A software for recording calls - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hi guys! Do you know if there's a way to record a conversation on the Prophet (ita version). I'd be thankful for some sugestions..thanx

Search is your friend :wink:
And Menneisyys' post here:

Cant record you conversation because hardware limit. You can only record when you turn loud spearker on but quality is very low

check this out - works great on windows mobile smartphone, but i haven't checked how good or bad the pocket pc version is:
regards, lutz

IDEA - Use bluetooth
I understand that that there is a hardware limitation to record both parties during a phone call (probably the manner the sound is routed).
However, maybe the following idea could work:
Use the bluetooth inteface (handset service) to do the same job. I assume that any program could have access to the data that are send to the handset. Maybe, with the proper software or drivers, one could for instance save the bluetooth binary stream on the ram/rom and convert it later on to an audible format (I do not propose decoding on the fly since this might be too much for the processor)..
What do you think?

It's a good idea! But you must have "Windows CE programing skill" to do that. Ask some software company, may be they will help Us.

Evans_Prophet: you might want to do a bit more reading on the board. We've had discussions about this before - Mamaich informed us that the bluetooth audio path is hardwired and is independant of the OS.

Thanks from Achille2005
Lots of thanx for you all just from achille2005.


Answering Machine for Magician and PocketPCs

Since when I am using Microsoft smartphones and pocketPCs I'm missing a simply software that even on Nokia was available two years ago...
I'm talking about an ANSWERING MACHINE who simply answers an incoming call, play a message, record a message (and let me listen in real time, in order to decide if to answer or not). A plus would be contact list management to have answering machine to answer only a certain number.
Is it SO difficult to program such a program? why nobody didn't think of it until now? is there any hardware problem that doesn't allow this program to be developed?
I'v asked around in a couple of forums too, but it doesn't seem to draw any attention. so yeah, it'll be great if someone can let us know why this is so hard to realise.
I think that PPC PE is a relatively young OS for mobile phones and as such there are alot of things that may be missing or lacking in terms of the phone part (God know's some things are missing from the PDA end as well) so give the OS a chance to grow some more and maybe we'll be getting the features we want sooner or later I think the diff between Nokias and WindowsMobile devices is that Nokia started out as a Phone company while MS did not. They have a lot of catching up to do.
It might also be due to a lack of documentation of the windows API. Also the built in notes program doesn't allow you to record phone calls. I read that this was possible in recent versions of Windows Mobile/WinCE. It might be due to law restrictions in some countries, where it is prohibited to record someone's call with out notifying him. If you provide an interface for a callers' voice data, then you could program an answering machine but also a voice recorder. That might be the reason why this interface could be undocumented or even closed to applications which are not from Microsoft. The built-in phone application proves that there is such an interface existing. I think, if it could easily be programmed, such a program would exist already.


