HELP- My Magician drinks water!! - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi everybody,
Some waterdrops falled in my XDA Mini but it kept working OK. After I did a soft-reset I lost the Storage Folder. I performed a hard-reset, and upgraded a fresh ROM, but didn't work around it.
Could it be a permanent Damage? Nobody is able to repair my device near me.
Any Ideas to solve this problem?

if it really is waterdamage,theres not much they can do about it anyway. They usually replace the entire circuitboard. Waterdamage usually isnt covered under warranty, so unless you have some sort of insurance on the phone,expect a large bill.
Check your local phonestore tho, they usually take in phones and send them to a repairhouse.

TRY this
My Charmer was about 15 minutes in hot bath water so i think there is a chance
to rescue your phone.
Try the way described in my post to charmer forum:
You should have no problem with disassembling your mda - there is a detailed manual on this forum.
I think you should use a demineralised water only for a short time period (a few minutes) because the contact of your phone with water wasn't that massive.
You can try to skip putting the phone to water and start with putting it to the alcohol.
Remember do not put back your battery before the mda is completly dry - 24 hours or more.
I hope it will work.


The Well Washed Himalaya

During an attack of temporary stupidity, I managed to run my Himalaya through the washing machine (permanent press cycle).
After opening it up, drying it out for a few days and recharging the battery, I was pleased to see signs of life.
My problem now is that hard resets every minute or so in the cradle and dies completely when removed. :roll:
Any suggestions?
A new battery perhaps?
Or a brain transplant?
Yikes!!! :shock:
It would have been great to capture your "Kodak precious moment" for all of us to see!!! :wink:
Anyhow, I would suspect that the main battery fried and need replacement. The problem is that the backup internal battery is soldered on the motherboard and I bet it also fried. But I would start with the main battery. Try to find a replacement battery or at least try to go to a nearby T-Mobile store (or similar) and ask permission to use one of their batteries before you purchase one. :wink:
Good Luck!
P.S.- Don't get me wrong, but If you happen to loose your toy to this tragedy, I would be pleased to purchase the housing from you (mine is badly scratched) if you like to do so.. :lol:
Hi GrayWhale,
You need to talk to Tanvir. After his XDA 2 went for a swim, He managed to get his XDA 2 working all the way up to the alignment screen and cant get past it. I suggested he put it in test mode under the boot mode and see if the factory benchmark test might help.
I hope you get it back to working O.K. good luck with it friend.

