WM2005: Solution to screen rotation issue - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

WM2005 / Magneto has an issue with the screen rotation. On my device, it happened that the screen rotation was in portrait but the touchscreen was still in landscape. Quite difficult to correct this issue.
So far with the Full RAM version I didn't have this issue yet. But in case it happens again, I wrote a small mortrun script that will calibrate the screen. This worked for me.
I copied this script into my programs folder. I can start it from there because even if the touchscreen is wrong, with the help of the directional pad I can still get there and start it.
You will need to have mortunner installed on your XDAII.
Open notepad and copy this into it. Then save the file as calibrate.mortrun and copy it to your XDAII. (The script should have 2 lines, one starting with regWriteString and the second one with message).
regWriteString HKLM,HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH,CalibrationData,"508,509 130,247 146,786 874,782 868,247 "
message <Screen calibrated>
UPDATE: I attached the zip file containg also the registry entry in case you have a reg editor on your XDA


Dealing with icons, screen orientation, and MortScript

I apologize in advance if this gets too technical for some, but after you read it, you may understand why I took the time to do it and ultimately offer it here.
First of all, if you noticed after a soft reset that it takes some time for Windows Mobile to show the programs you have installed on your device, you'll quickly realize that the reason why it's so slow is that it's grabbing the icon image from the shortcut's executable, which is usually located at the end of that executable.
Now, you'll also notice that some icons appear slower than others. Most of the time, it's because the program's executable is usually big. Take Skype, for example. It can take up to 20 seconds just to show the stupid S icon because the single executable is about 5MB big.
All that effort to get to an icon is painstaking, and surprisingly enough, the issue remains in Windows Mobile 5.0. Why Microsoft never learned to cache the icons in a single file is beyond me. And you'll have to deal with it after every soft or hard reset... Of course, the average user here does that often, so you can see where I start to get frustrated.
But with frustration comes inspiration (or desparation).
I have created a small 26KB file called RunSkype.exe. All it does is launch Skype. While that doesn't sound helpful much, you'll realize that if you copy this file to the Skype folder, then create a shortcut to RunSkype.exe and replace the Skype shortcut with this one, you'll see that the icon and program will show up MUCH faster than having Windows Mobile 5 try to poll the 5MB file.
I also took the liberty of making a full VGA-compatible icon for Skype, so it looks good from 16x16 pixels to 64x64 pixels.
You can download the program here: http://www.beyondthetech.com/downloads/phone/hacks/RunSkype.exe
Now, for us HTC Universal owners, you're in for a treat. A really awesome program called MortScript has been released. MortScript is essentially a batch language which you can have steps completely automated for you, based on a text file of commands you create. You can simulate button and keypresses, stylus taps and holds, execute and close programs, read/write registry entries, and much more.
One of the biggest gripes I have on the Universal are the developers who have not yet dealt with landscape mode. Some games such as Pocket Mini Golf 2 and Farkle, will either look nice or screwed up, and/or the stylus will not work properly because the image doesn't match the screen coordinates. Avid Universal owners will know what I'm talking about.
Using MortScript, I create this batch file:
Rotate 0
RunWait \Program Files\Smart Box Design\Farkle.exe
Rotate 270
If it isn't obvious, the batch file will rotate the display to portrait mode, then launch the program. After the program has exited, it will revert back to landscape mode. Again, Universal owners such as myself have kicked themselves for launching a program knowing they have to flip the screen before they run it in order for it to work. This batch file takes the forgetful step and makes it automatic. Flipping the screen to portrait afterwards makes no difference since it's already in portrait, so you're all good to go.
The only downsides to this are two things: 1. If the program doesn't actually exit, but minimize, then it will never get a chance to rotate back. In that case, I delete the last line of the batch file and change RunWait to just Run. 2. It's obvious that you'd make a shortcut to the batch file, not the program's executable anymore. Soon, you'll notice that all the shortcuts will have the same MortScript icon, and that just looks ugly.
This is where my second executable comes in. But, this is going to require some work and an icon editor such as MicroAngelo.
I created a program called batchrun.exe. After you have created your MortScript batch file, save it as batchrun.mscr and put both files in the program's folder. Drag the batchrun.exe and the original program's executable out to your desktop. Using MicroAngelo's Librarian software, you can extract the icon images out of the original program's executable and inject it into batchrun.exe. That way, when you create a shortcut to batchrun.exe, it will have the original icon of the program you want to run.
So, the chain of command is: batchrun.exe -> batchrun.mscr -> commands + original program's executable
One final word... batchrun.exe is hardcoded to run batchrun.mscr, so you can't change the name of the batch file. In addition, you cannot change batchrun.exe's name either, since it's tied into the programming. But you can modify its icon data all you want.
Some of the programs I have successfully done this for include:
Acodic Mobile Info2Go
Handmark Zagat to Go
Resco Diamonds
RealDice.com Texas Hold'em
Smart Box Design Farkle
EdgeQ TrafficEdge
Momentum Games Pocket Mini-Golf 2
Again, the above listed programs do not play well in landscape mode, but with the batch file commands I provided above, it makes using these programs much easier.
Here's batchrun.exe. It currently has my BeyondtheTech Guy logo, but again, use an icon editor software like MicroAngelo to replace it as needed.
Here's a bonus. I like keeping the Start Menu as clean as possible. This includes the Recent Start Menu items that appear the moment you start launching away at shortcuts. You may recall that if you never ran anything, all it said was "Recent Programs" and the Start Menu was as short and simple as possible.
Well, you can always get that fresh feeling by creating a MortScript batch file containing this line:
RegDeleteKey HKCU,\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TaskSwitch,1,1
Call this file cleanup.mscr and stick it in your \Windows\Startup folder. As soon as you boot up from a soft reset, it will silently wipe out the most recently launched items.
Hope this was helpful to anyone.
If anyone needs help or doesn't understand any of this, just let me know.
RunSkype.exe .... thanks for that

