Ok, I have an obsession to get a VGA resolution web browser right now on my MDA PRO. The only thing I came up is using an MS developer tool called res2exe and using with existing Internet explorer or Opera. I have seen a post where the user has I guess recompiled the opera broweser with res2exe, however to do this you need Visual studio.net and the Windows mobile SDK.
would anyone be able to give me a hand on how to do this in plain english? Alternatively would anyone be able to post the recompiled exe ?
I dont think I can rest until I get a VGA browser !
Cmon guys this must be on the top of everyones list?
p.s the best thing MDA owners can do is flash with the IMATE ROM, the T Mobile ROM is the biggest pile of cack and the UI customisation is awful.
jackson_112 said:
I dont think I can rest until I get a VGA browser !
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I hope so... I'm dying to get one working myself. They just recently released a new version of Minimo and it has full VGA support, but it's painfully slow on my Jasjar... looks beautiful, though.
I spent some time trying to get Pocket IE to run in VGA mode, but the problem is that it technically *does* run in VGA mode... the fonts and larger graphics are displayed in VGA. For some completely stupid reason though, it quadruples the size of smaller graphics... this prevents web sites from displaying properly and keeps us from getting as much as we want on the screen at once.
The Opera for smartphones that some people have gotten working doesn't interest me at all because it doesn't support the touchscreen. I'd rather browse in non-vga mode than loose the touchscreen.
Right now, most of the time I just deal with Pocket IE as is. If I need to do a lot of browsing I'll use the registry hack to enable VGA mode on my Jasjar and use Pocket IE that way... which does support VGA mode the way it should. Unfortunately it requires a soft reset to get into VGA mode and a soft reset to get out of it, plus there are problems with a lot of other programs when the device is in VGA mode, so it's not a pretty solution.
jackson_112 said:
I dont think I can rest until I get a VGA browser !
Cmon guys this must be on the top of everyones list?
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Couldn't agree more - I was stunned when browsing didn't feel any better than my XDA, and it took a bit of time to understand what was going on. I really don't understand why Opera is not doing an WM5 version. I've got my money ready to pay the SECOND someone comes up with a VGA browser for us.
which vga hack?
Brett, I agree with your comments. Can someone point me in the right direction of the jasjar VGA hack ? these seems to be a number of them.
I am sure this has been covered, but the annoying size of the friggin soft buttons bar/menu bar at the bottom of the screen is such a waste of our new found screen real estate. the bar could be smaller. or at least should be able to hide. ......this is not a fair comprmise between screen estate and menu navigation.
Re: which vga hack?
jackson_112 said:
Can someone point me in the right direction of the jasjar VGA hack ? these seems to be a number of them.
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Any of the ones for WM2003 (SEVGA, OZVGA, or simply editing the registry) work to get the Jasjar into VGA mode. The problem is that as of right now, no one has figured how to get WM5 to display icons correctly in VGA mode. You lose all of the symbols at the top of the screen that show signal strength and connection status and such, and the icons displayed on the today screen and in Programs don't actually apply to the programs that they're associated with. Some programs (such as contacts and calculator) simply refuse to run in VGA mode, so it's not something that works as a full time solution. However, Pocket IE does run in VGA mode, and when it's in VGA mode it doesn't do any of the horrible image stretching that it does in 'normal' mode. That's why I go back and forth ocassionally. There's another thread here that was started by Rilot that talks about this a bit more.
I am sure this has been covered, but the annoying size of the friggin soft buttons bar/menu bar at the bottom of the screen is such a waste of our new found screen real estate. the bar could be smaller. or at least should be able to hide. ......this is not a fair comprmise between screen estate and menu navigation.
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I would love anyone who could figure out how to shrink those buttons... that's something that's also been bothering me.
WisbarAdvanceDesktop kills the buttons.
Thanks for the Rilot link - I'll track it down now. I tried ozVGA and my screen wouldn't respond to any taps.
craigiecraigie4 said:
WisbarAdvanceDesktop kills the buttons.
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Does is provide some other way to access those functions? The messaging app, for example, needs those buttons... I was hoping for something that could just shrink them
Thanks for the Rilot link - I'll track it down now.
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If you haven't found it yet, here's the link...
I tried ozVGA and my screen wouldn't respond to any taps.
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I've used ozVGA on my Jasjar and had no problems with screen taps... there may have been something else going on with your machine.
