Active X ?? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi guys, anyone know if I can install active x on the universal please? Or is there an alternative or something? Reason being I got an IP cam set up and it needs active x installed before you can view it, ie I can see the blue background wallpaper but I cannot see the moving video

Linksys Camera?
If this is a Linksys IP Camera, it can be done using TCPMP and open file with "http://ipaddressort/img/video.asf" in the address (leave off ort if you use the default and don't type the ""). Unfortunately you can't use username and password so you will have to turn that off first
Hope this helps

anyone else got any views on this matter?
I really need to get activex working on the universal via a web browser

sometimes you can download the java applet from the cam and then copy it into your my midlets folder on the pda and it will work. That is what I had to do to get my hawking hnc230g to work. By the way, the hnc230g sux. They advertise 30 fps and really only get 3 to 6 fps. Others work much better.
or try downloading jeoderuntime java
go to the cam view on a pc that works and then view the source of the html, sometimes you can determine the java applet that is set to view the cam. Once you know the name, you can sometimes download from the cam and place it in your pda midlets folder.

Perhaps this help?
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
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Also set next value for checking errors:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
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Re: Linksys Camera?
Geo said:
If this is a Linksys IP Camera, it can be done using TCPMP and open file with "http://ipaddressort/img/video.asf" in the address (leave off ort if you use the default and don't type the ""). Unfortunately you can't use username and password so you will have to turn that off first
Hope this helps
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Thanks for the excellent hint. I had a look into the OCX file for my DLink camera, and sure enough, they use a similar approach. Now all I need to do is point TCPMP to "VIDEO.CGI" and I have streaming video on the Exec completely without the need for any ActiveX...


Terminal service client FULL SCREEN ??

