call filtering w/TAPI? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

This is my first post, so I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the support you guys have offered here, this place is probably the most informative source for working on these blasted devices.
I had a question about TAPI, cprog.exe and a couple of applications that are floating around out there. I have noticed a couple applications that appear to "call filter" calls. I was wondering what the basics is for this to work? The applications appear to be independent of cprog.exe but yet claim to control its behavior. The only TAPI call I can find that seems to be relevant is lineSetCallBarringState() but I'm not convinced that would do it... any ideas?
Thank you very much for your time.

I think you probably want lineDrop (or lineRedirect?). You can call lineDrop in the lineCallBackFunc, after you receive lineOffering message.
check out the CeDialer sample, or here's a recent thread about getting caller id.
After you get the ID you can drop the call if you don't like it


Phone application cprog.exe

I want some information about default phone application cprog.exe.
I want to know how does it communicate with outlook and other application.
I guess most probably it should be via message posting.
But, unfortunately wheni tested the same with spy running on cprog and then i called a contact from outlook contacts.
I see many messages posted to cprog but I found no message or Parameter(WPARAM/LPARAM) to cprog that contains the number to call.
can anyone help me out to get information how to fetch that number? the number passed to phone/cprog.exe from contact.
The same thing i need for sddialer.exe that after matching the sound tag, how it informs cprog that which number to call?
Please help! I am looking these since long...
Good Luck
Best of luck trying to find any doco on cprog (if you do, please post back here!).
If you have a look at this thread you may find what you are looking for (at least how to initiate a call from the PC is there):
Look for LINE_REQUEST message
There a two ways, that an application can make a call; using tapiRequestMakeCall or lineMakeCall. tapiRequestMakeCall is by far the simplest to use. Examples of their use can be found in two sample cellcore progams available from microsoft, CeDialer, and HelloTapi. You could try this and see which produces messages simular to outlook. I'll guess that it's HelloTapi (tapiRequestMakeCall).
When an application uses tapiRequestMakeCall a LINE_REQUEST message is sent to the call-control application. This application must then call lineGetRequest to get information on the request. It then must execute the request.
See the remarks on the lineRegisterRequestRecipient page at microsoft
I wish there was a similar Hello USSD example for the lineSendUSSD API. There's very little information on it... No one seems to be able to capture the responses past the first call.
oops missed part of your question
After the call app places the call, it should get a series of messages, mostly LINE_CALLINFO and LINE_CALLSTATE. The messages contain a handle for the call. Once you have the call handle you should be use the lineGetCallInfo and lineGetCallState functions to get info about the call. I think lineGetCallInfo includes the number that was called. The callstate typically goes through dialling, progressing, and then connected. I believe your not supposed to use the call handle until after a LINE_REPLY message is sent, saying the call didn't fail. If there are problems perhaps you should wait a short time.
To find out more about the messages, you could play with the CeDialer sample. It's linecallbackfunc looks at the messages, it would be easy to put in a few logging statements to see what's in each message. It think CeDialer will only get messages for inbound calls, and calls that it originated. (not ones by cprog.) Although you should check to be sure that I'm correct.
Good luck! Please, let us know whatever you might find out.
I will look into this and post reply according As soon as possible.
Where i can find the original cprog.exe to install in my non phone PDA? it's the dialer for voip.
Many thanks

Program to Display where the user is calling from i.e. City ! is there such a thing ?

I am looking for a program that will tell me which city the caller is calling from before i answer my phone within in the UK, i.e. if it is 0118 then it will display Reading etc.
Is there such a program ? anyone know of any can they reply to this thread, done a quick search but not able to find anything specific.
I'm not sure if it only works on a Treo, but check it out.
dang that is sweet... any luck yet you guys?
It works. However, on incoming calls it shows 'incoming call' and the location -- but this is behind the normal notification window and thus not readable.
Will probably work find if you turn the on-screen notifications off.
I'm interested in this too I'd rather not turn off incoming call notifications though.
i started a similar thread a little back
i too can confirm it doesn't work, i think its more targeted for smartphones.

Is it possible to trigger based on incoming caller ID

I am looking for an app that lets me do stuff when certain incoming numbers (either a simple editable list or a selection of contacts) call..... essentially I want the phone to answer and then hang up immediately so the numbers don't get my voicemail, they just get rejected.
At the moment I have the contacts set with a silent ringtone so I don't get disturbed, but sometimes I get voicemails from them and I want to prevent these.
I have had a look at Mortscript and can find how to handle incoming calls, just not how to handle incoming calls from specific contacts in specific ways.
Any help appreciated
go to
i like this free service and it handles caller id calls more efficiantly than any software you can purchase.
Thanks for the link, unfortunately it's US only and I'm in the UK.
CallFirewall does exactly that what you need.
Try this:
It does everything you asked, and a whole lot more.
+1 for magicall... it rocks
Thanks for the links guys, downloading them both now
Call Firewall didn't quite do the trick as I could only get it to go to voicemail, but Magicall does 100% what I want, plus more, so I promptly coughed up the cash for it
Somewhere else on the forum there's a program what lets you make your own interface in html with js/flash. you can use that and make javascript countdown for x seconds and than let it pick up and hang up... or whatever you want not the best solution but it still is a solution

Black listed Application for WM?

Is there any Developed application For Blocking unwanted calls or drop call?
Specially The functionality included,
1) By number or by Address book NAME.
2) Instead receive the call and and Auto TONE OF VOICE dialog says
something like
"Sorry, U have been block".
Without any ringing or notice to me.
Lots of peoples are facing lots of unknown calls from unknown user just to disrupt him/her.
Lots of missed calls at night are a regular bother to someone at this time.
Sorry if I ask this in wrong thread. I have search using Google but not found any apps like functionality i have mentioned.
Try this..

Need an app that forward selected calls

Here's my scenario,
I'm receiving calls from 3 people that are annoying, I'm not looking for to block these people, but looking an app that can REDIRECT these SELECTED CALLERS to the number of my CHOOSING.
please help me find an app that forwards calls (THAT DOES NOT TAMPER WITH VOICEMAIL)
Thanx in adv.
I hear that phoneAlarm does this from pocketMax.
just tried it, and did find anything regarding call forwarding.
anyone else????
This won't help with your scenario, but might be useful for future reference.
Google Voice offers this functionality by default. You can send those callers to another number, or straight to voice-mail, or block them entirely if you choose.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any WinMo apps that will do that.
Not sure if MagiCall will help you. You can set up custom rules for each number.
Worked great when I was getting annoying calls.
I normally was using Magi call, but have it under hang up and drop. Problem is that it hangs up a second later (they can still hear my background and notice that it the call is being hanged up for the 1 second).
I have tried about 2-3 apps that they are suppose to block the call, instead it send s them to voice mail (I don't want them to have access to my voice mail) or does hang up immediately. Only if there is a TRUE CALL BLOCKER is would consider it.
I now focusing in finding a app that forwards these selected callers to any number of my choosing.
There has to be an app like this, someone hopefully comes through with that answer.
Extreme184X said:
just tried it, and did find anything regarding call forwarding.
anyone else????
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm looking for the same thing and PhoneAlarm Pro does support this feature from what I've read. I downloaded the Pro version and installed it. But after restart, it will get stuck on the main screen and nothing else will show. I waited for a while to see if it will load but nothing ever happened and I kept restarting over and over. I finally ended up doing a hard reset. I'm running on the Leo Cell Evo v5 rom tmobile and I don't know if it has something to do with it, but I don't feel like flashing to another rom to see if it works for me so I'll just leave it alone and let someone else figure it out.

