Accessing tapi functions - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi everybody
I'm using a WinCE Pascal and developing a smartphone application.
My problem is that I can't import the tapi's functions using their names, so
I must use the functions index.
I didn't succeed to find a table of the functions index, and I can't copy tapi.dll to the PC (and use dumpbin to view the exports list).
What can I do?

Tapi.dll is part of the ROM so you can't copy it.
There are many tools on this site that let you dump ROM, the simplest to use is mamiach's TestWM5.exe.
Since you only need one file, I will post it, but this is from WM5 device. I'm not sure if the ordinals are the same for all OS versions.
PS: You might want to look in to switching to c++, the transition from Pascal is easy (at least it was for me) and the language opens up more options.

Thank you very much
Hi Levenum
Your answer did help me very much
Thanks for the tapi.dll (and WM5 is my target OS).
According to use c++ - If I couldn't solve this problem then I was using eVC++, but I prefer to use FPC (Free Pascal Compiler) for WinCE, altough of all its disadvantages (no debugger/emulator, poor IDE, no complete library of static binding - fit to WinCE because of its multi OS ability.
The language itself is equivavalent in its abilities to c++ (including definition of operators and so on)


Can MIDlets use the filesystem of WM5 on the wizard?

Hi, I'am quite new to forums so sorry if this is not the right place, the right time or formulation. Tell me and I'll try to improvejavascript:emoticon(':wink:') Wink.
I have a brand new (second-hand but new for me) Qtek 9100 also know as HTC wizard. The rom is the Qtek version (latest I think).
I develop java applications for me (if one is interesting I will post it, promised!) and I would really like to build some tools for my wizard, especially one using bitmap images in relation with a GPS.
I found great tools on the Sun website with Netbeans, J2ME emulators, all integrated and working fine. I tried plenty of examples and now I discover that midlets can't access the filesystem through the MIDlet manager (Tao intent)!
That's a nightmare, everything was fine, I was ready to start developing. I tried to understand the specs (JSR 75 for files, JSR 82 for BT, ...) and I discover that I can't open a bitmap file (even PNG would satisfy me) on my storage card.
javascript:emoticon('') Sad
Can anyone help?
I also have tried to escape and go to odd VM.
I found great implementations but are they reliable enough? does someone use them?
My ranking is ...
1) EWE ( good installer, large doc, no Bluetooth but com port, graphic library. Is the speed correct?
2) Superwaba ( Bluetooth, good library but memory issues : Image objects limited to 64Kb. How could I process a photo of 1Mpixel? Also a strange look&feel
3) Mysaifu ( why not ? Seems comprehensive and light, but little documentation (at least in Latin characters).
I would prefer to go on with midlets.
Do I have a security issue (need a certificate?) ?
Does it exist another midlet manager implementing the JSR 75 option?
Thanks for your help
For those who would like to browse information on JVM, I've made a mistake :
EWE can be found at
Found a good summary of JVM's at
It seems that EWE is not that bad, I will try
I'd love to see some cool new midlets to run on these phones. Good luck getting things working, I'm no help though.

eVC4 with sp4 - How to begin?

