OT (a bit): Palm to x7500 - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

This maybe a little off topic here, so I'll keep it brief.
I've had an X7500 for about a month, and there's a lot of things I really like about it. However, previously I've been using the Palm OS for nearly 10 years and I'm finding some things really, really, painful. Mostly WM5 related I think.
Is anyone else going through this? Can anyone recommended resources which may help?

this is the best resource right here...
i have had a treo 680
what are you having trouble with ?

OK, for starters (and because this is the maximum pain right now).
How many entries do you have in the Calendar?
I have kept a PDA based diary for nearly 10 years. It has everything I've ever done and everyone I've ever met, in about 6500 entries, which results in a Palm datebook file of 1.4MB.
Porting this diary to Outlook results in a PST file of 37MB... Attempting to ActiveSync this to the X7500 results in 'Device Full'.
So, what gives? The sync settings for Pocket Outlook imply that there are some issues about the number of entries the device can reasonably hold (by defaulting the sync to 2 weeks). But I'm used to having my whole diary at hand.
How can I keep my not very large (1.4MB) diary, on a device which appears to want to increase the data space requirement by a factor of 40?
I should comment, that the Palm->Outlook port was done using code to access the Palm/datebook.dat file that has been in production for >5 years and new code to interface the Office Outlook 11.0 Object library. It seemed pretty straight forward to do, but I wouldn't rule out as the cause.
Hence, my question: "How many entries do you have in the Calendar?"...
Since 1998-
Palm Pilot 5000, Palm IIIx, Palm V, Palm m505, Sony Clie TH55, HTC x7500

i have no where near that many... but that is odd that it got so large...
now ur port program could be the problem... what i recommend is try syncing directly from palm to outlook and see if that solves your problem...
thats what i did...
but again my calendar is nowhere near your size...
tell me how that works out for you?
i know outlook tells me to archive stuff every now and then...

I've now found out that the Pocket Outlook file in \pim.vol, so I can search a bit and, surprise, surprise, it turns out to be quite a common problem for those people who have a lot of entries in their diary.
Sigh... The X7500 is a really nice device, but with a questionable 'phone and a PIM that baulks at a large calendar (and when was a database with 6,500 entries large; or 1.4MB of plain-text too much).
There's something inherently wrong with WM5/PO as a PDA (imo). Now where's that Linux thread...
Thanks & regards

I can only suggest that you convert as many as you can into recurring appointments.

Midget_1990 said:
I can only suggest that you convert as many as you can into recurring appointments.
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Thanks for the idea...
But why would it make any difference? It'd be quite an easy mod to do, but it takes hours to sync all the entries, so I'm a bit averse to any further experimentation.
My current thinking is to set ActiveSync to restrict the x7500 to only current entries and access my history via the web. It's far from ideal, but if it works out then I can stay on one device, which is the whole point of course.
Thanks & regards


