aluminium case - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

i have had reduced signal strenth when using the aluminium case for xda2 anyone else had problems with it

Me... i sold mine and went for a krusell case instead.
Search the forum, you should find quite a large thread about cases.

Yes, same here... It seems the case works as a very good signal shield. The robustness of the finish is also questionable to say the least.
All-in-all, a very poor product.

I wouln't say that the quality is bad, I.e it is one of the cheapest aluminum cases you can buy, so please do not knock it for that.
And yes their is signal loss, which means extra power is needed to get signal strenght which leads to reduced battery life.
I have the case now about three months, and haven't given it a second thought. it does what it needs doing - protecting your mda

well i'm getting the crystal one insted of the alu one it also protects and dont mess up the signal str

Ive heard that the quality of the crystal case is good. BUT (yes, there is a big but) the case front cover is not well attached and will easily fall of, after a few hard bumps. So, that´s why i didnt buy that one...


alu case / proporta

I dropped my xda 1 twice and had to get it repaired. For my xda2 I tried to get a good, secure solution to cover it.
Proporta seems to have a perfect alu case, but I heard that there is a problem with the gsm/gprs connectivity in the closed case.
After getting the info, that there is no cutting in signal strength, I ordered a propota and got on saturday. It does really cut minimum two bars of signal strenth, that means in some areas there is no more signal at all ( in my home for example) and the xda is constantly searching a connection...
But there is a whole in the back beside the camera whole. This is meant for the connection of an external anntena.. So would it be possible to get a connector for that anntena and ad a selfmade thin anntena on the alu case from proporta. I´m absolutly double lefthanded concerning technical things: can anybody tell me if this might be possible and get a good signal in the closed alucase???
Link to proporta case
Do you have the link to the web-site- I have been looking for a secure case
never had a prob with signal on my properta aluminium case for xda 1 :\
That's because the XDA I has a dirty great external aerial, whereas the XDA II has a built in one. Hence when you completely enclose it in aluminum it kills the signal.
i dont think it kills signal they wouldnt design a case that does that...
you can put a 3310 inside a metal tin and still ahve signal so it shouldnt effect an triband phone
Have a look at the many posts on these forums, and over at Tekguru, from people who own the Proporta case, including myself, and most say that it definitely does reduce signal strength. It doesn't actually kill it, but it reduces it by a good 2 bars, and lets face it if you're with O2 that's enought to kill it in most circumstances.
I can only report my own findings, but as far as I'm concerned it DEFINITELY reduces signal strength.
Rogh Case for XDAII
I only have an XDA I, but:
Send me a few XDA IIs and I'll make a super tough custom case for you. The material will be Kevlar* fiber reinforced plastic with a little carbon fiber reinforcement here and there. A case like that would cut absolutely no signal stength but withstand your girl stepping onto it with the heel of her stilettos or dropping it on the floor. For a few more XDA IIs I'll make it withstand driving over it in your car as well.
How much would you be willing to pay for such a case, in case you don't have any surplus XDA II to send me?
Martin Kopplow
* similar to the stuff they make bullet proof vests of, but not as flexible.
I have the proporta alu case for both my XDA and XDA II - no signal problems on either devices when in the closed case.
These cases are now being sold through o2 store's.
We got 5 in today and there great well reccomended
