Bluetooth Headset disconnects after 10secs - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I use a SonyEricsson Bluetooth Headset HBH-PV705 with the TyTN.
It works fine so far, when using the phone.
But I want also all sounds to be played via the headset, so that I can use Skype with the headset.
Therefore I disabled the voicedialing-software (Cyberon Voice Dial) with the BLUETOOTH VOICE COMMAND OFF Hack.
The Voicedialing does not start anymore, when I push the button on the headset and I can here, that audio is completly redirected to the headset.
However after 10 seconds the headset disconnects again and audio is played via the speaker again.
I tried several headsets already!
Does anybody have an idea whats going wrong here?
Thanks so much!

I haven't searched through hear yet, but I have a similar problem, just lasts longer then 10 seconds before it switches back. and for some reason voice command doesn't initialize (though i haven't tried the whole process again)

Does really no one know that problem? Does redirection of audio to a headset work on your TyTN?

BT stereo earphones & annoying voice command bug
Check this post:
ulischultz, I found the reg hack for voice command didn't work to correct this either. This BT/A2DP situation is a known bug, hopefully to be fixed with ROM update.

Hi guys can you make a test with the trial version of this software and se if it solves the problem: and download the trial version of BlueMusic from the product section. A detailed description on how to install and how to use it on the website.

That looks very nice, but does not have any effect!
After 10secs the sound is switching back to the speaker!

The problem is than at a lower level so i think it should be fixed with the next RUU .
This means that it worked on your tytn?( i mean that it routed corectly the voice)
Raul Tinca

No, it did not. It seemed to activate the headset somehow, because I was able to hear some noise, but the sound was still played via the speaker. Only after pressing the button on the headset, the sound was redirected, but only for 10secs.
Where can I get the RUU-Update, and how will I be informed about it, when it arrives?

"the sound was redirected, but only for 10secs"
this is what i wanted to hear
Seems like if they fix the bug in the rom the software would run on the tytn also (after pushing once the headset button - as presented in the help file there are devices that need it to be pushed and some that don't).

use the btagext.dll extracted from the dopod 9000 wwe ext rom and copy it over the original one in the windows dir, then soft reset...
That solved the problem for me.

topogigi: Where can I get that file? I will give it a try!
rain: I have a original HTC TyTN in german language! Is there any place where I can check for a new software by my self?

For btagext.dll you should give it a search here on xda-dev or ask an Dopod device owner to extract it for you.
For software the hardware configuration is not that much different from the Wizard or Prophet so any software that works on this device will have to work on yours also. pocketgear, mobihand, to give a few examples of websites where you can look for software and download free trial versions. There are also freeware websites. Just google as there are plenty of them at the moment

So is there anyone who can send me that file? So that I can test it?
Thanks very much!

Here it is...

Am having the same issue, I copied over the file but it has not helped, were there any other files you copied over. (I did reset)

A solution is finally found!!!

Thanks for the post but I do not really think this is a solution to the overall issue. It may help in just listening to audio but it takes away some functionality, that being able to initiate voice command or voice dialling.
Here is what I found;
Adding the DWORD string "VoiceCmdDuration = 86400" (86400 = 24hrs) under
passes the audio stream to the headset, for my issue where Voice Command was timing out on me before finishing what it was saying etc... this has worked fine, also, if not using Voice command a single press on the headset button passes Audio to it, second press disconnects.
I also changed this to value to 60 (seconds) after which the audio timed out and did not seem to start form zero again once initiated but I will need to test this some more. In the mean time I have entered some ridiculous figure to keep it running as I want, again, more testing and time will tell if this drains the battery any quicker.
I did NOT install BTAudioOn as mentioned in the other thread.

Hi cieplowski - how did your testing go? I got my V1605 on Friday and think I have the same issue with Voice Command. When I press & hold the button on my bluetooth headset it starts Voice Command and accepts my voice tag but almost immediately the sounds revert to the PDA speaker and I hear the response through the PDA and not my headset.
If your hack works and doesnt drain the battery then I'm extremly greatful

Hi coe62,
Well, I used it over the weekend and it worked fine, I did not notice any abnormal battery drain etc....
Remember, all I have done is add
DWORD string "VoiceCmdDuration = 86400" (86400 = 24hrs) under
Nothing else, no additional programs etc....
This tweak works by basically not disconecting the audio feed to the headset until the button is pressed again or the set time runs out. I am pretty sure that the time set runs from a soft reset so I have left mine as a huge value, 6000000 (I think)
Other findings are;
After voice call the Audio stream swithces back to the phone, this is great for me as I do not have to remember to press the button again to disconnect it hence saving battery power on the headset itself.
TomTom passes all Audio to the headset also.
Let me know if it works on yours.

