CAB_merge - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

XDA - Merge CABs
[Sorry for my english]
Works OK on BlueAngel.
I have 18 CABs in \Extended_ROM. They occupies 11.468.528 bytes. They can be merged into single CAB. It's size is 9.284.964 bytes.
- perl on windows [it will not work on unix nor linux sorry]
- cabwiz from Micro$oft
- some basic knowledge if command line, perl and cabwiz
- thinking
- "WinCE CAB Manager" will be very usefull.
- CABs to merge
How to?
Create clean directory.
Create subdirectory ( I'm using .\[SCRIPT] ) and put there files:
Setup.DLL, CeSetup.dll and CheckFile.exe you can extract from any CAB from the \Extended_ROM
Extract your CABs. One CAB == one directory. Be careful with "WinCE CAB Manager" - you will probably get directory named "Customization Tools". Rename them.
The result should look this:
| | \--[PROGRAMS]
| \--[WINDOWS]
| +--Windows
| +--Windows
Don't worry if you got subdirs like "Windows" and "[WINDOWS]". Doesn't matter.
Look at attached file example_Tree.txt. May be it can help.
Look for directories named "Temp". Read corresponding ..\Windows\_MoveFileList.txt and move files to their original locations. For example: move Temp\_HTCCamera.dll into ..\Windows\_HTCCamera.dll. (!) Don't remove underlines from name.
Try to find duplicates. Decide, which one is too old (look at the time stamps or file-version - rigt_click/properties/version). Don't delete the old one - simply rename and put '~' on the beginning of the name. For example ~Album.exe. Such files will be ignored. If you can't find duplicates - don't worry. will show you.
Find files, which are not needed. For example "WESTTEK Native Office
Viewers.ppt" or "WESTTEK-Product Info.pdf" from ClearVUE. Rename them - put ~'s on the beginning of the name.
Look at *.LNK. They will be imported as shortcuts, not files. If you wish
to have LNK files - edit them. For example Abum.lnk containing string:
put 999 instead of the number:
You will have to modify LNK files, if target file does not exist within the CAB.
Look for files CM_Entries.xml. If you dont have any CM_Entries.xml, skip this step. Probably the best version of CM_Entries.xml can be found in your XDA in the \windows directory. Rename all CM_Entries.xml to ~CM_Entries.xml - they will be ignored. Create directory .\My_CM_Entries\Windows and copy here
CM_Entries.xml from your device. Maybe wiki can help.
Some rules:
will be ignored.
will be ignored.
will got destination \Temp and will be listed in [WINDOWS]\_MoveFileList.txt. CeSetup.DLL will move them into appropriate directories, even if they are in use or locked. You will have to reboot your XDA.
\Windows\Platformxxx.reg or
will be imported
Registry and shortcuts will be imported. Other sections - copyFiles, Version, CeDevice will be ignored
will be imported if possible.
Execute: perl [SCRIPT]\
If nothing fails - you will get BA.INF in the current directory. In some cases, you will get Customize.lst, Platformxxx.reg _MoveFileList.txt too.
Execute: Cabwiz BA.inf /err CabWizErr.txt /cpu arm
If nothing fails - you will get
Read file CabWizErr.txt - check all warnings.
Look at Check everything.
If everything looks ok, copy into your device.
Reset the device.
Try to install
If you get any message, that fil cann't be copied - skip them, go back to your source files and rename file - add underline's at the beginning. Remake everything:
perl .\[SCRIPT]\
Cabwiz BA.inf /err CabWizErr.txt /cpu arm
and so on.
If everything looks ok: modify modify line
$main::cpFileFlag = 0x00000001;
to have
$main::cpFileFlag = 0x00000002;
and remake CAB:
perl .\[SCRIPT]\
Cabwiz BA.inf /err CabWizErr.txt /cpu arm
Your CAB is ready. Replace source CABs from \Extended_ROM with reult of your effort. Remember to modify \Extended_ROM\config.txt.
Need customization? Look at the begining of
Good luck.