Dropped my Jasjar inside a WC :( Please advice

It happend while I was taking my cloths off for taking a bath
I dropped it inside our WC and my 2GB SD Card was gone far away inside that damn WC and never found it
I tried to pull out the battery but I couldn't pull that damn battery out for 5 min.
Anfter 5 hours drying with a hair dryer I put the battery and other stuff back and there was NO life After pushing the softreset hole some 10-20 times and putting it to charge there was a little life back some blue lines at the screen.
Now after 5 more hours it starts, but after some resets (some times there is only blue lines) and when it starts it freezez very much...
Should I send it for repairing?
Does the worranty covers it? (I bought it from Internet)
Would reflashing help?
Please advice...
tbh, I would have left it to dry normally in a warm place for 24 hrs before even considering to power it up, as (not 100% certain) I think the hairdryer creates static, which could damage the electronics inside, plus, you can't guarantee that it will have dried it out completely, which means, when you started it up, it could have still been damp in the middle and damaged something.
does it look like it has been water damaged? if not, then your best bet would be to not mention that fact, and just say it has suddenly started being funny, not booting up and freezing alot.
I doubt a reflash will fix it, but it is something for nothing, so worth a shot, however long it is.
*edit* if the company won't replace it, you could try your house insurance...
Thanks alot for the reply wytey,
I think there is something damaged, becouse when I soft reset it after freezing there comes a couple of times a light blue screen with blue and white lines...after soft reseting 3-4 times again it loads normaly again but freezez after 5-10 mins again
I was soo happy with my Jasjar >:'(
Your device has been damaged by water.
This is not covered by warranty.
It might not be covered by any insurrance you might have through your service provider.
You may be able to get it covered under home insurrance.
There isn't a case for a wet PDA. But I've read a recent article of getting back a Linksys router that has been soaked wet by rain water. See the real life experience here
Probably you can do the same?
I dropped my Wizard in the bath, took out the battery and let it dry for about a day or so. Evrything works just fine.. So you should have dry it for over a day or more to be shure no water is left in it
Very timely.
Thanks for replies guys,
Usefull article, but I think it's too late now, I couldn't take out the battery for 5 mins, then how to open the device and clean the components/circute
Can they prove it if I don't mention water?
Home insurrance would be a big lie, but who cares they get money from me every month (what to say to them? stolen? bropped in water?)
Thanks again for your times guys
I may be wrong , but I beleive there is an "indicator" in most modern equipment that shows up if there has been any water damage
anyone who knows how to repair phones and look at pcb boards etc. will KNOW right away that it has been water damaged. Impossible to hide (unless you yourself are also a technician).
I know because I own a phone repair shop and have been doing repairs for a lot of years.
One of the IC may be damaged, so when your device starts to get warm (as you said 5-10 mins) it cannot hold the power.
Just think yourself lucky that it's only an IC and not a CPU.
E-mail me on [email protected] if you need more help and advice
hb328_dtdd said:
anyone who knows how to repair phones and look at pcb boards etc. will KNOW right away that it has been water damaged. Impossible to hide (unless you yourself are also a technician).
I know because I own a phone repair shop and have been doing repairs for a lot of years.
One of the IC may be damaged, so when your device starts to get warm (as you said 5-10 mins) it cannot hold the power.
Just think yourself lucky that it's only an IC and not a CPU.
E-mail me on [email protected] if you need more help and advice
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Click to collapse
THanks alot for the info hb328_dtdd
If it's an IC, is it hard to repair it? how much would it cost me?
I (or whoever you decide to check the device) will have to open the unit up and clean out the residue of water and then do thorough tests first, it may not be an IC problem, even if it is an IC problem it may not actually be broken and will work again after cleaning and sonic waves passed through it.
Depending on which IC is broken and how hard it is to replace it, and also if it has caused any other side effects to the other chips, the repair in theory should not cost too much at all as it does not seem serious (from what I read from your post anyway).
E-mail me with more description of the problem and I will try and give you some tips to get it running, if that fails then you can decide whether to send it away or take it to local engineer to repair.
Hope this helps
the Gadget (Ch 5 UK )show did a piece on stuff getting wet. I htink they all came back to life one way or another but the were left to dry slowly I think for a day or 2. so you could hold out for live in the thing yet?
I hate the fact that Dopod 900 is very slippery, don't you think? I'm looking for a rubber casing like the one for O2 and Ipod.
Dopod 900 enclosure is too slippery, I'm so worry I may drop it too.
I am selling some Pocket PCs and this happened to two of my customers. But the device was an Ipaq 37XX and 38XX.
Both devices I put on a warm place and left there for 4 days. Then after this I powered them up. The Ipaq 37XX had only a bad LCD light, which was flickering sometimes and was not bright. the 38XX worked good again.
Anywasys, you need to check your device and have it cleaned. The biggest problem is the fact that there is so little space between smd mounted chips and the PCB that the water stays in between never drying and makes the metal rust. I had this experience with a cell phone already.
So you can try following:
(1) pay for cleaning and repair
(2) try to get it guarantee exchanged, which is also possible as for a pocket pc the technicians normally do not check for water damage. But if you have bad luck, somebody will notice this and you get nothing replaced.
I managed the same thing a while ago with my Xda2, and the symptoms were pretty much the same when it first happened (random lines and 'blotches' across the screen, freezing)..
Without haste, I removed the battery, sd card and mopped up any moisture from inside the battery compartment.. placed it in a warm place in an attempt to evaporate the moisture from the device. I left it for 24 hours before powering the device back up.
It DID work afterwards and I was a bit suprised and relieved at its resilience to liquid.
The important thing is to make sure the board and pins of the chips are not shorted by liquid, if you cannot get to the board, evaporation in a warm place is probably your best bet...Just watch out how you apply heat for the sake of the screen (and possibly the keys on the exec).
I dropped my XDA II into a canal and managed to save it. The problem is the water can't evaporate easily. I took the battery off and put it on a radiator. It took 7 days to finally dry out! It worked ok though.
You probably still have water in yours, so I would recommend putting it on a radiator or somewhere hot and just leaving it. You haven't got anything to lose
After almost 2 days inside the radiator it still has the same freezing/dying problem I thinks something is damaged inside ((( And now I can't find any electronic service in Denmark who can repare it
just because it's dry doesn't mean it fix itself, people often mistake this. Sometimes people get their phones to WORK after it's DRY but little do they know what is really happening inside the phone each time they power it back on and the residue is still there inside the phone lurking in the spaces between the pcb and the chips.
no matter what anyone says, I always tell people the same thing:
My suggestion and this has never failed me yet.
1. After being dropped in liquid, DO NOT SWITCH ON - This is where most of the real damage will occur. If it is/was switched on remove battery as quickly as possible.
2. Strip down and remove any thing you can do easily, covers, sd card, stylus, sim, battery.
3. Waste a whole aerosol of switch cleaner, squirt it anywhere and everywhere you possibly can, literally fill it up with the stuff so it is pouring out of every hole. Do NOT use WD40, it must be electrical switch cleaner that will leave no residue at all!
4. Allow as much as possible of the switch cleaner to drip out and then allow it to dry, do not force dry with a hair dryer and even a radiator is too harsh. I find airing cupboard where the hot water tank is is the best place.
5. Leave at least 48 hours before putting everything back together and switching on, if it does not work straight away, strip it down again and leave another 24 hours, keep repeating for 7 days. cleaner&doy=29m1
Good luck!

