Receive SMS Messages - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all, I'm developping a SMS application by using .NETCF. It can send sms message by calling SmsOpen() and SmsSendMessage() on sms.dll library very good. But it dose not receive SMS message. Can you help me receive sms message by calling SmsReadMessage(). Thanks!


xda2i/ incoming mail question

Hi to all,
I'd like to send emails from my xda but don't want to receive any incoming mails..
As soon I as I send a mail,it starts to receive incoming mails automatically.Is there a way just to send emails and don't receive any incoming mails.

sms problem

i cannot send sms on my sime from the touch hd...but i can receive calls do calls etc...
on a different mobile i can send sms
with a different sim the htc can send sms...

Incoming SMS displays wrong time?

Hey everyone.
I've had my X1i for a few months now and I'm having trouble with my text messaging. When I recieve an incoming text message it displays the wrong time for some reason and when I change the order of the text messages to see the received texts first it doesn't work. When I send a text to myself it displays the correct information but it doesn't when others send me texts. Can anyone help me?

SMS folders support??

Anybody managed to get sms folders in htc messages for PPC?? I disabled htc messages and used the Microsoft sms for few days but my mobile freezes up often when in send messages and no incoming messages too... Help! Even a third party sms software supporting sms folders will be fine...
Thanks in advance

TXT messages

Hi, may i know how i can send group TXT sms without covnverting to MMS? Thank you.

