Giving 8125 so many chances! More Probs Bobs... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

This is for you experts in XDA land that I can really trust. Just let me know if any of you have similar experiences and if anyone can give me a fix to my list.
First of all.....
I'm Currently using newest Qtek Rom.
Installed to Main Device:
Wisbar Advance
Marsware Weather
Resco Explorer and REgistry
Voice Command
Pocket Informant
and everything else is on my Storage
my problems:
-No phone calls come through while on GPRS-goes straight to voicemail (Should I turn my AlwaysON tweak to always off?)
-Volume control changes to silent automatically
-After PIE cache and history set to Storage Card and cleaning up with SKTools, Internal Memory is left to 14.3mb only
-Ram left at Today screen is 13.9mb (What is taking so much process memory?) I have Agile Msgr stopped, Marsware weather is running, and that's it. This device's processor is soooooooooooooo slow!!
-sometimes tapping on start menu doesn't bring up cascading menu
-MMS does'nt send(even with settings from Cingular Rep)on this new Rom because Media Net is gone. Anyone know the settings or the reason?
----The sliding keyboard "loosens" and is not as tightly secure as it was at first. Also the backing where the camera lens is, I can feel is starting to loosen too.
--When pressing Messaging Hardware button, message function lags before appearing or sometimes doesn't appear at all. Tapping on Today screen Message plugin opens the mail/message app always and fast.
Anyone know how to redirect Cache and History of Opera browser?
Anyone have any ideas for fixes?
Anyone have a CAB file of all necessary Registry tweaks and a list of what are included in the file?
Maybe I can just start over....
or else....anyone want an 8125 for sale?


Rotating screen on XDAIIi

I've just got an XDA IIi (having had XDA I and II before) using O2 in the UK.
I notice that the O2 Active application has a button in the bottom toolbar called "screen view" which rotates the display by 90° (i.e. making it landscape instead of portrait).
I don't use O2 Active itself as it's too clunky for what I want, but I would like to have access to the rotate screen feature.
Is it possible to put this on a button in my lower toolbar on the today screen (i.e. next to wireless and bluetooth icons). If so, how? Alternatively, can I have it as a button on the "desktop" (I use "Rhino Launch" to give me shortcuts to programs on the today screen). In the latter case, I'd just need to know where the exe for it is or a .lnk that will activate the switch in the display.
Thanks a lot,
There shoud be an icon on the bottom taskbar far right to change screen layout.
If you hate the O2 active crap thats on the phone, do a hard reset and when prompted for "Personal" or "Corporate" user ..... choose the corporate option and use the password "0506"
The screen layout swapping icon is deffo on the corporate install.
The little icon which rotate the screen sometimes missing( after i install some software e.g. spb Diary,)
actually i don't really care to use the O2 active that softare, but does anyone konw what is the short cut of the screen view ?
cos i want to put it in my spb pocket plus..
or does anyone know what is the short cut for changing the screen?( setting--system---screen--Landscape ( right-handed)?
or even the short cut of the little icon in the right hand corner?
really thx..
Thanks for the replies.
I removed O2Active from the start-up (by removing "connections" from the /windows/startup" folder) and did a soft reset. Now that O2 active doesn't run, the icon for changing the screen orientation is now being displayed in the lower right corner.
Problem solved.
I removed the O2 shortcut from the startup folder ages ago and the little screen orientation icon remained at the bottom of the today screen until today.
However it just dissapeared while installing some software (Calligrapher.) If I start O2Active a similar icon appears but it hasn't come back to the today screen. I'm sure it's not the same one. (Note the wi-fi icon in O2 does different things from the today screen one.)
So anyone have any ideas how to bring it back?
In future I think I'll backup the entire unit before every install.
Of course, as soon as I entered my reply saying the rotate screen icon had appeared in the today lower task bar after removing O2 active (does anyone actually use O2 active?), it promptly vanished and I didn't even install any software in between. This is very mysterious. I did a soft reset but it didn't come back.
Can anyone shed light on this?
After a few resets and some experimentation I think I've good evidence to show that the icon dissapears on the next soft reset after installing spb diary. I've submitted a polite request to their support. It might be worth someone else doing the same if they can prove to themselves that spb diary is causing this.
i've experienced this as well and there's no O2Active program on my Startup folder....does anyone have any updates on this? thanks....
UPDATE: fyi, got a response from customer support:
With regard to your query below, are there any third party applications? Any software conflict may cause malfunction to the unit. To remove any software conflict, you may want to do a hard reset then without restoring any data, monitor the performance of the unit.
1) To perform a full reset:
Warning: Clearing memory deletes all data and restores the Pocket PC Phone to its default settings. Programs installed at the factory remain, while data you have created and programs you have installed are erased.
Before performing the full reset, use ActiveSync to keep a backup of your Pocket PC Phone data so that if you need to clear memory, you can restore the data on your Pocket PC Phone.
To perform a full reset on XdaII, press and hold the power button, and then use stylus to press the soft reset button at the same time. After the full reset, you will be prompt to recalibrate the touch screen.
2) Without performing any synchronization with your desktop PC to Restore back the information(under an enviroment of no possibility of software confliction), try to use and monitor the functionality of the Xda II.

