Problems connecting to Exchange server - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

OK, this has been working all week and suddenly yesterday, it seems that I could no longer connect to my Exchange server. When I try (from Pocket Outlook) it says "Connecting" and never connects. When I try from ActiveSync, it just sits there saying "Synchronising" and never does. Although I can certainly still see Exchange through the web mail feature and on my desktop PC. Anyone encountered a similar problem? Did it lie with the server or the client? It seems odd as there's nothing that I did between it last working and it not working. Since then, I've tried removing the ES from Activesync and readding it and rebooting the server. :?

I have been having similar problems. Sometimes it synchronises well, other times I get error messages. It seems to have nothing to do with whether the telephone reception has lots of bars, and it seems to work with G rather than U.

If you're using "SSL workaround" (;en-us;817379), and have multiple network cards, you must allow access to Exchange-OMA virtual directory from both/all IP addresses. This fixed similar problem on my side!

If this is when using your USB cable to connect to your pc to connect to the network, i had a similar problem, all AS 4.1 would do is say 'connecting'
I resolved it by removing the USB cable from the exec, removing AS, rebooting, reinstalling AS, rebooting, wait for AS to start then turn on the exec and connect via USB cable.
I had a similar problem a few days later that i was able to resolve by rebooting my PC with the exec disconnected, waiting for AS to start before reconnecting the switched on device.


Problem connecting imate jasjar with pc, please help

I've previously been connecting my Qtek 9090 to my computer fine.
I've just purchased the Imate Jasjar and need to transfer my contacts and diary across from the pc but I'm unable to do so.
I've been getting the message "one of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it, when connecting the device using the usb cable given in the box.
If you've got any possible solution it would really really help right now!
Are you using ActiveSync 4?
Yes I instaled activesynk 4 also. I forget to say that my pc sees jasjar as a local connection area 2 after a while connecting it to my pc.
Is this have something to do with some settings;
:idea: Do your have a firewall / Anti-virus running on your pc? This, from experience has caused some connectivity issues in the past. If so, disable, connect your universal, then re-enable your firewall / Anti-virus.
i been having the same prob with AS4 and jasjar
ive tried turning off firewall and antivirs but still no connection..
by any chance was your imate jasjar bought off expansys???
mine was
You might want to verify that you are connected directly to the computer and not via a USB hub. I have had problems with WM5 devices connected to hubs not detecting properly, but direct connections worked.
Robert Harrold
i use the usb ports of my usb hub..
the only way i can sync is via BT
its wireless i agree but i need to use the cable aswell...
Well I bought mine also from expansys, Is this has something to do with my local area connection at home; Iam saying this because sometimes jasjar connects to my pc only as a local area connection 2. Then it can be synchronized by taking on and putting on the cable again. But this is not the wright way. Any ideas; Thanks
yeah.. same thing mine also conects as lan 2...
but never have i been able to get it to sync.. so could you please tell me more in detail if ever you got it synced,,if so how
Do you have any kind of VPN software installed on your laptop such as Checkpoint Secure Remote?
AS4 gave me no end of trouble at first with the same symptoms as yourself. I removed the VPN software and all of a sudden everything started to work properly.
no i dont have vpn software..the only firewall i have is that of xpsp2 and the antivirus program i use is trendmicro pc-cillin/..ive tried with both of them off still no usb connection to activestink.... bt AS works no matter what
Have you try uninstall the Pc-cillin, reboot the machine then try again.
same **** here
List of issues:
-as4 will not see jasjar, spins forever
-----Solution, soft reset device, this has happens due to your last sync.
-Needs to resync everything - connection resets every second time almost
really very buggy
lpsi2000 said:
Have you try uninstall the Pc-cillin, reboot the machine then try again.
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It's not enough to turn off antivirus and firewalls... you need to uninstall them...

ActiveSync cannot be completed successfully...

