MDA/XDA II Buglist - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Ok, I guess quite a few of us are now usig the MDA/XDA II and have made our experiences.
I think it is time to start collecting the different bugs and "features", so that maybe the guys here can start fixing them. Maybe even O2/T-Mobile or HTC might startt doing something.
I'll start with my contributions:
1) SMS: The SMS-Application doesn't copy the "+" from the phone number when you select through the contacts application. See also:
2) Bluetooth: Right now, this seems to work mostly as a marketing gag, considering the very limited profiles supported. The list of missing profiles keeps getting longer, including HFREE, PAN and others. In fact, it might make sense to collect the experiences of successful bonds in a dedicated thread.
3) BT-Headset: Even when it does work, the performance is shaky s you can see here:
4) Phone On/Off: Turning the phone on/off seems to have gotten less user friendly than on the old MDA. Now you always need to get out your stylus, which can be quite a hassle when you are standing at the gate getting on a plane - with your suitcase in the other hand. See also:
5) Google: Ok, this seems to be a problem on almost all WM2003 devices when I look at all the suff on the web about this issue. Still, it would be nice if it would work :wink:
6) Wireless Modem: Well, you would expect that they include the driver on the CD wouldn't you.

7. The MDA II closes open programms as soon as you open another large programm. Like a device with no memory. You cannot keep large programms open at the same time (e.g. Pocket Informant, PIE, Total Commander, aso.) , so they would be accessible more quickly if you choose them over an taskmanager.

Have a look at this, it would tell you something about this "closingbug":

Xda USB Modem driver
The USB modem driver *is* on the disk. There are no drivers for Serial, Bluetooth on Infrared.
ANyway, the infrared requires a public domain add-on to work...

It seems that my XDA II turns on spurious ( not often, but sometimes), which is not nice when having it in my pocket.
Does anyone has the same experince ?

Not sure if this could be considered a bug, but I have yet to be able to receive a video MMS sent by either a P800 or a Nokia 7650. Have successfully sent one to a 7650 though. On the UK O2 network.

sorry could not post a link !
but here is a hummdinger !
try the following hit the "Wireless" icon and note how long it takes for the dialogue box to pop up then hit the "Turn the radio off" hotspot.. You will notice much longer delays before it performs the task, the same happens when you have switched it off and then attempt to "Switch the radio on". A further prob is with the Volume the your voicemail "long" press the green phone key, now when the speakerphone is on , reduce the volume with the side "Slider" when it is at minimum try to increase don’t work you can only use the stylus on the screen, if you allow, after reducing the volume, the dialog to disappear then try to increase the volume with the slider it works again, then if with the dialogue displayed you then end the call the dialogue will appear to be stuck on screen, and only disappear after about 10 secs...

Xant said:
It seems that my XDA II turns on spurious ( not often, but sometimes), which is not nice when having it in my pocket.
Does anyone has the same experince ?
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same here. happens all the time and that´s not funny. Called O2 Tech Support and they said (of course) that i´m the first to report that problem. can´t really believe that.
it´s very annoying

Xant said:
It seems that my XDA II turns on spurious ( not often, but sometimes), which is not nice when having it in my pocket.
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Have you turned on the homezone indicator? Everytime your mobile phone changes the cell, the homezone indicator updates itself, causing the XDA to turn on.

I also have the problem of not being able to recieve a video MMS from a 7650, I phoned o2 support on Tuesday and they said they would look into it and call me back on Wednesday, Well its now Saterday and i have not had a call back from them. Its good to see they sill use the same calender where next day means we dont have a answer so we wont bother to call you back

Buffer full / crash on transcriber/Notepad
8.) Buffer full / crash on transcriber/Notepad
Waring: Maybe you should do a backup before you try this....
How to cause:
- Go to Notpad
- Change to "Transcriber"-recognition
- Start to enter by writing normal letter/words: >> ok, works
- Try to "fill/paint the whole Screen" without (!) removing the pen from screen: After some seconds the Buffer will be full, constant Signal will apear if you touch the screen again
- Regognition won't work anymore
How to resolve the "full buffer" (seems to be the reason for me):
- Soft reset, okay
- Xda2 behaves unstable afterwards.
You might get messages like this:
"camera.exe is not a valid apllication"
"media player is not a valid apllication"
So you need a "hard reset" with all the data gone.
(Maybe a sync is still possible - I didn't try this yet)
Okay, maybe not a Killer-Bug.
But now it's impossible to hand over the xda2 to my friends cause' they know how to "kill" my pda
Don't know is it's a xda2-specific bug or caused by OS.

3 bugs?: text colour, letter recogniser, transciber
Great PDA - I've had an XDA for a few days and have been using it extenisvely (having had an iPAQH3850 for 2 years). The power of having a combined PDA, phone & camera/video is great. However, I've got a couple of problems. Anyone else had them or know how to fix them? (soft reset doesn't help- I haven't tried a hard reset yet):
1) Funny coloured text: some of the letters on the screen are brown rather than black. In particular the following letter combinations: 'in' and 'll'
2) 'Ghost' characters in 'Letter recogniser' mode. I write quickly using 'Letter recogniser' mode. Sometimes a grey outline of the character I've drawn stays for a fraction longer than I'd expect so that I end up writing the next character over the previous character. More noticeable in the 'numbers/special charcters' section on the right of the letter recogniser window.
3) Change of font/script when correcting words in 'Transciber' mode. The transciber mode is not bad at recognising my handwriting scrawl. However, if a word is interpreted incorrectly and I highlight the word and then rewrite the word, the new interprtation appears lowerdown on the line than the rest of the text (like MS Word's 'subscript')

chrissi75 said:
Xant said:
It seems that my XDA II turns on spurious ( not often, but sometimes), which is not nice when having it in my pocket.
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Have you turned on the homezone indicator? Everytime your mobile phone changes the cell, the homezone indicator updates itself, causing the XDA to turn on.
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yay, that was it. thx a lot

Andy said:
chrissi75 said:
Xant said:
It seems that my XDA II turns on spurious ( not often, but sometimes), which is not nice when having it in my pocket.
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Have you turned on the homezone indicator? Everytime your mobile phone changes the cell, the homezone indicator updates itself, causing the XDA to turn on.
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yay, that was it. thx a lot
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But it is still a bug and I hope they intend to fix it, as it is rather interessting to know if I have contact to my homezone or not.

