Landscape mode is supported, DON'T change the orientation when SLIDE.EXE is running, otherwise it'll be really locked up
5. Reported not compatible devices: Japanese OS, Atom Life, Palm TREO
6. for faster loading time, please use option "Close App=0", but it needs about 5M memory. But the result is worth it.
7. DON'T enable the built-in PIN LOCK if SLIDE.EXE is running, otherwise it'll be totally locked up
Trouble shooting:
If you find your device is hanging there with a blank screen or no response with any key or screen-touch, you may not need to reset it. Please follow these steps if your device has a camera button:
1. press the camera button to invoke the built-in camera program
2. press the end call button to go back to Today screen
3. use Task Manager (a third party freeware; highly recommended) to close the SLIDE.EXE
Special Thanks
1. http://www.tzywen.com/index.php
2. http://rychlicki.net/en/2007/04/01/174
3. http://www.arianesoft.ca and forum fellows
4. Aneto for testing the "VGA fix"
5. Larna for helping the C programming (sorry I used the "iLock" filename )
Testing version 1.07 on a Wizard
I am using batterystatus to initiate slide 2 unlock
Points to note so far
When i recieve an incoming call i cannot see who is calling
When i am in portait mode and slide is running if i open the keyboard the screen is no longer locked and the screen goes all crazy with the today screen flashing in the background and i can interact with it, in 1.06 the screen remained locked even tho i could not unlock it i could not interact with the today screen
Great app tho, keep up the good work!
niall0s said:
Testing version 1.07 on a Wizard
I am using batterystatus to initiate slide 2 unlock
Points to note so far
When i recieve an incoming call i cannot see who is calling
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Click to collapse
That should be fixed in 1.07. Do you have any CallerID programs running?
niall0s said:
When i am in portait mode and slide is running if i open the keyboard the screen is no longer locked and the screen goes all crazy with the today screen flashing in the background and i can interact with it, in 1.06 the screen remained locked even tho i could not unlock it i could not interact with the today screen
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Click to collapse
That is under the TODO list...
Nice work A_C. This slide program is SO nice to have. Just makes things that much smoother.
Cancel this post. After letting it sit for a bit it seems to be working! The thanks still apply though.
sqaure screen version
is there any way you can edit this to make it work on 240X240 screens like the treo 700wx or 750?
kwyatt6347 said:
is there any way you can edit this to make it work on 240X240 screens like the treo 700wx or 750?
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Click to collapse
It should work for a while ago...
This is probably a known bug, but in both landscape and portrait modes, the volume icon is not transparent. I am using WM 2003SE, but I think it's a universal problem because it appears to be the case in your screenshots as well.
Keep up the good work!
jackbnymbl said:
This is probably a known bug, but in both landscape and portrait modes, the volume icon is not transparent. I am using WM 2003SE, but I think it's a universal problem because it appears to be the case in your screenshots as well.
Keep up the good work!
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Click to collapse
You really have an eagle's eye.
Just checked that it's because you have not overwriten very new GFX files to your device (just like me in my development environment ). And I've updated the screenshots as well.
I have been following your progress A_C, excellent work. You have greatly improved this unique software. Nicely implemented.
This is the best yet A_C. I like the change in the battery icon w/ charging. As always, I look forward to your future developments.
Just an idea, and I'm no programmer so I have no clue as to the feasability of this, but perhaps a sound file could be set to play on unlock? Keep up the great work.
A_C said:
It should work for a while ago...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks. it does work great. .
carrier info displayed
sorry about that spam in my last post.. apparently had some type of spy/adware/virus
should be fixed now
regarding this software, is there any way to not show carrier info in the upper left hand corner?
Works very good on my Trinity as well!
Well done !!
Great job A_C but sad that i have wm2003SE and dont know how and what to paste in the registery.
For WM2003/SE or non-mobile device, you may use this trick to show a fake operator name & signal:
- add this key to the registry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\state\phone"
- add the following keys:
"Current Operator Name" (REG_SZ)
"Radio Ready State" (REG_DWORD)
"Signal Strength Raw" (REG_DWORD)
Current Operator Name="Mobily"
Radio Ready State=1
Signal Strength Raw=100
Just trying to help out A_C! I've been following this util in the ArianSoft forum.
Thanks for the great util!
aleksander100 said:
Great job A_C but sad that i have wm2003SE and dont know how and what to paste in the registery.
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Click to collapse
You first need a registry editor like Resco or SKTools. After that just navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\state\phone" and add the following 3 keys.
"Current Operator Name" (REG_SZ)
"Radio Ready State" (REG_DWORD)
"Signal Strength Raw" (REG_DWORD)
e.g. Current Operator Name="cingular"
Radio Ready State=1
Signal Strength Raw=100
u mean including the scopes(") or without and with the line dword ALL TOGETHER
hey A_C why dont u add the connectivity icon as shown on the iphone's website?
u mean like this?