The new support of better resolution in Terminal client is great! but why not in full screen?? it would be nice working in full screen mode VGA. the bars on top and bottom of the screen are stealing to much space. any ideas?
maybe just a registry key?
or any similar applications which are supporting full screen, but faster than citrix and VNC?
Um, Terminal Services *IS* Citrix, M$ bought the code to it years ago...
I've just installed the ICA client on my Universal, will try it sometime
ICA client works perfectly on my device...Takes up more space than I'd ideally like, but it's flawless.
sl9: oh, didn´t know that. thanks for the explanation.
sub69: well i also have the ICA client installed. But my problem is that i have a hosted exchange-box with MS Office, but where i can log in only from the ASP´s-Website, which again is not supported by pocket internet explorer....
is ICA working in full screen?
but in any case i can´t understand why MS didn´t implement that function. am i wrong or did the last version in wm2003se work in full screen?
I'm trying to set this up, but it doesn't seem to work out... COuld some provide me a step-by-step tutorial ? I'm working with Windows XP and WM2005.
Thanx !
Sammy ;o)
Hmmm, I login to my work network using an IE portal which (after a few passwords etc) automatically loads my ICA Client and off I go. Exchange boxes and ASP's that don't support IE are beyond me, I'm afraid.
No full screen options anywhere, ever. Not in ICA or Terminal Services Client (as far as I can remember)... It's free and nice and it works with firewalls, etc....and of course, full screen
Post some screenshots.
I made an app that will make most apps fullscreen, but show me a shot and I'll see if it's suitable.
I'm on QVGA WM200SE tho...
vijay555: That sounds nice! as soon as i have some spare time i will post sone screenshots. thnx!
dherrero: Hey, great hint! this tool is working perfect! very fast and the resolution settings are incredible!
I had a problem accessing the ICA config UI localy on my universal. IE seems to have an issue with the loopback address? I can access the config UI remotley but not locally! Has anyone else experince this? I may try reinstalling after a hard reset to see if it's something else screwing up the TCP stack...
Also, I doubt you'll find anything that makes beter use of bandwidth than the ICA protocol (and conversly, anything that makes worse use of it than VNC! :wink: )
wrt ICA v RDP - ICA is based on similar stuff to RDP but is significatly more advanced, allowing multiple virtual channels to be incoporated into one ICA channel, allowing things like drive mapping, client printing etc. True, M$ bought ICa technology from Citrix (and Citrix are, in fact M$'s biggest partner!) but I belive developemnt of ICA leads developemtn of RDP quiet significantly.
I manage a farm of about 30 metaframe servers here at work so getting a working ICA client on my universal would be handy! I've had it working fine on other WM5 devices and WM2003SE devices previosuly.
ICA fullscreen is cool and I've had it working previously. There's a config option in the UI somewhere. Lurverly! Is usless on CE devices without a keybopard though as you can't get the SIp up without the taskbar being visible!
tintoy - look in the developers forum for my program SipSwitch, for toggling the sip from a shortcut (ie Hardware button!). That way, hide the UI but use a spare hardware button to bring up the SIP.
Never tried it on WM2005, but it should work.
Sounds excatlty like what i was looking for when i tried full screen icaon my himilaya! I'll seek it out.
tintoy - let me know how SIPswitch goes.
Re terminal services; I've had a quick play on WM2003 and I can do something with it, but I don't run terminal services on my desktop (how can I test it - run remote desktop?) so haven't tested the actual client screen yet.
But, as I said, post a screenshot and I'll have a think about it.
Right now my WM2005 emulator is playing up, so a little delay...
i found this today
BitmapCacheSize : REG_DWORD Default is 1500. This value is the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache in memory. The maximum value is 32000.
BitmapPersistCacheSize : REG_DWORD Default is 10. This value is the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache file.
0x5DC(1500) and 0xA(10) respectivly,, im using on these now, i noticed that the defaults on JJ was v low in comparison so i upped them and it has got rif of the black boxes and real slow refresh
i added this key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
add FullScreenAlways : REG_DWORD added value 1
dosent make it full screen, the way were after, it refers to the terminal session size being forced to 640x376 256 colours, rather than having a 1024x768 session that you have scroll bars on to pan around..
Carnivor didn't mention it, but those parameters are found here...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
On my Jasjar they were also way low... 10 and 1 instead of the 'minimun' on 1500 and 10. I changed them, but haven't tried it yet hopefully it'll help
Don't know if it is relevant to ths subject, but would like to share. I use GoToMyPC. It is not free, but it supports full screen (as always) and many different zooming options. Very usable on JJ.
Also, it works through firewalls and dynamic IP address. All the networking complexity is handled by GoToMyPC.
Carnivor said:
i found this today
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I don't think that those settings are ment for the Pocket PC. They look for me like settings for embedded CE.
I have another interesting problem:
I have to open in a terminal session another session, because the other server is'nt exposed to the internet.
In the second "session" the "Shift" key is ignored. That's bad for typing a case sensitive password... :?
The CAPs key works fine.
Strange, isn't is?
dherrero said: It's free and nice and it works with firewalls, etc....and of course, full screen
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Can you please point out the free version ?, I can only find a trial version
it dosent clearly state that its WM5 but the keys definatly make a big improvement of display glitches. those black boxes i had everywhere are long gone.
Logmein is fab. Free, fullscreen and just works.
I've found a good VNC client that works full screen:
Works like a charm if a little slow.