EXEC SUMMARY: TIPS n TRICKS to make your JasJar run well

There are way too many posts on this board from ppl who r saying "Piece of crap, I'm gonna take it back and stick it up my provider's...". This post is for you!
I'm no expert (just a disciple of ppl like buzz, vj, etc), BUT I am not afraid of a hard reset or 30, and as a result I've tested everything below, and most of the stuff throughout this forum. I've also followed everything on every forum since being the 10th person in my country to get a JasJar. I welcome critisism, corrections and additions. Please post replies by refering to the step you would change, or insert after. Let's try to stick to proven alternatives and additions though, so that this thread can become somewhat of a 1-stop point for new users (and existing users who do not have the time to learn this alone - and let's face it anyone who has a Universal already, is probably pretty hard working, and already spending an awful amount of time justifying their acquisition in front of their BlackBerry collegues...)
This is written with a single thought in mind; what the hell would my wife do if she got one of these. No-one could blame her for tossing it inside of a week, but with a few changes it's perfectly functional - in fact with a few more changes (also listed below) it's quite desirable.
By the end of this process, your Universal should have a reasonable suite of apps, perfect functionality around all issues solved to date (I've not covered networking tho), a screen flip speed of 0.5s or less, and free program memory of over 20Mb
So here goes, a step-by-step process to get your Universal 100% functional, proven and tested on the HTC Universal iMate JasJar, but should all work on any MDA:
ROM Upgrade: First thing's first. Upgrade to the September-30 ROM (JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.zip). It's available somewhere on xda-developers, or on clubimate for imate users. This is a no-brainer - no posts on this board or any others indicate it's a waste of time. Many posts cover O2 users flashing to this ROM, with great benefits. There are ways to re-install the O2 graphics and apps - if you want ;-) If you have ANY issues with your Universal, bite the bullet and do this; you'll see that the following setup process is not as brutal as you'd expect (I can run thro it in about half an hour - but I've done it many times and have all the apps lined up and ready).
Optional soft reset: Some pppl like to soft reset BEFORE the device installs the default apps. On this ROM, there's no performance improvement, no memory imporvement that can't be covered later (backgammon etc), and potentially some important losses that I didn't hang around long enough to discover.
Sync: Now sync with your PC to get your contacts, calendar and tasks. This is only here to get you up and running asap.
Pocket Mechanic: Download (www.antontomov.com) and install this essential app. You have a few days on trial, and it's necessary for the next steps
Notification Queue: This can be done later, but it's nice to get familiar with this process whilst your queue is small. Using PM, open the notification queue. You may already (yes!) find some duplicate (yellow icon) sddeamon entries. These seem to replicate during an activesync. You can/must delete all duplicates from time to time. You will also, in future, find some "\.\\Notification.....SCRIPT..." entries. Keep an eye out for these. Most mature within minutes of you finding them, so let them expire. Many are future-dated and tightly back-to-back. These can nearly always (I've never had a regret) be deleted without repercussions. If you don't manage these, they tend to breed, and anyone with XDA experience knows what happens when your queue fills up (failed alarms etc). I'm unclear as to where these come from - undoutedly an app that is not behaving elegantly (regular registration checks etc), and if you follow the steps on this post you should NOT find any - ie the apps here do not seem to be culprits. But, keep an eye open...
Registry cleanup: Again, this can be done later, however you'll soon see the beenfit of doing it now. Using PM, run registry cleaner. You'll get around 6 entries, all of which can safely be deleted. If you did not follow step 1, you may have to examine eahc entry to see if the O2 ROM is messier. The beauty of this step is that from now on, you can safely clean everything that PM finds in the knowledge that it's a leave-behind from an app you installed, and now you can install, de-install, and provided you clean up the directories (easy) you KNOW for sure that you've completely gotten rid of the failed app. Winner!
Task closer: Now it's time for your task manager. There's a lot of coverage on this, and any of the following seem to do the trick, ranked in order of simplicity thro to possibly problematic:[list:333ba237cf]
Magic Button (free, includes battery line on top of screen)
GSPocketMagic++ (free, includes cascading menu. Some MDA Exec users claim that it closes something awful that O2 installs, and solves a 7 second flip issue. SEVEN SECONDS!!! If you implemented step 1, you should not have this problem to solve anyway)
spbPocketPlus (not free, and do not allow it to show any storage meters. There are some bad posts on spb, but I've found it just as good as the above, altho it takes up slightly more memory)
WisbarAdvance2 (not free, HUGE footprint, definite performance issues BUT it skins your Universal SO beautifully, that I've gone with this and WAD - desktop plugin)
[*]Basic apps: Now there are a few no-brainer apps to install, that no-one disputes and that are all free. NO BRAINERS:
Total commander (free, replacement for file explorer - way way better)
TCPMP (free, replaces media player, more formats, full screen, way way better)
Batti (free, battry bar on top of screen like spbPocketPlus, small footprint, but if u r using MagicButton you already get this)
TRE (free, registry editor, necessary to run .reg files covered later)
IIWPO (free, AWESOME concept; If your owner info is changed, it SMS's the number you've set with new SIM number and new 'owner' details. Great if someone steals your Universal. Don't bother if u r not happy with a little installation effort)
BT icon (free, on this board somewhere, gives u an icon on your today tray that shows BT status and allows u to jumps to settings>connections>BT)
BT switch (free, on this board somewhere, several apps that turn BT on, off, or toggle)
Battery Uptime (Optional: free, today plugin that tells u the battery status BUT it's way more useful: you get to see actual running time vs uptime, and remaining running time. This gives u a good feel for your battery consumption rate under different scenarios and helps overcome a LOT of concerns around thinking you are draining faster when actually you are just using the device more)
apReminderPlus (free, AWESOME repeating alarms. Beauty of this is that is seems to be independent of WM5, in that it keeps an eye open for any alarms, and pops up to do its thing if it sees one. WAY beter than built in repeat system, and makes me feel good that I have alarms covered off in case the old wm2003 bugs start to appear again)
VJSMS (free, on this board, gives u 1-click to send an SMS. Note that .lnk file should read as follows INCLUDING inverted commas:
\Storage Card\Program Files\VJApps\vjsms.exe" "123
Change path and number of course. Number can also be a name.
Sad to report that VJDailer doesn't work on the universal. This would be awesome
[*]Settings: Time to do your basic settings:
speed dials
power and backlight
voice dials
Owner info
ringtones and notifications
DO NOT set regional settings if u r using PI (below)
[*]PIM: OK, time to replace the CRAP calendar built into WM5. CRAP CRAP CRAP! Disgracefully, embarassingly CRAP. Hell, symbian ship better default apps with the OLD Psion S3 and S5 than this! Now, I use PocketInformant. Latest release works well on JJ with 2 livable issues: Landscape flip screws up Monday/Tuesday in week view, and you MUST NOT set any regional settings what-so-ever, else you get the blank calendar view bug. AgendaFusion is due for a WM5 release any day now. Other than that, I don't think there is much that works on the Universal - correct?? :?:
[*]Reg fixes: Now there are a few no-brainer registry hacks that you should run. You can find these as cab files on this board, as registry keys under the wiki page, else as .reg files on one of my earlier posts (fastest method):
Buzz's BT headset (prevents BT from turning off over night - no brainer! Thanks buzz!!)
"Always on GPRS" (search this board - keeps GPRS/UMTS turned on - awesome!)
Date & time in title bar (why not)
Menu and popup fonts 700 vs 900 (it's cosmetic, but on our nice VGA screens, it seems daft to have a look n feel that's SO QVGA)
PIE homepage (prevent 'e' button from going to clubimate page)
Terminal services cache (increased cache uses memory during terminal services, but it's WELL worth it to eliminate black blocking issues)
Turn IR off (unless you have a good reason for keeping it on)
[*]Extra apps: There are several very useful apps, that work reliably and do not have an adverse impact on your Universal.
eWallet (not free, desktop sync does not work, but rest is very useful)
Pocket sudoku (not free, but it's SO much fun!)
Mobipocket reader (skinny version is free, for mobipocket ebooks - ebooks fully being 25% of your devices functionality along with PIM, phone and internet access. Google beta 5 version with full VGA support)
uBook (more eBook formats. Not free but usable. VGA support)
1-calc (cos built in calculator is SO crap)
GPRS traffic monitor: We need a GPRS/3G monitor. spbGPRS monitor does NOT track the usage of yoru device as a 3G modem - which is where u chew up traffic costs. IP Dashboard has similar issues.
[*]Memory:Now, I'm the first to say that I don;t fully get this yet. There are a few things that the posts suggest should reduce program or storage memory - but don't really seem to do so. Try them and let me know results with more scientific before and after checking please:
Remove backgammon & skype, and re-install to SD card
Remove the 1Mb .tsk themes from the \Windows directory. You cannot delete them, you have to create new files that are smaller and copy them into \Windows and overrwite the larger files. Search this board for some sample small files provided. I didn't find that I got any memory back...???
Ditto for .cab files in \Windows
Do not use these big theme files - by using smaller themes you should get more program memory.
A couple of dudes have started threads on getting more memory and clearing out \windows files - but there are no good responses yet...
Right, that's it! As I said above, I welcome input and feedback - but let's keep it hi quality so that this post perhaps gets stickied and we can get less of the "Buy my JasJar before I post it on eBay posts". Of course there are a load more apps you can add, but most give issues (eg TomTom) and posts on this board cover working around them for ppl who have to have these apps. This was a good, strong, basic config.
Hope this is helpful to some.
Some well-thought out words there, craigiecraigie4. However, I'm a firm believer that it's a bad move to install anything that I REALLY don't need. So far, my MDA Pro has a default installation. None of these "essential apps" are necessary. Indeed, half of them seem to only exist so that you can add other "essential apps" :wink:
If/when a better browser comes along, I'll investigate. Other than that, I find the messaging client perfect (works nicely against Exchange server); Terminal Services could be better - just giving me true full-screen support would be enough. And I'd like better Wifi support - I want, for example, to be able to name my SSID. IMHO, with desktop PCs as much as with PDAs, every time you install a piece of software, it ultimately makes the system *worse*. ie the result is a damned site less than the sum of the parts.
so, taking each point with my (possibly unique, certainly cynical) POV
1. ROM Upgrade
Didn't bother. It adds nothing that I'd use apart from MSN and that would just suck up time that should be spent on worthwhile things :lol:
2. Optional soft reset
Yeah, I may do this but, TBH, T Mobile install very little stuff and it seems to work, so I ain't fixin' it.
3. N/A
4. Pocket Mechanic
I can't see that I need this.
5. Not quite sure what the problem here is. I've been using XDAs since day 1 and never encountered the problem. YMMV
6. Registry cleanup
Never assume that some badly-written software doesn't depend on some default or illogical registry setting. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
7. Task closer
OK, not a "two-click" operation, but in Settings/Memory, I can close running applications. No new software needed.
8. Basic apps
Total commander - erm, yeah, it's nice and everything and does a better job than the standard affair. However, 99.99% of the time, error: +/- 0.01%, I find I don't actually need any of that extra fluff.
TCPMP - granted, I only use MP to listen to WMAs I record off the radio to listen to later.