And there was me content with going into the IE menu and setting text to smallest
This is as far as its got so far
ftp://ftp.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Universal/VGA so far.zip
Note to have your own windows boot screen replace with your own welcomehead.96.png
You use at own risk, nothing to do with me, but ive not had any troubles so far. This will create a security hole in your WM5 windows system.
thanks for the efforts carnivor, but i dont think the ftp is working, or basically i cant access it. tried the browser and an ftp client. cannot connect to the server, it times out.
access the ftp through there
Would love to give it a go, but just not quite brave enough - anyone post any screengrabs of some popular screens to see?
Thanks a bunch for creating the zip file, Carnivor. Makes things nice and easy
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
rilot said:
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
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Those files were set with Read Only and System attributes and Activesync refused to copy those files to my Jasjar until I removed those attributes. After that they copied fine.
Thanks for the files
wicked, just popping them onto me JJ now, i was going to ask if someone could post them from another phone, the site was down, it was horrible i was awfully lost without it
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
joebongo said:
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
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Allow MSN Messenger to work when in real VGA mode. Without them the app just hangs or fails to start up.
Ok, those dll's are purrrfect!!!!!
ive attached the latest vga stuff time date stamped
its got the msnm dl''s alldone in it.
also i dont really think the phone skin is going to be a major problem, i see on buzz's site they're skinning the phone app, i used a couple of the tweaks to change my qvga dialler background, so maybe the rest aint as hard as first thought. I say that in the tense that buzz prob speant hours of brain cells working it all out.
Ohh rilot, you are a deamon, msn this res is wicked!!! 22 contacts in landscape mode, godda be some kind of a record, i mean its actually useful now, better than the usual 2 is it? hehe
Can anyone post some screengrabs?
I'll try to get some screenshots up tonight.
here ya go, was before i started playing with the ozvga settings tho, looks better now
Carnivor, looks lovely: get the feeling that guy in the first pic just felt his trouser pocket distend and rip with the jasjar. Man, I'm afriad to pocket it and get a hernia. But it has such a nice solid feel to it, like a mini tombstone. They should advertise that as a feature! Engraved...
I've also noticed that I can feel the electric charge buzz when using it and holding the metalic top. I'd be careful of using it in the bath!
Carnivor: how do you find wisbar's skinning? Does it impact on speed? It's quite cool.
wisbar is good, the .12 is alot better, but you do still notice the improvement when you close it.
buzz, i was refering to buzz_lightyear, a guru on things wm based
Ok I'm a nOOb here, can someone tell me what to do with the .CAB file in the archive ?
Carnivor, this is just awesome! Working well with WA2 AND WAD! Quite surprised was I!
Some issues I am having that u may already know how to solve, in which case I'd appreciate ur input:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
- Some dialog boxes only show half the text b4 the yes/no buttons overwrite the bottom part. Any ideas?
- PIN pad is all overlapped; not a big deal
- BUT, phone pad is a bit of an issue; too small and I have to turn off quickdial. Any ideas on this?
- My SIP keyboard loses its skin. Can the skins on buzz's board be applied somehow?
- Calculator keys too small; do u know of a working calc app cos I truly need a calculator available at all times
- My oh-so-pretty WA2 and WAD hi-res themes need to take a trip back to low-res world else the buttons are too big! Darn!
I'm gonna try sticking to this mode. Hell, all the apps I've got working well on WM5/VGA work just as well under this mode, so why go back? and PIE is OH SO PRETTTTTTYYYY!!!!
PS: What do u use for screen shots on WM5? Would like to post a few of mine.
craigiecraigie4 said:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
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hmmm.... that's what i'm thinking - for the Today screen anyway. i wanna be able to read the stuff here with a glance, and the teeny fonts make that difficult. is there anything we can do about this?
Here is mine:
This was taken in July but it works so well nothing has changed :lol:
I think I know the answer to this question, but what is that program with caller picture thumbnails you have?
Hey that looks so cool, what software do you use to get you desktop looking like that?
Nothin' Fancy
Kinda boring but it works for me
The first screen is for work, the second for play.
I usually switch both sims and desktops.
Note to self: I need to get a dual sim adaptor :lol:
New to making themes and struggling with VGA themes but this is my current screen. If anyone is better at this and cares to help me sort this out I'd be extreamly grateful!!!
My old Universal. Haven't dusted her off for quite a while.
That still has to be the coolest screen I've seen!!!
How is vjsihaya coming along?
vijay555 said:
My old Universal.
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how do you make this great screen ???
That is SUPER !!!
I was just looking at the screenshot - January 2006! Sheesh. I haven't programmed anything specific for VJSihaya since then - reason being, when I had the idea way back when, I knew what I wanted it to do, but knew what I had to go away and learn LOTS of new stuff.