Viewing a jpg image in PIE rather than downloading

If I put in an URL which ends .jpg rather than gives a webpage address, PIE asks me if I want to download the image and open it after downloading.
What I actually want to do is VIEW the image, without having to click "Yes" and then having to wait while it fires up the Picture Viewer.
Can I change this behaviour?
Can nobody help?
I tried exactly the same thing on an Orange E200 (very old Smartphone!) and it works perfectly - image displays straight away in the browser, no prompt for "download and open file".
I just want to be able to see the jpg directly in PIE, and refresh if I want. Easiest way of viewing my webcam!
timetex - don't know about the specific question, but why not just knock up a tiny bit of html just holding the jpg <img> and address. That way, you refresh the html page, not the jpg? This will also allow you to resize it to fit your screen etc as well.
Good suggestion, vijay, and if it was a computer generating the jpg, or I had control over it, that would be the first thing I'd look at.
However, its a camera. To be specific, an IP Network Camera I've got setup on my home network. It has its own built in webserver and makes use of an ActiveX plugin to "stream" video over http:// connection - so using my desktop PC, I just put the IP address of my router (or my domain name) into the browser, and the ActiveX / WebCam does the rest.
However, PIE will not accept the stream.
I've found a website detailing how to access specific data from the camera using either cgi commands or this function I'm using - the ability to view a single jpg image using a http://xxx.yyy.zzz/CamImg.jpg address.
As I said, this works fine on my Orange E200, but not in PIE on the MDA Pro. Annoying.
I guess I could get the camera to FTP the image to my hosted webspace and generate some HTML to view it there, but this just seems a silly way to do it, and rather wasteful of my bandwidth, as it would have to keep sending regular FTP just in case I wanted to view it (permanently overwriting the same filename every second or so) whereas if I connect directly to the camera, I automatically get the current image.
I could always stick a html file on my webspace and have THAT load the image.... hmm, I guess that could work?
"However, its a camera. To be specific, an IP Network Camera I've got setup on my home network. It has its own built in webserver and makes use of an ActiveX plugin to "stream" video over http:// connection - so using my desktop PC, I just put the IP address of my router (or my domain name) into the browser, and the ActiveX / WebCam does the rest.
However, PIE will not accept the stream."
This is something I really need !
Does anyone know if there are any chance to
display active X content ??
I'm not sure I understand
Surely the jpg must have an address that you're typing into PIE. In notepad on your PC (or pocket word etc if you're feeling adverturous) just knock together some html to display the image.
The html page will exist on your PDA, eg \storage\VJTestPage.html, and you just load that every time you want to see the updated jpg from your camera:
Paste this into notepad and change the urls for your jpg
This assumes of course that the jpg's url is static, ie doesn't change.
vijay555 said:
I'm not sure I understand
Surely the jpg must have an address that you're typing into PIE. In notepad on your PC (or pocket word etc if you're feeling adverturous) just knock together some html to display the image.
The html page will exist on your PDA, eg \storage\VJTestPage.html, and you just load that every time you want to see the updated jpg from your camera:
Paste this into notepad and change the urls for your jpg
This assumes of course that the jpg's url is static, ie doesn't change.
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Ahhh of course... keep the text on the device!!
I don't think laterally enough, silly me!
timetex - does that solution work ok then?
vijay555 said:
timetex - does that solution work ok then?
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Like an absolute charm...
Thats a nice workaround Vijay, to be sure.
But it fails to address the fundamental problem that is PIE's failure to view image files rather than download them.
Is there no way to alter a setting in PIE to VIEW jpgs rather than download them? The reason it's sooo irritating is that we don't want to keep all the images we want to view, eg browsing a forum thread with a frinds holiday photos in, you don't want to keep the photos, just see them!
Why can't it do this?
Do all the other pocket browers do this? I haven't tried Opera, and minimo is less use than a truckload of dead rats in a tampon factory!
Has anyone found a way round this?
you might try using the search button of the forum. It might help.
thaihugo said:
you might try using the search button of the forum. It might help.
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How do you think I found this thread??
Do you mean there actually IS a way to get PIE to do this? (and if so - why does searching for "Images AND pie" not get to it?)
If you're going to take the effort to post an answer then it may as well be a useful one.
what about "jpg and pie" :wink:
Riceburner said:
If you're going to take the effort to post an answer then it may as well be a useful one.
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Where would be the pleasure of a magnifiscent RTFM or UTSB answer then
thaihugo said:
what about "jpg and pie" :wink:
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Thank You hugo.

Play movies from network

wow.. i just found out that you can connect direct to network shares and play divx movies without having to stream or convert.
Just go into TCPMP and do file open and put in the UNC of a network share such as \\server\video and then browse to the file you want
Now I am sorry if a lot of you are saying... well... duh... but I didnt even think of trying it and maybe there is at least someone else out there in the same boat.
Thanks for that mate. Many know, including myself, that this is possible but it is something which I am glad you made a point of. We were all once new to this type of thing and anything which can be of help to others is not a waste of time.
As they say in South London "BIG YO'SELF UP" 8)
jwarbutron said:
Just go into TCPMP and do file open and put in the UNC of a network share such as \\server\video and then browse to the file you want
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Plese let me know in more details how to do it.
first thing you need is tcpmp. Current release is 0.71 and you should be able to get it from
This is a media player. Its small in size, supports a number of different formats and allows video full screen. So well worth looking at as an alternative to media player
Next you need you device connected to your network wirelessly.
Once you got all that load up tcpmp
then do file from the menu
This will take you to a file open dialogue where you can naviagate around your pda. At the top of the screen is a space that shows you the current directory you are in. If you click on this bar you can overtype what is in there.
This allows you to use a unc style name to connect to a windows machine on your network.
So for example you have a movie you want to watch on a machine called server and you have created a windows file share called movies.
In the bar at the top you would type \\server\movies and hit the GO button
First time you try it will ask you for authentication details username, password and domain.
Enter that information and you will be browsing your file share. You can then select the movie that you want to watch and press OK
Thank for the very detailed instructions!!! I tried it and everything work fine!!!
hey I'm a n00b when it comes to network stuff, I've done it all up to where it ask for username and password and domain. I dont undertsand what u add there any help would b great!
does it mean when i boot into pc username and password? if so how about the domain?
It's ok sorted my self, If anyone else ever wonders the same yes it was the user name and password that you use to boot into xp, I left the domain clear and it worked!
its soo cool only thing bad is every few mins it stops the movie for the buffer to catch up, which I could live with but if there is a setting to down sample the video so less buffering please let me know =)
The other way is to install Resco Explorer and Map PC shared folder,then every time the PDA connects to the LAN the folder will appear like a Storage Card in your File Explorer or any other applications.
For Resco Explorer
FAQ About Network Drive:

Anyone managed to print over network with jetcet?

I have been trying to use jetcet with a network printer but it is unable to connect to the network (or see the printer). Can anyone help on this?
I got as far as getting a document into a network print queue then it jammed up the spooler "remote level download"
I didn't have much of a problem assigning the ptirinter though.
How far have you got?
I have tried to find my networked printer by using the 'search' button in the printer configuration process but I get the response network error. I have also tried to specify the printer by using the 'add' printer tab, specifying the make and path and then trying to print a test page, but I get the response no printer found (or something like that).
In short, I haven't made much are certainly ahead of me.
TRy direct addressing
I'm assuming you've turned on printer sharing already and shared the printer.
Enter the printer as \\hostname\printersharename
Assuming its a shared printer from a pc:
The host name will be in the full computer namer of the pc hosting the printer.
Right click on My Computer, Select properties, select computer name tab, look for the full computer name
Printersharename will be whatever you've set the printer sharename to be.
Select start/printers and faxes, right click on the printer, slect properties and loook on sharetab for name.
If you've done all that and still cant get the printer in try checking your windows firewall settings to ensure printer sharing is in the exceptions list.
If you've got thrid party firewalls they proably need configuring.
UHm ...interesting. How to configure to share my Epson Stylus CX5400 via WiFi router?
Thanks for your help inframan but I followed your instructions carefully and still I get the reply "network error" when I trey to print a test page.
Still open to any other suggestions,
apap said:
Thanks for your help inframan but I followed your instructions carefully and still I get the reply "network error" when I trey to print a test page.
Still open to any other suggestions,
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Can you map a shared drive on the host pc?
asci said:
UHm ...interesting. How to configure to share my Epson Stylus CX5400 via WiFi router?
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Epson stylus hanging off a pc?
Stylus CX5400 appears to be on the list of supported printers so you should be able to add it in jetcet using the technique above to identify the share.
Yes, I have mapped shared drives using Resco explorer and easily transfer files and music, etc. Is there some other way to map drives besides Resco explorer that I should be using?
inframan said:
Epson stylus hanging off a pc?
Stylus CX5400 appears to be on the list of supported printers so you should be able to add it in jetcet using the technique above to identify the share.
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You mean this procedure:
I'm assuming you've turned on printer sharing already and shared the printer.
Enter the printer as \\hostname\printersharename
Assuming its a shared printer from a pc:
The host name will be in the full computer namer of the pc hosting the printer.
Right click on My Computer, Select properties, select computer name tab, look for the full computer name
Printersharename will be whatever you've set the printer sharename to be.
Select start/printers and faxes, right click on the printer, slect properties and loook on sharetab for name.
If you've done all that and still cant get the printer in try checking your windows firewall settings to ensure printer sharing is in the exceptions list.
If you've got thrid party firewalls they proably need configuring.
And it should work via WiFi too? Is wifi supported as well?
asci said:
You mean this procedure:
And it should work via WiFi too? Is wifi supported as well?
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Yes, thats what I meant.
I have actually managed to use jetcet print print this evening via Wifi to an old Epson inkjet so it is possible.
Quality is lousy on the ancient inkjet though. Would really like to get it to work with my HP laserjet. I've sent westek a support request.
apap said:
Yes, I have mapped shared drives using Resco explorer and easily transfer files and music, etc. Is there some other way to map drives besides Resco explorer that I should be using?
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No just wanted to check you do actually have the basic network functionality worked out.
If you are accessing the network ok and setting it up as described then I'm afraid I dunno why its not working. I've only just managed to get it to work completely for me this evening albeit on a rubbush printer.
How much free memory are you showing?
I havn't played with it yet but sometimes PocketPC's have problems resolving NetBios names so try \\<ip address>\printershare. So instead of using the computer's name, try the IP address for the computer. See if that works for you.
I have tested several configurations but I can't get it to work. I am using a Netgear WiFi DG834GT Router and I can see my net with Resco Explorer...but I can't with printer application...
Any farder suggestion?
I have now tried everything suggested so far without success. Somehow I think my device is unable to see the network except through Resco explorer. I say this because when I use sktools to show network drive in standard file explorer I get the icon entitled Network but no contents inside.
Still hoping for some way to solve my problem. Thanks,
apap said:
I have now tried everything suggested so far without success. Somehow I think my device is unable to see the network except through Resco explorer. I say this because when I use sktools to show network drive in standard file explorer I get the icon entitled Network but no contents inside.
Still hoping for some way to solve my problem. Thanks,
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Same problem of mine...
worth trying vxutils..
to check if you can ping etc? Netbios can be tricky its true.

