Bluetooth Headset - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

hey everyone
i have just purchased this phone and am waiting for it to arrive
i was wondering if my sony ericcson bluetooth headset will work with it or will i have to buy another one

well, just read the manual for your headset, if it says "stereo" and "A2DP" then yes, it will work. otherwise, no.

That is not correct. Pharaosam asked for a "Headset" not for "Stereo HeadPHONES".
Of course you can use a bluetooth headset with the Magician.
Sony Ericsson will work, had one of those, but switched to a Logitech headset which I find more comfortable.
Where can i find the "activate" for Wm5 ?

is my laptop meant to be able to 'see' the headset becaiuse it can't :S

:S Weird.. What headset ( OR headphone u have ?? )


BT Stereo Headphones for XDA now available!

Hi guys...
have u seen this?
And now the question
Can u please have a look for me at the compatibility page... does that means anything for the XDAII?
Of course I mean as far as working as phone is concerned... of course the stereo audio would play.
Do any of u have or have tried the headphones? Do they work with the XDA in phone mode? Could they work?
If you don't know I would play guinea pig and order now!
from what the page says then it looks like will not be connecting to the xda2 using bluetooth but you just plugin the at minijack and the xda see it as a normal headset
and then the little box sendt the info to the headset
but of cause this would require you to use a minijack 3.5m to 2.5m converter
and you would not be able to use it for phone calls
Thank you... but why?
Dear Rudegar,
can I ask you why?
I do understand I would need the minijac converter and I would not be able to use the wired bottom for phone calls, but I tough I could still use the headset connected via BT for the phone call just as I did with my SE HBH-35 (before I lost it...).
Why you think I would not be able to use via BT? If I use BT tools?
it all comes down to how they made the device really
as i see it the headset connects to the box which connect to the minijack
maybe you can connect the headset directly to the bluetooth and not use the box
but the headset dont seem to have a mic
and the microsoft bluetooth stack dont support streaming audio over bluetooth from what i understand
as i see it then it dont matter if the headset is using bluetooth at all it could use any protocol to talk with the box
not sure about this but i do recall reading somewhere that the headset in the article does NOT work with the xda2. not sure if it's through this forum or another article. now if another chap could find that article somewhere...
a mate of mine living in hong kong tried using this headset with his xda and the bluetooth didn't work...unless of course he was doing something wrong so don't peg it on me
given that the bluetooth headset does not work with the xda2's bluetooth; the reason the converter may be needed is because the dongle might have a built-in 3.5mm jack. the xdas use 2.5mm jacks; thus needing the 3.5-2.5 mm converter. once you have the converter then basically you have the dongle piggy-backing on the xda...reminds me of the time i used a jabra bt with my xda1; the headset had an adaptor for non-bluetooth phones...downside was that you had the jabra dongle piggy-backing. the same could apply for the bluetake headset. you would need the dongle to be connected to the xda in order for the bluetooth to function.
i also recall reading that the bluetooth of the xda2 does not support wmp...
Bluetooth Adaptor & headset
Have a look here
If you are looking for a Bluetooth headset for non Bluetooth device, this could be the solution!!!
Thank you, let me expain better!
Thanks to u all for all the replies to my question.
Let me be a little more spefic. There are 2 parts to how this headset works:
1) As a stereo headset connected via BT to the company's little box that connect to any 3.5 stereo jack (no matter what they are for... stereo, ipod, or XDAII bottom plug with an adapter).
For this use I have no dubt it would work since the 3.5 jack is same for everybody
2) As a headset (it supports both Headset and Hands-Free profiles) to pair with the XDA II as I would do with my SE HBH-35 for use as a phone only.
Would this bit work?
Thank you!
"as i see it the headset connects to the box which connect to the minijack"
Correct for function 1
"maybe you can connect the headset directly to the bluetooth and not use the box"
My understanding is that u do this and through this connection u can use the headset only as a phone oyu need to ALSO connect to the box to also get stereo sound
"but the headset dont seem to have a mic"
It does
"and the microsoft bluetooth stack dont support streaming audio over bluetooth from what i understand"
It doesn't matter. I hope I would get audio streaming from the bottom 2.5 to 3.5 jack to little-box to BT to headset
the phone function connecting the headset in (Headset or Hands-Free profile) to the XDAII. The only think I care about the stack is that it pairs with the headset in phoneheadset mode.
"as i see it then it dont matter if the headset is using bluetooth at all it could use any protocol to talk with the box"