Hi on my older phones like siemens there was an option to send dtmf tones which i used a lot.
1) I call 0800 CALLING CARD number and get a dialtone from the callco
2) I quickly go into my contacts and pull out the relevant contact and send the number as a dtmf tone
3) I get through to the contact
I really need to be able to send dtmf tones asap!
seems to be some software which does it but if any other ideas or software please let me know.
Try dialDTMF at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dialdtmf
On my Jam it works flawlessly.
i-Mate Jam
ROM: 1.12.00 WWE
ROM Date: 05/28/05
Radio Ver. 1.13.00
Protocol Ver. 1337.43
ExtRom Ver. 1.12.128 WWE
Hi there thank you for the pointer!
I am about to try it out later today but have been reading about dialDTMF on here:
It sounds like it is designed before pocket pc's became phones simply to send a dtmf tone through to another phone by holding the pocket pc over the mic of the other phone. In this sense I would describe it as "Emitting DTMF tones" as oppose to "Sending DTMF tones".
This is different in the sense I would like to call a freephone number on the magician and then send the tones on the magician from my contacts. This is what I am calling "Sending DTMF tones".
Im hoping that even though it is designed to *emit* DTMF tones the sound is loud enough to go through to the freephone calling card company!!
Fingers crossed.
If anyone knows of a "Send DTMF tones" solution for the HTC Typhoon - SPV C500 / Sp3 please also post it, thank you!
Hi All,
I'm the developer of dialDTMF, Glad to hear it works out for some people,
As for cell phone support, you are correct it does not send DTMF's using the cell phone api it just makes sounds. You could try upping the volume and hope the mic picks it up like sainthalo mentioned.
The alternative would be to take the source code and update it to send the DTMF tone rather than play it. This would fairly easy for a cell phone developer to do (I don't have time or a cell phone that runs wm2003), should just be a couple of new functions. I'm happy to discuss (via email) though if some one wants to try, The source code is freely available. You could also check out http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~jsyk7570/Xialer/ but it doesn't really handle calling cards.
I've a potentiall silly question: Are 0800 numbers free to call from mobile phones in the UK now? The last time I was over there they weren't (only from landlines). It maybe that using a calling card won't save any money.
Hi there clach04,
Thanks for signing up to these forums to help in this quest!
DialDTMF works as it is designed - as a Pocket PC DTMF tone generator but not to send DTMF tones down the Magician phoneline.
Okay, i'm sad to report that it does not work because it is not using the api and so is a "DTMF Emitter" rather than a "DTMF Sender".
There are several coders around here who are very active so god willing one of them will be along to help although it's something like this which gives the real urge to learn how to code. DO you have any advice for me (links, tools, etc) if I were to try and achieve this myself?
As for the 0800 codes there are some tarriffs left in the UK where you are entitled to call 0800 numbers to come off free minutes or simply as genuine free phone calls - thankfully I have one of these older contracts and therefore I can use calling card services.
Best regards
Guys, I would love to help out but with my upcoming nuptials it might be difficult.
However, I'm thinking thus:
Emitting DTMF is easy, play it out of the speaker.
Sending dtmf will require interfacing with the Phone part of the PDA; you should be aware that our PDA Phones are actually two semi-independant devices, phone and PDA; have you noticed you can switch off the PDA and still continue with a call? The two devices communicate through a virtual COM port:- this is done through AT commands and/or RIL. This is not an area of the PDA I have had much experience with yet, but what I understand so far is that it is very difficult to send data through to the Phone part of the PDA, from the PDA part.
This sounds absurd, and I may be absurdly wrong, but I suspect it is a similar problem to the existing issue about recording in-progress telephone calls. We don't yet know how, or if it is possible at all to interface directly into that part of the PDA and interact with the data, and so recording both sides of a phone calls is currently considered impossible.
I know user Pai has done a lot of work on Cell ID and other interfacing on that side of things. I suggest giving him a bell (no pun intended!) and asking his opinion.
I'll try to monitor this thread though.
clach04 - Do you have any further thoughts on this?
EDIT: Guys, I just had a thought. In the very old modem days school, we used to dial using at commands AT P (for pulse dialling, or AT T for tone)
eg AT P 123 would dial 123
It would do this by generating DTMF tones!
It should be possible I presume to send DTMF tones in this way as discussed above (RIL/AT). Anyone concur? This can be tested I presume with a terminal program, or just find COM code on this board. I'll try to find it if I get a chance.
Hey thanks Vijay, i'll keep my fingers crossed you come back to think about this in the future!
I have had another thought following Vijay's post and realised that a few other bugbears which many people find a tad annoying and would like to circumvent are possibly linked to this case. I have read on here people would like to play a recording/song from the Magician to a caller they are speaking to. I have done this many times on a Siemens SL45i but not on HTC Typhoon or Magician.
Im guessing the inability to play a Magician located recording/song down the Magician phoneline is down to the same reason that the dtmfDialer will not make a noise during a call - something is blocking out use of the speaker by PPC based software. Im assuming it is the PHONE software which locks out other PPC software.
