Mini SD problems again ... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

This is my first post in this forum so I apologise if I am breaking any rules concerning repeating posts.
My problem is that I have a 2Gb mini SD card which appears to be very unreliable when used with the Vario. Sometimes I cannot get it to work at all. Well, sometimes I can get it to work .
However, when I insert it on an Axim PDA it works 100% of the times (through a mini-normal adapter).
I suspect that the problem may be with the Vario itself particularly the contacts mechanism. The reason I am saying this is that I can make it work sometimes by adding a bit of tape to the opposite side of the contacts in an attempt to make them press more against the Vario's ones. But this doesn't always cure the problem.
I am wondering whether anyone has any thoughts about this problem instead of just blaming the sd-card.

I bought a 2GB card too that was acting weird with the MDA Vario. It was one from Transcend. Sometimes parts would be visible, sometimes the whole card was invisible. Returned it to the reseller, and asked for a Sandisk instead. Not the fastest card in the world, but at least it works. Not sure why the Transcend card wouldn't work though...
If you can, exchange the card for another.

I've had similar issues as the OP with my Kingston. It either shows up or doesn't. If it just refuses to show up, I can usually soft-boot to get it back. Often though, just reinserting it several times will eventually get it back online. Very odd problem though.

Thanks for your replies guys,
I think I am going to try a new card just for my piece of mind. But judging by the number of issues on mini-sd cards associated with the Vario I would say it is a phone issue rather then a card issue.
Is there a range of cards that don't seem to give problems with the Vario?

there r many fakes around, many they r not phone issues but different card problems...i use a 1gb nokia (not the best brand) that is working perfectly but i read somewhere that someone had problems with kingston (yea, kingston, mister memory in person, they make really good memorys) so i guess is a matter of luck and formating the card every now and then...i do it using wm5torage...

i had bought a 2gig Topram off ebay about 5-6 months ago, has worked flawlessly, had a 1gig topram before that, never had issues with either

It appears that the best thing to do is to put a little bit of tape on the card (on the side opposite to the contacts).
Doing this seems to increase the number of times the card works.
I am now using 2 layers. I am wondering whether I am loosening the contacts and will, as a result, need to add more layers in the future.

Xda rocks! Top of the line situation!
The mini worked fine for a few weeks!
Than after installing some cab yesterday the 8125 locked up and locked up until I removed the sd card!
I cant locate the cab that did it, if that was the real problem anyway?
So with NO sd card the 8125 is about useless, except for a phone!
Great phone, but the pda has no storage now!
I sync and no problem, until I install the card than "FREEZE solid" and I have to eject the card, soft reset and good to go in the limited way!
Could someone help before I sling the thing!
Thanks very much!
Just added. . .. .. . ... . ... .. .. . ..
I did the deadly HARD reset and the card works now!
I didn't want to do that!
Cause I didn't have a backup but the thing is brand new so I didn't loose much!


SD card disappeared *POOF*

Hi all,
Had my XDAIIi for a month or so now... beside the odd lockup it's been more or less trouble-free.
However, I put the phone in the cradle today and got a strange message from WMP about sync settings... upon further investigation I found that my storage card is no longer recognised by my phone. It a Viking 512mb card.
I can't see it on File Explorer or via exploring on Active Sync. It's as if no card is plugged in... I tried another old 8mb card that I had and it works fine.
What should I do. Try to return the card, or is there a way I can reformat it? Any advice would be helpful...
I got the same problem, this is the second SD, I got the same weird msg.
Did you find a way to fix it?
The SD is not recognize neither in digitals cameras (tried only one) or other pocket pcs (other XDAlli and an HP).
I've heard form some friend that lot of people are getting this problem...
maybe vikings are troublesome..
Yep my new XDAlli killed a dane-lec 512mb card after a couple of weeks.. Couldn't use it in anything. Got another 512mb card this time branded as PRT?? card has been OK for the last 4 weeks but I do get the "storage card detected - search for audio & video files" message every now and then.. I also find the XDA can't see the card sometimes but a quick removal & replacement fixes the issue. I have also notice xbackup now takes around 10 mins..It was taking over an hour with the dane-lec...
I'm sure there is a compatibility issue with somecards..
I just read this post out of interest, casually browsing through the forum waiting for 5 o'clock :roll:, went to my XDA 2 and guess what.... no storage card!!!
Forunately, a soft reset was all it needed but how spooky :shock:
odd my xda2 like all others take a few sec's to reinit the sd card when it wakes up
and if it's needing some batt it dont
i've used sandisk slow version 128MB
and now kingston ultra something something 512MB
never had any issues apart from the sandisk being superslow
So once it's toast, is it really toast or can I somehow reformat it?
I guess I'll try to return it...
Can anyone recommend a card that hasn't reported any issues?
I am having the same problem... I am using PNY cards and am now on my fourth card. I am going to try a new branded card when i get the chance. People seem satisfied with ScanDisk cards so am going to try them.
MMCdata not seen
My XDA II recognize my MMC but file explorer does not show all of the data. Even my card reader does not show the data in MMC. But memory shows that Card is in use and all of the data is there as shown by the memory used... Please help!

