Radio Update Suggestions - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Well, I have hit a wall in efforts to fix my T-mobile. The screen unallignes itself once a day and I am getting soft resets. I have tried SE 1.1 and PPC 2003 without much success.
I am running an older Radio version so my last ditch effort is to Update the Radio I guess.
Any suggestions on what version to use.
My device is a T-mobile running PPC 2003

Anyone anyone????

I have 4.14.00 O2 Ireland version of the Radio with no problems.

Windmiller said:
I am running an older Radio version so my last ditch effort is to Update the Radio I guess.
Any suggestions on what version to use.
My device is a T-mobile running PPC 2003
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I using the AT&T A.20.10 updated version.
For more info. read the below Pocketpc Passion thread:
BTW I'm a US T-Mobile user. 8)


Windows Mobile 2003 HTTP download 4 ALL (exe)

Hi Guys,
Just to say THANKS to everyone out there, not only the developers but the normal mortals too - who put in effort to help people here.
I have uploaded the Windows mobile 2003 to my site. Its on a super mega link (great words ) I get 1meg a sec+ when i download from it at work !
Cheers Guys
OK it's seems to upgrade the Radio any issues? What if I upgrade the radio to ATT's? Ideas thoughts anyone?
Thanks Ali-Butt
since phone upgrade i have noticed that gprs is a tad faster. 8)
Does it support Sim Tool Kit
Hi Ali,
Does this upgrade have the sim tool kit?
Thanks in advance :?:
isn't this the same version everyone has been using?
I just have to run the executable file right? I don't need an SD Card writer or anything for this download? just my normal connection and activesync? what if the upgrade screws up? can i reload the old ROM image? and where do i get it!
Thanks a lot!
hi from Riyadh
Hello again
well, what i have notice there are more then one version of WM2003
one of them which i downloaded from where i couldn't downgrade using the nornal method and i was force to use SD Card to go back to my previous ROM but the other version which i downloaded from this FTP Server xda/xda works pretty good and i was able to downgrade to XDA-Developers Special ROM version 1.2 with no problems and without using SD Card.
thanks again for sharing
Is it possibile to upgrade to wm2003 thru USB cradle ? My current version for Asian XDA is:
ROM version: 3.14.17 ENG
ROM date: 10/11/02
Radio: 4.17
Protocol: 32S54
Has anyone tried to upgrade an asian XDA (EN version) ? Any problems ?
I upgraded my XDA last night via my USB cradle. I had NO problems at all. Took a little longer than normal :?: But other than that it was fine.
did you use Ali file uploaded on his site ? Is your XDA UK or Asian version ? Which nr ?
no service
Can someone help a newbie out here - I installed the WM2003 no problems and then installed to 4.21.00 radio stack
but now my phone get's no service any ideas? Im in Texas on T-mobile
Please, see this link may be useful for you
brix3 said:
Is it possibile to upgrade to wm2003 thru USB cradle ? My current version for Asian XDA is:
ROM version: 3.14.17 ENG
ROM date: 10/11/02
Radio: 4.17
Protocol: 32S54
Has anyone tried to upgrade an asian XDA (EN version) ? Any problems ?
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I had the same set upwith yours previously. I upgraded to SER 1.2 and WM 2003 after that. I also upgrade my radio stack to 4.21 from O2 UK. But now, I am back with SER 1.2 and Radio stack 4.21. I wish Icould go back to my old Radio Stack 4.17.
With 4.21 Ilost the "G" and signal strength for GPRS.
I hope my experience helps.
Beeheij, why didn't you keep the 4.17 radio version with WM2003 ? Was it not running properly ?
I think it's always dangerous upgrading the radio module with newer version dedicated to other regions (UK)
I want to back to 4.17, but I cannot. Somehow during the process of rolling back I was kicked out.
As for the WM2003, the problem was in the SMS mode. When I picked a phone number, the "+"sign in my contact was not transferred tothe address in the SMS. So each time I wanted to send SMS, I had to correct the phone number.
My Battery Pack was not working. It hung my XDA.
Hope this helps
Has anyone in the US used or done this upgrade? Since it also upgrades the Radio Stack I'm just wondering. If GPRS is getting dropped as stated in other posts it is more that the network drops you or you lose data connection between cells, or the network has a load balance that give placement to voice users over data when bandwidth is needed. Not so much that your radio stack does it.
On the other hand just incase anyone wants to prove me wrong :wink: who in the US has upgraded their radio stack to O2 4.21 and experienced a better performance than AT&T's radio stack (speed stability as staed on their website) :?: This means you probably already had to manually switch the default band 8) first, right? :x
Let me know I love to be wrong :shock: ......I'm only that much smarter than I was yesterday :roll: :lol:
I'm a little confused. I upgraded to XDA v1.2 and my Device Informations are:
ROM Version: 3.17.03
ROM Date: 05/15/03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocal Version: 324e4
How is it that my radio version is so much higher?
i must admit this version of ppc2003 is the dogs danglys compared to the old ozone version
Phoxie_Phreak said:
I'm a little confused. I upgraded to XDA v1.2 and my Device Informations are:
ROM Version: 3.17.03
ROM Date: 05/15/03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocal Version: 324e4
How is it that my radio version is so much higher?
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as far as i know XDA v1.2 will not touch your Radio, it will just replace your old CE ROM with the new one which has lots of cool stuff.