How to add 'New' Menu Functionality in WM05?

Does anybody know of an app to add the 'New' Menu functionality to WM05.
In 2003 and 2003SE you could tap on the word 'New' in the bottom left of the today screen and a menu would appear allowing you to select a new appointment, task etc.
Or if not a way of using the standard voice control app included with the O2 exec to start a new appointment/task in Pocket Informant.
I have tried selecting new appointment/Task from the list of apps and functions in the voice control screen but this only starts Pocket Informant in the relevent view but does not create a new appointment/task to start entering info into.
Anybody !!
Somebody else must miss the functionality?
i do... but i don't know how to get it back i'm afraid... unfortunately it seems no one else misses it... i posted something like this a while ago, which raised no responses
You can do it with a WisbarAdvance plugin: WisbarDesktop.
You can assign a button (like a shortcut on the desktop) to do that.
Or Spb Pocket Plus.
After you installed it, there is a folder in the startmenu/programs where you can find a lot of shortcuts like [newcontact], [newappointment]...
After this you just need one launcher program.
Tried Spb Pocket Plus.
This just does the same as voice controller when selecting new appointment or task it starts Pocket Informant on the relevent view but does not actually open a new appointment or task.
So it looks like this might be an issue with Pocket Informant.
Guys, I've posted here about how to create new PIM items, eg on a softkey (and using my VJPhoneTools for new sms/email etc).
I'll have a much better solution at some point in the future too
Use smallmenu and you can have a startmenu > subfolder to do this quite easily.

All running programs icons at system tray?

There is a way to put all runnings programs icons at system tray (left comm manager and battery indicator)?
Some programs is there (like TomTom) but others is running but don't show!
I use SPB pocket plus to show and switch running programs (alt-tab function), but if I can show all at system tray think is usefull.
There is a small software called "xbar" making it possible to gather all the programs chosen in a bubble accessible by a simple button from the phone.
Look at here 2&page=Presentation
there's a ton of apps that do that type of thing - I use MagicButton myself.
I don't think any of them put the icons in the 'tray', though. I'm not sure how useful that would be either, as the 'tray' is only visible on the Today screen.
I think is usefull because if you don't close apps don't know "in a flash" what is running! You will see today many times, don't?
I use SPB alt-tab funtion assign to a botton, but if don't enter on it I don't know how many apps are running... anm memory slow down (I use too close app button)!
vbar is a great application with low memory usage.

