Windows Mobile 5 - not saving settings. - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

A few months ago, I upgraded from a Magician to a Prophet.
About a week after use, the prophet started to develop some problems. The SIM card reader stopped reading any SIM cards, and settings would not save at random.
The issue with the settings not saving was, say, I would receive an SMS, read it, check that it was marked as read, soft reset, and the SMS would either be marked as unread, or simply not be present on the phone at all. I would change the time and the timezone, double check and confirm the change, the change in time would save, but the timezone would not. I'd make a registry change, close the registry editor, recheck the value, confirm the change, soft reset, and the change would not get saved. I'd open File Explorer, check the recent apps, confirm that File Explorer was there, soft reset, and File Explorer would not be present within the recent apps after the soft reset.
Concerning this issue, the longer you left the phone after making the change, the more likely the change would save. But this would still not save everything. I'd receive a meeting reminder, dismiss it, then several hours later I'd soft reset and I'd be reminded again.
Of course, this issue persists through a hard reset.
I've sent the phone back to the warranty repairers three times, each time with a clear description of the above. Each time they send it back saying "No fault found", to which I can immediately replicate the fault upon return.
This time, when I received the phone back, they, once again, said they couldn't replicate the issue. But this time they decided to mention that I needed to wait 30 seconds to "ensure settings get saved".
What a load of bull****. My Magician does not have this issue. But I don't have any Windows Mobile 5 devices to test this on. Can I have some people confirm that you don't need to wait 30 seconds on Windows Mobile 5 devices to ensure settings save?

For a phone user, you certainlly needs a lot of soft reset. Yes, WM5 has a delayed write process, many already know this. As for the SMS and reminder, it is unlikely that people will be soft reseting it after dismissing a reminder. Anyway, the way to solve it (without waiting for 30 sec), is to switch your phone on and off, the stuff should stick.
Yes, what a lot of bull**** that a Magician does not have this issue, but that's an apple and a orange. Try removing the battery of a Magician, you will have to hardreset the phoen again and all the stuff gone, WM5's wont. Long story short, because of the persistant memory's limited read/write cycle, WM5 decided to do that. Google for more info.


I have to soft reset at least twice a day!

I don't know why I'm having this problem but at least twice a day I have to soft reset my phone because of a program not closing or opening "hanging" the phone in state where nothing works. I also have to soft reset because of bluetooth problems. Sometimes the phone will tell me that it doesn't have bluetooth hardware or I won't be able to open the bluetooth window to turn it on or off or discoverable. Then I must reset to get it to work. What a pain! These problems are driving me nuts and I don't know what to do about it. I am considering abandoning this phone because of it's unreliability but it has so many features that it's hard to let it go. Please help me!
First of all - don't abandon the phone; this is NOT normal behavior for this PDA/phone and there should be a solution to your problems. I have had this phone (i-mate) for months, and it has always been stable and trustworthy.
Next, it would be helpful for you to post your current ROM information - (Start -> Settings -> System -> Device Information)
Next, list the programs you have installed.
Have you tried Hard Resetting the device (after backing it up) and using it for a while without installing ANY additional software? This will tell you if the base hardware/software is performing correctly. If that works, try installing any additional software ONE AT A TIME and using the device for a while after each one to make sure that one works. Then, if that one is OK, install the next one. This should pinpoint any software that causes the problems.
Let us know the results of your tests.
1. When did you last HardReset? - Sometimes a few hours of work make your life really better! :lol:
2. What's the ROM version? - Possibly you should upgrade.
3. Did you notice that you are using WindowsMobile2003 - usage of internet connection with WindowsXP without a couple of restarts never happened to me, so I don't expect Windows Mobile work with more stability! :wink: Kidding!
Conclusion: don't give up the phone - you just have to make clear what goes wrong! Good luck!
Nope, not normal usage. I've been using my i-mate for 2 weeks without a hard reset now, but just today it hard resetted on me (due to wisbar advance 2.) I'm not sure how wisbar does it, but it always gives me problems w/ it installed.
my observations
I'm a new user of the XDA I, and I find that I haven't had any unexpected hard resets yet (fingers crossed) but that I do need to soft reset at least once per day, usually to get the machine to (re)connect thru ActiveSync...
I only get the dreaded, continious soft reset problem when I install loads of crappy software.
Have you installed any share/freeware latetely.
If so only a hard reset will fix it.
SoftResets are tolerated, HardReset - once upon 2-3 months. If more often or auto - change the ROM. Auto HardReset happened to me twice - always after flashing.