[Development STOPPED] Slide 2 UnLock v1.219 (updated on 17 September)

Hot fix - v1.219 (posted on 17 September)
1. fixed the problem that all incoming calls were identified as "unknown" on some devices (e.g. Treo)
2. fixed the problem to treat data connection as voice call
3. fixed the power drain problem (but not 100% sure yet, pls report your findings as my device never has this issue)
4. fixed the blank screen when responding a call on some devices
5. fixed the abnormal call waiting screen
6. fixed the data reconnection problem
Pls get this hot fix of iLock.exe at the end of this post. It's only applicable with v1.21 has been installed first.
After the installation, pls soft-reset the device.
BTW, I'm very happy to let you know that we now have 2 versions of Configurator for S2U.
Hey guys, (posted on 31 August)
It's now udpated to v1.21, the changes are:
1. moved the phone part from SNAPI to TAPI for higher reliability
2. fixed the "Unknown/Private Caller" issue
3. added option DialedID (DWORD): it will appear when dialing a call. But there are limitations:
- it only has a "End Call" key, i.e. no key for mute, speaker, contact... etc... but it has a big pic depending on your CallerID setting.
- it only works when CloseApp is 0, CallerID is 1 or 2, DialedID is 1 & SLIDE is already running in the background. WHY? Simply because don't want to slow down the normal dialing process.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
4. improved the responsiveness of keys on the Caller ID screen
5. added option to stop showing the total no. of "Active Task" - set ShowTask (DWORD) to 0
6. fixed the bug of displaying wrong "missed call" when CallerID is disabled
7. fixed the sliding date issue when a call comes in & out very quickly
8. SLIDE now awares of the running of HTC's Audio Manager
9. some bugs fixed
Please remember to RESTART iLock after any registry settings (under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\Slide2Unlock) changed, otherwise it won't work.
The download links are:
CAB file
Updated files only (for experienced users if you don't want the old settings changed by the installer)
Please read the readme.txt for more details.
If you're happy with it, don't forget to buy me coffee or send me a post to show your appreciation. I need your motivation. Thanks.
Hey guys, (posted on 24 August)
Just updated to v1.20, the changes are:
1. reworked part of Caller ID function (as before, you're still recommended to set CloseApp to 0 when using the CallerID function)
2. when Caller ID is enable & works, the Caller ID of the latest missed call will be alerted
3. added option Slide2Answer (DWORD, 1 is enable; 0 is disable): when a call comes in & your device is locked by SLIDE, you'll have to "slide to answer"; or press the power button to decline the call. Please test this function carefully, otherwise you'll not be able to answer any call! If your device have power off problem with the previous versions, please do not enable this option. This option will only work when CallerID is enable & SafeMode is disable.
4. added support to show the total no. of "Active Task"
5. added support to show current day's Weather info from the HTC Home plugin: set "ShowWeather" to 5
(since I have to remap the icon index of HTC to WP/PW manually, if you find any mismatch icons, pls let me know)
6. iLock now accept several command switches:
-slide to start/invoke SLIDE
-nomsg to not to show any message even it closes itself & SLIDE
-refresh to close SLIDE & reload the registry settings (except for SafeMode changes, the device need soft-reset before it's effective)
7. some bugs fixed
Please read the readme.txt for more details.
Hey guys, (posted on 2 August)
Here is another update v1.19, the changes are:
1. fixed some issues of Caller ID
2. added support to animated Wallpaper (but not GIF)
you have to make muliple frames of pics with same size and concatenated them together to a single BMP file;
add to registry - "WpFrameNo" (DWORD) with the number of frames in the file;
add to registry - "WpFrameRate" (DWORD) with the number of milliseconds the frames will be changed;
for the Landscape wallpaper, use "WpLFrameNo" & "WpLFrameRate" correspondingly
Pls be WARNED that the larger the animated BMP file, the more RAM will be consumed; and more POWER will be drained!
I've uploaded a sample (Animated Globe) at the bottom of this post, please read the readme on how to use it.
3. added user input Weather info: set "ShowWeather" to 4;
add to registry - "UserWeather" (DSTRING) with the format X|Y|H|L
where X could be S for using the weather icon from SPB; and P will use the weather icon from WP/PW;
Y is the weather icon's index no;
H is the highest temperature;
L is the lowest temperature.
e.g. S|10|30|20 means to show SPB's icon no. 10 with highest temperature 30 & lowest temperature 20
4. the weather forecast of WP & PW will not show the icons for night
5. increased the length of the paths of Wallpaper to 128
6. fixed the keyboard icon problem with Wisbar
7. some bugs fixed
Please read the readme for the details.
Hey guys, (posted on 21 July)
After more than 2 weeks, here is another update... v1.18. I'm so excited to announce that now SLIDE supports UNICODE, i.e. it shows the operator name, date & appointment details in your native language.
Secondly, it has its own Caller ID...
and a new Call Waiting Caller ID...
other changes are:
4. Appointment details can be displayed in multilple lines
5. supports the device's native screen size, make sure you have a wallpaper with proper size & enough free RAM (it may take around 6.5M)
6. SLIDE loads a bit faster
7. fixed the memory leak when WP or PW is enabled
8. some graphics changed
9. some bugs fixed
10. from v1.18, it only supports WM5 or 6
How to enable/disable Caller ID
Please read this session thoroughly before attempting to enable the CallerID setting, otherwise it'll not work & you may need to soft-reset your device.