Build Cab File of an app

Hey Guys!
How can i Build a cab for my programs in vs2005 or have i to use another tool to do this?
thanks SciLor
WinCe cab manager does the job.
its not free though.
but its worth it
isnt there another tool i can use?
look in the Visual studio's help file on making an installer..i cant remember now but i did create a cab once..btw which version of VS do u use
This is from My VS 2008 Pro Documentation
This section describes creating CAB files for distributing ATL and MFC controls over the Internet. If you need more information about CAB files, see the Cabinet File Reference in the Windows SDK documentation (in MSDN Library/Setup and System Administration/Setup/Setup API/Overview/Cabinet Files).
To create a CAB file:
Create an INF file.
Run the CABARC utility.
Creating an INF File
The INF file is a text file that specifies the files (such as DLLs or other OCXs) that need to be present or downloaded for your control to run. An INF file allows you to bundle all the needed files in one compressed CAB file. By default, files with the same version numbers as existing files on the user's hard disk will not be downloaded. For more information about INF files and their options, including how to create platform-independent INF files, see About INF Files and Using INF Files in the Windows SDK documentation (in MSDN Library/Setup and System Administration/Setup/Setup API/Overview/Setup Applications).
As an example, the following INF will be used to create a CAB file for the ATL Polygon control. You can build POLYGON.DLL by downloading the ATL POLYGON sample files from the Visual C++ CD and building a MinSize version. If you build a MinSize version of the Polygon control, you need one additional DLL, ATL.DLL. Since ATL.DLL needs to be registered before POLYGON.DLL, put the ATL.DLL first in the INF file:
Copy Code
; Sample INF file for POLYGON.DLL
; version signature (same for both NT and Win95) do not remove
; needed DLL
; end of INF file
This INF specifies that ATL.DLL with the given version needs to be installed on the system. If ATL.DLL doesn't exist already on the system, it will be downloaded from the CAB file created with this INF. "thiscab" is a keyword meaning the CAB containing this INF. You can also download a needed DLL from an HTTP location by specifying an absolute or relative path, for example:
Copy Code
The keyword "file-win32-x86" identifies the platform as x86 specific.
You can get the version number of a file by clicking the right mouse button on the file in Windows Explorer. Select Properties from the list that appears, then select the Version tab on the dialog box that appears. You will sometimes need to insert an extra 0 in the file version. For example, the version number for the ATL.DLL is shown as 2.00.7024 in the dialog box. This becomes 2, 00, 0, 7024 in the INF file.
The "DestDir" is where the directory where the file will be loaded: 11 specifies the system directory WINDOWS/SYSTEM or WINNT/SYSTEM32; 10 specifies the windows directory, WINDOWS or WINNT. If no DestDir is specified (typical case), code is installed in the fixed OCCACHE directory.
The "clsid" is the CLSID of the control to be installed.
Once you have created an INF file, run the CABARC utility (available in the Mssdk\Bin directory) to create the CAB file. You should run CABARC in the directory that contains your source files. On the command line, put the source files in the order they appear in the INF and the INF file last. For example, to make a CAB file for the Polygon control from the INF above, use the following command:
Copy Code
The POLYGON.CAB file contains a compressed version of ATL.DLL and POLYGON.DLL along with the information needed to extract them in the POLYGON.INF file.
For an example of how to parse and extract component files from CAB files, see the CabView sample in the MSDN Online Code Center at (select the CabView link).
The DLL files you need to include with an MFC control are MSVCRT.DLL, MFC42.DLL, and OLEPRO32.DLL.
Running the CABARC Utility
The CABARC utility is available in the Mssdk\Bin directory. For example:
Copy Code
CABARC creates a CAB file called MYCTL.CAB.
You should run CABARC in the directory that contains your source files (the INF, OCX, and DLL files). The files to be archived in the CAB file should be listed on the command line in the same order they are listed in the INF file. In the example above, the INF file should list NEEDED1.DLL first, then NEEDED2.DLL, and then MYCTL.OCX.
The -s option reserves space in the cabinet for code signing. The n command specifies that you want to create a CAB file. For a list of CABARC commands and options, type CABARC alone on the command line:
Copy Code
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I found an older version of this online:
I have version 2.0 and it works great without registering the copy. Look into it
I can't find the original setup I used... sorry, I will keep looking... but I've heard good things about SPB's installatation creator
It is easy with VS 2008 there you can create a CAB Builder

MSCEInf version 2.1 (Update)

MSCEINf update is only for those who want to use the program in Command Mode for making batch tasks.
Contributions of version 2.1
· MSCEInf Version 2.1 adds ability to extract in command mode CAB files in a folder preserving subfolders names.
Syntax is a bit rigid with a keyword extract (separed by a space) after CAB name. This keyword allows creation of INF file and files extraction (with correct names) while preserving subfolders names.
A second parameter optional is folder name where to extract files. If omitted, folder name will be :
Program creates the folder if it does not exist.
For example write like here (do not forget to separe each parameters by a space and put path in double quotes) :
msceinf "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\" extract​and files are extracted in folder "c:\ExtractDir".
or give folder name where to extract :
msceinf "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\" extract "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\My extracted files"​and files are extracted in folder "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\My extracted files".
Link to the 6 localized versions (include english) :
WOW...great work will become handy in making OEMS while cooking

