Activesync problem: "Getting Started Disc" - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I'm new to Universal, but I'm getting along with most of the features.
The only problem is: I cannot sync using WM6.
The problem:
I plug the USB in, the PDA connects, Activesync (on PC) starts and setting up itself... and stuck! When I check the AS on my Universal, it says:
"To synchronize your device with a desktop computer, install the synchronization software from the Getting Started Disc included with your device on your PC:"
And then something about Exchange Sync.
The connection is OK, the device gets IP, and so on.
I installed the original (4.1) AS, but (no surprise) it cannot sync with WM6.
Must I revert to WM5? I don't want to...
Anyone any sollution?

Install Version 4.5 of ActiveSync! Only this one is able to sync with WM6!
Look here!

Sorry, I didn't emphasize that I have AS 4.5 installed.
This way goes the message like I wrote.
So thank you for your reply, but sadly, this is not the sollution.
(I installed/uninstalled AS several times in the last two days... But for WM6 4.1 isn't good, for 4.5 it says use the GS Disc... The only way out (as I think) is to go back to WM5 to use 4.1... But that way I will miss some new stuff from Crossbow.)

Almost solved
Hope somebody still reading or finding this topic.
What I discovered that the error message mentioned was not because of the wrong ActiveSync version. It was because the AS on the PDA cannot communicate with the AS on PC. I explain. I flashed WM5 back and installed AS 4.1, but the error message was still there. But the text went like "install ActiveSync on PC..." So it connects, gets IP, but cannot see that AS is installed. And the sollution?
Bluetooth sync
Yeah, AS over BT works. Connects, syncs without problem. I think I'll have to stick to that option.
Why doesn't it work over USB?
Switched the cable -> still no luck. Tried WM5torage with USB -> it works!
So it looks like it's a software problem, just a rare case (?). I'll work with the troubleshooter later, until than: BT.
Good day to all.

homa said:
Hope somebody still reading or finding this topic.
What I discovered that the error message mentioned was not because of the wrong ActiveSync version. It was because the AS on the PDA cannot communicate with the AS on PC. I explain. I flashed WM5 back and installed AS 4.1, but the error message was still there. But the text went like "install ActiveSync on PC..." So it connects, gets IP, but cannot see that AS is installed. And the sollution?
Bluetooth sync
Yeah, AS over BT works. Connects, syncs without problem. I think I'll have to stick to that option.
Why doesn't it work over USB?
Switched the cable -> still no luck. Tried WM5torage with USB -> it works!
So it looks like it's a software problem, just a rare case (?). I'll work with the troubleshooter later, until than: BT.
Good day to all.
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in your first post you said you cannot sync at all using wm6... and then in the next post you said you can sync using bluetooth... seems like you already found the solution to your problem... use BT...
just a thought though... if BT sync is really working and usb is not.... then there's a problem with your cord... otherwise, its the software.... its either activesync version... or a firewall is blocking a port that prevents the sync during usb connection

Thanks for reply.
I tried swithing the cable (so use another miniUSB) but that's not a problem. And WM5torage works, so...
Firewall could be wrong, but I don't have problems with other PDAs, so I think it is other software...
Anyway, yes, the sollution for me is BT. I use it since than, but until I realised that only USB is not working... I spent days with this, just because before the first succesful sync, AS only tells you: "use the AS from the CD..."
It should say: "Connected, but cannot sync. The problem COULD BE wrong AS version..."
So yeah, BT rox...


