gmail issue - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I use to have gmail working fine, then all of a sudden it stopped working one day. I've since deleted and re-added the account several times now and still nothing. It says it connects, and it takes the time to download all of the headers etc. however nothing shows up in the inbox? Is there a way to browse the system files to view if it's actually downloading the headers at all?

Weird...The exact same thing happened to me. I did what you did...created a new account on the phone and it says downloading headers, but nothing appears in the Inbox. I'm stumped and a little ticked off that since it was working so well, I started to rely on it more than I should.

use smtp rather than imap. works fine

There is no imap feature for google mail, you have to use pop3, which is what I use. Regardless it was working fine before... now it just doesn't work at all.

Welcome to the world of gmail. Now that the dust has settled, people are starting to see that this really is a beta.
My advice would be to wait patiently. There is probably nothing you can do, it's an issue with gmail. I have had all sorts of problems with gmail, especially with pop3. I reckon it will sort itself out soon enough.

Did you double check how much you set it to download from the message (The screen where you pick to download either headers or full messages) and made sure that require ssl and outgoing mailserver requieres authentication are checked?. It sometimes doesn't work for me, but it's cause of my GPRS connection, I have the $6 t-zones manually set up. Sometimes when I'm trying to check it it won't open the connection, but if I go into connections and open the connection manually it works fine. That's not very common place though.

When I used gmail pop3 it always seemed buggy (on the wizard...), my solution was to have gmail forward a copy of all mail to a free mail2web exchange acc't, and it then gets pushed to the phone. Works flawlessly for me, however, deleting messages read in one place won't effect the other, and outgong mail from the wizard will be from your mail2web address (there may be a way to spoecify a diff sending address, not sure...)
I know this is not really the answer to your problem, but It is what I did...

my prob. seemed to be to many msgs
i just changed the pop setting that says"all mail"or "just mail from now on" to just from now on and it seems to be working, before i had 249 headers to display, i also changed storage to my SD

I also forward my gmail to mail2web, and tried to setup mail2web on my wizard so that the return address was gmail. No love. I called mail2web and was told that none of their plans (free or not) supported this feature :-(

There is a gentleman on this site who has offered to setup people on an exchange server that he has setup. It's free, but he does take donations. He set it up for me so that the address that shows up when I send or reply from my MDA is my gmail. all I had to do was forward my gmail to the new exchange account. you might be able to find it by searching

I set the pop settings to email from today on out or w/e and now my gmail is working =/

For me Gmail auto configs. All I have to put in is my gmail account and it sets everything up automatically and I just have to put in my password. Never had a problem.

I set the pop settings to email from today on out or w/e and now my gmail is working =/

i had this problem once before... i had to go into gmail and turn off pop then turn it back on... after that it worked fine....

Anyone else here have their emails sent from the web client show up on the inbox on their device? How do you get rid of that... One suggestion was a filter but the phone doesnt support filters, and I dont want to add 3rd party pop 3 software as I can scroll through text messages etc. with the standard mailing software.