What price, they are selling for 19.99 on ebay UK.
There going for £24.99 and there the same ones they eb=ven have the company name properta on the insdie.
We only got them today so I doubt any store has them on the shop floor so go in and ask for them
The manager did our ones for £10 so i'm happy.
I just received a message that Innopocket will do the aluminum case for the MDAII/XDAII as well. they will add them to their website today.
My XDA II Porporta Aluminium Case does not reduce my radio signal strength at all either.....Bluetooth remains the same.... :roll:
One thing to note about the Proporta Aluminium Case, the screw which goes onto the caseing itself for usage with the belt clip losens over a period of time casing the unit to drop off from your belt. Do take note of that. I had mine dropping off even though i was sure i had the screw really tight in the case itself :lol:
I´ve cut a windows in the case to see who is calling. Signal strenght now is as good as w/o case.
Nice work
I also have to do some modification on the proporta case, because if you want to use the headphone, the plastic cover is in the way. so i have to make it a bit bigger in the cover
xtac said:
My XDA II Porporta Aluminium Case does not reduce my radio signal strength at all either.....Bluetooth remains the same.... :roll:
One thing to note about the Proporta Aluminium Case, the screw which goes onto the caseing itself for usage with the belt clip losens over a period of time casing the unit to drop off from your belt. Do take note of that. I had mine dropping off even though i was sure i had the screw really tight in the case itself :lol:
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I have put a drop of Loctite on the threads so when tightened it will never come loose.
But I never use the darn thing now as it kills off the signal completly. 2 bars at the best of time round here.
Might be interested in the kevlar idea if it looks cool. Thats the reason I have an Alu case cos it looks cool.
I have the proporta Al case and it drops at least 2 bars when it is enclosed too. I also had the idea of a flexible thin antenna attached to the back of the case but I can't seem to find the details on the external antenna connector.
If the external antenna connectors are proprietary, why doesn't O2 release the connector? How can a company advertise having the ability to connect to an external antenna if the plug is not available to fit the socket? Does anyone know if the antenna connectors are the same between xda2 and iMate?
It gets even more annoying when it has been out of range for a few minutes and it gets lazy and decides to stop trying to reconnect to GSM and seems to crash the radio stack.
snowdude said:
I have the proporta Al case and it drops at least 2 bars when it is enclosed too. I also had the idea of a flexible thin antenna attached to the back of the case but I can't seem to find the details on the external antenna connector.
If the external antenna connectors are proprietary, why doesn't O2 release the connector? How can a company advertise having the ability to connect to an external antenna if the plug is not available to fit the socket? Does anyone know if the antenna connectors are the same between xda2 and iMate?
It gets even more annoying when it has been out of range for a few minutes and it gets lazy and decides to stop trying to reconnect to GSM and seems to crash the radio stack.
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I too have been looking for the connector for months now, with no luck.
I have also noticed once the phone is out of range for a few minutes, it never bothers to try and reconnect. I am hoping the new firmware will fix this.
I have just installed the new radio stack et al. It may lower the chances of the stack crashing or giving up trying to connect, but I doubt it will provide greater coverage.
it's a nice case mod that one though i would prob put in some windowish thing to protect the screen if it fell on a sharp corner

