Unlocking an MDA Vario w/o a T-Mobile sim card... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am about to get my MDA sometime next week and as far as I know it is SIM locked (probably CID locked too). I am a Cingular customer and only have a Cingular and ATT SIM cards at my disposal.
My question is: Do I absolutely must have a T-Mobile SIM card in order to unlock the phone? Will I be able to unlock it w/o having any SIM card in? What if I stick my Cingular/ATT SIM cards?
Also - does the tutorial over here on how to SIM unlock it would also CID unlock it?


I unlocked my MDA without the SIM card.

guxu said:
I unlocked my MDA without the SIM card.
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how did you do that?


I also unlocked my MDA without a T-Mobile SIM card...
just get lokiwiz
it helps to read the forums instead of bumping your own thread (twice within 8 hours is excessive)... people will just ignore it some more.

Hi: I'm new here. This forum seems like a great place to hang out! Where can I d/l the latest lokiwiz? I've searched for the last 1/2 hour for a working link. Thanx!

Found the answer. Sorry for the wasted post.

MDA Vario unlocking
Im new here can any1 help me to unlock ma MDA Vario which ive just bought from ebay n itz lock on T-Mobile and i dont have T-Mobile sim,thank you v much

so basically the phone should work fine as a PDA with a sim in it... right?

yes. you should still be able to use it as a pda. you just wont get any signal for calls.

Well, I am a proud owner of a working MDA. I love my baby!


Unlocking O2 wizard so I can use it with an Orange SIM card?

Can this be done? If so could someone let me know what tools I should use?
Many thanks.
i'm assuming you could after you unlock your phone with the lockwiz
My o2 mini S wasnt locked. I put the orange sim in and it all works. Is that normal?
Yup, often orange cards work in o2 devices i found.
That's because All O2 contract phones are supplied unlocked nowadays

Functionality of an unlocked Wing without SIM or a nonTmobile SIM???

OOOPS... I meant what is the functionality of a LOCKED Wing without a Tmobile SIM card or with a different foreign SIM card.
In case I cannot get mine unlocked in the first 90 days, can I still use the Wing for things other then making calls?
What happens if a different SIM card is put into a TMobile locked device.
Could someone please tell me if a Wing starts up without a SIM card in it...
If you could just try to turn it on without the SIM and tell me the results I would be very happy...
Or with a SIM other then TMobile on a locked Wing...
Just in case I have to wait for 90 days to have it unlocked from Tmobile to use in Europe.
Thank You!
Mine works. I just took the SIM out and restarted. the phone application came up and reported that the SIM was missing, but I was able to close it and access all of the other functionality.
Does that help?
Yes, it helps perfectly, since now I know that I could still use the phone and wifi, etc, even before it is unlocked which might take a while.
Thank you very much!

Having Problems SIM Unlocking

I have a Cingular 8125 that i recently reiceved. (G4, sorry I posted in wrong section)
I used Lokiwiz and got my Sim unlock code.
THe thing is I don't get a dialog telling me to insert the code...did i do something wrong? x-x
Please help me
have you tried putting another sim in the phone? As it wont ask you for the unlock code unless you try and put a different sim card in
and believe me when i say, people do unlock and expect the phone to ask for a code when the phone reboots, even when they have their original sim still in the phone
Yeah I've tried it.
Cingular to Tracphone to Nextel
T_T Is it because its an old Cingular and Nextel is like lame? And tracphone is just like everything XD Should I borrow like a Verizon or T-Mobile SIM?

T-Mobile wing - does it have simlock or not

Hi I'm new user of T-Mobile Wing. I found a thread on this forum that most of T-mobile wing don't have simlock. I get my sim card from era (polish carrier) and put inside wing. Then turned on and everything is working. It has found a service. But I still have some doubts. One is that the service name is T-mobile ( which is normal in my nokia using era because of roaming policy of my carrier) but I'm not sure if I leave USA the phone will work or not. I'm not sure how sim lock work here in USA. Should the phone report problem with other sim card when I turn it on? Or maybe it will stop working when I will come back to Poland.
From the other side when I put T-mobile sim card into my old nokia which is locked, the phone reported error "device is secured, please provide code" ( <- this is free translation from my polish)
I assume the same sittuation should appear in case of wing with era sim card, but it is my first pda and I don't know if in this case my assumptions are correct.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
yes its sim locked
you can get it unlocked so it does thru some companys try search in google.
So why right now when I put sim card from different carrier I'm able to use the phone and make calls??
yep. I've got wing registered in era without any unlocking.
huh. thats really strange. it may be some weird kind of roaming. update when you receive your phone bill? If it's kind of ridiculous, you know you need to sim unlock.
I believe that if you get a tmobile sim(prepaid or borrow one?) you can ask them to give you the simlock code and they will

[Q] Sim card doesnt work

Hi guys,
i have little big problem, i have a mda compact II from t-mobile (bought as a second hand one), everything works as good as possible, but sim card doesnt.
When i put any sim (t-mobile, telefonica o2), it needs PIN and then it has signal for few minutes and then my device loose signal and it couldnt find any network and it is researching and researching. I ll be glad if somebody with more experiences could help me, please.
Allensis said:
Hi guys,
i have little big problem, i have a mda compact II from t-mobile (bought as a second hand one), everything works as good as possible, but sim card doesnt.
When i put any sim (t-mobile, telefonica o2), it needs PIN and then it has signal for few minutes and then my device loose signal and it couldnt find any network and it is researching and researching. I ll be glad if somebody with more experiences could help me, please.
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try using a SIM - Unlock ~ http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Charmer#SIM_unlocking