Problems with Gmail POP3

Hey all,
I've been having some problems with POP3 and gmail on my TyTN/8525. That problem being: it doesn't work anymore. It worked great for about a week, then just stopped working for no apparent reason. I didn't change any of my gmail settings during this time.
After it stopped working, I randomly got 5 of the 100+ e-mails that I was suppsoed to get. Gmail is receiving them fine and I can see them when I login to gmail, they just don't get downloaded when my phone pops it. I can send e-mail through gmail's pop fine.
Anyone have a clue what my problem might be?
tkeebler said:
Hey all,
I've been having some problems with POP3 and gmail on my TyTN/8525. That problem being: it doesn't work anymore. It worked great for about a week, then just stopped working for no apparent reason. I didn't change any of my gmail settings during this time.
After it stopped working, I randomly got 5 of the 100+ e-mails that I was suppsoed to get. Gmail is receiving them fine and I can see them when I login to gmail, they just don't get downloaded when my phone pops it. I can send e-mail through gmail's pop fine.
Anyone have a clue what my problem might be?
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Which wireless provider?
Have you tried deleting the Gmail account on the TyTn and then re-adding it?
Can you POP3 access it from you'r home computer etc (to make sure it is not a Gmail issue)?
If these do not help post you're setup so we can take a look
I think the problem seems to stem from the fact that Gmail breaks down your messages in groups, like around 300 or so messages at a time. On top of that, Pocket IE doesn't download the full messages by default and, as such, leaves a copy of the messages on the server. I think when this happens, Gmail doesn't prepare the next "group" of messages to send to you. Also, Pocket IE, by default, is set to show only messages from the last 3 days, so even though it may have downloaded a bunch of messages, you'll only see the ones that are 3 days old or less. You'll want to uncheck that option.
Try setting up your account as you normally would in the desktop mail app of your choice, Outlook Express for example. Make sure it isn't set to leave a copy of the messages on the server. If Outlook Express didn't download the first group of messages, make sure to do a manual send and receive. That will hopefully tell Gmail to prepare your next group of messages. Alternate Send/Receives with your phone and Gmail until you get to your most recent messages. Also, try putting recent in front of your user name, IE, "recent:[email protected]" instead of just your user name/e-mail address.
i find with gmail that it stops working every few weeks and i have to go into gmail on my pc and re-check the Get all pop email from now, ( it seems there are too many emails to be sent down )
using the "recent:" prefix before your login in your outlook username should fix this.

Gmail POP3 deletes unread messages after second check

I just got my Mogul last week, and i find this one thing annoying -- I have it set up for Gmail, checking with POP3, and what it does is will only display mail it has not seen before, which would be fine, but if i have an email in my inbox on the phone it will get removed once it checks for mail again, even if it is still unread.
does anyone know if i can change that?
i would use IMAP but the problem with that is some messages won't display the body of the message on the phone.
So if you know of a fix to either of these i would appreciate it if you could enlighten me.
for pop3 check that its not set to download messeges from today only, and also make sure its not being deleted through gmails webaccess or some such
it is set to get the past 3 days, and they are set to stay on the server even after being downloaded through pop. I have had to go online to check it after my phone deleted one after a second send/recieve, so they are all still on the server. I just wish the phone would keep any message it downloads till i specificaly say to delete them.
I'm in the same boat with you. It's fairly annoying, to be honest. There are times when I'm not able to check my phone for email until it's already checked the server a couple of times. So when I can check it, any new messages I recieved after the first server check have already been cleared out of the inbox on my phone.
Is there no way to keep unread messages on the phone until they've been read or until I specifically tell the phone to delete them?
im not sure what the issue is, it works fine for me, messeges are always there, unread, on the phone until i mark them as read (even if i read them through the web access i still have to mark them read on the phone too) i dont know what other settings you can check
defaultdotxbe, could you possibly post the settings you have on your phone for checking your gmail account? and maybe even the settings you have under the POP3 tab in your gmail? maybe we'd be able to replicate exactly what you have for settings. it's probably that we have something set just slightly differently, and my guess is that it's going to be something in the gmail account settings, not the settings on our phones.
be sure of having this as username: recent:[email protected]
ersocia said:
defaultdotxbe, could you possibly post the settings you have on your phone for checking your gmail account? and maybe even the settings you have under the POP3 tab in your gmail? maybe we'd be able to replicate exactly what you have for settings. it's probably that we have something set just slightly differently, and my guess is that it's going to be something in the gmail account settings, not the settings on our phones.
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in the pop3 tab in gmail i have "Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)" and "When messages are accessed with POP archive Gmail's copy"
on the phone i have all the default settings (automatically downloaded when i entered my email address) accept i change "download messeges from the past 3 days" to 7 days (although it works the same with 3 days)
im using sprint rom 2.17
I had the same issue. The username was the issue. Thx for that
yep, the username was what was wrong, thanks!
now when i send a message, the next time i check for messages it arrives as a new email... is there anyway to stop that?
nope, sorry