Sorry in advance for another AS issue. However, search as I may, I couldn't loacte anything like this...
Anyhow, my T-mobile MDA (US) has about driven me nuts with this issue. I was able to sync successfully a few times. However, now when I plug in the MDA via USB (direct, not through any hub), it will connect but when the device starts to sync, I get the following error from ActiveSync:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync help on your desktop computer".
I've uninstalled activesync, deleted all registry entries, reinstalled, ensured proper firewall configuration, changed com ports, disabled my internal WLAN card and BT card...and nothing. Short of a hard-reset, I am at a total loss.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any work-arounds?
try to install everything again and don't plug it on the usb hub...coz power is not sufficient on a usb hub .. just try.
I'm getting the same error exactly on my Cingular 8125. plugged into pc directly via USB, tried reinstalling AS several times to no avail. Please help. I don't want to have to hard reset. :? Thanks
As I mentioned in my OP, there is no USB hub involved in my setup. This is a direct USB connection from my PC to the MDA.
hehehe.. Are you syncing via the cradle or a hotsync cable ?. Sometimes if the cable is also charging, the connection is not sucessfull until it's fully charge and the top light is green.
I've had this problem myself before now.
Rockshow...are you also running SPB Weather?
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
Do you use a firewall (Windows XP or other one)
If so, check this out.
It worked for me!
I'm also facing the same problem with my tmobile-mda(us). I had spbplus but after this problem, uninstalled it. but the problem still exists.. any help ?
i noticed 2 things with my sync problems which are now resolved. one problem was with softick card export, it was causing some errors which were gone when i uninstalleed it. but then had another problem, it would disconnect while syncing randomly. i found out that my cable was damaged(some dirt was in the connector which thankfully ruined the cable and not the phone part) also when u first connect ur device it shows that network connection in the taskbar with the bouncing yellow ball. if u right click it and click on repair that helps some time.
RoCkShOw said:
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
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What's the significance of PSB Weather? I've had sync problems, some days it works some days it doesn't. I can cope with that, but sometimes SPB weather doesn't update it self for days, which is a bit of a pain!
Incidentally I recently hard-reset my device, reinstalled SPB Weather and can nolonger select the option of syncing from, which limits my choic of available cities. Any ideas?
RoCkShOw said:
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
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What's the significance of PSB Weather? I've had sync problems, some days it works some days it doesn't. I can cope with that, but sometimes SPB weather doesn't update it self for days, which is a bit of a pain!
Incidentally I recently hard-reset my device, reinstalled SPB Weather and can nolonger select the option of syncing from, which limits my choic of available cities. Any ideas?
Try killing and restarting activesync on the phone. I've only had that problem once and that sorted it.
I had the same problem.
Found out it was my virus protection (TrendMicro PC-Cillin) When I disable my virus protection it syncs, otherwise it only connects and then gives the error you described.
I had the exact same problem untill a few minutes ago when I did a hard reset. I back up my all my data using Sprite but when I restored it gave me the same error message. I gave up and did another hard resetjavascript:emoticon(':x')
Mad. Right now I'm reinstalling all my programs. I would love to know how to fix this without a hard reset just in case it happens again....javascript:emoticon('')
Crying or Very sad
Having here the same problem. Still looking for a solution... ANYBODY??
fadewiles said:
Sorry in advance for another AS issue. However, search as I may, I couldn't loacte anything like this...
Anyhow, my T-mobile MDA (US) has about driven me nuts with this issue. I was able to sync successfully a few times. However, now when I plug in the MDA via USB (direct, not through any hub), it will connect but when the device starts to sync, I get the following error from ActiveSync:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync help on your desktop computer".
I've uninstalled activesync, deleted all registry entries, reinstalled, ensured proper firewall configuration, changed com ports, disabled my internal WLAN card and BT card...and nothing. Short of a hard-reset, I am at a total loss.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any work-arounds?
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I had the same error today. But luckely i was only using ActiveSync 4.0, so i just updated to version 4.2 (I had to because of the new rom upgrade). I haven't had the problem since. But i have only tried it once... so i donno.
same problems with my Neo today.
Funny thing is that I could sync for 3 days then it suddenly stops. USB is recognized but then the "connecting" sign is just on and on and on.
I've tried all the methods from Microsoft web and from you guys in this forum but hopeless. (except for Re-install XP sp2)
Still searching the solution
same problems with my Neo today.
Funny thing is that I could sync for 3 days then it suddenly stops. USB is recognized but then the "connecting" sign is just on and on and on.
I've tried all the methods from Microsoft web and from you guys in this forum but hopeless. (except for Re-install XP sp2)
Still searching the solution
I seem to be having the same problem. It connects, then just hangs at "Looking for Changes." It doesn't even load up the list of things that it normally used to showing what it's comparing to sycn up. It was working FINE until just now....I've resetted the PDA, and my comp a few times already, and I even allowed all those ports access in both directions, both TCP and UDP through Norton Firewall...I'm completely at a loss....Any ideas?

