Easy way to delete registry key over and over? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm after a quick and easy way to delete a specific registry key - preferably from a command line/shortcut.
This has to be done on a number of PPCs for work (always the same registry key) and I need an easy way to distribute it so I don't have to walk users through it each time - ie a single shortcut or executable would be best.

no-one knows? WM5 if that makes a difference..


leyton01 said:
no-one knows? WM5 if that makes a difference..
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If you tell me what key and data you want deleted I can write you a small app that can do it (silently).

Use MortScript and Autorun.exe on a SD card. Just inserting the card on the device will run the script and change the registry for you.
Other option is to create a cab file with the registry change in it, and then setup a batch script to automatically install it on the users device when their PDA is connected to their PC. Here is something I put together that may help:

Jwrightmcps - thanks for the offer, I will PM the details
Markvan - will check out the link. Looks like it will be handy for a couple of other projects I have. KISS principle definitely applies for execs and technology - if I can email them a cab that can run a couple of things offsite users shouldn't be able to screw it up too bad (they will find a way no doubt)


Adding programs in ROM

Does anybody know how to add software in ROM.
I succcesfully added small 1-file programs (and a couple of 2/3 file programs) using mkrom.
I often needed to modify the default.reg file to achieve this...
But how do I install more complex programs like Batterybar/Journalbar and Fonix Voicedial ?
I hope someons has the answer!
its not easy. u have to use the snap utility to find out what changes were made and manually add each entry into default.reg file. also if any files need to be somewhere other than windows directory u have to copy them to ram via the initobj.txt file.
Thanks, that worked....
It took some time though!
kalex said:
Also if any files need to be somewhere other than windows directory u have to copy them to ram via the initobj.txt file.
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Cool! People are figuring out how this works!
It has to be noted that putting files in any other place than Windows means you're making a RAM copy, which ofcourse uses RAM you could use for other things. So it would be better to figure out how to convince the software to run from Windows instead, which, sometimes after a little tinkering, has worked for us in all cases.
If need be, you can also try creating a link to the program in Windows, and copy that instead of the real file.
It has to be noted that putting files in any other place than Windows means you're making a RAM copy, which ofcourse uses RAM you could use for other things. So it would be better to figure out how to convince the software to run from Windows instead, which, sometimes after a little tinkering, has worked for us in all cases.
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that's true. but some apps want to put something else where. for example Pocket Plus has 4 txt files which it modifies during use, so they have to be copied to RAM otherwise it wouldn't be able to modify it. some apps put dlls to \windows\appmgr, so i have to add that. so far i added Pocket Plus 1.2, Resco File explorer 2003, Soft Reset, and Pocket Gamer D9 dialer, as well as i localized it to US specs. the only thing i can't figure out yet is how to add T-mobile USA GPRS configuration to the auto setup.
XDA developer Peter Poelman can you share on how to do this?
Laundry list of things to add to ROM
I have a laundry list of things to add into the ROM. I'm sure it all won't fit, but I'm very energized about hearing what you guys have been saying.
I have a legal copy of battery/journal bar, fonix voice suite + dial, pocket informant, and All Locations Traffic Counter. Additionally I am most certainly interested in getting T-Mobile US settings setup in the autoconfig.
I'm far from a UNIX guy, but I have Cygwin now installed and I'm working on getting Perl setup. One of the guys in my department helped me build SER1.1 on his Linux box.
I've had the T2Tech guys squeeze 128M inside the phone (64/64) so I'd like to add the driver for it into ROM so I can use it after a hard reset without having to dig out the installer.
If there's any assistance I can lend along the way please let me know.
MAXLW can you shoot me some basic instructions for Fonix and Battery/Journal bar?
Thanks all for the great tool!
[email protected]
US T-Mobile PPC-PE 128M SER1.1
Are u able to access 128mb of ram after u did the ser1.1? i heard it didn't work with the current drivers by ppctechs.
I doubt Fonix will work in the ROM as there are about 100 or so files that need to be copied as well as i'm not sure which files are being modified by the program and if they are being modified you will need to do a Ram copy before u can use it. all locations i guess u don't need either as t-mobile now offers unlimited GPRS. PI i'm not sure how its going to react to ROM install but u can try it and let me know if it works as i want to add it.
128M w/ SER1.1
The 128 upgrade is split into 64M RAM and 64M "t2t storage card". I am able to access both of them quite easily with the driver installed.
The most impressive part, though it does make sense, is that I have only done soft resets and never a power cycle when installing the SER1.1 and therefore all files are still intact in the t2t storage card. Not bad for volatile RAM!
The only Fonix I'd really like in ROM is Voice Dial. I think I can get PI to work only because of the directory structure it uses. It places lots of files in the windows directory, but then puts all the 'writeable' files in the WebIS folder in my documents (at least as far as I can tell so far).
I'm just starting to play with snapview (since it came on SER1.1) to see what it will take to get this stuff crammed into ROM.

