Running a Program when Activesync connects - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am trying to run a program (update weather and RSS) whenever activesync connects. When I use Memmaid or TaskManager to create a notification to run the program when an RS232 connection established (AppRunAtRS232Detect), nothing happens. If instead I set it to run when synchronization completed (AppRunAfterSync), it does run, but too often, because syncs occur every few minutes and the program runs after every sync connected.
(My workaround is to ask for permission to run, but I would be happier to do it automatically.)
Does anyone know how to create a notification that runs whenever activesync is connected, and only then?

prestonmcafee said:
I am trying to run a program (update weather and RSS) whenever activesync connects. When I use Memmaid or TaskManager to create a notification to run the program when an RS232 connection established (AppRunAtRS232Detect), nothing happens. If instead I set it to run when synchronization completed (AppRunAfterSync), it does run, but too often, because syncs occur every few minutes and the program runs after every sync connected.
(My workaround is to ask for permission to run, but I would be happier to do it automatically.)
Does anyone know how to create a notification that runs whenever activesync is connected, and only then?
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Have you tried with "RNDIS interface instantiated", because this works with TaskManager, and that's what spbweather does.

I hadn't tried that. I verified that taskmgr RNDIS interface notifications work with .exe files, but I am trying to run an skschema program, with extension .sksc. Taskmgr won't take one of these directly, so my procedure was to create a notification using memmaid to run the .sksc file, and then edit it with taskmgr so that it runs when RNDIS interface instantiated. That didn't work, so I tried creating a notification to a .exe file, then editing that (have to switch to event mode, then back to application). So far, no luck.
This seems like a bug in taskmgr, that it will only run a .exe file, but then, it is freeware and a fine program, so I'm not complaining.
Can I edit a notification in the registry? I could set one with taskmgr to an exe. file, then go edit it with total commander to run the .sksc file instead, if I knew where notifications lived.

Here is what memmaid support says:
We can't figure out what is causing this notification not to fire up, according to Microsoft's documentation this should be ok. But looks like there maybe a bug in the OS that doesn't make it fire up.
DinarSoft Support
I'm at a loss; it seems like it ought to be simple enough to run a program when activesync connects, but so far, all I can run are .exe's using Taskmgr; Taskmgr won't fire up a .lnk or .sksc even when I get the setting correct by editing. Can anyone point me to the location of notifications? I tried searching the registry for notifications unsuccessfully.


cannot execute pocketnotify.exe

i get this warning every now and then, like today when i synched my phone it popped up, it says "cannot execute file: \windows\pocketnotify.exe" i looked in the windows folder and i cant find pocketnotify.exe, should i reformat or is this from an app i installed?
I bleave it is installed with spb GPRS monitor and it keeps popup when you do a softreset or sometimes try to sync.
If you have spb GPRS monitor uninstall it and it wont show up again.
If you get a tool which can edit the Notifications database (like Pocket Mechanic) you might be able to delete the appropriate entry. It sounds like a System event notification, possibly an AppRunAtRS232Detect one.
i used to have pocket mechanic installed but my device gets buggy when i install more then 3 apps.
also never had spb gprs monitor, but i have spb pocket plus installed. would that be the problem? i think i'm just gonna do a hard reset.
I used memaid and just deleted it from the startup.

How to delete a "Start up" shortcut

To make a long story short:
-I have installed skype on main memory
-I decided to uninstall skype and re-install it on SD, and I did it
-Now, everytime I turn on my JasJar (but not after a Soft Reset) I get an error message saing the application Skype with folder Programs, etc... could not be found...
How can I remove this annoing message?
See if their is a shortcut in the Windows/startup folder. That's where they always use to put those links. Odd thing is that after I uninstalled Skype, I never received that message. I have the folder on my device, but it doesn't look like it has as many links as WM2k3SE had in it.
I'm familiar with that folder, but unfortunatly it's not there... there is only one file named Outook...
I had this problem too
Then I just did a hards reset and now it's gone, but Skype Crashes. What software have you all installed, maybe there is a conflict?
I have:
Voice Command
SPB3 (installed after skype failed, thought this might be it)
Total Commander
active sync is the culprit for skype
It took a while to work out, but here it is: Skype works fine as long ActiveSync is not on. In the old machines, AS would kick in and appear in the memory only after you sync'd. Here it comes up automatically, whether you sync or not. In fact, you should see Active sync running in the background virtually always.
Clicking on the memory you'll see its always on, you press stop, and Skype works for 5-10 minutes, until AS turns tiself back on.
Any fixes for this in the registry?