Batti - On my Today screen, there's a little icon I tap and it shows me my battery state. I can also see this using Settings/Power (or whatever it is)
TRE - See previous warning about effing about with your registry
IIWPO - nice idea :lol: but no substitute for insurance or taking care
BT icon, BT switch - I've never used Bluetooth in my life. YMMV
Battery Uptime - See prior comment about battery state indicator
I'm sure that more people will find your advice usefull than mine, but just like to point out that, out of the box, these devices (at least MDA Pro) seem not to be too wide of the mark. For me, at least.
This is very helpful...thanx!
You mentioned that the soft reset before installation of imate stuff may lead to some problems in the long run. As I have opted for this strategy and have only installed two cab files (btpatch and a file that brings up the smart dialing), I would appreciate it if you could tell us what kind of problems we might confront. Also, is it too late to add these cab files after the fact (that is given we have synched contacts and added other programs)?
Cheers, apap
craigiecraigie4 - very useful advice, I think for everyone with a PPC. I don't have a universal, but good tips either way.
I didn't realise VJDialer doesn't work on WM5. I'll look into updating it when I get a new version of Visual Studio (or a WM5 device!).
Good work man!
Hi VJ - yeah, I'm afraid that there are a couple of posts on your primary thread about the "no command line specified" - no matter what combinations we try in the .lnk file. Saw your comment that another crowd charges for such an app. I'd happily contribute for the benefit of quick-dials - would be awesome along with WAD. You might want to mention your app on the WAD (lakeridgesoftware) forums - many 2003 users there who would LOVE this. With WAD u can have popup boxes on your skin, so with vjdialer one can popup and view of quickdials. awesome.
craigiecraigie4 said:
[*]Buzz's BT headset (prevents BT from turning off over night - no brainer! Thanks buzz!!)
[*]Menu and popup fonts 700 vs 900 (it's cosmetic, but on our nice VGA screens, it seems daft to have a look n feel that's SO QVGA{)
where can i get the 2 things above...looked but cant find
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vijay555 said:
craigiecraigie4 - very useful advice, I think for everyone with a PPC. I don't have a universal, but good tips either way.
I didn't realise VJDialer doesn't work on WM5. I'll look into updating it when I get a new version of Visual Studio (or a WM5 device!).
Good work man!
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hi vijay!
I'm running on wm5 on my xda2....and am using vjdialer and vjsms extensively!
I dont think there are any problems with VJDialer's compatibility with wm5....
spbPocketPlus (not free, and do not allow it to show any storage meters. There are some bad posts on spb, but I've found it just as good as the above, altho it takes up slightly more memory)
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I have this running on my Exec and have storage indicators for memory and SD card on today screen, or are you talking about something else?
Btw, I found that my Exec runs faster with pocket plus than it did with magic button and pocketmagic++
Thank you VERY much for your extensive effort - this really does helps a lot :!:
That's an awesome post craigiecraigie4, some hard work went into that one dude.
Now my post below is not intended to be better than the original, merely another option. craigiecraigie4's use of the device is obviously a lot different to mine, as I work in an office, and am out of connectivity for maybe 3 hours of travel a day max, and never at weekends unless I go out. I'm on a scooter or a tube train so no connectivity is possible during travel for me.
What we are describing is our comfortable loadsets or configurations of our little systems, and that's what the stuff down here is, the Bongo configuration if you will. :lol:
I have made my comments against craigiecraigie4's original titles, and added a few apps of my own that I have.
[*]Weirdness for Hallowe'en :shock: After a hard reset, then sometimes the crosshair pointer setup would be real slow, and others it would be fast. Just in case, I did it until I had a fast one and proceeded from there. Don't know what/if any difference it makes, but that's what I do.
[*]ROM Upgrade: As there aren't any upgrade ROM's out there execept for the iMate one, I wouldn't until the new carrier ROM's are posted. I agree with CraigieCraigie though. Sooo, why not then? Warranty is the answer. Although I think in reality they wouldn't wash their hands of you just because you dared to use someone else's ROM, the carrier techies are generally not allowed to instruct you in the art of repairing your device with anyone else's ROM except their own, and so you would need to wait until your carrier released an upgrade and they could tell you how to do it.
[*]Optional soft reset: Definitely. And be selective about the manual .cab installs (installing total commander or the like first to see the Ext ROM). There's generally something in there that forces the device to behave in a way you don't like. An example is the internet button taking me to the t-mobile home page all the time. I hate that so I didn't install the relevant .cab.
[*]Sync: Now sync with your PC to get your contacts, calendar and tasks. This is only here to get you up and running asap. <-yeah man
[*]Pocket Mechanic: Download (www.antontomov.com) I bought this. It's good meaty tools you would get in a full Windows OS that M$ didn't put in WM5 yet.
[*]Notification Queue: Did it once, didn't do it after my last hard reset and TBH, haven't felt a need. I probably would do if I installed it and saw a gazillion notifications spamming my inners up. :lol:
[*]Registry cleanup: Haven't done it, but a careful look and selective delete may be of some use. Can't be arsed is the honest answer
[*]Task closer: Haven't bothered this time to minimise my number of concurrently running programs (absurd logic eh :wink: ). I only use a certain few apps, and as they're few don't notice a big slowdown from having them minimised if they don't close fully
[*]Basic apps: Here are Craigie's apps with my comment, and my loadset apps
Total commander - yeah man, schmokin
TCPMP - I only use mp3's so no point for me. Perhaps if I need to watch videos I will reinstall it.
Batti - I use Spb GPRS Monitor, v2.3.0, b525, and it has a battery icon, and I have the icon on my today screen, and I can guess it most of the time.
TRE - I use BitsInside Regedit. Also free and I like the Win 98 feel to it.
IIWPO - Great idea, I didn't know it worked on Universals. I will do this cos you never know if it might lead you to a thief. They'd have to be non-savvy theives of course else they'd hard reset it before using the new SIM
BT icon - I use the FN + -> combination to get there or the connectivity icon on the status bar.
BT switch - as above
Battery Uptime - If you want to learn then great
apReminderPlus - I don't use the alarm function
VJSMS - Inbuilt in WM5 is fine so far for my needs
Agile messenger - very thrifty use of bandwidth, like <10% of MSN (really) and free at the moment, but will pay for itself in bandwidth charges very quickly for most people. Suck it and see
GPS Viewer - because I have a Holux GPS and want to verify connectivity sometimes
Pocket Hack Master - because I like to crank it up to delightfully unstable 624MHz sometimes, but haven't need to with my installation as described here oddly enough. It's fast enough for me so far.
Pocket MSN because I want the Hotmail to appear in my messages application. I use Agile to IM people as above
TomTom Navigator 5.1 because it's awesome
[*]Settings: Time to do your basic settings:
speed dials
power and backlight
voice dials
Owner info
ringtones and notifications
DO NOT set regional settings if u r using PI (below)
[*]PIM: OK, time to replace the CRAP calendar built into WM5 - I agree it's crap, but I don't need a decent one. I am a simple soul.
[*]Reg fixes: - If you want to
Buzz's BT headset - haven't noticed this issue yet, bet I will tomorrow morning now though
"Always on GPRS" No good for me - 40megs/month tariff limit
Date & time in title bar (why not) - cos I know the date and time.
Menu and popup fonts 700 vs 900 - haven't done it yet. I like the size
PIE homepage - is done for me through my selective Ext ROM install
Terminal services cache - I don't use it yet
Turn IR off - yeah agreed waste of space most of the time.
[*]Extra apps:
eWallet - I don't keep details like that on my phones.
Pocket sudoku - I read books, so insert MS Reader for me there
Mobipocket reader - doesn't support .lit (MS format), and I read .lits and .docs so far. Wait until I run out of books though... :lol:
uBook - haven't needed it ....yet
1-calc - but the inbuilt calc does +, -, * and / so it's cool for me. I'm not a physicist
GPRS traffic monitor - spb is fine for me as I don't use it as a modem due to bandwidth limitations and being surrounded by connectivity in London.
[*]Memory:Haven't done these, but they look sensible if you can be arsed
Remove backgammon & skype, and re-install to SD card - I don't have them or use them anyway. How do you play backgammon? I went to a comprehensive school
Remove the 1Mb .tsk themes from the \Windows directory. I only have 3 default ones and use the standard blue theme. Functionality and not form is my motto :wink:
Do not use these big theme files - Good advice bro' (or sis)
Hope this is helpful to some other people :lol:
Does ROM update invalidates the manufacture warranty?
Menu and popup fonts
can anyone explain how to change the Menu and popup fonts from 700 to 900. Is it a registry hack?
jatt said:
Does ROM update invalidates the manufacture warranty?
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You would need to ring them up and enquire. With t-mobile, the tech dude just said they wouldn't be able to help me if I bricked my MDA until t-mobile released a ROM that I could download and use to revive the MDA. So, not invalidated for me, just much reduced support. Until a new ROM si out, all they can do with misbehaving devices is offer a replacement at the moment.
Illwil - the font size is a registry hack - search as it's here on this site somewhere.
joebongo: nice perspective. now users can see 2 extremes; O2 with much office usage, vs HTC with much out-n-about usage. Thanx 4 the effort.
illwil : search for my post on reg tweaks and run the .ren file 2 got 700->900 or rather 900->700
codiac: agree. I fiund spbPP 2 b perfectly well behaved, but there is so much bad press on it in this forum. perhas it's an O2 rom issue - pretty sad 4 them actually
xiasma: there truly do see 2 b an awful lot of ppl who think their universal is junk. this is intended 2 help them get up n running. some ppl got lucky (htc rom or just happy with functionality that actually works well) and they probably should not fix what aint broke. But one day they may want 2 push the envelope a little...
craigiecraigie4 said:
codiac: agree. I fiund spbPP 2 b perfectly well behaved, but there is so much bad press on it in this forum. perhas it's an O2 rom issue - pretty sad 4 them actually
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PocketPlus is working OK for me on my O2 Exec...
Hello Everyone.
I proudly received my Exec this morning, only to find that it ran like a bag of S**t.
I removed the connections.exe, and the active files from my windows/start up folder and things improved dramatically.
However I am having a problem with the activesync.
I have set up the partnership with my laptop running activesync 4 and when it communcates it does it without any problems, however as soon as I connect my usb cable between my Exec and my laptop it takes a few minutes for the charging LED to come on on my Exec, and a while longer before Activsync on my pc recoginses it.
Does anyone else suffer from this problem?
You removed connections.exe and now u have a connection problem...
Try removing things 1 at a time.
I definitely don't have this problem.
FYI, on my HTC all I have under startup is:
batti (i installed)
apreminderplus (me)
iiwpo (me)
O2 is definitely adding stuff that does not seem 2 b required by htc.
The only shortcut I have in my Windows\Startup folder is 'Services' and I have no problem with ActiveSync, voice dialling (with the built-in dialler) or anything else. I have no idea what the sddaemon one does but mine runs fine without it.
fatspark, your problem might lie with your laptop rather than the Exec? As a test though, are you able to try ActiveSyncing over Bluetooth? See if it's any quicker. If so then maybe it's a USB problem. Dunno.
Can someone explain how to install the IIWPO in the extended ROM on the JASJAR ?
I think it is different than the EXEC, where can I find instructions ? I am willing to handle the hassle
Cheers SiliconS
The problem is a driver issue on one of my laptops, I installed activsync 4 onto another one and all is ok.

