how can i fix my dead xda? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

hi i have a dead xda and i'm trying to fix it but it stops on 85% sometimes on 83%,i'm using the copy of cab file to sd card and runnig it from xda anyone can tel me how to get over this? i have removed it from charger and put the file on the sd card,the progress bar went to 99% then flash failed,now when i restart it windows work but very slowly and after reinstalling the rsu from pc by sync it gives me that message on 1%,how to fix it??!!

xda developers can u help me?
xda-developers can you tell me how to get over this 1% error?plz

Wer can only refer you to a really large number of postings on this forum. We tried playing with Radio upgrades, but we have not yet reached a point where any of this research is useful for those that have lost their radios in upgrades/downgrades.
Frankly: the Radio Stack Upgrade procedure frightens us: even if people play by the rules, and do the officially Right Thing(tm), things go wrong way too often for us to be telling people to play around. Our general word is to not upgrade unless you know you're fixing a problem, and to otherwise leave it the hell alone.

thanx anyway you are very kind and usefull people,

My Xda went white, the screen, aft a failed update, I've tried and re-tried the update provided by Peter Poelman. It did not work, stops at 1%... what I then did was
a) restart the failed update xda, remove the SD card
b) Press the Volume button to start it, when the screen message appear, press exit not to continue the flashing
c) connect the xda to the Sync cable, with your PC's Active Sync.
d) Install your Program A, again
e) Restart the xda recovery using the SD card method , follow the instructions that for SD card boot-up... and hope it work
All the best
It worked for my xda which is now fully functional.

thanx for your help,when i try to recover by upgrading from sd,i don,t use it as start up,i just go to explorer by pressing the calander buttom then the action centre the start menu appears then i browse,i'll try to reinstall windows and restart the prossedure hope it will fix it thanx.

ahh,it's not charging it happend with me in other times and programme A refuse to start,it says please connect your device to a/c adaptor,how to simulate it that the the unit charging or bypass the charging test?

Hi Guest,
Apologies in replying late, Im GUEST1 actually, jus regustered, anyway I forgot that you have to remove your SIM card before doing this, u may need to try a few times, I tried about 5-6 time before it worked. Good luck...

Hi 9DIV !
It is true ?
If I connect to activesync and run ruu upgrade I have the error message:
please connect ac adapter.
What is wrong ?

Same Here
I've read all the posts on this subject over the last week and I've had no luck.
Once the XDA is rebooted after several minutes it is possible to get activesync to recognise the XDA, but you cannot use the official O2 install software again as it thinks the XDA is not connection to the PSU even if it is.
I have tried SD card solutions, including at least 3 versions of the some have got past 1% but none have managed the full 100%.
I would add that if once connected to active sync you delete the shortcuts in windows/startup you can reboot and the XDA will quickly go to the today page complete with the startup bar...

You are right to say that as regards to PSU, becuase the flashing software needs to check the power supply, and too ensure that of supply power is not at risk of loss of power during ROM flashing.
You cannot use the offical O2 to install, because that would be downgrading the ROM version and would likely damage your unit.
As i mentioned earlier, use the one from Peter Poelman, prepare the SD card. I have to use my friend's NEC's PDA to write to my SD card for re-builting the unit's ROM.
Maybe can try this (no guarantees)
1)As you reboot your broken unit, till it show the Today's screen
2)connect using your power adpator to charge it full. I have problem with this step, and tried several times(using reset button) before it started charging(i.e. your unit will show continous orange light) when fully charged (green light)
3) connect to active sync and install the Program A. Do the SD thingy.
hope this helps
regards ---------- 9DIV