I've been tinkering with different ideas, bits and bobs, so that I can eventually throw them together to make it as complete as I want it to be.
Like I've said elsewhere, stuff like VJVolubilis is just R&D, that I've released stand alone, but I like the idea of VJSihaya. However, HTC really need to get more VGA screens out. I'm thinking of going to TyTN, and at QVGA VJSihaya isn't as beautiful
Sorry for stupid question, but how do you change your screen to make it look like DavidT's?
Siby said:
Sorry for stupid question, but how do you change your screen to make it look like DavidT's?
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I think that is WisBar Advance he is using. It is not free though.
Yep thats Wisbar Advance I'm using along with a windows vista theme. The picture dialer is the one ripped off from the Treo 700W and was designed for QVGA and square screens thats why it looks so small on the Universal's VGA screen but it still works great
A couple of questions:
Does it not totally destroy your eyes trying to read the text on true VGA mode?
I used WisBar Advance once when I had my alpine - it made it so there was no ring when an incoming call happened, are there any problems with using it on a phone now? If not, do you know why not? Is it the new device or a newer version of the WisBar software?
Thanks guys, I'm off to investigate Wizbar Advance!
Anjow - to answer your question.
Yes the text is small in VGA mode - in Word set your font size to 7 point font size (perhaps 6 - hard to tell) and you'll get an idea of how big the text is.
I find it perfectly readable and LOVE the extra space it gives me, browsing the internet actually becomes worthwhile as well!
VJBigPhone makes the phone work properly on VGA (Thanks again!!!) - my only problem is that Solitaire still thinks it's using 320x240 and is too small!!!
It depends upon personal preference and what you intend to use the device for.
gquipster said:
in Word set your font size to 7 point font size (perhaps 6 - hard to tell) and you'll get an idea of how big the text is.
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Do you mean on my PC or my device? If on my device it seems I can't go lower than 8?
Sorry I meant on your PC
Hmm, perhaps tolerable then. I'm surprised because when I'm using pocket opera some of the text is really tiny already? Perhaps that's a feature of opera though.
DavidT. said:
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What plugin are u using for the memory used and battery life status on your today screen?
That wud be a great help since, i am looking for a similar but light weight plugin. Pocket plus has it but i find it heavy and thus don't use it anymore.
An OEM version of the new HTC album (extracted from the Touch dual) has been published on the thread below (post #3).
By the sounds of it they haven't got it working, but there is certainly some interest.
that's good, but it doesn't work.
Yeah, it didn't work for me, either, on my TyTN II. But I'd love to have it. It's the only thing I feel is missing from my device (the built-in one is kludgey to use).
They have got it to work, but only in a cooked rom. I hope someone can build this into a cab!!!
what is this for? any screenshots?
I saw a .cab for this one around some forums working for the wizard. does it work for the prophet? is it the same you have gollum?
Working fine for me on my Touch.
Seed123 said:
Working fine for me on my Touch.
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You're the best!! I installed the mui 0419 version on my Mogul, and it works fine. Nice App.
Is the other version a different language?
steb0ne said:
You're the best!! I installed the mui 0419 version on my Mogul, and it works fine. Nice App.
Is the other version a different language?
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doesnt work on my (beloved) wizard
it cant start up, i just click on the exe file after the instalation then there is the waiting cursor for like 3 seconds and after that...well nothing
Both versions work on my TyTN II... kinda.
The flick-advance and finger-rotate work most of the time, but the program refuses to do the circle-zoom, putting up a little "No zoom!" icon (for a picture that's not zoomed in to 100%).
Sometimes the program gets stuck in a mode where trying to move the picture just makes it bounce off the edges of the screen. And a little box, much like the zoom rectangle in the native Pictures & Videos application, only empty, appears in the corner. At this point, it's difficult to know what to do with the program, since it's taken over the screen.
So it's neat, but as something I'd start in order to show people my pictures, I give it a miss. There's nothing worse than showing people your flash gear only to end up fighting with it and apologising instead.
Seems to work fine. But when I enter the settings dialog, I can't seem to do anything there. But who cares? I don't need any settings. Circle zooming and rotating works for me. Nice piece of software.
juvs made a cab, and it works fine
Anyone getting an orientation problem? mine seems to start up in landscape mode?
antnee said:
Anyone getting an orientation problem? mine seems to start up in landscape mode?
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It's supposed to start in landscape mode (I think), same way as the camera view.
hamishmacdonald said:
Both versions work on my TyTN II... kinda.