unknown notifications on (mostly) softreset

i am getting TONS of 'alarm4' notification sounds coming out of soft reset (and now like all the time). almost everything in notifications is unchecked (except phone and emai messages). and nothing is set for 'alarm4'. when these notifications go off, there's nothing happening when they happen!
i feel like it's hard reset reload time. but i don't wanna do it again.... (but i have this whole westtek bluetooth printer problems to deal with....)
if i turn off all alarms/programs/notifications it doesn't happen. this is not a fix
You need to use a program like SK Tools to look at your notification lists and delete ONLY the ones you think are suspect (ex notifications for a calendar event that is no longer present).
thanks i'll try that next time. today the i just lost it and had to hard reset it.
well, it started to do it again. and i got the SK tools and did a clean up, and a delete duplicate notifications. but it's still doing the sporadic notifications on soft reset. this time they go off randomly for up to 5 minutes after the soft reset! there are not displayed nofitications. and none with vibrate enabled, yet there they are!
any more ideas?
scary bear notifications can help.
screwing with the notifications can generally screw up the device.
i tried, and failed, and simply hard reset it and started again.
i found it was caused more so when a notification had come up, and you either voluntarily, or involuntarily had to soft reset the device.
but there is no conclusive evidence of this. just my input.
next day: i had to hard reset the device. it became totally unstable. i was getting 'unknown usb device' and 'battery low for PC card messages' (thought i turned that off). oh well, at least i keep good backups.