OK, I have absolutely no programming experience beyond creating some batch files in DOS, way back in the day, and some even earlier experience trying to learn BASIC (on an ADAM computer, no less....).
I've dl'd eVC4 with sp4, opened it up, and begun reading the help files....
Unfortunately, this is about as foreign to me as trying to read a Mandarin Chinese primer written in Russian....
My initial goal is to gain an understanding of .CAB files, and write a few of my own.
Any suggestions on how to find a good starting point? I have a brain, but I also need a good reference point.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you just want to create cab files I'd recommend you use WinCE Cab Manager instead. It's much more easy to use, and provides way better understanding on how cab files work than eVC4
If you really just want to pack a few things then as nomad suggested you should get the Cab Manager.
Though there is not much to learn about cabs as they are made by cabwiz.exe (a file which comes with the Pocket PC SDK you also need for eVC).
It reads a inf file that lists files to include in installation, shortcuts, and registry setting. All of it is documented here.
If you want to get in to writing apps, you should first get a good book on C/C++ or on another programing language should you choose it.
Currently WM development supports C/C++, VB .NET, C# and JAVA (in somewhat awkward way)
Once you learn basics of the programing language you can move on to Win32 programing which is the base for both desktop and pocket PC OS.
It's a bit of a long way, but there isn't much choice if you want to really understand what you are doing / can do.
I started with an excellent book called "complete guide to C" (it was a translated version so name may vary, black cover big C on it) then moved on to a 1000+ page Visual C++ and MFC book from MS.
Is this link the latest eVC version available?
It looks like you install eVC then the latest SP for it which appears to be SP4
If you have Visual Studio 2005 and the WM5 sdk is there any reason to install eVC or is it included or obsoleted?
Not that I'm one to speak, I'm very much a learner, but I posted way back about some of my pains in learning to program in c++.

Application programming for HTP P3300 (ARTEMIS) and a few questions

As I'm new in this forum: Hi everybody!
I have been programming Windows CE-based devices for many years, but no experience yet with the HTC ARTEMIS (P3300). Therefore, I've a few questions and hope to get answers from this forum:
- I assume, it is possible to program visual-C++ based applications for the programme. SDK for Windows Mobile should be available at Microsoft. Is that correct?
All further questions are based on the assumption that visual-C++ (or embedded VC) is used for application development.
1. Is it possible to direclty receive incoming Short Messages (SMS) via the application? (Any keyword on how this works would also be welcome)
2. Is it possible to query the battery status from the device?
3. Can the GSM module easily be accessed and can Cell-IDs or carrier IDs be read from the device? (In particular, I want to identify the home country of the current mobile carrier) - If yes, how does it work?
4. Is it possible to restrict the appearance of the ARTEMIS. I.e., the user should only be able to access "my" application and mobile phone (voice) features. All other applications and system functions shall be hidden to the user.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
yeah the stk can be downloaded and accessed from visual studio
1. i would asume so even if it had to be don with a dll hook
2. yeah many 3th party applications can display it asume there is an api call to get it
3. yeah there is an api forget the name searching in this forum should give some hits
4. yeah but if they hardreset or reflash the device it would be more troublesome
Hi Rudegar,
thanks for your fast reply. That sounds good and I think, I'll be able to find the regarding API calls (anyway, if somebody could provide some keywords, it would be very welcome).
But I have never restricted the appearance of any Windows-CE based device (question #4). How can this be done? At the beginning, I assumed that this needs rebuilding of the operating system via a system builder, but that's obviously not the case. Can you give me some hints on how to do this?
Kind regards,
the api is called ril
depend on who you wanna develop really
1 option is making pure arm code (kinda skipping the ce) using gcc compiler for arm
2 option is the high lvl c# .net or c++ .net path but it's not that fast and dont have as much os access as pure win32 stk and even microMFC
3 option microMFC old ms class lib for c++ oop the granddad of .net you might say
4 pure win32 stk you handle the msg loop and everything more work but more power where many developrs who do today items and programs end up
if you can live with .net it's the easy path
if you want more then starting with microMFC and moving on to pure win32stk is prob the thing
java is not that well supported by wm imho
oooh yeah and you dont use platform builders and stuff like that
unless you are building roms from scratch and got access to all drivers for spc devices
you start a new project in embedded visual stuio or visual stuio 200X
and pick your path as in .net or the likes
and then you can debug using a simulator or directly on the device
it use activesync to get the exe there
otherwise you can normaly activesync the exe file to your device and run it directly
or copy it to a sd card and run it from there

New version V11 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)

