It doesn't leave a copy of the mail on the server - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I use the default mail client on my qtek 2020.
I want that it leaves a copy of the message on the server always.
When I download them it leaves a copy, but if I delete it from my device and remake a send/receive it goes thru all the messages (I see the number of all the messages on the server at the bottom) which are on the server and it deletes all the messages on the server that was deleted before on my Qtek.
What can I do?
I want that all the messages remain on the server in any case (also if I delete them from my device).
Thanks for the answer,


POP3-Mails remain on Server - How to delete

i created a po3-account on my universal and sending & retrieving mails works very well. But all the mails remain on the server, but i want them to be deleted when i have them on my universal.
I have the options set to: get all mails and all attachement, so i won´t miss anything.
Where can i change these settings ?
the mails are deleted on the server when you delete then in your jasjar and the press "send/receive" again

Gmail POP’ped to desktop and IMAP’ped to Wizard?

I would like to read my gmail email in MS Outlook on my computer, and while I am away from it, read the new only emails (the ones not yet downloaded to desktop) from my T-mobile MDA.
The way I understand it is done is to POP emails to desktop (which deletes them from the email server) and use IMAP on the mobile device to read whatever is not POPped yet. The problem is that Google’s Gmail does not support IMAP protocol. So how do I do this then, other than to change to an email provider who supports both POP and IMAP?
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder.
I think what you need to do is change the settings in MS Outlook on your desktop to leave a copy of the email on the server for x number of days. On your PDA change the imap server settings to only download the last x number of messages or messages that were received in the last x number of days. I don't use a POP server anymore but you should be able to use the "tools" then "email accounts" then "view or change exisiting email accounts" and look for something along the lines of leave copy/copies of email on the server so that way Outlook doesn't delete them from the server.... In terms of the POP settings on the PDA make sure that it is never deleting emails off the server otherwise you are going to be faced with "dissapearing" email messages.
Hopefully this helps or someone else can be more helpful.
go to your gmail account, in the settings you can set it to be accessable through POP, do that. Dont forget to set it to leave a copy on the server
On your PDA you need to configure Outlook to accept the gmail accout.
go Start > Programs > Messaging
at bottom of screen choose Accounts
click New
enter email address click next
enter Your Name, User name, Password ( I leave the save password box ticked as I am idle ) click next
choose account type POP3
choose Name POP3 (unless you have option to choose another name you like better) click next
in server information
set Incoming as
set Outgoing as
click the options button, page 2 of 3 check Outgoing requires server auth , check box Require SSL
click next
box now shows all Accounts as New, Text Message, POP3
click the OK top right of screen
thats it, done.
Wizzer said:
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
...and hence not downloaded to the desktop if I understand correctly.
justintime07 said:
On your PDA change the imap server settings...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gmail does not support IMAP unfortunately. Also, I do not want to go by the number of days or number of messages because those things are not known in advance. I only want to pop email to my computer, and read whatever is not popped to the computer from the mobile device.
tbc_borg, the instructions are helpful if I only wanted to read email from the road. But after email is downloaded to the device, Gmail does not pop it to the desktop, which is not good for me.
I think I found how to do this.
I got another gmail address, set up forwarding of everything from the main email to the second one (with the original left in the main Inbox). I pop everything from the main email to the desktop and from the second email address to the Wizard. I will be receiving duplicate emails to both desktop and the mobile device, but that is better than having only half of emails on the desktop. Any better ideas? I searched extensively, found nothing smarter (well, again, other than finding an email provider that supports both pop and imap protocols).
I had the same problem. What I did was open a second relay a/c, eg [email protected]. I then added a forward on all mails from my normal gmail account to the relay account. On my phone I have my incoming mail server set to the relay account but my outgoing server set to my normal account. This means that all your mails will be forwarded to the relay account and when you want to reply to any of them on the phone it will send them from your normal account!
Bit of a roundabout way of doing things but works fine!
WOW, good hint with the different outgoing server, decmac! It works just as expected!
But I noticed something else that is wrong. I send a test email to my main email address, it gets forwarded to the relay email address. Send/receive from computer, receive the email fine. Send/receive from Wizard, receive it fine as well. So far so good. However, when I send/receive from the Wizard again, the email message that has just been downloaded gets DELETED and is nowhere to be found on the device (not even in "Deleted Items" folder.) I wonder what I have missed in the settings somewhere.
Yeah, that's a problem. It seems to only keep a current copy of your Gmail inbox on the phone so when you do send/receive it overwrites everything. What I have done to get around this is select "Get Message headers only" and select "Include x Kb of message body" Make x big enough to get all of your messages. It then keeps my messages in my inbox until I either delete it or select "Get entire message and any attachments" in the email message.
Not sure if this would work but maybe move messages into a local folder on the phone. Haven't tried this but in theory it should work! The above works perfect for me!
Perfect! It works!
Vielen Dank!
Kein Problem

IMAP to gmail configuration?