Missing Back button in PIE

I recently just noticed that when I browsed using Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE), the "Back" button on the bottom left hand side is no longer shown. It only shows the "Favorites" button, thus I can NOT go back to the previous web page.
I didn't make any registry changes or anything like that and the only programs that have the capability to changes hardware button settings are SpB Plus and SoftKey and they don't have the option to change the PIE application button.
Anyone know how I can bring the "Back" button back?
It only shows "favorites" when there is nothing to go back to. ie the first page of the session. As soon as you navigate to the next page it changes to "back"
That is correct. But what I meant is that even after I navigate to a website, the button still shows as "Favorites".
I.e. From "Home" screen, go to, then go to The "Back" button is not shown and I can't go back to
sparkyxda said:
It only shows "favorites" when there is nothing to go back to. ie the first page of the session. As soon as you navigate to the next page it changes to "back"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
lanwarrior said:
That is correct. But what I meant is that even after I navigate to a website, the button still shows as "Favorites".
I.e. From "Home" screen, go to, then go to The "Back" button is not shown and I can't go back to
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Things to check:
Have you changed any setting that disables the PIE cache.
Is PIE able to cache pages eg is it to storage card and does it's folder still exist and is SD card reachable.
Perhaps try changing cache location?
Yes, I did change the PIE cache location to "Storage Card". That folder exist in File Explorer and I can see in "Storage Card" that there is a "Temporary Internet Explorer" folder.
I tried changing the size of the cache, move to "Extended ROM" and ROM storage, but to no avail.
I removed (but not uninstall) WisBar, thinking it may change it, but also to no effect. However, I don't think WisBar did anything to it, since it only skin the application.
I am thinking that some application may messed up PIE, but all the apps that I installed are the same ones I have installed in my old MDA and there was no issue on the MDA. If there is some registry change I can apply to fix it, do let me know.
Couple of things I'm curious about - SpB Plus and SoftKey. I don't have either of these. But It's worth setting back any setting you have entered since your problem developed. Just because it has no specific setting does not mean that a seemingly non related change has not caused problem (for example if you set smooth scrolling in PIE using say Tweaks2k2 you will find the tab behaviour when sending SMS messages has changed!). Do not just uninstall these apps as this will not reset the registry changes they may have made.
The reason I asked about cache was simply that with no cached pages to return to there would be no back option available,
Of course you will have a nice SPB backup or two available to restore with won't you!!!? I play around with mine so much (!) that I keep several backups at various stages of application installation and over time.
Also curious to know if your history is being recorded in PIE drop down list in URL box. At a pinch you could use this as a rough sort of back button.
I have not looked into all the registry keys for PIE. This forum Wiki or indeed the wiki for some of the other devices may already have the keys mapped out . I did find info on setting cache size.
In the end it may be simpler to hard reset if those backups are not available.
Thanks for the detailed info, Mike.
I did disable SpB Plus, but to no effect. At the end, I uninstalled WisBar, Spb Plus, and SoftKey but nothing change either.
Yes, I can do hard reset, but I am trying to avoid that because I have to re-install everything. I have a "base" backup using SpB backup, but it still requires me to install other program as the other daily backup sets may already have corrupted PIE registry.
I am hoping that I can do something about this via the registry, unless this is something that really require hard reset just like the issue I have with duplicate notifications. i.e. after soft reset, the alarm reminder and sound will start although no appointment or task is scheduled at that time.
Now I know why PDA is not popular for most people.. it's just too damn fragile! And I used Windows CE since the time of Cassiopeia...

[App Idea] Slide Launch

I came up with this idea due to mbvarian's landscape fix for manila using mortscript. However, that thread is nearly dead and im hoping my problem can get resolved and we can see a cool app out of this.
Concept: Choose which program launches and closes when opening/closing your keyboard, with exceptions for specific applications (like lock orientation, minimize, close, etc)...
Why im requesting:
Im using spb mobile shell and love my custom portrait layout, id love to open the keyboard from the today screen and launch my secondtoday layout... when I close the keyboard, minimize secondtoday, and if i open it again it unhides secondtoday... the benefit here is a lightning fast switch between layouts, especially if you can lock the programs orientation in memory individually.
Other examples of how this might be useful:
1) From the dialer screen, you could set a mortbutton menu to pop up when you open the screen to give you a add number, contacts, recent calls, call voicemail, etc.
2) From calendar, opening keyboard could automatically switch to create a new appointment
3) From file explore, you could set mortbuttons to display your favorite folders, i.e. start up, storage card, windows, start menu, pictures
4) From text messages, it could launch a new text message, close it and sends and closes...
Im sure you all get the idea... I just think it would be cool to take a little bit more control of our phones by adding some additional control over a keyboard that is taken for granted a bit. I mean ftouchsl and ftouchflo are great, but if the touchscreen has that level of in-depth control, i think the keyboard could too...
Feedback is greatly appreciated... and if anyone can help on my spb problem, please message me the modded mortscript... the spbwatcher i think is whats affecting my results.
bump... anyone?
I would love something like this, but im not sure how easy it would be, a mortscript might be able to do it.
A cool app would be, when the phone is suspended, if you turn it on by sliding the keyboard it opens a new textmessage, or some other app you use with keyboard open. But if you slide it when the phone is already on, it doesnt do anything, so as not to disrupt the app you are currently using.

