Activesync Wont Sync with Outlook, No Errors though - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

The other day I noticed that my Activesynced email had not been updated for a few days on my pocket pc. I assumed this was just a fluke, but now I have had a look, None of my outlook contacts or calenders or tasks are syncing either. Activesync says that everything is okay though. It reports no errors.
Things I have tried :
Uninstalling Activesync, rebooting, then re-installing it. DOESNT WORK
Detect and Repair Outlook 2003 . DOESNT WORK
Inbox Repair Tool DOESNT WORK
Hard Reset of iMate JASJAR to flatten it completly DOESNT WORK
Now I am in a position that I have no PIM info on my JASJAR and cant get it back on. Damn and Blast.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I can check.
I am using XP Service Pack 2
ActiveStink 4.1 - USB Connection
iMate JASJAR WM5 device
Outlook 2003


Weird problem with JAM and ActiveSync

I own 128 MB JAM since March 2005 and use it with T-Mobile USA.
In May I installed 1.11.00 WWE upgrade. I had it synchronized with my desktop and laptop and it worked fine for me.
Last week I was on the Business trip and used the JAM only as a phone and a PDA.
When I've got back home I tried to synchronize and charge it as usual.
Synchronization started, but after 25-30 secs it gave me a message within the ActiveSync window "Connected. Synchronization error" and then immediately after that it changed to "Not connected".
I tried again - same result.
Next I tried to synchronize it with my laptop - same story.
After all I tried to delete partnerships and create new - no result. I am able though to connect as a guest.
At that point I decided to try the hard reset. By coincidence that same day I saw the news that ROM 1.13.00 WWE became available. I successfully installed it and tried to ActiveSync without installing the back-up then - no luck, same problem.
As well I'd like to mention that I have HP iPAQ 2215 and I can synchronize it with both computers without any problems.
So it looks like something is wrong with the JAM.
I hope you guys can help me to fix this problem...
Had this problem also but my hard reset solved it. Have you tried re-installing Activesync? You may also want to take a look under C:\Documents and Settings\{Your Desktop}\Application Data\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Profiles to check if indeed the profile data was deleted properly. Goodluck!
Yes, I did hard reset, uninstalled the ActiveSync, erased all files in the 'Profiles' folder, disconnnected the cable, rebooted the desktop, downloaded the latest version of AS from the MS website, lnstalled it.
Then installed the AS, connected the cable, and tryed to establish the partnership.
SAME negative result.
It created the partnership and wright after it said 'Connected. Synchronization error' and immediately droped connection.
I am puzzled here...
I'm stumped! Usually a HR solves this for me... Have you tried a Bluetooth sync (this may be a temp workaround til you find the solution) have you tried using a diff USB port and/or cable to sync your device?
Thanks for your help.
No, I did not try the bluetooth sync yet, but I definitely know that it is my JAM's problem now.
This morning I installed the latest version of ActiveSync available on the MS website on my daughter's PC. ActiveSync was never installed there before.
Then I tried to sync the JAM - same problem as I described in the previous posts. Right after that I paired my HP 2215 and no problem. It work as it supposed to.
It is a real mistery cause between the last time I was able to syncronize the JAM and the time the problem occure I did not install any software, did not pair it with any other PC... I only used it as a phone and a PDA on the trip.
The only what I noticed is that all of a sudden it started to freeze after every 10 -15 min of use. But now after I flashed the ROM to 1.13.00 it works normally except for the syncing problem.
Any other ideas how I can fix it?
I would really appreciate your help...
I'd suggest the Bluetooth sync and maybe taking it (your device) for service.

