Enable/Disable WLAN programatically ??? - Networking

Can anyone help me with this information that how can I Turn ON/OFF Wireless LAN programatically? (I want to implement this capability to an application i'm developing) based on my BA device (running WM5 patched rom).
I usually do it from from a GUI based application named WLAN_MAN. (control pannel applet) but how can I write an application like that for my purpose.
Is there any Service required to start ? or any run time registry modification is nedded ? or anything else to On/OFF WLan on a BA device running WM5 .
Mamich/ Buzz / Vijay and all other Geeks ! please help me



Can anyone help me with this information that how can I Turn ON/OFF Wireless LAN programatically? (I want to implement this capability to an application i'm developing) based on my BA device (running WM5 patched rom).
I usually do it from from a GUI based application named WLAN_MAN. (control pannel applet) but how can I write an application like that for my purpose.
Is there any Service required to start ? or any run time registry modification is nedded ? or anything else to On/OFF WLan on a BA device running WM5 .

Control Radio Devices [Bluetooth, Phone, WiFi] Programatically

Hi all,
It is possible to have a multi-platform solution for controlling the Radio Devices Hardware.
For this we can use some exports in the ossvcs.dll file.
I have prepared an article descriebing this procedure, and a c++ sample.
The link is:
Very interesting. Any progress?
Navigating to Bluetooth settings on a HTC HD2 with WM6.5 programatically
Just to expand on this, does any body know how to directly navigate to the Bluetooth settings on a HTC HD2 WM6.5 device programmatically. I have tried the following, but it does not seem to work:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"\Windows\ctlpnl.exe", "cplmain.cpl,23");
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"\Windows\ctlpnl.exe", "cplmain.cpl,23,0");
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"\Windows\ctlpnl.exe", "cplmain.cpl,23,1");
I have tried other combinations to access, say the GPS settings and it does work. So what am I doing wrong?
Any help would be most appeciated.

HOWTO: programmatically determine BT device type

hi all,
When I use comm manager in my PDA to scan for bluetooth devices it can detect the BT device type and shows different icons for PDAs, phones or workstations.
I want to implement this capability in my BT program, anyone knows how to do this or have some tips or links or anything useful????? I use eVC++ 4.0, 2003se sdk.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks alot
look for WSALookupServiceBegin
tons of lines of code

Internet sharing on WM5 with Wifi and proxy

I have wm5 with an old rom ... no ICS
After reading a lot
I thought that I try http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=453&more=1 and
HTTPSnoopProxy.class file, copy it to, say, the root of your "access point" Pocket PC and get a decent Java Virtual Machine (I recommend CrEme 4.00 because of its superior speed, reliability and moderate memory consumption).
Install CrEme on the device that you would like to act as the Bluetooth Access Point. Then, on the same PDA, write a link file that invokes CrEme on HTTPSnoopProxy.class.
The link file will be, assuming you install CrEme in the main memory, as follows:
255#"\Windows\creme\bin\CrEme.exe" -Ob -classpath \ HTTPSnoopProxy 8080
To make your life easier, I've uploaded an example file here – you only need to put it in, say, \Windows\Start Menu\Programs so that it's easily accessible. It, again, assumes that CrEme 4.00 is installed into main memory and HTTPSnoopProxy.class is copied to the root directory of your PDA. If not, you must modify either the path to CrEme.exe or the parameter of -classpath.
Then, just set up a Bluetooth PAN network and find out the IP address of the "server" (the "Access point") PDA
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But I have a MS BT stack not sure if this Widcomm version is trouble free
using the HTC_PCM_Routing dll and is now using a custom dll. By using a custom dll I have complete control over the processing and can pass the multiple IO control calls need to get the audio routed. You may notice a funny icon in the phone app while audio is routed, I think this is tty mode (not sure), but, it works to do what I needed. Also, I have not messed with Voice Command activation yet, but, I do think that should be possible. I have not hard-reset tested this cab so please let me know if there are any issues. I also moved serial5 to serial9, so you may have to manually delete the serial 5 driver keys. After installing the cab if it does not work correctly, make sure the widcomm/plugins/handsfree/audiosetupdll says SD_PCM_ROUTING.dll
I'll also attach that dll separately for those who just want to replace the key and dll.
One note, the audio routing is full time, once activated all audio all the time will be routed.
Edit: State management has been corrected, updated to v.03.
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I found The fluxist WiFi Hack -
These instructions will allow you to connect to the Internet connection on your Hermes via WiFi. Essentially, you will be turning your Hermes into a WiFi access point.
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So I wondered if The fluxist WiFi Hack could work with the proxy not sure how best to proceed.
Is it better to run the proxy and install the widcomm stack
or try to adapt the fluxist WiFi Hack to work with the proxy
or just to give up and wait until I falsh wm6 (i'd rather not go this way)
Can anyone provide a step by step on getting this to work?
starfish_001 said:
I have wm5 with an old rom ... no ICS
After reading a lot
I thought that I try http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=453&more=1 and
But I have a MS BT stack not sure if this Widcomm version is trouble free
I found The fluxist WiFi Hack -
So I wondered if The fluxist WiFi Hack could work with the proxy not sure how best to proceed.
Is it better to run the proxy and install the widcomm stack
or try to adapt the fluxist WiFi Hack to work with the proxy
or just to give up and wait until I falsh wm6 (i'd rather not go this way)
Can anyone provide a step by step on getting this to work?
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First, do you want to share your Wi-Fi or GPRS connection? It's only in the former case that you'd need the first (Java) app; with the latter case, go for the "hacked" one.
Thanks - i like to share my 3G/Gprs with my laptop ideally.
I'm guessing that I still need the proxy as I have a rom without ICS built in
WIFI to Bluetooth
First of all please don't mind my simple English.
I want to know if it's possible to do something similar.
My Device(HTC Wizard WM6) is connected to Wifi accespoint or using Desktop internet from USB.
can I share this connection over Bluetooth?
so my other mobile can use Wizards internet.
Internet from as desktop --> HTC Wizard --> BT on other mobile.
Wifi Accesspoint --> HTC Wizard --> BT on other mobile.

Automatic WiFi on startup (Hermes 200)?

I'm new here (so please don't shoot me, i'm quite a rookie) and I've been doing a lot of search-work, unfortunately without result yet.
I'm trying to modify the registry for automatic WiFi "on" when the Hermes 200
is starting up after a power down.
Is there any possibility by modifying the registry or do I have to go deeper (dll, ROM etc?). I allready tried changing some settings in the registry without any result.
Some information:
PPC: HTC TyTn (Hermes 200)
OS: WM 5.0
I would be very gratefull if anyone can point me in the right direction!
i'd like to know this as well, would b prtty nice to have.
use this: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis and put a shortcut with wifion option in \windows\startup.
This works!
Notice that you'll have to edit your command line like this:
\vjvolubilis.exe" -wifion
Many thanks, this was what I'm looking for!
Well, now we have succeeded in turning on Wifi the next issue to overcome is: Automatic connection to a preffered Wifi Access point. But how?
I suggest the tiny program vijay555 wrote does dynamicly change some registry settings (binary strings) to invoke the desired actions. Or do I think too easy?
Would it be possible to auto-connect to a preffered AP?