ARRGH! - Constant Probs with ActiveSync

I love my everything about my MDA - However, MS ActiveSync is absolutely terrible to work with and with a mind of its own.
When I first start my PC, ActiveSync works flawlessly. I am able to update and sync my contacts and install programs with no hassle.
However, as the day goes on, it becomes increasingly moody. When I plug in the MDA, there is no indication of it connecting. No swirly green circle etc.. Control Panel does not even indicate that something is connected.
When I plug into the next USB port, there is a "Unknown Device" error. ActiveSync again doesn't activate. I've restarted the comp as well as soft-resetting the MDA but to no avail. I was advised to uninstall all the USB drivers but still no result.
Whats strange though is that the very next day, it works all fine again in the morning and the daily dismal continues! :roll: :x
Anybody else facing these problems? I've got ActiveSync 3.8 but also had the same problems with previous AS's. In fact, I've also tried different computers but to no avail!
Do you guys happen to know of an alternative? This spawn of Microsoft is driving me crazy!!
have you tried a differnt usb cable? and does your case effect how far the plug goes when you connect your Magician (assuming your using a case)? just seems like it might not be connecting properly all the time. I had issues similar to yours when i purchased a new sync cable, it had slightly shorter data pins where it connected to my Jam which were not contacting. so it would power up and windows would detect but it would give the same errors.
thanks for the reply mate.
Its strange as I had another miniUSB cable but the problem was still there last time I tried. Very strange - I just hope MS could iron out these problems - I've heard that they are trying to use AS to contest with BlackBerry. looks like there may be a possible solution to all this. I've researched a bit and apparently ActiveSync only works at the USB port originally used to connect the phone hence why it wasn't recognized by the other port.
But my one wasn't working with either port anyway!
Another suggestion was to hard reset the Pocket PC as this is apparently a common problem. And guess what? it worked!
This suggest there being a problem with the actual PocketPC settings itself - more specifically the ActiveSync settings. As doing a Hard-Reset is quite an inconvenient thing to do, is there anyway to delete/reset the ActiveSync settings without hard resetting?
Thanks again and I hope this is of help to anyone
i had a problem with activesync as well. i was traveling so in that time i had synched my jam with maybe 4 different pc's with activesync, all on guest partnership except my laptop. so when got back it had all these problems with my desktop. for example when i explored my device through activesync and tried to copy something to the computer it would show the copy dialog box but then nothing would be on my pc. i just reformatted my har drive for other reasons and now it works fine.. so i guess reformatting and reinstalling xp works. i did a hard reset on my jam and that didnt do anything.
From time to time Activesync will lock itself up. So go to task manager and shut it down - it's 2 apps, something like wcecomm.exe and something else; there's a number of apps freeware that will do this for you- i'm at work so can't help you more with the filename.
Then restart activesync and reconnect as normal.
Sometimes it does bugger up, but I've only had to reinstall windows once with an SPV.