Question about registry entries in the Kitchen (PHP help)

XDA-dev guys, We need help.
Ok, We have right now, a Kitchen working with a couple of cool enhancements, we have acomplished to install, from the kitchen, some commercial programs, like Resco Explorer 2003, SPB Pocket Plus, and others. And we want to make this kitchen available to the public, so everyone can download their custom ROMS with these cool programs, but of course, for legal purposes, we can't just post them like that, already registered versions of programs.
We have an idea, basically what we want is a the text field provided under each program, (kind of the same as thing as the "NBF header string" that is at the bottom of the regular kitchen). This text entry would be each user's own serial (entered by the user). This would create a registry entry file which will put the fields in and then merge it into the rom, in that way the user would be able to use the programs and would not have to worry about the Serials anymore.\
In short, A text field in the webpage, under each program choice, so the user can enter his/her own serial number. With this text, it will generate a registry entry automaticly in the ROM generator, so The program is registered from the ROM, and the user is free to use its own program directly from the ROM
We have the progs working fine from the ROM, but we are using our own serials, we want each user to enter its own, so everyone is happy, and we don't get in trouble giving away software that is not ours for free.
Any help would be appreciated.
So what exactly do you need help with?
i'm a webdesigner with knowledge of php so maybe i can be of asistance.
exactly what I want is how to create a text field where people can enter their serial and this entry will generate a registry file that will go to the creation of the ROM, and to register the programs installed.
Sounds like you need a form with multiple text-fields targeting a page where these textfields are converted to registry entries.
maybe we could mns about this. that would probably speed things up.
or mail me @ [email protected]
The textbox feature in the current kitchen can put the literal typed string anywhere in the registry. Have you looked at how it works?
If you need more, you could write some php to do that. You'd still need permission to distribute the included programs though. Easy way to get this permission is to become a point of sale: you would point people to the place to buy it if they did not already have a serial. Could even make you some money through these affiliate programs.
Thanks guys. kenofalte, i might need ur help with php. I'm not a good programmer. I'll try to do it myself but in case i get lost.
Most SPB and Resco programs come with the Trial versions that you can use for 14 days etc. that can later have a registration code entered... can't you setup your custom kitchen ROM with these different Trial versions instead and then whoever burns their own ROM can pick and choose what they want, burn it, and when setup and finished, they can enter their own code then? Just a curiousity. I am not sure about the permission to distribute the programs then? Either way, just a thought.
that's another option. i just wanted to make it so that they can register it during the "cooking" process. otherwise everytime they do a hard reset they have to re-register the product.
just mail or msn me at the previous mentioned e-mail.
We will make it work.

good back up prog for 6800?