Hi cieplowski - no joy I'm afraid. made the reg change and then reset but after this the headset pairs ok but all commands still come through the V1605 speaker and not the headset.
Only thing I can think is that I used the wrong DWORD value - should it be a hex or decimal value ?


Bluetooth Audio Gateway, next attempt

The btagsvc.dll on the Universal does exist, but it is empty (same with the HID dll). So that may be the reason why Audio Gateway is not working (getting the system sound forwarded to the BT headset).
Now, a friend showed me an interesting trick. Run a music file or any other program that outputs sound (like a navigation instruction from TomTom) and then press the Speed Voice Dial button.
Interesting, isn't it? So maybe all we need to do is prevent SpeedVoiceDial from exiting again?
A2DP is already there...just do a search :lol:
hdubli said:
A2DP is already there...just do a search :lol:
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If you're talking about the M$ stack on the Universal, then you'll have to elucidate a bit more than that - unless you mean:
"The A2DP profile is introduced in AKU 2.0 of Windows Mobile".
But then isn't that scheduled for first quarter 2006. Even then, surely it's down to HTC to make it available for the badging suppliers, o2, T-mobile, etc., to decide IF and WHEN to issue the update.
I tried the LaunchAPEnable = 0 registry hack but it won't stick. My Jabra 110 headset would only receive the audio for a few seconds and then it would all fall back into the Xda Exec. I'll try another headset just to be sure but I'd have to agree - this seems far from being solved.
EDIT: indeed it works with another headset (Solteras Halo). Is the Jabra too agressive in it's power saving quest?
nice to see its doing you head in master :lol: :lol: the jabra bt250 is the same as is my logtech and motorola bluespoon 3-4 secs via voice dial and nothing
nice to see its doing you head in master :lol: :lol: the jabra bt250 is the same as is my logtech and motorola bluespoon 3-4 secs via voice dial and nothing
I've been using a bluetooth headset (Jabra BT-800) to listen to audio books just fine on the JarJar Universal. There are two ways (so far) to get it to work. One, if you install Microsoft Voice Command and use the registry hack found in this forum to make it the default via the Voice Dial button, run it, then let it cancel on its own, the BT audio connection stays intact for running regular audio through it.
The second (and free) way is to use a utility found in the I730 forum in called BTAudioToggle. Written for the I730, it works on the Universal too. I imagine it will work on all the flavors of the Universal. Connecting your BT headset, followed by running this BT app will also activate the BT audio connection. Its pretty rock solid though its mono, not A2DP
Nice application but it only works for Universal for a few seconds. Then it returns to the device with the voice dial application activated.....
So, it seems that I have to disable the voice dial application. Anyone knows how????
Thanks in advance.
I tried the BTAudioToggle on the Xda Exec, and it doesn't seem to do anything .
@chris_khho: try a different headset. As I wrote the Solteras Halo was working fine with the registry hack but the Jabra 110 would only work for a few seconds. I'll need to check what profiles each of them suports.
BTAudioTogggle works on my QTEK 9000 for a few seconds when Voice Speed Dial is activated. Once Voice Speed Dial ends the music transfer stops
Mine works fine and I've played my audio books for more than an hour and it never dropped. I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you guys. Maybe the reason the BTAudio hack works is because the MS Voice Command setup is installed and the BTAudio hack just makes use of it.
You know, now that I think of it, I have an I730 too and before the BTAudio hack came out, I was already using MS Voice Command to activate audio over BT. I think there's a (good) bug in Voice Command where VC does not release the audio stream if you activate it, then don't give it any commands. The BTAudio hack just made it easier to activate.
OK I see.
I tried this:
hklm\software\oem\voicecommand and set the value of "launchapenable" from 1 to 0
And it works with my i-tech clip s and jabra 258 (not sure the model no.), and WMP but it doesnt revert to BT headset after finished call....
Yes it is "mono" but its good though....just wait for AD2P..... Many people are working on it I think.....
Great People Great Work!!!!
Any more info on what each update fixes.
Of particular interest is the bluetooth patch????
Ok I see.
I tried this:
hklm\software\oem\voicecommand and set the value of "launchapenable" from 1 to 0
And it works with my i-tech clip s and jabra 258 (not sure the model no.), and WMP but it doesnt revert to BT headset after finished call....
Yes it is "mono" but its good though....just wait for AD2P..... Many people are working on it I think.....
Great People Great Work!!!!
Thanks Chris,
I have a o2 exd exec with the h500 and this works perfictly

