QWERTY Keyboard discovered "feature" - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi to All,
Apart of "phone pad" problem I discovered yesterday, I have just found new "feature" on my Qtek9100. When I use hardware keyboard typing SMS messages, occasionally (again) I have put my keyboard in state like I permanently hold "blue point" button, i.e. I can write all "blue" symbols (e.g. digits, ~, ! etc.), and in order to write letters I have to hold down "blue point" button. It is very annoying I must say. First I thought, that I put my device in some short-cut mode by pressing combination of keys, but according to user guide, there is not such state.
So my question is - anybody experiences the same, and if yes, any cure available?
Thanks in advance,

A quick double-press of that key acts like a "lock" - like a caps lock, if you like. To disable it again, double-press it.
Same goes for the shift key.

Thanks very much jko.
I just wonder, why those handy tips are not described in the user guide, but of course this is rhetorical question :wink:

if you haven't done so yet, do the tweak that shows you whether you have the FN on or caps on(keyboard indicator I think its called). its in the big all tweaks topic and also included in the optimizer/wireless G .cab


Blackberry/Treo-like numbers in Wizard keyboard

I'm sure the question has been asked 10,000,000 times already, but neither the search function nor a general Google are returning a solution.
I love my 8125, really I do, all except for numeric entry, which I do just often enough to hate the horizontal number arrangement.
Someone somewhere has to have written a little hack to add a numbers mode. Does anybody here happen to know who and where?
I dont have a Wizard but let me guess..
The easier way is to use your on screen keypad input. Im not sure how you are using your phone, probably landscape, but if you were to use potrait mode, the on screen keypad is really good.
That really isn't very practical in my case. I need to use the hardware buttons. I bought a Wizard because it had a real keyboard, it just isn't very good for numbers.
Is this really something that cannot be done? I guess the TyTn does it right from the pictures, but my Wizard is like three weeks old, and I really am having a very hard time entering numbers here.
You can't enter numbers on the onscreen keypad if you can't see it. The assumption made by MobileSpeak Pocket is that if you have a lot of data entry to do that you will buy a Bluetooth keyboard. I bought my Wizard so I wouldn't need to carry one.
i been tryin to find this as well.. similar to the hermes numeric layout. i would like the fact that i can answer and end phone calls by using the sliding keyboard. but that not happening on our wizard yet.
anyway i kinda hav a partial solution to what you want which i hav implemented at the moment.
you need both software vito quick contact (latest) and pqzII wizard version. first use the code menu in pqzII to map ur alt + Y U I as 1 2 3 and H J K as 4 5 6 and so on. and alt+space as return.
now to dial normal numeric number jus open up vito quick contact hold ur alt button to toggle alt button and press those buttons above and press space twice to dial.
it may not be convenient but once u get the hang of it you can even dial with your eyes close literaly. well say like when you are driving you can dial it and use bluetooth headset or handsfree speaker. i know you all gonna say voice dial is better. but i dreaded voicedial and physical button never fails me.
just hopes some one will come out with the sliding answering method.
Okay, I am a little confused here (and maybe this is just PQII and maybe it's not..)
The keyboard has a shift and a dot. In addition to these, Mobile Speak Pocket remaps hardware buttons as Control, Alt, Shift, and Tab. I wonder if these are the same buttons that PQII uses. In the event that they are, PQII will do exactly what I want sinze Alt is sticky in MSP.
Ideally though, I want to basically change the layout of the symbols when you press the dot, and just use double-dot to put my phone into the appropriate mode.
uummm i uses caps/shift for my alt button in pqzII, i dun use control. maybe thats why it didnt work. u can try the windows key or the ok key if other software remaps your cap/shift and dot button.
remember this can only work in vito quick contact as the our normal dialer cant detect those other symbols button. basically after i play around with the wizard too much =P, i found out that it is in the double dot format when you are in dialer but pressing the symbols wont work other than the normal numbers and * and #. so thats why you need vito quick contact

How dows one add/change a hardkey?

