Preserving Office applications - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I got a new MDA from eBay. Succesfuly apply lockwiz and Rapi...I want to flash the new AKU ROM, but seems that I will loose my applications (I don't care about contacts and such as I can sync with Outlook on my PC via Active Sync). Question is: will the new ROM erase word, excel, etc? If so, where can I get those? I've look into the disk that comes with t-mobile but seems that only Outlook is there (no signs of pWord.exe or other .cab installation files.
Any one can tell me:
1. Am I right on thinking those will be erased?
2. If such, where can I get the install files for them?

They're part of the OS and will be in the new Rom.

the apps are present in any rom. The files produced by word or excel (if saved in the pda memory) will be erased... of course.


tomtom2 favourites - how to backup before unlocking/upgrade?

I need to know how to backup tomtom2 favourites before unlocking and then upgrading to 1.60 uk official rom update please?
Any help would be great as I'd like to do this today
I've just done exactly this and didn't have any problems with loosing my favorites
This is what I did (can't guarantee it will work for you but it did for me!)
Sync your files with the PC
Copy all the files to a new folder (i.e. making a backup copy of them)
Run the unlock tool.
Run the update.
Create new partnership and sync up (don't copy the saved filed yet)
Reinstall all your applications (i.e. TTN2) (via the activesyn add/remove programs)
Soft Rest XDAII
Sync (with files option selected)
Now copy backed up files to the new sync folder on the desktop and resync the XDA II
this should now mean the old settings are now transferred to the new rom and the favorite locations will be saved
Hi mate #
thx for the reply but can you tell me where this data is kept? What file etc... As I have sync'ed but i dont see any files that overtly look like tt2 files....
Cheers in advance
I've taken the plunge, unlocked it and updating as I type... Fingers crossed, did a full backup before hand using active sync, not sure if using restore is a great idea tho?
On my XDA II the TTN2 settings appear to be saved in the My Documents folder (i.e. the one that's sync'ed with the desktop). On mine the exact folder is called "Tom Tom Navigator Settings" and contains 2 files one that appears to be used for the program as a whole whilst the other appears to be linked to the Map (Great Britain in my case)
Hope it works for you.

unable to restore data after ROM upgrade

I just upgraded to the latest ROM's supplied by O2 (3.17.03), and now active sync says my backup was made with the wrong version of software.
Is there any way to get the data back on to my XDA? In particular my contacts, as they will be the hardest to replace?
If not, is it possible to go back to the old ROM? (the radio ROM upgrade warned not to downgrade roms)
ActiveSync backup can be only restored to the same ROM. The best way to backup contacts is to use Outlook. Yes, you can flash your ROM back to the previous version, restore the contacts, backup them to Outlook, flash the new ROM then sync with Outlook to get the contacts list
there ma ybe another way
So i was about to download the old ROM updates from
When i read the readme on that page. It says that active sync can only restore to a device with exactly the same partnership/device ID. It says you must delete the existing partnership and recreate it.
So i have done that, and a resotre is currently in progress (restoring a full backup from an old rom, to the new rom version of my walaby).
I will post back in 10 minutes when it has finished to let everyone know what has/hasnt been restored.
check for reginal settings.
In case it was changes to customize your device before upgrage - change them now from default.
it is not recommended to restore after ROM upgrade, tho...
restore not reccomended
I suppose i can understand why, but in any case i dont use outlook. So i cant see me having much choice...
Btw, does anyone know of software to sync the XDA to mozilla (preferable under linux too!)
backup to SD card
Out of curiosity, the pdf i read regarding the upgrade said you can back up to a SD card too.
Is this any different to backing up via ActiveSync? Is it any less risky to restore such a backup after an upgrade?
Up to my information, it has the same issue ... SD backup can't be restored to a different ROM version.
sync with
Looks good... anyone tried to sync with Mozilla Thunderbird??
Restore worked
So the restore seems to have worked... kind of...
The thing runs, but the old sms messages are only in the index, and i cant seem to delete them or view them.
The new programs from the upgrade dont seem to be here, though they could be lying around in a folder somwhere i havent looked.
My Fiitaly install works, though the input method occasinaly tries to be the transcriber even though it shouldnt be.
All in all, its usable, but when i have time i will be finding a copy of outlook just to back up the contacts and then flashing the ROM again and installing everything else again.
A note to anyone else who might be trying the same thing, all your notes etc can be backed up just by activesync synchronising your XDA mydocuments with a sub-folder of your pc's mydocuments. Then hopefully outlook can do the contacts and appointments. Dunno what you'd have to do if you wanted to save your sms messages or call log or anything
Well, instead od studying for my exams (yup, just like me to do this) I installed Outlook, synchronised the XDA, flashed it again, synchronised it again, installed my software and it seems to be pretty good!
Lost my sms messages, but thats no problem to me.
2 things that are odd:
I had to add a shortcut to notes.exe in the start menu because it didnt exist
Also, i cannot create new accounts, ie gprs email ones. Of course, this would only be useful if the new ROM supports encrypted IMAP connections. Does it? Is there a free (or maybe cheap) third party solution that does?