Correct, but I still need the headset to be BT compatible with the XDAII to use function 2
Robson: thank you, I wrote the maker asking if there are any known issue with the XDAII
but lets say i'm riding a bike listening to music using the box
and the phone rings would the device automaticly drop the connection to the box and use the bluetooth bond to my xda2 to let me answer the phone ?
have anybody tried to connect a 2.5m headset the one that comes with the device and then bound a headset and see if the 2.5m headset interfear with the bluetooth when it rings ?
"but lets say i'm riding a bike listening to music using the box
and the phone rings would the device automaticly drop the connection to the box and use the bluetooth bond to my xda2 to let me answer the phone?"
I understand that by device you mean the headphones. I am not sure if it drops the connection or not, but u here the ring and when u answer it stops the music
I have attached the manual I found on the website
would be pretty cool to see a test of it with xda2 and maybe an ipaq so one could see if it would be even cooler if you were using the non ms bluetooth stack
I bought it!
I bought it!
I will let u all know if it works once arrives... I will have one week to test it or send it back.
I don't know if it would work much better with an Ipaq... as far as I know you can't get stereo audio out through BT from an Ipaq either...
i believe that the ipaq's bluetooth stack should support it but i'm not 100%
some guy in this forum did manage to get audio from his pc to his bluetooth headset but the quality was pretty poor
the imate and xda2 and such are listed on the compatible list of this headset
but just how compatible we'll see when you or somebody else get hold of one and try it out
F**k what I said, it don't means s**t now...
Hi guys... got it yesterday... returning it today...
Qucik summary:
1) It worked fairly well as stereo headphone with the included box
2) It paired with the XDAII, but the audio was very ppr with a lot of eco and the botton to answer or close the call did not work with the original BT (1.52) nor with BT Tools.
Sorry guys....
wonder if it would have worked better with the WidCom stack
Did you try contacting their tech support at all? Usually companies with a new product like that are willing to work with users.
Yes I did
Yes, I did contact them:
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 06:07:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christian
Subject: Compatibility with XDAII
To: [email protected]
Can I use the i-PHONO BT420 EX Hi-Fi Sports Headphone Kit with an XDAII/iMate/QTek2020/OrangeM1000? (They are different names for the same pda/phone produced by HTC).
Are there any known issues?
Let me expain better myself:
1) I know and I am aware I cannot get stereo audio out of the PDA through BT from any application unless I connect the stereo jack to an adapter that get me to a 3.5 jack to connect to the BT transmitter box
2) What I would like to know is if I could pair and use the headphones with the BT of the the XDAII just for the phone part (as I would do with any other BT headset), so getting the mic and speaker to work
I go no answer... in the mean time I managed to buy, receive and send it back.
Hi cchris
Here you have one working Bluetooth stereo headset.
I have bought it for 1 1/2 month ago and works great with the Xda II
Here is the link.
It work as a bluetooth headset with a 128M mp3 player.
If you listen to music and if you receve a call the the mp3 goes down and you can answer the call.
You receve a USB Dongel witch you can connect to the PC and listen to stereo music t ex.
Sounds Great but...
Thank you JoseF!
It sounds great!
I believe u mean the BT Headset on the link given (the BT Stereo Headset is reported as not yet available)
If I understand u correctly, by saying it works great with the XDAII you mean that it pairs. Can I ask a few questions:
-does it has a botton to push to answer/close phone calls, and does it works with the XDAII?
-is there a way to also get the stereo sound from the XDA? I don't care if I need to use dongles or third part audio to BT things... but can I do it?
I just bought a 1GB SD card, I don't want to carry a separate device for MP3, I would like to do everything from the XDA, also get the audio from the movies I play with the thing!
Thank you!
P.S.: By the way where did u bought it/where do u think I can get the best price for it?
Hi Chris,
does it has a botton to push to answer/close phone calls, and does it works with the XDAII?
Yes it has a botton to push to answer.
-is there a way to also get the stereo sound from the XDA? I don't care if I need to use dongles or third part audio to BT things... but can I do it?
No,not at the moment, It will be possibel in the future.If sameone can make the widcomm stack to work (h6315).
I dont know if the device is available at the moment.I have a friend that bought one in Januari,It was just 64M storage.
I bought mine in Juli , They have change the storage to 128M.
If you are intrested contact khcoi . Take a look at FAQ at

Help with Bluetooth Headset!!