1. Please disable other 3rd party Caller ID apps.
2. As the system has a default Caller ID notification, iLock has to depress it before showing it's own Caller ID. But the problem is different Language device has to be handled differently. So far, iLock is coded to identify the system Caller ID notification in English & Traditional Chinese devices only (i.e. for these devices, simply change the value of "CallerID" as below). For other Languages, please follow these steps:
a. stop iLock.
b. try to call your device, write down the Windows TEXT of the incoming call notification (i.e. the TEXT on the top window bar, for e.g., WM6 English will be "Phone - Incoming")
c. new a registry value "IncomingText" (STRING) under "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\Slide2Unlock" and enter EXACTLY the above TEXT
d. set "CallerID" to 1 (fullscreen mode) or 2 (thumbnail mode)
e. start iLock & SLIDE
f. try to call your device again. If there is no new Caller ID, the TEXT you just enterd is not exactly match with the system's Caller ID notification. Please repeat the above steps.
g. see the new Caller ID, enjoy!
3. It's suggested to set "CloseApp" to 0, otherwise you'll have to wait more than 1 second before you know who's calling. The downside is it'll eat about 5.5M RAM.
4. As displaying a Caller ID screen is a mission critical job, pls install SLIDE in device instead of Storage Card.
5. Sometimes, the Caller ID screen may come out more than a second after the ring begins, but it's out of iLock's control.
6. Pls do not use the built-in PIN LOCK, otherwise the Caller ID will not be shown up properly.
7. How to recover the system default Caller ID notification?
a. stop iLock
b. set CallerID to 0
c. soft-reset the device
Hey guys, (posted on 4 July)
As you may already notice that this app is recently unwelcome here, this is probably the last update.
Admin, don't panic, I'll not post any files here. Besides, the update I provided will not contain any copyright graphic files that Apple claims to have. I was wondering how you or they know this app contains the iPhone code?!
Why this patch exists? Because some nice guys provided me some great info about WeatherPanel & PocketWeather. Now, SLIDE can show weather data from these apps too. And there is some minor bug fixing as well (includes getting data from SPBWeather).
Please follow the readme file for this update & enjoy!
your apps is nice and I have updated and tested on each release...
please don't leave us... >.<
A_C you are the best!!!
skypirate said:
your apps is nice and I have updated and tested on each release...
please don't leave us... >.<
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I totaly agree with you!!!!!
Quality A_C,
Don't let the buggers grind you down........off to eat my *pple pie
Hey A_C, you have been making a great contribution to the xda's real meaning, i.e. "developing". So, I'd request you to continue ur stay here..
Moreover, I think the main prob is that xda-developers cannot "host" the files here. You can still provide a rapidshare (or similar) link to ur creations. But maybe u can clear this up with admins...
Thanks so much A_C for everything, you definately have to stay.
(Won't you guys look over at www.slide2unlock.co.nr , it looks like somebody must have seen this page and updated it already )
i like this soft.thank you very much!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the application, it is a great app......
If you continue to make changes it would be great if you would add the city name for the Weather Application...
hi A_C,
just tested out the the latest v1.172 patch on my magician and it now works 100% perfect! again, thank you for looking up the WM2003se bugs!
with your hard work all said and done, slide2unlock truly has become THE most useful and must have app for the pocket pc (even surpassing the iphone's keylock app by a mile). and with this being the final release, you really know how to go out in style!
thanks A_C,
No Weather Icon Showing??
I just updated to 1.17 and added the patch. I've followed the instructions in the "readme.txt" file to a T, as follows:
Update steps:
1. install v1.17
2. stop iLock & SLIDE
3. overwrite SLIDE.EXE with the extracted file (the default path is \Program Files\Slide2Unlock\)
4. extract the weather icons to the default program path.
5. create a new registry key "ShowWeather" under "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\Slide2Unlock"
0 is disable
1 show data from SPBWeather
2 show data from WeatherPanel
3 show data from PocketWeather
6. start iLock, & then SLIDE.
I created the new registry key from step 5 to show data from PocketWeather, which is installed to the Storage Card.
In Step 4, exactly where does the weather icons go?? I've tried copying the entire weather folder to \Program Files\Slide2Unlock, and even into the \GFX folder. I've tried putting the weather folder into the bmp folder of Pocket Weather also.
Still, I'm getting nothing as far as a weather icon. Everything else works great!! I just really need help with getting the weather icon to show. What am I missing here??
A_C, this is a really GREAT app. I've been using it ever since your initial release and keep updating (although I somehow missed the 1.16 update). Looking forward to even more excellent apps from you!!!
for some reason, the file i donwload from the link is always error, broken.
anyone kindly send me one? to my email?
thank you so much, great app!!!!! and it always wrong on my Asus a696 when i use landscape mode. wierd.
[email protected]
Here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/a9so9e
MAN, thank you so much! got the file!
now, anyone has the same problem i have? on landscpe mode, it runs, but doesn't work.
i got Asus A696 PDA, not phone. 240*320.
thanks again!
Thanks for the great app, A_C. One of the most outstanding PPC apps ever.
Absolutely flawless.
Hey guys,
Thank you for your comment & support. Glad to hear to that you like this little app.