mousio's AutoRun

[ Based on plenTpak's already great AutoInstall4 (2008/03/28) ]
The scripts included here require MortScript and are intended to help automatically install and configure software, copy files and folders, and import registry and provisioning stuff - this all with little or no user interaction!
So should you need to install a new ROM or install new software versions, just go ahead and let User Customization take care of the rest...
Unpack SDConfig.txt and scripts to storage card (and review them )
Dump any install files (silently installable only!), script files (e.g. to process the interactive install files, see further), registry files, provisioning files, and files and folders to copy, into the AutoRun subfolder.
Hard-reset, or start the RunAutoRun script
Hope this makes things easier for some people!
By default, it uses this file structure:
_ Storage Card\
|_ SDConfig.txt
|_ SDConfig\
|_ <MortScript cab>
|_ AutoWait.mscr
|_ AutoRun.mscr
|_ AutoRun\
|_ <your stuff here>
I rarely need to change my SDConfig file anymore and I just drop all of my AutoRun stuff (cab/mscr/zip/reg/xml files and also regular files and folders) in the dedicated AutoRun folder, it's that easy!
The AutoRun folder may contain any or all of the following:
cab files to install silently and mscr scripts to run,
regular files/folders to copy,
zip archives to unpack,
reg files to import,
xml files to concatenate.
All is processed (and logged!) in the same order as listed above, with all items sorted alphabetically first.
After installing, files are copied/unpacked, then registry files are imported, and finally the xml files are concatenated into a single provisioning file that is called by SDConfig.txt.
Here are some important notes for each item:
I use scripts to install the more interactive cabs: e.g. instead of putting here, I put a Fringcab.mscr here, and move elsewhere (i.e. a sibling folder called "Interactive"); my Fringcab.mscr installs but then also takes care of the interactive installation part of it.
The "regular" files are files that do not fit the other categories (cab/mscr/zip/reg/xml); regular files/folders found here will be xcopied to the root folder on the device (creating folder structure if necessary) - quite like plenTpak explained here.
Zip archives are unpacked to the root folder on the device (creating folder structure if necessary); zip archives are smaller to store, but unpacking is less tolerant than xcopying when it comes down to read-only or system files and such...
Not thoroughly tested the registry import since I use xml files for registry changes also; if I recall correctly from my brief testing, I believe the reg file should not be unicode for the script to be able to parse it correctly, so mind the encoding!
A provisioning file is always generated, so that SDConfig does not fail on a missing file.
About the AutoWait script: see here and here. To summarize roughly: 1 AutoWait call is needed for each full 3-minute block that your AutoRun requires to run. Apart from extra run time, it will not do any harm to add extra AutoWait calls to your SDConfig file.
Remark: The AutoRun script can take a parameter to use a custom sibling folder instead of the default AutoRun folder (e.g. a folder "Games"), but I failed to pass that parameter directly from SDConfig. However, yet another script can take care of that, as follows:
create a script for each custom folder (e.g. a script "Games.mscr"), with the following contents:
CallScript( SystemPath("ScriptPath") \ "AutoWait.mscr" )
CallScript( SystemPath("ScriptPath") \ "AutoRun.mscr", SystemPath("ScriptName"), "^NL^^NL^ processing " & SystemPath("ScriptName"), & "..." )
adapt the SDConfig.txt file to copy and call the new script(s) just created (which in turn will call the original AutoRun script, so do not forget about AutoWait here too!)
A RunAutoRun script is also included in the zip file, to test the SDConfig/AutoRun without hard-resetting your device.
Personally, I use and these scripts together with ROMS using SDAutorun v2.0 - and I only have my Trinity to use it on.
Main related links:
User Customization
SDAutoRun v2.0
Use all at your own risk!
[ reserved ]
The script does not check if it is run manually or automatically, nor does it check the mortscript version it runs with, nor does it actively try to avoid double installation of mortscript, but feel free to post your own code to include these interesting features. Another feature could be to automatically detect the name of the storage card root folder in order to support different languages...
thank you mousio tested with xml, cabs, and folder/files.. very good
Great idea! Automating the automated process of SDAutoRun!
Taking the automated process to next level . AWESOME!!! . you developers are not going to let me get me out of cooking frenzy
The script does not check if it is run manually or automatically, nor does it check the mortscript version it runs with, nor does it actively try to avoid double installation of mortscript, but feel free to post your own code to include these interesting features. Another feature could be to automatically detect the name of the storage card root folder in order to support different languages...
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If I can find some spare time for this...
Thanks for this tool!
I've only got one issue with it, and that is AutoWait related. It seems that after 6 minutes (I'm installing a lot of cabs), SDAutorun continues to execute the rest of SDConfig.txt, it complains about a missing AutoRun.xml (as the AutoRun.mscr hasn't generated it yet), then the device hangs.
Reading your instructions, it seemed that the solution would be to add more lines of EXEC:\Temp\AutoWait.mscr to the SDConfig.txt, but this appeared to have no effect at all!
If there is any other possible solution for dealing with long-running scripts, I'd love to hear it.
Would splitting them up into sub scripts work better?
Cuts down the time for each script, but may be more complex.
mousio said:
If I can find some spare time for this...
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Here is the code that seems to work for me with regard to StorageCard location for international people.
Sub StorageCardLogic
If (Length(RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory","Folder")) > 0)
StorageCardPath = "\" & RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory","Folder")
ElseIf (Length(RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMMC","Folder")) > 0)
StorageCardPath = "\" & RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMMC","Folder")
ElseIf (Length(RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\PCMCIA","Folder")) > 0)
StorageCardPath = "\" & RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\PCMCIA","Folder")
Storage Card logic
Long time no post
Based on several sources, including yours, this is now similar to what is in my latest version:
RegStorageCard1 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory", "Folder" )
RegStorageCard2 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMMC", "Folder" )
RegStorageCard3 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\PCMCIA", "Folder" )
RegInternalStorage = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\moviNAND", "Folder" )
RegAutoPart1 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\moviNAND", "AutoPart" )
RegAutoPart2 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\moviNAND\FATFS", "AutoPart" )
If( RegAutoPart1 = 1 || RegAutoPart2 = 1 )
storagecard = "\" \ RegInternalStorage
ElseIf( NOT IsEmpty( RegStorageCard1 ) )
storagecard = "\" \ RegStorageCard1
ElseIf( NOT IsEmpty( RegStorageCard2 ) )
storagecard = "\" \ RegStorageCard2
ElseIf( NOT IsEmpty( RegStorageCard3 ) )
storagecard = "\" \ RegStorageCard3
storagecard = "\Storage Card"

