Edge network on Wizard - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've got a MDA Vario on T-Mobile UK and while travelling between London and Leeds by train I checked my emails using my GPRS connection. I do that every week.
For the first time this morning, when initiating a GPRS connection the little G turned into E (for edge) as I was approaching Doncaster.
I could tell there was a network hand-over going on as my Wizard went back into G mode as signal strength deteriorated.
Has anybody experienced T-Mobile's Edghe network in the UK? I did not know they had a E network - Orange announced it a few days ago- but I never read or heard anything about E on T-Mobile.
And I can say this is the very first time in over 5 months that my Wizard went into E mode.


Obtaining sign to T-Mobile UK network

I have a MDA Compact running on T-Mobile UK network and have a problem whereby everyday I catch the underground train to work and when I come out of the station the MDA takes a very long time to get a signal to T-Mobile UK. I have been taking the same underground train for 5 years now and all my other T-Mobile phones got a signal as soon as I come out the station. With the T-Mobile MDA Compact it takes much much longer nearly 5 minsto get the signal why is this?
Can this be altered? I have changed my preferred networks just to T-Mobile UK but this does not make any difference.
After some experimenting I have noticed that If I put the MDA Compact into flight mode when I have no signal for example when I get the underground train to work as soon as I am in a area where I know I will get the T-Mobile signal I switch the flight mode off and the phone obtains the signal straight away.
If I don’t do this the MDA Compact takes a very long time to find the T-Mobile network and log back on.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
After some experimenting I have noticed that If I put the MDA Compact into flight mode when I have no signal for example when I get the underground train to work as soon as I am in a area where I know I will get the T-Mobile signal I switch the flight mode off and the phone obtains the signal straight away.
If I don’t do this the MDA Compact takes a very long time to find the T-Mobile network and log back on.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Hack to differentiate icon between GPRS and EDGE

Hi all.
I hacked the registry as suggested to get two different icons when under Edge coverage opposed to standard GPRS but my S200 always shows the G icon, never the E icon. Since at the moment I am sitting at about 2 miles from the Vodafone UK headquarters in Newbury I really doubt they haven't got Edge in their hometown, so something must be wrong with my phone or this hack is not working.
Is there anyone who has used this registry edit successfully? If so can you please specify if you are using Vodafone in the UK?
Do Vodafone support Edge?
Orange do but it only tends to be where they don't have 3G.
And yes I get G and E where appropriate.
Well since the Vodafone phone catalogue mentions when a phone supports Edge I assume that their GSM network has Edge capabilities.... It could be that they have not deployed it where there is 3G coverage but it seems strange that I have never been in a Edge area while driving around south England....
Here in the Netherlands is it Telfort that support EDGE and is the only one.
Vodafone support GPRS and UMTS here.
I've do the registry hack this morning and it works! I get the E at the place there was before a G.
I've tested my device it works on EDGE or GPRS:
My girlfriend has an Ipaq and a Samsun D500 with T-Mobile GPRS (supports only GPRS); mine is many quicker! A knowledge has a T-Mobile MDA Vario (with GPRS) and last week we have tested mine Qtek S200 and his MDA VARIO and mine was quicker!
I don't think Vodafone support EDGE anywhere in the continent. They support 3G (UMTS) only as far as I know.
I edited my registry to show an EDGE Icon, too...
And I almost forgot about it, because in germany no operator seems to support EDGE anywhere..
But I was in France just a week ago and there it showed that EDGE Icon instead of the G...
But I didn't test Edge, because I had a feeling that it would be to expensive..
I wouln'd worry... EDGE seems to be a technology that won't come up very far... 3G will overrun it, I think.
i thought only orange support EDGE? Anyway, the ONLY time i have ever had the "e" icon appear is on about a 2 mile length of track on the train back and forth to work in london. i live in west kent? i did a speed test and got about 60kbit/sec as apposed to the usual 38(ish)kbit/sec