Pls make sure the key "ShowWeather" is DWORD.
The weather icons included in the patch should be placed under the folder where you installed SLIDE.
Thank you very much!
It's a known problem that PPL cannot run on certain device's landscape mode. No solution yet.
Great work A_C. I have been playing with this in my custom roms for the Apache for a little while now. I would like to bring your attention to one thing that I have found in your newest version dealing with Weather Panel. Now, I did convert this to an OEM and put it in a custom 3.5 rom for the Apache. As part of the conversion, I tried to minimize the amount of copying that was necessary so it roms from \Windows instead of \Program Files. That said, I have not had any problems before the latest version.
Here is a screen shot of what is showing when I have the reg for Weather Panel enabled. As you can see, it moves the date to the bottom and is only displaying the forcasted temp with an incorrect "high temp". The actual forcasted temp at this time shoudl read --/65. Perhaps it is an incompatibility issue, but I was wondering how it reads the info from the WP data. Perhaps my version of WP is not the same as the one used to create the WP compatibility.
Sorry for the bad screehshot. I had to resize to post it. If you cannot read it, in the lower left it says "-9999/65"
Great program. Love it on my 6800.
Can anyone help direct me how to get slide2unlock to show up on my Today screen like a plugin so I only have to click once to execute it on my ppc6800?
Creating Today screen plugins doesn't look very easy.
This would be a nice feature and would make it similar to the 6800s original unlock app on the Today screen.
Just set it up to lock on wake (or idle I guess it is). Then, when you hit the power button and shut the phone off, it is locked when it comes back on.
I just installed this after having problems with some other locking apps and it's working great for me. I do have one question though. I couldn't read through the entire previous thread and I didn't see anything about this is the readme.
I see that I have slide.exe running all the time taking up 2.65mb of RAM. There's also iLock.exe taking up 15.90kb. It was my impression since iLock is in the Startup folder that it is what needs to be running to trigger slide which actually locks the device. So I killed the slide.exe process and tested, everything worked fine. However slide.exe showed back up among my running processes after locking the device.
So, should both processes be running all the time, and if so, why? If not, any idea what's going on?
Thanks again for the great app!

(29 September 2007) S2U2 v0.3 - back to basic

Hey guys, (29 Sep 2007)
Just updated to v0.3 with the following changes:
- added option DpadOn
- fixed some devices that cannot slide the arrow button
- increased the arrow button's sensitivity a little
- super fast loading time of S2U2
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
Updated files only (for experienced users if you don't want the old settings changed by the installer)
Hey guys, (25 Sep 2007)
I think most of you love Slide2Unlock but also hate it because of it's a RAM hunger. Besides, running it at Landscape mode caused a lot of troubles...
Luckily, recently I found a ce graphic library, and started to rewrite the whole thing in C++... So, here it is the new born baby - S2U2. As a new start, this is the most basic version, i.e. it does not have the Caller ID, unread xxx notifications, etc...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The download links are:
CAB files
Please read the 2nd post or the readme.txt for more details.
Finally, don't forget to show your appreciation by some donation.
S2U2 v0.3 (29-9-2007) by A_C
S2U2 is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don't use your device.
- WM5 or 6 devices
- about 1M free RAM
The recent changes are:
v0.3 (29-9-2007)
- added option DpadOn
- fixed some devices that cannot slide the arrow button
- increased the arrow button's sensitivity a little
- super fast loading time of S2U2
v0.2 (25-9-2007)
- support square & VGA devices (native high resolution wallpaper is also supported)
- rewrite the whole application in C++
- trim down the memory usage to around 1M
- support QVGA devices only
- support Portrait & Landscape mode
- back to basic version (no Caller ID; no unread xxx notifications & others)
- If you have Slide2Unlock installed, please uninstall it first & then soft-reset.
- After installation, there are 2 shortcuts created under \Program Files\S2U2:
iLock2.lnk - start/stop ilock2.exe (on the 1st run, it runs silently in the background; on the 2nd run, it closes iLock2 & S2U2)
S2U2.lnk - manually start S2U2 (be sure iLock2 is running in the background, otherwise the Battery status will not be updated)
- A shortcut for iLock2.exe is created automatically under "\Windows\StartUp" as well.
- Installation on Storage Card is not supported (for the sake of stability).
Configuration: (in the Registry under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2. Please remember to RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings changed, otherwise it won't work):
- The Date & Time format can be customized by changing the keys DateFormat & TimeFormat:
d Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of week as its full name.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars both have five digit years. The "yyyy" pattern will show five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
yyyyy Identical to "yyyy".
For example, to get the date displays "Wed, Aug 31 94"
set DateFormat to ddd',' MMM dd yy
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
t One character time marker string, such as A or P.
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.
