Stuck after trying to install PPC2003 (was: Need help!) - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Tried to install PPC2003PE.nb1 but now can't use o2 at all!
What I did:
- call wallaby (v5.15) ->flash tools->CE+BOOT TO SD (ok)
- start XDArit.exe->READ FROM SD->test.nb0,testnb1
- start XDArit.exe->WRITE TO SD, PPC2003PE.nb1
XDArit: Failed to open device \\.\PhysicaDrive2
(I use WindowsXP.XDArit can't find SD?)
Next - I made mistake
- start RUUv1.09_CEv4.00.05wwe_O2_Ozone.exe when o2 was connected to PC (don't know why I started it...)
- during installation it stopped on 77%
-when wallarby starts GSM after WAIT message->GSM ERROR
-o2 starts very slowly and stop with blank screen only with keyboard and blue bacground in the top.
Can anybody help me?

You're experiencing a bug we'll be looking into once we have some time. You should try the old XDArit to write your card. Given that your bootloader still works, you should be fine after you burn your old ROM back into your device, although I'm not sure what the 'GSM ERROR' is all about.

Thanx! Old XDArit.exe works good.
But after restore nothing changed in o2.
Still message GSM ERROR in wallarby and blank screen after reset. Probably Radio Unit corrupt.

Installed PPC2003PE.nb1.The batary is totally discharged,GSM doesn't work, after reset system starts~15min,no signal about charging.
How to charge o2-maybe it is the only problem?

Finish!Installed RUUv1.09_CEv4.00.05wwe_O2_Ozone.exe which can start without power control.Works fine!

Can you share RUUv1.09_CEv4.00.05wwe_O2_Ozone.exe with us?

ruuv1.09.... is the same as rsu-v4.21
nice that they keep changing how files are named.