Got an other one. The alarm function seems not to work reliable. First I thought I missed the alarm due to much drinks the evening before but this morning I woke up before, but no alarm from my XDA. Instead when I turn the XDA on manually, it notified me about the alarm.
I also noticed it with a meeting.
I don't need an alarm clock I have to turn on manually...
btw... Is there some action to fix the reported bugs... either O2 or M$

new annoying bug
OK I just had a new REALLY annoying bug happen last night.
First i found that GPRS kept dialing up every time i diconnected it - i thought it must have been because ie was open in the background so i went and closed all runing programs but it still kept dialling up GPRS whenever i disconnected.
Then I received an sms but when i viewed it in Inbox, the parts of the stripy background that are usually white where really dark grey making it almost impossible to read anything on the screen... so i decided it was time for a soft reset.
but instead of soft resetting it did a hard reset so I've now got to re-install everything!!!!! :x

The GPRS dial up could be to do with your network settings. In fact an awful lot of issues where the PDA switches on for no reason are probably that.
I've always found 'interesting' problems with ActiveSync where it switches on the PDA periodically (it's nothing specific to the XDA II as it also happened with the Fujitsu Loox and the Viewsonic V37). I always 'close' activesync (using vBar) when I'm not using it for this reason!
I recently spent ages with the XDA II trying to get it not to switch on after I'd set up a blue tooth link with my laptop. Had to change some of the network settings to stop it (but can't remember what) ... even 'resetting' the PDA hadn't fixed the problem.

Pope, I too have had a Hard Reset occur without knowingly doing it.
As far as I am aware I did not press the power on off button, when I soft reset, and it just did a hard reset.
I was having problems with an app that froze though, and just figured it was that.
Anyone else expereienced this ?
Cheers, Shire

I installed the upgrade at
Some noticeable changes after the upgrade:-
Fast switchoff of the phone, though u still have to use the stylus
The missed call red blink of the LED stays red (at least for the few minutes I checked) instead of turning back to green after a minute as in the past
The + in SMS is added when chosing from the contacts menu. I think this was a problem in the past
I had difficulty in installing SanDisk Wi-Fi software in the previous version. Went smoothly on the upgraded one.

I tried to sign up but I don't have the EMI whatever # ... any chance you can e-mail me this fix software?
[email protected]


Make your XDA I/II turn itself off after new SMS faster,etc.