ActiveX and PIE - Remote Webcam Viewing

I installed a Linksys Webcam at my business. It uses ActiveX controls in IE. All I have to do is type in the IP address, and presto I can see a Linksys screen with camera motion contols. When I try it with my Kaiser, I get the Linksys control screen but cannot see the live feed.
I've heard that some are using TCPMP but I cannot get around the login. Also, even if TCPMP worked, I most likely could not control the camera.
Is there an ActiveX add on that works with PIE? Has anyone had any success with similar venture. It would be way cool to check on business or home via your phone.
rambo6 said:
I installed a Linksys Webcam at my business. It uses ActiveX controls in IE. All I have to do is type in the IP address, and presto I can see a Linksys screen with camera motion contols. When I try it with my Kaiser, I get the Linksys control screen but cannot see the live feed.
I've heard that some are using TCPMP but I cannot get around the login. Also, even if TCPMP worked, I most likely could not control the camera.
Is there an ActiveX add on that works with PIE? Has anyone had any success with similar venture. It would be way cool to check on business or home via your phone.
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I did a little searching. As far as I can find there is no way to effectively handle activeX with PIE.
I did find a application that claims it can run IP cameras over winmo.
View Commander-Mobile lets you view IP network cameras with a Pocket PC or Smartphone. Control Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera functions with ViewCommander's built-in control panel.
This unfortunately is not a free app.
However it does have a trial if you wanna check it out.
EDIT: have you tried the newest version of opera? I can view alot of things in opera that PIE wont load. You might also send a pm to the guy that made the newest version of TCPMP and youtubeplayer. He may have some additional ideas. He has some posts in development and hacking forum. His username is milesmowbray
Thanks for the link. I downloaded the trial verision. It appears to work but I'll have to wait until someone turns the lights on in the shop to see anything.
I have tried the Beta Version of Opera 9 on my Blue Angel. It is very interesting. I'll follow your recommendations and PM the TCPMP guy.
Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I spent a few hours searching before posting and did not find the software you linked me to.
rambo6 said:
I installed a Linksys Webcam at my business. It uses ActiveX controls in IE. All I have to do is type in the IP address, and presto I can see a Linksys screen with camera motion contols. When I try it with my Kaiser, I get the Linksys control screen but cannot see the live feed.
I've heard that some are using TCPMP but I cannot get around the login. Also, even if TCPMP worked, I most likely could not control the camera.
Is there an ActiveX add on that works with PIE? Has anyone had any success with similar venture. It would be way cool to check on business or home via your phone.
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This thread probably belongs in the General forum....
Strangely Windows Mobile doesn't support ActiveX, at least not up to this point (WM 6.1). And since ActiveX is a MS thing I doubt you'd find support in Opera, Minimo, or other browsers that render web pages directly on the WM device. You have three possible options (maybe more if your smarter than me!).
If you make any breakthrough's please post your results for the enlightenment of others who may be trying to accomplish the same thing. Good luck!
First option: use a browser like Skyfire that is client / server based, which will handle all the ActiveX on the server side and pipe the results back to you on the client side as a "moving picture". I've tested it on my Toshiba IK-WB11A wireless IP webcam and it works swimmingly. My webcam uses Java rather than ActiveX, so your mileage may vary. It should work though.
Second option: pick apart the HTML / Javascript / ActiveX code in your webcam, find out where and how it's dishing out the video stream, and point PIE directly to the JPG or similar stream. Basically your webcam is running a simple little web server that's streaming a series of refreshed JPG's (or possibly an MPG4 stream if your webcam is very new). So it's possible to view the HTML code being served up to your browser with very little effort. For example I was able to do that by loading up and opening all the HTML pages that my webcam served to my PC browser (Firefox > View > Page Source). I can see that the webcam video stream is really just a JPG that's being frequently refreshed from this address... http://my-wan-ip/__live.jpg. Now if I point PIE at this address from my WM phone I've got the image from my webcam, less all the user interface, controls, and other trappings. The same process might work with your ActiveX webcam. If you're really enterprising you could create your own simple HTML page and run it on your phone. Just add your path the JPG image, and add some code so PIE will auto-refresh. Something like this code should do the trick... <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=http://path/to/my/image/page.html"/>