3g Tmobile UK Connection Issues

I(m currently switching between GSM and 3g - however i gprs seems to work fine for browsing however 3g does not seem to be working for browsing but ok for calls!! Im in the birmingham area where 3g coverage is normally superb - is anyone experiencing similar problems or know a possible way to resolve? I soft reset doesnt resolve the issue!
I am in T-Mobile UK and have no problems so sorry cannot offer advice - is surfing with GPRS OK? I have found T-Mobile customer support very good - give them a try. Their tech support people seem to know what they are talking about which is nice too - much different to O2. Good luck
PS - if not tried then take a look at the excellent plug-in by Daniel Herrero here. I doubt it will fix this problem but it saves lots of battery power and is very configurable.
I have exactly the same problem. 3g is really slow for surfing and GPRS is so much faster. In fact a lot of the the time on 3g I just get error messages saying the page is not available etc but if I then switch to GSM it loads in a second.
I have found something weird though: If I switch the phone off or go in to comm manager and switch the line connection off then try to surf or download on 3g it will not work.
If however, I switch the phone or the connection on then switch to gsm, and then to UMTS/3g it will surf on 3g.
For this I use Daniel Herrero's excellent program to fast switch.
but even this method sometimes doesn't work.
What I've resorted to is surfing on GPRS and when I need to download something, quickly switch (using Dan's Program) to 3g.
Am I right in thinking the no 3g connection after being switched on is a known issue with the Hermes?
Im in Birmingham on t-mobile and for the past two ...three days i to have had trouble connecting to the web or msn...very slow or no connection
cheers for the info guys - im thinking that maybe its a 3g network error in the area - anybody who isnt experiencing problems in the birmingham area with 3g Data?
still no data 3g in the birmingham area....or is it my handset??? Gav1n how is your data 3g performing?
Im in manchester and i seem to have the same problem with 3g being much slower for browsing than the standard gprs
I'm getting the same issues in East surrey
phoned customer services they said they had no reported errors with the 3g network! they said try the sim swap with another tmobile sim to see if its the handset or network!
hi im still the same no 3G ....in brum (quinton) when i change the band to gsm every is thing is ok....its the same on my wifes phone ...so deff a t-moible thing...
3G connection issues on TMobile-Vario2
Dear all,
Appears the south-east also has the same type of connection issues. Everything appeared well until about 7-10 days back.
I e-mailed T-Mobile support and they advised that there were some network issues which could have impacted the service. I did notice that their on-line account services had also been upgraded around the same time period - maybe a coincidence - but every since then the phone doesn't seem to surf properly on the 3G service. AND, battery life goes down dramatically - I only now manage to get about a day's use out of the damn phone!
I've got a replacement battery from T-Mobile - but same thing happens. I think it's all inter-related!
So what's the solution anyone? 'cos I am getting rather hacked off with it all!
I'm getting hacked off with really bad now.
My grps is faster than 3g. Period. Regardless of reception. Anyone got a solution???
try disabling hsdpa with hermes tweaker and reboot your phone.make sure you are not connected to gprs while disabling it. it has solved my problems.
3G connection issues on TMobile-Vario2
Same here in the Canary Wharf area for the last 7-10 days. First I blamed my radio rom - I have upgraded to when the problem started. But then I have also tried 1.27 and few older ones - all the same problem. Fast grps, but no 3G. The battery also dies quite fast on 3g, so I have now switched to GSM only. :-(
Don't know if any of you have done this already but I was having the 3G problems for a couple of weeks and battery was draining quickly, I phoned up T-Mobile and asked them if HSPDA was turned on on my account which it wasn't, since they turned it on the problems have disappeared and my connection speed is now at least 750 kbs.
3G issues
i have had my t-mobile for over a week now, but in the shop they said there was no 3G in edgbaston, birmingham but when i got it home i connected quite easily
3g dns failures
I have had a t-mobile vario 2 for the last 5 months. when I first got the phone I was excited to get the hsdpa activated and quickly phoned up tmobile and got through to a tech guy who activated it. I didnt really notice much speed improvement and tmobile only shows the 3g and not the h for hsdpa, but I was pretty happy with my speeds of around 70kbit/sec (tested through http://text.dslreports.com/myspeed?jisok=1). I downloaded fieldtest_157 which showed that I was connected to hsdpa but the values showed through hsdpa cqi status were very low.
About 1 month ago I was suddenly unable to go online whenever my phone went into 3g mode, my phone would show it connected but wouldn’t find any addresses. I was only able to when it switched to gsm. I phoned tmobile to get the problem fixed. they said it was a known issue with the phone and made me permenantly switch my phone to the gsm network. I was basically told that my phone does not support 3g and hangs on switching from gsm to 3g for no apparent reason and that they were working on the problem. they must have done something on their side because when I switched to phone back on to auto network switching, I got gsm and 3g connectivity and downloads but not hsdpa (checked with fieldtest_157)
next day because I was unhappy with the download speed I phoned tmobile and asked for hsdpa reactivation. the first level who answered made me hang on and reactivated hsdpa. same problem cant download except on gsm switch. rephoned tmobile and got through to another 2nd level tech guy and explained all my connection problems.he said that my phone had never been hsdpa connected and connected it for me. what do you know Im suddenly getting 950kbit/sec speeds and hsdpa cqi status shows all high teens or 20's. for some reason my battery is lasting allot longer and 5 months after getting the phone Im happy. moral of the story is to download fieldtest_157 from:
and check hsdpa status because either lots of bull is being told to tmobile customers or there are some pretty stupid people working there.
I was getting lots of dns failures (except in gsm) and getting really fraustrated. I was going to ask for deactivation of hsdpa. Luckily the technician I spoke to (about the tenth person in 3 days) that eventually got me connected, new his stuff. He tried to trick me into admitting that I was using my phone as a modem for my computer and only connected me after I denied it. after he changed something on his side, he made me pull out my battery and do a soft reset. Everythings now how I expected when I bought the phone. It might sound like conspiracy theory but I got the feeling that he only connected me when it sounded like I knew slightly more than the average Joe. My hsdpa connection has been faultless ever since. Getting consistently high speeds even with 1 bar. On 3g!!
I had low fieldtest numbers before my proper activation. now all much higher teens or twentys
keep phoning tmobile until the problem is fixed!! and speak to someone who doesnt have to read a set of respone instructions and has some real knowledge.
Hope this helps
Cheers craig
No 3G in Glasgow. Was fine until 7-10 days ago. Phoned T-Mobile and the guy said they knew of problems. Asked for HSDPA to be activated, he claimed to have done this but no difference. Another post implies that they might not actually enable HSDPA first time of asking.
I bought the phone for 3G. It clearly has nothing to do with the handset since it worked fine for 3 months. Can I make a claim against T-Mobile?
i activated HSDPA and this resolved the issue for me!

