prophet & external usb hd - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hello everyone..
I'm a newbie, i just bought my prophet (xda neo) but havent laid my hands on it yet...(waiting for delivery)
I have a question, what happens if i do connect an external HD via an usb to IDE interface to the mini usb port of the prophet?
(the hd is autonomously powered.. )
Will i be able to read and write to the hd??

Most probably nothing will happen...
Windows XP, or earlier versions, can recognize the hd only because they have preinstalled drivers in their system. PPC's are unlikely to have such support built in, and I have not heard anyone using this.
Why would you need it?
You could always connect your hd to your pc, and connect to it through setting up a network folder over wifi to it. That way you could read/write on it.

'USB Host' is not supported on the Prophet, i.e. it cannot host USB devices such as HDD, card reader, etc.


XDA mini s as a USB Pen Drive?

Just got my XDA Mini S today and am in the process of upgrading the ROM and doing some other custimizations to it before I start using it. One thing that I do not yet have is a miniSD card. I am leaning towards getting a 2GB card, but as I recently got an iPod Nano I know that I will not be using the XDA as my main music source. I do however make frequent use of USB PenDrives and would get the 2GB card if the XDA can be used as one. So my question is as follows: if I plug in the XDA into any computer will it show up as an portable drive or does it require the instilation of the software everytime? I only have one computer (and no miniSD card ) so I have no means of testing this. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the help!
USB Pen Drive
Hi - if I understand you correctly - you are correct in assuming you would need to install ActivSync on all machines you require the device to connect too and establish a paternership with each PC. Not ideal.
However if you were able to do this this device shows as a "mobile device" under "My Computer" and you can use explorer to do all the normal file transfer options - cut, copy paste etc.
You could look at utilising the Bluetooth or Infrared ports to transfer files to the SD card - however the receiving PC would need to be capable of accepting files in this way - indeed a bluetooth partnership would need to be established with each PC also - so maybe no improvement over ActivSync.
I hope this helps - indeed someone out there may now of an easy after market program that could do it. :lol:
I use softick's CardExport II (version 2.11) to switch between ActiveSync mode and USB PenDrive mode.
Version 2.12 is available, but that doesn't work for me; it doesn't recognise the PenDrive with it. Version 2.11 however is working like a charme for me.

o2 Exec USB?

Hi, I'm going on Holiday soon and want to use my XDA Exec to view photos I take with my digital camera (beats taking the laptop along just to do that).
Now, I understand the Exec doesn't have Host functionality through the USB port, so is there any other way of getting the photos off a Sony Memorystick and onto the XDA?
I've looked around for a USB Host SDIO card and can't find one (not sure the XDA Exec would support it anyway).
Anyone got any suggestions?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I saw a device in PC World that looked like a USB hub, but it was for connecting digital cameras to USB memory sticks, however I only briefly looked at the picture on the box and didn't check it out closely.
Might be worth asking at PC World though in case I didn't imagine it. For gods sake don't mention the exec to the staff there, as they are completely incapable of thinking, but if it would work for a memory stick it might be able to work for the exec, especially as there is a thread around here about making the exec appear as usb memory to a PC.
I found this link
At the very worst you'd have to get one of these and a small SD card reader to plug into the USB stick slot.
I have the same problem.
Another device is the Delkin USB Bridge:
Similar idea but the Macally SyncBox allows you to copy a subset of the files by storing them in a folder called SyncBox though you won't be able to move files into that folder on most digital cameras.
If you want to turn your PDA into a USB mass storage device get a USB sync cable and this software:
The problem I have with the USB bridge type devices is that they copy everything. I have a Vosonic 6230 MultiMedia Viewer:
It's a portable HD with multi-card reader. So basically you can copy files from MS card to HD and then from HD to SD card. Not as cheap or light as a USB bridge but you can also use it as extra storage for your PDA and camera or a video player which can connect to a TV.
Looking on Macally site, they now have SyncBox II which allows you to copy individual files:
Why don't more manufacturers implement USB host? It would make PDAs a lot more useful.
The SyncBox II isn't available yet but Memorex have 2 similar devices - one with multi-card reader, one without:
But I don't think it's currently available from a UK retailer.

av-out on wm5 possible?