For example, to get the time displays "11:29:40 PM"
set TimeFormat to hh':'mm':'ss tt
- If you want to "auto start" S2U2 when the device is woke up, set:
Autostart to 1 (0 to disable)
- To turn off the LCD by S2U2, you may specify:
OffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- When the OffLCD is enabled, you may specify whether the device is suspended or remain active but with LCD turned off:
BlankScreen set to 0 or 1 (0 to suspend the device; 1 to turn off the LCD only)
- For devices with the capability to turn off the backlight, you may set S2U2 to start automatically when the device's backlight is turned off by:
IdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to IdleStart, ACIdleStart has the same function when the device is charging:
ACIdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to OffLCD, ACOffLCD has the same function when the device is charging:
ACOffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- Similar to BlankScreen, ACBlankScreen has the same function when the device is charging:
ACBlankScreen set to 0 to suspend the device; or 1 to turn off the LCD only
- If you want to install S2U2 to other folders or the storage card, please update the key:
S2U2Path to "the new full path"
- To turn off the LCD during a phone talk, set the key: (works on WM5 or 6 only)
BlankOnTalk to 1 (0 to disable)
- To enable D-Pad input, set the key:
DpadOn to 1 (0 to disable)
Only use the following 2 settings if your device have any abnormal behaviour:
- When NoSuspendMode is set to 1, the OffLCD & ACOffLCD will be disabled. It'll untouch the Power Management and leave it back to the OS.
- When SafeMode is set to 1, iLock2 will not enter the "Unattended mode" (this is a special mode for the background jobs to run but without turning the LCD on). The device may need to soft-reset for SafeMode to be enabled.
- The default values are added on the first run of iLock:
DateFormat=dddd', 'd MMMM
S2U2Path="\Program Files\S2U2"
Known limitations & FAQs:
- How to change wallpaper? Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; VGA is 480 x 640); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2.
- How to edit the registry? You need 3rd party software like "Task Manager" & "Total Commander". Try to google them & they are very user friendly apps.
- After changing the registry settings, iLock2/S2U2 do not behave as instructed?? Pls RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings is made.
- If "Password/Pin Lock" or "Owner Information" are enabled to display at wake up, S2U2 may cause the screen flicker. Pls disable these functions.
- My device's special Keys are not blocked by S2U2?! (e.g. HTC Touch Flo) This is a device specific problem that cannot be resolved.
- NOT Compatible devices: SX66/Xda IIs
Trouble shooting:
If you find your device is hang with a blank screen or no response with any key or screen-touch, you may not need to reset it. Please follow these steps if your device has a camera button:
- press the camera button to invoke the built-in camera program
- press the end call button to go back to Today screen
- use Task Manager (a third party freeware; highly recommended) to close the S2U2.EXE
Special Thanks:
- Forum fellows at xda-developers (http://forum.xda-developers.com). Thank you for your testings, comments, supports & patience.
Thanks mate! I'll be testing this soon.
Happy Mid-Autumn Day too!
Watching with keen interest...
A_C - I am watching with keen interest, and will wait till you get the caller ID and all the other notifications in.
Still happy with the S2U1...especially the notifications
For the future development, I wish to make it works more compatible first. So, please do give it a try & let me know does it work on your WM5/6 devices.
Hello A_C,
I installed in on an Eten Glofiish M700 (WM6), and I'm simply amazed. I only used S2U1 once but it took to much of my precious memory.
Now it takes roughly 600K-1M memory and I was like WOW.
Integrating the caller ID feature would be very neat.
Very very good work so far.
Works great on Prophet WM5 for now.
Running on Mogul
Finally have my memory back... Running fine so far.
Can't wait to see the features from the PPL version back in here (missing those right now)
It's work on my device. My device is Artemis WM6...
Thank you Mr.A_C
woot! looking great
one thing though, i know this is only very early on, but are you planning to make it more iphone-like later?
(e.g. the gradient colours on the top and bottom bars, alpha-blending on the icons, 12 hour time with no zeros, option to hide the sound icon, narrower date font, use helvetica LT fonts like the iphone does)
if you're ok sharing the source i could help work on this. it's looking to be the perfect slider app.
A_C, works nice on the g900 with the wvga screen, the fadeout speed works nicelly and everything where i'd expect it to be in comparison to the normal 4:3 layout!!!
keep at it!
A_C could you make an option for analog clock too?
just tested it on my x50v with WM6
biggest issues are:
there are 4 big white lines covering across the date that go horizontally across the full width of the screen. edit: just found out it's not white lines, it's just random glitchy artifacts that cover across the date.
movement of the arrow button is a little jumpy (nothing compared to how mine is though).
and some minor issues are:
the fonts look really pixely and the battery filling is green instead of white (kinda ruins the iphone effect).
the alpha-blended parts like the topbar and bottombar are pixely. only in the middle part where the wallpaper isn't alphablended is where it is vga resolution.
the slideback action is about 2x faster than the iphone and you can't grab it.
about the fonts: it would be way better to use the helvetica LT fonts that the iphone uses. (pm me if you want them or look in my slider app for the iphone.ttf)
you can install them automatically with the cab file.
that way it wont be pixely on vga screens, they'll be the right size and look like the iphone, and you won't need to constantly write bitmap files.
Interesting development
Interesting development ... I like your philsophy.
I've downloaded it and will try it out shortly. If it's "Tastes great - less filling", donation will be on it's way ... again.
Say, is great PPC freeware etiquette to donate with each new major version?
A_C said:
For the future development, I wish to make it works more compatible first. So, please do give it a try & let me know does it work on your WM5/6 devices.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Donut money
Donut money sent.