As a new xda user I have been reading up on flashing my machine to the Windows Mobile 2003 Pocket PC Phone edition. I am trying to find out if every rom will work on my phone.
I have an 02XDA
Bootloader 5.17
Rom Version 3.14.17 ENG
Rom Date 10/11/02
Radio version 4.17
Protocol Version 32s54
I was looking forward to updating it to the new version but o2 Asia (I assume my xda is the asian model) says that an upgrade is unlikely.
Can I update it with one of your roms or possibly the WM2003?
Yup, you can upgrade it, and anyone should.
If you asked me two days ago you would get a negative answer. But last night for the second time I upgraded my XDA again to WM2003, and very very happy with it. Specially the telephone and SMS facilities.
When I upgraded first time last week, I was not happy at all, my application programs somehow hang the XDA, most probably Battery Pack older version. Now I am using Spb Pocket Plus instead.
If you want to upgrade to WM2003, just make sure that all your application program can run in it. You cannot trust the signal bar, so I use an excelent program called IP Dashboard test it.
My old set-up was exactly like yours, and now:
ROM version: 4.00.01 ENG
ROM date: 05/16/03
Radio version: 4.21.00
Protocol version: 32S54
Help X2
Ok then.
To make mine look official, where can i get a proper copy of WM2003? I know its not officially endorsed or anything but I want it to at least look the part.
I'm one of these people who love having the newest look to their mobile and as its new I havn't put any extra programs on it yet. (Apary from the sms fix)
and how would I go about getting it and resoring it if the update failed. ?
You may not be able to get an 'official' copy of WM2003, but there are plenty of developer-releases floating around :wink:
Search the forums and read as much as you can and you will have your XDA upgraded in no time.
If I'm not happy with WM2003 can anyone tell me if it is possible to downgrade with the official Programme a/b that can be downloaded from the 02 website.
I downloaded it just in case I had any problems a while ago. Touch wood *knock Knock* It hasn't been a problem for me.
you can down-grade. the best way of doing it is to down-grade to XDA-developers v1.2 then to O2 3.xx

Unlocking an MDA with the new T-Mobile 2003 rom installed

I've managed to upgrade my MDA I with the new T-Mobile 2003 ROM Version: 4.01.16 ENG, Radio Version: 6.25.02
Any idea how I now unlock the thing so that I don't need to use a T-Mobile SIM?
I know I could install a different version of 2003, but I actually do want to use the T-Mobile one.
UPDATE: I now think that my problem is not that I have a sim lock, as it is not telling me that my O2 sim is not supported in this T-Mobile device. I think this may be an issue with the radio version. I have tried going back to my old 2002 install and also the XDA developers special. But no matter which one I install I always have the new radio version of 6.25. Does any one know how to "downgrade" my radio to an older one?