MS VoiceCommand: still unresolved issue

I still can't get VC to continue respond to BT headset request after a call is ended. If I am not making calls it works, though leaving the voice gatway open after use, not an issue for me cause it closes by headset button. After a call is made or received, VC never responds again. The only trick apart from soft reset to make it work again is to run built-in sddialer to promt for a command. With no command received, sddialer closes and rusureccts MS VC sensitivity for some reason. What is happening? The salvation is somewhere around. I just don't know what exactly happens and what commands sddialer makes to bt stack. Does anyone got a clue? The device is Qtek 9100 with ROM.
Someone posted in the other thread on this issue that it might have something to do with sddeamon or whatever it's called. I don't think I run that file, and I have the same issue (on the universal). Are you running that file?
which file you mean? I just run the embedded voice dialer once, and after that the issue is solved and you can use MS VC again, it responds to the headset. Though until the next call. Then again...
Ah, I have a slightly different issue then. Mine is not releasing the gateway properly at any time, so I can't use VC more than once... Apologies.
Did you do the registry hack to enable voicecommand over bluetooth?
Yes I did the reg. hack. Actually I tried both methods. Overwrote the original sddialer.exe with voicecmd.exe = same result. Works fine until first call. Then dies. Concerning the voice gateway left open - I can live with it. It closes by one more button press on the headset.
just found this little free app working for my QTEK 9100 (no other reg hack required)
unrar copy to device and run VoiceEnable.exe :lol:
I have exactly the same problem on my Vario, although it seems to work for 10 or so calls before it stops working. Like you, i can resolve the problem by either soft-resetting or running the 'Voice Speed' software!!
What headset are you using? I have a HBH-662?
I am not sure what that software does that dicd5 posted?
It is strange how other people are not having the same problem!
I am using HBH-660 by SE. I feel the salvation is close. By the way I also have Motorola HS850 headset. Exactly the same result. Will try with Bluespoon AX2 soon.

How to make Voice Command respond on BT Headset Button ?

I am new here and thought you might help me with my little problem.
I allready searched the forum for that issue, but i did not find a real solution, so maybe someone can help me find a solution. Btw. please excuse my bad englisch, i am from Germany and really try my best.
Well, i have a german XDA Mini with BigStorage Rom 1.12.01 GER and Windows Mobile 2003.
I really have 2 problems now with the use of Microsoft Voice Command 1.5 and a Bluetooth Headset (not with Handsfree Profile).
My first Problem is, how can i make the Software response on pressing one of the 2 Headset Buttons. I really would like to initiate voice dialing with that so that i can leave the phone in my bag or whereever. I read something about a registry change, but i don't have that registry key, so maybe i need to install another software for that first.
If anybody could give me a easy to understand way to activate that, that would be really great.
My second Problem is, how can i use my BT Headset for the Audio Output. I can't hear the voice of Voice Command in the Earphone, it only plays on the XDA Mini itself. I downloaded a Bluetooth Stach Patch which gave me the option to stream audio to headset, abut my Headset isn't show in the list, and it does not work. I tried a Headset with Handsfree Profile from Plantronics (M3000), but it also did not show in the list. Can anyone help me with this ?
Well if could get this to work somehow that would be really really great...
Thanks in advance...
Thalys :?: :?:
Funny...I was researching this almost exactly as you were posting (research starting at XDA-Developers, of course!)
I found a rather distressing article at that basically says that Microsoft Voice Command doesn't work over Bluetooth. HOWEVER, responses to the article reveal the registry hack to set Voice Command to the default Bluetooth dialer. It is:
HKLM\Software\OEM\VoiceCommand\Path=\Program Files\Voice Command\voicecmd.exe
I tried this on my Cingular 8125 with Motorola H500. Have to press the button twice (a problem also documented in the responses), and recognition is reduced, but it works! Voice Command audio is also piped to my headset.
Well, thanks alot for this tip, but it doesen't work for me. I tried changig the value to the path where my Voice Command is installed, but it did not do anything.
I think this is because i don't have a voice dialing software at all istalled on my device. Maybe i need to install another software first to activate the bluetooth support itself and than change the path to the program.
I figured out that i can make a redial with my headset without installing any software, so maybe there is a way to change this option to start voicecmd.exe.
I looked over the registry to find the key where the redial is initiated, but can't fins anything.
Has anyone done something like that ? I guess this is the only way to use voice command with BT Headset...
For all your help, thanks in advance...
Sorry for Doublepost, but i wanted to say that the activation is now possible with the VCABT Project hack. That works now perfectly.
The only thing i wonder about is, is the mic in the headset used to recognize the voice ? Sometimes it is like still the mic in the machine is used.
I now only need a way to transfer the system audio to my headset... is that possible somehow ???
Thanks ... Thalys
@Thalys: If you'd know how to use a forum in the first place this whole thread wouldn't exist at all! It's all answered in the thread regarding the VCABT project. Since you found out about it I wonder why are posting those kinda questions... :roll:
Ok, sorry for that thread, it can be closed...
I did not read all the thread and thought that maybe another way is possible.
I now will keep an eye on the VCABT Project Thread to see if there is news to get this working...
Thanks for all your support... please Close
well, voice command automaticcaly pauses the music playback, if you push the VC-Button (Camera-Button at the moment), to listen what you have to say trough the microphone of the HEADSET! So we really need "only" a possibillity to use the Headset-Button instead of for example the camera button. Everything else works quite good. :roll:
Microsoft Voice Command over BT : It works for me
BennTech said:
I tried this on my Cingular 8125 with Motorola H500. Have to press the button twice (a problem also documented in the responses), and recognition is reduced, but it works! Voice Command audio is also piped to my headset.
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I m using Wizard and samsung SBH100 stereo BT and it works fine for me.