need a better email app

the gmail works fine for the main email
but when connecting to secondary accounts the default app sucks WM was much better!!
Try K9...
K9 is a better POP3/IMAP client now available from the marketplace.
still can't select multiple emails to delete, or simply empty the trashcan.
2 absolutely essentials that are pissing me off.
I just want to know if anyone has successfully gotten their Hotmail to work with the email client and how. This is really getting on my nerves.
Reeg said:
I just want to know if anyone has successfully gotten their Hotmail to work with the email client and how. This is really getting on my nerves.
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Unless you have Hotmail Plus it won't work.
Yes, I too would like to get hotmail working. Does anyone know of any new advances with getting it to work on the G1? I have hotmail plus and it still doesn't work. It always has a connection error and or it downloads about 15 of my oldest messages and then has a connection error?
maybe someone can hack the gmail push email program and create a universal push email program
let me continue...
message saved as drafts remain in the drafts folder even after send the email out. connection errors galore. i've had messages will sit in the outbox for over 30 mins even though i have a connection and i can download new messages. can you even create folders for pop3? it is just crap, crap and more crap. google should be embarrassed.
aad4321 said:
OMG the email app sucks sooooo bad. like REALLY bad. No notifications, no auto update, always has to load mailbox. Bad layout, hard to tell what was read and what was not, wont foward a message properly untill the entire message has been downloaded to the phone... i can go on....
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ultraman69 said:
let me continue...
message saved as drafts remain in the drafts folder even after send the email out. connection errors galore. i've had messages will sit in the outbox for over 30 mins even though i have a connection and i can download new messages. can you even create folders for pop3? it is just crap, crap and more crap. google should be embarrassed.
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I think both of you have issues not related to the G1. They sound like it is a user issue. I get notifications, I had to check them on, It autoupdates (I choose 1 hour) The layout seems fine. I know what has been read and what has not. You really can't forward a message until you have read the entire message. That would be like me quoting your post before it posted to the forum. Gmail and Outlook both save my messages as drafts, if I go back to that message and send it, it is still saved in the draft folder. However Gmail takes it a step further and saves my messages as drafts every 5 minutes until I sent it or save it for good. Connection errors are because of the network, and Can also cause the messages staying in your outbox. In fact with POP3 messages can act weird even if it has nothing to do with the client. POP3 can't create folders it just downloads the actual message. You need IMAP which is a lot better and has a lot more options. I think that would help most your problems. And I would check to make sure that your servers are receiving the correct information along with checking your settings for the correct information also.
Please report bugs!
If you've found bugs in K-9, please report them to us at .
The code was originally based on the built-in android Mail application, but we're making pretty quick progress on bugs and features considering that we just stepped into this codebase.
i think you are basing your post on your gmail mail, i am refering to pop3 accounts in particular. i don't use gmail, but it seems that people are saying that it works for the most part.
i got notifications the first couple of days for my pop3 email, then it stopped working and unselecting and resetting the notification does not turn it back on. i believe this is a known issue.
in my desktop outlook, or pocket outlook and also thunderbird, when a message is in my drafts folder and i eventually send that message out, it is moved from my drafts to the sent folder. the message is sent, it is no longer a draft.
why wouldn't i be allowed to create folders for pop3 email? imap just auto creates the directory structure you have on your mail server.
yes, i do know that connection errors are due to connection errors, but when messages sit in my outbox, while i send test messages to myself and i can receive them, that is not due to my phone network errors.
i will go and log things i see...i hope to see an improvement.
I agree that the email client is the worst part of this phone
I use POP3 but I hear people complaining the same way about IMAP.
How about something simple e.g. number of bloody messages coming in.
"Load more messages"
What the hell does that mean ? When has there EVER been a load more messages prompt in an email program. I've been using email since back in the days of Pine and I always have a sense of how many messages are in my inbox. Apparently not for the G1.
No easy way to sort messages - and the connection errors just go without saying.
totally agree about the "load more messages".....why not give you an option to pick how many it loads by default.?..... senseless
Henchman said:
maybe someone can hack the gmail push email program and create a universal push email program
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Don't need to hack it, gmail will push anything you want (well, most anything...)
Henchman said:
maybe someone can hack the gmail push email program and create a universal push email program
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This works because of the software gmail uses... not the software on your phone.
Push is a server side implication, while Pull is client side. So if you find a way to Pull email as well as gmail can push than you are on to something.
At least all of you are lucky enough to get your pop3 email setup. It won't even accecpt mine. I have Mediacom ( and it won't even set my 2 mediacom email accounts up. Just says server connection error. My AT&T Tilt never had a problem setting these accounts up. Definately need something new for a pop3 email client. K-9 does the same thing as the default email client.
Shagman68 said:
At least all of you are lucky enough to get your pop3 email setup. It won't even accecpt mine. I have Mediacom ( and it won't even set my 2 mediacom email accounts up. Just says server connection error. My AT&T Tilt never had a problem setting these accounts up. Definately need something new for a pop3 email client. K-9 does the same thing as the default email client.
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are you using the correct ports?
I got it to work. I never had to use SSL before. Not even in Outlook for this account or on my WM6.1. But setting the G1 to SSL mail sever did the trick. Now I'm just disgusted with how it handles mail, slow, does not display stuff, won't delete, incorrect un-read messages, read messages mark themselves unread everytime it checks the mail. I hope RC31 brings relief to these and other mail troubles (too many to remember).
It has been perfect for my mail, are you using pop3?
this has been my main complaint from day one.
Worst email app ever.

