restoring a backup from one xda to another - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have 2 xda's and need to restore a backup from one xda to the other
has anyone managed to this, or any ideas on how to do it.
when I try the restore active sync says the backup was made from a different mobile device.
they are both 64meg versions

You cant use activesync backup unless both are named the same in the ABOUT section. I assume you want to have duplicate XDA's? You may be able to just name them the same but get SPB Backup Plus. It is much better than the default activesync backup program, and much faster with WAYYYYY more options.

they both have the same name and user info .. im looking for that backup program and ill give that a try
cracks/etc can be found in alt.binaries.warez.pocketpc if your interested.
Windows is most likely generating unique device id's for the units which is most likely why is it not accepting each unit as identical.
However, you can still sync the same data. Just with different partnerships.

Hello valheru
my news server doesnt have this group.
Do you know a public newsserver which i can reach?

sorry don't know any public but there are alot of sites you can get access to 80k of newsgroups for $5 a month is one of them. Not an endorsement of course but I used them and it was fine.

species_8472 said:
they both have the same name and user info .. im looking for that backup program and ill give that a try
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to restore ActiveSync backup on another computer
-they should have same name
-they should have same localisation software installed (if any) before restoring
-they should have the same current locale selected
These conditions are checked by ActiveSync while restoring backup...


A good Full Backup Software (Data+Configuration+Install)

I am looking for a good backup software to save all the files and configuration between Hard Resets or ROM Upgrades, for Windows Mobile 5, thanks
I've seen several people on here recommend Sunnysoft Backup Manager. I've just now downloaded the trial, so I haven't had a cance to try it yet, but it does look to be very configurable. Since there's a free trial (14 days) give it a shot and see if it fits your needs.
I have tested the Sunnysoft Backup Manager. It does backup and restore my Wizard, but only for files and programs. All my PIM data are lost. :?
BTW, The "Data Backup" program seems to work in the Dell x51v WM5.0 machine. Could anyone extract it from x51v and try if it work in HTC Universal or Wizard? :?:
kelford said:
I've seen several people on here recommend Sunnysoft Backup Manager. I've just now downloaded the trial, so I haven't had a cance to try it yet, but it does look to be very configurable. Since there's a free trial (14 days) give it a shot and see if it fits your needs.
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if you rename the file pim.vol (located in the root directory) to something like pim.vol.old and then do a soft reset and then start the restore, your pim data will be restored too.
Yeah. Your idea works! It works even I just rename the pim.vol and start restore without soft reset.
Thanks a lot.
woschirmer said:
if you rename the file pim.vol (located in the root directory) to something like pim.vol.old and then do a soft reset and then start the restore, your pim data will be restored too.
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but why should the software backup my PIM-data ?
Just do a sync .. and they are there.
- Superbowl
I don't trust outlook and otoh I'm on the road a lot of times without any chance to sync my data. So a local backup/copy is very helpful.
I had already some hardresets (not with the MDA Pro, but with other devices) without knowing where they came from and I was really happy to be able to restore my device in the hotel.
but the "other devices" were doing a hard reset everytime u were running out of batteries, that s why it was usefull to have the contacts saved too.
Now this does not apply anymore.
I would need to restore my Data only after Rom upgrades, which i would prefer doing it on my home computer.(which has the contacts synchronized in outlook).
backup software
I am using sprite backup for a long time and it is amazing. I believe it is far better than the sunnysoft. At least 4-5 times faster.
It is reliable and restoring the state % 100. Morover scheduled or battery level dependant backups are available, too.
From Sprite Backup Website :
"Windows Mobile 2005 devices cannot use Sprite Backup. We will be releasing a new version that will be compatible with these devices in the near future. Please keep visiting this site for updates. "
I missed WM 2005 part !!!