MicroSD card hanging phone

I've just took delivery of my Kingston 1GB MicroSD card and all is not going well.
Using TomTom on it causes the entire phone to hang. This can happen is various places, there seems to be no real pattern to it. It can hang when running the initial config screens or if you manage to get passed them it will always hang when trying to enter a street/city name. Normally I can get a few characters in to typing the name and then it will freeze. Only a soft reset will bring it back.
I've tried formatting the card on the PC as FAT and FAT32 but neither seem to improve things.
Anyone else had issues with reading from MicroSD cards hanging their phone - up until installing the card the phones been rock solid?
BTW: It's a SPV M3100. Nothing else is installed - it's just been hard reset
I was having numerous problems with the phone freezing. The famous sleep of death whereby if was left charging overnight it would freeze up only a soft reset will sort it out.
I narrowed it down to the micro sd card or the SPV3100 handling of it. I have a 1gb Sandisk Ultra II. I discovered that if I had a program loaded onto the sd card & the phone had to access it for whatever reason, in my case Fizz Traveller & an RSS reader the phone would just freeze up.
Another problem is everytime I take the sd card out & put it back in, the phone doesn't see it until a soft reset.
Obviously this could be just the phone not compatible with the sd card but I don't have a different brand to try out. But I tend to think its a bug with the phone itself.
hmm doesn't sound too clever.
Assuming it is a bug with the phone itself I wonder if trying one of the other roms might be a course of action? Trouble is there's no way back yet until Orange release a update. Could really do with my GPS working though :-(
zen123 said:
Another problem is everytime I take the sd card out & put it back in, the phone doesn't see it until a soft reset.
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I think that this is normal for the Hermes. That's the way it works on my Vario II.
I believe the problem with TomTom hanging is due to the software being a little slow at reading the names database from the card. This happens to me on occasion, but if you wait a little while it comes back. I'm using a SanDisk 2Gb card and most other software works fine. It's entirely possible that these problems will be fixed with a future firmware update, as I think it's just a matter of teething problems on a new system. In my case, 2Gb cards weren't even widely available when the Hermes was designed.
kevino said:
zen123 said:
Another problem is everytime I take the sd card out & put it back in, the phone doesn't see it until a soft reset.
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I've got TTN5 working on my SPV no problems at all. Took less than 10mins to transfer the files from my old sd card to the new one & load the Nav5.21 program onto the phone. Even after numerous hard resets & 3 different phones.
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Micro SD not recognised on insertion!!!