Sorry if you have already read this but I am still having a problem!!
I got the new Bluetake iphone mini stereo headphones for christmas and was hoping to use them with my MDA Pro (running the new O2 ROM).
I have them paired as a "Hands Free" device...
I know that I can't use the stereo features until the new A2DP patch come out (hopefully soon!), however what I want to be able to do is use voice command to initiate calls etc. However when I press the call/power or Play/Pause button all I hear is a beep from the headset and nothing hapens on the PDA...
However I can use the button to answer and hangup a call (as long as I answered it with the handset...) If I initiate the call on the MDA then I can't hangup with the headset...
Am I doing something wrong or does it sound like something is faulty??
Any advice?
I actually had an oportunity to try out the voice levels and sound is awful! I also tried to connect it to my SE T610 and it refused and it did the same when I tried to connect it to my Toshiba M200 tablet PC as in both cases it never asked for the passkey...
I am begining to think that they must be faulty??
But becuase I have never had a BT headset before so I'm not sure if I am doing something stupid!
I have managed to try a SE BT headset with my MDA Pro and it did work and activate voice command. So it would seem that the headset is faulty. Does anyone have any ideas before I send it back?
Please!! Is there anyone here who can comment on whether they think these are broken or if I am just incompetent!
If they are broken then I need to send them back really soon...
FWIW, my Jabra BT330 and the SE HBH-662 just need a single quick click to activate the voice dial, but these Plantronics Pulsar 590A things I just got (which are fandabidosi by the way!) need a prolonged press to do the same.
Have you tried keeping your finger on the button for a while?
andykemp said:
Sorry if you have already read this but I am still having a problem!!
I got the new Bluetake iphone mini stereo headphones for christmas and was hoping to use them with my MDA Pro (running the new O2 ROM).
I have them paired as a "Hands Free" device...
I know that I can't use the stereo features until the new A2DP patch come out (hopefully soon!), however what I want to be able to do is use voice command to initiate calls etc. However when I press the call/power or Play/Pause button all I hear is a beep from the headset and nothing hapens on the PDA...
However I can use the button to answer and hangup a call (as long as I answered it with the handset...) If I initiate the call on the MDA then I can't hangup with the headset...
Am I doing something wrong or does it sound like something is faulty??
Any advice?
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Just looked at the instructions for the bluetake i-phone (bt450rx),
(got them myself for xmas)
and it does not say that you can connect to the phone for voice control,
however you should be able to hang up from the headset.
i have got the k-jam (wizard) and can dial from the k-jam and hangup from the headset.
voice control may not be available because the new bluetooth stereo headset's are ready for AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile).
the older bluetake headset bt420rx can be used for voice control but do not have AVRCP function.
I hope i am wrong, but it may be the answer you have not been looking for.
Hmm... That sounds bad...
I only have a few days left to return it and don't know whether to get a replacement or to go for a different headset?
i like the idea of being able to play/pause/f-foward/rewind via the headset(when bt v2 upgrade is available), because music playback is more important to me than voice dial.
of course if you can send it back, then perhaps just wait until bt v2 is available, and then buy a headset for the uses you require it for.(wish there was an emotion with cross eyes) LOL
I know what you mean but I would still be able to use voice command!!
Does anyone else have the 450Rx and a universal and could test it for me?
if you do prove me wrong (and i hope you do) please let me know.
answering this problem further,
the bluetake i-phono mini headset cannot be used for voice command,
however the motorola ht820 can be used for voice control.
Had similar issues with my headset (not the same type). In the end, I had enable secure mode on the universal, pair the devices, select serial port and then immediately initiate the voice dial, otherwise it didn't work.
I decided to play it safe and returned it back to Expansys for a refund. When someone else gets a set of stereo headphones and A2DP is out... and crucially they can confirm it works! Then I'll buy a new one!
one good thing with motorola ht820 is that they can be used with a detatchable cable, so whilst i'm using them bluetooth for the phone side, i can still hear good quality music.
also i know from trying them with my wife's qtek s110 that you can control windows media player as well.
you may have already tried this, but just in case you haven't,
install and run the three files for either "bt off", "bt on", or "bt toggle",
this will switch all audio to the bt headset or away,
of course quality is not good, but at least no cables.
ps. if the headset is switch off and you put bt on, you will get an on screen error message.
aliendad said:
one good thing with motorola ht820 is that they can be used with a detatchable cable, so whilst i'm using them bluetooth for the phone side, i can still hear good quality music.
also i know from trying them with my wife's qtek s110 that you can control windows media player as well.
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Do they come with this cable as standard?
EDIT: Did a search, and they do.... might just buy them now and sell my Sony EX-71's.... would they we at least the same in terms of sound quality? It's the thing people talk about least with these devices!
So lemme see if I got this right.... even before I get A2DP installed on my Exec, I can listen to perfect music using the cable, and also use the hphones as a bluetooth headset as well? Will the music still pause etc when a call comes in?
Just bought a pair of HT820's on Ebay there.... £38, not too bad. Should get about £25-30 for two pairs of existing headphones, so well please.