Creating an image of my system state

I have two universals and would like to clone the second one with the first one. Kind of like ghost that creates an identical image.
I don't want to go through the tedious process of having to install everything from scratch.
Also, using a backup program is a bad option, they just restore files/registry and stuff. They don't restore the system state (i.e. if file deletions are to be made they won't do it, they will just restore files not on destination machine or replace existing with newer version)
but they will not like delete stuff that I don't want. For example I have a special arrangment of program groups. Using a backup program and then restoring it will leave the initial windows program groups and stuff, and would just append to it my new groups rather then delete all groups.
I tried XDA_Tools but it's probably only working with old models because it didn't work with my universal, couldn't read or write any image.
Anyone's got a solution I could use for cloning a device state to another one ?
I've used spb backup for this, and dont really understand the problem you have with backup programs.
6680abhi said:
I've used spb backup for this, and dont really understand the problem you have with backup programs.
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Backup programs do not restore to system state and are far from giving an identical replicated, like you have ghost on PC.
For example, you backup your PPC deleting many rubbish and your program groups look all different, you got rid of many redundant jpg files and rearranged your program groups the way you like it.
Now, you take this backup and restore it on a nother brand new machine, what you will get is a setup of what that machine looks brand new and IN ADDITION you will get also all the program groups and stuff that were restored from the backup. So you end up with much garbage that exists after a hard reset. An image of a machine is byte wise, not file wise and so it gives an identical copy of the machine, that why Norton Ghost was invented for the PC as well as many other programs.
I am looking for such a solution that would allow me to deploy the SAME system on more than one universal.
SPB Backup does exactly what you are looking for on my Exec.
If I hard reset and restore a FULL backup made with SPB (about 11Mb usually),my Exec is identical to before the reset.
Even stuff that I have deleted from the Rom is gone.
I would definately give it a try.
liverman666 said:
SPB Backup does exactly what you are looking for on my Exec.
If I hard reset and restore a FULL backup made with SPB (about 11Mb usually),my Exec is identical to before the reset.
Even stuff that I have deleted from the Rom is gone.
I would definately give it a try.
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Thanks, I'll try that.
Use SKTOols 3.0, Spb Backup 1.5 or Sprite Backup 5.1. Read / search my blog on all thes ethree programs - I've elaborated on and compared them all.

BackUp HTC Touch HD

Nokia phones have "Nokia PC Suite" Software that allows users to perform complete back up without have any application installed on the phone it self.
Dose HTC Touch HD has similar application to back up the phone without install some application on the phone it self?
163 Views without answer ... that’s mean the answer is no
There is other question any I hope there will be answer to it.
If I change the ROM of my phone to other version and i want to put it back again ... how I can do it?
Can I do it by restore old backup or format the phone or install the old ROM again? ... or something else
If the answer if Install the old ROM again, then how I can get the old ROM to install it later on?
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
Edit Listed Under Touch 3G.
kjt57 said:
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
Edit Listed Under Touch 3G.
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but can Sprite backup make backup for the rom or not ??
Sprite give me some errors during the backup so I really dont think that is reliable.
Backup completed successfully
Start time : 10-12-08, 03:35:19
End time : 10-12-08, 03:39:33
Time elapsed 4:14 Min:Sec
Operation size : 83009 KB
Image size : 46989 KB
Average speed : 365 KB/second
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\Global
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\PMWeek
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SPB backup
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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But it gives error too with HD.
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Thanks, we will be waiting.
But don't expect too much from them.
demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Very interested in an easy way to backup my HD aswell Especially without the use of third party programs. Curious to see what HTC has to say about it...
After some research on this forum, the Wiki, Dutch forums...and ofcourse good ol' Google... I did learn about an easy way to backup Contacts and Calendar entries. Turns out this information is stored in a single file in the Root of the phone. The file is called PIM.VOL and just making a copy of this file to either Storage Card or your PC will ensure you being able to replace your original Contacts and Calendar Entries after executing a Hard Reset.
I'm sure most of you allready knew this but for me it was a very nice discovery Now if only I could make such a cool discovery as to backing up SMS/MMS messages aswell
Rolf (35, m, The Netherlands)
wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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Is either Spb Backup or Sprite Backup able to restore eMail account settings and exchange server configuration? For me, this is the most annoying thing after upgrading to a new ROM: I have an MS exchange server access for active syncing and at least two private mail accounts set up on my device. After upgrading, I always had to set up everything all over again.
I don't think anyone should need to actually buy SPB Sprite Backup. A legit free copy is on the applications CDROM that came with my NL HD. Check yours to see what is there. After installation you will see it is 'authorised' without having to enter a registration key. You can still register tho'.
You might also find SPB GPRSMonitor too Very handy...
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
Wavac said:
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
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Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
CharlyV said:
Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
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By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
Wavac said:
By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
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Updates are free for all registered SKTools 4.x user.
If you will get registration key for SKTools we need the file “ sktoolsid.txt “ which you can find in your windows folder of Pocket PC and the webshop order confirmation with date.
> support2 @
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
If you're just looking to back up pictures, phone contacts etc... then Dashwire is good (and free) as a basic back up programme and you can automatically change it to suit your phone if you get a new one. Works great on the HTC for as far as it goes.
Wavac said:
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
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The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
CharlyV said:
The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
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My version is! Do I really need to download the latest version?
Thanks for your support!