O2 Exec and Activesync 4

Just about to open Windows (on the top floor) and throw this thing through it!
Been waiting for months to upgrade to exec from xda2s, and 18hours after opening the box i'm ready to junk it. Cannot get it to sync at all. Read all the forums, zone alarm off, norton off, tried running as4.1, and still i'm getting dizzy watching this little green wheel going round and round and round and round and round..... 'connecting'
Does anybody have a work around or managed to get it to work. Without this facility the units useless to me, apart from maybe a quick £300 quick profit on ebay.
Help please.
I had a simlar problem, until I reluctantly ditched all my other Active sync partnerships (like my xda2 PPc partnership). then created a new partnership and it worked fine.
Good luck
Hi, Stupid question, but where do the older profiles live on my pc? I've looked in the activesync folder but no clues.
Open Avtivesync, go to file, click on mobile device, check and see what devices you have listed. then go to Delete mobile device.
This realy was a quick fix for me , you should be able to have multiple patnerships, perhaps some one else could suggest a better solution.
Thanks for your advice, but it looks as though I had deleted all previous profiles when I did a clean install of as4.1, and still getting dizzy!
Thought about calling O2, but quickly realised I would have better luck just ringing a random number out of the phone book.
I've tried every combination in the connection settings box, still no joy.
Need a solution soon before I reach for the Scotch and Razor Blades.
I've completely given up with this thing. Managed to get it back in the box (which was a minor challenge compared to getting Activesync to work), somebody please save me from ebay.
Do you have you Exec running in Corporate mode? I found that in this mode it won't sync; you just get "Connecting"...and nothing.
I switch to basic or personal and it syncs with no problem. Myabe this will help.
If the machine you are trying to sync with is connecting to an Exchange Server then you will have difficulties.
Try syncing the calendar, contacts and tasks direct with the exchange server and do the rest (notes etc) with the laptop.
Activesync 4 is so rubbish I have resorted to wirelessly syncing direct to my exchange server.
For a while I was cursing the Exec as I had just got my 2s just how I wanted it when I up(?)graded but I remembered that half the fun of these things is solving the problems, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time!
The main thing that you need to remember with ActiveSync 4.x is that you must install this before connecting your EXEC.
If you don't the microsoft driver gets installed instead (and in my case) no amount of deleting/reinstalling was able to recover the situation.
Whilst I was in the middle of that crisis I did some basic PD to try and rectify. Including
a) Installing AS 4.1 build 4807 on another system (preferably clean installed say XP SP2)
b) trying another cable
c) Doing a hard reset of your device and then repeating above steps
d) (obviously!) removing all previous versions of ActiveSync (also afterwards using regedit to remove any final traces and erasing C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync) and then re-installing
I have tried to include some Device Manager pictures of a working system for reference purposes
Throught trial, and very much swearing at the walls, I've discovered the following:
1. If I have the XDA Exec switched on and connect the USB cable, then I can guarantee a 95% failure to connect.
2. If I turn off the Exec, by the power-switch on side, then connect the USB cable and just leave ActiveSync to power everything up, then I have a 95% success connection rate.
On very odd occasions, I've had to disconnect the Exec, turn it off, then plug the USB in again. And once I restarted the workstation first - probably didn't have to, but was going for a coffee anyway.
I had a failure with Active Sync and established that it still worked with my 2 C500's so I phoned orange.
Eventually made my way to level 3 (highest) tech support to be told that its microsofts problem and that they have withdrawn Active Sync 4 until they can fix it.
I can connect to my M5000, move files via explore but as for the necessity of syncing itand my contacts..............forget it
Interaction with Outlook
My sync problems went away when I configured Zonealarm to allow it to connect.
I also had to install Outlook, which I don't like as I use Thunderbird for Email. Sync would still not work untill I allowed Outlook to be the default email client. However, I have not defined any accounts on Outlook and Thunderbird does not seem to mind.
Re: Interaction with Outlook
Romney said:
Sync would still not work untill I allowed Outlook to be the default email client. However, I have not defined any accounts on Outlook and Thunderbird does not seem to mind.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I got a whole series of increasingly depressed emails from my TBird install after I stuck Outlook on my lappie... In the end I had to take it out for the evening, give it some new extensions and what-not before it started talking to me again...

