Blackjack (SGH-i607) Keyboard Support - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm trying to add support for the Samsung Blackjack device's keyboard. It seems to have a special keyboard layout where each digit is shared between two buttons, for example, 'E' and 'R' are both used for '1'.
I didn't find any method of telling the OS to change between digit mode and character mode, but I might have just missed it.
I noticed that IME generates the same WM_KEYDOWN (VK_1) message for these two buttons ('E' & 'R').
Any idea how to create a generic solution for this kind of devices? I wouldn't want to query the OEM string and do it hardcoded.


Touchpad pin entry?

I use a pin (numerics) to protect the data on my MDA vario 2. I type in this pin using the stylus keyboard. Anyway, I saw that the Swisscom version uses a touchscreen input panel to type in the pin for the PPC. Does anybody know how to get this done with the MDA Vario 2?
Try going in to the Pin's setting area, there should be a radio button or something for making the password stronger. The V.keyboard u see is for letters input.
The Swiss guy is using a numeric code to protect his device. A numeric touch pas shows up to enter it. That's what I would like to have. Any idea? Maybe a program in the Swisscom extented ROM?
There are 2 ways to protect you data (not SIM PIN) on WM5 devices. They are 'Simple PIN' or 'Strong alphanumeric'. When you use 'simple pin' you will be prompted with a standard numeric input display. If however you use 'Strong alphanumeric' then you will get a text box to enter your password into and you either use the onboard keyboard or the slide-out QWERTY one.
I much prefer the 'simple PIN' for ease of entry.
Thx GavinN, interessting: I use a 'Simple PIN' (it's selected) but I get allways a text box to enter your password into, so I have to either use the onboard keyboard or the slide-out QWERTY one.
I much prefer the 'simple PIN' for ease of entry, so any idea how to get it??
Hey D,
That's interesting. I enabled it on my TyTN and looked through the registry but can't find the setting for where this is stored. I was looking at it a few weeks back so there is some sort of entry which you might be able to 'hack'.
I'll look again later and post another reply.
THX! Looking forward ;-)
I get the simple pin with touch pad. Its been there from first use and is the sim card pin that I set up on my old phone before I upgraded. Not sure how you set up a sim card pin on the tytn. Do you have another handset you could try setting one up on?
It's not the pin for the SIM card. I use a second password to secure my device, and I uase only numbers (simple key settings). Now my device shows the keyboard and a text box to enter the key instead of a numeric touch pad, even after a hard reset. Could somebody post the registry entries of HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin with all keys and entries? Maybe I can look for differences to my settings.
Hi D:
Folder: DIALER
DWORD: Enabled = 1
STRING: ext = \windows\phcanhtc.dll
Folder: landscape
Folder: portrait
Folder: landscape
Folder: portrait
Lots of other folders under them but nothing 'Simple PIN' related.
digger_de said:
Thx GavinN, interessting: I use a 'Simple PIN' (it's selected) but I get allways a text box to enter your password into, so I have to either use the onboard keyboard or the slide-out QWERTY one.
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Click to collapse
Some suggestions. You can try selecting the security to the higher security (e.g. not "Simple PIN") option, save it, wait and reboot the system. Then, go into the security again, and try simple pin to toggle the settings, which may help.
And, also, as with Windows, and Linux, there are security concerns over the users level of password protection. As I know, for some devices, there are this coopoerate mode, which seems to be like the WindowsXP Professional Edition. Such 'higher-end' edition often has default higher security level (eg user cannot use short password, user password will automatically expire, etc). So, I'm wondering, does your phone shows any form of.. "Professinal" tag on it?
Hi G.,
looks same at my device. I will walk to a t-mobile shop to check another device.
No, no professional or else device.
I tried to use higher encryption, rebooting etc. and then simple pin. I always get an alpha input field and keyboard for entry, but never the numeric touch pad entry. I got no f... clue why.
Heureka, I got it: I selected simple password and entered 5 digits, resulting in no warnung or else and the keyboard for entry. Now I enterd exactly 4 digits and the numeric touch pad for entry appeared ...
Typical Microsoft!!! Glad you got it sorted.

I need some help with the softkeys please.

I have just downloaded GFDOOM for my Wizard and it runs great. However the key layout is just not working for me. I have managed to find an ASCII sheet for virtual keyboards that lets me assign the keyboard keys to the functions that I would like however I would also like to give it a try with out using the keyboard as the key spacing is not too suited to gaming. I would like to assign the voice and camera keys to left and right strafe and the IE key to fire. The problem is that I dont know the key code for those keys.
An example of the keys:
Calendar = A
Contacts = B
Messages = C
IE = ??? (its not D)
The same goes for voice and camera, I dont know the key for those buttons. If someone knows the answer or knows if they have an ASCII character code, I would appreciate the help ending this headache.
I have only had a PPC for about two weeks now so Im very new at all of this. Please be gentle. I have attached GameFreaks readme for the key assignment along with the ASCII code list I found below, maybe you can make more out of it then I can.