HELP!: a possible XDA paper weight, how to recover

A history of what has been done:
at first a perfectly working factory default XDA with a rom that dated back to fall 2002.
Connected to a Compar laptop running WinXp, ActiveSync 3.5 (build 12007)
Tried to flash Radio_Stack_Upgrade_v421.exe to the XDA, the flash went all-ok as far as 45% or 53% and froze after that. After being frozen for more than 5 minutes gave a message "flash failed" and booted the XDA, and started flashing all over again with the same result (this cycle repeated about 10 times)
After which I deleted the flash-related files from the XDA:sta startup directory, during while it was flashing.
Booted the XDA
Worked seemingly fine, except that none of the GSM functions vere operational. At first nothing else seemed to be wrong, but then the XDA completely failed to recognize the AC power connection. It insisted that it ran on battery even thou the power cord was connected. Even tried a different powerplug on the wall. Also the power utility from the settings meny gave "uknown" as batterylife.
Tried to flash the XDA with Radio_Unit_Upgrade_v31703.exe, but could not even start the procedure, as it insists on an early phase that the AC powercord must be connected, and since it doesn't recognize the connetion it simply aborts.
Desperate after this tried a hard reset.
After that the XDA doesn't boot properly: it gets past the inital "plash screen" into making a beep sound and displaying a white screen with blue thick bar (empty) on top. I'v booted the machine about 20 times like this by now, always with the same result. Some times it doesn't get as far as the blue-white empty window. If I leave it at that the XDA simply reboots itself after being frozen in the white-blue screen for over 2 minutes.
I left the machine at the table and went to the gym after coming back it had gotten past the white-blue screen, to the initial phase after hard reset where it says "tap screen to setup your XDA" I tapped the screen and it went to clicking through the crosses on the screen to initialize. I managed to click 1 cross, after which the XDA froze completely and did not react for 15 minutes.
After that single incident getting past the white-blue screen, I haven't been able to repeat it. I have tried to boot with SIM and SD, with SIM only, with SD only, and without both: the same results with each.
I have another XDA at my disposal, and a SD card. Could the device still be rocoverable somehow through using that other XDA to copy something into the SD card and booting.
Please tell me do I have a paper weight on my hands, or can I somehow recover from this. Thank you!
Yea that’s a good place to start use the other XDA to copy it ROM+Boot to the SD card and use that to reflash your ROM. You do that by entering bootloader mode and select CE+Boot. Hopefully you won't get the dreaded Check Sum after the reload!
Do you have access to a PC SD card reader, because you're go to need
Updating your Qtek ROM using the 'SD Card' or 'Bootloader' Method
Qman said:
Yea that’s a good place to start use the other XDA to copy it ROM+Boot to the SD card and use that to reflash your ROM. You do that by entering bootloader mode and select CE+Boot. Hopefully you won't get the dreaded Check Sum after the reload!
Do you have access to a PC SD card reader, because you're go to need
Updating your Qtek ROM using the 'SD Card' or 'Bootloader' Method
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It appears my XDA O2 has the 5.17 version of the bootloader. When I boot into the bootloader it says "GSM error" at first, when I press the action button, it says "GSM turn on" and after a while "GSM turn on failed!!" and freezes there. Is this the kind of an error that prevents me from flashing a ROM from a SD card even if I had one? Since it gets stuck with that GSM error thing, and never even actually goes to the bootloader menu... why do I need a PC SD card reader? wouldn't just using the other XDA to copy the ROM and then flash it to the broken one do the trick?
Thanks, for the reply btw, for a while I was thinking that nobody would help me - and my situation is hopeless. Not atleast there is some light at the end of the tunnel..
Try pressing the Calendar button instead of the Action.
BTW You would need a PC SD card reader to load the needed radio stack upgrade files on to your device if all else failed plus if the CE+Boot backup to SD failed with that other XDA you could use XDArit to write another ROM to SD.
Qman said:
Try pressing the Calendar button instead of the Action.
BTW You would need a PC SD card reader to load the needed radio stack upgrade files on to your device if all else failed plus if the CE+Boot backup to SD failed with that other XDA you could use XDArit to write another ROM to SD.
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Thanks, that appears to work: the button on the left brings up the ROM+BOOT etc menu, and the button on the right (calendar) brings up the menu for setting the GSM (different options, like on, off, 900, 1800, etc). Since the local time is 00:36, I'll try the tricks with the other XDA O2 tomorrow..
You're right I'm sorry, its the Contacts button for CE+Boot!
WOW 00:36 its 14:47 here in LV, NV US anyhow good night and check you tomorrow.