Wizard: IE The page cannot be found. Check the name and try again

After a while the Internet Explorer comes back with the msg: The page cannot be found. Check the name and try again.
Goodlink stays operational, so it can't be the GPRS connection. Tried several ROMs and am now on faria v5.0/ Still with the same problems.
Usually it happens when connecting with the PC through ActiveSync (4.5).
However it has happened without connecting to the PC too.
Solution till now is: cold reset and reinstall applications. But am wondering:
* is this a common problem? (met another person with a Trinity running into the same problem)
* is there another workaround, i.e. registry setting which locks up?
problem ?solved?
identified the problem to be with the laptop, not quite sure why, but it has to do with the USB port in the laptop. Even after exchanging the harddisk and re-imaging the laptop the problem still occurs. When I hook my pda's up with other PCs/laptops (after cold booting - reinstall apps) to run sync, there is no problem and Mobile-IE keeps working normally.
Don't know why, but at least its reproducable.
jverseveld said:
After a while the Internet Explorer comes back with the msg: The page cannot be found. Check the name and try again.
Goodlink stays operational, so it can't be the GPRS connection. Tried several ROMs and am now on faria v5.0/ Still with the same problems.
Usually it happens when connecting with the PC through ActiveSync (4.5).
However it has happened without connecting to the PC too.
Solution till now is: cold reset and reinstall applications. But am wondering:
* is this a common problem? (met another person with a Trinity running into the same problem)
* is there another workaround, i.e. registry setting which locks up?
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This is very common. I'm sure everyone has gotten this message sometime or other. If the website has a broken or bad link, this will pop up, or if a link wasn't tapped properly on the touch screen. No fix...
laptop problem
hotdog53 said:
This is very common. I'm sure everyone has gotten this message sometime or other. If the website has a broken or bad link, this will pop up, or if a link wasn't tapped properly on the touch screen. No fix...
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THANKS for your reply.
It's a bit more complicated than that. After connecting to the laptop there is no url accessible what so ever. Of course the msg is seen on other occasions as you said when not tapping properly or broken links, but after connecting it to the laptop directly it will give this msg continously.
I hooked it up to the laptop through a docking station/port replicator and then the internet connection keeps running. With the current laptop I have I simply musn't hook it up to through direct USB connection.
I also get the same error, but only over GPRS when I'm receiving an email and thus ActiveSync is going.
jverseveld said:
THANKS for your reply.
It's a bit more complicated than that. After connecting to the laptop there is no url accessible what so ever. Of course the msg is seen on other occasions as you said when not tapping properly or broken links, but after connecting it to the laptop directly it will give this msg continously.
I hooked it up to the laptop through a docking station/port replicator and then the internet connection keeps running. With the current laptop I have I simply musn't hook it up to through direct USB connection.
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If you're getting a good and steady internet connection, and still get this message, I'm assuming the problem lies in the laptop itself.

Activesync Problemsq

If anyone experiences the irritating problem with activesync that after being cradled and uncradled a few times refuses to connect. This has been a problem on 4 different PCs since 08/2008
The only way to solve this normally would be to restart both the PPC and the PC, I've found that if you run services.msc after receiving the "Active sync cannot connect to the mobile device" error message, you will notice that the DHCP service has stopped (I dunno why) restart it, close Activesync on the PPC and recradle, Voila! It now connects perfectly.
Hopefully this will help anyone with a similar and equally irritating problem!

Cannot Sync when iTunes is running?

I've got a really strange issue where if I have iTunes running and dock my HTC Touch, Windows Mobile Device Center will report this as "Error" every time I connect it.
I can exit iTunes and then the device upon re-docking will work ok.
Has anyone else come across this? I am guessing that the ipod software is polling all the USB ports, and when this connects it may be causing the connection to WMDC to drop and that is what is reflected by that error?
I've put up with this for months - and only just worked out that if I don't run iTunes then it will connect!
Any ideas?
Well, it has taken a while to try a few different things...
I have set up Bluetooth on my PC, and after a day of mucking around with it, finally it just "came good" and I could sync fine.
Then disconnect Bluetooth, and reconnect to sync - WMDC shows the "Connecting" then "Error" message as it did with the USB cable.
Inspecting the error logs it has reported this:
Windows Mobile-based device failed to connect due to communication (0x80072745) failure.
This is also the same error given on USB when it starts to connect, and then displays "Error" in WMDC.
Disconnecting the HTC Touch and reconnecting it (either through USB or Bluetooth) a few times it will just "come good" with no logical explaination behind it.
I've checked and even disabled the firewall, and it is still intermittent with the same error.
I thought I had narrowed it down with iTunes, but I don't think that is the cause.
The network adaptor is showing up in Device manager fine.
Does anyone else have any ideas for troubleshooting?