If we can hack the PHONE calling software so that it allows other software to operate as normal it may well impact/solve the following problems:
Recording both sides of voice calls clearly
Sending DTMF tones
Playing recordings/music to other side of call
The dtmfDialer definitely does something during a call and I think i can hear some suppressed clicking when attempting to send a dtmfDialer tone during a phone call but sadly no audible tones. This possibly confirms my theory that the PHONE CALL SOFTWARE is blocking use of the speaker.
Well what do you all think? Possibly an awesome fix to many problems if the phone dialer can be hacked...
Saint, with regard to recording calls, there are other threads on this issue where much better men than I have said it's impossible, at least right now.
As I understand it, there's no direct connection between the phone and the pda bit, so playing something out of the speaker isn't playing it down the line - so the best we've got is "emission" rather then send.
This isn't a limitation by the caller program, it's a hardware limitation caused by the way our PDA phones are hacked together.
However, I think the AT P commands should crack this. I'll look into it at some point, if I can find example code.
Saint, with regard to recording calls, there are other threads on this issue where much better men than I have said it's impossible, at least right now.
As I understand it, there's no direct connection between the phone and the pda bit, so playing something out of the speaker isn't playing it down the line - so the best we've got is "emission" rather then send.
This isn't a limitation by the caller program, it's a hardware limitation caused by the way our PDA phones are hacked together.
However, I think the AT P commands should crack this. I'll look into it at some point, if I can find example code.
vijay555 said:
you should be aware that our PDA Phones are actually two semi-independant devices, phone and PDA;
The two devices communicate through a virtual COM port:- this is done through AT commands and/or RIL.
clach04 - Do you have any further thoughts on this?
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Not really, my comments about how easy it would be to extend dialDTMF were from the dialDTMF contacts plugin perspective. It sounds like the SDK/api for these devices (for phone use) is pretty thin :-( If you do find that a modem AT style dial works you can replace the dtmf player in dialDTMF with a dial-string generator - the hard bit will be the interface to the phone. The dialing rules library I put into dialDTMF actually has a demo program that dumps dial strings to stdout (when ran on the desktop) - but until the phone api is resolved that is only midly interesting/useful now.
The AT style dial string approach sounds workable from the description.
sainthalo said:
DO you have any advice for me (links, tools, etc) if I were to try and achieve this myself?
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That's one of those open ended questions that are really tricky to answer, I suspect this forum you are on is the best place to start as I suspect they have links to everything you will need:
You need a Cross compiler for WinCE:
I guess youwill need a phone sdk:
I'm not clear from reading the comments that this is for your device though..
If you nead to learn C then your learning curve will be pretty steep, try http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html as a starting point
http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32/ is a nice small system and has tutorials to get you started with simple desktop programs
As for the actual phone SDK/api - I've no idea (and no phone) sorry I can't be of more help. Once the basic how to send DTMF's through the phone is solved converting dialDTMF will be pretty straight forward and I can point people in the right direction with that,
clach - I agree it should be very easy to converter over your DTMF code to AT or equivalent once someone hacks in AT commands.
see here:
There's code here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/vie...start=25&sid=3e4fdf4cec07bfe39e806da375db69c3
that I'm going to look into for CellID at some point. However, if you look through you can see how they're sending standard AT commands.
Hope that points someone somewhere!
Re: learning c++. I've only been using it for < 1 month, and it is a steep learning curve, but there are some things that can only be done in C++ and EVB isn't worth touching generally IMHO. So, steep learning curve it is. I'll be on the beach with C++ for Dummies :wink:
Guys i need some help with a programe
Something fun
1, Phone captures the UPC barcode/ISBN number (manually/scanning/etc)
2, Software converts UPC to ISBN (this is done via a simple formula)
3, Software converts ISBN to DTMF (or touch tone)
4, Software ready to accept new UPC barcode/ISBN number
(manually/scanning/etc) :roll:
Let me know if anyone wants to take on this project
[email protected]
RIL (Radio Interface Layer)
I got this from google - it may be the key. I've not looked into it yet but thought I'd post it to see if anyone has gone down the RIL road yet and if they've got any ideas:
how to send DTMF on smartphone?
I found RIL_SendDTMF function of RIL API
but I don't know how to use it?
May I LoadLibrary of RILGSM.dll and GetProcAddress of RIL_SendDTMF function
to realize send DTMF?
or have another simply method?
Best IE Helper Object: Ai.RoboForm
Siber Oct 19, 4:13 am show options
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.pocketpc.developer
From: "Siber" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this author
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:13:21 +0800
Local: Wed, Oct 19 2005 4:13 am
Subject: Re: how to send DTMF on smartphone?
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I Got iT
Anyone using C# to use this?
RILGSM.dll can also be known as RIL.dll