MDA Vario has started resetting itself!

I was wondering if anyone can advise me on how to stop my Vario randomly resetting itself. It's only just started to do this in the last few days having installed a few programs like SPB Pocket Plus, SPB Weather and SPB Backup.
My device information is:
ROM Date: 11/15/05
ExtROM Version:
Will updating the ROM improve thisngs, if so, which one is the best? Any advice giben is really appreciated, thanks.
I had the same problem with the same software installed.
Don't know if it was the software but a replacement handset had version 2.21 and it is now much more stable with much better battery life too.
Good Luck
Is version 2.21 an official T-Mobile upgrade? If so, where do i get it from?
I returned my previous MDA Vario to T-Mobile due to constant rebooting.
The new handset they supplied had the following details :-
ROM Version
ROM Date 3/9/06
Radio Version 02.19.11
Protocol Version
Ext ROM Version
I guess it must be an official T-Mobile version as they supplied the handset.
It is much more stable then the 1.6 or so version I previously had.
Hope this info helps.
Thanks for that.
If it is ROM rebuild that i need, i better start reading up on how to debrand the phone and add a Mr Clean ROM as they're supposed to be the best ones to use. I don't fancy sending my phone back to T-Mobile as i've heard stories exchange units being sent out!
why do you not just up grade you phone to the newer rom!!! it is so easy to do!
Cheers for the advice, i've downloaded the official 2.26 ROM from T-mobile, i just have to back up all my contacts and setting and then i'll have a go at installing the new ROM.
Fingers crossed it all goes well!
I am having the same problems with the newest tmobile oem rom update..
I have installed the following apps.
battery plus pro 3.0
Omap 0.4
Photo Explorer
Microsoft Voice Command.
and the device will reboot atleast once a day if not more. can anyone tell me why it is rebooting?
^^ If your using omap to overclock its possible your device is unstable at the faster speeds causing the reboot.
bendog2784 said:
^^ If your using omap to overclock its possible your device is unstable at the faster speeds causing the reboot.
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hmmmm, I am only over clocking to 240 like most people are doing. but I did not encounter this problem until I updated to the new rom and reinstalled omap newest version with the auto load.
anyone else with the newest rom and omap installed?

New to Xda and Semi-new to Upgrading my old Pocket pc Phone

Hello, I'm farely new I was running I think 3.17.03 ENG i think and I wanted to see wm2003SE and I updated it But I've got few questions
I'm running Radio Version 6.18 and my rom version went back down to
3.04.00 ENG is that good that it down graded from 3.17 to 3.04
I'm in IT so I know alot of stuff and I'm thinking that when you downgrade from video drivers you loose stuff so is this like video drivers downgrading?
and the Radio Version does that control how well you recieve Signal? and Do I have the latest version
I have PW10B1 It's T-Mobile the first Gen of Pocket PC Phones and its unlocked I've had it for very long time and wanted to check out different roms also i've been trying to search but too many items was hoping some people could help me out thankyou very much in advance
Re: New to Xda and Semi-new to Upgrading my old Pocket pc Ph
ugmack20 said:
I'm running Radio Version 6.18 and my rom version went back down to 3.04.00 ENG is that good that it down graded from 3.17 to 3.04
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Versions are just numbers. If anyone decides to "create" a new version, and it should have the number 3.04. than it will have the number 3.04.
In this case it doesn´t cause any loosing stuff.....
ugmack20 said:
and the Radio Version does that control how well you recieve Signal? and Do I have the latest version
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Newest Radio Version is 6.25.0 and you can get it here for example:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wallaby/Radio_Stack