So, after diggin' for long time in registry on Pocket PC 2002 ROMs I've found nice feature - HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\
(may vary cause this is from 2003 ROM, for now I have but was like this and works on 2002), has value WakeUpPowerOff = 180 (by default).
This value (in seconds) determines, how long device will be on after:
1. power on by "power" button (and no other activity - no taps, no any hardware buttons pressing) - it userful for example to see "what's on
today", time, etc...
2. power on by incoming event like SMS or calendar one.
And after you touch screen\ other button - then as I found starts another, "original" timer, defined in Start->Settings->System->Power.
I've set above WakeUp parameter to WakeUpPowerOff = 12 (smallest that works really at mine device) and what I got? This:
When I need to look into today's or time or missed calls etc - I just press power look at screen and devices turns iself off byself. Not great effort but - heh - longer live for power button
But this is more important: When incomes SMS (I have gate from internet inbox to sms so have a lot of smses) - devices comes on only for 12 secs - for day it increases significantly battery life. (aha - 180sec and 12sec - differs!) (etc...). So we can set auto Off timer for 1 minute and work in normal mode (when we tap or read something, smaller is not so much siutable), but with this WakeUp timer also when we don't use device we get very small time to byself on\off-ing and longer battery life.
But after appearing 2003 in my wallaby and then after bying himalaya I have changed this parameter with no effect.
Now I find solution!
We need to change one more parameter in that registry subdirectory named:
DisableGwesPowerOff=1 by defalut. Simpy set it to 0.
And now on my XDA II (and on XDA I with 2003) this hacks works.
I think this will be userful for our XDA community. Thanks for paying attention for this text.
Hey, that is a very, very cool hack! I have always been annoyed when my XDA2 is in my pocket and I receive an SMS when I can't reply. During the 2 minutes before it switches itself off I find that the screen gets pressed a lot in my pocket with sometimes disastrous results.
This hack seems to have no side-effects at all. The XDA2 stays switched on in the cradle and changing the Power-off-on-battery setting doesn't reset this auto-off timer.
I dare to suggest even that it is perfect! Thank you very much nugged.
Thank you realy love this one :idea:
Works fine with 5sec off on XDAII.
2 SiliconS: That's some kind of pleasure to share with info and to help.
2 eme: 5 sec? hmm... Ah! I think I have bigger lag cause I have setted up password protection and maybe it needs some time to initialize after on/before off... You haven't password protection on?
Anyway - it's works.
I've just had a thought: does this hack affect the alarms and appointment notifications? Does the machine turn itself off after 12 seconds and stop the alarm working? That might be a problem for some people if so. I can't test at the moment - my wife is asleep
Just tested, quietly . It does affect the alarm. I set a repeating alarm. The machine turned on, sounded the alarm once and then switched off. When I turned it on again a few seconds later it sounded a repeat.
I think this hack is excellent if you don't use your XDA2 for alarms or notifications. Otherwise it might cause problems. :?
every PocketPC turns itself automatically on at midnight, to perform some magic regarding alarms etc. It is a known problem that sometimes it turns off too soon again, before having finished its work. There are even programs to make this time-out longer. Question: does you hack also affect this time-out, or is it something completely unrelated?
2 tadzio: Mine never do this. What "reorganization"? Mine works fine, don't miss any appointments and haven't midnight magic power-ons ...
2 SiliconS: Yes, so that's maybe who need to have long alarms install additional soft and\or set up time longer, smth like 15 seconds.
As for me - yes, I use mine device lot of time so it often in mine hands and at my eyes so I don't need long alarms.
Lets explore info above (at 1st post) here more deeply maybe someone find solution for short WakeUpPowerOff time and working long alarms if needed.
Put down the pipe!!
What are you guys on, hacking the on time? I must be really confused... what about just using the power settings to turn of backlight after 10 seconds and power off if not used for 1 minute?
That's all I ever do and mine lasts easily through a weekend with a few hours of talk time and checking my e-mail at least 20 times.
2 wayandrs: That's your decision If you satisfied with that standard system - good . Anyway - it's not an order - it's just advice
Look - when you setup to run your backlight off after 10 seconds - try to work normally then .
nugged said:
2 tadzio: Mine never do this.
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Yes, it does. You just don't see it because it's only a partial power-up: the display does not get switched on.
The OS needs to clean up appointments, and set alarms for the new day. Most of the time it succeeds, but sometimes the device powers off automatically before the OS could finish, resulting in alarms not going off. This is what tools like "Wakeup Tweak" are for - they just extend the time-out until the device powers down again.
Also, zendrui (the PocketZenPhone author) had a lot of... umm... fun with this feature when users configured PocketZenPhone to automatically switch modes at midnight. Ask him, I think he knows a lot more about this than he ever wanted to know.
I miss the old 2003 future and wish SMS dose not turn IMATE-II on..
hope some body listen there and give a soltion. it was built in before some bodies complain about it.
2 eme: 5 sec? hmm... Ah! I think I have bigger lag cause I have setted up password protection and maybe it needs some time to initialize after on/before off... You haven't password protection on?
Yes, no password protection.
Btw I managed to connect over BT to Linux machine and have acces to local net and web. That 's nothing ok. But managed also to use device cca
100m+ away form my BT acces point. Just put USB dongle on extended
cable and if possible outside of your room. My is on the attic.
Think, PC makes som interference to BT rx for sure. If anybody interesting
on this can write som more..
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
2 tadzio: so, device turning itself on withot turning on display? Sounds very interesting. Anyway - we can say so our devices stays on every time even turned off by the key, they only slowing down processor and turning off display and some hardware, cause they need to refresh SDRAM memory, to track and remember appointments to wake up at needed time, etc.
And, anyway, if this 'midnight ONs' are have place, if they are not turning on display - ppc works in another mode and I think this registry value is not related to them. But this - for me - is very strange information.
Please, Daniel, give detailed info/links, if you know this question good or don't bewilder other peoples, who read this topic.
nugged said:
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
I do not have any appointments stored in my device.
Cant wait for Linux to run on it with graphical enviromet.
Than we can all forget this misterious M$ hacks.
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eme said:
nugged said:
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
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Oh, I didn't mean to say that I have any problems. In fact, before I apply this hack I wanted to make sure that it will likely not cause any problems, that's why I asked if the author knows about any possible interaction between the midnight wakeup and his hack. I would suspect there is none, but I am not sure.
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nugged said:
Please, Daniel, give detailed info/links, if you know this question good or don't bewilder other peoples, who read this topic.
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Here is more information about this:
problem need help
Alrite i tried with a 12. It works well. As expected, but things happen when my phone rings, with a long rintone i have, it got cut off and then it went back to standby mode, making the call still ringing behind the background, after a while it was turn on again. It annoying when i cannot hear the first part of the ring. I end up not picking up importants calls... Anyway to help this desperado? ow i want to change back but its like the same...