How do you rate for G1 device?....Reviews Etc.

We're wonder what is people thinking about their G1 device... Please vote and write down your feeling on this new phone.
What does work on this phone works very well. I feel though that this phone is more for developers and hobbyist. It's not quiet ready for guys like me that have very few skills. I hope the software situation gets worked out soon or this phone will end up with no real support just like the Iphone.
i agree, some great potential with this phone, enough to make it a class leader. we just need to see some of the most reported problems ironed out first. great os and hardware on the whole.
what are "mosy reported floors"
I LOVE this phone. Of course it has its problems(lack of camera options, lack of really interesting apps(though there were a hell of a lot of interesting ones added today...), cut and paste is a bit of a pain sometimes but they are all in the software and definitely will be fixed once the device is a little more mature. Considering this is a version 1.0 device and just came out a little over a month ago it's freaking amazing. Heck I've even had iphone users gawk at some of the things it can do like street view compass mode.
Love it!!
I've had (over the past 2 years) the mda, moto q, mogul, instinct, diamond and now the G1.
Windows mobile (mda/q/mogul/diamond), although very convenient, can and will give you a headache and a large pain in the @$$. Screens are usually too cluttered. Such a small screen size with so much stuff. Lag lag lagggggggg. Pocket Internet Explorer is only there for show and orb. Other than that I would recommend opera, netbrowser or skyfire. Functionality is the best feature winmo has. I had full access to my home computer (as long as it was connected to the internet). They are essentially what they are called, PPC's (Pocket PC's).
Instinct... should be set on fire along with all the people who created that POS. Make sure it is a slow roasting fire too. Very very poor smartphone. Good at making/receiving calls though.
The G1 can and will do everying the winmo phones do (minus the head ache... hopefully). All we need to be is patient or pitch in by learning programming.
i rated it very poor, i am very disappointed with the phone and google should be ashamed of themselves. the g1 can't do 1/10th of the things my wing did and my wing was a dog. android is worse than win ce when i first tried it on '03. thanks g1 for ruining my year. xda-devs, please get winmo on this asap.
Till now only 47 peoples vote... gogogo!
Till now only 47 peoples... gogogo! Tell people how do you think on G1~
We hope TMO can see this thread and improve it on next model if possible.
Good and Bad
I rated the phone as Neutral:
Things I like:
- GPS, Wireless are great
- Some cool apps
- Smooth Feel to the screen and it isn't jerky
- Contact List (very flexible for my needs)
- real tactile keyboard
- Maps
- ShopSavvy
Things I don't like:
- Small screen
- No auto-rotate (I know it works with chrooted systems)
- keyboard missing CTRL, PgUp/Down, Arrows (for shell commands)
- Internal Storage space is limited
- Lack of ability to store to SD Card
- The cumbersome headset included (why on earth keep the mic
- Not a true Open Source (I want root access)
Things that would make this phone rock:
- optional on-screen keyboard for simple input (ease up on the wear and tear of constantly having to flip to keyboard)
- piston operated hinges (i.e. slow the shock of closing/opening the keyboard)..opens fast but slows down right before it slams open/shut
- option for normal earpiece input (vice USB headset)
So I'm really mixed. I think a huge win (for me) is the ability to store on SD card (I run out of space all the time now) and having root access. That would put my satisfaction in the upper 90's. I'm sure I'm missing other pros/cons but that's a start for me.
I bought it recently, and am satisfied with it. The screen is very bright and responsive, the browser is very good and I can install my own apps on it without hassle <3
My first one had a squeaky sound to it so I got it exchanged. I have the white one, so it can be hard to see the buttons and some of the apps feel incomplete. Thankfully, I can download the source and mod them to my liking
RouterGuru said:
I rated the phone as Neutral:
Things that would make this phone rock:
- optional on-screen keyboard for simple input (ease up on the wear and tear of constantly having to flip to keyboard)
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Aye, that annoys me as well, but the input API is is listed on the roadmap for Q1 09, so not too long now (hopefully).
Auto Rotate...?
Just curious if anyone concern about to disable " Auto Rotate " function once keyboard slide out.
Personally, I don't like it at all since sometime, I wish to browse the webpage on horziontal mode but only way is slide out the keyboard!
It is a $%^&*, why they just don't leave a function for user ON/OFF auto rotate ???
I give the phone itself a "very disappointed", the software "very good".
While much if the phone's problems are likely software, the squeaking and overall build quality are sub-par IMO. The battery life is horrid and, while software can fix some of it, the battery is rated very low, which begs me to ask why they spec'd such a tiny battery for a phone with these features.
The point is, I guess, that the phone itself has problems that cant be fixed with a update. The software, while lacking many simple things, at least can and will be eventually fixed.
For me the G1 is a very good start. The default packages and layouts need to be redone. For example. The contacts options don't offer enough input. Like... Birthdays, Anniversaries As well as maybe having IM support for the various default messengers on the g1 ie gtalk, aim etc.
Another Huge let down is the default SMS/MMS package where it does not allow you to forward and the standard options we have become accustomed to using devices such as WM6....
The picture viewer is the worst i have ever seen in my life. Currently I have over 5500 pictures on my SD card and the default viewer does not allow me to view by Directory or simply go into the folder and view that folder, instead it tries to Cache all 5500 pictures and well 35 mins + trying to cache all of them i close it. Also with so many pictures and thousands of names of files there is no option to View a picture and MMS it directly to a contact.
Syncing the phone. There is currently no support for outlook and well even when you export from outlook in CSV format and import into Google it always comes up half garbled with no pictures already saved for contacts. Also not correctly saving number types. IE from outlook if u save it as a mobile number so u can sms on a WM6 device once imported into google it lists it as a regular phone# and cant quickly create a sms to that user by (auto completing the name as you type.)
The only 2 things i have notice that Remember last view is the homescreen and the Applications menu. For instance if you go into your Apps management and uninstall an app. it sends you to the top of the list. The same goes with your Contacts, Directory views, Music library, Etc.
The default options for all applications are normally the same as in notification options. So if i am getting a Text, MMS, Email or what have you it is the same notification for every notification event.
There is no "task manager" to kill processes. IE an X button to close programs or access to kill process' and while Android is supposed to close programs on its own tell that to mine when i run the Browser or Myspace, Facebook, PacMac and close out of the screens and as time passes i wonder why my phone is running slow and open up the Task Switcher and see all of these running still.
There has been no porting of Office XXXX or Open Office to support excel, docx, and the like formats to android at this time yet.
While many people think that the G1 is a big let down and got it and got rid of it. Many of us see the potentional of its power and customization. So if enough of the users voice there dislikes about standard features you EXPECT and want on your device the better the chances that they will take notice.
ultraman69 said:
i rated it very poor, i am very disappointed with the phone and google should be ashamed of themselves. the g1 can't do 1/10th of the things my wing did and my wing was a dog. android is worse than win ce when i first tried it on '03. thanks g1 for ruining my year. xda-devs, please get winmo on this asap.
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your wing was a 4th generation Windows mobile device.... did you have windows CE or win2003 before you had your wing? it took windows ages to provide the flexability they offered in the wing yes we all are used to those basic things that the wing and such wm2005 and 2006 devices have on it but where your wrong is the G1 and Android has the ability with the current phone you OWN this second to surpass that little phone you call Wing. Through updates and the likes. If your so disgusted in your G1 ill get you 100 bucks for it... PM me.
G1 for 2 weeks ... returned ;?
This is not a thread to bash the G1 in anyway, this is not to compare it to other touchscreen phones. This is merely a usability distinction where i couldn't justify $400 for the device which was more or less to play with android.
the G1 is a good phone, speakers (earpiece/speaker on back) have some amplification issues when the volume is too high, coming from and SE phone however they were more than acceptable in rage and clarity if the volume was controlled.
the internet was outstanding, what i would have liked to have seen was copy and paste in browser, which may have held me to the phone a bit longer than the return period. not being able to at the very least edit docs.google.com documents was irritating at best, especially with no proper document viewer on the phone, severely constricting the email that could be sent from the phone. i am by no means a business user ... but wow, i cant even edit a *.doc thats not already on my phone to another person with some changes.
this has rambled on long enough, i just wanted to share a few thoughts that i had of the device.
diabolical28 said:
your wing was a 4th generation Windows mobile device.... did you have windows CE or win2003 before you had your wing? it took windows ages to provide the flexability they offered in the wing yes we all are used to those basic things that the wing and such wm2005 and 2006 devices have on it but where your wrong is the G1 and Android has the ability with the current phone you OWN this second to surpass that little phone you call Wing. Through updates and the likes. If your so disgusted in your G1 ill get you 100 bucks for it... PM me.
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While correct that the Wing has the upper hand in generations of O/S, I am reminded of a great quote:
"A wise man learns from his mistakes, a wiser man learn's from the mistakes of the one around him"
sure, you need to change the words around a bit, but the lesson is to learn from others. They didnt. Android has a lot of possibilities. Unfortunately they did not "learn" from WM6, they left a lot out. They left it in the hands of developers, who seem to be too busy writing "flashlight" and "punch meter" to write useful everyday apps that we are lacking. So far the only app that I have seen that addresses a missing feature is the missed call app 9which is AWESOME as I miss a lot of calls because they dont ring though ).
I am still keeping the phone simply because of the browsing feature, I love sitting on the couch and browsing websites smoothly. Unbelievably the browser also lacks simple features like a simple ADDRESS bar (well, its hidden in the menus so you would SEARCH and add to Google's search results instead of direct typing a URL) and switching between tabs (now called Windows) is too many unnecessary "touches" in my opinion.
I dont mean to bash the phone (and dont even think about replying with "get another phone if you dont like it") but I like to bring these frustrations up so that Google programmers know one more time why this phone is going to lose its shine if they are too late bringing themselves up to date. (PS3 Sales anyone?, Late on price cuts?). See if you are too late these days, it doesn't matter if you are better, look at MSN's Video website, its awesome and MUCH better than Youtube but no one knows about it because they were late (and they don't have their own "brand name" and its simply MSN Video)
Not being able to edit *.doc files from inside the phone's memory or google docs is one thing, and I think is acceptable on a not-so-fresh-release-anymore phone.
What is NOT acceptable whatsoever on this phone is:
Not being able to see IMAGES in Gmail??! For goodness sake Google and T-Mobile claim everything you love about google in your hand, BS. Windows Mobile did this back in 1999 (used to be called Windows CE and had its own outlook) Yes that was 1999 TEN YEARS AGO on my Cassiopea
Other items worth mentioning to those who don't have the phone:
No proper support of Google's own search on its own website! (constantly getting the blank search result page)
No Copy/Paste
No Contact Sync with Outlook (what the hell? is this Nokia 1997 all over again?)
No spreadsheet/word doc editor/viewer (ok, ok, we are waiting for all kind of programmers making incompatible with each other software
No PDF viewer (Correction, there is a great PDF viewer in the market for purchase, I meant part of the browser, I think google probably wants to come up with its own version for its Google Book website and doesnt want to use Adobe PDF)
No Flash (there goes 50% of the websites I browse)
Severly closed source and limited programming that has caused simple BS "apps" with a few exceptions. Developers are crying about how limited they are in writing programs as this phone is sooo CLOSED in all ways, there is no way to even write a Gadget for it like the clock that comes on the screen. No root access either.
Unscrollable, limited desktop space
No windows for categorizing icons. Well, Google does not believe in categorizing and file systems. I am sure all their own servers are full of FOLDERs just like Microsoft servers but they claim everything should be "LABELED" not "folder"'d.
No app installation on the SD card?? Whats this one?? I dropped my WING because it was still using the ten year old Windows CE memory system (almost) and had very limited space and was always running out.
This phone made me appreciate all the little details that engineers at Microsoft have thought of in the past 20 years and included in Windows. I think of how our life would've beeen different and productivity in the world would've been so behind if Linux, IBMOS/2 and other crap had taken over the computer world. Thanks again Microsoft for all the thousands and thousands of free "apps" you included in Windows. Stuff as simple as RIGHT clicking on the screen or COPY/Paste or just a window to categorize icons, simple stupid things I have been taking for granted for years. I am sure Google programmers would love to use Windows in all their own computers while at work. Now I know why Windows dominates the software industry even though they have failed in cluttered annoying text advertising, search, maps and a few other areas.
brooklynite said:
I am still keeping the phone simply because of the browsing feature, I love sitting on the couch and browsing websites smoothly. Unbelievably the browser also lacks simple features like a simple ADDRESS bar (well, its hidden in the menus so you would SEARCH and add to Google's search results instead of direct typing a URL) and switching between tabs (now called Windows) is too many unnecessary "touches" in my opinion.
I dont mean to bash the phone (and dont even think about replying with "get another phone if you dont like it") but I like to bring these frustrations up so that Google programmers know one more time why this phone is going to lose its shine if they are too late bringing themselves up to date. (PS3 Sales anyone?, Late on price cuts?). See if you are too late these days, it doesn't matter if you are better, look at MSN's Video website, its awesome and MUCH better than Youtube but no one knows about it because they were late (and they don't have their own "brand name" and its simply MSN Video)
Not being able to edit *.doc files from inside the phone's memory or google docs is one thing, and I think is acceptable on a not-so-fresh-release-anymore phone.
What is NOT acceptable whatsoever on this phone is:
Not being able to see IMAGES in Gmail??! For goodness sake Google and T-Mobile claim everything you love about google in your hand, BS. Windows Mobile did this back in 1999 (used to be called Windows CE and had its own outlook) Yes that was 1999 TEN YEARS AGO on my Cassiopea
Other items worth mentioning to those who don't have the phone:
No proper support of Google's own search on its own website! (constantly getting the blank search result page)
No Copy/Paste
No Contact Sync with Outlook (what the hell? is this Nokia 1997 all over again?)
No spreadsheet/word doc editor/viewer (ok, ok, we are waiting for all kind of programmers making incompatible with each other software
No PDF viewer
No Flash (there goes 50% of the websites I browse)
Severly closed source and limited programming that has caused simple BS "apps" with a few exceptions. Developers are crying about how limited they are in writing programs as this phone is sooo CLOSED in all ways, there is no way to even write a Gadget for it like the clock that comes on the screen. No root access either.
Unscrollable, limited desktop space
No windows for categorizing icons. Well, Google does not believe in categorizing and file systems. I am sure all their own servers are full of FOLDERs just like Microsoft servers but they claim everything should be "LABELED" not "folder"'d.
No app installation on the SD card?? Whats this one?? I dropped my WING because it was still using the ten year old Windows CE memory system (almost) and had very limited space and was always running out.
This phone made me appreciate all the little details that engineers at Microsoft have thought of in the past 20 years and included in Windows. I think of how our life would've beeen different and productivity in the world would've been so behind if Linux, IBMOS/2 and other crap had taken over the computer world. Thanks again Microsoft for all the thousands and thousands of free "apps" you included in Windows. Stuff as simple as RIGHT clicking on the screen or COPY/Paste or just a window to categorize icons, simple stupid things I have been taking for granted for years. I am sure Google programmers would love to use Windows in all their own computers while at work. Now I know why Windows dominates the software industry even though they have failed in cluttered annoying text advertising, search, maps and a few other areas.
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Flash was announced to be coming sometime in the near future by adobe, when is the question. There is a pdf viewer on handango however i purchased it and tried to open g1's full manual and it wont open it. GO FIGURE lol.
And contacts sync with Outlook is already out - see MailShadowG at www.cemaphore.com
- in fact, it's an entire push Exchange mail/contacts/calendar sync.
diabolical28 said:
your wing was a 4th generation Windows mobile device.... did you have windows CE or win2003 before you had your wing? it took windows ages to provide the flexability they offered in the wing yes we all are used to those basic things that the wing and such wm2005 and 2006 devices have on it but where your wrong is the G1 and Android has the ability with the current phone you OWN this second to surpass that little phone you call Wing. Through updates and the likes. If your so disgusted in your G1 ill get you 100 bucks for it... PM me.
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sorry, i didn't know that this poll was to rate the potential of the g1. potentially, any phone can be great, 5 stars...
i think by now, 2008, the requirements for a pda phone are pretty much well defined. ms may have taken 3 to 4 gens to get it right, it doesn't mean that google needs 4 gens. they don't have to invent or reinvent anything, it all already there.
unfortunately, google seems too wrapped up in UI than functionality. actually, i don't know where their focus is.

