Universal Queries - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi Guys,
This device is so tempting. I would like to know when will the Universal be out in the market. Also, is there a Ext rom unlock tool. I want some unlock tool like the Blue Angel unlike the Magician. The Magician is very troublesome..


Windows media player 10 for Qtek 8020

I want to ask something!
I have Qtek 8020 (it's like SP3i) and it has wmp 9 on it.
I was wondering if i can have wmp 10 on my phone like
Audiovox SMT5600, dopod 565 and 575.
I' ve asked Qtek service in Greece and they said that they don't
know when they are going to release the firmware that has
wmp 10.
So, does anybody know if this is possible?
Maybe a hack on Qtek rom?
Thanks a lot!
See the thread about this in the Blue Angel Upgrading section
also Qtek 8020 is not a pda it's a smartphone they cant use programs compiled for pda's as they use a different type of cpu
There are no ROM tools that work with smartphone ROM images. So you cannot cook ROMs yourself.


is it possible to upgrade an xda 2i to any himalaya rom ?.
what one can i use then ?
only andres/alpine roms
like owners of blue angel or wallaby or magic can only use the roms made for those devices

i want to install windows 2003

my ppc krome spy didnt started after it got switched off while loading a wrong rom and now i want to install windows 2003 again
can anybody please help
i suggest you install the offical rom then. what is yours? if o2 then you should download the official rom from o2 website
First of all DO NOT post the same question twice and specially in two different forums. This just creates confusion.
The device looks similar to the Orange SPV M500, which is a variation of the HTC Magician, but I believe it's not manufactured by HTC and therefore is different internally. Therefore, your only chance is to install an original ROM for this make/model.
Did you not make a backup of your ROM before playing around with it?
The SPV M500 is a Magician.
but the Krome SPY is not.

~Need Help Please~

i have an htc 8125 cid unlock , And there is a hermes at&t rom that i really want but i dont know if it will work on my phone. will it?
No hermes rom will automatically work on a wizard. You have to 'port' the rom to your wizard which isnt anywhere near as easy as it sounds.

[Help] Simlock

Hi guys, are there currently any tools to freely remove the simlock ? i.e my device is coming on monday and is locked to orange, but i use t-mobile. thanks guys.
*Bump* i have no issue with other wm devices such as i900 omnia, hermes, universal ect. but as this is a new device i just wanted to know what tool to use to rid it of its orange simlock. any help is welcomed.