Does the Metal Case Reduce Signal Strength?

I don't know if Telstra is having a bad week or if my metal case is reducing signal strength.
Does anyone else have a metal case for their XDAII and has noticed poor coverage?
ps. yeah I am normally with Optus, I'm using a work sim card while on call.
I will be recieving my metal case this week, so il keep u posted. Got a program that shows the network coverege in %, so il use it to check.
I have read in several posts that the signal strength is weakened up to 40% using the Proporta metal case.
skenliv said:
Got a program that shows the network coverege in %, so il use it to check.
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Can you share the name of this software with us?
I have very bad reception at home. I wish to check the coverage around here.
Yes, i can confirm that it does reduce strenght. This is the reason i have order the new vaja case (
This is an interesting question? I've just purchased my XDA II with some accessories including the metal case - with a label inside. Not sure if this is the one you are referring to but last night I went for a drive in my car. The XDA II was sat in a car holder back to front because the nob that connects to your belt gets in the way. Anyway, my wife called me 5x times whilst I was driving and the phone did not ring at all!
Having said that, I have just come across this forum, read your comments about this and done a test - testing signal strength before and after the case was fitted.
No case: signal strength 2/3
with case: signal strength 2/3
So I don't really know if the case is reducing the signal strength at all, but last night was wierd to say the least! Anymore comments about this would be appreciated.
I was going to use My|Phone´s signal function, and then remotely connect to the XDA II and see what the signal is when the case is closed, and then compare it to when i have it taken out of the case.
I used My|Phone for a bit, and there was a difference between out of the case, in the case and with flap open, and in the case with the flap closed.
Strangely the signal strength was all over the farm, but on the whole i would ahve to say it appeared to be lower in the case.
I love the security the metal case gives me, but I hate how i always have to open the flap to see what is happening with my call etc.
I'm going to look at getting a clear hard plastic case when they are available locally.
How have you all found using the leather case that comes with the XDAII ? I used mine for a day or so but liked the look of the metal one more. My only concern with the leather case was the locking clip, it looked like it could snap off easily?
Yes it does reduce the reception.
I have the proporta aluminium case and it does, but not too much.
Unless you are in a really bad reception area, it shouldn't effect you.
Before I bought it (ebay) I made sure with the seller that if it was going to effect my reception bad enough to miss calls or something I would get my money back.
I'm happy with it.
Yes the case reduces the reception a bit. But not that much. I have "the other" metal case. Not the one from Proporta but I can't remember who made it....
Don't forget that reception will sometimes change depending from the place were you are. There are several places on the road were reception is bad and sometimes I can be sitting at one place and have good reception and suddenly it is almost gone . This is the providers fault :evil:
Well I went for a drive in the car today and my wife who was sat next to me rang my phone - Virgin to O2 network. I had the music on and the ring tone I set was too quiet. She rang the phone again, whilst the phone was in the metal case, and sometimes the phone would ring and other times not within a space of a few minutes or so. Upon taking the XDA out of the metal case and putting it back in the phone holder there was no problems!
It's a real shame as I like the case. I am considering taking it back now and using my leather case instead Plus, I can see the metal case getting marked very easily!
Im going to remake my aluminium case as i recieve it. Cut a hole får the screen and put in a plastic window.
I have made more than 40 tests with and without the metal case at several places.
I am using phonedashboard to show the signal level in %.
The metal case is ALWAYS reducing the signal level 15 to 30 digits.
In example I have placed my xda on a table without metal case and the signal level is 80%. Than I have placed the xda again with the metal case on the same place (i have marked the place) and the signal level ist 65 %.
I have made this procedure again and again to get enough data to compare.
Now I have a vaja case and no signal problems any more.
I wonder if removing some of the case near the antenna would help...
hmm.. I think I'll just get a plastic case...
where do you say that antenna is placed ?
i mean you could think that it's where it was on xda1 but
from this i cant say for sure
not sure if you are talking about the external antenna connector but that would not help unless you connected an antenna to it
the antenna is inside the xda2 and is as long as the device
to 100% free it you would have to cut the case in 1/2
Now i recieved my Aluminium Case for the XDA II. Looks nice, but its very much more bulky than i thought. And the beltclip is a big JOKE, it hangs loose and bad! And besides, there is a belt clip included with the Proporta Alu Case. Just incase you are going to place an order...
Umm, im not shure if i am gonna be satisfied with it, dont quite like it.
One disadvantage of having an internal Phone antenna is that it is easily blocked. The aerial is inside the black plastic at the top.
If you put it in a pocket then it is important that you place it with the screen towards your body so the aerial is unobstructed for receiving calls.
When holding it during calls,it is important not to let your fingers cover the aerila if you are in a weak signal area.
Sydney Australia
One disadvantage of having an internal Phone antenna is that it is easily blocked. The aerial is inside the black plastic at the top.
If you put it in a pocket then it is important that you place it with the screen towards your body so the aerial is unobstructed for receiving calls.
When holding it during calls,it is important not to let your fingers cover the aerila if you are in a weak signal area.
Sydney Australia
well the antenna are never fully external
like on the xda1 only some of the antenna is external
it would most likely be internal aswell
for better reception

Don't drop it!