How to set your universal to perform best

Hi all,
I'm having my Universal for the last month, I suffered alot from the low speed of it, I read many threads in the forums, and tried many settings by myself and ended up with the following settings to be made to make your Universal works fast:
1) Un-install the anti virus program.
2) Diactivate the error reporting.
3) Set the power settings as follows: "Start / Settings / System / Power / Advance / Un-check turn off device if not used for ".
4) To avoid ending up with a flat battery do the following settings: " Start / Settings / System / Power / Tap backlight at the bottom of the screen / Check "Turn off backlight if device is not used for 30 seconds."
5)In the same menu "backlight" tap brightness and adjust the brightness to the minimum level .
6) If your device is I-mate tap Settings / Today / use any other theme other than I-mate grass , and I-mate swoosh because their size is too big, if you use any other theme you will save more than 1 MB of memory.
Please note that the change No. (3) is the only way to avoid the freeze happens to the universal in each time you press the light button to turn on your device, if you keep your device always on you will not only avoid this freezing, but also you will allow the voice dial to work properly even if your device is closed and the screen is inside because the device will never be turned off.
In addition to the above changes, you have to get a software which really close the applications such as spb pocket plus 3.0.4 which is compatible with WM 5 , or GSPMagic., or MagicButton , then you can try your device to see the difference.
Please note that if you use spb pocket plus do not include any SD card on your today screen otherwize it will slow down your device again.., and it's much better to reduce your program shortcuts to the minimum, there is no need either for the battery indicatior on the today screen since we have a battery indicator by default on the bottom right side of the screen, and battery line "spb" on the top of the screen.
I made the above changes and my device works fine.
Try it, I hope you all will find a lot of improvement.
Need feedback on this issue please.
Hello all,
Will you please give me a feed back after making the suggested changes?
Good advice. I've just made the power and screen changes and will see how it goes. I'm hoping that the battery life won't be worse and that I don't get to anoyed having to tap a key to swith the screen back on...
The important thing is that the bluetooth headset carries on working..It's a real bugger when it rings and I can't pick it up on the headset.. Do you think they tested this thing with headsets?
I also assume that when you switch the device off using the button, it never really switches off, just pretends to... I was thinking that there are times, on a long flight, where you'd like it to be really switched off to reserve battery. What think you?
Don't worry about the battery, battery life will not be worse, but as my experience with PDAs, "More than one year experience now" I can tell you that you have to charge your PDA at least once a day "every night".
Regarding the Blue tooth Headset issue, I'm using Jabra BT 800 and it's working like a charm even with voice dial, it never misses a voice tag.
Regarding the Turn off issue, PDAs are not designed to be completely switched off, you can only swich the power off "Pretending to be completely switched off" because if you turn it completely off by removing the battery for example you will lose all data on your PDA.
Still waiting for feedback.
I have already turned off error reporting and turned off receive all incoming beams. I am a bit confuesd by Point 3 as my XDA Exec does not freeze at all when i press the backlight button- maybe it is a jasjar issue, like the antivirus? Have you noticedf any difference in battery life by just swtiching the screen off instead of putting the phone into standby?
If you have no freezing issue when you press the light button to turn the phone on, and you don't have any problem in voice dialing while the phone is on standby mode there is no need to set the phone to never switch off.
I'm using Jasjar and I'm facing the above two problems, and I can't avoid them without making these settings.
Regarding the battery issue, there is no much difference between the two modes.
carefuly folks, this is not entirely accurate:
- what freeze? Not heard many complaints on this matter
- what voice command issue; mine works perfectly WITH the BT headset fix of course
- battery life WILL & does reduce significantly with "always on"
- spb PP 3.0.4 is latest version, and there are a few alternatives that are just as good. Principle of task closing is right tho.
- There are several other truly useful hacks that would add a lot more value to this issue, incl GPRS always on, Buzz's BT headset fix, selecting working plugins only, etc etc - browse this forum from the start if u r just starting out
Not to play the devil :twisted: but WM5 devices do NOT hard-reset if (when?!) they run out of power, since internally all programs and data are now stored in Flash memory instead of DRAM.
As a side effect, you should also experience some improvement in battery life, since the smaller amount of DRAM on a WM5 device leads to a significant reduction in power consumption when the device is "doing nothing" - i.e. using very little CPU/Network, but standing by for incoming calls or user input.
- Regarding the freeze issue, I'm using Jasjar and it does freezes for 6-7 seconds whenever the power button or light button is pressed to switch the power on.
Also whenever I'm using the voice dial, this freezing causes the voice dial to delay and sometimes not responding.
But after setting the device to always on, I'm not experiencing any of those two problems.
- Battery life is not significantly reduced as you think, I tried both settings and any how I have to charge my phone once every day in both cases.
- spb pocket plus 3.0.4 is the latest version, and I did a typing mistake by saying it's 3.1.4..... sorry for that.
-Regarding the BT fix can you please post it here so that I can download it if possible... and can you please let me know what exactly does it fix?