Saving PIM-data for Upgrade

Hello out there!
I own a unbranded HTC P4350 currently running WM5 .
To ensure that my device will read the MicroSDHC-card (8GB would be awesome!) I want to upgrade the OS to WM 6.
I already downloaded he official ROM-Update for HTC, but:
How can I backup personal data like
- calender
- contacts
- tasks
- short messages(!)
quite effective? (Without Outlook perhaps?)
Like: Backup on PC, upgrade ROM, run backup => everything normal.
Although I don't synchronize my PPC with my desktop PC, I installed Outlook, to try it this way.
But only the first three items were synchonized. :-(
I don't know how to backup my SMS und MMS.
I searched the internet including this forum, but found no note about this issue.
Oh! Thank in advance for your answers, of course!
try using a program called pimbackup by some guy on this forum. think his name was dotfred. do a search and make sure you use the latest version. it's an exe, so you run it from your pocketpc. make your backup, then update, reinstall, and run the backup.
Thank you. I tried this software additionally for safety reasons.
But now I have another huge problem... :-((
But I better open a new thread for that.

HTC ROM UPGRADE - Missing contacts & apps

hmmm I installed the EU Rom upgrade, having removed storage card amd take a copy of PIM.VOL. Upgrade completed, I can see apps on my storage card but my phone can't see them in the list of programmes, so I can't add them to programme font page or start menu... My phone also doesn't seem to see the pim.vol so I can't reload all my contacts (no they weren't all on my pc - I can sync with that fine but not all my contacts were on pc)
CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE - I can't be the first - or last - with this..!?
Try TotalCommander to copy the file + backup your contacts with PIMBackup2.8 in future. As for the apps, you need to re-install them, so you can safely delete the apps on the storage card saved under Program Files
Thanks, going through various cab files etc and re-installing, TomTom next! Copying pim.vol hasn't worked, I have some Mob no's on my sim and can see them but bizarrely when I try to add to favourite contacts, all I see are a few email addresses, not the (few) mob no's I have on the phone. Looks like I will have to re-source these , what a chore... I though that copying the pim.vol would save me this task (am sure I read it in these august forums!)
all the best, Mark
ps any other tips on how to fully restore what contacts I have, so I can add them again to favourite contacts, are appreciated.
You may want to look into Sprite Backup. It's very nice for restoring system state after moving to a new rom. After flashing a new rom I have all applications / contacts / emails / texts / etc back on my phone within 10 minutes. I don't have to install anything. It's quite nice, especially with all the flashing and testing I do.