Solution: To get ActiveSync Running Again

Getting ActiveSync running again. (Revised)
(Applies to situations where Active Sync fails to connect following the use of third party applications that clear the notifications queue but may include situations where AS does not connect through corrupt or missing notification files)
Using applications such as Scarybear, Memmaid, Pocket Mechanic and Sktools to clear the notifications queue is often a necessity to solve problems with alarms (either not going off or not cancelling etc.)
However, the file repllog,exe will show up using these applications and should NOT be deleted unless it is duplicated (exact duplicate, there may be 4 or 5 repllog files 2 of which are essential and may look like duplicates but are not). This is because these files notify the device that a USB cable has been connected and readies the device for Syncing. ActiveSync will not load if repllog.exe is missing in the TWO forms listed below:
Adapted for the following but probably applies to other windows mobile devices:
HTC TyTN / XDA trion / MDA Vario II / VPA Compact III / SPV M3100 / Dopod CHT 9000 / Dopod 838 Pro
Step 1
To Replace repllog.exe - AppRunAtRs232Detect
(i.e. to get Active Sync to detect when you plug in the USB cable)
(Steps written for Memmaid, but Sktools is just as good. To ‘add’ a notification in Sktools just go to notifications and tap/hold an existing entry in the top list and an option to add appears in box drop down box1 enter "Start if RS232 connection......" and then tap gray "..." box and navigate to the windows folder and tap repllog.exe, finally tap OK in bottom left corner.)
1) Open 'MemMaid and go to the Notification Queue tab
2) Tap Add
3) In the Add Notification - Program field, tap the '...' icon.
4) In the folder tree, find \windows\repllog.exe and tap it.
5) In Add Notification - Event', choose 'An RS232 connection was made'.
6) Tap the 'Add' icon.
7) Exit and long-press the on/off button until the warning appears and tap yes to turn off the device.
8) Long-press the on/off button to restart the device and Active Sync should work on connection of the USB cable.
Step 2
To Replace repllog.exe AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
(i.e. to get Active Sync to open/connect to network on detection of the USB cable)
The second notification you need is repllog.exe AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
Follow same procedure as above choosing the option in sktools or memmaid to start when a network is detected OR just use this little application that will make the entry for you:
(to use this application save the file to your PC or Device. Put it on the storage card (using a PC card reader if necessary) and tap to run. (it is a PPC EXE file not to be run on PC) You will simply get a screen that has an OK button. Tap it and you are done. Restart your SKtools or Memmaid and the key should be there.
Check you now have both replllog notifications present. You may have other repllog.exe notifications listed but you MUST have the two named above. The sub names of the repllog entries may differ slightly from those given above. The above names are in an abbreviated form as they appear on an untouched device, but so long as you have one that mentions RS232 and one that mentions network or RNDIS you should be OK.
You may be able to run AS now or may need to restart device and or PC.
NB: I have run a full test of the procedures here to test whether replacing these files reactivates Activesync. I deliberately deleted all my notifications (a risky thing as we know) - Activesync refused to start as expected. Using the methods above I replaced the two repllog entries and confirmed their presence. Activesync is working again.
Great explanation, thanks for the information.
Since a few months when I have this problem I've to reboot the ppc and/or the pc untill I discovered this app that reboots the activesync connection
I don't know if it do it in the same way than your post explains.
Greetings to all.
oh my god I LOVE YOU! i've spent almost the entire day trying to fix my herald and finally it now syncs!!! thank you so much!!!!
i guess this wont help my email sync problem to exchange will it? no, i thought not
i can sync contacts and calendar items wirelessly with exchange but not emails
I eventually fixed it by the software equivalent of the power cycle. i unticked Email, let it delete all sync'd emails (none) then ticked it again. it's always the easy fix isn't it - i was ploughing through detailed settings, reg keys etc
bitziz said:
oh my god I LOVE YOU! i've spent almost the entire day trying to fix my herald and finally it now syncs!!! thank you so much!!!!
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I Love you too
Deleted Notifications
I use an HTC Charmer with WM5 on a Win XP system.
I deleted all my notifications the other day - I have no idea why I thought that was a good idea but at the time I did
I have not been able to sync since.
I am about to try the 'resync' tool - linked from the second post in the thread and will post again either way.
EDIT: Resync did not work for me either.
Your fix worked a treat. Thank you again.
Wobwill said:
Your fix worked a treat. Thank you again.
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Good news
I think what I need to do is add the second part (i.e. adding the second Repllog notification) as a standard part of this fix or at least get folk to check which Repllog items are there and which are missing without assuming it's just the cable-connected one that's gone. It's been useful to have you as a test case!!
I have tidied up this thread and revised the 1st post to reflect feedack and perfect the solution. Apologies to those whose posts I edited so they still made sense with the changes I made! Thanks to all for feedback.
Hi Mike,
I am having the same USB sync problem.
Active sync is not starting/device USB is not detected when plug-in usb cable.
Where do i get Memaid or SKtools ???
Sundram said:
Hi Mike,
I am having the same USB sync problem.
Active sync is not starting/device USB is not detected when plug-in usb cable.
Where do i get Memaid or SKtools ???
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Google's always useful
Please note though, that the above fix is designed for folk who have deleted their repllog entries - it may be useful in other situations where active sync fails, but it is not meant to solve other problems. Also if you have not installed much to your device it may be as easy to do a hard reset that will also replace the missing files.
Good Luck
Hi There
I am still having problems - ActiveSync doesnt seems to start - USB connection is not recognised by my VPA Compact III.
I have tried yous recommended steps..
I used SKTools (Notification Queue) to clear off the duplucates entries for repllog.exe ....
By mistake, all repllog.exe entries was removed, So, as you have suggested, I used Memmaid, to "Add" both entries.