Re: Correction
dojohansen said:
Not to play the devil :twisted: but WM5 devices do NOT hard-reset if (when?!) they run out of power, since internally all programs and data are now stored in Flash memory instead of DRAM.
As a side effect, you should also experience some improvement in battery life, since the smaller amount of DRAM on a WM5 device leads to a significant reduction in power consumption when the device is "doing nothing" - i.e. using very little CPU/Network, but standing by for incoming calls or user input.
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Thanks for the valuble information, I thought it's the same like PDA2K which I was using till the last month.
I'm so happy to know this information.
khaledelfeki said:
Still waiting for feedback.
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I hardly have problems with memory or speed.
I installed Listpro, Ewallet, some GPS software and NR de Luxe .
I use Excel, Word, and IE explorer frequently.
I use Agile in stead of MSN, but I never have problems with performance.
I do not often fully close ( settings/system/memory) programs used.
Can you give an example on which moments your really run into speed/memory problems?
herpi said:
khaledelfeki said:
Still waiting for feedback.
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I hardly have problems with memory or speed.
I installed Listpro, Ewallet, some GPS software and NR de Luxe .
I use Excel, Word, and IE explorer frequently.
I use Agile in stead of MSN, but I never have problems with performance.
I do not often fully close ( settings/system/memory) programs used.
Can you give an example on which moments your really run into speed/memory problems?
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I'm using Jasjar, I don't know the differences between Jasjar and the other universal devices, and I'm having problem always when I open the device cover and pressing the power "light" button to turn the device on, it freezes for 6-7 seconds before I can use it for any purpose.
This also affects the voice dialling when the device is on standby mode as it freezes for long time until it recognizes that there is a voice dial and them gives me the beep to start voice dialling and sometimes it does not even gives me the beep.
May be there are some differences between Jasjar and the other Universal devices but these are the problems which I'm facing and this is how I resolved it.
khaledelfeki said:
I'm using Jasjar, I don't know the differences between Jasjar and the other universal devices, and I'm having problem always when I open the device cover and pressing the power "light" button to turn the device on, it freezes for 6-7 seconds before I can use it for any purpose.
This also affects the voice dialling when the device is on standby mode as it freezes for long time until it recognizes that there is a voice dial and them gives me the beep to start voice dialling and sometimes it does not even gives me the beep.
May be there are some differences between Jasjar and the other Universal devices but these are the problems which I'm facing and this is how I resolved it.
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I have a Jasjar too. ( don't know how to get it into my profile, other then a comment)
You seem much further in know how than where I have arrived till now.
I can't say the machine is without bugs, but speed and memory never have been a problem so far.
Maybe a list of you software would give us a clue?
How big are your Outlook files?
spb pocket plus
spb diary
Resco Picture Viewer
That's all.
khaledelfeki said:
spb pocket plus
spb diary
Resco Picture Viewer
That's all.
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That's not much. Spb pocket plus is suspect?
khaledelfeki said:
- Regarding the freeze issue, I'm using Jasjar and it does freezes for 6-7 seconds whenever the power button or light button is pressed to switch the power on.
Also whenever I'm using the voice dial, this freezing causes the voice dial to delay and sometimes not responding.
But after setting the device to always on, I'm not experiencing any of those two problems.
- Battery life is not significantly reduced as you think, I tried both settings and any how I have to charge my phone once every day in both cases.
- spb pocket plus 3.0.4 is the latest version, and I did a typing mistake by saying it's 3.1.4..... sorry for that.
-Regarding the BT fix can you please post it here so that I can download it if possible... and can you please let me know what exactly does it fix?
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Dude, your JJ is F***ed! It should NEVER do this! I've not heard of anyone else complain of such a totally unacceptable delay, and I've not experienced anything like it myself, despite setting my device up from scratch about 10 times now to test various configurations. I stroingly suggest a hard reset, install spbPP (or whatever you prefer), and use for a bit to get used to it. Apply the "BT headset fix" (search for it here, it prevents BT from turning off over night), and "Always on GPRS" if u like that which most of us do, and pocket mechanic (search for "notification queue") to maintain your notifications as per another post I wrote yesterday. You should NOT have this issue at all. 7s would make me throw the JJ away right away! If this does not work for you - take it back. Good luck!
I have the exact same problem of a delay on opening when it has been turned off for a while. Also, a friend of mine has the same problem. Your above mentioned fix of keeping it on appears to have saved the day for us, thanx.
Thanks for your feedback, It seems it's only me and you who are having this problem, and it's very strange too that I had never faced any problem with blue tooth and I don't need any fix for it.
It seems that not all devices are similar.
Any how, I'm so happy with my device now after making the changes which I suggested on the top of this post, and I'm so happy too that it had solved your problem as well.
All the best.
Me too, same problen with freeze, but I newer waited for 6 7 secs, just done a soft reset, and this happends all the time.
Just changed to power of thing, will report back..

