mp3 files do not play - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Guys, great site, especially now since I've got my vario II .
I could not find anything on site about it. I installed different media player on Vario II, I didn't like so deleted it later. Now when I click on *.mp3 file it says "there is no application associated with *.mp3", but if I load this file from Windows Media player, then it plays. Does anyone know how I can change to the way it was before. Hard reset does not help... strange, but when I do hard reset it does not remove all the programms that I installed on Vario II. Thanks.

Install Total Commander on your device. Then, open it up and find an MP3 file in the (total commander) explorer window... Shift-tap, and hit Properties. Go to the Associate tab, and if the filetype is associated correctly, it should read .mp3 -> MP3File. If you hit the Associate button underneath, you can open up the advanced parameters for associating the file.
The correct settings (well, the default settings anyway) are:
Icon file:
You can also scroll through the list of icons contained in the .exe once you choose the file. You can also hit the [>>] buttons next to the Command and Icon file boxes to choose the application file for the Command and Icon file respectively... You might think "wtf?" but as soon as you follow the steps above in Total Commander, you'll understand what I'm on about.

Christopherwoods, many thanks for this.
I downloaded Total commander 2.0, but this version does not have Associate function. Could any one advise the version that has it or possible help with the link where it can be taken.

Just an update on the issue. If someone has similar problem Total Commander 2.5 has the Associate Tab to change atributes of files. So *.mp3 files are recognised correctly now.


change file association - how to?

Isthere a utility to change file associations?
In particular, how can I get clicking a .url extension to open Opera 8.5 inplace of PIE?
Use Resci File Explorer.... :lol:
Or gsfinder.
Or the registry - CLSID section.
Tillanosoft Pocket Tweak can allocate file extensions,
It is a small program and freeware, enables you to edit registry etc with file extension allocation as well.
Try this site for free download
File association
vijay555 wrote:
Or the registry - CLSID section.
Please specify the full path (HK......\...).
My problem is to show the file extensions, by now my JJ only show the file name with a (useless) icon on the left.
Is there a registry (CLSID or some other) to activate the extensions, without installing a third-party software (Resco explorer, etc.)
Thank you.
Not sure about the earlier roms, but in the latest rom (Ivan...etc), you can click the file and select properties. Under properties, you can select "Associate" to link your file to specific programs.

Can't change weather cities file

Well i've been trying to modify the weather cities file so the list will be a lot shorter and only contain the cities that are important to me. but when I try to remove the read-only property with total commander, nothing happens. because of this property, I can't change anything about this file, can't move it, delete it of replace it with a modified version I have on my desktop. Has anyone got an idea? It should work this way on a normal HTC touch, but my Dual won't cooperate
and in addition: How can I modify the register with Total commander? I read here or on another forum it should be possible, but I can't find that option. or are there better programs to do that?
Not sure about #1 but for the registry you can use Resco Explorer
About the weather, is there a way to update the data without using the HTC Home plugin ? I use SPB v4 and S2U2 that can display the weather on its screen saver.
The registry problem has been fixed. I now know how to enter the register with total commander. (use the \ button then go to the folder \\ and there you will find the folder register)
but I still can't edit the HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file. is there maybe another way to remove the read only property of this file?
can you change attributes with total commander?
That's what I'm trying to do. When I look into the properties of the file, the attribute for Read only, system and in rom are checked. According to a howto I read somewhere, I have to remove the read only attribute. When I do that, and press te OK button in the screen (not the one in the upper right corner) and then open the properties of the file again, the read only attribute is checked again.
I gave it a try from my pc with altap Salamander 2.5 to change the attribute -> it gives me an access denied error. somehow I'm not allowed to change anything in the windows folder?
edit 2:
Installed SPB pocked plus 4 and tried to change the attributes of t he file with the enhanched file explorer: Same problem, nothing is changed when I re-open the properties of the file. when I try to rename it, it tells me the file might be in use or the memory is full or write protected. I've closed the HTC today plugin and there's enough free space. the only thing is, the file is read-only
No one has tried this on his touch dual? hmm... and no one has any idea to remove the read only attribute of the file?
I have the same problem. Can't remove the read-only status of the WeatherCities files using TotalCommander or Resco FE.
Possible sollution
There is a HTC Home Plugin Customizer. With this piece of software you can modify the look and feel of the HTC Home plugin and also edit in the weather file and insert your own city instead of the preselected cities by HTC.
Here's a link to the download.
Hope that this solves your problem.
I have resolved the problem
Copy HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml on your pc do the modification and rename it on HH_0409_WeatherCities2.xml .
copy HH_0409_WeatherCities2.xml on your ppc in the same folder and rename it with resco .

Possible to change program assignments?

In my Dopod, when I click on a TXT file in my File Explorer, it always opens in MS Pocket Word. Then I have to be careful to select the correct file save as text files.
I installed some alternative NotePad programs but there appears to be no way to change the file extension type assignments to start up the correct program instead?
I have googled quite a bit but came up empty!
Anybody solved this problem?
AFAIK, Advanced Config has such an option to change file associations.
I had Advanced Config 3.2 already but did not know it had file association.
Found it under More Settings!
Unfortunately, when I tried to re-assign the program, it bombed when I was navigating the tree view.
Eventually, had to copy the application to \Program Files\ and select it from there!
After that, it seems to accept the settings.
Unfortunately, after the soft reset, the extension is still pointed to same application as before!
Latest update!
Something very funny is going on.
Advanced Config shows that the file association has been changed.
TXT file is now:
\Program Files\PocketTextEditor.exe "%1"
However, when I click a txt file in File Explorer, it still opens with Pocket Word!
Did I do something wrong?