I have the solution for the radio stack dead

I have it!!!!! Send me a email and i will send you the file with all the instructions to repair your dead gsm "part" of the xda. it worked with my qtek 1010 and i think that it works with any other. Ricardo Gomes
[email protected]
Could you please post the solution here ?
i´m doing a zip file with all the instrutions and i will put it to download soon. please be patient
the file is ready
you can download the solution for the radio dead problem in
Ricardo Gomes
[email protected]
Anyone tried that?
Since my phone is working perfect now, it is nonsense to try that
It didn't work for me.
it worked for me in my qtek 1010.
Mirror on xda-developers
I downloaded Ricardo's file and took the liberty of mirroring it on xda-developers, since my download went at a whopping 200 bytes per second.
We've seen this recipe before, and it does appear to fix at least some of the problems caused by RSU upgrades not finishing.
hi guys
still stop at 1% and showed massage
((flash failed! Press OK restart your device))
any help
hi guys!
I have this problem also.
Still stop at 1% and showed massage
((flash failed! Press OK restart your device))
Just try to do following: start 3.23 ROM update to extract and place it to SD card instead of file found in
The situation you describe looks like your device died while flashing new 3.23 version. So you may try to continue process with 3.23 version instead of old one. This is because 3.23 don't allow to "downgrade".
Hi AE !
Where can I find 3.23 ROM file ?
Thx for your helps.
If your device died while trying to upgrade to 3.23 radio, the CAB-file should be found in "C:\Program Files\Radio Stack Upgrade Utility".
My device died while trying to upgrade to radio 3.19 but I trying to copy to SD all Radio upgrade, but don't work. Still stop on 1% and error message is "Flash failed. Press OK to restart device".
Other tips ?
Radi ROM
i have the same pb the alnasser and sebi; i have tried everything; what we need is a new rom version for the radio and not an upgrade; also while using boot loader and if i try to copy the GSM rom from a working phone i got a message saying: connect to RS232 and run PC monitor; i have USB and i do not know what is PC monitor...any ideas???
It worked for me also, but with slight changes
The soloution above worked for me after a little trial and error.
I was trying to upgrade to new UK Radio Stack but flash failed in the middle of upgrade (probable because the keyboard popped up onto the screen for no apparant reason, then locked up).
However, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I found your website!!
I installed the Files onto an SD card as described above, and although the XDA was going painfully slowly (about 3 mins to warm reset). managed to get to the today screen. I ended up pusing the "record button" repeatedly to try and get some response out of the machine, finally it auto ran the program on the SD card, only to be told that flash failed
Undeterred I repeated the exerscise with the other
file, this gave the same result!!
However I soon realised that this cab file is kept within the .exe file of the original upgrade I tried to do, so... Using winzip I extracted the relevent RSUpgrade file for my XDA and put that file on the SD card instead.
It Worked!!!
Consequently I conclude that if the file fails or stops at 1% then it must be because it is NOT the correct file for your XDA, you need to use the correct upgrade cab file for you particular XDA.
Hope it helps someone else.
Essentially the watchword is "perseverence".
it starts but stop on 85%??!!
hi i have a dead xda and i'm trying to fix it but it stops on 85% sometimes on 83%,i'm using the copy of cab file to sd card and runnig it from xda anyone can tel me how to get over this?
now it stops on 1%
i have removed it from charger and put the file on the sd card,the progress bar went to 99% then flash failed,now it gives me that message on 1%,how to fix it??!!
Re: it starts but stop on 85%??!!
Anonymous said:
hi i have a dead xda and i'm trying to fix it but it stops on 85% sometimes on 83%,i'm using the copy of cab file to sd card and runnig it from xda anyone can tel me how to get over this?
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seems to be the same case as I had: I found version, which did not freeze in 1%, but in 85% all stopped.
I unfortunatelly don't exactly remember complete list of my steps, but THIS MAY BE IMPORTANT:
After I made cold restart, I saw radio upgrade progress bar ( If you can't see this, try to follow instruction about solution, mentioned hereinbefore ). Radio upgrade progress window only flashed for a second or two, then disappeared and WIN CE ( trying to boot up ) painted its splash screen. After that WinCE froze with this screen.
If you have a luck, radio upgrade may continue on background. After 10-15 mins upgrade was done, and after restart ... I saw normal radio version in bootloader, and it worked well !!!
Note 1:
I killed phone with latest radio upgrade ( maybe lack of space, maybe radio switched on ), so there was no way to use lower versions ( it leads to "1% problem" with downgrade )
Note 2:
When my steps was still unsuccessfull, I continued [up|down]grade WIN CE and Bootloader. Maybe it was solution, maybe not, I dont know. I did it because I thought it would solve some problems with space for radio installation. My second reason was, that it should stop neverending ( 1% freezing) radio upgrade window after each boot.
Note 3:
During these installation steps it seems to me that battery si getting weaker, and does not recharge. So I tried to revive WIN CE first to be able to recharge.
Some steps may be unimportant, based on my feeling how it may work.
so I hope it helps.
Regards, Lu