Background Music while calling

Did anyone have or can develop the software that can put music or sound recorded to play while you 're talking on the phone, like the Background Music or Call Cheating in Symbian (Nokia).
I'm searching for this type of program for long long time still can't find it.
Any comments ,pleaseeeee
My question is very similar...
I've searched for a registry setting for my HTC Touch to disable the muting effect of an in-process phone call to enable Media Player to play sound.
I found only one instance of a registry setting... it was to change HKCU-Control Panel-SoundCategories-Attenuation
In this key, I have
I've found one post where it says to change 0...0x0(0) to 0...0x0(1)
When I do this, I get
and I am still unable to play a wav file during a phone call.
If we can get past these registry issues, you can play any music you want to just using media player.
This is because it's not possible to send sounds/music to the caller.
Thats also the reason why the "Answering Machine" uses the speaker to shout your message out loud, instead of sending the message directly.
Gigabyte can do
I heard that one model in the past of Gigabyte can do background sound while calling. The program named "Wise Talk" but only in this model. wonder whether can extract out to share other ppc or not.
kriengkrai said:
I heard that one model in the past of Gigabyte can do background sound while calling. The program named "Wise Talk" but only in this model. wonder whether can extract out to share other ppc or not.
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It is a hardware issue - not a software problem.
Most Windows Mobile devices have the phone sound hardwired and not accessible via software.
Only possibility might be via the headset channel
I think it is possible.
How come iSecretary can play your recording out loud while the caller is listening to your recording.
yes it plays it out LOUD!
So it's not played directly to the caller, it's played through the rear speaker instead.
it d0 w0rK
Phone the Pers0n then 0pen TCMP 0r any0tha Playa W0rks 0n HP ipaq 514
Defcomg says we can play music while on call with TCPMP.
I have Himalaya.
I'm not optimistic about it but I'll try.
This is not a hardware issue or anything, & hopefully somebody can tweak this setting.
did it work?
I was doing this with my N73 from ages..
but my htc diamond is helpless in doing this..
almost all symbian devices has this features..then why not windows phones??
are you talking about replacing the *beep beep*-sound when calling someone? if so, that's an operator feature wich have to be set as a service in the operator network for your number seperately.. and then people will hear it while calling you, not the other way around. not all operators provide that service though..
..if that's not what you meant, sorry, then I have no clue.
The jews have better devices to allow mobile users to have an offline answering machine locally. Im sure it's a jumper wire hack switched or not but there is no reason to make it so difficult. Boycott the ask a not see bankers