Hi All,
Wonder if this is common or should I return the unit now. Had my Dopod 838 Pro for a week now. Great phone/PDA but since new, it does not always recognise a Micro SD card at first insertion. Tried 1x512 Sandisk and 2x1gb Ultra II cards with same issue. Phone has latest ROM from factory, 1.03.707.4. The insertion seems "clunky" too, that is, it doesn't go in smoothly like regular SD and Mini SD devices I have got.
What I have noticed is that if I only insert just enough to lock the card in it seems okay, but if I push it firmly home, it is more likely to remain unrecognised.
In every case, once recognised, it runs, saves, reads from the card flawlessly so it does seem like this is a hardware issue. But if all the Hermes phones are similar, it may be just one of those characteristics of the phone and nothing too much to worry about. Just like to know so I can relax or act as the case may be.
Thanks for any feedback guys...
Yes, I have found a similar issue. If I remove and re-insert the card a few times it eventually gets noticed.
It's the only glitch I have had on the device after 3 flawless months
MarkD said:
Yes, I have found a similar issue. If I remove and re-insert the card a few times it eventually gets noticed.
It's the only glitch I have had on the device after 3 flawless months
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Quite a few seem to take a few goes before recognised but usually seem to work fine once recognised.
Might be a bit concerned about jpfe8851's clunky slot and if it seems to go past the normal stopping point - Have not seen reports about this and mine does not do this.
I've noticed that it works everytime for me if I insert the card with the device turned off.
If you use your camera application to save the pictures on a memorycard, try to run the camera after inserting the card if it doesn't detect it. The camera app. then informs you that there's a new memcard inserted and do you wanna use it to save the files on.
Not so much of an hasle, considering how often you really remove/insert memory cards and the hermes has the camera button just opposite to card slot. And the application doesn't stay on the process list if you close it from the X (cross on upper right corner). The OK button doesn't completely close the application.
Inc said:
I've noticed that it works everytime for me if I insert the card with the device turned off.
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Same with me I turn it off to remove and then turn it off to insert and it will pick up the card
y2whisper said:
Same with me I turn it off to remove and then turn it off to insert and it will pick up the card
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This sounds like good practice and I'm sure for most folks this works. I think though there some people that struggle to get Hermes to recognise the card even when inserting it when off. Generally it does recognise it in the end but there could be a few reasons for these issues (formatting, fragmentation, poor physical contact and so on).
I think your advice is good though and should become routine whenever the card is removed/inserted.
I've used a 1GB PQI, a 2GB normal Sandisk, and a 2GB Sandisk Ultra, and all have worked fine. Except one of the 2GB doesn't like my card reader
i found formatting the card help. Originally it would only be detected if the phone was turned off.
Unfortunately I didn't have a card reader, so used an adapter to format it in my digital camera and have no idea how it formatted it. But it now works everytime without fail!
Thanks Guys...
Sounds like this is fairly common. I've found even since I posted the original question, that provided I just push the card until it clicks, it starts up every time. With my old Axim x50v and Atom, I had to really push the SD cards as far as possible to engage the lock whereas the Dopod clicks just after the edge of the card is past flush. Gently does it seems the rule.
Mike, I appreciate your concern but the clunkiness I think is more related to the card design, having the bumps along one side, than the slot. Also, these things are all rated as hot swappable, so we should all not have to turn off just to change a card. I don't change cards that often, but when I travel, I swap cards a bit as I take a couple cards with music on to listen to while flying.
For all with the issue, I suggest you do as I said in the first paragraph as that seems to be the clue, just press the card until you feel it engage the lock and see what happens.
Thanks all for your feedback. I'll carry on without a visit to service as the phone is terrific and the keyboard (my reason to replace the Atom) is superb.
Best regards,
I've also had the same problem, but I think I've figured it out and it's a hardware issue.
If you don't pay attention to how you put the card in, it will go in "crooked". The problem is that the little notch on the side of the microSD won't activate the switch inside the phone that tells it that "the card is in".
The solution is to watch very closely how the card goes in. If you make sure that the side of the microSD card with the notch, goes in straight and flush with the side of the slot, it will recognize it every time.
i've done all the suggestions given on this topic but i still can't get my JasJam, which is about 13hours old, to recognice my microSD card. I've tried a 512mb and a 1gb and no luck... i'm leaving tomorrow and i'm worried if the service center will want to repair it rather than exchange it.
hi fone_fanatic,
if its a fault with the jasjam, you will receive a replacement if its under 30 days old. but the replacement procedure sucks.
Are you in Australia and a Telstra customer? If so, telstra calls imate support to obtain a service reference number, then they will send your pda to mobile phone solutions (MPS) in QLD, they will inspect it and then return a new jasjam to your retail outlet. once the retail outlet receives it they will give you a call to come and collect it.
the warranty is Imate, not telstra, so once it leaves their stores, imate are the ones who do the replacement through Mobile Phone Solutions.
Turn around time, 1 week for my replacement to be couriered to QLD from Melbourne, 5 days turn around time from MPS, 4 days for the new replacement to be couriered back to melbourne, 1 day for me to pick it up. so around 3 weeks.
Now, MPS is closed from Dec 22 to Jan 3 and they are out of JASJAMS, they are awaiting more from imate for warranty replacements (my friend is wating for his replacement) so turn around time could be longer.
life sucks sometimes......
Thanks for that info Jasjamming. I'm in saudi arabia visiting family and friends for the holidays, and the process you just described soounds very similar to the one that was described to me today. BUT... turns out the device is fine, the cards i tried were both Nokia MicroSD cards that came with nokia phones and for some reason the jasjam won't read them. So i bought a 1gig Sandisk and it works fine!
Im having the same issue with my Hermes and a Sandisk 2gb card. It worked fine for a few weeks, but now wont detect at all. Interestingly the screen comes on when the card is inserted or removed - I'll test the card in a reader to see what shows...
A soft reset always seems to work for me
aprmike said:
Im having the same issue with my Hermes and a Sandisk 2gb card. It worked fine for a few weeks, but now wont detect at all. Interestingly the screen comes on when the card is inserted or removed - I'll test the card in a reader to see what shows...
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There's a thread here which gives some fixes to this problem. The thread is a bit long so it may be best to read from the end backwards.
Also, I believe this problem has been taken care of in the cooked WM6 roms. My SD card hasn't disappeared since upgrading to WM6, but did all the time when with Vodafones UK rom.
broken microSD card?
I have a Sandisk 2GB microSD card, that after a few days stopped working. Whenever I insert it, the device hangs completely. It doesn't matter whether I had turned off the device before inserting. The device stays unresponsive when I eject the card again, I always have to do a soft reset to bring the device back to live. I tried to insert the card carefully (as someone here mentioned the issue with the little notch), but it doesn't make any difference. The card is never recognized, not even after a soft reset. This is obviously very frustrating, as I had just installed a couple of useful apps on the card.
Do I need a new card or is there anything else I could try? ( I do not have a card reader....)
ROM date: 08/01/06
it must be the sandisk 2GB microSD cards as i have one to worked great for a week, then stopped working....i formated using the pc and now it is recognized as a 1 GB card, in both phone and pc..
QuachMD said:
I've also had the same problem, but I think I've figured it out and it's a hardware issue.
If you don't pay attention to how you put the card in, it will go in "crooked". The problem is that the little notch on the side of the microSD won't activate the switch inside the phone that tells it that "the card is in".
The solution is to watch very closely how the card goes in. If you make sure that the side of the microSD card with the notch, goes in straight and flush with the side of the slot, it will recognize it every time.
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Quoted for truth.