wizard inside pictures here / keyboard replacement

As my wizard dropped in the water it got completely soaked.
I disassembled it to let it dry, see photos attached, put it together again and presto, almost everything works!!!
Just four keys of the keyboard do not work anymore, and as it all happened a week ago now I do not think this will be fixed.
Does anyone know if they do not work because of the water or because of the impact (the Wizard smashed on the street first)?
Has anybody ever fixed a faulty keypad?
Can anybody tell me where I can get a replacement keypad?
Let me know if you need instructions how to disassemble your wizard.
many thanks!
I have no answer to your question, but it is nice to see the inside of the wizard one time.
A couple of other people were asking about disassembly in other posts - so the instructions would probably be handy.
I would love some complete instructions on dissasembly as I am about to take mine apart for painting and a hardware mod.
As far as the keyboard goes, you would be surpised how long they retain water, i doubt its a hardware problem, keyboard are pretty much solid state with only a tiny membrane for contacts. However it is this membrane that is most likely to be your problem, the contacts are very close together and covered in a film that can be verry attractive to water as it has rubber over it. So in essence I am saying I bet it is still wet in there, just a few droplets of condensation would do it.
Options, take it a apart and check and leave in a very warm dry place for a day, or II place whole wizard on a warm heater (not hot) for a while and see if that gets it.
I also want to know the details of disassembly the wizard.
I think you had better post the instructions o disassembly here as I'm sure there are quite a few people who wuld like to know, me included.
Just a thought by looking at the picture (brave btw!)
Would it be possible to replace the 2,5mm headphone jack by an 3,5mm one and drill out a new hole for the larger connector?
Would be neat if you weren't so dependable on those stupid converters. Not a pretty sight anyway.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
I took mine apart some time ago to fix the stylist problem and when I put it back together some of the keys wouldnt work. The back light wouldnt work either. I found the problem was the little snap that secures the flat cable form the keyboard to the main board. There is a really small clasp that clicks down on the flat cable after you insert it into the connector. Once I took it back apart and snapped it, everything was normal again.
I plan on taking mine apart to change the keyboard form the English/arabic to just English, (anyone know where I can buy the keyboard/keys?) so any instructions you have will be appreciated.
The stylii in the picture look like BA stylii.
Do I get 10 points?
will post instructions
OK guys I will put together the instructions and upload them here. I just have absolutely no time now so I hope you can wait a day or two....
Thanks for the comments. I am aware of the little lock that secures the mini flatcable that connects the keypad to the motherboard. I assume that is not the problem as I snapped it securely back in place.
I will try the heater suggestion, I suppose you mean to put the wizard in an oven set at let's say 50 degrees celsius?
The styluses in the photo are from my Qtek 2020. As the Wizard smashed I lost its stylus.... :-(
Sorry the photos do not show the display half of the wizard disassembled... I realised too late that others would benefit from pictures...
I dont think I would put it in an oven. I would think that just inside a vehicle sitting in direct sunlight for a few hours would probably do, unless you are in a really cold climate. You may also try some electrical contact cleaner then get some additional heat to it after it evaportates. There is probably something that has trapped some moisture somewhere. Just for info, I dropped my Jamin the other night about 4 feet directly onto a tile floor. It bounced a couple times, ejected the SD card, and reset. But it is working fine. However, I had a bud that dropped his 2 day old Sony Ericsson P900 into water and dried it off immediatly and let it air dry. It worked, but he had problems ever since. It would drop calls and restart all the time. So there may not be a complete fix for it.
Good luck
Hey guys, someone posted the HTC Service manual for the Wizard!
In this manual you see pictures how to disassemble the phone!
It's realy the best manual to use for opening your mobile friend....
Good Luck
I've successfully fixed my girlfriends crappy creative keyboard once after water damage using a pencil. Depending how the keyboard is made, most of the time there will be really thin conductive tracks literally printed on the substrate. The water isn't particularly nice to these tracks and I found that in some parts there was noticale oxidation/corrosion. By very lightly scratching of the affeted paint and then going over it with a graphite pencil this did the trick.
Just an idea, personally I probably wouldn't do it to my vario but then again I'm still in the honeymoon phase with it.
Good luck
I fix phones for a living for many stores and have many phones that have water damage
what you dont do is charge it.. it will burn out the board
what you do is let it dry out, use the service manual and let it dry out in parts
then get white spirit and a toothbrush... dip it in and clean the contacts for yourk eys
once done, again let it try and then see how it goes. thats what i do, although we have a machine that sends out sonic pulses but the above method works too especially when im lazy
HTC Wizard Disassembly
hi guys. a lot of confusion over this simple matter. I don't know where the PDF file everyone's talking about is, most links didnt work, but here's some pics. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! hahahahaha!
I have a O2 xda model
IPL 1.01
SPL 2.21
GSM 01.12.10
there is problem in formating the phone.
Even after a hard reset the Os wont boot,
it says that "formating is failed".
there is a prolem in the flash memory of the phone.
please help me with the assembly and disassembly process so that i can fix it.
Any one?