AGEphone Mobile 2 Softphone

For all of you who were searching for a decent VoIP Softphone that supports multiple SIP accounts, is not in beta since 2 years ago. doesn't bring your PPC down to a crawl or is nearly unusable, search no longer: We have released our AGEphone Mobile 2 just today and it blows away every competitor from Xlite over SJphone to Skype. Big words? You bet! But why don't you just test it yourself? Just point your browser to http://www.ageet.com/files/AGEphoneMobile2.CAB OR point your cellphone at http://mobileage.notlong.com and install the softphone on your Windows Mobile 5 or 6 device. You can try it as long as you want without any limits but a duration of one minute for each call.
"And, who the heck are you?" I hear you ask. We, that is the ageet Corporation in beautiful (and far) Japan and we simply couldn't stand watching the Windows Mobile VoIP market dragging along... with an SJphone version right out of the stoneage, the wannabe softphone Fring with its horrible interface ans support for but one SIP provider and not to forget Skype which single handedly brings your PPC to the knees should you only think about calling someone. AGEphone does things differently and it does things BETTER (see our press release under http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=372992) and we hope that it will be of good service to many people. And that is where you come into play:
... cause our AGEphone has been in programming for quite a while already, but we know well enough that we are just not there yet. We're selling our software and that is why you can expect only the best. So, why not give the current version a go and let me know what you like and (more importantly) dislike about it. Right now we're working on bluetooth support and chat functions are planned for the future. But I know that there must be many more features that you would like to see in in our program and we don't even have a clue about it... until now. A little post might just be enough to let us know!
And we won't just leave you with the good feeling of having helped out to improve the best VoIP client on the Windows Mobile platform - that's just not enough. And so we put out two free licenses for board members who provide us with the best suggestions (and many ), bug reports and new ideas. And if you are really convinced that AGEphone Mobile is the way to go VoIP and if then you happen to sit in the right seat: We pay well for relayed 3rd party orders and redistribution. So just let us hear from you and the least you get is that we work hard to create a better softphone for you. Whether it will be more depends just on YOU!
Will be nice if you had a proper English web site. Clicking on the English still keeps you at the Jap language. Why come and post here when you cant even get a proper web site with English on??
I'm very sorry for that. The new page is still pretty new and there are some quirks that need to be sorted out. The problem should be fixed by now, but if it persists please PM me your OS and browser version and we will look further into it. Apart from that, rest assured that we can serve you in fluent English, German and Japanese if you give our products a try.
Still doesnt work. Im using Firefox 3.0 Beta. Also tried it in IE, still no dice.
Atleast give a direct link to the English site or have a splash page to choose a language instead of taking it fully to Japanese.
Languge option works for me, OK it's a USA flag to click and not a Union Jack, but i still see a site in English.
Wierd, I dont know what you are clicking on but the US flag has a link to http://www.ageet.com/us/ and if you click on that it reverts back to Japanese in both IE and FF for me.
I'm sorry, raaj, but unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce your problem using FF 2, IE 6 and 7, Opera and Safari (minor template quirks) from work and home. I haven't tested Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 8 though as we simply can't support any beta versions. Please have a look at
for some information about our softphone and go to
to download either of our products in a free trial version. Please also clear your browser cache and cookies if you haven't done so already. I hope that this works for you, but if not: The /us/ always turns any page into English if a translation is available. Please let me know if anybody else is having trouble with changing the languages on the page.
AgePhone Mobile
This is the best voip sw I have tried for Windows Mobile.
I have tried:
internal WM6 using Schap settings
plus others I forgot.
It displays well on my HTC Advantage with RealVGA at 128dpi, call quality is good, integrates with contacts, works well with my BT headset and is generally slick. Highly recomended, and I don't work for them...
And a little intro video for your viewing pleasure:
Prize question: How to integrate videos directly into posts here?
Falk said:
And a little intro video for your viewing pleasure:
Prize question: How to integrate videos directly into posts here?
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Trick Question, you cant
Is there anyway to choose the codec used, or is it done automatically? I'm running it on a 200MHz phone, and the audio quality was a bit choppy. I checked the server log and it shows capability for g.711u only, but I see on the website that gsm is also available.
bluetooth head does not work on my orbit 2, and the voice comes out of the back speaker as with all the other voip software.
is there something i have done wrong.
@ayking: The codec gets selected automatically and on mobile devices we usually force GSM. You can override the settings in the INI files. Just go to "My Documents / My Phone Booth" and take a look at the sipd.conf. You can find the codec settings under the "General" section as
MediaTypes = 3 0 8 101
0 = G.711u
3 = GSM
8 = G.711a
101 = DTMF setting (ignore)
Sometimes this might come out as
MediaTypes = 0 3 8 101