btaudio for a regular bluetooth ear piece...

anyone got this working on the tytn
I use it with a Jabra BT250...
it used to work with my plantronics 320 on the wizard but wont work on the tytn is there any special settings you had to do
I also tried to make it works and it doesn't I assume that is due to the different headset plug.
Waiting for a version for TYTN
the prog will open a connection to the earpiece i can hear the static just wont forward any of the audio to it. works with the phone of course for making calls
I have the same problem with my Tytn (BTaudio seems to work because it stops the radio - I use it with a parrot car kit) but the audio still goes through the phone speaker...
did you find a solution?
BTAudio On does not work, you have to turn it on via button press on the headset. BT Off works fine of course...
Rather annoying, but that's the way it is...
Sorry but I am afraid not to understand... the bt car kit is working properly and is paired to the qtek
could you please be more specific?
Sorry, you stepped into a rather cryptic response... I assumed you were talking about the file BTAudioOn.exe that worked on the 8125 but not the 8525/TYTN.
Search this forum for mono audio - there's a big thread. Also check the wiki.
attached. This cabs works great. To activate it, start playin music, then push and hold the button on your BT headset for about 1 second, it should beep and then music comes through. Only problem is you can't use MS VC through your headset, but it doesn't break VC.
BTaudio cab works
I have used the Gotland cab file and still had problems, until I began to think like a technician... Once I installed the cab file, I performed a soft reset and then repaired my Jabra JX10... It has been working fine ever since... I can hear music (either streaming or static) and voice... I have not tried tackling the voice commander problem though...
I have just upgraded the firmware on my headset using the software that is not posted on Jabra's site, but through a link in another post, I was able to do it... had to reinstall the Gotland cab again though.... May tackle Voice Commander later in the day... Who knows...
I'm using Bluemusic 2.0 and it worked with music to BT headset. Also using installed the BT VC fix cab in this forum at it worked fine with VC 1.6 - except incoming anouncements. ( Installation Hint: after installed both - you must delete existing device and then re-pairing the BT again).
I just made a thread, here