Micro SD Problem

I had recently bought a cingular 8525..... and i bought a scandisk 2gb micro SD card..... but when i try to push the card in it gets stuck and the card doesnt comes out..... i have to remove the battery and pull the card with the clipper...... but the dummy card goes in and comes out perfectly..... wht shall i do.... i have tried this with 2-3 brands micro SD cards
Same here. Althugh with a little fiddeling my Hermes recognised the Card. And as I haven't planned to remove it again any time soon I can live with that.
You have to be carefull when putting the card in. I had the same problem at the start, you have to put it in really straight and make sure you here a click. If you here a scrape, then it get corrupt.
Didn't want to make new thread, so I bumped...
I am having same problem. I tried to put the card in (2 gb sandisk micro SD) and now its stuck and not seen by the Phone. How did the first poster get his out? I looked under the battery, but I don't see an easy way to get to the card. Any help is much appreciated, since I cannot use my card yet...TIA!
ive experienced the same problem. seems like its a "breaking in" issue.
as you get used to putting it in and pulling it out it will ultimately just sink in. meaning, youd be able to click it in and click it out..
never had one problem with the 3 sandisk cards i use..
I did struggle the first time after taking the new Hermes out of the box but no problems since - since the first go I just do it really carefully, making sure it's absolutely straight.
SD cards are a nice, even shape but MicroSD have a funny shape to them - a degree out in insertion angle (oo-er, missus) and it seems you're stumped. Took me ages to get the thing out first time.
Thanks for the help, I was able to get it out with a very small flat screwdriver. It is very sensitive, and I make sure that I get the "click" before I push it all the way in. Thx.
tried taking out my sdhc earlier and seems like i have no problems anymore..
Try using forum search. I posted a working solution to this issue here.
Micro SD card issues
I too had the same problem for 2 or 3 times, getting it in is the trick, very delicate.
The first time I inserted it, it didn't register and it wouldn't come out with a click, sort of had to pry it out delicately out of there, the second time, the device recognized it, taking it out it clicked but hesitated a bit, by the third time, no problem. Now it works exactly like it should.
The question is, is it the slot that gets broken-in or the card itself? I have another card on order, I'll know the answer to that soon, allthough I think it's the actual slot inside that assumes the shape it should or something, probably the pins-connectors inside that have to flex a couple of times.
Scary at first but it seems to fix itself.
God I love my phone, is it wrong to be so obsessed with it?