New version V11 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS: This version includes a Windows Form Designer which greatly helps in creating your application's user interfaces. This designer is available in C# IDE Mobile via the menu "Tools/UserPlugin/ControlEditor" (and therefore works directly on the PPC). This greatly reduces the amount of written code for the application and allows getting a GUI very quickly (a few clicks)
This designer (free, like C# IDE Mobile) is developed by Jean and an introduction/presentation (although in French, but has some pictures to illustrate) is available here: Editor/Control Editor.htm
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- Included new Windows Forms Designer (yes, you can a Windows Form designer usable directly on the PPC) developed by Jean ( Editor/Control Editor.htm)
- Added support for compiled User Plugins (DLL instead of css)
- Added replacement File Dialog for smartphones on which the default .NET2CF FileDialog DLL is missing (this seems to be the case sometimes)
- Corrected issue with "Format document"
- Added support for user DLLs: You can now place your own CF DLLs (generated with Visual Studio for example) in the "UserDLLs" folder and call your functions within them (you can create your API for example in a native CF DLL and call these functions from your C# IDE Mobile code)
Just some infos....
In fact there's a translation on Jean's Web Site for the Form Designer and also I corrected a minor issue with the autatic code formatting (there was an ASSERT in there, but you just needed to say "ignore" to the debug dialog, so it doesn't really matter, the version is now V11b).
Great tool! Thanks.
Microsoft assemblies
This is certainly a very interesting tool and probably will keep me happily busy!! But I seem to have a problem that I cannot find relative info: I'm trying to access the camera through the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.CameraCaptureDialog class, but the type cannon be resolved. I have verified that the appropriate GAC dll exists in the Windows directory. I cannot find the class/assembly in the MS.NETCF index either.
Any hints?
Thank you!
ps. I'm on a kaiser with CF 3.5 and Schap's WM6.1 Beta Rom.
nicely done sir
Sorry, I've only just seen the post about Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.CameraCaptureDialog. As I post on a few forums I don't always see answers that come a long time after the posts, that's why I leave my email easily accessible on the web site... don't worry about emailing me, I'm not planning on building a "spam" database...
I'll look quickly, there's also a similar problem with DataGrid it seems. I think these are both the same problem and should be sorted out quite easily.

How To develop a Tool for PPC

in our company are a lot of Windows Mobile Devices in use. These should like our Client PC's listed in OCS Inventory.So, i'll try to develop a OCS Agent Client.
Functions needed:
-read out hardware Specs
-read out installed Software
-read out User Name
-send this Information over Port 80 to a Server
-nice to have: run as Service and auto send this information to the Server
Tools I've got:
-Visual Studio 2008
Skills I've got:
-writing c++ console apps
What I need:
-a Tip which programming-language I shoul use
-Some links where i can find the the functions in this language which I need
What I've done:
-search in
-search in MSDN(but I don't know which language i should use)
-wrote small (stupid) apps like an calculator for ppc in visual basic as little test
-I tried to do the same in visual c++ -> without any good product, i don't know how to make a gui for the functions.
I hope you can help me, espacially in the language thing.
some good reads about many of your questions
Thanks a lot!
I think I'll try to use Visual Basic.
One Question further: where I can find the Commands I need to read out the Information out of the Device.
VB was good for the first steps, but after reading in msdn i decided to use Visual c#(a can use c++ although but i think c# is better for this!?) instead.
So, registry Values i can read out. But all the other stuff....I don't know how to get this out. "You should use the API functions" i read every where, but that helps no step. I don't know which API and i don't know how to speak with it.
I hope you can give me some Tips or links.
thanks for your help so far *:-/
IMEI,Owner,Hardware(bluetooth,Phone,Wifi,Camera) is detected....
My Problem now is: CPU Speed
I didn't found a registry entry with the Speed in it, so i need another function. Some ideas?
Im using C#...
One more Question:
Where the "Settings->System->Deviceinformation->Hardware"-Window gets its Information from?
Hope someone will answer.