Bluetooth Mono Headset + Redirect sound to it

I been trying the BtAudioNav to redirect sound to my bluetooth hands-free but it doesn't work on my Trinity.
Anyone has try it with success?
Most mono-headsets do not support the A2DP profile.... so it is to be expected that this doesn't work for music and stuff...
However, i had it working once on my old Fujitsu Loox 600...can't remember how i did that though, but it has a different BT stack anyway...
Or do you just mean the phone-calls being redirected does not work ? Please try to be a bit more specific
Phone-calls works but for example redirect sound from GPS soft to headset not!!. With BtAudioNav should works but with my Trinity not.
Not all phones are capable of directing all audio to the mono bluetooth headset using the handsfree/headset audio gateway profile. Many of them are designed to ONLY stream voice calls. I'm not sure if this is due to the hardware or software (possibly a combination?), but some phones are capable of streaming/redirecting all audio entirely (as well as mic input) to the mono headset. I guess the Trinity doesn't. I've only heard of a few phones that actually work with that BT audio utility you're using, and they seem to be mostly older models, but that's just a guess. Anyway, perhaps there's a way to redirect all audio through the stereo bluetooth profile instead?
1. Copy the folder BTAudio and its contents to \Program Files
2. Using a registry editor amend the following entries from:
Path = \Program Files\BTAudio\BTAudioOn.Exe
VoiceCmdDuration = 86400 (DEC) = 24 hours
3. Softreset
What does the above tool do exactly?
Tiemen said:
What does the above tool do exactly?
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Yeah...i'm very curious to what this does too...
Could this by any chance connect a Stereo BT headset in Audiomode by just clicking the .exe ? (ie not having to go into BT settings in the comm manager screen ?)
Moaske said:
Yeah...i'm very curious to what this does too...
Could this by any chance connect a Stereo BT headset in Audiomode by just clicking the .exe ? (ie not having to go into BT settings in the comm manager screen ?)
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Yes, can you please be more specific as to how this works? Does it interfere with voice dialing or making/receiving calls?
I have an Axim X50v which works just great with Skype and my mono Flamingo BT headset. Now I have an HTC P3600 and Skype won't work through the headset.
Bloody technology seems to go backwards :-(
qyach said:
1. Copy the folder BTAudio and its contents to \Program Files
2. Using a registry editor amend the following entries from:
Path = \Program Files\BTAudio\BTAudioOn.Exe
VoiceCmdDuration = 86400 (DEC) = 24 hours
3. Softreset
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After editing, VoiceCommand function is LOST .
All sounds will be re-directed to the blutetooth headset when you press the button(voice dial) on the headset.
Guys, please DO read my past articles and/or use the forum search engine to look for them. At , I've explained everything you need to know.
Did anyone get BTaudio working on their Trinity?
BtAudioToggle opens a link with my mono headset ( I hear hissing in ear piece) but media still plays through Trinity speaker.
I read the Hermes forum about a different reg hack.
Whats working for people?
Perfect audio re-direction with Jasjar & Jabra BT250v
that was very neat & BRILLIANT !!!
got my Jabra BT250v without knowing these issues. on discovering that my jasjar was not capable of audio re-direction to Jabra.....I was shattered. ROM upgrades r scary to say the least.
after a day of frantic search & many failed softwares, this one did the trick. 'qyach'.....many thanks for this.
now my Jasjar & Jabra work perfectly with TCPMP & Skype. Voice command continues to work from the Jasjar mic.
I couldn't ask for more.
Tried VJVolubilis, Bluemusic and BTAudio (with both of the 2 registry hacks referred to in this thread). None of them worked on my Trinity. Would very much appreciate someone shed more light on this issue.
qyach said:
After editing, VoiceCommand function is LOST .
All sounds will be re-directed to the blutetooth headset when you press the button(voice dial) on the headset.
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Doesn´t work on my Trinity
Edit: don´t know why but now it works. Only that I have to press the voice dial button twice (?)
I got the Motorola T305 to connect to my TyTN and the audio gateway routed to the T305. Everything sounds great but I get this annoying beep once every 5 seconds. Does anybody know how to get rid of it?
JUST SORTED IT on my TRINITY all workin fine
Only problem is, as the article suggest it disables the voice commands!! I can live with this as I only want to stean the TOMTOM voice when using the satnav while walking or on my bike.
What I had in mind was a a couple of icons, one to make the registry changes for the BT Audio streaming and the other icon to toggle back (ie change the registry back to voice comand via the BT headset). As far as I can see (once BTaudioOn.exe is copied to my Trinity) the only difference between turning my Jabra BT250v into an audio streaming headset and a phone headset are the two registry changes; and then change them back to give me a Phone headset again.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible to use a .REG file?
Can it be written on a PC and then copied to the Trinity so that it runs?
Will reg files run the same on a PDA and they do on a PC?
Thanks in advance
New app?
Can anyone make an app in which you can configure which feature you want?
1) Change to Voice Dail
2) Change to Voice Command
3) Change to a redirection program like BTAudio.
and got to set the delaytime too
Destination Gotland Bluetooth Mono
I installed this, no registry changes, etc. and it works great. you toggle between unit speaker and the headset by hitting the button on the BT headset. It is great for Skype.
The Cab is in the Zip. I think I picked it up off the tutorial here:
Battery Problem
OK, the solution I posted does work well. However it just killed my battery life. I think that whenever the BT is paired, even in the regular mode (not streaming to the mono BT) it uses the full amount of battery as if it was streaming to it. I think the battery life was even reduced without a paired headset as long as BT was not disabled.
I guess I am still looking for a better solution too.
qyach said:
After editing, VoiceCommand function is LOST .
All sounds will be re-directed to the blutetooth headset when you press the button(voice dial) on the headset.
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THANK YOU !!!! works purrrrrrrrrrfect !!