Guys, I THINK I solved the SD card issue...!

Don't flame me... I haven't fully tested my theory, but so far it's working well!
As you know, MANY of us have issues with the card not being recognized sometimes; the device hangs; the camera doesn't capture images, etc.
Well, today I was trying to take some pictures facing downwards (of a leak in my car door), and I would just get a black image almost every single time.
I would then do a test and snap a picture of my garage, and it worked.
Back to the door, it didn't work.
I wasn't sure if there wasn't enough lighting or what.
I then realized that everytime the unit was pointing down, THAT is when it didn't work!
I examined where the contacts are on the card (top), and sure enough, it MAY be that by the force of gravity, one or two contacts are losing contact.
So I tested my theory.
I stuck my thumbnail (the REAL one, not a mini image ) under the card, and pressed it up.
EVERY single picture worked PERFECTLY.
No freezing! No black! No issues!
So, I took a small peice of paper, and slid it under the card, like a shim. (It was actually a piece of an envelope, so it's a big thicker.
Gentlemen... Since I put that paper underneath the card, my 8525 has worked flawlessly.
I just took 20 pictures, stored on the SD card, and not one issue!
And this is a 2GB Sandisk, by the way.
I will do more tests, but I am really feeling confident that this may solve some of our problems.
(I hope this is not a "welcome to last week" thread! I have seen LOTS of threads regarding the camera, freezes, and SD issue.. but I never read anything about solving problems with a piece of paper!)
Hi Michael_514,
While I appreciate your efforts here, the one thing that seems to have solved ALL of my SD Card issues was upgrading to WM6. Nothing to do with gravity nor Elfen registry edits ... just a new OS.
While I think your tack, dealing with gravity and the directional orientation of the device is interesting, I think the heart of the problem exists in the drivers for the SD Cards, which were corrected (or at least ameliorateed) in the newer OS builds.
All the same, I am interested in your final results, so please continue this post.
All the best,
Don't forget guys, maybe you are both right! We should not assume that everyone has the same problem - though the symptoms may be the same. Actually, when reading the many posts on this issue, I AM convinced there is in some cases a poor contacts issue that will afect the camera and other software/files on the SD card. I am also convinced there is in other cases a driver/software issue that may well be improved with WM6.
Always be cautious, yet open minded about claims from folks to have solved an issue. It may be for some but not all, and a different solution may exist for others.
Point taken, Mike. Thanks for that!
Just tried it. I will keep you informed tomorrow.
Thanks for the responses, PVS & Mike.
Mike -- Love your 'have an open mind' role! I guess that's why they call you a Moderator!
I would agree with Mike... both answers could be correct.
I am convinced that 90% of our Hermes woes ARE SD Card related.
I feel that because I had these units for 7 straight days, in use almost all day, with not one crash or hang...
..and then on day seven, I did a SD Card copy/paste, to switch cards with my dad's unit, and from that day on, freeze.. freeze.. freeze... Sometimes the unit is great for three days, sometimes, 3 reboots in one hour are required....
...Same thing happened when I reinstalled the firmware....
...that I just 'knew' that the freezes and hangs were DEFINITELY related to my swapping of the cards. Especially since I installed no weird apps.
Dirty contacts; bad connection; bad card controllers; I KNEW that my woes were not 'OS-related', 'sbd Pocket-plus-related', nor firmware related... Especially since I did three reinstalls of the firmware.
PVS - I totally agree with you. Perhaps WM6 has some better error checking, or a better algorythm for handing missing bits over the card bus.
I know a little about how computers and electronics handle this. It's why you can make a scratch in a CD, and it still plays. Check bits / error correcting / over-sampling / etc. etc.
I agree that a more advanced OS, like WM6, can better "handle" missing bits.
..but I am trying to get to the root of the problem.
I just went to the bathroom and took about 30 photos while sitting there . ALL 30 worked! No black photos. No "New SD Card Inserted" message. No freezing. 30 on 30. I am thrilled so far!
After spending three weeks racking my brains out, dealing with the problems, I am starting to truly feel like I may be on the right track.
Let's keep our minds open... Let's remember how many 8525 issues do point to the cards. Let's keep in mind that half the people love their Sandisks, and half the people love their Kingstons.
A new OS may solve people's problems, as could a piece of paper jammed in there to make the contacts tighter.