[Q] Will a Touch HD help organize my life?

I'm on the fence about buying one of these for USA use. I don't want to pay $100 for a monthly cell phone plan, so I probably won't need the 3g for "GPS" or a lot of internet usage.
I will however most likely take advantage of the array of programs available and heavily use a calendar application to schedule appointments, reminders, alarm clock, etc. Can someone comment on how a Touch HD helps to simplify and organize their daily routine and keep appointments?
Also, I had a chance to get one of my hands on one in Malaysia and I have to say that the interface is very slick. Is it possible to use the stylus to scribble notes on a notepad? Is this a popular and quick-to-use feature for on-the-fly note taking? I don't see it mentioned very much in the forums here.
I won't be returning to the States until April, so I'll be keeping my eye on some other up and coming phones that have GPS built into the phone for an annual fee.
ModernMuseum said:
I'm on the fence about buying one of these for USA use. I don't want to pay $100 for a monthly cell phone plan, so I probably won't need the 3g for "GPS" or a lot of internet usage.
I will however most likely take advantage of the array of programs available and heavily use a calendar application to schedule appointments, reminders, alarm clock, etc. Can someone comment on how a Touch HD helps to simplify and organize their daily routine and keep appointments?
Also, I had a chance to get one of my hands on one in Malaysia and I have to say that the interface is very slick. Is it possible to use the stylus to scribble notes on a notepad? Is this a popular and quick-to-use feature for on-the-fly note taking? I don't see it mentioned very much in the forums here.
I won't be returning to the States until April, so I'll be keeping my eye on some other up and coming phones that have GPS built into the phone for an annual fee.
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Well I can definitely say that using a stylus to jot notes will NOT get you far unfortunately :S . The screen is only ~1.8" wide, the screen isn't near sensitive or accurate enough, and devices like this aren't very fast even w/ the latest clean rom, registry tweaks, and drivers. They are still pretty..SLOW. But that is highly a problem of windows mobile and qualcomm driver-less chipsets.
You might try something like:
Treo 800w
Treo 850 pro
Palm Centro
for stuff like that I guess...simply because each of those devices is easier snappier or has a better screen.
But if you just want to take notes using a software on screen keyboard on the HD...then you should be good to go. Just keep the notes program minimized (cuz it can take a while to open when you start getting 200+ notes). Then pop it open, hit new, and start typing away when you need to type something down. I would HIGHLY recommend pocketcm keyboard BY FAR for this. Plus its free.
Best of luck to you! (toshiba is also supposed to be producing what looks to be a pretty sick device, and the blackstone / hd should have android up and running hopefully within 2 months or so (which would enhance smoothness and snapiness of device) or perhaps the G2 will become real and be produced by then).
As for calendar / scheduling / alarm capabilites...it isn't anything fantastic by any stretch of the imagination or anything (windows mobile), but it will get the job done well.
Well I find the HD invaluable for keeping track of my appointments and buzzing when one is due. But, any windows mobile device will do that.
I also use apMemo to make quick notes on the fly and alarm them if needed. In the car I have on the HD a button mapped to the Resco Note recorder so I may make a verbal note.
I also have loads of applications, like GPS, a copy of wiki, etc etc.
I find SBSH PocketBreeze the best diary program and have this running with TF3D by using SecondToday.
I like TF3D weather and stocks.
Jim and Dave -
Thanks very much for your response. You definitely answered my questions.
I'm not sure at this point that I need a stylus, but it sure would be a nice asset to have, as with the HD. I guess I will most likely wait around a few more months to see what else comes out. The HD is kind of impractical in the US right now since it can't be integrated into the purchase of a celllular plan.
Deleted. Double post for unknown reason.
For me, it definitely helps organize my life. In fact, I would be crippled without it.
In the morning, I rely on it to wake me up with a fantastic alarm clock application called G-Alarm. It has big button to snooze and stop, and plays my favourite music to wake me up.
I have lousy memory, so I rely on it 100% to remind me to pay me bills, renew my insurance, road tax, etc. There are finger friendly calendar applications that lets you enter text 100% without stylus. Try TouchPal or Tengo as your software keyboard, and Thumbcal as the way to enter new appointment.
Of course, birthdays, contact details are all kept in my HD, together with theri emails, etc.
Most of my emails are compiled using my HD, but since the contact could be sync to desktop, you would find it equally convenient to compile emails there too.
I pay all my bill via internet using my Touch HD. So far, Opera is able to 100% handle all my banks, although you might find some bank's website requiring desktop browser to completely carry out the transaction.
All my user id, passwords, warranty expire dates of stuffs I buy, bank accounts details, insurance details, credit cards details, health cards, library cards, software serial numbers, etc etc are all kept using my HD. There are so many nice applications to organise these informations. I use eWallet, but may others are equally good.
I drive around using Tom Tom 7, even on familiar route. Why? Because I tend to day dream and forget the speed camera, school zone hours (where during certain time of the day we must drive at 40Km/h), red light camera (to remind me NOT to enter the intersection if there is a traffic jam (lest having to pay hefty traffic fines), and to stay within the road speed limit. While in unfamiliar places, I'm 100% relying on it to bring me to the destination. While travelling in Asian countries, Tom Tom and iGO are completely useless, so I use Garmin and Mapking in those countries. All these GPS are installed on my HD at all times. Forget iPhone.
I use the stock information a lot, checking it many times during the day.
Then while coming acrosss words I don't know, I use my favourite Lexisgoo to find out what they mean.
There are times when I need to convert unit of measure from one system to another (for example, from cm to inches). I use Panoramic Calc Pro to help me in such task. The standard winmo or iphone calculator is not going to help here.
I live in Australia, where the price of petrol changes frequently duing the day, and there is always a need to know where I can get the cheapest petrol. I have emails sending such informaiton to me twice a day, but I have also bookmark this website to look up instantly when my petrol runs low.
I keep many other reference information on my HD. I install applications such as Wine Guide, Travel Guide on my HD.
While having time to kill, I amuse myself with ebooks using a fantastic ebook reader called AlReader. It is also 100% finger friendly.
I use youtube a lot. There is also an application that lets you view video from sources other than youtube, called Web Video Downloader. With WVD, you could watch from youtube, liveleak, porkolt, dailymotion, tube8, google, eskimotube, pornhub, bootyfix, and xyxx. I don't know most of them as I use only youtbue, but it works for all in my test. You can watch video in MP4 (higher quality that FLV) format there, so I prefer it over the standard youtube player.
Radio, MP3, videos, picture viewing are some other pastimes.
I own video recorders and good cameras, but these days I don't bring them with me anymore, as I find my HD doing very good job in most situation. The only problem is taking picture is very poor lighting condition.
All my telephone converations are recorded automatically using Audio notes touch. There is no need to fumble for pen and paper while speaking on the phone.
I also use AgePhone for VOIP calls using my HD. Just 8 aussie cents per call anywhere in the world untimed.
While playing golf, I use Mobile Golf Scorer to track our scores, calculates the stapleford points of everyone, and rank us if we want to hold competition against each other. It calculates all our handicaps automatically. It tells me the distance of my postion to the water hazards, to the green, etc.
The screen brightness of HD is just excellent beyond my expectation. It has an automatic sensor. I am able to see things very clearly under the strongest sunlight.
My HD is fast. I'm using standard ROM.
HD has excellent battery life. I used to have to use the car charger everytime I get into my car. Now I don't anymore as its battery is so good. Anyway, I also bought a spare battery, so when I run out of battery before going to bed, I simply swap in the new one. You can't do that with iPhone.
I have lots of spreadsheet models that I had created using my mobile device. I use SoftMaker to give me 100% of the desktop editing capability for word, spreadsheet and presentation. I am able to view all email attachment on my HD, with or without internet connection. No such capability with iPhone.
Okay, this is getting too long, but I hope it helps you get the picture.
ModernMuseum said:
The HD is kind of impractical in the US right now since it can't be integrated into the purchase of a celllular plan.
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hey, the hd can be used fine in the us. you just wont get 3g. everything else will work fine. you can use jit with any sim card (at&nt, tmobie)
I find taking notes with the stylus very easy.
There's no lag at all!
In fact I do it all the time, Notes is mapped to my right softkey in the home menu.
like some others here, i would struggle without my winmo fone now.
i use the calendar for all my work appts (can be a dozen a day at various venues with various people for various reasons) i sync the calender with outlook both at work and at home, over the mobile network at times. my personal life is stored on there as well such as parties, hols, birthdays etc etc
i collect my work email on the move and can schedule meetings with it
my whole address book is in it, as well as being able to access the corporate address book