Kreigz said:
Interesting development ... I like your philsophy.
I've downloaded it and will try it out shortly. If it's "Tastes great - less filling", donation will be on it's way ... again.
Say, is great PPC freeware etiquette to donate with each new major version?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
good and great program
thank you very much
A_C said:
The download links are:
CAB files
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I could not download the Files.
If i use the sendspace link and klick download the Following error is shown:
The download link has been updated (error: #12).
You may now download the file.
If i do a left klick and save as, the file is sized with 8,5kb and the installation will failed.
If i use the badongo link. I insert the code into the field, klick download and the page do a reload. I insert the code once again (the new one) and the page will reload again.
Any Hints?
Could you provide a screenshot of your x50v? For VGA device, only the wallpaper is using native resolution. Other graphics are simply 2x of QVGA.
Thanks Kreigz.
Just uploaded to rapidshare as well, pls reload the 1st post.
Nice work A_C, so far no issues, less memory, no leaks on my Apache 6700.

(Thread CLOSED, 22 October 2007) S2U2 v0.60 - back to clock

Hey, (22 Oct 2007)
Another update to v0.60:
- changed the clock files format (all under GFX\Clock) for easier customisation (for transparent effect, the top left corner pixel must be the transparent color)
(For hi-res devices, please extract files from either vclock.zip or vclockH.zip & copy them to \GFX\Clock under the installed path. Otherwise the clock will be shown as half-sized.)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(used clockh.zip & TimeFormat set to hh':'mmtt)
- fixed the background power interuption problem
- do not start S2U2 when the LCD is turned off
- smoother start-up
- some bugs fixed
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
(There is no updated files only for download this time)
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the 2nd post.
Besides, S2U2 now has two add-on
The configurator by dmagician: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1600647&postcount=331
And a Today plug-in by perasite: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1590615&postcount=234
Thanks both!
Hey, (17 Oct 2007)
A minor update to v0.53:
- added option ShowAlarm to show the coming system alarm info
- added a little animation when the device is charging
- fixed the "Flight Mode" issue for Treo
- some minor bugs fixed
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the 2nd post.
Hey guys, (14 Oct 2007)
Just updated to v0.52 with the following changes:
- ShowAppointment also shows "all day event" (but only the 1st one)
- reworked the "Flight Mode / No Service" detection
- fixed the WVGA display defect in Landscape mode
- fixed Autostart to work with soft-key power off
- some bugs fixed
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the 2nd post.
Hey guys, (11 Oct 2007)
Following the previous thread, here is another update... v0.5...
- added Landscape orientation (the wallpaper file is wallpaperL.bmp under GFX folder)
- added auto power saving as S2U (i.e. the shimmer will stop after idle for a while)
- added an icon for S2U2
- added Unread XXX notifications & ShowTask option
- added options ShowAppointment & AppointmentTimeFormat
(read the Configuration section below for the details)
- no more AC_XXX.bmp temp files
- all texts are VGA aware
- some graphic improvements on VGA mode
- fixed the problem with other Alarm software
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
There is no updated files only for download this time, please backup your settings & use the CAB file to install.
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the next post.
Finally, to show your appreciation or if you want to see the future of this app, pls CLICK HERE.
S2U2 is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don't use your device.
- WM5 or 6 devices
- free RAM: ~ 1M for QVGA; ~ 3M for VGA
- If you have Slide2Unlock installed, please uninstall it first & then soft-reset.
- After installation, there are 2 shortcuts created under \Program Files\S2U2:
iLock2.lnk - start/stop ilock2.exe (on the 1st run, it runs silently in the background; on the 2nd run, it closes iLock2 & S2U2)
S2U2.lnk - manually start S2U2 (be sure iLock2 is running in the background, otherwise the Battery status will not be updated)
- A shortcut for iLock2.exe is created automatically under "\Windows\StartUp" as well.
- Installation on Storage Card is not supported (for the sake of stability).
- There are 2 clock font files for selection - clock.zip (default) & clockH.zip. How to use?
1. stop iLock2
2. delete those files under \GFX\Clock (under the installed folder)
3. copy the extracted files to \GFX\Clock
4. start iLock2 & S2U2
- For hi-res devices, please extract files (follow the above steps) from either vclock.zip or vclockH.zip & copy them to \GFX\Clock under the installed path. Otherwise the clock will be shown as half-sized.
Configuration: (in the Registry under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2. Please remember to RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings changed, otherwise it won't work):
- The Date & Time format can be customized by changing the keys DateFormat & TimeFormat:
d Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of week as its full name.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars both have five digit years. The "yyyy" pattern will show five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
yyyyy Identical to "yyyy".
For example, to get the date displays "Wed, Aug 31 94"
set DateFormat to ddd',' MMM dd yy
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
t One character time marker string, such as A or P.
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.