ActiveSync 4.0 or 4.1 refuses USB connection to EXEC

Dear All,
Please help, my new O2 EXEC is sitting here almost totally useless without ActiveSync.
I did a very stupid thing:
I plugged in the Exec via the USB cable before installing ActiveSync 4.0.
What used to happen (back inthe day 2001 etc) would be that windows would install its own driver for the portable device and then when you subsequently installed ActiveSync its drivers would not go in and hence ActiveSync would not recognise your device.
What is happening now seems like the same sort of issue in that now having installed ActveSync it is just sitting there saying no connection.
For ActiveSync 3.6 and below this is a documented problem and here is the fix
BUT for me this does not work (well because there is no yellow unknown device in Device managers other devices).
In AUDIBLE terms
a) I get a du-duh sound when I plug in EXEC (like if you plugged in a USB key for example)
b) It shows up in the Device Manager-> Network Adapters as "Windows Mobile-based Device"
c) ActiveSync 4.0 or 4.1 does NOT give me the dulde-de-dah sound
d) ActiveSync shows no connections
Anybody any bright ideas? Surely I am not the only twonk to have inadvertently plugged in the EXEC first
Answers greatly appreciated.
PS: Have also looked at ActiveSync trouble shooter 2001, the ActiveSync 4.0 troubleshooting article from Msoft, tried switching off firewall, no result. Have tried deleting the Mobile-based Device, uninstalling AS 4.0, rebooting, reinstalling AS 4.0 or 4.1 then plugging EXEC,no good.
PPS: I convinced a friend to let me install AS 4.1 on his computer and then plugged in the EXEC and all was fine, so the EXEC itself is sound.
Maybe this will help:
Sorry, didn't read your message good.
Just see now you already did looked at the link....
But another idea: if your device works on your friend PC, then why not
do a clean install for the OS on your own PC?
Maybe this will solve your problem.
Thanks for the thoughts. Well actually thinking about a reinstall of my computer due a moments lapse of concentration is a difficult undertaking. With the backup of the on computer databases as well as over 100 applications installed, I think this would take me several person days.
Currently my thoughts are to clone the partition and then do a windows "over install" onthe clone, but logically that will not work because <of course> the whole point of an over install is that the registry and all applications are preserved.
I spent over 3 solid hours of googling, installing, uninstalling drivers yesterday trying to fix and can't believe I am the only one who has had this problem!
Perhaps somebody with a working ActiveSync can elaborate how does the EXEC show up in device manager (when its plugged in and synced), and also what device driver XP and /or Windows 2003 server would be using.
Thanks mb.
I was facing similar issue. Solution? Yes, uninstall my firewall, connect and sync with my JasjAr and then install the Firewall with Jasjar already connected !
This may help:
Open network connections on ur PC so u can see all connections.
Make sure AS (PC side) is enabled for USB
turn off JJ and plug it in to USB
Turn on JJ whilst watching the window of netwrok connections on ur PC
A new connection icon should pop up, then MAYBE dissapear again
Right click this icon, before it dissapears, and check it's enabled, then select properties
Now check the following items:
- does top box say "windows mobile based device"
- click "configure"
- under configure, is there a button somewhere (mine's working so I can't recall exactly where) that says something like "enable mobile device". If so, then you need to click this.
If this all fails, then repeat but with another USB port. The reason for this seeming waste of time is that you will get a DIFFERENT "Local area connection nn" icon, which may work for you.
I cant believe there hasnt been one mention of rebooting your PC - Which I can assume you already have done?
What OS are you running on your PC?
I have only just got my MDA PRO but this may help! as I did the same thing and for a while XP Pro wouldnt recognise the device.
Uninstall ActiveSync
Reboot PC
Install Activesync V4.0
Plug in USB Device
If there is still a problem connecting you shoudl see a USB device not recognised in your deviuce manager.
It almost seems like there is a time you have to wait before XP will respond normally to you unplugging and replugging in the USB.
Failing this you may have to uninstall Activesync and tehn remove all activesync registry keys it may have left behind! Then reboot and start again!
Just having tisproblem now, this is pïss poor of MS to still be foisting off onto us this Activesync package in such a terible state.
I've just had activesync stop working on me. It would connect but then refuse to sync anything even though it previously worked fine. I think it got upset after I booted up the PC with the Exec connected.
Anyway an uninstall and reinstall of Activesync on the PC cured the problem. Not the most robust software though.
Moandal said:
I've just had activesync stop working on me. It would connect but then refuse to sync anything even though it previously worked fine. I think it got upset after I booted up the PC with the Exec connected.
Anyway an uninstall and reinstall of Activesync on the PC cured the problem. Not the most robust software though.
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What works for me is to turn off the handheld, and connect the cable after that. Then turn on the device if needed. Works mot of the time then.... no excuse for MS though....