hello all,
Is it possible to have av-out on my wm5 device?
I have an mini usb with on the other end a red and a yellow plug.
i've already tried to connect but it just doesn't work.
is there any application i can use so i can connect to my tv via av???
My phone is a orange M600 aka prophet with latest dopod rom.
rebelish, that is just not going to work. I mean that is not a PC usb port. First its a mini-usb, second its not got all the WinXP functions which enable it to be so.
What might be a solution is to have a SD Socket AV-out (haven't seen any), or even try it through wifi... There is a program (forgot the name) which transfers the picture to the PC through wifi, but probably does not work for video.
A.) most PDA USB ports are slave, meaning normal addons will not work on them
B.) there are indeed SDIO cards that provide a VGA/AV output
The only pda I've seen with video out is the Dell x51v. I'm guessing it's a fair custom job, using more than just a mini-usb cable.
ok Thanks everybody for all the clear answers.
I do think it's a shame that we don't have that function already in our pocketpc's but than again we can't have it all.
I think i'am going for the bluetooth pal adaptor now because with that one can do the job wireless and i can show my 2Mega pixel pics on my tv screen.
everybody thanx again

HD Mini and Apple computer

After 2 days of using HD Mini I must say I am very pleased... the only major complaint is that the phone hangs up after connecting to my macbook and to my iMac. I know that this is a windows phone and I don't expect it to synchronize and so on, but my previous phone ( HTC Diamond) connected to mac computer acts normally- it is seen as external disk drive, I can copy files to memory and charge it from the laptop battery if needed. HD Mini freezes and I cannot even switch it off- I need to disconnect battery! Do you think it is something wrong with my phone or all of them act like this? Has anyone try to connect HD Mini to Apple computer? Thank you very much for any info!
You can sync the HD mini with Apple iCal, Address Book and some iTunes music (and more) thanks to utilities like Mark/Space Missing Sync for Windows Mobile. It works through USB or Bluetooth links (it uses the MS ActiveSync protocol).
The USB mass storage mode of the HD mini seems to have problem with Apple computers. I'm experiencing the same troubles as you are with both a MacBook and an iMac. Some driver update is probably required.
Thank you!
problem solved at least partially...
using missing sync for now and hope HTC to release update to storage mode
Regards and many thanks
robertszydlo said:
After 2 days of using HD Mini I must say I am very pleased... the only major complaint is that the phone hangs up after connecting to my macbook and to my iMac. I know that this is a windows phone and I don't expect it to synchronize and so on, but my previous phone ( HTC Diamond) connected to mac computer acts normally- it is seen as external disk drive, I can copy files to memory and charge it from the laptop battery if needed. HD Mini freezes and I cannot even switch it off- I need to disconnect battery! Do you think it is something wrong with my phone or all of them act like this? Has anyone try to connect HD Mini to Apple computer? Thank you very much for any info!
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Mine does exactly this. Freezes and I too have to remove the battery. If I set the HD Mini to 'ActiveSync' mode, I can charge the battery from the Apple (Mac Mini in my case), but cannot access the storage card.
I use the free version of SyncMate to sync the HD Mini with my Mac, I couldn't get this to work via BlueTooth (which worked with my TG01), naturally can't get it to work via USB either, but eventually had success using WiFi to sync.
please everyone having this to HTC let's hope they fix the mass storage mode
robertszydlo said:
please everyone having this to HTC let's hope they fix the mass storage mode
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Did this yesterday!
I should say, I don't think setting the connection type to 'ActiveSync' prevented a crash after all. I think it just delayed it!
I'm using SyncMate - works perfectly.
I'm not able to see SD card like USB storage, but via SyncMate I can connect to StorageCard and copy files.
It's not good way for big files (700 MB about 30 min), but for small is usable.
xeinyx said:
I'm using SyncMate - works perfectly.
I'm not able to see SD card like USB storage, but via SyncMate I can connect to StorageCard and copy files.
It's not good way for big files (700 MB about 30 min), but for small is usable.
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I'm guessing you have the full (paid!) version of SyncMate? I don't think you can sync to the SD card with the free version?
I can't get SyncMate to connect to the HD Mini using bluetooth, only WiFi. Is this 'normal' or am I just daft?
@ everyone -
If you have any problems while using SyncMate, please, contact our Support team at [email protected], thanks
If anyone else did report this to HTC, did you get any sense from them?
All I get back is bland statements about not supporting sync with the Mac, but to try 'MissingSync'. Surely connecting the HD Mini to MissingSync with USB will give the same lockup, won't it?
In case you are interested, here is the response from HTC so far:
I have just received my (wonderful!) HTC HD Mini.
I am finding that if I connect the USB cable to my Apple Mac Mini, the request for 'ActiveSync, Disk Drive, Modem' pops up, then after selecting 'Disk Drive', the disk does not mount on the Apple desktop, but even worse, the HD Mini locks totally and I have to remove and replace the battery before it will respond again. I have tried turning the 'do not charge from PC if on' option on and off, but this doesn't help at all.