Bluetooth and T-mobile vario

I bought my wizard and bluetooth headset both from T-Mobile, but they can´t pair together. The wizard didn´t see the bluetooth headset, but it can display other devices as mobiles, computers in its range. The bluetooth headset works well with MDA III. So, I really don´t know what I can do to solve this problem. Do you have ideal? Thanks for your help,
What make and model is the headset?
Stereo or mono? i.e. headset or headphones?
Do other devices pair OK with the headset?
Your post was kind of like getting a message which said:
"Hey, I got this thing. What does it do?" without any pictures or description.
blazoner said:
What make and model is the headset?
Stereo or mono? i.e. headset or headphones?
Do other devices pair OK with the headset?
Your post was kind of like getting a message which said:
"Hey, I got this thing. What does it do?" without any pictures or description.
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Thanks for your attention, It is the Perfect 803 Bluetooth Headset. The picture is follwing:
It can be detected by MDA III Blueangel but wizard.

Bt headset and two HTC's!!!

I have htc 3600, HTC Mteor and SonyEricsson HBH-600!
I can't use headset with both devices at the same time (not same call, i think on normal use of two devices) , because headset will connect on first device and ignore other!
It's little bit unuseless for me and the same problem was with HTC & Nokia 6230, and qtek s200 & Nokia 6230, my previous combination!!
The question is which BT headset to buy, device that will be smart enough to disconnect from htc after call to be ready for receiving call from 2nd htc....
look here:
...scroll down for the twin-cellphone bluetooth headset.
You can also use the Plantronics Voyager 510.
It supports BT Multipoint, I use it myself to switch between my trinity and PC programs like skype and MSN.
I think it works great.
Scala 700
will do the job as well...
Ill try with plantronics, tnx to all...
Any ideas about a stereo BT headset that would deliver this fucntionality?
I wouldn't buy a BT stereo headset just yet, at least not until a ROM update.
Use the search function in this forum and you'll see that their are still some problems with it.
I really want to get a pair too, I really like the set from jabra but until the BT stereo issues are fixed I won't buy them.
Tiberius23 said:
The question is which BT headset to buy, device that will be smart enough to disconnect from htc after call to be ready for receiving call from 2nd htc....
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Hi guys !
Do you know if Jabra BT 800 works in this way ?

Best headset to use with HTC Prophet?

I'm really fed up with the headsets that came with my prophet. I want to buy a new headset, I don't want any bluetooth headsets. Just a cheap, comfortable headset to answer some calls and listen to some mp3.
What headset should I buy? I once read somewhere, I think it was over here.. that there were some Sony Ericsson headsets that worked with the Prophet. For exemple the Sony Ericsson HPM-70 (or something like this...).
Can any one confirm that or advise a good headset?
I'm satisfied with plantronics pulsar 200 bluetooth headset. Would recommend.
What about a non-bluetooth headset? What would you recommend?
i don't think that there are any commercial cabled headset other that that given with u'r htc, anyhow u can simply cut yours and sold it with a jack enterance leaving a mic near the end... thats what i did once i got my bluetooth headset
if u don't have a spare one and don't know how to sold etc. etc. don't even try it
by the way, don't buy motorola's bt headset, i already brake it and had to repair that one 2...
good luck