Activesync 4.2 beta available... anyone used it yet?
Available... still no wifi sync...
Has anyone tried it yet?
Yes and its made no difference to my activesync issues...
I can't see any other obvious changes...
Yes, the same sh ....
I wait for the final german release, and i've never had problems with AS 4.1 (except the bluescreen problem caused by Kaspersky).
Definate improvement for me, I had problems where I couldn't sync using USB when I'm connected to the work VPN. AS would keep spinning and connecting, and the VPN connection would die. Only way for me to sync was to use IrDa. Now, with AS4.2 USB sync works fine. (At last)
Anyone here with a Logitech DiNovo Keyboard set? I've been having problems since v.3.8 of activesync in that the setpoint software and active sync conflict causing the current active windows to loose focus for one second every 7seconds.
Very irritating. Has this version solved the problem? Logitech doesn't want to claim responsibility for the problem. Neither does microsoft
Logitech Desktop M5000 Laser
Jorgee, I've got the set above.
If I install the MS Bluetooth option for the Logitech and use AS bluetooth, it works fine.
If I use the Widcomm BT for the Logitech, no connection.
I had AS (using BT or USB) steal focus every 4 seconds IF Outlook wasn't open - as soon as I open Outlook (I'm using 2003), no further problems.
It appears to be an issue with AS and Outlook.
I'm not sure if this is of any use to you, but you never know...
Re: Logitech Desktop M5000 Laser
huisie said:
Jorgee, I've got the set above.
If I install the MS Bluetooth option for the Logitech and use AS bluetooth, it works fine.
If I use the Widcomm BT for the Logitech, no connection.
I had AS (using BT or USB) steal focus every 4 seconds IF Outlook wasn't open - as soon as I open Outlook (I'm using 2003), no further problems.
It appears to be an issue with AS and Outlook.
I'm not sure if this is of any use to you, but you never know...
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I will try what you said. As a fix what I would do is open taskmanager and terminate the setpoint process. this corrects it but ofcourse I loose setpoint functionality.
1 question. What do you mean by "ms bluetooth option" and "widcomm"? do I get to choose from the 2 during installation? how do you recommend * proceed. I might just format my Pc over the weekend so this is the perfect oportunity.
ActiveSync dosnt work for me
Hiya Guts
Can anyone help.
I got my XDA Exec last week and tried installing ActiveSync but to no avail does it detect my PDA. Actually it worked once.
I decided to install the latest version 4.2 but still nothing. I installed and removed over a dozen time, rebooted pc and nothing. I followed instructions to add profiles to my firewall and still nothing.
I dont know what else to do. Can anyone help?
Re: ActiveSync dosnt work for me
Gochos The Greek said:
Hiya Guts
Can anyone help.
I got my XDA Exec last week and tried installing ActiveSync but to no avail does it detect my PDA. Actually it worked once.
I decided to install the latest version 4.2 but still nothing. I installed and removed over a dozen time, rebooted pc and nothing. I followed instructions to add profiles to my firewall and still nothing.
I dont know what else to do. Can anyone help?
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Are you using any firewall software... or inparticular Norton Applications??? If so, try disabling it (but stay offline if ya worried), and then connecting, if this fixes your problem there is a bit on the M$ website (there are sometimes bits of use there...) I found that helped when sorting me mates Exec out... I'll dig that up
And I found 4.2 a lot better than 4.1, it's a lot faster to sync the calendar and e-mail files! :-D
Works w/o any problems
All settings were taken over from 4.1
Seems to have sorted my problem out. Good news. Now tryng to figure out how to Send over images etc to my XDA Xec. Instructions supplied are not all that clear are they
Gochos The Greek said:
Seems to have sorted my problem out. Good news. Now tryng to figure out how to Send over images etc to my XDA Xec. Instructions supplied are not all that clear are they
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Connect your Exec, load up Activesync
Click on Explore, you'll be taken to the My Documents on your Main Memory, drag drop there, or in My Pictures... or explore the device and create a folder in your Storage Card and dump them there...
Re: Logitech Desktop M5000 Laser
huisie said:
Jorgee, I've got the set above.
If I install the MS Bluetooth option for the Logitech and use AS bluetooth, it works fine.
If I use the Widcomm BT for the Logitech, no connection.
I had AS (using BT or USB) steal focus every 4 seconds IF Outlook wasn't open - as soon as I open Outlook (I'm using 2003), no further problems.
It appears to be an issue with AS and Outlook.
I'm not sure if this is of any use to you, but you never know...
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I have the exact same problem. Interestingly I am using Setpoint software too with my Logitech mx610 mouse which is cordless (2,4 Ghz i believe) and use a seperate dongle my Bluetooth which is a Jabra A320s dongle.
If Outlook is not open i lose focus every 4-5 seconds and then get it back. Interestingly I only noticed today and I am sure i have used BT activesync and this mouse at the same time before without Outlook being open. Frickin odd...and highly annoying.