The KEY to the White Screen / Radio Upgrade / 1% Hang

I am writing this because the previous posts were very confusing to me and I think, made it seem more complicated than it needed to be. Probably because there are so many variables to this puzzle and it sucks having a potential $300 paper weight.
My apologies if step on anyones toes by reposting this. It seemed like a very pressing issue that A LOT of people are having.
It's not that big a deal, if you have the key.
The problem:
After an unsuccessful radio stack upgrade my XDA had the white screen. Then the unsuccessful upgrade due to the 1% problem.
The situation:
I purchased an unlocked T-mobile, upgraded to the ppcpe2003 4.00.05 off the Yorch site. I am using an AT&T sim card I was experiencing some dropped calls so I thought I would upgrade to the latest AT&T radio stack. I mistakenly ran the upgrade while connected to my Active Sync/cradle connection. Needless to say, the upgrade did not take and I had a dead XDA.
After reading various forum posts I decided to go back to my original t-mobile ROM, luckily, I had saved the nb1 file to my computer using the XDA developers latest tool. After using the bootloader to install from the sd card (holding the power button during a soft reset), I got the perenial white screen. during reboot I saw only the 3.56 (I think) with the radio version indicators coming up blank.
Without that original ROM file I don't think I could have pulled off this save.
(1) SD reader
(1) SD Card
(1) Direct Power cable
(1) Syncing Cradle
1. Your original ROM (I think, it might work with an upgraded one)
2. Radio Stack Upgrade Files (monitor, RSUpgrade, etc.)
The Solution: (long version)
1. I had the White Screen of death.
2. through a series of soft resets, pressing the volume button ( read that in one of the forum posts) I finally got the Today screen to appear. During the boot process I still received empty radio stack info.
3. I had obtained the REPAIR files from this website and prepared those onto an SD card, which was in the unit. The xda immediately went into T-Mobile Upgrade process. I am not sure if the unit went into repair mode because of the sd card or because it was in the start up menu (read further for explaination). DO NOT OVERWRITE THE CARD!
4. the upgrade finally started its process and I got the 1% stoppage problem. After numerous trials and tribulations I was given the solution by MrDollyMaker from this forum.
5. While the 1% hang is on the XDA, I clicked the start menu, and got into file explorer. I navigated to the /Windows/Start up/ menu on the device. I CUT/PASTED the T-mobile upgrade program into my documents (just to be safe). And soft reset the device. Sure enough, no upgrade.
6. I put the device into the Sync Cradle and performed a Guest Partnership. Using this partnership, I was able to Explore the device from my PC.
7. Using the PC, I copied the RSUpgrade files from the new AT&T radio Stack A.20.10 from my computer to the devices Windows directory: monitor_ul_bs.m0,, RSUpgrade.cp64, RSUPgrade.exe
I tried to put these files on the storage card and do the compying in the device itself but I got an access error. It would not let me overwrite one of the monitor files. That's why the Sync connection to the PC is so critical.
8. I took the device off the Cradle and connected the Direct Power Cord and ran the new RSUpgrade.exe file from the device's Windows directory. Everything went swimmingly.
9. Next I re-ran the ppcpe2003 upgrade from Yorch, and I'm golden.
The Solution : simplified
Simplified Steps from White Screen:
1. get to the automatic upgrade screen by soft resetting / pressing volume button.
2. let it get to the 1% error.
3. use Start menu and file explorer and remove the upgrade from the windows start folder (I'm not sure this is required, but it worked).
4. soft reset the device and connect to sync cradle.
5. establish guest partnership.
6. copy your radio stack upgrade files to the devices Windows directory.
7. take device off cradle and connect direct power cord.
8. run RSUpgrade.exe
9. Upgrade PPC OS
- I AM NO EXPERT, just a guy with a newly fixed $300 ex-paperweight.
- You may not have to delete the Upgrade program in the startup menu. I think it makes things easier because you aren't dealing with the 1% error if your device never gets to that point.
- You may not have to go back to your original ROM
- This is my experience with my T-Mobile device purchased in the US. Your results may vary
remember the key: at the 1% error, your device is NOT LOCKED, you can use file explorer.
I would just like to thank everybody at XDA-developers, Yorch, and especially MrDollyMaker who gave me the key to unlock the puzzle.
I hope this helps simplify the matter.
one happy guy...again.
Personally I think this one should get the sticky as it is so oftenly run into by new upgraders!
And not just because I came up with the menu function still working even with the 1% error death bit... 8)
And thanks, Matt for noting that. My instructions were given both from learning on here what to do (the RSU upgrade copying bit) and figuring out how to get past that damn 1% error bit when I forgot to copy one file over of the 4.
Something I found after testing out this method last night several times by causing a bad RSU install and getting the 1% screen of death....
As long as the ROM installed fine, don't re-install a new rom. Simply when you get the 1% error, go to the menu and get in to your file manager.
From there go to your Start folder inside the Windows folder. From there find the link to the RSUpgrade file and delete it. (Don't worry about deleting a file, this is just a link to it and we will re-install a good copy of this file)
Now, restart your PDA. It should return to your normal desktop but with no phone connection as the Radio Stack is not installed. From here, place it back on it's cradle/usb connection.