How to CHANGE QuickMenu Folder Icons?

Okay, I searched for "change icons" and got two pages of threads on how to change program icons. Some provided great information; however, none addressed my need.
I'm interested in changing only FOLDER icons, and ONLY those in QuickMenu (see attached images). The folder icons are all the same except for two, the Games folder and the Office Mobile folder. They both have a small file inside the directory that's called "icon."
I would like to change any and all directories to whatever icon I choose, or design. Is this possible? If so, how?
Try PExplorer - it works magic!!!
eenbox said:
Try PExplorer - it works magic!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the quick reply. I had a look at that program, and the web site, and I'm completely confused. It looks like a program for my PC, and not my phone. Furthermore, I don't see anything mentioned on how to change an icon.
ADDENDUM: Furthermore, as I said in my original post, I DO NOT want to change program icons, such as exe files or dll files. From what I can tell, PExplorer is desiged to modify the inner workings of exe and dll files, etc.
I want to change the icons for a directory (folder image). These are not programs or dlls.
Figured it out ...
I figured it out. It took a bit of thought, and some weird manipulation using Notepad, but now I can change any QuickMenu icon to almost whatever I want, as long as there's either an EXE or DLL file that contains the icon.
Since I don't plan to return to this thread, and since there may be someone who wants to know what I did, here's my solution:
REMEMBER: This solution ONLY works if you want to change folder icons WITHIN the QuickMenu subset of folders. It does NOT work on program icons, or for any other icons for that matter (ONLY QUICKMENU FOLDERS).
01) Find an EXE or DLL file with the icon you want. If this file contains more than one icon, then you'll need to know the icon number within the program. This can be quite difficult to determine. However, for the purpose of this discussion, I'm assuming you want to use the MAIN icon, which is usually designated as icon "0" (zero) within the EXE or DLL file. We'll go with "0" for this discussion.
02) Your phone should already have at least one (probably two) folder icon files. The two in question are usually used for the Start Menu Games directory and for the Start Menu Office Mobile directory. Using Total Commander or any similar program (File Explorer will NOT work), make your way to either the Games or Office Mobile directory within the Windows\Start Menu. Whether it's the Games folder or the Office Mobile folder, you should find a shortcut file called icon. This is the file that determines how the folder will appear within the QuickMenu structure.
03) Copy this file to your PC. Anywhere will do as long as you remember where you put it. Make a second copy of it just in case you "ruin" your attempt to change the icon using these instructions. At least you can go back to what you had before.
04) Right click on this file and select Properties. In the General tab, uncheck the Read-only box. Click on Apply.
05) Open NotePad on your PC.
06) Within NotePad, click on File and then on Open. The Open dialogue box appears. At the bottom of this dialogue box are three horizontal white boxes. The second box has the title "Files of type." The default entry is "Text documents (*.txt). Click on the down arrow and change this to "All files." Now find the icon file you copied to your PC in (3) above and open it within NotePad.
07) You will see a line of instructions at the top of the file. These instructions tell your phone where to find the icon image. What we need to do, therefore, is change the instructions to another icon image.
08) Now let's assume that you have a Start Menu folder within QuickMenu called PDF files, and you would like that folder to have the Adobe Reader icon. To do this, change the line of instructions from what it currently reads to the following:
09) Make sure there's a carriage return after the final "0"
10) Re-save the file. The file name must not be changed. It must always remain as "icon."
11) Now copy this new file to the actual PDF directory within your phone's Start Menu. Soft reset your phone and the PDF folder will now have the Adobe icon.
Here are some tips:
The above example assumes that the AdobeReaderLE.exe file is in your main Windows directory. If the EXE file you want to use is anywhere else, you need to direct the instructions appropriately. Here's an example for an EXE file contained on your Storage Card, and within the Program Files directory. Let's say you installed BsB Tweaks to the Storage Card, and you want to use the main BsB icon for one of your Start Menu folders. Here's how the instructions would look:
1#\Storage Card\Program Files\BsB\Tweaks\BsB Tweaks.exe,-0
Remember to always save the file with the name "icon." Always put the revised icon file inside the directory whose appearance you want to change.
Happy Changing!
P.S. Since I can't seem to add images to a post after the fact, I will submit another post shortly with images to show you what I did with my phone.
Before and After Images
As promised, attached (below) are images to show you what I did with my phone.
thanks alot man, i have been looking for days, to find a way to do this!!!!

[Q] accidentaly assosicated files in core player need help

i accidentaly associated my mp3 and was files in the core player now all my files just have a windows start icon next to them andare only openable in core player. when i click on the file in file explorer it says there is no program assocaited with this file. Any ideas? Thanks.
In general:
Open coreplayer -> Settings -> File Associations and uncheck all the file-types you don't want to be handled by coreplayer. After applying the changes you made (OK pressed) soft-reset device.
If this doesn't work:
In registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT search for key .mp3 and get value of Default, probably audiofile. Now in registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT search for key audiofile and correct there in all its subkeys the exename to your needs.
Same procedure for .was. Don't forget to soft-reset device afterwards.
thanks. What do i use to edit the registry. I havent done too much of that.
My favorite is Win32 freeware CeRegEditor. Of course this requires you can establish an ActiveSync connection between your Windows PC and your mobile device.
If you are not comfortable with registry, you can download this little freeware :
badschwii MyExtensions :
Just copy it to your storage card, and execute it... You'll be able to change File Extension...
