GPRS Connection - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Having upgraded from the XDA to the XDA2 I have noticed that after receiving a MMS the GPRS indicator in the top left of the screen remains on. I can switch it off by turning off wireless and then turn wireless backon to get the normal service indicator displayed. But do I need to deactivate gprs ?? . and am I paying for it even when I am not making a call or doing things that use the internet or messaging services
Thanks for any info on this

It should close
It should close after 7-10 minutes or so.
I don't think you're paying for it being open - after all it's gprs not time-based billing

It does not switch off after 7/10 mins, But I have noticed that a symbol appears in the top of the screen showing a phone with a white circle containing a X . This shows for a few seconds then disappears, This happens often ,

After sending or recieving a MMS my xda-2 stay connected to the GPRS wap connection, it dose not cost to keeep it connected, if you wish to disconect just hold the red end key for a few seconds

Cant get it to close using red key ????
If its not costing anything then I guess its OK

even if you hold the red end key for 5 or so seconds, dose it not "beep" and theen the connection drops, again not that it matters as its not costing anyway

No it does'nt
As mentioned in an earlier post a symbol appears on the top of the screen every so often

not sure then, But as to the icon (phone , circle and cross) i asked this ages ago and was told its to do with the IA caller id thats included on the XDA-2, The handbook shows the icon in one of the screen shots but nowhere dose it mention anything about it


howto shutdown a gprs connection?

How can i shutdown a gprs connection?
All other connection can shutdown in the connectivity-windows but not the gprs.
Doesn't it say that you are connected with a little 'gprs' in the top left hand corner of the screen?
If it does hold the stylus on the symbol and uncheck the gprs line that is checked.
I've only had mine 2 days so still getting used to it, so no doubt there are other ways of doing it (more than likely simpler ways too )
one silly way that works with XDA I and not sure it does with XDA II. Press and hold the RED phone button till the phone is off. Then turn it on again and don't perform any GPRS action ... It will stay off :roll:
Anyway, if it doesn't cost too much, I like the "always connected" feature
With the XDA II you hold down the end button fo 3 seconds to disconnect GPRS.. it doesn't turn off the phone (only way to do that is tap on the connection icon, and hit turn wireless off.
First .. thanks for your answere!!!
Yes, it says that i´m connection with gprs, but there is no way to disconnect.
The red-button Trick to turn off the phone doesn´t work on the mda/xda-II
end-button == end-phone-call-button? I will try that....
I found holding down the red end button turned off the GPRS connection.
Anyway does it matter if it is left on??

XDAII bugs - will the new ROM 1.60 fix these?

Over the past couple of months I've noted a few bugs with my O2 XDAII running Windows Mobile 2003. Are all these bugs well known and have they been fixed by the ROM upgrade 1.60?
- XDAII crashes occasionally when asking for a password just after being switched on, showing a blank white screen or flickering password entry screen even after the password has been entered. I have my password set to a 4 digit code and 5 minute delay. This seems to happen when a reminder or call wakes the device up.
- XDAII sometimes doesn't wake up for reminders (the XDA also suffered from this problem)
- when the GPRS connection is active, there is no option to "disconnect GPRS" within the radio menu pop-up box (which opens up when you tap the signal strength indicator). The only way to close the GPRS connection seems to be by holding down the red "end call" hardware button for 1-2 seconds.
- no "x" at the top right of the phone skin sometimes, when a call comes in that wakes the device up. This means you have to open another program to be able to go ack to the phone skin and close it.
- sometimes XDAII device doesn't switch off after 3 minutes, although the screen does dim after 1 minutes (the 3 minutes and 1 minute are what I have set in my power settings). This seems to happen after GPRS use or Bluetooth being switched back on?
- the phone skin doesn't always recognise the caller from the contacts list and just shows the number, even if the contact is in the contacts list.
- when looking up a name in contacts for sending an SMS message you need to add "+" in front of 44.... as this doesn't seem to get included, which prevents messages from getting sent properly
- the bluetooth headset does not interact properly with the XDA II, it sometimes doesn't connect or disconnect the headset properly, you cannot flip out the bluetooth boom to answer a call, you cannot voicedial (this is a big disadvantage, is there any software available which makes this possible?) and you cannot long-press to reject a call. Although I use a Motorola HS810 headset the problem is with the XDAII headset profile.
I am aware that the bluetooth headset and SMS "+" problem have been discussed in this forum but have the others been noticed and fixed in the new ROM?

8525 not hanging up

Every few phone calls on my 8525, I notice that when I am done, and hit the end button (on screen, soft key or red phone button) the phone will not hang up...even after the other person has already hung up. I can keep hitting the buttons, but nothing registers. Everything else on the phone still works just fine, I can exit the dial pad, and get into any other menu, and the phone icon is still showing by the signal strength indicating a call is still in progress.
Anyone else experience this at all? Any suggestions?
I sometimes get the same thing, but I have no solution aside from the little "in-and-out" routine with the stylus and the reset hole.
Same problem here as well. Sometimes the call will go for 20 - 30 seconds after the other person has hung up.
Maybe it is cingulars way of getting us to use more minutes!!
same for me too...I figured out that my Cingular 8525 only does this when I am out of a 3g area. Every time that my phone displays the G icon and I'm on the phone it won't hang up for another 30 sec. after my conversation has is annoying...

phone is freezing up and losing signal

The phone powers on fine. Once it sits for a few minutes it goes to sleep and wont come out. No matter what I do. When I send text or try and call my phone from another phone it just goes to voicemail. Then twenty or thirty minutes later it will show up. Service is in and out and when I dial out it doesnt ever ring. WHile trying to text it just says text cannot be sent. I have the hermes 200 vodaphone v1605 and I am using t mobile service. IS this something to do with the network? It just works when it wants to!!
also after charging it just stays lit up! DOenst respond to any button strokes. WHen I try and make a call it just gives me a weird symbol whre my signal strength should be

am i missing something

ok i took the update to 8,0 yesterday, after the update at the very top of my screen to the left of wi fi and battery things i see a emergency alert icon, so i pull down and it says severe threat warning this area . then stops . so i tap on it and it usually shows me what the alert is about. not now though i get this page. if emergency alerts are issued,those alerts will appear on this screen. its got a settings tab where i can turn alerts on and off but i cant get that damn little icon to go away from top of screen nor delete that half message that takes me to the blue screen with message about said alert being on that screen , which it is not on that screen,
cain308 said:
ok i took the update to 8,0 yesterday, after the update at the very top of my screen to the left of wi fi and battery things i see a emergency alert icon, so i pull down and it says severe threat warning this area . then stops . so i tap on it and it usually shows me what the alert is about. not now though i get this page. if emergency alerts are issued,those alerts will appear on this screen. its got a settings tab where i can turn alerts on and off but i cant get that damn little icon to go away from top of screen nor delete that half message that takes me to the blue screen with message about said alert being on that screen , which it is not on that screen,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I updated and don't see that. Sounds odd, but have you tried restarting your phone? Sometimes, things get stuck and a restart releases them.