I was standing at the bus stop, thought I would make a note so i removed the Qtek S110 (new) from the supplied belt clip holster but it slipped, bounced unto the pavement (about 3 ft). Apart from the case dents and scrapes the earpiece is dead and the service lights do not work. This is not as durable as a mobile by any stretch - be careful Also insure it now!!
The solution : the silicon case, wich procure a very cheap, discreet and efficient protection.
the thing i dont like about the silicon case is that it sticks to clothe, so putting it in and out of your pocket is a hassle. i dont use a case and have been lucky to only drop is once, which was a slight one, minor scratches.
I dont use a silicon case, just the provided belt holster.
I dropped my Magician only twice, on the first day I had it, and on the second day. Now I am doing 170 days without incident.
Maybe I was too excited the first days ;-)
What is the silicon case about, I have never seen one, is there a link available? This does not get away from the underlying problem that these PDA/Phones are fragile.
I was in London this weekend and invested in this CAPDASE aluminium case. Offers all-round protection. Had a Krusell case before, but was not as practical as this one. Very well built as well.
(Aplogies for the quality of the pics, taken with a Magician!)
Yeah, for the magicians picture quality, one really has to apologize - hope this will become better with future models.
What is regarding the stability, I found it really stable. I wouldn't also say it's less stable than a usual mobile phone but there are certainly some mobiles that are more robust. This is also due to the high weight of the Magician compared to a phone. I know some mobile phones that can't even withstand one drop. I had two with my magician and it's still fine (only some ditches and stuff).
Try dropping an HTC Universal and you'd be very proud of your Magician.
One must learn to break the fall with thier foot. I have had 3 drops from chest hight all broken by my feet, lucky to react so quick in some cases. Scilicone cases are useless if you dock your Jam in a cradle and can make it impossible to get out of your tight levi's.
Best case / protection I've found...Capdase SPI cases...dropped my jam a few times (I can be real clumsy at times )...and the case has protected my jam.
The best tip so far is the foot method, never thought of that one! What happens if you drop it at the side of your body. Surely a foot action may cause one to kick it (serious question)?
You are right about a case nogs. Cases, in my view bulk up a PDA or phone making them larger. Why did any of us by the Magician, because of the size?