the buttons for "Softbuttons" don't work after awhile

I have a Orange SPV M3100 (tytn)
just got it 2nd hand. it works nicely, but everytime after a few hours of not using it. when i try to use it again, the 2 buttons that's suppose to press the softbuttons don't work.
To get them working again, i have to reset my thing.
The softbuttons themselves still work. I can click on the 2 things and my file explorer / contacts show up. But the physical buttons that's suppose to press those 2 things don't for some reason.
Any ideas?
Softkeys not working
I've had similar issues. It has happened a few times actually. Now when I install a new rom I place short cuts in my window\startmenu\ accessories or system files folder depending on the application i try to shortcut. Just locate the actual exe file for the program copy it and go to the windows folder you want it in and hold stylus and hold and paste short cut then rename as you wish. it wll now show up in your programs folders on you menus. or use advance configurations 1.0 from Shaps it works very well. There is also a softkey app in the forum that works well also.

Need help for Gsen!!!

Hey guys,
I just got my HD and have really no clue how to get the gsen to work so i can write sms and emails in landscape. Also I would like a few other applications to be in landscape too.
Can anyone help me??? It would be greatly appreciated.
Can someone please help me? or give me website that gives instructions? I really need help for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gsen should by default enable landscape for almost any app (with some exceptions like tf3d and so on). after installed you should run gsen manually and then notice if the screen rotation is working. then if you like etc you can run gsen cfg and set it to autostart via left soft key.
crashDebug said:
gsen should by default enable landscape for almost any app (with some exceptions like tf3d and so on). after installed you should run gsen manually and then notice if the screen rotation is working. then if you like etc you can run gsen cfg and set it to autostart via left soft key.
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Is it the best software for the HD to use for auto-rotation? Also how do i install it on the phone? thats my main problem. It seems to have come already pre-installed but cant figure out how to work it....
simply download the cab trasfer to phone and tap on it from the phone
OmZ said:
Is it the best software for the HD to use for auto-rotation? Also how do i install it on the phone? thats my main problem. It seems to have come already pre-installed but cant figure out how to work it....
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Pre-installed?..... GSen doesn't come pre-installed.
Where did you get it from?
He's probably just talking about the original rotator that excludes most everything, aside from the media/internet based programs.
Hi again.
I installed the prog right now, started and open the settings. Screw the phone -< works fine. close settings, open programs, tur the phone again -> nothing happens. Like in nearly) every other program. Opening the settings again, nothing happens too.
So i turned the GSEN off an on again sometime, settings work but nothing else.
Thx for reply
Did you read the readme.txt file that came with gsen?
Works fine on my HD
Here is a part of the file:
1. Description
Auto-rotate screen on SOME devices with g-sensor.
Install GSen and run it.
If you run it again, program will ask you "Unload program?".
If you answer yes - program will be unloaded.
This also possible without question with parameter #unload.
You can use configuration shortcut for edit configuration file.
This file can include this command:
#window(text or class name) - add window description
#timeout(value) - default value 1000 ms
#onlyfor(0|1) - if 0 auto rotate work for all programm except defined by #window, otherwise ONLY for this program.
By default program not rotate screen if Manila or Teeter is foreground application, but you can edit this list.
#fdscreenoff(0|1|2) - if 1, program will switch off screen if you put device with screen on bottom, if 2 device will suspend.