WM5 automated nightly reboot?

I have a question. I've only had a WM5 device for about 9 months now. I now have Cingular 8525 and for the past 5 days I have left it on overnight only to find it frozen, won't wake up in the morning and the battery drained.
I did the Activesync hack, scanned the notifications queue and did not see any notifications for midnight on the dates the device would not wake up.
Its frustrating.
I was wondering if WM5 did some form of house cleaning nightly. It seems that this house cleaning wakes up the device and somewhere it freezes on and finally the battery gives out. I don't have any backup software going on.. Nothing. I just find the device won't wake up, won't even soft reset. Plug it in for a minute, then it soft resets with a dead battery.
I am going to look at the notifications queue tonight and delete any notifications I see that are for 0:00 and tomorrow and see what happens.
I am hard resetting it Monday and re-installing if I can't figure it out. It has been really annoying these last 5 mornings.
Sometime when I reboot I see a NO GSM message. Then get no radio, then about 10 minutes later I get service. But the password and the userid on the wap data connection has been erased and my bonded blue tooth headset password is forgotten, the device is there but it prompts me to bond with a passkey when I go to intiate the headset...
Thanks for your thoughts
This has, I believe, alot to do with your microSD card - see the link below.
Thanks I'll check it out. I do have a sd card in the device. It may be the cause.
I use SPB Backup, to initiate automated reboots. What it does is back up to ur microsd and then initiate a reboot. i do this every second night. which is cool, keeps the fone fast.
Nightly lockups were a pain in the neck for me - I have had 2 Orange M3100 and both suffered the same nightly lockup issues.
I found that 4 things have fixed the issues and i found that all 4 have to be done
1. Fake server trick
But i found that not deleting the new server works fine
2. Untick Enable Advanced Network Functionality
Under Settings\Connections\USB to PC
3. Stopping Activesync running when not needed
In the notification queue there are 3 entries to start replog.exe (activesync)
you can safely delete the instruction to start after time change - This will stop Activesync from running.
NB the other 2 need to be there, do not delete any other notification of replog.exe
4. Never leave activesync running so always do a soft reset after syncing or at least before you charge the phone.
Not saying that these will work for everyone but they have worked for me on both phones.
try XBar. It incorporates cron, so you can schedule whatever program to run whenever you want it. Grap a copy of quickreset and run it. It will reset the Tytn at whatever time you set it for. I have mine resetting at 5 in the morning.
You may disable the standby mode when the unit on the external power supply. I have done, and I think it's not a big deal and it does not worth to struggle with locks on wakeups with external power!
I having a sort of similar 'morning trouble' with my TyTN, but limited to GSM connectivity. When I wake up, I am most of the cases disconnected from network with 'No service' message in the baloon. Searching for network is unsuccessful, nothing works until I soft reset the device.
Just a thought: You do have the "poweroff after x minutes" setting checked right?
I had what I thought was the same issue this morning, but it was caused by me unchecking the above setting (I do this during meetings when I'm using my BT keyboard) the previous day. This morning, while it was still dark out, I pressed the power button and nothing (the backlight was off and this actually put it into powersave mode). I pressed it again and still nothing (device came out of powersave mode with backlight still off). Because it was dark when I did this, I initially thought that I had the "won't return from powersave" problem.
machmandp said:
Nightly lockups were a pain in the neck for me - I have had 2 Orange M3100 and both suffered the same nightly lockup issues.
I found that 4 things have fixed the issues and i found that all 4 have to be done
1. Fake server trick
But i found that not deleting the new server works fine
2. Untick Enable Advanced Network Functionality
Under Settings\Connections\USB to PC
3. Stopping Activesync running when not needed
In the notification queue there are 3 entries to start replog.exe (activesync)
you can safely delete the instruction to start after time change - This will stop Activesync from running.
NB the other 2 need to be there, do not delete any other notification of replog.exe
4. Never leave activesync running so always do a soft reset after syncing or at least before you charge the phone.
Not saying that these will work for everyone but they have worked for me on both phones.
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I have a similar problem. Every monring when the device is still plugged on the wall charger, it hangs before I wake up. I would therefore miss a lot of calls or other notifications. I have done the defragmentation of the card, but it still doing the same thing every morning.
I have also tried all your steps above, ecept step 3, which I need your assistance as to how to delete the particular file you were referring to.
Many thanks in advance.
marsb007 said:
try XBar. It incorporates cron, so you can schedule whatever program to run whenever you want it. Grap a copy of quickreset and run it. It will reset the Tytn at whatever time you set it for. I have mine resetting at 5 in the morning.
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holy crap, i thought i was the only one that used xbar.. i have been using this program for 2 or 3 years, this is my one and only must have program!! FYI 3.2 beta was released
anyway.. on to this problem, i used to have this on my wizard, what i found was that plugging it and leaving it on would cause the lock up. Now when i plug it in i hit the power button and havent experienced it since on my wizard or on my 8525 yet. and i still get all of my push mails etc.. however i will say that if i get a call or text while im sleeping the device does wake up and the screen stays on..
another program you might want to try is SKSchema... they have several scripts that you can run, including a soft reset at a certain time. I also use the script which allows me to toggle between 3G/UMTS to save battery when I don't need 3G.
"Fake Server" did not work for me
Tried what is outlined - fake server, soft-re-boot, stopping activesync. Not sure how to delete the specific files in the notification queue.
Worked for one night! Next night back to the sleeping Tytn.
I am going to try spbTime to trigger an alarm at 12:01am and see if that helps.
TyTn does not "die" anymore!
The fake server is definitely part of the answer. As is stopping ActiveSynch. This needs to be combined with one other suggestion made on the forum of leaving the unit on when plugged in. This however has the potential drawback of "burning" the screen with the same image as when left powered on.
In addition to Activesynch, the problem is with the Notification queue (again as someone suggested on this forum). In the Suspend/Sleep mode under power, the unit cannot notify and goes into a perpetual loop.
Here is what I did that has now worked for 11 days. I installed spb PocketPlus and placed the "Screen Toggle" icon on the main screen. (According to spb, "Toggle" simply blanks the screen but does not put it to sleep/Suspend). So when I plug the unit in to charge it, I simply "toggle" the screen. The screen is blank (just like "Sleep"/"Suspend") but the unit is powered up. This has the added benefit of allowing you to listen to music with the screen blank.
I have now gotten to "toggling" even under battery power. Miraculously, my intermittent BT and Wi Fi issues have also disappeared. There may be cheaper solutions than buying Pocket Plus, but spb's Pocket Plus is convenient and has some other nice features.
Mortsaver might be a cheaper option?
Active Sync
I don't know if any of you have tried Active Sync "beta" 4.5". Its seems to have fixed many of my problems with connection and some of the issues described here.
coolshot said:
This however has the potential drawback of "burning" the screen with the same image as when left powered on.
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This problem affects CRT and plasma displays (phosphor based), but not TFT.