in which case you should change it to the first version that prefers GSM. In general, please try to raise the the jitter buffer in the programs audio settings to 240ms and see if that improves things. If it doesn't help you can also experiment with "OutBufferCnt = 3" in the INI under "Audio". I hope this fixes the choppiness.
@itolson: No, you haven't done anything wrong and neither is it our fault. Most HTC devices simply don't support routing the audio to the earphone speaker and thus you always end up hearing it through the external one. We are keeping an eye on any developments that have been able to fix this for some Japanese WM devices already. That is because contrary to the HTC guys who don't even bother answering our mails Sharp has been a bit less secretive and told us the DeviceIoControl ID of their device so that we could fix the speaker settings.
As for Bluetooth, there is no support for it in the current version of AGEphone and thus you can only use your headset if you use a little hack. Search the forums for "BTAudioToggle.exe" and start it before you make a call with AGEphone. It enables all audio to be routed through the BT headset and also allows you to use the headset microphone. You can automate this process with AGEphone under "Settings - Other" where you can enter "BTAudioToggle.exe" to get started when a call connects and to get disconnected when your call ends. I hope this is of any help until we add official support.
has the software been tested with a connection over gprs / 3g / hdspa or only with wifi?
Is there support for going through the operator proxy ? (there are operators with unlimited 3g plans that only work using the operators proxy)
@trv: We have tested our AGEphone with WiFi, 3G, HSDPA and PHS (EDGE equivalent) and it worked fine on all of them. PHS / EDGE can be a bit borderline though and we didn't include it in our requirements for that reason. It's more than worth a try though.
As for the proxy support, it depends solely on your provider: If they decided to use their proxy to block VoIP traffic you can make AGEphone work only over a VPN or otherwise encrypted connection. Please feel free to try our test version with your provider to see if it works.
Agephone codecs
You say you force GSM codec, I see that is that one selected on my implementation. Forgive newby questions, but by GSM do you mean AMR, or AMR-WB with a 16kHz sample? G.711 is an extremely simple algorithm from (1972?) so is not very bandwidth efficient. I'm wondering if there is a route to the high quality sound I get with my laptop/WiFi Voip implementation with my pda over HSDPA using some of the newer bandwidth efficent packet loss tolerant codecs like iLBC, G.729, G.722.2 etc, which I see you have on your desktop version? Is the limit processing complexity in the pda? I know my service provider voiptalk supports iLBC, G.729 and G.722. I know there are license issues with G.729, but not iLBC.
Surely the latest devices (mine has a 624MHz X-Scale, 256M Rom and 128M RAM) could run the advanced codecs? I understand Skype uses their own special sauce, but based on iLBC.
I would really appreciate your expert input here.
Sorry to dive in to all this, but xda-developers is a 'pushing the boundry' type forum!
WOW, not to sure about all this, set up servers, limited to 1 minute, have to buy the software. Want to use it for free, then you have to go out and sell the software yourself? Whats next, make money selling the software by having your own sales team? I see another "Work from home" pyramid scheme coming on here, just my skeptical point of view here. I think I'll stick with skype for now, especially since i can answer the call from my home phone, computer, or pda phone since any of these can be logged on at the same time.
@iscajames: Don't be sorry - that's what the thread is there for and I hope that I can answer all your questions! So let's get started: When I wrote GSM I did indeed mean AMR 8 KHz. Right now we limit our AGEphone to ARM and G.711 for simplicities sake and to keep the SIP stack small and efficient. You are right again when you suspect that some of the other codecs put a lot of stress on mobile CPUs, but that is not the main reason.
Codecs like AMR-WB and G.729A cost a lot of initial and licensing fees and so far we simply could not integrate them because of that. We are, however working on a solution to that right now and you might see some additional codecs in our product in the future. iLBC would be possible even now and the only reason so far was that it would add some size and hasn't been requested much by our customers.
I will talk it with our programmers again and see if we can find a good solution for this. I think that iLBC might be a good addition for now - be it for some providers that support it or people using AGEphone in P2P mode.
@NiteStalker: Let me explain a bit to clear up the whole thing for you: First off, this is no pyramid scheme or get "rich with software" scheme. We just thought that it might be a nice idea to reward the people that are helping us to bring our AGEphone a bit further. It's not more than those two licenses that I spoke about in the first post.
And if you use a SIP-softphone then of course you have to register with a SIP-server in order to place your calls. You are also registering with the Skype network anytime you log on. The only difference is that YOU chose the server and by that get much cheaper prices than Skype could ever offer.
They give their software away for free because they hope to hook you up with their service. ageet doesn't offer any phone service. Just see us as a vendor whom you buy your phone from. Without a provider it's nearly worthless as you can just use it in peer to peer mode.
If Skype does what you want to do and does so for a good price then there is no need to use our software. For many people though being locked down to just one network, having to put up with a crappy PPC version, financing Ebay's wish to make some money out of their billion dollar buy ain't all that great and for those AGEphone Mobile might be worth a try