#lockscreen(0|1) - if not present = 1, can prevent, if enabled, rotation with locked device
#poweroff180(0|1) - if not present = 0, determine interpretation of rotation to 180, 0 - rotate screen, 1 - power off.
GSen can indicate self state,
you can setup it with this commands:
#show(0|1) - if 1 GSen will show one pixel (by default) indicator on top bar.
#y(Y) coordinates of this indicator, default X=240,Y=1
#clr(R,G,B) - color, default white (255,255,255)
you also can setup width and height (#width(W), #height(H))
Commandline parameters:
#load - load app, if loaded already - exit without questions
#unload - unload app
#toggle - if loaded will unload, otherwise will load, usable with one shortcut
#about - show about window
if you start without parameters - program will ask "Unload?" if already exist one instance, or simple run if not exist.
NOTE: some programs, like Teeter game, cannot start in landscape mode, so switch to standard display orientation before.
... I did.
First time I installed it I changed someting in the configfile as advised. But it doesn't work so in uninstalled and reinstalled it. Then started the prog.
SOMETIMES the picture turnes but not everytime.
I've got a HTC Touch Diamond :-o Shouldn't be the problem i guess...
I just changed timeout to 5 and it works just fine on HTC touch HD
Guess it shoudn't be a problem on Diamond.
What is the Contacts program name?
In the GSen Configuration file, I want to be able to tell the program to leave the Contacts screen alone (to not rotate). The only problem I have is that I don't know the actual program name for Contacts, and where is it located?
Got it ...
I figured it out. When I entered the following command into the GSen configuration file:
It didn't work because I didn't first save it. Now that I've entered it again, and then saved the file, it works.
Is there any way to set it to rotate the Today screen? I'm using the default config and all programs rotate apart from Today.
Steeph said:
Did you read the readme.txt file that came with gsen?
Works fine on my HD
Here is a part of the file:
1. Description
Auto-rotate screen on SOME devices with g-sensor.
Install GSen and run it.
If you run it again, program will ask you "Unload program?".
If you answer yes - program will be unloaded.
This also possible without question with parameter #unload.
You can use configuration shortcut for edit configuration file.
This file can include this command:
#window(text or class name) - add window description
#timeout(value) - default value 1000 ms
#onlyfor(0|1) - if 0 auto rotate work for all programm except defined by #window, otherwise ONLY for this program.
By default program not rotate screen if Manila or Teeter is foreground application, but you can edit this list.
#fdscreenoff(0|1|2) - if 1, program will switch off screen if you put device with screen on bottom, if 2 device will suspend.
#lockscreen(0|1) - if not present = 1, can prevent, if enabled, rotation with locked device
#poweroff180(0|1) - if not present = 0, determine interpretation of rotation to 180, 0 - rotate screen, 1 - power off.
GSen can indicate self state,
you can setup it with this commands:
#show(0|1) - if 1 GSen will show one pixel (by default) indicator on top bar.
#y(Y) coordinates of this indicator, default X=240,Y=1
#clr(R,G,B) - color, default white (255,255,255)
you also can setup width and height (#width(W), #height(H))
Commandline parameters:
#load - load app, if loaded already - exit without questions
#unload - unload app
#toggle - if loaded will unload, otherwise will load, usable with one shortcut
#about - show about window
if you start without parameters - program will ask "Unload?" if already exist one instance, or simple run if not exist.
NOTE: some programs, like Teeter game, cannot start in landscape mode, so switch to standard display orientation before.
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i dont understand any of this talk.. if you go into the gsen edit screen, are those what will not rotate? eg, i would like to see the settings screen rotate, how do i add that? would it be something like #window(settings.exe)