I spent $720 on two of these units, and let me tell you.. I MISS MY 8125!
I am as eager to solve this as anyone. I use this machine for business. It's not just a hobby for me.
Maybe we are on the right track...!
Let's see what others say...!
I will keep everyone posted.
I do have to laugh at my make-shift solution, though! There is something funny about staring at my unit, with a little piece of envelope visible under the SD card. Talk about a low-tech solution to a high-tech problem!
Michael_514, I love your theory. I hope it's that easy a solution for some of us if not all.
It seems from reports that Sandisk cards have this problem more often?
If owners could report their card's thickness using a micrometer, this might help confirm if an electrical contact issue is more likely?
My Corsair 1Gb card is 0.70mm thick, just behind the electrical contacts.
I've had issues with the card not being detected both with WM5 and now WM6. One time was fixed by wiping the contacts clean, but other times ejecting & reinserting the card make no difference. I've ignored the problem and many hours later the card would be visible again.
When I read your post, I straight away folded up some paper and pushed it in above the card, on the same side as the contacts - the memory card was still accessable within the phone, so I'm thinking my issue isn't a physical one.
Next time the card vanishes from explorer, I'll insert some paper to shim it towards the contacts and see if it helps.
Has anyone pulled apart their phone? I'm wondering if perhaps there's some type of pressure applied to the back of the card forcing it to contact electrically? Maybe if this is a mechanical device it is getting stuck?
My old phone's SD card slot broke when I dropped it once and it no longer ejected cards normally, but still worked perfectly.
Cheers! Oggy.
Hi there!
I just wanted to confirm where I put the paper.
I put it UNDER the card, effectively 'pushing the contacts up'.
That is where I stuck my thumbnail when I could not take a successful picture of my car door.
When I said to myself, "Why do all photos of the sky work, but not photos of the ground??", that is when I realized that I wanted to "push it up".
And in terms of the:
This firmware vs. that firmware...
Kingston vs. Sandisk...
WM5 vs. WM6...
Made in Taiwan vs. Japan...
Those are NOT the answers.
Too many people in too many threads have proven that.
I am not saying my method is correct... I will need a week of testing... But I know people DID have problems with WM6. People DID have problems with Kingston. People DID have problems with 512MB.
I started another Kingston vs. Sandisk thread, and reading those responses has shown me that it ain't the answer.
And as Ogier says, "I've had issues with the card not being detected both with WM5 and now WM6."
So, that also isn't the answer.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed, because I HATE rebooting this unit!
But to confirm, I put the paper underneath to 'force up' the contacts....!
@ Michael_514
Just another thought. There is also a difference between photos of the sky and photos pointing down and that is the light level. I know you are testing the idea about the contacts and angle of the phone, but to confirm it's nothing to do with the light level sensor/software you might need to test by taking high light level pics (pointing downward at a lamp say), just to rule out any light level sensor issue. I have noticed that the camera seems to incrementally adjust light level but in general it will be at a different setting pointing up as opposed to down.
As I say just a thought and something to rule out or in.
I don't know if this is disappointing but I have tested this method during the weekend and it does not work. I have definitely inserted the shim under the card so to push the contacts up. After some time my card is partially lost meaning some programs will not run. This morning I'm in the office and I have replaced the shim to sit just under the contacts and not under the entire card. I will keep you posted although I don't trust it will work.
SD troubles
hi guys,
ive been looking at these SD card related threads in the past and was thankful that my hermes seemed fine...
the speaker connection popped out and i opened the phone to connect it back up. everything when fine and the speaker is working but the sd card refuses too show up. now ive tried putting paper under and above the SD card and ive also changed my ROM to two different WM6 flavours. im sure all the connectors are plugged in but i really need my SD card to be shown.
Anybody experience something similar or have and idea's on how to get it working again. it only stopped working after i removed the back panel, connected the speaker back up and then closed it.
thank you,
drooch said:
hi guys,
ive been looking at these SD card related threads in the past and was thankful that my hermes seemed fine...