Hi, I did a lot of searching for this but I can't come up with any solution (which is odd as it strikes me to be a problem).
I bought voice commander yesterday as I'm on the road for my company a lot and all that works perfectly. So then I tried assigning it to a hardkey (is that the right word?) on my Touch HD (uk).
Apparently some incompetent interaction designer must have thought that it was a brilliant idea to only have one hardkey and bind that hard to making calls as well. Result? Me accidentally dialling 6 people out of the 7 times that I tried using it. I can only imagine what a horror it must be when I'm driving.
So here is the question; how do I add hardkeys to the buttons menu in the settings so I can assign stuff to those buttons? Any button really, preferably the 'hang up' button. Currently there is only 'button 1' but there must be a way of tapping into those other buttons.
I'm not shy of reg editing (it has to be a key or something in the registry) or anything like that but I can't seem to find a regeditor.
I'd try the HTC helpdesk but they don't know anything really beyond the standard questions (at least not the last 3 times I tried).
Zeus2.0 said:
Hi, I did a lot of searching for this but I can't come up with any solution (which is odd as it strikes me to be a problem).
I bought voice commander yesterday as I'm on the road for my company a lot and all that works perfectly. So then I tried assigning it to a hardkey (is that the right word?) on my Touch HD (uk).
Apparently some incompetent interaction designer must have thought that it was a brilliant idea to only have one hardkey and bind that hard to making calls as well. Result? Me accidentally dialling 6 people out of the 7 times that I tried using it. I can only imagine what a horror it must be when I'm driving.
So here is the question; how do I add hardkeys to the buttons menu in the settings so I can assign stuff to those buttons? Any button really, preferably the 'hang up' button. Currently there is only 'button 1' but there must be a way of tapping into those other buttons.
I'm not shy of reg editing (it has to be a key or something in the registry) or anything like that but I can't seem to find a regeditor.
I'd try the HTC helpdesk but they don't know anything really beyond the standard questions (at least not the last 3 times I tried).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you tried AEBPlus?
That requires me to run the program in the memory constantly doesn't it (and it's not freeware iirc)?
Zeus2.0 said:
That requires me to run the program in the memory constantly doesn't it (and it's not freeware iirc)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, it does takes some resources, but it gives a lot more functionality and improves the phone greatly.
For example,
You could ingle press to forward/repeat songs or change channel in FM radio, and long press to change volume.
You could single press the green button to either do nothing or start your VOIP phone if you have one, and double press to run the regular phone. (this prevents accidental dialing the last number)
Double press the back key to close active application
Hmmm, it's a last option solution for me. It's more a matter of principle. When I buy a phone like this, I expect to be able to have access to all buttons, not just one. It's a bit stupid that I need to run an extra app to actually use my phone properly. I mean; didn't anyone at htc think that just having one button is stupid and then assigning it to the dial button is just braindead thinking?
Right, gave that program a go but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Zeus2.0 said:
Right, gave that program a go but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's because you're not familiar with how to use it yet, I think.
This is how yo use that software:
Say, you want to reassign the up volume button. First you might note that the initial defaultsetting is "do not touch button".
press and HOLD the up volume entry until
the screen for altering the setting appear.
Once that happens, the rest should be intuitively enough.
Remember later to save and exit. No need to soft reset.

the perfect keyboard - thoughts...

i was wondering... as a user of a vista tablet i see that the use of the onscreen vista input panel is very very convenient.
i give that ease of use to one perticular and simple feature making the button you pressed last stay lit until you press the next button and also (but far less improtant) the lack of space between the keys...
this "last word highlighting allows you to type without looking at text after each letter to verify that you indeed pressed the right letter or even pressed one at all, and greatly improves the input speed.. i manage to write on my tablet keyboard almost as fast as a hardware one...
so if anyone knows of a keyboard that does that or a registry key that can allow any of the existing keyboard out there to do this, i believe will make a great contribution to mankind... or at least the average virtual keyboard user...

[Q] Keyboard shortcuts with apple keyboard

Hey there everyone, I just got an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and I was wandering if there is some kind of list that tells the possible keyboard shortcuts available.
so far, I´ve found that cmd+f4 puts it to sleep or wakes it up, but I cannot "unlock" it. That is the main thing I want to find out how to do, but as much as I try, I cannot find the shortcut.
This might not be the same for you since I have a nook, not a tab, but...
For me the cmd key doesn't seem functional. Cmd-f4 and f4 both toggle the screen on/off and lock it (but not unlock)
The menu button seems to be mapped to to f1. Hitting escape seems to behave like the back button (gg vi from the terminal emulator).
The thing seems to very much map to the soft-keyboard. For example, alt-a makes a # (pound sign). Even more like the soft keyboard, you don't have to hold the alt. Push alt, release. Push a release, and you have #.
Also sometimes when I am just typing away it pops up randomly with a little window with options for random accented characters. I haven't found a pattern with that yet, but it is extremely annoying.
Hitting shift twice turns on caps lock, but the real caps lock doesn't work.
This line up with the Tab's behaviour? Anyone else find any useful shortcuts, or know a good reference? I'm betting a lot of these behaviours are shared between android devices and random bluetooth keyboards.

Weird problem with the keyboard

I have noticed a weird problem with my Iconia A500's keyboard for some time. It seems that I can't hold any key pressed anymore; when I do it looks like the key gets pushed only once. E.g., if I hold the 'g' key, instead of multiple g's appearing only one gets written down. That would't be that much annoying but it seems I can't activate caps lock anymore (when I hold it so it activates it does exactly the same action as when I click it briefly, that is capitalize only te next letter) , the smileys key (it justs inserts ' ' no matter how long I press it instead of displaying te smiley menu) or backspace (now if I want to delete a sentence I have to press backspace once for every letter -- very annoying!!). Also, sometimes, when I'm typing, a certain key remains highlighted.
I am running stock 3.2 Android on the tab but I think the problem's there since 3.1, maybe even before that, I don't think I have noticed it right away and that's the problem, I don't know what really caused this. Maybe it was an Android update, maybe an app update, a virus or a wrong setting.
Thing is it doesn't seem to be a problem with the screen because it's working just fine anywhere else, like games that require multiple touch. Could corrupt keyboard files be a probable cause? Can they be replaced?
I would be really, really grateful if you could give me any advice on this little annoying problem of my tab.
Are you 100% sure that when you long pressed that it would repeat the character (also am I understanding what you wrote correctly?)?
So far every keyboard that I have tried between both my phone and tablet will either do nothing or it will give you some alternate characters like the long pressing the 'e' will give me a '3'.
Do you remember using a different keyboard at some point?
I think your confusing your A500 with another device???
I just tried every keyboard I have installed on my tablet(stock Android, Thumb keyboard, XT9 keyboard, and Swiftkey) and none of them will type multiple letters with a long press on the key. I don't think I've ever seen a keyboard that would do that. Most of them will give a choice of alternate letters/symbols/etc. when you long press.
It seems I have realised what the problem actually was. I didn't think it had any connection with Accesibilty, as the touch and hold delay setting was set to short, but it seems that if I disable Accesibilty completely the problem goes away. Now the alternate characters work as intended. Problem solved!