Best Call Recorder (both Sides Recording)

Hey guys does anyone know what is the best recorder to record both sides?
i tried resco audio recorder 4.1 but it only record my side of talkin.
what phone are you using? I don't think it can be done w/ the kaiser or hermes, but i could be wrong
You can try also with Vito audio notes
I haven't test it yet so I can"t ensure it will works
I Have the Titan and yes i have tried VITO AudioNotes v1.32 but it it ONLY records my Voice and not THE CALLER VOICE.
there gotta be some kind of Hack or something and there are so many smart people here so PLEASE HELP
arvinghost said:
I Have the Titan and yes i have tried VITO AudioNotes v1.32 but it it ONLY records my Voice and not THE CALLER VOICE.
there gotta be some kind of Hack or something and there are so many smart people here so PLEASE HELP
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it records the two sides of the speaker is on
yea but thats not very clear.
try Resco audio recoder
Resco audio recorder records just about everything, it also has an option to record your calls as they are made, and save them to a folder you specify, it's automatic after that, all calls will be recorded and dated, only thing it misses is logging the phone numbers, hope that helps
arvinghost said:
Hey guys does anyone know what is the best recorder to record both sides?
i tried resco audio recorder 4.1 but it only record my side of talkin.
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Sorry to disappoint you but probably about 90% of HTC devices aren't capable of recording both side of a call unless you use loud speaker. I've tried many voice recording programs if not all of them on my kaiser without any positive results. Apparently it is a hardware limitation as well as one ofthe WM flaws. There was plenty threads on the subject just use search if you want to find out more.
maybe you could run 2 recorders at the same time, one recording from the mic (input) and the other recording from what the speaker hears (output) and then stitch them together using some audio editing tool. I'm sure there is a way to write a program that does all of this automatically on your device, your battery would just run out a lot faster.
who speak that A PHONE was not MADE to record call because HARDWARE THINGS. Is little wrong.
If HTC or any other device can not to record a call, its more because PROGRAM than HARDWARE.
Its just simple, if it is a HARDWARE THING. Standard programs that use AUDIO FILTERS OR LAYERS can not work.
Iam using WOW HD SETTIngs and when i change any seting this change to in phone . so this mean a FILTER can be between the original call and what we can listen, If i can change this so its possible to remap or intercept the audio to. ( HTC UNIVERSAL)
If we don't have Programs that do it its more because be hard to program a filter to each device.
In last CASE we still have Bluettoth , if someone REALLY WANT do a kind or program to record ( i mean loose time doing this). Can use a BT remap layer to a local program, instead a OUTSIDE DEVICE.
I am sure there gotta be some kind of hack to the phone reg. maybe that will allow us to record both sides because once i installed a ROM to my phone i forgot which one it was but i was able to Listen to songs while i was talking on the phone so i am sure that is possible to be done.
Please somebody try to figure it out
PM Recorder does record both side.. it even records bluetooth conversation.. i have owned many wm devices and the last three(benq p51, i780, omnia) i have used all able to record phone conversation using PM recorder.. the only drawback is the format it is saved in.. only the program can play it..
arvinghost said:
I am sure there gotta be some kind of hack to the phone reg. maybe that will allow us to record both sides because once i installed a ROM to my phone i forgot which one it was but i was able to Listen to songs while i was talking on the phone so i am sure that is possible to be done.
