Odd Email problem - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have the T-Mobile MDA Vario II (Windows Mobile 5). My problem arises when open Outlook E-mail. I can see the headers from my new mail. When I click on a message I see the animation (as if Outlook is going to open the email) but no email appears and the "header list" is still in sight.
The same problem with Hotmail and other mail-account, but NOT with textmessages and MMS.
Also I cannot create new mail anymore (not from "new" in outlook, but also not from contacts=>email=>select account.
Does anyone know a solution or is someone struggeling with the same problem?

looks as your PIM database (aka message store/storage) is corrupt.
there are ways to work around it, all involve losing messages.
firstly, backup the device.
secondly, you may want to delete database pMailfolders using sktools databases browser,
or you may want to hard reset and restore from backup EXCLUDING mail.
Note that relation with your Exchange account (if you are using Activesync DirectPush) has to be reestablished, just delete marriage and set it up again.

Thank you for your reply. I bought SKTools to do the job for me (hopefully).
Is deleting the contents of the database enough? Or do I have to delete the whole Pmailfolders database?


outlook 2003 problems

hello all,
anybody using outlook 2003 yet? i'm having problems synching my contacts properly...seems that there is proper synching but when you use your device, some categories are missing, some contacts don't display the same info as in outlook, etc.
so i'm wondering, is it outlook 2003 or should i hard-reset my device(which i'm not too keen on doing)?
any feedback i will greatly appreciate
Ive used Outlook 2003 ever since I got my XDA 2 so i'm not terribly sure what the syncronisation of contacts was like in previous versions.
To put it simply, if I get some info I want to add as a new contact, I usually wait until I go home and just put the info on the phone temporarily as a note. Many fields are missing, like "other telephone number" and proper formatting of the 'display name' is not possible directly off the phone... e.g. If I save a new contact on the phone as "Tom Smith", im stuck with it being saved as "Smith, Tom" until I open Outlook 2003 to change the display name there.
Also confusing, but not really a problem anymore is Business in Outlook is called Work on the phone... e.g. 'Work Telephone'.
I havent noticed any other problems, except that Outlook 2003 only synchronises the main e-mail inbox even though the phone will display empty folders for everything else such as sent items and custom inboxes.
Unless you're having some sort of other problem you wouldn't get any improvement from a hard reset. Let me know if what you're experiencing is different/worse.
Had the same problem with name being swapped around to Surname, Forename but found a solution! When creating a new contact on the phone click the down arrow next to the name field and enter the whole name in the Last Name field. This will then save the contact in the format Forename Surname. The contact will also be saved correctly in Outlook 2003 unless you specifically want Surname,Forename formatting.
tomlow1 said:
I havent noticed any other problems, except that Outlook 2003 only synchronises the main e-mail inbox even though the phone will display empty folders for everything else such as sent items and custom inboxes.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ey, thanks for the replies guys, as for the above situation, you can go to the mail options section in activesync then check the appropriate boxes for folders you want to sync.

SMS folder disappear

Hi all.
I don't use sms often but tomorrow i need to send one... and i discover that i don't have anymore the SMS folder into pocket outlook
I never receive either sms or mms (i try to send me a sms from another cell but i don't received).
Now pocket outlook show only 3 type of element in main screen.
- Outlook
- GMail
- New account
Only Outlook and GMail in the folder tree...
I've a tytn with wm6 ...
P.s.: i've tried some software (hoping something change...) but nothing happen:
I don't need to recover sms or mail... can i reset pocket outlook or reinstall it ?
I had my MMS dissappear... had to hard reset to get it back
SOB. There isn't a software or patch for repair pocket outlook sms/mms repository ?
Can i replicate some working (empty) outlook filesystem or file structure ?
all i could find was do a hard reset...
what about erasing cemail.vol ?
i'm trying but nothing... the file is locked and i don't understand what process is locking it (using TaskMgr). No one "unlock it" for WM6 ?
I've just installed dbviewSP for navigate in cemail.vol and i see folder and messages... but no "remove database" o "remove record" work.

Need help migrating to Nike from older PDA

I've just upgraded to a Nike from a Wizard (ran wm5) and I really want to be able to take off my non-outloook email and sms messages and import to the new pda.
I've managed the contacts and calendar through active sync, but nothing else... any ideas?
For Mails, SMS and MMS use PIM BackUp 2.8, best app ever for those jobs!
Thanks animelover - Very useful indeed. I've managed to get all my old SMS transferred. The email didn't work out, but I'm not too bothered about that.
For eMail you can use Outlook!
Well not for accounts you set up outside of your pc outlook... I had some folders and emails sorted into various places on the pda - although it's a yahoo account and I left them all on the server.
Just means I have to manually sort them all out (if I can be bothered!).
Cheers, Dan.

IMAP to gmail configuration?