Seidio Innocase (Black) $24.85 SHIPPED has teamed up with Amazon and they're selling the Seidio Innocase for $24.85 shipped. I added Priority shipping and the total was $26.85. I bought my first Innocase from them but I got wasted on St. Patricks Day and broke it. The phone is fine, thank God.
The Seidio Innocase is hands down, THE BEST case for the Kaiser. The holster (strongly recommended) really keeps the device safe.
Right now, I'm using my Boxwave as a backup. I like it, but the belt clip forces you to wear it with the screen facing out which could lead to damage.
This is a great deal.
I have this case and imo its overpriced crap. The thing rarely stays on all the way. It seems there's always a corner or something to press down on again to get it to stay on it.
If you want a nice case cheap, just buy a cheapy. I bought one off Amazon for less than $5 and it stays on all the time never have to worry about it at all. The only difference is the holster and finish. The Seido has a nicer feel to it due some coating they put on it. And the holster for the cheapy is one of those screw on job's.
But hey if you want to spend $20 on a coating for something that will fall off, go ahead its on sale!!
I've used it for 2 weeks now and it stays on, feels great on hand, and haven't found any peeling of the rubberized layer.
I used to put on PDAir Aluminium for my SE M600 and it also go roughed up. So you can imagine my usage habit and this Seidio performs beyond my expectation.
Yea, I dunno man, I never have had a problem with my Seidio. You just have to make sure you have it on correctly. The boxwave is a very close second though. I wish Boxwave had a holster similar to Seidio's.
The great thing about the Boxwave is that it has a "notch" for the reset hole so it's almost impossible to miss and end up messing up your USB port.
-haze- said:
Yea, I dunno man, I never have had a problem with my Seidio. You just have to make sure you have it on correctly.
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I don't know how someone could fit it on incorrectly. It only goes on one way and its pretty obvious which way that is.
My biggest problem w/the case is that if i slide that keyboard out it will knock off the bottom hinges.
IMO its not a secure case. Is it designed well as far as all the little notches and slots? Yes. Does it feel nice in your hand? Yes. Does it look nice? Yes. Is it worth more than $5? No.
Is this really much different to the 'crystal cases' that you can buy from the markets and crack after a week in your pocket?
Dont u dare!
Dont even think about buying this pathetic case. after much debate i bought this hoping it would protect my kaiser. i spent a week looking for the perfect case, went through everything i could find. i received the case, it snapped on easily, i hardly had an issue with the little hinges, the case lasted me a good 18 months. the rubberised outside is a nice touch, imo the phone doesnt look good with the case, but i stuck with it coz it protects your phone, right? well not quite. what the assholes at seidio dont tell you is that yeah they've rubberised the outside but done nothing inside the case. its plastic, which means after a couple of months you start to accumulate **** inbetween the case and the outside of the fone. ordinarily it might not be a problem, but if like me the fone spends most of its time in the back pocket, in bags etc then any grainy kind of crap between a plastic cover and a kaiser = ? you guessed it, major dents, scratches, gouges etc. i didnt check the phone for a good 3 months after i put the cover on, when i took it back off my phone looked like id rolled it down a hill and then threw it back up again. its ruined my kaiser and now i cant sell it on unless i buy another housing and put it on myself. it may be error on my part assuming that a protective case protects the outside of your fone, i dont know. this is my experience of this ****ty case, take it or leave. i think you'd be better off buying the cheapy crystal ones, coz then atleast you can see when your phone needs cleaning and you dont end up ruining it.
sorry for going on and on.
Thanks for your feedback paradoox,
anyone else have similar long term reports?
On a separate note, i found out that Boxwave do a very similar (nearly identical) case and holster. Anyone handled both the Seidio and Boxwave for a comparison?
yep thats pretty much what i thought
paradoox said:
Dont even think about buying this pathetic case. after much debate i bought this hoping it would protect my kaiser. i spent a week looking for the perfect case, went through everything i could find. i received the case, it snapped on easily, i hardly had an issue with the little hinges, the case lasted me a good 18 months. the rubberised outside is a nice touch, imo the phone doesnt look good with the case, but i stuck with it coz it protects your phone, right? well not quite. what the assholes at seidio dont tell you is that yeah they've rubberised the outside but done nothing inside the case. its plastic, which means after a couple of months you start to accumulate **** inbetween the case and the outside of the fone. ordinarily it might not be a problem, but if like me the fone spends most of its time in the back pocket, in bags etc then any grainy kind of crap between a plastic cover and a kaiser = ? you guessed it, major dents, scratches, gouges etc. i didnt check the phone for a good 3 months after i put the cover on, when i took it back off my phone looked like id rolled it down a hill and then threw it back up again. its ruined my kaiser and now i cant sell it on unless i buy another housing and put it on myself. it may be error on my part assuming that a protective case protects the outside of your fone, i dont know. this is my experience of this ****ty case, take it or leave. i think you'd be better off buying the cheapy crystal ones, coz then atleast you can see when your phone needs cleaning and you dont end up ruining it.
sorry for going on and on.
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I had a similar experience as paradoox, bought it, thought it looked crap but left it on to protect fone, few weeks later discovered one of the little little tabs holding the top half of the case on snapped so it wouldn't stay on.. this is when i found scratches and dents under the case too. imo ... the case is just too expensive for how it performs... better to go thu 3 cheapies i think..
It all depends on your usage and carry habit.
I carry my phone on a leather pouch on my belt, with the Seidio snuggly fit on it, so it won't slip whatsoever.
It does make sense that some grits, etc. will get under the case, but I just opened it up 1-2 weeks ago and found nothing. Remember, I live in Jakarta, taking public buses and lots of fumes, dust, etc. around the air.
Of course it has to be also counted that I rarely open my phone in public (dusty, windy area) mainly for security reasons. I don't flaunt my belongings. I worked in an office building, and the phone is often out, but it's a clean environment.
Again, YMMV. For someone who wants no dust, I read somewhere there's a waterproof case for Kaiser ..
For my use, Seidio works great.