I have had other Windows Mobile devices (Samsung and Toshiba TG01) and these have had no problem connecting to the Mac in this way.
Can you suggest anything please?
Dear Mark
Thank you for your enquiry about Mac.
I'm sorry but we don't really have any support on Mac, but you can try Missing sync. Just search through Google and you should find it, for more support i recommend you to contact Mac. Have a nice day!
Best regards,
Perhaps I didn't explain my problem very well. I can use SyncMate to sync my calendar and contact information between my HTC HD Mini and my Mac Mini, but only using a WiFi connection.
The problem starts when I try to use the USB Drive facilities on the HD Mini to transfer program, music and video files from the Mac to the HD Mini. As soon as I connect the USB cable to the HD Mini, the HD Mini locks totally and I have to remove the battery before I can restart it. I have used other Windows Mobile devices with the (same) Apple Mac Mini in exactly the same way and had no problems - only with the HD Mini.
I hear reports on the XDA-Developers HD Mini forum that at least one other HD Mini and Apple Mac owner has the exact same symptoms on attempting the same thing.
Hoping you can help.
Dear Mark
Thank you for your enquiry about 3rd party.
We don't have any support on Sync mate, so you will have to contact them for assistance in theis area. This includes Mac which we don't support. But sync with windows you can use Active sync 4,5 for xp, and windows mobile device center 6,1 for Win vista/7, if you need guidance please call into our support line below. Good luck!
Best regards,
Can I make my query perfectly clear as it appears as though my problem has been misinterpreted.
My problem is that connecting my HTC Mini to my Apple Mac Mini in order to use the USB disk drive transfer facility of the HD Mini causes the HD Mini to lock totally, requiring me to remove the battery from the HTC HD Mini to reset it and to continue working.
I have had no problem using the same feature on other Windows Mobile phones in exactly the same way, on the exact same Apple Mac, using the exact same operating system.
Other people have also reported problems using this facility with other Apple Mac models. ( One user here is reporting that this feature has worked with other HTC Windows Mobile Models, but not the HD Mini.
It has to be said that I'm struggling to see how my first question has yet to be answered. Still. We live in hope...
Thanks for all your help...
Had this reply from HTC today:
Dear Mark Thank you for your enquiry about Mac. I'm sorry we don't support Mac, so we're not alowed to help you setup your hd-mini with a Mac operating system. For assistance on this you'll need to contact Mac, i'm sorry for the inconvenience! Best regards,
And my (final) words:
Thanks for your reply.
It seems a great pity that such a useful facility cannot be used in this model, when it was available in previous models.
Whilst I understand that you do not support the Mac, should a device designed to work to a universal standard, such as USB not work on all devices regardless of operating system? I have never had problems with other 'standard' USB disk drives on the Mac, they all work on Windows, Linux and Mac machines. I would have expected the HD Mini to do so also, if not for the Sync features (which I expected) and not only for the WiFi and Bluetooth (which do work as expected on the Mac) but certainly for the USB disk facilities, facilities that do work on competing Windows Mobile Devices.
Should you try connecting the HD Mini to any Macs that you or your team may own and discover the reason for the lock-ups, please contact me.
Personally, I'd say that the problem lies with HTC - not Apple, but it doesn't look like anything is going to be done about it. Perhaps a future update will 'accidentally' fix the problem?
I can hope. Can't I???
I have just applied the ROM update for the HD Mini (released 28th May 2010).
This appears to have removed the lock up encountered when connecting the HD Mini to the Mac, so far at least.
Whilst this has not enabled the access to the SD card on the Mac, it does mean that Parallels (Windows XP) can now connect normally using ActiveSync for software installations and backups. Parallels too seems unable to access the SD card directly, but can browse the HD Mini device using ActiveSync.
Performing this ROM update did not delete any data on my device, despite the warnings that it would. Perhaps different versions of the device (mine was purchased SIM free and network unlocked) will lose some data during the upgrade process.
Hope this helps.

[Q] USB Host Mode

I hope it wasn't asked before... tried search but nothing came up for Droid in HD2.
So is there a way to enable the Host-Mode on HD2 with Android?
Would be great to connect my selfmade external HDD which i use for travel to view some videos or to ahve more music without buying that expensive 16 or 32 GB cards.
Don't know if it works on android, but I read in ubuntu it does. You need a special cable with power supply though. You should try reading this
Android was not made for supporting USB host mode. So, although the HD2 is USB-host capable, you won't find an easy way to enable it on Android
You've got other solutions : if you don't mind using Windows Mobile, you can try Zeno USB host drivers on your HD2, or if you are a Linux fanatic, you can use Ubuntu, just to play your music & videos from you hard disk.