The flick-advance and finger-rotate work most of the time, but the program refuses to do the circle-zoom, putting up a little "No zoom!" icon (for a picture that's not zoomed in to 100%).
Sometimes the program gets stuck in a mode where trying to move the picture just makes it bounce off the edges of the screen. And a little box, much like the zoom rectangle in the native Pictures & Videos application, only empty, appears in the corner. At this point, it's difficult to know what to do with the program, since it's taken over the screen.
So it's neat, but as something I'd start in order to show people my pictures, I give it a miss. There's nothing worse than showing people your flash gear only to end up fighting with it and apologising instead.
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Everything you have described above is 100% intended behavior for this app.
Circle Zoom: Try going in the opposite direction you tried. Amazing. (Clockwise : zoom in. Counter-Clockwise: zoom out.)
Little Box Top Left: This mode is entered by hold your finger down in the app for around 1 second. At this point you can pan the picture by dragging. You have to stop touching the screen until the little white box goes away to get back to the mode where you can flick-scroll. This mode is really only useful when you're zoomed in; the little white box gives you a reference to which part of the picture you are currently zoomed in to.
This app works great.
Right, and half circle left rotates it one way and half circle right rotates it the other, works great on my mogul, HTC Album for the win!
tomazez said:
doesnt work on my (beloved) wizard
it cant start up, i just click on the exe file after the instalation then there is the waiting cursor for like 3 seconds and after that...well nothing
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same here.... doesn't work for my prophet (mysterious). besides, it also seriously slowed my system [email protected][email protected]"
I am also having problems with Juv's version (posted earlier in this thread) on my Touch. Starts landscape, cant see menu and controls bounce between pictures.
There is another cabed version 3 posts down that works alot better for me. You might try it if you are having issues with the first Juv version!!
paranoid2007 said:
Seems to work fine. But when I enter the settings dialog, I can't seem to do anything there. But who cares? I don't need any settings. Circle zooming and rotating works for me. Nice piece of software.
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Look for files that have 04 in the name on your mobile device. Read the other 2 digit 04xx. Copy HTCAlbum.exe.0409.mui in \Windows dir on the mobile device into a new files called HTCAlbum.exe.04xx.mui. Now u can see menu in english.
Thanks to Itje 4 explanation of country code in MUI.
Work like a charm with just one minor bug on my Kaiser; when the keyboard is slid out the picture is up-side-down. But that's like that with many apps that were ported from other roms. Hell, even for some of the applications with the stock rom.
Still I like it, make my TyTN II a litte better again.
Might seem a silly question, (Forgive me if it is!!) but how do older WM apps work with the non-standard screen size of the X1? Will I find standard QVGA and VGA applications that will just fail to work?
If they do work... does it scale the displays in most cases to full screen, or leave "bars" top and bottom of screens?
This will help my decision on X1 or Touch Pro!
marcopolo007uk said:
Might seem a silly question, (Forgive me if it is!!) but how do older WM apps work with the non-standard screen size of the X1? Will I find standard QVGA and VGA applications that will just fail to work?
If they do work... does it scale the displays in most cases to full screen, or leave "bars" top and bottom of screens?
This will help my decision on X1 or Touch Pro!
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i really want to know this too.
This is really difficult to answer. Every app that i ran on my touch pro works on my xperia with the exception of emulators but there is a fix for that. I haven't run into any problems software wise.
Some will and some won't... I know it's not a definitive answer, but finding any software that works first time is pot luck to be honset.
There are so many different versions of each piece of software that it's sometimes difficult to track down a version that works.
Most apps that don't run full screen work fine, like file explorers etc. Full screen apps don't always fare so well. Games and emulators usually work ok if they're made for a VGA screen, the ones that are updated frequently should be ok as the developers have already added functionality for higher resolution screens.
I've got the ScummVM emulator to work, and in landscape it leaves a chunk at the right hand side of the screen that still shows WM icons/whatever application you have running in the background.
There's a fix to blank out the bottom part so that it's black all the time, but even this leaves me with a couple of lines visible at the right hand side of the screen.
Oh wait i never got iGo8 to work on my device but i didn't really try that hard. Forgot about that one.
Bxsteez said:
Oh wait i never got iGo8 to work on my device but i didn't really try that hard. Forgot about that one.
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No issue w/ Igo8 on my side. Check my signature as I did some test and review on X1. So far, I don't have any real issue yet w/ lots of software I tested.
In case you, like me, love the classic games such as the Monkey Island series, Broken Sword 1 & 2, and more... then you are also probably aware of ScummVM and how it allows us to play these games on our computers today as well as handhelds.