Now under SKTooks - Notifications Queue , i see both enrties now:
Application Notify Type Event Status Event Type Arguments
---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----------
repllog.exe CNT_EVENT InActive RS232_DETECTED AppRunAtRs232Detect
repllog.exe CNT_EVENT InActive UNKNOWN AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
But ActiveSync still not working - i cant use Internet Sharing as well.
When USB is plugged in, the AMBER (charge LED) lights up only for 1 sec and then turns off and , of course, AS wont work.
If i use infra-red connection, it syncs well!
pls help.
Sundram said:
Hi There
I am still having problems - ActiveSync doesnt seems to start - USB connection is not recognised by my VPA Compact III.
I have tried yous recommended steps..
I used SKTools (Notification Queue) to clear off the duplucates entries for repllog.exe ....
By mistake, all repllog.exe entries was removed, So, as you have suggested, I used Memmaid, to "Add" both entries.
Now under SKTooks - Notifications Queue , i see both enrties now:
Application Notify Type Event Status Event Type Arguments
---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----------
repllog.exe CNT_EVENT InActive RS232_DETECTED AppRunAtRs232Detect
repllog.exe CNT_EVENT InActive UNKNOWN AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
But ActiveSync still not working - i cant use Internet Sharing as well.
When USB is plugged in, the AMBER (charge LED) lights up only for 1 sec and then turns off and , of course, AS wont work.
If i use infra-red connection, it syncs well!
pls help.
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Hi there
I'm not sure but those two entries seem odd to me - the InActive and UNKNOWN parts.
Could you try the following?:
In my above post there is a link to an application that you download and put on your SD card and tap to install - could you try it. When you run the app it does not appear to do much just ok it and it will close. That app installs AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected.
Using Sktools go to the notifications queue.
In the upper window tap and hold on any entry and an option to "add" appears - select it. In the drop down box at the top scroll down until "Start if RS232 connection..." appears and select it.
In the next box "filename and arguments" tap the grey box with "..." This opens a directory listing - go to the windows directory and scroll untill you find repllog.exe and tap it.
Now tap the ok tab bottom left.
The two required entries should now be present.
Connect or reconnect your device to the PC and hopefully a connection will be established.
Post back with problems.
Hello Mike. Thamks for your reply.
By the way, I tried your suggestions to create back (add) both the Notifications entry.
I deleted off both repllog.exe entries shown in my Notification Queue (shown using SKtools).
Before I proceeded, SKtools show no entries with repllog.exe.
For the first one, I use "add" function on the MemMaid - Notification Queue Tab.
I checked the notifications outcome, using SKtools.
The result, show below:
Application Notify Type Event Status Event Type Arguments
---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----------
repllog.exe CNT_EVENT InActive RS232_DETECTED AppRunAtRs232Detect
Then I used the small script "FixASRunAt.exe" copied to the SDCard, and executed it.
As expected, the Notification Queue in SKtools shown the 2nd entry being added as below. (take note - Event Type its also shown as unknown).
Application Notify Type Event Status Event Type Arguments
---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----------
repllog.exe CNT_EVENT InActive UNKNOWN AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
Then I tried Activesync/USB Connect - still wont work!
How to manually add the repllog.exe .... .... AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
instead of using the small script....
On MemMaid, "Add" notification, on what "event"
What else could cause this problem?
Sundram said:
How to manually add the repllog.exe .... .... AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected
instead of using the small script....
On MemMaid, "Add" notification, on what "event"
What else could cause this problem?
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Mmmm.. When adding the AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected using Sktools it would be "Start when a network has been connected" - I'm not sure about Memmaid.
The script works well on mine so I think you have more wrong than just the missing repllog entries.
What happens if you connect to the PC and start repllog manually by tapping it in the windows directory?
don't know wether this is relevant, but it might be to those for whom this fix is not working. I have manged to break my activesync a few times now purely by switching between internet sharing and syncing. An activesynce re-install/repair always sorts me out.
.VIBE said:
don't know wether this is relevant, but it might be to those for whom this fix is not working. I have manged to break my activesync a few times now purely by switching between internet sharing and syncing. An activesynce re-install/repair always sorts me out.
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That will work when there is a problem with the PC end of active sync.
This fix is purely to replace essential repllog files on the Hermes.
So the fix outlined here would not fix a broken PC installation of Active sync and your re-installation of Activesync would not fix missing repllog files.
in a cleaning frenzy i used pocket mechanic to clear notifications and lost active sync, thank you for the fix, i was dreading doing a hard reset.
ta79pr said:
in a cleaning frenzy i used pocket mechanic to clear notifications and lost active sync, thank you for the fix, i was dreading doing a hard reset.
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I assume you are up and running again - good news Word to the wise though, doing regular Full backups is always sensible and takes away the fear of the Hard Reset.
A little more help pse as I'm in the same boat
I went mad with memmaid (a little knowledge is dangerous!)
OK, I followed your excellent instructions and used Memaid to add the first ...
RS232_DETECTED "AppRunAtRs232Detect"
I cannot however find an event to add the second one. There appears to be no "AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected" in the drop down list.
Maybe I'm dumb but I assume I select Add and select "repllog.exe" a second time and then it should be in the pull down box.
I can only see.....
Run at time
A PC card device changed
A full device Data restore completed
An RS232 connection was made
Data Synchronisation finished
The system time changed
The time zone changed
The device woke up
Any help greatly appreciated as I am off on holiday at the weekend and want to get things synched up before then