the speaker connection popped out and i opened the phone to connect it back up. everything when fine and the speaker is working but the sd card refuses too show up. now ive tried putting paper under and above the SD card and ive also changed my ROM to two different WM6 flavours. im sure all the connectors are plugged in but i really need my SD card to be shown.
Anybody experience something similar or have and idea's on how to get it working again. it only stopped working after i removed the back panel, connected the speaker back up and then closed it.
thank you,
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Not much to suggest other than open up again - double check connections and hard reset if it still does not work.
ive checked the connections and they seem fine, i really cant put my finger on what has changed from me opening it and then closing it. the only difference is that there is no void sticker anymore! is there anyway to see if it still see's the sd card slot or if the OS diesnt even think its there.
Ive tried HR and ROM changes, so its something hardware wise.
drooch said:
ive checked the connections and they seem fine, i really cant put my finger on what has changed from me opening it and then closing it. the only difference is that there is no void sticker anymore! is there anyway to see if it still see's the sd card slot or if the OS diesnt even think its there.
Ive tried HR and ROM changes, so its something hardware wise.
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Maybe you said, but does the card work ok on a PC card reader? Just wondering if the card formatting is corrupted?
Again, after rechecking this method, putting two pieces of paper just under the contacts area of the card I still get the "once every 6 hours" normal card failure. I just remove the card, wait 5 seconds and insert it again. That's it for me.
Hi All!
Two interesting discoveries..!
First of all, so far, so good.
I did not have to reboot my once since Friday. Today is Monday, and not one single freeze. Normally, I like to reboot every few days just to 'clean it up', but I am going to leave it until it freezes.
Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, this morning...
Not one system hang.
However, I did take a few pictures that came out black. That's the bad news.
I have not looked at other threads yet, but as Mike alluded to, above, there IS something wrong with the light sensor.
Remember how I said I had problems photographing my leaky car door, but then other pics were fine?
Well, yesterday my father said to me that he took a few pictures of items in his showroom, and some items would NOT be able to be photographed!!! He said that he has some gift items with SPARKLES, and he could successfully capture photos of items without sparkles, but when she shot the sparkly items, he saw black.
Then I thought about the pictures I was taking, the pictures WERE of dripping water from my car door.
I think that a unit that hangs, or an SD card that's not recognized, MAY be a totally separate issue than black pictures.
But that still doesn't explain how I was able to take all sorts of photos when my thumbnail pressed on the SD card.
In any case, like I said, I have been extremely successful with 'no black' pictures this weekend, and have not rebooted my device since Friday. This is a miracle for me.
I just removed and inserted a clean shim.
If I could get another three days without a reboot, I will be jumping for joy!
My unit just hung!
I had disconnected the unit from the Activesync USB cable.
Went upstairs.
Came back to find the unit on (Backlight on) and the unit was very hot, with the battery being sucked down 1/2.
I had set an Alarm for 1:00pm, and it's now 2:10pm. It started playing a second or two of the Alarm sound just now. And that was it. Very hot to the touch.
But I am happy that this is my first re-boot since Friday.
These hangs/black photos/hot battery drains may all be different issues, but I am still definitely leaving my shim inside the card. No reboot since Friday is a big improvement for this unit!
Good day
I recently upgraded my TyTn from WM5 to WM6. Since upgrade 1GB and 2GB Apacer micro SD's that worked fine are not recognised by the phone.
Am I missing any setting in WM6? Can someone please help as I need to access info on the cards ASAP.
Thank you
Just got my new PQ1 2G card and replaced my old 2G Sandisk. My first impression is speed - much better with the PQ1. Also the general feeling is that it fails less or not at all. I have to work with it for the next 72 hours to give you my statistics comparing it to the Sandisk.
I'll keep you posted.
NO. This feels the same as my old Sandisk 2G memory. Every 4-5 hours my SD card stops responding. Mind you in the PQ1 case I can still see the card with my Explorer and even see the directory structure and the files. They just can't run. The messege I get is the progrmam is not found.