For example, to get the time displays "11:29:40 PM"
set TimeFormat to hh':'mm':'ss tt
- If you want to "auto start" S2U2 when the device is woke up, set:
Autostart to 1 (0 to disable)
- To turn off the LCD by S2U2, you may specify:
OffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- When the OffLCD is enabled, you may specify whether the device is suspended or remain active but with LCD turned off:
BlankScreen set to 0 or 1 (0 to suspend the device; 1 to turn off the LCD only)
- For devices with the capability to turn off the backlight, you may set S2U2 to start automatically when the device's backlight is turned off by:
IdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to IdleStart, ACIdleStart has the same function when the device is charging:
ACIdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to OffLCD, ACOffLCD has the same function when the device is charging:
ACOffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- Similar to BlankScreen, ACBlankScreen has the same function when the device is charging:
ACBlankScreen set to 0 to suspend the device; or 1 to turn off the LCD only
- If you want to install S2U2 to other folders or the storage card, please update the key:
S2U2Path to "the new full path"
- To turn off the LCD during a phone talk, set the key:
BlankOnTalk to 1 (0 to disable)
- To enable D-Pad input, set the key:
DpadOn to 1 (0 to disable)
- To show the Appointment information shown at Today's screen, set the key:
ShowAppointment to 1 (0 to disable)
- To change the format of Appointment's time, change the key:
AppointmentTimeFormat (use the same syntax as TimeFormat)
- Not to display the total no. of "Active Task", set:
ShowTask to 0 (1 to enable)
- To show the coming system alarm info, set the key:
ShowAlarm to 1 (0 to disable)
Only use the following 2 settings if your device have any abnormal behaviour:
- When NoPowerSuspend is set to 1, the OffLCD & ACOffLCD will be disabled. It'll untouch the Power Management and leave it back to the OS.
- When SafeMode is set to 1, iLock2 will not enter the "Unattended mode" (this is a special mode for the background jobs to run but without turning the LCD on). The device may need to soft-reset for SafeMode to be enabled.
- The default values are added on the first run of iLock2:
DateFormat=dddd', 'd MMMM
S2U2Path="\Program Files\S2U2"
Command Switch of iLock2:
iLock2.exe accepts the following command switches:
-slide to start/invoke S2U2
-nomsg to not to show any message even it closes itself & S2U2
-refresh to close S2U2 & reload the registry settings
Known limitations & FAQs:
- How to change wallpaper? Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; VGA is 480 x 640); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2. And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode.
- How to edit the registry? You need 3rd party software like "Task Manager" & "Total Commander". Try to google them & they are very user friendly apps.
- After changing the registry settings, iLock2/S2U2 do not behave as instructed?? Pls RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings is made.
- If "Password/Pin Lock" or "Owner Information" are enabled to display at wake up, S2U2 may cause the screen flicker. Pls disable these functions.
- My device's special Keys are not blocked by S2U2?! (e.g. HTC Touch) This is a device specific problem that cannot be resolved.
- Error: UserNotification has too much records?
That means the notification database contains more than 500 records. It'll ruin the Autostart of S2U2. Pls use other s/w to clean it up first.
- NOT Compatible devices: SX66, Xda IIs (Blue Angel)
Trouble shooting:
If you find your device is hang with a blank screen or no response with any key or screen-touch, you may not need to reset it. Please follow these steps if your device has a camera button:
- press the camera button to invoke the built-in camera program
- press the end call button to go back to Today screen
- use Task Manager (a third party freeware; highly recommended) to close the S2U2.EXE
Special Thanks:
- Forum fellows at xda-developers (http://forum.xda-developers.com). Thank you for your testings, comments, supports & patience.
Downloaded and works great. No more artifacts on the operator or date line AND task notifications. Great Job.
PS yr paypal link doesn't work (for me anyway)
let me be the second to say thanks.....
atleast 10x better on my device than v0.3.
btw, did you use my method for drawing the fonts?
or are they just larger bitmaps?
well whatever it is atleast it looks much more iphone-like
great job!
Ghostdog1 said:
Downloaded and works great. No more artifacts on the operator or date line AND task notifications. Great Job.
PS yr paypal link doesn't work (for me anyway)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for letting me know. It's updated...
Yea, the new version ROXX! Great work! 0.5 has all features I need and works flawless so far and needs way less ram than S2U1. Thank you very much!
it's working flawless now. Thanks!!!
great work!
love it.
it works great keep up the work!
Hay A_c
Works great, but I'am havin an issuie, when i push the power buttom to wake up my device, the slide2unlock2 wont start auto, i end directly on the 2day screen ???
Is there something I'am missing ???
Cobra2 said:
Hay A_c
Works great, but I'am havin an issuie, when i push the power buttom to wake up my device, the slide2unlock2 wont start auto, i end directly on the 2day screen ???
Is there something I'am missing ???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you start s2u2 by going to the Programms -> S2U2 folder and klick on s2u2?
Cobra2 said:
Hay A_c
Works great, but I'am havin an issuie, when i push the power buttom to wake up my device, the slide2unlock2 wont start auto, i end directly on the 2day screen ???
Is there something I'am missing ???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Pls read your PM.
Hello A_C. I Love your Program! (Sorry for my very bad english)
I have a Question, it is possible to add a new notification or appointment, i mean the Alarm Clock like SPM Mobile Shell.
I want to view in how many hours the Alarmclock starts and on what Day.
I hope you can unterstand me.