My Wizard has multiple bugs, need help solving

I understand that this forum is filled with developers. So I am hoping for some informed help. If you have any of these same problems please respond as well. I would like to know if these are isolated to my setup
I migrated from a cel phone and a PPC running WM2003/2003se. Mainly for the converged device, but also for the persistent storage. I run a small business, and and am very busy and rely on my phone and schedule all day everyday.
I have only had the wizard (MDA) for about 3 weeks and experienced odd problems since the first week
. Unfortunately I did not buy new, so I am not sure if any of these are covered by warranty or not... I am just going to list the problems:
1) If I leave my phone plugged in at night to charge than by the time I wake up the phone will not come out of standby. I have to press the soft reset button to get the unit to work again. This happens intermittently
2) I use an alarm program so that the unit acts like an alarm clock. If the phone is plugged in at night, and does not experience problem number 1, than the alarm just won't go off. I turn on the phone and the alarm program is open, but it did nothing. If the phone is not plugged in than the alarm works fine.
3) Soft buttons. I have the registry set to remap what the soft buttons do. I use Agenda Fusion (Latest Version) so i have them set to open the calendar and the contacts to Agenda Fusions view of them. This works most of the time. On occasion the soft buttons just stop working except for running through the menus for reminders.....
4)The other day i went to take a photo, the camera said that it could not proceed because there was not enough memory. At the time I had 30 megs of storage free, about 12 megs of program free and about 900 meg left on my sd card...
5) Every so often the unit won't launch a program, it says that the exe is unsigned or not trusted. It works every other time though.
6) I use cLaunch. Every so often cLaunch disappears from the today screen. The only wat to get it to reappear is to remove it from the today screen from the today items menu, wait a couple of seconds and then return it to the today screen.
7) Every so often the unit stops recognizing the sd card..have to remove and re-insert
8) I use reminders for all my calender and to do items. Occasionally the reminder will go off for a certain item 24 hours in advance, even though the setting is correct in the item...
I feel like I am missing a few problems. But you get might point, WM5 is weird. All of the above can be corrected with a soft reset. But sometimes the problems show up multiple times a day. Causing me to have to soft reset in the most inconvenient times, several times a day.
I did not have these problems under WM2003. I have a friend who uses a Verzion phone that is similar to the wizard (made by a different company though, not has an external antennae and that is where the stylus is stored as well) She and I were comparing phones today. Hers runs WM5 but she said that she has never experienced any of these problems in the 1 year that she has owned hers...
Is this an HTC Wizard problem? A WM5 problem with the wizards? Would it help if i installed on of the alternate roms that I read about here on XDA developers? I am considering a hard reset and starting from scratch but I don't want to go that route unless it is the only way. And if I do, I may just use one of those roms.....What does everybody think?
Sorry for the long winded post....
Seems like a software problem based on (1) and (2). Is the ROM an official ROM?
Hello Hanmin Thanks for responding,
Re Number 1. I just saw that some one else posted with that problem. So I will see if they have they same alarm program installed. I have wondered if everything is software related. Thats why I am hoping to see if others are having these types of problems, and if so, what programs they are using...
Re the rom...yes it the official T-mobile release, version listed in my sig.
Thanks again
New problem
I have just encountered a new problem:
While picking up my voice mail the system would not register my button pushes. Weather on screen or the hardware buttons. I could not interact with voice mail, nor could I end the call with the hardware button or the soft button....I had to reset the phone to end the call!!
How frustrating is that
Have you tried reflashing the original ROM? Being a used phone that would be the first thing I would do. It's going to wipe out all your data and return it to an "out of box" state, so i suggest backing up anything important and sync to your PC. If that doesn't work then you have a hardware issue but I'm willing to bet that should take care of it. You can find the original ROM on HTP's website. Good Luck
Thank you
Thanks for that suggestion....I am hoping to not go down that road, if I can help it. But I will do it if there are no other options. So If I may ask: How many votes does re flashing old Rom Get? And are there any other ideas?
Again Thanks. I am going to download the rom in case it does come to that....
wait...the phone dosen't wake up unless you push the small button on the top of the phone? That is not the default setting on the MDA, however it's acting naturally. Our phones go on a standby to save power. Click the battery icon in the lower right hand corner-->Click the Advanced tab--> uncheck Turn off device on external power
When the phone is plugged in over night and reaches %100 charge some times it won't "Wake Up" even hitting the power button on top. The only thing that will turn it on is the "Soft Reset" button on the right side, beneath the IR sensor.
no text
No text
Just bumping
It sounds like you have software problems - possible a corrupt notification queue - personally i would do a hard reset of the device - probably in the process of this i would soft reset before the t-mobile extras install - taking details of gprs, mms settings before this.
I would run the phone without installing software to see that its not a hardware problem. Then reinstall programs one by one and see how it goes. Some software like claunch is not made for wm5 so expect some glitches (i use claunch and get occ glitch)
If you dont want to hard reset check the notification queue for duplicates and rogue scripts using check notifications - attached - install via pc. Dont delete notifications important for system running - common duplicates are clock\calendar.
alarm problems
frankly i had similar issues - less critical but annoying: alarm clock not waking me up, slow system, notification queue mess, difficult resets, camera issues, bluetooth a2dp skipping. I upgraded my Qtek multiple times, and finally i can say that 2.26 roms (i use molski's) are exceptionally stable and reliable. The problem is not Wm5, the problem is how buggy many released versions are. So, my suggestion: look to the forum, find roms that appear to have a reliable history, cross your fingers and...upgrade. Then, resist in upgrading to any rom that just came out and appear to be faster, cooler, nicer. Unless you have an issue to be solved, and you see 100 messages confirming that the rom is stable and does the job...
Thank you meschle and pzucchel for the thorough answers. I am going to try the notification queue first.
@ Meschle: where do I find the gprs, & mms settings? And should I just copy them down by hand? Then after re-starting w/out tmobile crap, do I just put these settings in the same place as where I found them?
@ Pzucchel: Do you believe that Molski's 2.26 is more stable than the Tmobile factory installed 2.26?
Thanks again
cameraddict said:
Thank you meschle and pzucchel for the thorough answers. I am going to try the notification queue first.
@ Meschle: where do I find the gprs, & mms settings? And should I just copy them down by hand? Then after re-starting w/out tmobile crap, do I just put these settings in the same place as where I found them?
@ Pzucchel: Do you believe that Molski's 2.26 is more stable than the Tmobile factory installed 2.26?
Thanks again
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Write them down manually its the safest way - there are cabs available but often dont work.
GPRS - settings\connections\connections\manage existing connectons - settings should be here prob named t-mobile
MMS - go into messages\menu\options\MMS\servers click on prob t mobile again.
Thanks again!