autorun parameter for repllog.exe (activesync)

does anybody know of a parameter for repllog.exe to instantly sync the device.
the reason for this s i do not want to click on the activesync-link and then press another time the sync-softkey when syncing over gsm.
i was hoping to find like
\windows\repllog.exe /autorun
Found this in another forum:
Here are the ones I've found so far
/remote which appears just to start the Activesync application and
brings it to the foreground
/remote /all which starts the Activesync application, brings it to the
foreground and starts synchronising
/remote /all /h which starts the Activesync application and starts
synchronising without bringing it to the foreground
There seems to be a 'p' switch, which I'm guessing is something to do with
'ports' but I'm not sure what settings can be used with this
I'm lloking for one that will start bluetooth connection and then start sync - any luck yourself...?

Activesync blocks alarms and executables

On my TouchHD, when I connect to my PC via ActiveSync, whether as a guest or doing a full sync, I find that my alarms are blocked - Tmail.exe can't open, Repllog can't open, alarms I know are there won't go. (They'll go on the desktop though.)
Often, the problem extends to all executables. The message is:
"Cannot open 'X'. A critical component is eaither missing or cannot start because program memory is unavailable. Tap Start > Settings > System Tab > Task Manager, stop programs that did not automatically stop, and try again."
or occasionally:
"Error starting 'X'" or "cannot execute X.exe"
When I disconnect, all access is immediately restored, no reset necessary.
Also interesting is the fact that some things running under Manila - the stock pages, say, or weather or even mail (!) - open up fine. Phone likewise, and related functions like the favourites page and the Contacts application behind it, are fine. However Opera and HTC album don't open, nor does the camera, or sound settings Advanced page.
This wasn't always the case; it's only started up in the past week or so. Which implies it was something I put on. Now, I'm one of those tweaking junkies that makes half a dozen changes a day, but I seem to recall playing around with Background4AllTabs, adding an analog clock to the home page, putting on and taking off MobileMagic, trying G-Alarm and settling on Klaxon instead, and various and sundry other wee bits. If any of this rings a bell with any of you I'd be grateful for ideas, theories, dirty jokes, whatever.
Many thanks.
having same issue. anyone have a solution to this?