Next Alarm On Fri 12.10.2007 at 06.00 (20h 30min)
That is very fine when you can do it.
And when I receive a MMS than comes the Icon for E-Mails. Can you make a Extra Icon for MMS?
1 MMS ; 2 SMS ; 5 E-Mails
Thank you, i donate you Now with 10 € for your very good Program!!!
hi A_C.. nice app.. i've been following and using s2u and s2u2 for months now..
the update is very nice.. especially the quick transition from landscape to portrait and back..
a problem though and an annoyance.. when my device goes to sleepmode/suspend (blankscreen=0 , offlcd=5).. i can't make my screen active again (to show the slide to unlock) by any keypress except the power button.. under settings>buttons>lock, i've already set When device is Off: Do not lock buttons
i'm using a case on my wizard and accessing the power button is very difficult.. that is why i have s2us as a launcher icon on my today screen to lock buttons and turn off the device.. but going back from sleep is very difficult now.. i need to remove my phone from the case first, press the power button, return it to the case, then slide to unlock.. and if i'm not fast enough, 5 seconds lapse, phone goes back to sleep, and i need to press the power button again..
on previous versions (even on S2U), all i need is to press the red button (call end), or any hardware key, to activate screen then unlock by sliding the arrow..
also, my other device.. a blue angel.. has a broken power button.. and once it goes to sleep (same settings: When Device is off: Do not lock).. it won't wake up unless i poke on the reset hole.. it's becomming an annoyance now.. that i'm thinking of going back to s2u2 v0.3 for the meantime..
i know this mode saves power preventing screen activation via ANY accidental keypress except power .. but this setting is already handled by the settings>button>lock applet.. maybe you can just remove that bug/feature on s2u2 or just let s2u2 follow the mode set in the settings.. so those with power button problems won't have a phone-in-comatose every time s2u2 kicks in..
i hope my problem is properly addressed on future updates..
Thanxs nic work
Just installed it - it runs very smoothly on my MDA Vario/Qtek9100/Wizard.
Switching to landscape mode works very fast! Appointments are shown correctly, sms-notification works perfect, just like the tasks-icon.
You did a very nice job with version 0.5! It's lightning fast, and the animation stop should save even some more memory usage - thanx!
I hope the weather icons are next on the to-do list for version 0.6! Keep up the very nice work...
A_C said:
Pls read your PM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi A_C
Great work on this new version!
Am excited to see each of the previous features are now being implemented! However, I realise S2U2 v0.5 doesn't support other means of powering off the PPC.
With v0.5, when I off my PPC using the on-screen shortcut and when I switch on my PPC again, S2U2 is not activated. S2U2 seems to be activated if only I off my device using the 'power' button.
Basically, I like to switch off my PPC (i.e. device off, not just the screen) using on-screen shortcut icon, instead of the 'Power' button (try to preserve/lengthen the lifespan of my hard button).
I remember at one point you've remove this feature, and upon my (and some others most probably) request, you have included it back. May I know whether it's possible to include this feature back again?
Or... is this feature (removal) intended in the first place.. which then, make this a 'bug'??
Switching back to v0.3 for the time being.
Thanks @dodo-dk. The alarm notification is quite interesting. But I would like to fix the bugs first. I'll think about it later.
For the MMS notification, actually there is already an icon made for it. But it's found that different OEM or Service provider had implement this part quite different and do not follow what Microsoft's SNAPI's requirements. So in your case, it seems that part is broken & S2U2 could not display the proper numbers.
Pls try the option NoPowerSuspend (set to 1) & let me know does it work. Sorry that I made a mistake in the readme. The NoSuspendMode should be treated as NoPowerSuspend. You need to rename the key NoSuspendMode to NoPowerSuspend.
(just corrected them & re-uploaded)
I have reservation to recover the weather icon as it seems to have many problems.
Your case should be same as Cobra2, pls read your PM.
i've upx unpacked and disassembled to remove the 's2u2 v0.5 by A_C' message at the start,
as it kinda ruins the iphone effect imo. same reason i didn't put any credits in my slider app.
hope you don't mind.
can upload here if you want to have two versions
(one that supports giving you credit, another for people who don't like the message on there).
or you could have the message on by default, but allow people to set an option in the config to turn it off.
some other bugs (and this is getting really picky..):
1. the arrow's graphics movement on vga devices is still a bit laggy. might need to increase the buffer if it's detected it's a vga device.
2. the slideback movement is also a fair bit faster than the iphone. (only mention this because it effects the functionality of being easily able to grab it when it's sliding back that the iphone has)
there are some people that like it springing back to the start really fast and some that don't.
a config option to set the slideback speed could be an idea.
3. grabbing it when it comes back makes it go another 2x faster when you let it go again.
i've come across this problem in my .net and javascript slider versions.
the reason it goes 2x faster every time is because it's using the old slideback timer which is already moving the pixels back, and then it's trying to do that again at the same time.
the way to overcome it is to turn off and reset your timer for the 'slideback' every time you get the mousedown event.
then when it slides back on the mouseup event it will do it the same way as it did the first time.
should be the same to fix in c++. i assume you must use a timer for the slideback etc. as there aren't many different ways you can code it.