I'd like to configure Windows Mobile to make that the delete mail action in my gmail account archives the mail instead of deleting it.
I've read some post over the web talking about this issue, and giving some solutions, but none of them for Windows Mobile.
In essence, the solution implies to change the "label" that is associated with the delete action, so it must change from "[gmail]/trash" to "[gmail]/All mail" (this is my own interpretation of what I've read, very simplified ), but I don't know how to do this. I've searched the registry and the file system looking for some configuration entries, but I've been unable to find any
Any ideas? Is this possible to do?
(my ppc is a HTC TouchHD, by the way)
1 of the differences between imap and pop3 is that
imap dont delete the mails
you should try to change to pop3 in your pda
Use the IMAP connection and just move the messages to a folder on your PPC, this will change the tags in your gmail account. Thus moving the email from your Inbox to the folder of your choice.
Hi again,
Thanks Rudegar and Deedee for your replys. (sorry for my delayed answar, but I've been out of home some days)
Rudegar, I've been testing the pop3 access, but I have a problem. I use POP (with MS Outlook) in my main computer, so I always have my mails there and organized as I want (folders, subfolders, filters to delete, move, etc...) This is my main "mail box" and I like it this way 8·). The problem now is that if I download one mail from one pop3 "reader" (be it the PC or the PPC) the other one "loses" the mail. I suppose that gmail marks the mail as downloaded by pop so it is not "served" anymore. This makes the pop option "not an option" 8·(
Deedee, I've been playing a little more with the IMAP folders, and, as you say, I can move the messages to folders. The problem here is that this is not so easy as simply deleting it, and letting gmail to keep it archived. What I want is to be able to delete the messages but to be sure that there are kept safe by google, just in case ;·)...
What I want to do is exactly what is described in this page (http://vjarmy.com/archives/2007/10/tutorial_easy_archiving_for_gmai.php), but I don't know if there is some way to do the same in Windows Mobile
Thansk again for your help 8·)
it's done! well... in fact it has been always done! 8·)
As a nice "side efect" of using a spanish version of Windows Mobile, mails are never marked as "Trash", but as "Elementos eliminados", what, of course, gmail does not understands and treats it as a normal label. So emails are never sent to the trash folder, wich is what I wanted! 8·)
So problem solved! Thanks again for your pattience 8·D

Outlook in WM - sending emails from Outlook Account

Hi Everybody,
I recently got TP2 rhodium. The 1st WM system for me.
I tried to use Outlook in a "natural" way but I found some simple things I can't do.
I have 3 accounts in my phone:
- "Outlook", which is synced with my company PC via ActiveSync.
- A "work account", that I use to receive and send emails using my company ISP (i.e. [email protected]) when I am away.
- A "personal account", that I use to receive and send emails using my personal ISP (i.e. [email protected]) when I am away.
Everything works: Outlook sync, work send-receive emails, personal send-receive emails.
The most simple thing I expect I can do is:
1) I sync Outlook via Activesync. So I get an updated copy of my pc inbox/outbox in my TP2. Including emails I didn't read yet.
2) I go away, get in the inbox of my phone outlook account and read emails. There's one I need to reply immediately!
3) I reply to that email, but...
the reply goes into the outgoing box but it remains there. It will be sent the next time I'll sync, but it will be next week.
I didn't find a way to use one of the 2 other accounts to send that email from inside the "outlook account". It's a reply, so I have to write it inside that account.
The most natural thing would be:
- an option in the "from" field allowing me to use one of the two accounts
- send the email
- watch it going in the outbox of my "outlook account", so that it will be synced the next time.
in addition,
if I send an email from my "work account", it will go into its outbox, but I cannot move it to the "outlook account" outbox, so that it can't be synced when I connect to my pc!!
I suppose many people encountered the same problem.
I tried to search, but I couldn't find any.
Anyone can address me to a solution?
I thank you all in advance.
Thats what i did in the past.. i sync emails so that i know which ones i need to reply... but found it a hassle at times...
why not try using pop3 directly? Jus save a copy of emails on server.... i pop as and when i need... but only my outlook in laptop downloads emails.. i find it better in sense i have contorl when i use outlook.. but thats jus me and my 2cents..
Hi chuachongchee,
I hope I'll find a straight way for you and for me to do what I mean.
I can't believe it is not possible to do such an elementary thing with an almost 600€ gear and a WM at its 6th release!!! And such a cool design !!
Do outlook mobile developers ever work away from their pc?
I am not good in WM software "handling", but a lot of people is, and I am sure someone has already solved this issue.
Just hope I'll find one...
hi asamax,
Just confirming that I have a similar problem that would be solved if I could change the "From" field in the outgoing message (as with your problem).
I also have done a lot of searching and found nothing yet.
I have found that its possible to write "plugin" apps for
tmail (aka Outlook mail for WM) but found none that allow the change of the "From" field - annoying!
haongusa said:
hi asamax,
Just confirming that I have a similar problem that would be solved if I could change the "From" field in the outgoing message (as with your problem).
I also have done a lot of searching and found nothing yet.
I have found that its possible to write "plugin" apps for
tmail (aka Outlook mail for WM) but found none that allow the change of the "From" field - annoying!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Don't mind,
I am sure this will be solved.
Such simple change + Such evident miss.
Please skilled-xda-developers write an outlook hacked rev. allowing:
- choose the account in the email "from" field
- copy/move emails between different accounts folders
- some additional options for each accounts would be useful: default c/c and hidden c/c recipients.
the 3rd in the list allowed me to solve this issue in my old Nokia E70 (!!).
I just put a rule for incoming mail in my PC outlook: when I receive a mail in whic i am in hidden c/c AND in the from fields, move it in the sent items folder. But it was not a very clean way... I expect more from my brand new rhodium!!!