Nifty leather case I found, made for the Kaiser

I am a pretty big perfectionist when it comes to cases. I want something that doesn't add steps to the process of using the phone, and something that is durable as well.
I've been through the hard cover cases and found that they look terrible after a few dings. I also found that on most hard cover cases there is a certain point of weakness where the frame is smaller to compensate for port access, which led my case to crack.
Anyways, I just ordered the O24550LCST1BK from CarryMobile.
Google search O24550LCST1BK and click the first link to see it.
When will I have my url restrictions lifted? I've been a registered user for a bit now...
From the pictures it's just what I was looking for. It isn't blocky or otherwise ugly. I really like the rugged appearance and the metal hook on the back for misc usage!
The only downside is that it doesn't have a way to use the keyboard (thats another model that they offer though). I use mostly touch friendly apps anyways so I won't notice it.
When it arrives I will let you know what I think!
Is this the one you meant?
Doesn't seem very svelte. And having to take it off to use the keyboard is a big negative for me.
The O24550LCBSPBK-4550 may be more along the lines of something you would be interested in. I'm debating changing my order for that one and just removing the front cover flap.
Thx but all these cases are a waste of time and money. Just don't throw your phone on the floor and it stays fine. It's all common sense really. If you drop it, well that's your fault isn't it. Take care of your phone and it will last for years.
stuntdouble said:
Thx but all these cases are a waste of time and money. Just don't throw your phone on the floor and it stays fine. It's all common sense really. If you drop it, well that's your fault isn't it. Take care of your phone and it will last for years.
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I can agree with your point of not dropping it being the number 1 way to make a phone last, but in my situation I need a case for both the protection and belt clip usage. I am normally pretty good about taking care of my phone, but I've had a few run ins with people bumping into me.
I know I am perfectly capable of taking care of my phone, but it's the other 'crazy drivers' im worried about. I'd think differently if I hadnt already had to replaced most of the internal components of my phone XD
I use Seidio hard case with local branded leather pouch (vertical, with flap magnetic cover). Pretty handy. Tried not dropping the phone, it's now 3 times already. All due to my own absent mindedness.
However, the Seidio holds up well, it hasn't cracked or anything. Phone working fine still ..
I had PDAir Aluminium on my SE M600 previously, but given Kaiser's bulk & weight, I decided going lighter. Besides I read somewhere the aluminium reduces signal quality (on M600 doesn't matter, not doing any Wifi - it doesn't have one but it matters for Kaiser, both GPS and Wifi)
Its similar to the case I had by SENA for my HTC 8525/HERMES. The only difference it had a flap the covered the entire screen/keyboard and did fully protect the phone. The only problem was you had to remove the phone for the keyboard. Generally didn't use the keyboard so it was perfect. Unfortunately SENA doesn't make one for the KAISER otherwise I'd buy it. Did protect the phone fully.
stim141 said:
Its similar to the case I had by SENA for my HTC 8525/HERMES. The only difference it had a flap the covered the entire screen/keyboard and did fully protect the phone. The only problem was you had to remove the phone for the keyboard. Generally didn't use the keyboard so it was perfect. Unfortunately SENA doesn't make one for the KAISER otherwise I'd buy it. Did protect the phone fully.
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did you look at the O24550LCBSPBK-4550 model? Sounds like what you describe, except you can open it up and the keyboard keys are protected by a plastic layer. I finally broke down and got this case, so I am just waiting on it to arrive from hong kong now

