Download site still not working - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I'm dying to try out the Special Edition EXE but the link to appears to be down.
If someone could be kind enough to give me an alternative link (or really kind enough to email it to [email protected]) I'd be eternally grateful.
Desert Gooner


PHP-Server for my MDA II ?

as you can read in the subject i´m searching for a PHP-Server (and maby MySQL-Server) for my PPC.
Once i found a site to download it (don´t know if it was a fake), but my computer crashed by opening to many sites (i was searching for many things on this day)...
Now i´m trying to find this site again (since this morning) but i didn´t.
Can anybody help me please ?
P.S. Sorry for my poor english...
you mean you want to run nushere on you PDA? wow! let me know if you find it! I cant see why it is not possible to get it working on it, just a little question, why woudl you want it?
I hope someone else can help me here. But if i find a solution, i will post it here.
It would be great to do some coding everywhere with my mda and ir-keyboard.
When I get board, totaly board, I code on my P800 and then save it and upload it, through file upload onto my site and test it online!, cost me in GPRS. Upload fee and then test fee! very expensive. Hope you can find something.

hmmm... just wondering

Well hi again, i dont know if its the right thing to ask, but CAN i ASK for links or sites which provide Free/Cracked softwares and games for my Imate Jam. Any sort of help well appreciated.
Thanking in Advance.
i think it's forbidden...but maybe u can receive some 'surprise'...
etc. etc use google with freeware & ppc
Cracks is not done.
also there are 4 free games namely back gammon, jam jammy, pool , and number palce (sudoku)(these are worth $40 normally). hurry up cos it will be ending soon. you must be logged in to see the link for the free games.
Hi nm8,
The link appears to be broken.
you have to be logged in first before you clik the link....
Sorry nm8,
Attached to what? Don't see them & I am logged on here.
I'll try & register @ club i-mate
sorry i tried attaching them but it says error if u want i can email the lot to you
That would be very kind & highly appreciated. As an official 'guest user' @ club i-mate I can't reach those pages.
The e-mail addr. is in thr PM.
Thanks, M

Aim For Cingular 8525

Is it possible to crack or have this file working on the cingular 8525.
its the file exctracted from the tmoble wing
here is the link to download the .cab
I've got it working (as far as turning on) on my Samsung i730 but it doesn't use the wireless protocols... is there any way to reconfigure this through a registry edit or could someone help me patch it?
it uses SMS for sure. I'm interested in how this goes and if its even possible to make work over wifi or gprs directly
i know for a fact OZ IM uses SMS. i have it on my wizard and thats what is does. its also very delayed.
Damn this is harder than i thought.
help anyone .
Here ya go buddy, enjoy.
Oh, and don't thank me, thank Google for that hard search.
P.S. - Here's a direct link to the file:
P.P.S. - IM+ is another good one.
AIM from the UK sucks and i have IM + and it isnt the best program in the world. The easiest one to use is the official aim. thats why im asking help to fix the program so me and other people can use it
any help on cracking this, with out posting up the aim UK download nor im+
help anyone ?
crazylegpants said:
help anyone ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
here is a working cab on this forum tested and works great!!
that is the aim uk verzion which suck because landscape mode look bootleged
once again any one want to help get this ***** cracking
any help please
any help please
any help please
Is it possible to crack or have this file working on the cingular 8525.
its the file exctracted from the tmoble wing
here is the link to download the .cab

please, need help

first, sorry about my inglish...
i´m looking (i´m really looking) a ppc program of 2 years ago.
the name of this program its "jcompiler" it´s a Rapid Application Development
this is the program:
... in hadango now it´s impossible buy the jcompiler
i search in all the web pages that i know.. nothing
i search in emule... nothing
if anyone have this program or where i can get it, please... please help me
thankyou very much
Had a quick look on a site I cant link to because its banned, and there's nothing, only a request by someone to post it.
Sorry mate.
Try email here:
[email protected]
Check your PM box. I sent you a link that might help locate the author.
thank you very much to every one

[Q] CompeGPS TwoNav Pocket

I try to use this software on my Rhod, but when i try to open the maps it crashes and closes
Here are the files I used and one map of my location with calibration .map
Hope someone can help me, please!
Okay, I'll try it later
Tanmomon said:
Okay, I'll try it later
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you
Someone can help me please....
Based on the link I'm going to guess that's a ware... I'm also going to guess that you did NOT pay eu 55 for it. If that's the case - coming on here to ask for help on using your non legit warez is... lame.
If it's not the case - you should be asking the company (TwoNav) - but since you're here, not there - I'm fairly certain that you just don't want to pay for it. Again. Lame.