device couldn't wake up after turning to sleep mode

I just got AMEO from T mobile which I believe the same as HTC advantage.
despite of being SIM locked by T-mobile, I am experiencing another problem in waking up the device after it goes into sleep mode.
After I left the device idle for few minutes, it turn the whole screen off. (not only the back lit).
I can see the LED for BT/wifi still blinking.
But no matter which button I press, it couldn't be turn on at all.
As final resolve, I have to soft reset the device every time after it sleep!!!
Can some experts here advise me? is it a defective unit? or some other settings are wrong? Do I need to return it to the vendor?
I don't want to keep the device always on by disabling the auto off feature in power setting either.
Does someone have the same problem like me?
Thanks for any advise in advance.
What happens if you put it on the keyboard while "asleep"? Even if it means taking it off there first.
If doing that and pushing the power button fail to turn it on, it's a defective unit.
it's the same problem even i attach it to the keyboard.
a bit funny though, if i press the power button from the side to turn it off. I won't have any problem to turn it on.
but if i leave it to auto off mode, then i can't turn it on until resetting it from the back hole.
can it be improved if I flash to other ROM?
My Ameo does it occasionally - I find that (re)attaching the keyboard tends to bring it out of sleep better than pressing the power button. I get the impression that by pressing the power button, it sometimes gets confused that its still on and tries to turn itself off (even when it is already off). Tends to lead to a reboot every few days though. Waiting (fingers x'd) for WM6 to see if it behaves better.
do you guys have this option
try to toggle the checkbox to see if it helps
I'll try it! I found it under Settings/System Tab, 'Key Lock' icon.
I'll report back within the week.
I can confirm that it doesn't help my AMEO.
anyway, thank for your thought.
Digital.Diablo said:
I'll try it! I found it under Settings/System Tab, 'Key Lock' icon.
I'll report back within the week.
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To digital:
can I ask for a favor from you. could you try to make the device auto power off without sim card in.
and see whether u will have the exact problem i have or more frequent it dead...
due to my unit is locked to T mobile network, i still haven't put any sim card in.
Tried it without simcard in but it still turns on ok after the fix. TBH, sounds like you're getting the issue more than me - mine only does it occasionally (once every couple-3days) and as yet, I've not managed to locate a consistent cause. I'll keep my eye on it though with the fix and let you all know how I get on.
the other thing that i can think of out of at the moment is that you are running some prog from the sd card/microdrive in the background so when you try to switch your device on then it does not get started and hence the problem...
try tweaks2k (you can use the trial version)
it has a bunch of settings for this... (just check that it is compatible with ameo first)
install 'screenoff' and assign to one of the button.
it works fine.
have to make work around like this now. no idea why this problem only happen to my AMEO...
anyway, thanks for all of u!
royalmail said:
Does someone have the same problem like me?
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I have a similar problem. My device does not wake up in one case from 10 approximately.
Frequency of occurrence of a problem decreases if to close the phone's program compulsorily.
In other branch to me have told, that the problem can be because of the Active Sink's program. Have allowed advice to disconnect automatic start of this program. But I cannot check up because my program all the same is started if to switch off an option of the automatic device. :-(
hard reset can solve the problem completely. ;-)
I'm pleased to say that the 'button' tweak posted here has worked... So far!
Thanks Gents (and lasses if there are any).
That happened to me too yesterday.
I hard reset it and reinstalled everything to microdrive now. (trying to eliminate the possiblity of compaction thread) Removed SPB Pocket plus, which I've come to be quite suspecious by now. Also removed true VGA. So far I have not got a single freeze yet, touch wood. If it runs okay for a few more weeks with no freezing, will put back true VGA and see how it goes again. Will try to isolate the offending software bit by bit.
I've had the same problem with my Advantage
After some weeks of test i have found how to solve the problem on my Advantage. perhaps it's only works on mine but you can try.
i have installed "all" progs on memory and not on microdrive. on microdrive i have only a few exe like wififofum or progs not intend to run when i turn my Athena off.
then no more problem waking up my athena.
I think the problem could be that microdrive cause a time out or thing like this when we wake up the PDA then athena freeze waiting about datas from microdrive.
then for me now it's programs like browsers, sscontact, traylaunchers etc .. => memory
programs like painting tool, etc ... => microdrive and close (kill process) them before sleep mode.
and all is ok now for me. The only freeze in 1 week was Pocket IE freezing (but the reason is pocket IE sucks)
There was actually another point that I forgot to mention concerning the freezing. I found out that the free miniSD card came with the bonus pack was actually faulty. With the pocket mechanic professional benchmark, I managed to see only less than 200kb/s read and write! I did a hard reset, and installed everything on microdrive, and touch wood, I have not got a single reset or freezing yet these two days. I install nothing into memory, as we all know that it takes up to 2 seconds to write a block of data into NOR ROM, which is why we should always shift our directory of IE cookies/history/cache away from the main memory. Since the main memory (NOR ROM) is good for executing program in place but terrible in writing, Microsoft's MikeCal thinks we should not keep any data there. (See this thread: ). I try to keep the memory as free as possible to minimise compaction thread kikcing in. Will see how it goes in the next couple of weeks and take on from there.
I'm happy to confirm that, after a weeks testing, the button 'fix' seems to have resolved the issue! Thanks all.
I have been experiencing similar problems.
After being left on standby for a period of time (>10mins), the unit sometimes goes into "autistic" mode.
Power button does not function. Unit GSM light flashes, but will not resume from sleep.
I've tried the following:
Attaching USB cable. No change.
Attaching keyboard. No change.
Calling phone. No change.
Soft reset. Starts ok.​
I have now tried:
Settings/System/Key Lock
- set to 'Do not lock buttons'​
However, I suspect ActiveSync.
The unit was attempting to Sync every 5 minutes, while connected with a USB cable. I therefore followed advise (read elsewhere) to create a dummy server to allow an ActiveSync schedule to be created, then deleted.
This is coincident with the start of the problem.
Devany said:
I have been experiencing similar problems.
After being left on standby for a period of time (>10mins), the unit sometimes goes into "autistic" mode.
Power button does not function. Unit GSM light flashes, but will not resume from sleep.
I've tried the following:
I have now tried:
Settings/System/Key Lock
- set to 'Do not lock buttons'​
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I had same problem once I enabled Key Lock function.
However, once I disable key lock, it works fine again.