Though ScummVM does not support the wvga resolution yet, i posted the info on how to get it to run properly (with the ability to use the keyboard - finally) over at my blog: http://xperiancer.blogspot.com/2008/12/scummvm-on-xperia.html
Best Regards.
Salman Khalid.
I tried it and it has potential, however, running it in 640x400 just plain sucks.
Running it fullscreen at 786x480 with 3x Interpolation would be a great gaming experience.
But dont mind me, I just hate black borders, especially when its totally unnecessarilly. (ofcourse i know wvga wasnt usual "back then")
SomeoneSimple said:
I tried it and it has potential, however, running it in 640x400 just plain sucks.
Running it fullscreen at 786x480 with 3x Interpolation would be a great gaming experience.
But dont mind me, I just hate black borders, especially when its totally unnecessarilly. (ofcourse i know wvga wasnt usual "back then")
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I know exactly what you mean... i don't like the black area either. And if it hadn't been the damn addictive games playable on this, i wouldn't be using the software at all.
Here's to hoping that ScummVM guys can get us a WVGA version soon.
msalmank said:
I know exactly what you mean... i don't like the black area either. And if it hadn't been the damn addictive games playable on this, i wouldn't be using the software at all.
Here's to hoping that ScummVM guys can get us a WVGA version soon.
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Stretched games don't look so good on widescreen displays, I think we need to stuck with 640x480 on these screens. Maybe the software keyboard could take up the place on the left or right side, so the black area disappears
Does the newest version support the X1's hardware keyboard?
Like i said... once you make the app open to the side of they keyboard.. you can use the keyboard in any game possible. Even if the game uses no keys at all, i have set all shortcut keys on the keyboard (like pausing, saving, quitting, skipping, right-clicking, etc.)
msalmank said:
Like i said... once you make the app open to the side of they keyboard.. you can use the keyboard in any game possible. Even if the game uses no keys at all, i have set all shortcut keys on the keyboard (like pausing, saving, quitting, skipping, right-clicking, etc.)
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Oh, I thought it was the ScummVM's software keyboard It's great then!
msalmank said:
In case you, like me, love the classic games such as the Monkey Island series, Broken Sword 1 & 2, and more... then you are also probably aware of ScummVM and how it allows us to play these games on our computers today as well as handhelds.
Though ScummVM does not support the wvga resolution yet, i posted the info on how to get it to run properly (with the ability to use the keyboard - finally) over at my blog: http://xperiancer.blogspot.com/2008/12/scummvm-on-xperia.html
Best Regards.
Salman Khalid.
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thanks for that
i cant get hte screen to face the right way- i have added that line at the end but it keeps getting rewritten without it.
norti said:
Stretched games don't look so good on widescreen displays, I think we need to stuck with 640x480 on these screens. Maybe the software keyboard could take up the place on the left or right side, so the black area disappears
Does the newest version support the X1's hardware keyboard?
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Do the math, 786x480 IS the original aspect ratio (if my speedy calculations where correct). With the current version it uses only 640x400.
How it is now it just looks wrong, it just sits there in the left upper corner with borders on both the right side and below it.
btw, to rotate the screen, click the left monkey.
nawfalah said:
thanks for that
i cant get hte screen to face the right way- i have added that line at the end but it keeps getting rewritten without it.
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Attached is my ScummVM.ini file. Just put it in your ScummVM folder on your Xperia.
SomeoneSimple said:
btw, to rotate the screen, click the left monkey.
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That works too... but is annoying - you have to do it everytime you start ScummVM and you have to click it in the right place ('cos the clicks are off when opened other way around).
Editing the INI file is an easy and quick way to set it the right way.
how did you actually map the hardware keyboard keys?
if I click on MAP (for the current action e.g. pause) and then press a key on the hardware keyboard it wont work.
the only button seeming to work is enter (for action).
can you give me a brief info on how to get the keys working?
thanks in advance
hi everyone!
i have some problem with the scumm vm on my new xperia.
i show you some pictures, that you maybe better understand what i mean
first of all, what is the difference between scummvm1 and 2?
then, do you have the same small screen?
other problem: the scumm-bar below, covers the letters (also of the items).
and i can start scummvm just for one time, when i would like to start it again, an error shows up.
(means that there's an error with scumm and ask me, if i want to send the problem to microsoft)
so what's wrong with my scumm?
hope someone can help me.
thanks very much!
ps: sorry for my english, try my best
Which version should i download, I downloaded the Windows Arm CE but i couldn't run the .exe from my xperia, am i even supposed to? if not can somebody instruct me how to install it plz