Problems with messages

I have a problem with my tytn and messages.
I have a messages in my messagesbox, not much. I deleted some of those messages and do a soft reset at my phone. When i open messagebox again, all those deleted messages are back. I look what´s the problem and i discovered that all my messages witch i had received after 15.2.2007 will all missing and before 15.2 received messages will return to my messagebox, even that i permanetly deleted all those messages. So, it´s look like my messagebox gets somewhere "message-backup" wich has been taken 15.2.2007.
I did a hard reset and try if the problem will disappear. First that works fine, my messagebox worked as it´s use to work, but now it´s doing all the same things as before. Except now when i do a softreset, all my messages is disappeared.
Sorry my bad english, hope you understand what i´m writing about.
I can only think it works this way, when you do a soft reset it is like pressing the reset button on your pc?! so if Messaging is running when you reset you lose ALL unsaved changes. If you leave outlook alone for a bit the changes take effect (deleting and recieving messages?!)
What u need to do next time before u soft reset your device is turn off ur phone and wait for about 15 to 20 seconds so the mem will be written to ur phone rom. See if it helps.
Now i turn off the power and wait couple minutes and switch power on. All messages was still in my messagebox. Now, when i do a softreset, my messagebox will be same, as it was after i switch thge power off. So, it´s like making a "message backup" when i turn the power off and on. When i do softreset, my messaqgebox will return as same as it was after last power off/power on. So, what´s the problem`Do i have to bring my phone to serviceguys?

Phone froze/locked/permanently

Need Help ASAP!, I cant even slide to unlock when it first starts.
It has always been crashing, and i have disabled my emails, and hardly have any programs and still. After all the patches and updates no change!
tried soft reset, took the battery out 1000 times.
this has happened to me for the second time in 3 months.
I did a hard reset last time to fix the problem, but i have to much valuable info, new contacts, notes, sms etc....
Is there anything else i can do to fix this problem, without a hard reset!
I cant take this phone anymore, it is horrible!
unlikely that you can fix it without hard reseting in one form or another.
rather than worrying about fixing it, first look into backing up your stuff, and then start looking at the freezing problem.
TheOne1AndOnly said:
Need Help ASAP!, I cant even slide to unlock when it first starts.
It has always been crashing, and i have disabled my emails, and hardly have any programs and still. After all the patches and updates no change!
tried soft reset, took the battery out 1000 times.
this has happened to me for the second time in 3 months.
I did a hard reset last time to fix the problem, but i have to much valuable info, new contacts, notes, sms etc....
Is there anything else i can do to fix this problem, without a hard reset!
I cant take this phone anymore, it is horrible!
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I think its the rom problem... next time you may choose a rom carefully... How to select a rom is a tough work... You could try to backup your files first...
Do the hardware buttons work?
My phone froze but it was a broken touch screen, fixed under warranty.
TheOne1AndOnly said:
Need Help ASAP!, I cant even slide to unlock when it first starts.
It has always been crashing, and i have disabled my emails, and hardly have any programs and still. After all the patches and updates no change!
tried soft reset, took the battery out 1000 times.
this has happened to me for the second time in 3 months.
I did a hard reset last time to fix the problem, but i have to much valuable info, new contacts, notes, sms etc....
Is there anything else i can do to fix this problem, without a hard reset!
I cant take this phone anymore, it is horrible!
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I am sorry that you are having the problem.
But it is not the phone. That I can be sure.
If you have modified the phone in anyway, some where along the line, something has gone wrong.
I used to have to hard reset many times when i got my first Windows Mobile Phone ( 2nd Generation HTC Tilt ).
I then went to the HTC Pure, and now I have the HD2.
It is a learning curve when you start adding programs and tweaks.
It takes time, trial, and more time.
I can tell you that I had to hard reset the HD2 just once.
I have over 200 tweaks, registry changes, programs, etc. The phone works great.
I now have learned to back up the system and registry just in case.
And pick and choose programs carefully. Buy only the ones you need.
Dont give up on the phone. Good luck.
TheOne1AndOnly said:
Need Help ASAP!, I cant even slide to unlock when it first starts.
It has always been crashing, and i have disabled my emails, and hardly have any programs and still. After all the patches and updates no change!
tried soft reset, took the battery out 1000 times.
this has happened to me for the second time in 3 months.
I did a hard reset last time to fix the problem, but i have to much valuable info, new contacts, notes, sms etc....
Is there anything else i can do to fix this problem, without a hard reset!
I cant take this phone anymore, it is horrible!
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Is the phone stock, or have you made modifications? When on and connected with usb to a pc, does active sync start on the pc? you may have to hard reboot: read: always make backups to the sd card (PIM backup, sktools, sprite backup, etc.) of critical data as soon as it hits your phone. If you are miserable with what you have on your phone, change it. I fell in love (from hate) with my HD2 when MIRI_DINIK V 17.0 WWE gave it a new soul. good luck.