P/Invoke assistance

I'm working on an application. This application has several fields which will only have numerical input (Zip code, phone number, part #, etc).
This application runs on Windows Mobile 5 & 6 with a touchscreen and full keyboard (So basically Treo's and HTC phones).
To type a number on these phones, you need to hold down a Function Key, then hit a letter which corresponds to a number. It has been requested to eliminate the need to hit that function key, and have it automatically input the number.
I cannot hard code this because it's certainly not very extensible (Well, I could hard code it, but whatever)
I was thinking I could P/Invoke "keybd_event" the Function key, and it should work from there.
However, I cannot find what key code the "Function" key is.
And also, will this key code be the same across all phones?
I suppose one last note, if you know a better way to achieve this without using P/Invoke, I'm up for new ideas
Thanks for your time,
I'm afraid I can't be of much help here, but you for sure *can't* get a Function key code. There isn't. It's deep in the keyboard driver.
However, according to this, there's some hook you can ask OS for to convert letters to numbers. But with MS, it might as well be hidden from public...
There has to be some message that's sent to the OS when I hit the Function Key, I just (obviously) don't have Spy++ on my PPC.
I was looking up a few things.
Is there anything relevant contained in keybddr.dll?

Shift and Fn no longer work in Contacts screen?

Im old school, I like to put the "-" in between the first 3 numbers and last 4 numbers of my contacts.
So I Was entering in some people today, and I suually hit the blue dot and "f" to get the dahs, but it doesn't work. Shift doens't give me a capital, either. And I don't have to hold down the blue key to get the numbers working when I press the appropriate keys, they come up by themselves.
I checked and the Fn and Shift keys were no stuck, and hadn;t been pressed twice. What is going on?
Anyone? This is annoying
I confirmed this bug... when adding a new contact and entering a phone number via the hardware keyboard I couldn't insert the '-' (dash) character, no matter what i did with the fn and shift key i would get the 'a' character. I could insert the '-' character via the standard windows mobile software keyboard and the PCM Keyboard (another software keyboard).
This could be a design flaw of the windows mobile contact editor. Maybe they wanted to disallow all non alphanumeric characters and only implemented that for the hardware keyboard rather than for both the hardware and software keyboard.
Whatever the problem is, in order to get a dash character to show up when editing a contact phone number on the stock Sprint 6.1 rom it looks like you will need to use the software keyboard

[PRO] Remapping hardware buttons / hardware keyboard

Hi folks,
I'm trying to remap the hardware buttons of my rooted Xperia Pro with stock ICS 4.0.4, but there are some quirks that trouble me.
Basically, I want to
1.) remap the language button on the QWERTZ hardware keyboard.
2.) Prevent the camera button from unlocking the phone - just press power to show the lock screen, then hold camera button, the press home key and you'll see how easy it is for the phone to unlock in your pocket.
So far, I parsed through the keyboard layout files in /system/usr
I remapped key 368 in pm8058-keypad.kl to CTRL_LEFT, which did not seem to make any difference! Language button still invokes language dialog
I also modified quertz.xml and qwerty-en.xml by replacing META_LANGUAGE with META_CTRL_LEFT - did not make any difference.
Of course, I rebooted the phone inbetween...
Regarding 2), I have no clue. Butting WAKE_DROPPED behind CAMERA and FOCUS in pm8058-keypad.kl does not help.
I could use some help with key remapping as well. If I find some info i'll send it your way.
No progress for me so far... anyone?
kyanox said:
I could use some help with key remapping as well. If I find some info i'll send it your way.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I want to re-map the 0 (Zero) key and the OK button orientation on the PIN Lock feature. Any info what files I need to change?
I GOT IT!!! partially at least....
Reading through and once again, I finally found something that pointed me into the right direction!
I order to make my change to the Language button work (remapping key 368 to CTRL_LEFT), there are two possible ways:
1.) Set hardware keyboard to FULL keyboard type by replacing "type ALPHA" with "type FULL" in /system/usr/keychars/pm8058-keypad.kcm
This will make the hardware keyboard work without any additional GUI, so pressing shift will allow you to select text and copy&paste via ctrl+a,c,v,x now works (This still depends on the app you are using. Some do ignore this, some will still work with menu+a,c,v,x instead)
But beware:, in order to enter numbers or upper case letters, you now have to keep the modifier key pressed.
Printable characters can be edited via /system/usr/keychars/pm8058-keypad.kcm, non-printables like modifier keys can be edited via /system/usr/keylayout/pm8058-keypad.kl
Android keycode names can be found here:
Until now, I was unable to create a solution for entering special characters like ä,ö,ü
I tried to via sym or meta keyword in .kcm file while mapping the Sym key to SYMBOL or META_LEFT via the .kl file, but it didn't work...
2.) The .xml files in /system/usr/keyboard-config/layouts are used only with the keyboard configured as "type ALPHA". In order to identify the correct .xml file, you have to parse through the files in /system/usr/keyboard-config/languages and look for the script keyword, which in conjunction with the declarations in /system/usr/keyboard-config/keyprint.xml will tell you to the layout xml file for your device localisation.
Now, in order to remap printable characters, you have to edit the correct layout xml file and for non-printable characters, you have to edit the scancodes.xml file in /system/usr/keyboard-config.
Unfortunately, shift-selecting text will not work with "type ALPHA" mode and it seems that editing scancodes.xml is not sufficient to remap language button to CTRL_LEFT, but the .kl file has to be changed, too.