Just as stated above by Matt, you need a copy of the RSUpgade installation or a ROM upgrade insallation that includes the RSUpgrade. Unpack this, I used Winzip to do this. Find these files:
Now, using Activesync, explore to your Windows folder on your XDA and copy those files from your Computer to there. They must over write all the old files.
Disconnect from your PC and run the RSUPgrade.exe file from file manager. It worked 10 for 10 when I did it this way so it should work for you also.
The key is like Matt stated to remove the RSUPgrade.lnk file from the Start folder in Windows when you get the 1% death screen than manually copy these 4 files over. What I found was happening when you did the upgrade and got that 1% error, one or more of those 4 files corrupted or were not copied to your device. Once it has upgraded the rom, it seems to delete these files automatically also.
Goodluck and thanks for posting all of your experiance Matt. I'm quite sure it will help others A Lot!
I only have two things to add:
1. RSUpgrade _fails_ much more often without SIM card inside the phone;
2. Your battery should be fully charged (100%) before you start the upgrade, since if it does fail, the battery will stop charging, and the next time you attempt to upgrade, you may not be able to get past 1%, even if you have power adapter plugged in. If you happen to have another XDA, you could swap batteries, or use an extended battery, if you have one.
Good luck...
lbazil said:
I only have two things to add:
1. RSUpgrade _fails_ much more often without SIM card inside the phone;
2. Your battery should be fully charged (100%) before you start the upgrade, since if it does fail, the battery will stop charging, and the next time you attempt to upgrade, you may not be able to get past 1%, even if you have power adapter plugged in. If you happen to have another XDA, you could swap batteries, or use an extended battery, if you have one.
Good luck...
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I never do the RSUpgrade with a sim in my phone.... Never failed unless I tried to do it with the EXE thing. But I do agree to make sure you have a full battery, but since it already is at the 1% error, you can charge it with the charger if you do not do anything when the error comes up. just let it sit and charge.
Strange, because at some point I've had consistent failures at 13%, 16% or 21% until I put the SIM card in. Then it worked twice in a row. Maybe just a coincidence.
Also, are you sure the battery charges when the error message is up? The led stays off, and after a while the phone won't even turn on without external power.
Не помог способ с заменой батареи.
The way with replacement of the battery has not helped.
lbazil said:
Strange, because at some point I've had consistent failures at 13%, 16% or 21% until I put the SIM card in. Then it worked twice in a row. Maybe just a coincidence.
Also, are you sure the battery charges when the error message is up? The led stays off, and after a while the phone won't even turn on without external power.
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Hmmm, every time I plugged it in or sat it on the cradle(USB power modified as listed in this website) the LED turned yellow...
But as for the SIM, yeah, that needs to be in. I was thinking SD card. I never leave my SD card in but as for the SIM, that I never take out.
I have same 1% flash error but no succes
Thank you guys for your effort.
I have followed all the instructions step by step and I still cannot flash the radio part. It's hanging at the 1% even the files required for flash are in the windows device folder.
I have tryed to charge the baterry from the special connector on the back cause it seems not charhing trough the normal connector but I am not sure how long and what should ne the final voltage.
Please advice what should I have to do before I declare my XDA a normal pocket PC( radio part is not working )
Silciu C.
I am now in the same boat. I tried every step as per the instruction in this forum, but had no luck at all.'It seemed I also had more problems as I tried to flash the ROM and always got an ERROR message saying that the system could not determine the data connectivity type (this messsage was in the DOS black screen, wheneever you run the Programme A/ xdatools). However, I could back up the device and the Active sync seemed to be working fine ...
I hope someone could help us ...thanks a lot in advance..
Re: I have same 1% flash error but no succes
codectelecom said:
Thank you guys for your effort.
I have followed all the instructions step by step and I still cannot flash the radio part. It's hanging at the 1% even the files required for flash are in the windows device folder.
I have tryed to charge the baterry from the special connector on the back cause it seems not charhing trough the normal connector but I am not sure how long and what should ne the final voltage.
Please advice what should I have to do before I declare my XDA a normal pocket PC( radio part is not working )
Silciu C.
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Ok, first thing you need to do is turn your unit on and let the 1% screen of death come on than stop and do not do anything!
Next click in the upper left corner where the menu comes down. It will still drop down. Find your File Explorer program and launch it.
Now, browse over the the Startup folder located in your Windows folder. Inside the startup folder you should find some file refering to install or upgrade like "RSUgrade.lnk" or something like that. DELETE IT. Now let your unit reboot.
Now it should return to your normal desktop. go in and find those 4 files that caused all this hell and delete them. They are as follows:
Now that you have deleted those files, just to make sure they are cleared from memory restart the unit again.