I'd like to configure Windows Mobile to make that the delete mail action in my gmail account archives the mail instead of deleting it.
I've read some post over the web talking about this issue, and giving some solutions, but none of them for Windows Mobile.
In essence, the solution implies to change the "label" that is associated with the delete action, so it must change from "[gmail]/trash" to "[gmail]/All mail" (this is my own interpretation of what I've read, very simplified ), but I don't know how to do this. I've searched the registry and the file system looking for some configuration entries, but I've been unable to find any
Any ideas? Is this possible to do?
(my ppc is a HTC TouchHD, by the way)
1 of the differences between imap and pop3 is that
imap dont delete the mails
you should try to change to pop3 in your pda
Use the IMAP connection and just move the messages to a folder on your PPC, this will change the tags in your gmail account. Thus moving the email from your Inbox to the folder of your choice.
Hi again,
Thanks Rudegar and Deedee for your replys. (sorry for my delayed answar, but I've been out of home some days)
Rudegar, I've been testing the pop3 access, but I have a problem. I use POP (with MS Outlook) in my main computer, so I always have my mails there and organized as I want (folders, subfolders, filters to delete, move, etc...) This is my main "mail box" and I like it this way 8·). The problem now is that if I download one mail from one pop3 "reader" (be it the PC or the PPC) the other one "loses" the mail. I suppose that gmail marks the mail as downloaded by pop so it is not "served" anymore. This makes the pop option "not an option" 8·(
Deedee, I've been playing a little more with the IMAP folders, and, as you say, I can move the messages to folders. The problem here is that this is not so easy as simply deleting it, and letting gmail to keep it archived. What I want is to be able to delete the messages but to be sure that there are kept safe by google, just in case ;·)...
What I want to do is exactly what is described in this page (, but I don't know if there is some way to do the same in Windows Mobile
Thansk again for your help 8·)
it's done! well... in fact it has been always done! 8·)
As a nice "side efect" of using a spanish version of Windows Mobile, mails are never marked as "Trash", but as "Elementos eliminados", what, of course, gmail does not understands and treats it as a normal label. So emails are never sent to the trash folder, wich is what I wanted! 8·)
So problem solved! Thanks again for your pattience 8·D

phone deletes emails by itself

not sure how this is happining or if its my mistake. but this has happenened to my more than once. the phone simply decides to deletes all emails prior to a spesific date without any confirmation. thank god that there it a copy of them in the deleted folder on exchange server
anybody else suffering from this?
This is normal, outlook is designed so it only keeps emails from a certain number of days into the past, according to the email settings.
Enter you email settings and tell it to keep the emails from the maximum allowable time, I can't remember how long but the increments were something like Today, last 3 days .... etc.
it deletes all mails that are no longer on the server, nothing to do about it, except as a workaround maybe moving important mails from inbox to antother folder
correct me if im wrong here
but i am under the impression that the number of days in the activesync options is only for the initial sync with your exchange acount
I have the same problem. Once in a while my Gmail Inbox is empty. Glad it is saved in 'All Mail' but the behaviour is very irritating
Are you connecting to your mailbox, i.e. gmail-server or just syncing with your Outlook?
When using POP3 to connect to the gmail-server, it will download all mail to your phone, and thus delete the messages on the server.
Try to connect via IMAP4 and go to the settings of your gmail-account on your phone. There you can change the number of days to something like all messages- just for your gmail-account.
The phone handles "imported" mail from outlook like a "real" email-account on the net. Thus, you can set the number of days independently for each account.
i use exchange outlook
why cant widows mobile be like blackberry it keeps all the email(compressed text on the phone) even when you remove the email to the local pst file it still stays on the device
I doenst matter if it imap or pop3, you can setup pop3 to leave a copy of the mail on the server btw.
But as soon as the mail is no longer on the mailserver (for example after downloading without keeping a copy on the server with your desktop pc) windows mobile will delete the mail from its inbox to next time you check for new mails.

Retain POP3 email

I collect my email from a POP3 server which works fine to a point.
However unlike the PC version of Outlook which collects the mail and retains it until it is deleted from the Inbox my PDA version is behaving as though it were connected to an IMAP server and removes the mail from the Inbox as soon as it is removed from the POP3 server.
I don't recall this happening when I first got the phone but can't be sure. Can anyone else confirm what happens with their POP3 mail ?
Ideally, I would like the messages I have downloaded to stay on the phone until I delete them manually which is what I thought used to happen.
You can indeed set an option to do this. Can't remember exactly where but it's in the account settings somewhere. I'm using imap now so can check.
Under the tool/options tab, tick the box that says "Leave a copy of message on server"... I had the same problem until I discovered this. Hope that helps.
SilverSnow said:
Under the tool/options tab, tick the box that says "Leave a copy of message on server"... I had the same problem until I discovered this. Hope that helps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Many thanks for the replies.
The problem is actually the other way round. I can delete a message on the phone without it removing the message from the POP3 Server. But if I delete the message from the POP3 server it is removed from the phone as soon as I do a "Send and Receive". In other words the POP3 server seems to be behaving as though it were an IMAP server.
Can anyone confirm whether this happens with their POP3 server or is just mine? As I said I don't think it used to do that.
Thanks in advance.
On my phone I can't find the "leave a copy of message on server" tick box. And as soon as I download the message, read it, and press send/receive once more, the message is deleted both from the phone and from the server!! This renders the phone utterly useless for emails, since I want to download all messages to my PC whenever I get home. I don't need the messages I delete on the phone to remain on the server, but once I get home and receive the messages in Outlook, they disappear on the server and thus when I send/receive on the phone they're all gone from the phone inbox which is fine.
This worked fine on my original stock rom on the TouchHD, but since I flashed to a 6.5.5 ROM it's all messed up. I've tried 3 different 6.5.5 ROMs.
Any idea how to fix this?