Please somebody try to figure it out
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what format does it save in?
forget the posts about ....
vito can make all your jobs - BUT WITHOUT RECORDING the caller's point of view.
these record is only which you hear from speaker to micro -> so that is very noisly - or you can set that the call will be made on speaker, but this is not what you want
i'm playing with pda's the last 10 years - and there is no solution for it.
there is no solution for recording both side from the call !!!
# # #
of course from the technical point of view -> this is possible, but nowbody have develope a tool and the api from MS is not opensource
cu camel
camro said:
forget the posts about ....
vito can make all your jobs - BUT WITHOUT RECORDING the caller's point of view.
these record is only which you hear from speaker to micro -> so that is very noisly - or you can set that the call will be made on speaker, but this is not what you want
i'm playing with pda's the last 10 years - and there is no solution for it.
there is no solution for recording both side from the call !!!
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of course from the technical point of view -> this is possible, but nowbody have develope a tool and the api from MS is not opensource
cu camel
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Not true ... I did managed to get it to work on my ASUS P525 (WM5) using Resco Audio Recorder but not on my TyTnII.
As far as I know, this is illegal in some countries. I looked into a similar program a while back and recording conversations (without the other party knowing up front) is criminal in the U.S.
It's a cool concept and I know it's possible. I got it working once, but for the life of me I can't remember what I used. Beware of the legal issues and good luck getting it to work if you decide to.
it can be done
camro said:
forget the posts about ....
vito can make all your jobs - BUT WITHOUT RECORDING the caller's point of view.
these record is only which you hear from speaker to micro -> so that is very noisly - or you can set that the call will be made on speaker, but this is not what you want
i'm playing with pda's the last 10 years - and there is no solution for it.
there is no solution for recording both side from the call !!!
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of course from the technical point of view -> this is possible, but nowbody have develope a tool and the api from MS is not opensource
cu camel
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I have recorded both sides of a call using the notes record featur. I have a tmo wing and I have no idea what rom i was using seems it changes every week.
"...As far as I know, this is illegal in some countries. I looked into a similar program a while back and recording conversations (without the other party knowing up front) is criminal in the U.S.
So, if this is TRUE. All nokia with SYBIAN and sony phones i already have in my life are under law.
The only plataform didnt record PHONE CALL is WM and HIGHT TECHS ONES LIKE WM.
The low END phones and SYMBIAN this is a trivial thing.
Iam just looking my sony w300 and t610 here ( 10y old phones?). and they do it, well a lot..
yea my friend has a Nokia phone and he can record both sides AND he lives in the USA.
anyways i tried the vito note but when i have it on recording, I cant make a call or hear anything until i stop the recording.
Also when i am already on the call, Vito does not start the recording why?
By the way i heared that it is possible to record while you are talking on Bluetooth but you need audio gateway driver or something like that ..
ANY IDEAS???????
yes it would be amazing if we could get what seems to be such a simple feature such as call recording on our expensive phones....
even 10 year old phones have this feature... so sad that our phones can do so much yet not this simple little thing.