Download a good copy of a radiostack that works with your location from If you wish to get the latest one, I would suggest that unless you are with T-Mobile, stay clear of it. You can also extract these 4 files from an upgrade patch file from your provider using WinZip.
Once you have a good copy of those 4 files copy them directly from your PC to your unit through active sink and into your Windows directory.
Restart your unit to clear any programs out, plug the unit in to your ac charger (not the cradle and not connected to your pc) than using File Explorer locate RSUpgrade.exe and run it. This will restart you unit but should have no problems upgrading your unit.
If you prefer, after you get it back to desktop, stop and charge it than copy the files over.
andhy said:
I am now in the same boat. I tried every step as per the instruction in this forum, but had no luck at all.'It seemed I also had more problems as I tried to flash the ROM and always got an ERROR message saying that the system could not determine the data connectivity type (this messsage was in the DOS black screen, wheneever you run the Programme A/ xdatools). However, I could back up the device and the Active sync seemed to be working fine ...
I hope someone could help us ...thanks a lot in advance..
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Safest way to upgrade the ROM is using the SD card method. It is more reliable and doesn't get Errors caused by activesync.
SD method has not worked for me so far...
I am not able to patch 5.17 nor downgrade to 5.15.
I used xdarit and osimagetool to write to the SD card without any luck.
Could please share some light in this matter?
andhy said:
SD method has not worked for me so far...
I am not able to patch 5.17 nor downgrade to 5.15.
I used xdarit and osimagetool to write to the SD card without any luck.
Could please share some light in this matter?
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Have you tried using the OS Image Tool to write directly to the ROM?
Also, when you used XDArit, did you select that it was 5.16+ image you were writing? (when you used/didn't use the patch)
Thanks again.
Yes, I selected the 5.15 ROM image to write to the SD card.
The OSImage file only accepted nb1/ nbf file types. I was not able to write the wallaby patch tool nb2 file nor wallaby 5.15 ROM image nb0 file through Osimagetool.
As you might remember, I always got an ERROR message about activesync connection whenever I tried to flash directly to the device ROM.
The first step I believed is to patch the 5.17 then either downgrade to 5.15 or go straight with the nk.nbf flash.
Is this correct?
lbazil said:
I only have two things to add:
1. RSUpgrade _fails_ much more often without SIM card inside the phone;
2. Your battery should be fully charged (100%) before you start the upgrade, since if it does fail, the battery will stop charging, and the next time you attempt to upgrade, you may not be able to get past 1%, even if you have power adapter plugged in. If you happen to have another XDA, you could swap batteries, or use an extended battery, if you have one.
Good luck...
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I am in situation that I still have the 1% error even I have followed all the instructions from the forum.
The power led is not lightning and I can confirm that is not charging the batery. I have tryed to charge the battery using the special hole from behind but still no success.
Do you have an oppinion?
Thanks in advance,
Silviu C.
codectelecom said:
I am in situation that I still have the 1% error even I have followed all the instructions from the forum.
The power led is not lightning and I can confirm that is not charging the batery. I have tryed to charge the battery using the special hole from behind but still no success.
Do you have an oppinion?
Thanks in advance,
Silviu C.
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One question..... What "special" hole are you talking about?
andhy said:
Thanks again.
Yes, I selected the 5.15 ROM image to write to the SD card.
The OSImage file only accepted nb1/ nbf file types. I was not able to write the wallaby patch tool nb2 file nor wallaby 5.15 ROM image nb0 file through Osimagetool.
As you might remember, I always got an ERROR message about activesync connection whenever I tried to flash directly to the device ROM.
The first step I believed is to patch the 5.17 then either downgrade to 5.15 or go straight with the nk.nbf flash.
Is this correct?
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Ok, since you have a 5.17 BootLoader, you can't use the 5.15 image write. You have to use the 5.16+ due to it is coded differently. When you write the SD card, include the patch for the 5.17 BootLoader as well with the rom so it can bypass the security feature.
T-Mobile/MDA/O2/yadda yadda....
You know, I feel like I should be getting paid for all this advice! 8)
thanks for the advice again.
I am getting confused, really. Just repeated the same thing over again and again the past 3 days and suddenly I managed to patch the 5.17 for the second time (after over 50 tries). THis time I kept the SD with the patch tool and got another SD card to try to write 5.15 in it. After 4 hours, I managed to got it written then eventually downgraded the wallaby to 5.15. Now, the challange is the device is stuck in the wallaby screen everytime we turned it on. I had about 10 different ROMs originals as well as cooked ones from the kitchen, but had not been able to "write" one in the SD card. I used all OS image tool as well as xdarit, without any luck. the device wont recognized the ROM in the SD. I think the Wallaby 5.15 is working fine as I tested with the other SD card with the patch tool in it, the device still recognized the card as a diagnostic card.
I cant think of any mistake that I might have made in the procedure as I had (I think) followed every step of the procedures and had read different postings over and over again. :?


