ok, i give up (bluetooth) - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

As I said, I give up.
A mate just sent me a file via blutooth. I know I recieved it, because the Exec told me so.
Where the hell do these files go to though? I can't find it anywhere.
Hope someone can give me a clue, and is there anyway of setting the location for these files as the storage card?

Try My Documents

new2city said:
Try My Documents
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Yes, already tried that thanks. I've checked all the My docs files.
Still nothing
Any more ideas

Try to find Dr.Yar's bluetooth Manager, it gives you the option to set your bluetooth directory...

goto my documents, hit menu, then hit show all

exemike said:
goto my documents, hit menu, then hit show all
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Click to collapse
Already selected, still no good. Thanks any way.
Does anyone know the default storage location for BT files?

The default location *is* My Documents in the main storage. Perhaps you are looking on your SD card?
Unless you have something installed that's changed the location, or you have changed the registry entry, that's where it goes on every device with the Microsoft stack.


HTC HD reboots when I click settings...

Hi all.
Have searched and searched but not found anything so here it goes.
I cannot access settings below the startmenu anymore if I click it the phone reboots.
I tried uninstalling some of the latest programs I installed but to no use (last program beeing BlueFire Mobile VPN which works great by the way).
I can however for instance access the wireless and bluetooth settings if I go via the comm manager.
If I check in file explorer under windows\start menu the settings folder is empty (though I am not sure if its supposed to hold any icons).
So anyone have any tips? Is there some kind of eventviewer available on the device or maybe one you can download (or maybe a crash/debuglogg somewhere)?
Noone knows eyy thats toobad?
Could someone maybe post the contents of the windows\start menu\settings folder and maybe I can sort it out myself?
wmadoss said:
Noone knows eyy thats toobad?
Could someone maybe post the contents of the windows\start menu\settings folder and maybe I can sort it out myself?
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Click to collapse
that folder is empty for me as well.
try to go up one level to startmenu, and check if the setting folder is a shortcut that is mapped to a restart command instead of the real settings.
other than that, soft reset , if that doesn't work. umm. .hardreset is the only thing i can think of.
Thanks for that info then I atleast know seomthing is not missing in that folder.
Have tried softreset several times I guess I have to bite the apple and do a hard reset.

Saving Files to the Touch HD via Bluetooth

My apologies if this has been covered but I'd like to know if there is a fix, trick, or software you can recommend that will allow me to save files to a particular area.
Maybe I am missing something (unfortunately at the moment I don't have much time/resources to go hunting for the answer myself) but whenever I save a file via Bluetooth it gets saved to some remote part on the My Device/Windows.
I then have to perform a search to find out where the file has been saved to.
Obviously there is a simple solution to this and again I apologies in advance but can someone point me in the right direction.
Go to Settings, Connections, OBEX Inbox and change there.
I have attached the cab if you don't already have this installed.
xmsnx said:
Go to Settings, Connections, OBEX Inbox and change there.
I have attached the cab if you don't already have this installed.
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Many thanks xmsnx.... appreciated.
Not had chance yet to try but quick question ~ Whats the other .cab file?
didnt work for me!
xmsnx said:
Go to Settings, Connections, OBEX Inbox and change there.
I have attached the cab if you don't already have this installed.
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Click to collapse
Does the dialog box for choosing the destination directory appear on your Touch HD when you press the "..." button?
It doesn't appear on my Touch HD, but it will appear fine on my HP 6828 (320x240, WM6.1).

Save photos/beamed files in memory card

Hi all!
I've been searching these for an hour now....(just hope I've been doing that correctly...)
no clues though, so there it goes:
1.How can I change the file saving location in camera?
2.How can I change the file saving location when receiving beamed files?
Really hoping I am not being a great repetition...
Thank you!
You can change camera save location from the options of the camera to your sd card. However, I have not found a way to change the folder. It's always "/Storage Card/DCIM/100XPRIA/". There ARE in fact registry values which define this path, but changing them doesn't make the camera save to another location.
Firefall! said:
You can change camera save location from the options of the camera to your sd card. However, I have not found a way to change the folder. It's always "/Storage Card/DCIM/100XPRIA/". There ARE in fact registry values which define this path, but changing them doesn't make the camera save to another location.
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!! thank you...
silly I am, thought I had searched any menu and sub-menu ...apart from that one....even tried with advance configuration....
I don't thnk it would reasonable renaming folders though cos I believe the current set up helps other applications locating the photos-I think(ie pannel manager when running slide show panel)
Any ideas for the beamed files? SE officially says that this can not be changed.....
arena1 said:
!! thank you...
silly I am, thought I had searched any menu and sub-menu ...apart from that one....even tried with advance configuration....
I don't thnk it would reasonable renaming folders though cos I believe the current set up helps other applications locating the photos-I think(ie pannel manager when running slide show panel)
Any ideas for the beamed files? SE officially says that this can not be changed.....
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I BELIEVE if you use your custom bluetooth software (Such as Persian Blue) you MIGHT be able to set the destination.
There is a great App floating around here to allow you to save your bluetooth sent file Anywhere!!
Do a search for the HTC Bluetooth Inbox!!
Works great!!

Explore issue

Got rather a big problem. I installed Resto Explorer and was using it quite happily until the trial period lapsed. I did purchase the program as I liked it but got the wrong license generated and still waiting to hear from their support on getting it fixed. In the mean time I was unable to edit or do anything of substance.
So in my wisdom I decided to remove it for now. Big mistake! I am now unable to explore my phone as I cannot find the default explorer. I think I may have removed that from the start menu. OCD cleanliness you understand!!
So I cannot explore at all and thus cannot install anything to replace it.
Anyone know how I might recover from this one?
try installing total commander
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
rphillip said:
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
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Not quite sure what you expect to be stored in the registry for the file explorer. I've had a brief look and can't see anything in there. Just using it will set up any data storage that it uses. AFAIK it only needs to remember the last location it was in - nothing more.
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
rphillip said:
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
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Open file explorer and go to windows\start menu\programs and find the shortcut. Just rename it in there.
Incidentally, if you select an application, anywhere on your phone and do "Copy", you can then go to the above mentioned programs folder and do "Paste Shortuct". Just in case you lose any more shortcuts

"Bluetooth Inbox"

Since I got my HD2 I have found that a real gripe has been the inability to select where incoming files received via Bluetooth are stored.
By default the HD2s' own Bluetooth File Transfer setting stored it in "My Documents". No matter what changes I made to this, I could never get it to save to my Storage Card. I even tried installing the brilliant (and always essential on my older HTC devices) ObexInbox software, which made no difference at all on the HD2.
In the end I trawled through the registry and eventually found the key which controls the location of the incoming "bluetooth-ed" files.
Change this key from whatever it is set to to your new location (in my case this was \Storage card\Bluetooth Inbox )
Voila! - incoming files over bluetooth now get stored where I want them to!
If anyone else was having the same problems I was, then this should help you out!
BT Manager -> Settings -> Advanced -> File transfer
You can choose the path here, and it will actually change the reg value you mentioned. BUT, it still saves received files in My docs...
If I tick the box below about using storage card, it will save to the card root. Already a small step...
namwollem said:
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in mine,
doesnt exist, root is actually in
In my 0003 i have one called InboxDirectory with the same value as root.
kilrah said:
BUT, it still saves received files in My docs...
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Click to collapse
you need to change both places in the registry
Summary - on mine i change
samsamuel said:
you need to change both places in the registry
Summary - on mine i change
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They're already both set...