i use tomtom to navigate to meetings at places i dont know via my contacts
i make notes on it during meetings and have no trouble making my own minutes in real time. i even make voice notes if in the car and need to recall something
for me, the term Personal Digital Assistant is the perfect description
@jim..... i fond the stock winmo applications to be all i need, just that you have to set them up to your preferences. i use spb diary and shell for my front end though, preferring that over TF3D
eaglesteve said:
All my user id, passwords, warranty expire dates of stuffs I buy, bank accounts details, insurance details, credit cards details, health cards, library cards, software serial numbers, etc etc are all kept using my HD. There are so many nice applications to organise these informations. I use eWallet, but may others are equally good.
Okay, this is getting too long, but I hope it helps you get the picture.
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First off, great post for selling Windows Mobile!
One thing that caught my eye is when you mentioned storing software serial numbers. I couldn't tell you how many online purchases I've made of various pieces of software where I've forgotten where I wrote down the serial number, or worse yet what programs I've even purchased.
You use eWallet to track that, or is there something better that you know of?
I could maybe get rid of the tons of user manuals I hang on to only because they have the serial numbers for installation.. lol.
sschrupp said:
First off, great post for selling Windows Mobile!
One thing that caught my eye is when you mentioned storing software serial numbers. I couldn't tell you how many online purchases I've made of various pieces of software where I've forgotten where I wrote down the serial number, or worse yet what programs I've even purchased.
You use eWallet to track that, or is there something better that you know of?
I could maybe get rid of the tons of user manuals I hang on to only because they have the serial numbers for installation.. lol.
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What I use is Ilium Listpro. This is a great list application and comes with a PC app that is exactly the same and produces the same files - so, copy and paste to the HD is childs-play.
I have one list (of many) for applications and I try to update that each time I load something up including the version, password/free, web site. See my post on this in the thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=442663
I have in that listpro lists a set of sub-lists for applications I had on my old Tytn II etc. So, I can always track back to an app I might want to try on the HD.
Here is my listpro entry for listpro !! (minus password):
Ilium Listpro http://www.iliumsoft.com/site/lp/listpro.htm
ModernMuseum said:
Jim and Dave -
Thanks very much for your response. You definitely answered my questions.
I'm not sure at this point that I need a stylus, but it sure would be a nice asset to have, as with the HD. I guess I will most likely wait around a few more months to see what else comes out. The HD is kind of impractical in the US right now since it can't be integrated into the purchase of a celllular plan.
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No problem. One thing that I wanna mention real quick though is that...w/ winmo, the big problem (and advantage) that I'm sure you have noticed on these forums is...you're not going to get anywhere w/o 3rd party apps. Basically everything kinda sucks :S lol.
But once you get rolling w/ those...you're great. But the problem therein is that so many apps can begin to bog the device down and cause software conflicts.
The great news....both winmo 6.5 and android are soon to be on the HD (I give it 3.5 months guaranteed they are both running well on it).
EDIT: Basically though, the overall simple answer to your base question is: YES. Maybe other devices could do it better, or it will take tweaking, but YES. And even if you do NO tweaking whatsoever the answer would still be: YES...just not nearly as strong a yes.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I really appreciate it.
When you take notes during meetings, do you use the stylus or your finger, and what program do you use?
ModernMuseum said:
Thanks for all the replies guys. I really appreciate it.
When you take notes during meetings, do you use the stylus or your finger, and what program do you use?
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It was another guy's post that talks about note taking. I sometimes take sermon notes in Sunday Church services. I use TextMaker with Tengo Thumb keyboard without stylus. Tengo Thumb is the only keyboard that lets me type fast enough to catch up with the speaker. It has only six hugh keys, requiring very little travelling distance (my thumb concentrates around the tyghbn region only, so your thumb and finger need not move all over the screen). Same concept as TouchPal, but just 6 bigger buttons instead of 14 smaller buttons.
eaglesteve said:
It was another guy's post that talks about note taking. I sometimes take sermon notes in Sunday Church services. I use TextMaker with Tengo Thumb keyboard without stylus. Tengo Thumb is the only keyboard that lets me type fast enough to catch up with the speaker. It has only six hugh keys, requiring very little travelling distance (my thumb concentrates around the tyghbn region only, so your thumb and finger need not move all over the screen). Same concept as TouchPal, but just 6 bigger buttons instead of 14 smaller buttons.
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Or you could use a sound recorder ? I have Resco which I find works well but I don't use it for long sermons !
Cheesy Dave said:
Or you could use a sound recorder ? I have Resco which I find works well but I don't use it for long sermons !
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I suppose we could do that too.
Not in a meeting! Hehe.
Keith, don't forget to send that report to the nazi bossman by the end of the day. Oh, yeah, and buy condoms on the way home.
ModernMuseum said:
I'm on the fence about buying one of these for USA use. I don't want to pay $100 for a monthly cell phone plan, so I probably won't need the 3g for "GPS" or a lot of internet usage.
I will however most likely take advantage of the array of programs available and heavily use a calendar application to schedule appointments, reminders, alarm clock, etc. Can someone comment on how a Touch HD helps to simplify and organize their daily routine and keep appointments?
Also, I had a chance to get one of my hands on one in Malaysia and I have to say that the interface is very slick. Is it possible to use the stylus to scribble notes on a notepad? Is this a popular and quick-to-use feature for on-the-fly note taking? I don't see it mentioned very much in the forums here.
I won't be returning to the States until April, so I'll be keeping my eye on some other up and coming phones that have GPS built into the phone for an annual fee.
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Let me start of to say that I don’t own Blackstone yet. Therefore I can’t tell you much about the device performance itself, but I am using WinMo since some 8-10 years now.
During this time I have used quite few different devices and I can tell you that I never had device that was “perfect”. Somehow you will have always some issues that you not very happy with it. Speed, Size, keyboard, Battery live, Screen Size, stability etc. etc.
Furthermore after while you will start to visit this site more and more. Times will pass then you will find out that you spend more time here on this site then you talking to your wife. You will be addicted!!! You will wait of custom ROM releases like you have been waiting for your first child. You will use your device more for flashing and testing new ROMS then you will actually use your device. You will start to install so many Software’s that you think they are useful but then you will find out you use them actually only first couple of days.
Coming to using your device to Organizing your live.. Well looking back to 8-10 years I would say a PDA did become a must for busy people, especially if you work a lot with Microsoft outlook on your desktop.
The OS WinMo gives you basic application and of course there plenty 3 party software that improves the capability and functionality of the Device. Indeed you may find more than one software company that offers almost same software. Well again same as the hardware there is no perfect software besides everyone has own favorites.. I would say try them and find the best for you.
Here is the list of software that I have installed:
Pocket Informant ( PIM)
PhatNotes ( database Notes)
PhatPad (handwriting notes)
CalliGrapher (Hand writing Input)
HiCalc ( calculator and Unit converter)
PhoneAlarm Pro (this software can do more than one thing..check it out)
SKTools (Utilities)
Resco explorer(file explorer)
Google Maps
TodayAgenda (displays appointments and task on today screen)
LingvoSoft Dictionary’s
Softmaker office (Replacement for Pocket word, excel etc.)
Flexmail ( email client: I use this only for POP and IMAP email accounts)
I am a business user. I have daily 80-150 emails. Many Appointments and Project/Task that I need to remember and follow up.
I work mainly with MS outlook on my desktop. Therefore all my appointments, task, Reminders and Contacts are organized in outlook. After Sync. with my Hand device the Pocket Informant gives me the best tools to keep me Organized for those.
I use PhatNotes for all my information that I need to keep as notes(database) to remember. There is 2 versions for PhatNotes. 1) integrates with outlook notes 2)has own separate desktop application. I personally use the separate desktop version. I can organize my notes under different categories. I can protect sensitive notes with passwords
I found Phatpad is one of the best hand writing Notes.. I use it mostly in the meetings to take handwritten notes ( like on paper) I can with the help of the calligrapher convert my handwriting to text and save it as word document or txt file. Moreover it is a great tool for using it like yellow sticker notes. You can add reminder to your notes as well.
Well I can go on like that for hours for what else I am using my WinMo. In Short I would say I would be lost without it. The only Advice I can give you is to install only the software’s that you really use daily base.