best backup solutions please

ok so all take the chance i know this has been posted a lot on this forum but to be honest the information i obtained from all the threads is not sufficient enough to solve the problem which is IS IT POSSIBLE TO CARRY OUT A FULL BACKUP AND RESTORE ON THE HD USING THE VARIOUS BACKUP SOFTWARE THAT WE HAVE SUCH AS SPB BACKUP, SPRITE ETC.. surely there must be a solution out there somewhere to carry out a full backup and restore because now that we have everything moving over at the hd rom development forum with new roms everyday surely a complete backup and restore of the entire system of the HD is now more important than ever because there is now a lot of software for us to use on our HD so please dont flame me for bringing this up again but its just a desparete attempt to get help. perhaps this way, the programers can then help to make some software that makes it possible to make a full backup and restore on the HD, or even maybe starting a poll or something with people stating what software they have successively used to perform a complete backup and restore thank you again guys and to be gratefull for this great website that makes it possible to provide us with a better device i will make my donation on 27/01/09 thank you xda, lots of love from UK
I think your . button is jammed LOL
I've been wondering the same thing, really. I'm pretty new to these devices. How do people cope with new ROMs coming out all the time as far as installed software? Is there a way to install everything you want including all the dang activation keys, then make a backup that will re-install everything once you update the ROM?
Not sure whether there is an easy answer. I don't think you can save all the various settings - but that does not take long. Place as many as your apps on the storage card a possible. Make sure you keep the original installation cab files on the storage card.
The difficult one (for me) is the bookmarks in Opera. I now keep the URLs on an email on my Pc and resend it after a hard reset. They each have to be opened and saved as bookmarks but at least no typing.
If there is an easier way I would be keen to hear as well.
I use Sprite Backup 6.5 for full restores after ROM Updates, and Level 1 (Personal data and programs) updates have never failed. Tested quite a few non-official ROMs from this forum, never had a problem. Never tried restore after a hardreset, never did one.
i think the best backup-restore program is Spb backup restore. I have used Sprite but it always fails me when it comes to restore.
RaymondScrott said:
Not sure whether there is an easy answer. I don't think you can save all the various settings - but that does not take long. Place as many as your apps on the storage card a possible. Make sure you keep the original installation cab files on the storage card.
The difficult one (for me) is the bookmarks in Opera. I now keep the URLs on an email on my Pc and resend it after a hard reset. They each have to be opened and saved as bookmarks but at least no typing.
If there is an easier way I would be keen to hear as well.
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I notice that each time i flash with a new ROM .. I have to re-install all the programs from my storage card again .. though most of the apps i have installed it on the Storage card ...
Lucas0511 said:
I use Sprite Backup 6.5 for full restores after ROM Updates, and Level 1 (Personal data and programs) updates have never failed. Tested quite a few non-official ROMs from this forum, never had a problem. Never tried restore after a hardreset, never did one.
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Does anyone know what's the different between the 3 levels ?
Let's say I have my ROM and programs running perfectly but I wanna try out new cab files .. I will do a back-up and if anything happens I restore with level 3 ??
My vote is Sprite Backup. Have used it from many years and each update improves on the last. It is stable, functional and easy to use.

Complete phone backup

I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
airwater9 said:
I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
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Sprite full backup, you can also set it up to backup SD card.
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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regarding the rom, none, you simply need to save the nbh for rom and radio somewhere and flash them again after you buy the new hd2, then restore with a sprite backup or similar over the same rom/radio
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
wineds said:
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
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A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
Thanks for those program suggestions however I'd rather copy half a dozen files/folders over to my backup device than spend $20 on a program that does more or less the same thing.
I'm looking to find out the file locations of the stocks, registry, weather locations, time zones ertc not backed up by the 'my phone' application. Does anyone know which files hold this information? In particular I did a google search and despite being a master at it I couldn't find any info on the location of the system registry so does anyone know where that is? I found that CeRegEditor failed to restore the registry backup when I needed it to.
kilrah said:
A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
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Tx, !!! So easy ! Could have thought about myself Sumtimes too little thinking ............... Sorry