Third option: use a WM application like the one linked above (IVI ViewCommander Mobile) that will attempt to do the heavy lifting in option #2 for you. There are others out there, like this for example that's free.
Hotmail thanks. I agree, this thread should probably be in the Development and Hacking section. It is a very good topic though.
As a side note, MS is working on a new PIE which has something called Lite or Lightning or something like that thatwill allow the browser to do just about everything IE does.
I'll also try your suggestions.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ip cam</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(198, 221, 244);" alink="#000000" link="#000000"
Rick, there are three parts to the problem:
1. Does PIE support meta-refreshes? Try loading the paypal page I sent you. If that works, good. If not, give up now.
2. Next, understand, there is an image,
This doesn't do anything, it's just an image that needs refreshing. So to do that, we need a webpage, rick.html, that causes itself to reload itself every second.
The only thing on that page is the code to redirect itself every second, and the image
3. What this means is that you load
This will show the picture for 1 second, and then reload
The most important line is:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
This part, url=
must point to the file rick.html (or whatever you call it), and that must be accessible from the internet.
So write rick.html, upload it to an ftp or make it externally accessible from your pc.
I think that still sounds tough though!
I didn't quite understand everything, but think of it like this:
You have to write the html, and put it on a server somewhere. Even if that server is your own computer, it must be accesible through a url.
So say I have the file at
Now, I edit rick.html to say:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(198, 221, 244);" alink="#000000" link="#000000"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
</html>Save this as rick.html and save on a server or your pc.
The thing you did wrong is you're linking the refresh part to the JPG. The jpg will load after one second, and then do nothing.
You need to link it back to rick.html itself, so that it will reload and refresh itself every second.
The thing is, PIE may not be able to redirects at all.
Try loading this page:
this should redirect to my paypal page. If this works in PIE, then try writing rick.html.
But PIE may not support redirects like this, I've never tried it...
Something like this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(198, 221, 244);" alink="#000000" link="#000000"
</html>In the line:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
insert the url of the page you want to jump to. The 1, means every second.
In this instance, you might want to host this page on your server, and then change the address in the line <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" to point to itself, so it reloads itself every second.
Hope that's clear!
This is what vjay gave me for an answer
rickos said:
Rick, there are three parts to the problem:
1. Does PIE support meta-refreshes? Try loading the paypal page I sent you. If that works, good. If not, give up now.
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In a word, yes, PIE does support refreshes. And also redirects.
rickos said:
2. Next, understand, there is an image,
This doesn't do anything, it's just an image that needs refreshing. So to do that, we need a webpage, rick.html, that causes itself to reload itself every second.
The only thing on that page is the code to redirect itself every second, and the image
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You may find 1 second is too fast. Seems counter intuitive since you want to see video-like motion on the webcam. PIE is just a little too slow to manage refreshing a page every second. I found 5 to 10 seconds is about as fast as PIE can consistently refresh. Your experience may vary depending on page / image size, your connection speed, etc. Here's an example I made some time ago for checking traffic on my route to and from work. Works just fine in PIE. Looks even better when viewed in the latest version of Opera.
rickos said:
I think that still sounds tough though! ....
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It's not too bad. And if you want the easy route just type the address of the webcam's image into PIE's address bar. Then every few seconds just click refresh... no HTML involved with that, no making your own web page, no FTP, etc....