i dont have the email setup so it wont back up my contacts. anyone know or have a link to a backup program that will grab my contacts?
why dont you sync it with outlook on your computer?
why dont you sync it with outlook on your computer?
ca3sar said:
i dont have the email setup so it wont back up my contacts. anyone know or have a link to a backup program that will grab my contacts?
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SPB Backup works great. Just search SPB Software and you will find it. It has a free trial that runs out after a little while though. I think its 10 bucks to purchase a license. I just set the phone up the way i want it and just back it up. It copies everything all the way up to registry edits, or you can just have it copy certain info. ( i just keep reinstalling the trial program)
if you just want to backup PIM stuff (contacts, calendar, tasks, etc), look in the development section of this forum for PPCPimBackup. works great
nxtech3 said:
It copies everything all the way up to registry edits,
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Well, the probelm is it isn't capable of doing just registry "edits" actually. As far as I can tell it just backs up the whole registry. What's a good tool for just backing up selected registry entries? I know Phm will do, it, but it won't restore.
I ask because when upgrading roms you certainly don't want to overwrite the whole registry with the old one. It's probably dangerous enough to assume that just your old registry tweaks will still work... but probably not too dangerous to be worth trying.
I use PPCPimBackup2005-6. You can d/l it at www.freewarepocketpc.net.
Great program.
how about backing up stuff besides PIM?
I have outlook and am synching between it and my Titan, so that takes care of backing up the contacts, schedule, etc.
Now, how about all of the cool add-ons I've put in place? Any way to avoid having to manually reinstall it all if you were to wipe the Titan?
dagurasu said:
Well, the probelm is it isn't capable of doing just registry "edits" actually. As far as I can tell it just backs up the whole registry. What's a good tool for just backing up selected registry entries? I know Phm will do, it, but it won't restore.
I ask because when upgrading roms you certainly don't want to overwrite the whole registry with the old one. It's probably dangerous enough to assume that just your old registry tweaks will still work... but probably not too dangerous to be worth trying.
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just copy and paste the selected registry entries with total commander.
Thanks. I know how to edit registry entries, and someone once taught me that modern computer gizmos have this cool copy and paste feature that you mention.
Seriously though, it sure would be neat to be able to compile all one's registry edits in one place and just click to install them. Obviously this is doable as people (here) write cabs to do it. I don't know how, or how simple it is. If it were really simple probably most everyone would do it, and there wouldn't be so many posts asking for cabs for things.
I think I saw something about WinCE CabManager possibly being a good tool for this? Maybe I'll play with it, but if there' s a simpler more single purpose tool for this, that would probably be better.
for reg edits you can use resco registry to export all the keys and values you change, then consolidate them all into 1 .reg file, then just import it after a hard reset or upgrade
I see it can read phm reg files... except you have to add a line at the top with the Windows Registry Editor program name or it will refuse saying it doesn't recognize the file.. That's seems pretty petty.
I found a better reg import solution. Total Commander has rather hidden registry editing capability. The registry is found in \\\registry\ or by switching to 2 virtual window view. Copy and paste reg files to the registry root and that's it.
I had one reg file missing carriage return at the end and rather than complain it made an incorrect value.. so maybe a little weak on sanity checks, but easy to use, and free and has a text editor included.
Now I can dump all my reg tweaks in one big file and save lots of time installing the next rom that will trun my phone into a personal teleportation device... with EnableUpsideDownMaterialization=dword:00000001 by default.

Best way to deploy a registry edit?

I need to modify about 200 windows mobile 5 devices with a registry edit for my job.
(This is what I get for being the only person in the office familiar with WM)
What would be the easiest way to do something like this? Normally I use SD/MiniSD Cards to install apps on the various devices - it would be nice to be able to create a .cab that would modify the needed key, so that I wouldn't have to edit the registry manually on every device.
Might want to browse that or message one of them. I know i read somewhere how to put reg edits in cab format, but i can't remember where i read that at.
WinCE Cab Manager. Awesome program. Used it to create a .cab that contains all my standard registry edits and a bunch of files that I like to use (themes and such). Allows me to customize any flashed ROM very quickly.
It isn't an inexpensive program (I think it was $100 or so), but worth it. You can't import registry edits into the trial version, but I believe you can manually enter registry edits.
If you struggle (and if the edit you need isn't something that is confidential to your company), I can throw it in a cab for you. PM me if I can assist.

How to forbid *.exe & *.cab installing in WM6

Hello All,
I want to make some application for PPC's under WM6 that restrict users from installation any software on PPC.
Does somebody faced with this?
I was looking for some tweakers or smth, to look how it gonna be, but nothing found for WM6.
I was looking for some registry hacks, but no luck.
Any ideas are welcome.
what a thread, so this could help:
1. dont give it to your brother,
2. ask your daddy to buy him his own ppc
3. make a backup
4. give the mio to your mom and go back to kindergarden
5.and just open a thread on a developers side if you have something usefull.
hope i could help you
Well I can see this being as the device used for demonstration purpose and OP wants to forbid people from messing it up.
One thing I can think of is to make the windows folder and registry files "read-only" so no other things can be added or used on the phone, after configure the phone the way you wanted.
I'm sure its possible, as a Exchange Activesync security policy.
vanuska said:
Hello All,
I want to make some application for PPC's under WM6 that restrict users from installation any software on PPC.
Does somebody faced with this?
I was looking for some tweakers or smth, to look how it gonna be, but nothing found for WM6.
I was looking for some registry hacks, but no luck.
Any ideas are welcome.
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Forbidding an EXE from installing would also prevent EXE's from running. Thus rendering everything on the device inopperable.
Preventing CAB files from running though, should just be a matter of altering the registry and what the associated actions for CAB files are.
look in \HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\cabfile\Shell\Open\Command\
The default string value is wceload.exe "%1" /XXXXXX (XXXXX can be a value of either /delete or /nodelete)
Anyway breaking this string will prevent cab's from installing.
The only other method of doing something like you want, that I can come up with at the moment, would be to create an app that either runs at startup or as a service. It's function would be as suggested above would be to restrict new files from being created in specified storage/registry locations.
I say NEW files as you would not want to restrict modification of existing files in those locations otherwise you risk breaking functionality of pre installed apps.