Messed up activesync

I've managed to mess up activesync on my PPC (XDA Exec latest ROM). Activesync was working fine until I installed memmaid and ran it and it's deleted/modified something to do with activesync on my PPC.
When I now try sync, a network connection is open on my pc as normal, then the activesync icon rotates for a while then says it cannot connect.
I have no firewall software running and I've tried different USB ports. The same thing happens at home and at work where I could always connect before. I'm using activesync 4.2 and the connection troubleshooter returns no errors. I've also tried deleting the partnerships and reinstalling activesync on the pc.
Any ideas anyone?? I'm at a loss, I really don't want to do a hard reset.
All sorted now
See link and download the file to your PPC, extract and run.
ahh, THANK-YOU for those searching, it worked for the wizard as well. I knew what I did, and thought I knew how to fix it, and it didn't. I was close to a hard reset!
For those of us that search, I am adding a few keywords so others can find this post: can't sync, activesync won't sync, wizard qtek 9100 k-jam sync issues.
im gonna try this as well, as for some reason my as has screwed up as well and i have installed nothing new in over a month.
Just sits there rotating although i can browse the mda
NICE NICE NICE - I was ready to put a gun in my mouth and the file above instantly fixed it - WHOEVER wrote that i just want to say

problems to sync...

Hey fellas, i´m facing some trouble to sync my trinity.
last sunday i´ve formated my notebook (after two years of use, it was a bit "heavy") and everything went well.
However, only yeasterday i had time to install microsoft outlook and activesync but when i tried to sync my P3600 some kind of error ocurred and both the devices (notebook and ppc) says "Attention Required".
I did reinstall the active sync, but the issue is still there.
I really don´t know what to do. Can someone help me out?
try below
Start>Settings>connections>usb to PC
Dsiable advanced network functionality
don't know how or why, but 15 min ago i was trying to sync it with my office's computer and it worked.
now i came home to have my lunch, and it's working now...
I had this occur yesterday on my office and home PC. The PPC would connect via active sync, and files can be browes etc, but it will not sync with outlook. It just stays on 'looking for changes'
The only change I made was installing a trial of Spb Wallet - the PPC sync'd before the install but not afterwards.
I have uninstalled the trial, but the PPC still wont sync

Read threads, tried tricks, active sync NOT syncing

So I am running the TNT pro+HTC home rom, active sync worked a few days ago...tried today, nada. USB charges, phone is brand new refurb replacement, usb port is solid.
I have uninstalled/re-installed Active sync
disabled firewalls, AV
allowed exceptions in windows on-board firewall (which is also disabled)
checked in settings/connections/usb-->pc, ticked and unticked
tried deleting associations in pc active sync and go as guest
tried deleting associations in wiz active sync
I am now going nuts.
The wizard gets read, active sync fires up...but then it spins and spins and eventually kicks me into the troubleshooter page which also did not help.
I have read that WM6 sometimes has this issue. Could it be the rom? Any other suggestions to sync it...btw, BT won't sync via active sync either, which it previously had done.
Also, my hubby's Dash connects no problem (he has WM5), so I don't think it is active sync in itself messing up, it seems to be device dependant errors.
I hard reset my wizard, now everything connects fine, so...either there is an incompatible 3rd party app I installed, or WM6 is really not stable in the active sync area. Any thoughts would be helpful.
I had SPB backup, Resco Explorer, MemMaid2.0, Pocket least these are the ones I remember installing. Oh, and SPB Phone Suite. I just re-installed the 2 SPB's and active sync still works, so I am inclined to think that Resco, MemMaid, or Pocket Contacts could be the culprit. Anyone care to chime in with their experiences and/or thoughts???
As always thanks.
I have the same problem... but I still can´t get connected (at work, i haven't tried at home)... i'm thinking the problem was after i installed spb diary or spb pocket plus 4 (didn't test between them)... i uninstalled spb pocket plus but still can't connect... next weekend i'll uninstalle some other apps and test it...
Do you have MyMobiler installed?
Does the phone work on another pc with AS?
Is the cable OK?
What version of WM6 do you run?
Is the MotherBoard USB ok?
Does it charge when you connect it to PC?