[Q] Advice sought for flashing Hermes 200

Hello all,
I am running a 64 bit Win 7 PC and an unlocked Hermes 200, with Win 6, which I wish to upgrade. I have used the Easy Hard-Spl v7 and the Hermes bootloader is showing an IPL 0f 1.04 and a SPL of 2.10 olipro. I have not flashed a phone ROM before and I wish to be safer than sorrier having bricked the Hermes.
I have the HTC_TyTN)WWE_3.54.255.3_6275_1.48.00.10_108.exe file which I wish to flash to the Hermes. I have renamed this file as a .zip file and extracted 8 files including RUU_Inside.exe (55,490kb). Again, I renamed this file as a .zip file and extracted another 8 files icluding RUU_signed.nbh (93,566kb). I am assuming that this is the file I need to flash.
To flash the Hermes ROM, I need to do:
1. have a 2Gb non-SHDC microSD card formatted to FAT32
2. rename RUU_signed.nbh to HERMIMG.nbh and copy this file to the root folder of the SD card
3. insert the SD card into the Hermes and start the bootloader
4. comfirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button
5. wait about 30 minutes
6. once flashing is confirmed as complete, do a soft reset
I am hoping that somebody that knows more than me, which is all of you, will confirm that my sequence of actions is correct or else point out my errors.
Many thanks for your help and advice,
That is ok.
I think in step 4. that you will not confirm with power button, but with other one. Doesn't matters, it will tell you whitch one to press.
First flash AT&T ROM and than ROM image that you want, it is told on almost every [ROM] thread.
Searched high and low, can't find ROM
Before anyone bashes me for asking this, I've searched this forum and many others all evening and through the night and several times previously -- and EVERY SINGLE download link for any ROMs is broken. Can anyone help me locate a WM6.1 ROM that should work on a Cingular (now AT&T) 8525 (HTC Hermes)? By the way I'm no noob, I have successfully flashed ROMs to my HTC Wizard (AT&T 8125) and my HTC Apache and even cooked ROMs for it.
crag345, I'm in about the same boat as having thoroughly researched and being prepared to install a ROM for this thing (except still needing the ROM...hahaha) -- in general your approach seems solid, and those are the steps I've found too for flashing the Hermes from SD card.
Additional steps you might want to take, as found in some forum posts --
0. Make sure you have a ROM version that is compatible with your phone (you probably already did this, but extremely important so worth mentioning).
1.a) scan the SD card to verify integrity. Some have done this using a WM program called Storage Tools (I found Storage Card Tools, I think it is the same they were talking about, for $15). But in the wiki it says you can just use Properties, Tools, Error Checking (I found this on Windows desktop PC by right-clicking the drive letter first - they didn't mention that). I think the point of using Storage Card Tools was this guy had no access to a PC.
2.a) Copy or write down all the settings you can find in the phone, especially MEdia Net (this is from my own experience, after flashing you can't get internet, picture messaging, and similar stuff to work until this is re-entered). You can get there using Settings, Connections, Connections, and under MEdiaNet tap on Manage existing connections (might be called something else if you are with a carrier other than AT&T). Tap Edit, and go through each screen, capturing or writing down the settings.
2.b) Be sure your battery is charged, or phone plugged into charger.
7. Some forums on very similar HTC WM devices also advocate doing a hard reset after flashing a ROM. Not sure how necessary but it can't hurt. Possibly also of interest, if your carrier's ROM includes bloatware, you might be able to eliminate it by RIGHT BEFORE IT INSTALLS their customizations, hit soft reset button. Worked great for me on one phone, but on another phone it failed to stop the carrier customizations.
8. If pic msgs do not work, try going to MMS Options (in Messaging app), Menu, MMS server. (Menu and option names may vary depending on WM version). My notes are for AT&T -- Server name: type in anything. IP address: Port number: 80. Server address Connect via: MEdia Net. send limit is 600KB.
---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ----------
also, 2.a)1. Obviously, back up any data you have in the phone's internal memory. My Documents, and anything customized you've saved at the \ root level or another subfolder in internal memory. Also back up calendar and contacts -- if you are using Google exchange sync this won't be a problem, it will all come back when you re-establish the account settings and sync -- but if not, you might want to use a PIM backup utility. SK Tools is my favorite.
2.a)2. If you have a registry editor, you might want to use it to export some customized settings for your programs, then you can much more quickly restore those settings after flashing or hard resetting the device. I use an app TaskMgr.exe in the RegEdit screen for exporting subtrees, especially in HKCU, Software. You'll see folders the correspond to apps you've installed. One to not overlook if you customize button settings, is \Microsoft\Shell\Keys. You can inspect items to see if the data is something you care to quickly reinstall. Tap and hold and you can export. This way you can restore PORTIONS of the registry. The new OS will have a registry that is sure to be different in many significant ways so you don't want to export the whole registry and reimport it all. Once you have flashed &/or hard reset a device, you'll need a program that reads .reg files in order to easily reinstall your preferences. If you have SK Tools, even the lite version, once it is installed the system will recognize .reg files.