Vodafone signal loss/Edge

Hi all last couple of days getting signal loss on my hd2 on vodafone uk, is it a problem with vodafone as since i got the phone last thursday i have had full signal just about everywhere i go and full hsdpa everywhere i used to get on my old phone xperia x1, also last few days after the breif signal loss it goes to gprs for a sec and then onto edge mode with an e in task bar ?, if i reset it goes back to h for a while then loss of signal g and then e. About 1 hour ago i updated my connection settings database with the latest setting and reaplied the vodafone settings now back to full h and signal, i'll keep an eye on it. Anybody had similar probs and if so how did you resolve it.

O2 HD2 upgraded 1.43 to 1.73 now V.Poor signals

At last UK O2 network pulled their collective act together and got a much needed updated ROM out for UK O2 HD2 customers. I installed it two days ago after getting it from the HTC website.
I can now say categorically that this new ROM has resulted in me receiving a significantly worse data & phone service. For the past 6 months I got an HSDPA signal whilst at home only on occasions would this drop to slower 3G strength and never to GPRS. Voice calls were pretty reliable whatever the data signal was doing.
Now I've had several missed calls - some gone through to voice mail even though the phone's showing full GPRS voice signal and my data signal has dropped off the planet - I can only get a GPRS signals now most of the time with occasional blips of 3G and HSDPA! I feel like i've gone back in time!
Has anyone else experience any O2 HD2 official ROM upgrade data signal issues? I want to re-flash back to the old 1.43 at this rate - I haven't noticed any significant differences between the two, they didn't even bother to fix the SMS bugs!
I think there's something wrong with o2 network in last few days (a week perhaps?).
I haven't changed my rom recently, but I got weird loss of services (voice and data) while the signal was pretty good. I wouldn't even realise this, but when I've tried to make a call last week (thursday or friday) I was not connected. my friend who was standing next to me dialed my number and was diverted to voicemail. wth? switching band to gsm have helped, but I had the same issue today- good signal, no voice (both ways) and data. hspa, Bedfordshire area if it's any help....
I had poor reception from o2 over the weekend... 3g was awful
Iam sim free with o2 sim back to stock rom 1.43WWE
bronx said:
I think there's something wrong with o2 network in last few days (a week perhaps?).
I haven't changed my rom recently, but I got weird loss of services (voice and data) while the signal was pretty good. I wouldn't even realise this, but when I've tried to make a call last week (thursday or friday) I was not connected. my friend who was standing next to me dialed my number and was diverted to voicemail. wth? switching band to gsm have helped, but I had the same issue today- good signal, no voice (both ways) and data. hspa, Bedfordshire area if it's any help....
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Click to collapse
That's interesting. I'm near Kingston, SW London - I stuck it on GSM only half an hour ago and received calls again no problem. Weird. When I put it back on Auto the phone can't hold on to an HSDPA signal for any length of time before bouncing around to 3G back to HSDPA then back to 3G then eventually on to 2G...where it stays.
Something's gone a bit wacky
My HD2 is one of the original ROM locked HD2's from O2, however I use it with T-mobile.
After installing the latest ROM from O2, no problems with signal.
It would seem its an O2 tower problem, not ROM related.