Git-er-Done (GTD for PPC)

I'm working on a GTD system for Windows Mobile. My thinking is that, since I always have my phone with me, what better place to maintain a "trusted system"? I've seen make-shift systems based on Outlook Tasks, ListPro, etc., but none of them were right for me. They were either too inflexible, not robust enough or too cumbersome.
My goal is to make it as simple as possible - but no simpler. With that design goal in mind, I'm making it tag-based. No need for category, priority, or context fields - just use tags... @Home, @work, ASAP, Wait4, @errands, Business Hours, Home Maintenance, Auto Maintenance, etc.
Planned functionality...
Quick-Add Item (description only - auto-tagged with "TagL8r" for subsequent review/edit)
Add Item (including tags, and notes - with an option (future release) to auto-timestamp the creation date in the Notes field)
Quick-Find Item (Enter a search term, see a list of records that include that text anywhere in the record (i.e. in any field). Primarily used when there's something you don't want to forget - but you can't remember if you entered it already.)
View Items by Tag (Future release will include code so multiple tags can be used as a view (and possibly add-items) filter.)
View Untagged Items (Finds items tagged "TagL8r" - select item to add tags)
Mark items complete (one button - optionally including auto date/time stamp in Notes field.)
View Completed Items (Finds items tagged "TagL8r" - select item to add tags)
Manage Tags (future release)
Backup Data (via ActiveSync - database files must reside in \My Documents for this release; additional options planned for future release)
Skinnable (future release)
I tackled this this using AutoHotkeyCE with a flat-file database. (I'm not a C programmer. And Mortscript's GUI functionality is woefully inadequate.)
This has gone badly. After 6 weeks, 10-12 (and sometimes more) hours per day, 6 (and often 7) days a week, I have an app that gets buggier the more I try to fix it.
While great for simple desktop automation tasks, AutoHotkey is (IMHO) not well-suited to sophisticated, GUI apps. (It has the chops - or at least the desktop version does -but the CE port is buggy and the syntax is incredibly counterintuitive.) In short, it has been an exercise in futility and terribly frustrating. I wish I had chosen any other scripting language (even Perl) for this, but for WM, my options were limited. (If there was a good implementation of php for PPC, I'd have been all over that, but sadly, the only such implementation was abandoned long ago.)
Bottom line, I will still be doing this, but I'll be doing it in C# or C++ (kind of a learn-as-I-go proposition.) When it's done, I'll certainly be posting it here, but after 6 weeks of very hard work, my neglected wife needs some attention. And with nothing to show for all my hard work, I need a bit of a break. Then there's the learning curve of a new language.
For now, though, I'm posting the main help file (PPC friendly) - with screenshots - as a sort of "sneak preview". Your comments and feedback are welcome.
I'm waiting for your prog. Please make sure tags are outlook categories: I'm using GTD programs on my PC too, like jello-dashboard, and they relly on category to sync.
This is totally separate from Outlook and I had no plans for integration. All data is stored in a flat-file database, but if you keep that file in My Documents, it should sync without problem. The entire app should work on the desktop as well as the PPC, though. And I'll optimize the desktop version to take advantage of the larger screen. This may be a deal breaker for you, I don't know. Then again, maybe you'll like it well enough to switch over. I'll certainly be open to enhancement requests, especially for the desktop version. If there are particular features that you really like in your desktop GTD app that I'm not implementing, I'll definitely consider adding them.
One other thing re: Outlook categories... I'd be glad to implement an import feature but I don't know how to access the system db that contains the Outlook categories. I've asked (on this forum) if there's a commandline util for doing so (and where to find a schema) but no one has ever answered either question.
Have a look at MLO http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/how-it-works.htm
I have. I believe my app will be better. Quicker/easier to add to my "Inbox", quicker/easier to sort/organize, quicker/easier to review/set priorities & action items, and in general, a whole lot more flexible. (Not to mention $77.95 cheaper!)
Sorry for the delay!
To those who have been watching/waiting for this, I apologize for the delay. I initially wrote the QuickAdd and QuickFind functions in Mortscript but then decided I wanted all the code in AHKCE, so there's been a bit of a rewrite and some problems with the port to AHKCE (some my fault, one apparently a bug.) And now there may be further delays as life (or maybe I should say "wife") is getting in the way.
Well all my GTD systems are based around outlook/exchange. Not using category, and using your own database to sync with the pc is going way back for me, at a time where I can sync between 7 devices with ease, using the same mail, contact, task and schedule database, and still access this data over internet.
Google might be another repository, but a GTD without any form of MAIN internet sync looks so Pocket pc 2003 to me.
But I'm sure you might reconsidere this, specially if you see that using standard outlook database with tags allow you to communicate with any PC part with ease, without reprograming your own.
This would be fantastic. Like you said, since the flat-file db can be file synced, it's all good. May could even bend it into a format that todo.sh/txt could handle!
Anyway, looking forward to it's release.
I don't really see your point
But I'm sure you might reconsidere this, specially if you see that using standard outlook database with tags allow you to communicate with any PC part with ease, without reprograming your own.
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I've read about (and tried using) the Outlook method, with categories as tags. Didn't work for me. Outlook is a kludge. It wasn't designed specifically for GTD, isn't extendable, and is lacking in several areas. I found it cumbersome - Not quick to add an item to my inbox (or at least not nearly as quick as my app.) Not quick to add new categories as needed. Not quick to find multiple items with the same tag(s) (which could be items tagged "today" or with a context tag - mine will display such lists very quickly.) And not as quick to change to edit mode for items found via search.
Aside from all that, I don't use Outlook at all. I much prefer Thunderbird on my desktop, and Gmail forwards all mail to my phone via (push) web2mail.
thaihugo said:
at a time where I can sync between 7 devices with ease, using the same mail, contact, task and schedule database, and still access this data over internet.
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Why would you need to sync with 7 devices?! You're placing a lot of emphasis on syncing. I'm not. This is phone-centric because I always have my phone with me. Yet I can still sync to my desktop (for entering long notes, etc.) using ActiveSync - by keeping the db file in \My Documents.
If the syncing issue outweighs the benefits of my app for you, I guess you won't be using my app. If syncing via Outlook Tasks is a priority for you, consider writing something that imports the dbfile into Outlook tasks.
defsquad said:
bend it into a format that todo.sh/txt could handle!
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Shouldn't be that hard to support. Does it store it's data in a single text file?
Excellent progress so far today. Just a bit of wrap-up to do and then I'll post v0.1 beta 1. But it'll have to wait til tonight - gotta run some errands, and appease the wife by doing some chores that have been put off due to this project!
This sounds great!
The thing i miss about Listpro is, ability to mark some ithems as "outlook tasks", so they show up in other programs, calender, etc. Just at suggestion.
I doubt I can do this from AutoHotkey or Mortscript. I would have to call some sort of commandline utility like
OutlookCreate.exe -item=appointment -subject=[subject] -date=[date] -time=[time] -reminder=[reminder]
As far as I know, this doesn't exist but if anyone knows of one (or wants to write one), I could certainly implement this functionality.
I do plan to implement a reminder function that would optionally set a system alarm for the current item/new items.
Status Update
For those watching this thread/interested in this app, I've posted an update (the news is not good) in the 1st post, along with the main help file (with screenshots) as a sort of "sneak preview". Sorry if this has become vaporware.
Oops. Forgot to include linked images (screenshots) when I uploaded the help file. Reuploaded. See 1st post.
One thing you might try is to Tweak an App like bLADEwiki to do GTD.
Good Luck in your GTD and C programming !
Does it working?
Hi Donny
I tried to install you software but it did not work. Maybe I did not try enough.
Half year ago I had a same dispute. Mortscript or Autohotkey? Morscript was winner, however it has not pretty gui windows, it has better scripting. So I created Plain todo. I use it every day: www.plaintodo.com

[Q] How can I force OneNote 2007 to save to the SD card directly?

Hi everybody,
I have been grappling with this damned issue with OneNote 2007 on my HD2 forever. I have extensively searched the net and also the XDA for a work around but to no avail and so I decided to come out with it. It’d be nice if some of the top dogs here at the XDA took a minute or two out of their busy schedules to fix us up with a way to force OneNote to SD card. I mean come on people, don’t you leave us at the mercy of windows unpredictable array of hangs, crashes and total system annihilations, give us a way out.
I have personally wormed around the registry and found a way for one note to save its bulky attachments, wave voice files and pics to the SD card but that’s half the story. HD2 being a windows phone is prone to crashes and halts and since I am using the OneNote as an invaluable tool for my office duties and personal note taking on the go, I don’t plan to be left high and dry in case of OS crashes, which happened a few times and did indeed left me with no way to access my invaluable OneNote files.
I would appreciate any help from the masters of the XDA
Thanks in advance
I have also figured out the location on the main memory where one note actually saves its files to and already set up regular and scheduled back ups to my SD from the folder, but since my note taking happens at very short intervals and high quantities, my back up scheme is hardly adequate.
I'd hazard a guess and say you're half way there in the registry if you can change paths of saving other files, maybe not under the same sub index but elsewhere there'd be something, sorry to sound so vague but haven't used Windows since about July time!
I don't think save location is in registry key as such, it is within application itself.
a workaround may be possible with mortscript for moving them from device to storage card on a daily basis scheduled automagically.
Not a perfect option but better than no option. Also may be worth looking into a better ROM build upgrade to improve reliability. My current 23699 build is very reliable, not soft reset in over 3 months & never hard reset yet !
Will be doing some registry fiddling this evening so will browse around & post again should I find anything relevent.
bates_1974 said:
I'd hazard a guess and say you're half way there in the registry if you can change paths of saving other files, maybe not under the same sub index but elsewhere there'd be something
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Thanks for the reply
I am indeed and believe you me when I say I did look a lot around the registry trying to find a way for it and all that I got in return was bricking my phone 4 times in a row , when you play with fire eh!!
It might still be buried deep down there but with my limited knowledge of windows mobile registry I'm afraid someone else has to pick up where I left off
Mister B said:
I don't think save location is in registry key as such, it is within application itself.
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I second that opinion but quite much like much else in HD2 it should have been hidden by the HTC for some wicked reason and the key to make it appear again has to reside under registry
Mister B said:
a workaround may be possible with mortscript for moving them from device to storage card on a daily basis scheduled automagically.
Not a perfect option but better than no option.
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I have, as I mentioned previously, already set up a backing up scheme via sprite which backs up my files twice a day. But I am still not satisfied due to the nature of my note keeping and my job. Maybe I am over reacting but I just can't feel safe until I figure this out
Mister B said:
My current 23699 build is very reliable, not soft reset in over 3 months & never hard reset yet !
Will be doing some registry fiddling this evening so will browse around & post again should I find anything relevent.
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I forgot to mention but I have the unlocked HD2 and already upgraded my ROM to the most updated version on the HTC site as part of my attempts to get around this bug. My system has been stable for the past four months with only one serious bricking episode, other than the times I did it myself trying to fix the damn thing of course