Issue - Files over-written when creating a ROM

When I'm cooking multiple applications in to my ROM, I have an issue where different applications have the same file name and over-write each other.
For instance,
when cooking in G-Alarm and Opera Mobile they both have image files called something like "nextbutton.png."
So it seems that one of them over writes the image file of the other, which results in one using the image file of the other.
Is there an easy way to fix this?
found the answer!
I don't know if anyone finds this interesting.. But if you are cooking in a lot of EXT packages, chances are you're going to over write several files with common names.. (they all get put in the \Windows\ directory..).
Heres a simple little solution:
(make a batch file and paste this in it)
::for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d') do rename "%%a" "ab0_%%a"
for %%a in (*) do rename "%%a" "ab0_%%a"
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Paste this in the files directory of your EXT package. It will add a prefix to your files.
Then simply edit the app.dat file in your EXT package with any text editor that has "search and replace" and search for "\Windows\" and replace with "\Windows\ab0_" where ab0 - is the prefix you added to your files.
You'll need to manually edit any lines where \Windows\ was in the destination path, and not the source path. Generally these are a couple lines at the end of your app.dat file.
Hope this helps someone else!

[SOLUTION] - Multiple EXT packages with common file names being overwritten.

I don't know if anyone finds this interesting.. But if you are cooking in a lot of EXT packages, chances are you're going to over write several files with common names.. (they all get put in the \Windows directory..).
Heres a simple little solution:
(make a batch file and paste this in it)
::for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d') do rename "%%a" "ab0_%%a"
for %%a in (*) do rename "%%a" "ab0_%%a"
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where 'ab0_' will be replaced (in both spots) as the prefix you want added to your files. Obviously this needs to be unique in every EXT package you change.
Paste this in the 'Files' directory of your EXT package. It will add a prefix to your files.
Then edit the app.dat file in your EXT package with any text editor that has "search and replace" and S&R for "\Windows\" and replace with "\Windows\ab0_" where ab0 - is the prefix you added to your files.
You'll need to manually edit any lines where \Windows\ was in the destination path, and not the source path. Generally these are a couple lines at the end of your app.dat file.
An example of path where \Windows is in the destination:
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An example of path where \Windows is in the source path:
Directory("\Program Files\Ageye\G-Alarm"):-File("GAlarm.exe","\Windows\GAlarm.exe")
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hope this helps someone else!
just a heads up, working on a slight tweak atm to handle file names with one character.
would this work for the program file folder as well
I have four games that i am trying to cook and they all have a file called, each gets cooked into a different folder because it has info in it for that game, however during the cooking process they each get over written by the next one
Directory("\Program Files\Gameloft\Avalanche Snowboarding"):-File("","\Windows\")
What do I need to add to this line for it to work if it will?