(mods i would appreciate if you could make this a sticky for people... ive worked long and hard trying to get this thing working again)
Ok so heres what happened to my XDA which proberly happened to yours.
I went onto the 02 site and got the latest radio stack upgrade for my xda, but i didnt have the sim in my device so once it finshed and restarted the xda it crashed because there was no sim in it. So i hard reset it.
Causing it to hang on the boot screen showing the G & U letters on the side for about 4 minutes before booting to a blank screen with the keyboard icon in the corner.
*** Please remember at the moment my status LED isnt working showing there is no battery (but still booting etc - P.S i have installed a new battery - no diffrence) ***
Heres how to get it working...... remember that everything takes longer because the XDA lags like mad.
Ive created this guide myself ive took nothing from anyone else info ive done this from scratch, it will need to be done everytime the machine runs out of power (hard resets).
* when i put " + " it means AT THE SAME TIME e.g button1 + button2 = keep pressing them at the same time.
** I refer to the directional keypad centre button as the "OK" button.
Make sure you have the correct RSU Version from here :>
Download it and put the files onto an SD card.
1. Boot up the device
2. keep pressing the OK button + volume button until it shows the today screen, please note there will be no titles on the screens, HENCE NO START BUTTON.
3. Then press the contacts button + THEN OK a few times, then press the OK button this should bring up the start menu
4. CLICK programs, file explorer, select the SD Card. Then Copy RSUPGRAD.exe to : my device > windows>start up.
5. Copy the remaining 3 files to the : my device > windows
6. Soft Reset Device
7. Click on start (on the upgrade util) it will then restart the device because theres no LED for the battery (hence the 1% then fail).
8. Once started it should then start up as it did when it came out the box giving you the windows setup screen.
9. Go into file explorer and delete tha flas util file from the startup.
Thats it!
- Remember if you hard re-set the device again it will need to be re-done, i dont know how to solve this problem LONG TERM, im giving my XDA to 02 to fix it...... been as its there screw up.
Thanks Everyone
Does this actually flash the gsm radio? If it does then why does it need reflashing following a hard reset?
No it doesnt re-flash it.............
All i know is that it fixes it and many people have had the same problem but had no replys so id thought id help them out :roll:
Where are he diffreneces to the instrucions on wiki????
huh? so your saying someone has already written the instructions?
Do you have a link? it will be intresting to find out how i can get my LED working again so the system will be able to work once more.
"Maybe the upgrade will stop again at 1%, this may occur when you have an empty battery. "
Does not apply to you............... hence why my guide overcomes the one on wiki.
If you have had the situation happen to you, then you would undertsand.
would it be possible to use the xda developers 1.2 special edition ROM instead of the 1.1 version for this procedure?thats the only rom i seem to have found.
Boogie, I think you need only the radio stack not the rom if I read the post correctly. The special edition rom contains NO RADIO STACK.
That´s not 100% correct. I´ve noticed, that some ROMs wouldn´t boot up so that you can follow the procedure.....
hey guys this is my 1st post to this forum, but for the last year or so I've found it very helpful.
I was experiencing this same issue it would just boot up and hang on the welcome screen for what seemed like an eternity. I gave up and just left it booting up and finally the today screen came up. This is what I tried and it worked. All of this was after a hard reset when I tried to upgrade the radio stack and it fell into this infinite loop of 1% and fail and reboot. I had read a couple of the procedures for doing a radio stack upgrade but here is some of what I did.
In one of the procedures it says to copy the files to ur ppc windows directory and to copy the exe file to ur windows startup directory. I figured I would bypass that in some way. After I finally got to the today screen and used my pc to copy the files to the sd card, I copied all the files to the windows directory on the device and ran the exe file from the windows directory. It worked like a charm and my ppc was back to life. It no longer took for ever to get passed the welcome screen. I hope this helps some of you that have this issue