Advice: Fixing several issues with my ROM

I'm hoping to get a bit of advice, I'm new to ROM cooking but after a couple days I'm nearly there. Please see the list of issues and have a look if you know the solution to any of them. Many thanks, Andrew
prob: no longer asks for screen calibration on install.
fix: Do manually via Settings > Screen until I find a fix.
prob: after installed you'll get a white screen saying "please wait".
fix: Hit one of the top icons and it'll go away.
note: I'm looking for a fix without enabling HTC's RunCC.
prob: clicking the battery icon doesn't do anything (it should really invoke power).
fix: access manually via Settings until I fix.
prob: screen text is default (one size too large imho). Need to find the registry key to notch it down a level.
fix: do manually via "screen"for now.
prob: the background is a gif as I can't workout how to get the compiler to use a jpg for the Default_stwater.
fix: none
issue: slight colour banding because of it.
prob: empty Tools folder on Start-Menu.
fix: delete it from /Windows/Start-Menu/Programs
issue: can't find the location to kill it so you'll need to do manually.
snoopy20 said:
I'm hoping to get a bit of advice, I'm new to ROM cooking but after a couple days I'm nearly there. Please see the list of issues and have a look if you know the solution to any of them. Many thanks, Andrew
prob: no longer asks for screen calibration on install.
fix: Do manually via Settings > Screen until I find a fix.
prob: after installed you'll get a white screen saying "please wait".
fix: Hit one of the top icons and it'll go away.
note: I'm looking for a fix without enabling HTC's RunCC.
prob: clicking the battery icon doesn't do anything (it should really invoke power).
fix: access manually via Settings until I fix.
prob: screen text is default (one size too large imho). Need to find the registry key to notch it down a level.
fix: do manually via "screen"for now.
prob: the background is a gif as I can't workout how to get the compiler to use a jpg for the Default_stwater.
fix: none
issue: slight colour banding because of it.
prob: empty Tools folder on Start-Menu.
fix: delete it from /Windows/Start-Menu/Programs
issue: can't find the location to kill it so you'll need to do manually.
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I am also a noob cook but for the tilt. Ill be happy to help you with what I can.
The screen calibration depends on the build you are using. What build are you using?
I normally just take a jpg file and rename it and copy over the old one in the sys file.
As far as the empty folder you should be able to just delete the icon and then it will not be there. I am not sure how you have your kitchen set up. If you have a custom icon package in your ext folder then you can delete it there.
Not to sure about the text size but will look into it.
might be something with your kitchen
in some kitchens for diamond there is option to "disable everything other than screen calibration" (exactly opp. but that might cause some issue)
use advanced config and in "today" options select display battery on today screen
in your kitchen look for a file called "initflashfiles.dat" (NOT TXT)
it will be in "OEM_Lang_xxxx" folder (might differ)
edit that file and remove entry for the tools folder
and keep that file in "read only" attributes
1. already played with this option but it's not doing anything for me "disable everything other than screen calibration" ... It did work at one point
3. I don't want it on the Today screen I only want it to run the htcpower app when it's clicked.
6. "initflashfiles.dat">> no entry called "Tools" already tried that
Why does it matter if it's read-only or not?