Help! My XDA went for a swim!

I am one of the unlucky ones who experienced the unforgiving flashflood courtesy of Typhoon Milenyo here in Los Banos, Laguna. In the haste and confusion while trying to save anything i can as the water was rising inside our house, i forgot all about my lovely xda. I found it submerged for about an hour under 3 ft of murky water. I left it to dry for 4 days. Only when the electricity was back was i able to open, thoroughly clean and dry the poor thing with my wife's hair dryer. Praying all along that the cleaning and drying would resurrect it back to life. I was hopeful that the motherboard would survive the beating but not the LCD. Usually it's the first thing that conks out when water is the culprit. The battery was also damaged - it bloated, so there was no way i can test if my phone was still functional.
I went to SM Megamall the other day in search for a battery that I can use to test the phone. There was a store that fortunately had a battery that wasn't sealed. And surprise! surprise! The phone sputtered to life! The LCD was working. I heard the beep sound that you hear when you hard reset the phone. So the speaker was working too! BUT, the thing stopped right after that message that says something like touch the screen to proceed with the setup. And it kept on restarting every 2 minutes - hangs, restarts, hangs, restarts. The water might have corrupted the ROM and the software wouldn't load. Or probably something else. I'm a bit hesistant in buying a new battery unless the phone would still work by flashing the memory and restoring the software. (If only i can borrow someone's spare battery to see if it is still possible to flash this before i buy a new battery). Hmmmm....
What do you think guys? You think the memory just needs flashing to get the xda running again?
qtek 2020 splashed
Hello from Italy, my qtek 2020 splashed (adverse effect of holiday) and then it had the same problem, when resuscited the "object" never charged radio rom but only the other parts of extended rom also after hard reset appair the script "no gsm" and the telephone don't play.
Than the object only play like a pocket PC without phone and other radio application (gprs, blu etc...). Sorry but i think is necessary to change the main board. Good holiday.

Help Please Hermes won't turn on.

ok so what happened was is that i dropped my phone although when i looked at it it seemed fine, not even a scratch, calling worked...but a couple of hours later i got no signal in this place although my dad had signal and we're on the same network and we have the same phone too. I received signal as soon as I left the place.
And here is where my problem comes, everything was working fine and i had my phone in my pocket for the whole day cause i was at school and after school i decided to take a look at the time, but my phone was off and wouldn't turn on, but i expected that it ran out of battery.
I got home and tried charging it, but nothing happened, so i decided to use my dad's battery (fully charged) it still wouldn't turn on, i've tried soft/hard resets still nothing.
can it be the hardware? what is broken? it won't turn on/won't charge/no led lights/no red led when charging without battery/ nothing so what is wrong please help.
Probably battery contacts... If you can see a crack, you might be able to resolder them and fix however the Hermes uses a multi layered board and if the break is there then you need a new mainboard, in a few words, your Hermes is toast....
is there any possible fix? if the board is broken, where can i get a replacement and instruction on how to fix? thanks :]
Find an old Hermes on ebay. If the screen doesn't work or something, DON'T get one with "No GSM", then you should be able to replace the Mainboard.
Find the HTC Service Manual here -
You need a size 6 torque key and a small flatbladed screwdriver to get the Mainboard. Pretty easy, I've taken my Hermes apart more times than I can count.
thanks for the help so far :]
but is there a site that just sells the part? cause i really don't want to end up buying a mainboard on ebay that ends up not working too.