Issues with WM 6.5 Official Build

Hello Friends,
I think by now all here might have updated TD2 with WM 6.5.
Many with cooked and many with Official, like me.
I think if we can post all issues with WM 6.5 Official ROM here and we can suggest HTC for any fixes/patches.
Or we/developer here can have fix for that .
One issue I've come across is when you have the messaging application running in the background and you receive a new SMS the keyboard pops up on the home screen (in Windows deafult/Titanium).
I have noticed sum issues when trying to install some apps. when i choose the destination of where i want to install the app, it just keeps the waiting cursor on the screen and doesnt install.
this is sometimes though. so not sure if it is actually an issue with 6.5 rom
rumz82 said:
I have noticed sum issues when trying to install some apps. when i choose the destination of where i want to install the app, it just keeps the waiting cursor on the screen and doesnt install.
this is sometimes though. so not sure if it is actually an issue with 6.5 rom
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no I have not seen that,
you may just need SDKcerts or NET CF 3.5 to get those apps installed
BTW which apps ???
I've had some issues. Offical 6.5 German ROM
* When using Live Messenger I've had a few hags and I had to restart the phone.
* Without any app running task manager showed 98% used memory... only 2% free and nothing open??? the phone got slooww
* Facebook: When I was with wm6.1 official rom with a fix cab I could use Facebook within contacts, I was able to sync picture, birthday and showed me last update from contact. Now with wm6.5 and facebook that comes it only sync picture. I want birthday back and be able to read last update.
Batery Charge Issue
I think the indicator light does not change to Green even if the batery is fully charged.
Also the information tab does not change the last fully charged value.
I have seen the "Update for HTC Diamond2 Power LED Notification" update/fix has been release by HTC ( much before the 6.5 release and looks like this is NOT fixed in 6.5.
I've noticed the option to choose LED-blink-time on new messages is no longer available, it's now on 5 minutes and greyed out. What the h*ll was the point of that?! I've talked to HTC, they said "yes, it's grayed out", but had no good reason for it. Seems totally stupid thing to do. Anyone knows how to un-grey the option? A little registry-tweak maybe?
prabhat said:
I think the indicator light does not change to Green even if the batery is fully charged.
Also the information tab does not change the last fully charged value.
I have seen the "Update for HTC Diamond2 Power LED Notification" update/fix has been release by HTC ( much before the 6.5 release and looks like this is NOT fixed in 6.5.
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Hi All, Just re-verified and found this is NOT an Issue.
Actually the charging bar shows 100% but still the light was not turned green but after some time it did changed to gree. So NO Issue here.
The only thing is charging does takes lots of time .
spb backup?
Has anyone managed to install spb backup on the official 6.5 rom? I've tried this, and despite claims from spb that the latest version is compatible with 6.5, I always get "install was unsuccessful". Any ideas anyone?
Google maps
Also, google maps does not seem to auto-rotate the screen, although many other apps do. Does anyone know how to control which apps are allowed to rotate or not?
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
How do I make album close instead of minimize?
same problem here with the WiFi.
I really want to like this 6.5 build but there are too many problems.
1)I cannot turn off the LED notification for new emails, even if all options are off. Beyond that all the LED notification options for the phone, text, voicemail are greyed out, why disallow me from choosing?!
2) Memory leakage is horrible, will continue to rise and rise until phone grinds, and this within a day.
3) In a week it has never picked up 'My location'. Google Maps manages this to within 10 metres within 120 seconds without GPS!
4) Settings from within the Windows take you to the very limited settings tab which then needs an extra press to get to all options. Plain bloody stupid.
5) I have found some screens which for some reason wont touch scroll, normally within the MS apps such as myphone after it has synched. Have to use the scrollbar. Feels like the 90's all over again!
HTC have managed to build a ROM for the HD2 in the same time with Winmo 6.5 and yet this ROM is bloody useless, they have dropped the ball badly and i really like HTC.
gtrab said:
no I have not seen that,
you may just need SDKcerts or NET CF 3.5 to get those apps installed
BTW which apps ???
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Apps like TT7.
i do have SDKcerts & NET CF 3.5.
it could be the version i have with the problem.(tt7)
gwassef said:
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
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There's a setting for "Turn om WIFI auto" and one something like "Turn off WIFI when inactive for .."
I did these settings the first day, through some sort of wizard, but can't find it back! I guess in your Comm-manager, under "WiFi" it says something like "Turn on Automaticly"?
It's a very nice option, because now WiFi is prioritized over 3G when you try to go online, but where the h*ll did those settings go?!
gwassef said:
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
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Svennebannan said:
How do I make album close instead of minimize?
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That issue's been around since atleast 6.1..
gwassef said:
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
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Yes this happened to me too, and at first I couldn't work out what was going on. Now however I think it is a deliberate feature, probably as a battery saving measure. It all seems to work in a sensible manner: when I come out of standby the WiFi is off, but as soon as I use an app that needs WiFi it automatically reconnects. Also when I am away from my home network, it uses 3G automatically. So I actually like the way it works now.
I have a problem with playing music with touchflo or w.e it is now. I play a song and when it's finished it doesn't play the next song (whether in a playlist or not!) It is set to "Repeat all" but still doesn't play all the songs so i have to get the phone out at every song -.- is this just me or is it a bug?
RE: Issues with WM 6.5 Official Build Reply to Thread
Dear All,
I am also not satisfied with the stock wm6.5 build, I’m using the Dutch-Rom
I have issues with following Items,
1) When my phone shows a pop-up message it “bleeps” eventhough it has been set not to sound while it notificates. Frustrates me every morning as my phone has a custom made get-up-very-smoothly alarm tone and than it starts with a harsh BLEEP !!
2) The powerdrain is horrible, I NEED to charge battery each day, with wm6.1 the device was charged after approx 3 days!
3) Recently experienced something totally new: while I work my D2 always is connected to my pc trough USB and normally charging, I just have been noted by WM6.5 that “the charging power was not enough to charge the device and if I want to charge properly I needed to close down programs…” (excact notification I forgot but in rough words this was the message). Guess what!! The only thing running is Manilla ???
4) My location is not accurate enough
5) Where is the Freakin battery indicator, why do I need to go in to the notification screen to see my battery status, I NEED TO SEE THIS AT ANYTIME HTC!!! :s
These are my main frustrations with the wm6.5 build and certainly hope HTC can fix this
Best regards
Kid Kreole