(UPDATED 21-April-2010) HTC LOCKSCREEN Delay fix: Simple Reg edit

This thread is for those who use the HTC Lockscreen and who:
A) Like the slider at the top of the screen, but are looking for a fix for that pesky 3-4 second delay before it becomes responsive. For this method, you can either apply the reg edit below in "UPDATED FIX 1-Dec-2010 Registry Edit Fix", install the attached cab and follow the instructions in the "UPDATE 1-Jan-2010 paragraph" or install the startup exe. as per UPDATE 30-March-2010;
and for those who...
B) would like to flip the slider from the top to the bottom. For this, I highly recommend HeartofWolf's Lockscreen fix located here http://htcpedia.com/forum/showthread.php?t=363. There are plenty of mods that move the slider to the bottom, but the benefit of his cab is that the calendar notification icon disappears once a calendar event has expired. The downside for me is that the slider is resized a bit too skinny. If you install the cab and find the slider to be too small and would prefer the slider to be the normal oem size, I have modified the LS_Lockscene_480x800.cpr to do just that. Further in the mod, I have moved the slider up from the bottom to be at approximately thumb height. To install the modified LS_Lockscene_480x800.cpr:
1)You will first need to install HeartofWolf's Lockscreen fix V4, if you haven't already.
2)Download and unzip the LS_Scene_480x800_modification file below.
3) Move the LS_Scene_480x800.cpr file to your device and copy and paste it into the lockscreen folder located in File Explorer->Windows->Lockscreen.
4) Soft-Reset. You're done.
Note: If you install HeartofWolf's cab, there is no need to install the registry delay fix. Flipping the slider from top to bottom solves the delay. If you later uninstall the cab, you may lose the lockscreen. If that happens, no problem, just copy the original lockscreen files also attached below back into the Lockscreen file in File Explorer->Windows and soft-reset.
TIP: Slider Notifications
If you use the notification sliders to access missed calls, voicemail, email etc. , but wished the voicemail slider called your voicemail instead of taking you to your dialpad or the email slider went to your inbox instead of the manila tab, then take a look at the following thread by Da_G:
History and Updates
UPDATED 21-April-2010 Fixed each of the notification sliders' position in LS_Lockscene 480x800 so as not to overlap the unlock slider. When I moved the unlock slider up further from the bottom to be at approximate thumb height, I did not adjust the notification sliders up along with it. So, when you had more than one notification and the sliders dropped down, one or two would overlap the unlockslider. That has been adjusted.
UPDATED 30-March-2010 Thanks and big credits to Trueg who created a start up exe. that will run the reg edit at start up. The beauty of his exe is that in the past if you realigned your screen, on your next softreset, the delay would return, at which point you would have to reinstall the cab or reapply the reg edit and soft reset. What Trueg's exe. does is run the reg edit on each start-up. So each time you reset your phone, the reg edit that solves the delay automatically runs.
To install:
1. Download and unzip the "setFirstCal" file below.
2. Copy and paste the setFirstCal.exe inside your "StartUp" folder located in File Explorer->Windows->StartUp.
3. Softreset. Done.
If you choose this method, there is no need to install the cab or apply the reg edit. This will take care of everything for you.
UPDATED 1-Jan-2010 Cab file for Registry Edit is now available below. Credit and thanks to cduijker. After installing, please remember to soft reset. If for some reason the cab does not work for you, check to see if you have the registry setting as discussed below in the "UPDATED FIX 12/1/09". If you do not have the setting then it appears this fix is not the solution for you.
UPDATED 1-Dec-2010 Registry Edit Fix
For those who would like to fix the lockscreen delay, but would prefer to do so without having to hardreset or reflash, I have the fix for you. Before I begin I would like to give a BIG thanks and credit to kieboy for testing this edit and providing feedback!
Open your favorite registry editor and navigate to:
1) HKLM\Hardware\DeviceMap\Keybd
2) look for the entry named: FirstCalibration
3) If it's there, you can do one of two things 1) delete it or 2) as suggested to me by kieboy, you can change the dword value from 1 to 0.
4) softreset. To be sure, I recommend a manual softreset using your stylus opposed to a softreset program. I've tested this fix on a couple of roms and one of the softreset programs would not allow the fix to take.
5) bring up the lockscreen in "start", push the power button to turn the screen off (standby) and then back on. The slider should immedietely respond.
If it doesn't work, you can always realign your screen and the deleted or changed value should reappear after a softreset.
Please note: From time to time you may need to realign your screen. If you do, remember to go back into the registry and perform the edit again. The reason being is that manually aligning the screen creates the value "FirstCalibration", which appears, at least in part, to be the culprit causing the delay.
Also note that on occassion the slider gets stuck on one side or the other depending on which way you slide it. If it sticks, just tap the slider and it will unlock. Doesn't happen very ofter, but it does happen.
If you would like to solve the delay by avoiding the screen alignment process altogether after each hard reset or flash, please continue reading below.
November 22, 2009 Alternative Solution