new gmail push service...

Has anyone tried it yet?
It supposed to bring the 'push gmail' feature.
Yes I'm using it since yesterday and it's working great.
ditto here, working quite nicely. Although is there a way to sync with two exchange servers at the same time? (that I don't have to pay for an extra service for). I would really like if I could connect with my works exchange server and my personal gmail one at the same time, but without having to go through the hassle of buying a service and paying monthly fees for the push service.
Any ideas?
works great just started to use it a bit of a pain to setup but didnt take too long.
yah...using it...quite good...
I'm having problems with this..
tried setting it up a few times but wouldnt sync. finally only sync'd when i connection to my wifi at home. As soon as i disconnect the wifi, the sync doesnt work anymore. wondering if its a t-mobile issue. cant seem to find any settings for activesync to use 3g instead of wifi. had it setup using imap with no problems what so ever. Anyone else have this issue?
i am new about the push mail feature :
What i believed was(need to be confirmed or denied ;-):
With the gmail push, i wouldnt have anymore to
press a send/receive button in order to check my Gmail emails.
Each time i receive a mail on that account, i would be
informed nearly in realtime on my topaz, like with sms.
So i configured my gmail account like in:
except i put [email protected] instead of
(else wasnt working for me)
My topaz was connected via activsynch
so a kind of folder synchro occured
With a "Gmail" folder
and (translated from french) subfolders:
But then no mails appeared in them, so had to go to
parameters/"email configuration" to set again my gmail account
(strange to have to do it twice)
And so a "Gmail" subfolder(to Gmail folder) appeared
with new sub-subfolders :
drafts/bin/sent messages/spam/"followed"/"all messages"
and then my previous Gmail's emails appeared
Last i went to parameters/communication/Microsoft direct Push
to set it "on"
I tried for a test to sent a mail to my gmail account
but 45mn later still no notification of a new mail in my Gmail box
(ps: in the accounts settings, window where you have["sms/mms"; "email outlook";"Gmail"; "new account" with tabs "accounts"/message/adresse/storage]), my gmail account is set to 15mn in "send/receive planification")
If i synchronize via programs/ activesync from 3g: no newmail
If i synchronize via programs/ activesync from usb connection my pc:
i got the new mail
The only interest in the push feature i saw was to save battery (topaz doesnt have to send/receive each 15mn automatically)
and be informed quickly when you have a new mail.
sorry for my ignorance, and thanks in advance for any help
no replies still ?
No attachments
I've noticed that I can't receive any attachments with my mail. This is even after I have changed the email settings to receive all attachments in activesync and email account options.