Missing Installation CD-ROM and Manual

Hello all,
I have just bought the Jasjar on ebay, after months of hoping and dreaming!
The unit works fine, but the twit who sold it to me has 'lost' the original CD and manual, leaving me with no way of:
Syncing to my computer (tried it, but XP demands the install software)
Working out how to use the phone element (such as sending text messages).
Generous souls that they are at clubimate, they want to charge me $60 for this information!
I was wondering if someone might be able to send me a copy of the files / a torrent of the disk, so that i can at least install it on my home computer and read the .pdf manual.
Much appreciation in advance!
active sync can be found on the ftp
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Universal/Tools_Programs/
manuals can also be found on the ftp
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Universal/Original_German_and_Englsh_Manuals_etc/
have fun with it
Many thanks.
Is this ftp to the activesync the one that the computer will install so that it recognises the Jasjar? I downloaded activesync to my pc, but when I connected up my jasjar, my computer wouldn't recognise it, because the 'Install new hardware' utility had not completed!
Aha! The ftp part of this site appears to be the possible solution to my problems. When I connect my jasjar to the pc, which software file would I direct the 'hardware installer' to though?
Many thanks for your help so far!
there shouldnt be a ´hawdware installer´... active sync should recognise the jasjar without problems...
do u have it connected directly to the pc or to a usb-hub? try doing it directly
I was using activesync 3.8 from the windows website. Could that have an effect?
When plugged it, the bubble pops up, saying Device recognised: POCKET PC USB SYNC, and then the Hardware install dialog box comes up.
I will try with the latest version of Activesync, and see what difference it makes.
Wm5 (which is on your universal) only works with AS 4.0 or higher. Check the ftp for that or download directly from MS. I recommend AS 4.1, since it is much more stable than 4.0.
ActiveSync 4.0 doesnt work with aku2 roms if i remember correctly so try 4.1 (link can be found in my 1st post in this topic)
Okay, I downloaded and installed Activesync, and it will still not recognise my JJ, saying it cannot be found. At the same time, the computer says 'USB Device not recognised'. Argh!
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
My XDA Exec has just been replaced by O2, but my PC reports the 'USB Device not recognised' error. I suspected the new phone but I plugged it into my laptop and that works fine.
Im pulling my hair out here, its very frustrating. I have installed 4.2, uninstalled, tried 4.1, no luck.
I tried connecting with the phone switched off, no difference. Tried after both PC and phone rebooted, no luck.
There must be something in the Windows USB settings that has gotten screwed up, but I don't know enough of that area to feel brave enough to tamper with it.
Any ideas guys?
Ah, I have a solution to my problem!
After many reinstalls of different versions, I had a brainwave, why not try syncing when no other USB devices are attached! Hey presto! It works!! :lol:
I found that my USB Skype phone was conflicting somehow, so unplugging that works fine. I'll sort the USB phone out later, being able to sync is much more important atm.

Issues with ActiveSync, doesn't work at all with AS4.5 beta!