any outcome on this. as i have a kaiser and i cannot c my ip camera on it. on internet with activex ocx installed i can see it. but phones do not have this so im stuck. what are my options ?? i beleve i can view snap shots but how??thanks again
prits_uk2002 said:
any outcome on this. as i have a kaiser and i cannot c my ip camera on it. on internet with activex ocx installed i can see it. but phones do not have this so im stuck. what are my options ?? i beleve i can view snap shots but how??thanks again
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See post #4 in this thread. Those are your options. As to how (and if you can), it depends on your web cam model.
thanks lets see what i can gather
this is a semi-off topic question, i also have an ip camera but it uses quicktime to view it remotely using a web server. ive tried opera, and pie but it won't open the url. i tried iris browser, which actually opens up the url, but it doesn't seem to have the quicktime plugin so i can only see the camera controls but not the video feed itself.
I have a D-Link webcam and it supports RSTP streaming. With that, you can use CorePlayer to view it. The only problem is you cannot control the camera motion as this is available only in the ActiveX (something you already know).
oldsap said:
this is a semi-off topic question, i also have an ip camera but it uses quicktime to view it remotely using a web server. ive tried opera, and pie but it won't open the url. i tried iris browser, which actually opens up the url, but it doesn't seem to have the quicktime plugin so i can only see the camera controls but not the video feed itself.
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Coreplayer will play quicktime and stream. So if you know the url to the video stream itself you may be able to watch it with Coreplayer.
hotmail said:
Coreplayer will play quicktime and stream. So if you know the url to the video stream itself you may be able to watch it with Coreplayer.
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Thanks, but how can I "avoid" user name and password of webcamera.
Where can I put this pass and username?
gregy74 said:
Thanks, but how can I "avoid" user name and password of webcamera.
Where can I put this pass and username?
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Not sure if you can use a user name / password with Core Player. I don't think you can. But you may not need to depending on the stream type, and how your webcam authenticates you. I guess if it authenticates by IP or something basic like that, you might be able authenticate using PIE, and then connect using Core Player. But in my case, I don't need to authenticate, even though my Webcam will force authentication if I access it by going to it's home page. I can get around it by directly pointing my browser to the stream.
For example, if I go to then my webcam will attempt to authenticate me. But after I authenticate (from a desktop browser) I begin to get the webcam stream from Then if I point my browser, or Core Player, on my phone to that authenticated URL I get the stream.
Your mileage may vary, depending on the type of webcam, type of authentication, and the stream type.
same problem with the username and password thingy. i can't get pass it in pie.
If your webcam is Java based like mine, I may be able to help get around a user ID and password prompt. But if it's ActiveX then I'm not too sure. I know PIE doesn't support ActiveX.
For me it wasn't necessary. But in the past I've used URL Snooper to sniff out multimedia streams hidden within ActiveX and Java. You may find some success by viewing your webcam (from your PC's browser) and running this program. If the stream address is always the same after disconnecting / reconnecting to your webcam then you may be able to use that URL from your phone's browser.
That's exactly how my webcam works. If I change the logon ID and password of my webcam, then stream address changes. But if it's the same, then stream address is always the same... a long series of alpha/numberic characters, presumably based on the ID and password required for accessing the webcam.
I ended up using a software program called View Commander. Here's the link to their website: I bought the mid-range package for about USD45.00.
I'm using it with several Linksys WVC200 cameras which can rotate and zoom via remote control. The ivi View Commander software works really well. It can be set up for multiple cameras and have multiple presets. It's really easy to set up.
I really love using my HTC Kaiser to check up on my employees when I'm not around. It's one of the best tools I've used.
thank you HOTMAIL !
I have solve the problem with your Third option
[IVI ViewCommander Mobile] and [camplayer]
works fine with my web cam VIVOTEK.
Can we use the Ateksoft act as CCTV?
How can I link the Ateksoft(through wifi) to my CCTV server?