2.a)3. A few apps don't seem to store their settings in the registry or anywhere that can easily be saved. WkTask (an EXCELLENT task manager and task switcher program) is like this, and also TCPMP (awesome media player). So, look through the various settings and write down how you like it set up, makes restoring much easier later.
tsugaguy said:
Before anyone bashes me for asking this, I've searched this forum and many others all evening and through the night and several times previously -- and EVERY SINGLE download link for any ROMs is broken. Can anyone help me locate a WM6.1 ROM that should work on a Cingular (now AT&T) 8525 (HTC Hermes)? By the way I'm no noob, I have successfully flashed ROMs to my HTC Wizard (AT&T 8125) and my HTC Apache and even cooked ROMs for it.
crag345, I'm in about the same boat as having thoroughly researched and being prepared to install a ROM for this thing (except still needing the ROM...hahaha) -- in general your approach seems solid, and those are the steps I've found too for flashing the Hermes from SD card.
Additional steps you might want to take, as found in some forum posts --
0. Make sure you have a ROM version that is compatible with your phone (you probably already did this, but extremely important so worth mentioning).
1.a) scan the SD card to verify integrity. Some have done this using a WM program called Storage Tools (I found Storage Card Tools, I think it is the same they were talking about, for $15). But in the wiki it says you can just use Properties, Tools, Error Checking (I found this on Windows desktop PC by right-clicking the drive letter first - they didn't mention that). I think the point of using Storage Card Tools was this guy had no access to a PC.
2.a) Copy or write down all the settings you can find in the phone, especially MEdia Net (this is from my own experience, after flashing you can't get internet, picture messaging, and similar stuff to work until this is re-entered). You can get there using Settings, Connections, Connections, and under MEdiaNet tap on Manage existing connections (might be called something else if you are with a carrier other than AT&T). Tap Edit, and go through each screen, capturing or writing down the settings.
2.b) Be sure your battery is charged, or phone plugged into charger.
7. Some forums on very similar HTC WM devices also advocate doing a hard reset after flashing a ROM. Not sure how necessary but it can't hurt. Possibly also of interest, if your carrier's ROM includes bloatware, you might be able to eliminate it by RIGHT BEFORE IT INSTALLS their customizations, hit soft reset button. Worked great for me on one phone, but on another phone it failed to stop the carrier customizations.
8. If pic msgs do not work, try going to MMS Options (in Messaging app), Menu, MMS server. (Menu and option names may vary depending on WM version). My notes are for AT&T -- Server name: type in anything. IP address: Port number: 80. Server address Connect via: MEdia Net. send limit is 600KB.
---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ----------
also, 2.a)1. Obviously, back up any data you have in the phone's internal memory. My Documents, and anything customized you've saved at the \ root level or another subfolder in internal memory. Also back up calendar and contacts -- if you are using Google exchange sync this won't be a problem, it will all come back when you re-establish the account settings and sync -- but if not, you might want to use a PIM backup utility. SK Tools is my favorite.
2.a)2. If you have a registry editor, you might want to use it to export some customized settings for your programs, then you can much more quickly restore those settings after flashing or hard resetting the device. I use an app TaskMgr.exe in the RegEdit screen for exporting subtrees, especially in HKCU, Software. You'll see folders the correspond to apps you've installed. One to not overlook if you customize button settings, is \Microsoft\Shell\Keys. You can inspect items to see if the data is something you care to quickly reinstall. Tap and hold and you can export. This way you can restore PORTIONS of the registry. The new OS will have a registry that is sure to be different in many significant ways so you don't want to export the whole registry and reimport it all. Once you have flashed &/or hard reset a device, you'll need a program that reads .reg files in order to easily reinstall your preferences. If you have SK Tools, even the lite version, once it is installed the system will recognize .reg files.
2.a)3. A few apps don't seem to store their settings in the registry or anywhere that can easily be saved. WkTask (an EXCELLENT task manager and task switcher program) is like this, and also TCPMP (awesome media player). So, look through the various settings and write down how you like it set up, makes restoring much easier later.
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I might have a few on my old hhd, I'll dig through tomorrow and let you know (;
do you just need oem?