The lockscreen delay is nothing new and has been defined around the forum as a 2-3 second delay between the time the device is woken up from standby and the time the slider becomes responsive to either unlock the device or access the slider notifications. Indeed, in the past there have been some excellent fixes: mindfrost82, tommy34 and heartofwolf, just to name a few. By in large, these fixes are edits to .Cpr files and in most cases no longer work, except for heartofwolf, on the newer manila 2.1 and 2.5 roms with the HTC Lockscreen. The heartofwolf fix, however, resizes the slider and puts it at the bottom of the screen, which at the time was the known protocol to fix the delay. It should be noted that using a password to unlock is a fix too. Some are not bothered by the delay while others are. I myself like the slider instantly responsive and accesible once the screen is on. If you fall into the latter category I may have a fix.
I believe the slider delay is the direct result of manual screen calibration or aligning the screen during initial set up after either a new rom flash or hard reset. If you skip the "welcome" process, i.e. screen alignment, date and time setting etc. you will also skip the process that creates the delay. What in manual screen alignment is linked to the delay is something I am looking into.
The solution, as I see it for now, is to skip or bypass the screen alignment process altogether. Some Chefs do this already, namely Dutty, to among other things speed up the set up process.
How to do it: there are a couple of ways you can find in the forum, however, one way is to:
1) Create a blank text file on your PC and name it, welcome.not Be sure it does not save as welcome.not.txt or it won't work. If so, remove the .txt.
2) Next, place the text file in the root of your storage card.
3) Now, flash a new rom or hard reset and you're done.
Another way:
1) Open file explorer on your device.
2) Go to the root directory of your storage card.
3) With your stylus or finger, tap and hold the screen and wait for the menu to pop open.
4) from th menu create a new file and name it welcome.not
5) Now you can hard reset or flash a new rom.
It's up to you whether you leave your SD in during flash. I do not. If you do not, after the rom flash, stick your SD in and hard reset. If all goes to plan, the "welcome" phase will be bypassed, and you will not be prompted to align the screen or set the date, location, time etc.
To test and see if there is no delay, once the device is set up, go to the start menu, press the lock button at the bottom of the screen. When the lock pops up, turn your screen off. Wait a second or two and turn it back on. The slider should respond instantly. NOTE: if you go into settings and manually align the screen, upon soft reset, the delay will be back.
The screen coordinates should load automatically after the bypass. If for any reason you need them, here are the Blackstone alignment coordinates from HKLM/Hardware/Devicemap/Touch/ Calibrationdata:
511,542 183,881 183,198 834,197 883,880.
Thanks for the useful info!
I also don't like the delay in lockscreen slider, so at next flash I will test it.
EDIT: I tested it and works great!!!
I stopped calibrating my screen, because it seemed unnecessary. My screen seems to work flawlessly without it.
Btw - I'm using LIA 13.5 MobileShell version without manila. I didn't calibrate and I have no delay when it wakes up. You might be onto something!
@jolas, Excellent! Did you use a blank text file or a blank file folder inside the SD root?
@Rob, I was hoping someone who did this as a matter of course would post!
Sean3 said:
@jolas, Excellent! Did you use a blank text file or a blank file folder inside the SD root?
@Rob, I was hoping someone who did this as a matter of course would post!
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I use a blank text file (welcome.not).
Wow super tip, thank you Sean3
The welcome.not empty file works for me on L26HDLEOV3 as well
The screen react the second it wakes
im not quite sure if i do something wrong in the process, but when i flash energy 28005 rom from sd card, it doesnt skip the screen allignment.
i created a blank welcome.not .txt file and put it in the sd card as described, but nothing happens...
i hate the delay, can anyone help me?
Actorios said:
im not quite sure if i do something wrong in the process, but when i flash energy 28005 rom from sd card, it doesnt skip the screen allignment.
i created a blank welcome.not .txt file and put it in the sd card as described, but nothing happens...
i hate the delay, can anyone help me?
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The file needs to be named welcome.not instead of welcome.not.txt. Just remove the .txt and you should be good to go.
Sean3 said:
The file needs to be named welcome.not instead of welcome.not.txt. Just remove the .txt and you should be good to go.
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the file is already named welcome.not. the ".txt" was to show that its a text file...
Edit: ok, you were right. now i removed the .txt bit.
gonna try again tomorrow.
Hope you can find the culprit for this delay for someone like me who cannot afford to do a hard reset..so troublesome. Thanks for the tip though.
I think I found it. See Edit at the top of post #1.
i don't have that key on my Hong Kong machine english rom.... I have done a calibration before and did it once more but it is still not there.. and yes i have about a 1 to 2 seconds delay... cheers...
Sean3 said:
I think I found it. See Edit at the top of post #1.
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You DA MAN! Thanks for the fix Sean.
kieboy said:
You DA MAN! Thanks for the fix Sean.
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Thanks for testing!
This definitely deserves a sticky.
tsttse said:
i don't have that key on my Hong Kong machine english rom.... I have done a calibration before and did it once more but it is still not there.. and yes i have about a 1 to 2 seconds delay... cheers...
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Are you using an HD, HD2 or other? If HD, what rom are you using and what is the winmo and manila build? If you get a chance, could you list the keys that you do have?
good stuff - props given and sticky requested!
this definitly works....good work...should be added to the wiki
Thread has been stickied. Obviously if a permanent fix is already embedded into future roms or if this fix becomes obsolete I will remove it from being stickied