Serious problem with imate jam. Please help.

I have a big problem with my jam. So please can you help me:
My pda crashes during startup and stops on the blue imate screen. And that happened after I did the following:
The memory was too low but I found in the storage memory 7 MB and I wanted to install a game that was 7 MB too (note: I don't have a memory card) but the computer showed me the message "storage unavailable", but I installed it anyway and in the middle of installation the device stopped and when I made sofy reset it stopped on the imate blue screen and didn't continue starting. I tried to do Master reset (powerkey + resetkey) but the device refused to do it … I took it to a maintenance store and he tried to install a new rom but the problem continued "crashing during startup and stopping on the blue imate screen" (note: the phone was working fine before that)
so please cam you help me???
try a hard reset, but dont just tap it, hold the buttons in for a second.
sure thats it, if not im not sure
hope this helps.

Fatal OS crash

Earlier today, the OS on my phone crashed as I was receiving a text message. The phone simply froze up. I tried to do a hard reset, but nothing happened, so I removed the battery, waited several seconds, and put it back in. When I turned the phone back on, the OS did not completely start up. In stead, I received the following error messages:
Storage Memory
"Storage memory is critically low. If the storage memory is not increased, other programs may not be able to start. Use File Explorer to delete files that are no longer needed or move some files to a storage card."
Connection Setup
"Error in the database"
"The file '---' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
I attempted to connect the device to the computer in the hopes of simply flashing the ROM, but ActiveSync will not even connect to the phone. That being said, is there a way to reset the phone to a previous state so that I can access it? As it stands right now, I can do absolutely nothing on the phone, not even get into the Start menu. The phone does not work, either, as I cannot send or receive any phone calls.
Help please... anyone...
Full device name: HTC 8525 AT&T (unlocked for T-Mobile)
OS version: WINDOWS MOBILE 6.5
RAM: Total, 64MB
ROM: Total,128MB
When all else fails try the search function.I believe you will need to flash a new ROM from the SD card.Perhaps a more knowledgeable member can verify this,however i think it will help you out.The first is a link to the Wiki for SD flashing a Hermes,the second is a link to the search results,via forum search, for SD card flashing.
Good luck
press the top two buttons in together and keep them pressed ,then reset with the stylus at the same time. You will get a tri coloured screen (Bootloader mode)with your ipl and spl on it and it will say serial at the bottom. If it says spl x.xx olipro then flash any hermes rom to it, if it doesnt then find a rom from the manufacturer of the hermes i.e. if its a o2 trion get an o2 trion rom. When you have the rom downloaded simply connect it to the pc as you normally do and run the flash program. Dont worry about the parts of the rom flash where it says have you an active sync connection, just tick the box that you have and carry on with the flash do that and your phone will be working again, hopefully
Much thanks
Many thanks, all
I managed to get everything reloaded, although all of my personal information is gone now... oh well, a small price to pay, right?
Why didn't he just do a hard reset...