I could get my TyTn to sync with my computer occasionally after installing AS 4.2, but ActiveSync would still disconnect itself from my device after a few minutes (I could get it to sync most times though, but I'd have to shuffle round USB ports etc)... Installed ActiveSync 4.5.0 beta (build 5509 BETA) last night, and now my phone won't sync AT ALL with my PC. AS can't even see the device, it can see it's been plugged in because it kicks into action, but nothing more ever happens apart from the (useless) Troubleshooter coming up.
Just a word of warning... Don't install 4.5 beta unless you're absolutely certain it'll work. I've gone from a somewhat-functional sync ability to absolutely nothing at all, and now I'm going to have to rollback my ActiveSync installation (if I can!)
That and the fact my TyTn won't even see my bluetooth headset (an Avro GW-BT-002, which my Alpine can both see and use absolutely fine), I'm beginning to get a little frustrated with this device.
Further proof that more often than not:
I've had the beta AS 4.5 for a week now and no problems whatsoever with dopod CHT9000 (hardware) using latest i-mate, dopod, or cingular ROM's.
All of these ROM's all work perfectly with sony-ericsson hbh-ds970 bluetooth headset.
After you upgraded to 4.5, did you delete your PC from the activesync partnership and rebuild a new partnership?
* Activesync > Options > press on desktop computer's name and delete it. Then, delete mobile device from desktop AS. You'll then be asked if you want to keep your file directory. Afterwards, reboot pocketpc and connect with usb cable or over bt.
It does work.
Yep, did exactly that.
AS 4.5 works perfect with my prophet.
Had to set-up my device again (old settings disappeared)
All programs that I installed via active sync before were gone
Improved speed of syncing files
Easier change of settings
Hmm. Beginning to wonder if I have either a dodge device, because my Alpine always synced fine
4.5 works for me with my TyTN. (slow as hell - but works).
I can't get it to work, either. It completely blew away my partnerships... :evil:
I've gone back to AS4.2 and will wait for this to go GA before making this mistake again...
Dopod 838 Pro
Worked a treat on mine. No issues whatsoever. Biggest difference I can see is a different looking AS icon
Bloody hell...
... Beginning to think it's my computer, might end up reinstalling Windows on it this weekend. Annoyinggggggggg.
After a crap installation of AS4.5, downgraded back to 4.2, but it's still not seeing my TyTn at all, so I'm figuring that it's more likely to be a PC problem. It's not the best Windows installation either, it's become bogged down with stuff, and it never worked right after I made a couple of 'tweaks'... That's me, always fiddling with things when they work fine in the first place :roll:
I'm having similar issues with my TyTN, installed 4.5 on my PC, plug in my PDA and it starts charging (via USB) but ActiveSync can't find it, although does state that USB is available, just keeps searching?!
ActiveSync needs rebuilding from the floor, its always been a rather 'naff' featureless product.
christopherwoods said:
Bloody hell...
... Beginning to think it's my computer, might end up reinstalling Windows on it this weekend. Annoyinggggggggg.
After a crap installation of AS4.5, downgraded back to 4.2, but it's still not seeing my TyTn at all, so I'm figuring that it's more likely to be a PC problem. It's not the best Windows installation either, it's become bogged down with stuff, and it never worked right after I made a couple of 'tweaks'... That's me, always fiddling with things when they work fine in the first place :roll:
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I had the same problem. Hard reset of my XDA Exec and it worked. draw yor own conclusions.
Have you tried turning off the "USB advanced network functionality" - this seemed to sort the same problem out for me;
go start - settings - connections - USB to PC - untick box "Enable advanced network functionality"
You are aware that AS 4,5 REQUIRES Outlook 2003 !?!?
otherwise it will not work at all
That beta works fine. The only problem I've had is related to remote NDIS interfering with my soft firewall, even after all access rules allowing it. Only workaround is to disable smart ARP filtering in Outpost Firewall or change transfer mode of phone to Serial and everythin is gravy for sync.
Your problem seems related to device manager misconfig of the device or something else.
why don't you try this from start --> run --> cmd line
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
start devmgmt.msc
Then, once device manager loads, click view --> show hidden devices. From there, scroll down to network adapters, expand, and delete any instance of Windows Mobile-based Device. On the phone, delete Activesync relationship with PC. Then reboot computer, and plug in your phone again. Let us know if that solved your problem.
I had numerous issues with AS4.2 and AS4.5 Beta initially. And I had issues with Vista RC2 (both x64 and x86) syncing with the WMDC B3 as well.
Then it dawned on me that I was connecting my 838pro to the computer via a Belkin USB hub. So I removed the sync cable from the hub and directly attached to the computer. Now I have no more problems whatsoever (that's in the past 2 weeks.....)
Just put AS4.5B2 on today - no real probs - no real improvements
Hi christopherwoods
I am sorry if this is the wrong forum but its the only one I could find with reference to my bluetooth headset.
I am the owner of an Avro GW-BT-002 bluetooth headset which was free with my old mobi. Unfortunately I can no longer remember how to set it up or any of the other settings to use with my new Motorola V3x 3G phone. Is there any possiblity that you could post the instructions of its settings etc to this forum for me.
Many many thanks
Same Issue - Fixed
I had a problem with ActiveSync after upgrading to 4.2.
I am now running 4.5B and it is working after deleting prior partnerships from my handheld.
(I am running Outlook 2007)
ActiveSync 4.5 finally working!
I had the same problems with ActiveSync 4.5 (beta) until I actually put in the original install disk I had with the phone (it had ActiveSync 3.7 on it) when I first tried to connect my phone and it wouldn't detect it. 4.5 (beta) is now working fine for me!