Disappearing emails with Gmail(workaround)

I was having some setup issues with Gmail pop; I’ve found a workaround so thought I’d share it.
I like to check my email regularly with the HD2 throughout the day, but manage the majority of these through Outlook when I get home. So on my HD2 I set up a pop mail account to check my Gmail at regular intervals (5 mins), get the entire message but leave a copy of the message on the server so I can still access these with Outlook later.
Problem was whenever the HD2 downloaded an email despite the setup being configured to leave the message on the server these mails were marked “as read” by Gmail and archived, presumably because my Gmail account was set to “archive emails that have been accessed through pop”. This was clearly overriding the “leave a copy on the server” setting. So I’d get an email on my device, this was then automatically removed from the Gmail inbox and archived, 5 minutes later the HD2 would check again, see the inbox was empty and therefore delete the email from my device. Outlook never got a look in as when I got home all the emails had been archived so it was seeing no emails at all.
Hence the disappearing email problem.
Firstly I tried changing the Gmail setting to “keep Google mails copy in the inbox when it had been accessed by pop”, this worked to a degree but I found it slightly irritating having to go in and manually erase all the emails in my Gmail inbox once I had downloaded them.
I then tried enabling imap in Gmail and binning pop access altogether, i.e., accessing all my emails through imap both on the HD2 and on Outlook. Again this worked to a degree but I have Outlook set up a particular way and I found that imap didn’t really work for me in that regard.
Eventually I sussed getting it to work the way I want, I set up both pop and imap access in Gmail. I had the HD2 accessing mails through imap, and Outlook accessing through pop (with the setting for ” archiving emails once accessed through pop” enabled in Gmail). So the HD2 would accrue all the emails that I received throughout the day and keep these in the Gmail inbox so when I fired up Outlook at home these were still there to be downloaded. Of course once I had retrieved these emails through Outlook these were automatically archived by Gmail and only then were they removed from the HD2 then next time it checked the server, which was fine as they had been dealt with and were no longer required, perfect!
So that’s been my weekend really, hope it helps anyone that wants a similar setup.
POP is the wrong method for your interest.
POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it.
You only need to use IMAP method to leave a copy on the server.
Just that easy.
You could have saved a lot time if you only setup imap in your email settings in the phone.
All other stuff was completely too much. Sorry
Im using that method since i had the Touch HD and still use it with Gmail on the HD2 and my mails stay on the huuuuuuge google servers too.
Undoubtedly imap has its advantages, certainly on the phone its working well for me.
You did raise a point:
"POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it"
Should this happen when the you have set-up an account on the device thats configured to "do not delete messages from the server"? Because despite my account being set-up this way my emails were being deleted (or archived, either way, disappeared!) nevertheless. That's specifically why i wanted to detail why I did what I did as I'm sure this issue could catch other people out.
POP is designed to catch mails AND clean up your email account on the server.
This makes sense when you have limited storage space (i have an arcor account too and have only 25mb on there).
From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option.
This is mostly the reason that the emails get deleted when using POP.
IMAP is designed to give you the opportunity to have a look at your emails like on the server.
When you read an email on your pda the mail will be automatically flagged as read on the server too.
It is some kind of sync.
There are these two well known ways just to give you the opportunity and fulfil your needs. Just use the one that serves you well.
In your case this will be IMAP
"From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option"
When i was setting up the account on the HD2 I was ticking this option to leave message on server upon deletion (see screen shot), although it seems i was misunderstanding this function.
Yeah the function you checked was only for the deleted mails.
It just tells the server what to do with the mails that you deleted on your device.
Sounds good, I'd just replace imap access on the HD2 with activesync, even better.
I'm interested in what your "weird configuration in outlook that makes you not able to use imap" is though.