Prophet upgraded with Wizard ROM by mistake

Just tried to upgrade my S200 with a 9100 ROM ver WWE (by mistake of course) and I can't turn it on anymore. Somehow it didn't even warn about wrong ROM.
Tried to hardreset it but no luck. When I keep the camera button it goes to RGB only when connected to the charger.
When connected to PC, the red and blue leds keep flashing and my PC gives Error 260 when I try to revert back to the S200 RUU.
Does anyone know how to bring it back to life? Is there a way to boot it from SD card?
I-mate Jam
Qtek 9100
Qtek S200
Don't panic!
I did the same thing some time ago!
What you need to do is make sure that the battery is fully charged. (The flashing of the screen can be a result of the flat battery.) Unfortunately, it is not possible to charge the battery when the wrong ROM is installed, as the ROM obviously tells the Prophet how to charge.
Let's assume you have an okay battery.
1) Start the Prophet in Boot mode. This is done by pressing and holding the Camera button and then pressing the soft-reset button. Keep holding for about 7 seconds, and the coloured bands should appear.
2) Connect to PC using the UDB cable.
3) Run the correct ROM upgrade. You do not need to be paired with ActiveSync, as the update programs are intelligent.
4) If the update does not work (and it fails at 95%), then try again. If it still fails, try again and do a soft-reset mid-way through. This will kill the ROM upgrade and you should then be able to do it fine after that.
The really important thing is that the battery is charged before you do this. Unless anyone makes a USB cable that can charge AND connect to PC, then a fully charged battery is a must.
Let me know if this helped.
Check this Out
one more step need to be performed which by not ticking off the ALLOW USB CONNECTIONS in the connection settings of the file of the activesync. After configuring it, it would absolutely carry out thy upgrading of ROM for thy Prophet which is in Bootloader mode. Good Luck!
Check this Out
one more step need to be performed which by not ticking off the ALLOW USB CONNECTIONS in the connection settings of the file of the activesync. After configuring it, it would absolutely carry out thy upgrading of ROM for thy Prophet which is in Bootloader mode. Good Luck!
Re: Boot from SD?
zealerc said:
one more step need to be performed which by not ticking off the ALLOW USB CONNECTIONS in the connection settings of the file of the activesync. After configuring it, it would absolutely carry out thy upgrading of ROM for thy Prophet which is in Bootloader mode. Good Luck!
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I am a bit confused, does that mean that ALLOW USB CONNECTIONS has to be chacked or unchecked?
I did the same exact mistake. Now, my baterry is fully chaged (which I can check on another phone) but when I put it in S200 it shows that the battery has 0%. Conseqeuntly, when i unplug the power cord the phone dies. I have no way of running the new ROM on it. I tried running a bootable SD but it only installed part of the software. i read on this forum that such a thing happens and that one would need to run a full version ROM from a computer. So, how do I do it??? I am almost giving up all hope of ever making this phone work
Does anyone have a file to boot from SD and is it possible to run a full ROM from SD. Please help!

Pls help ti solve NO GSM problem!

Could anyone can help me to solve No GSM poblem. I think there are many other users have same problem.
After it faild during update rom, My HP6915 represent NO GSM during booting and the phone funcation also doesn't work. But in HP Asset you can see it, just no firmware, no version number. I try to flash english radio rom and french radio rom, but always stop at 1%. This matter appeared after I flashed orange rom(french version). I think it locked by Orange.
Does any one can help us?
did you try the update with no sim and no minsd?
did you try the update with no sim and no minsd?
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Yes, I update without sim card and minisd. Always stop at 1%
to be on the safe side i will go over general insraction
battery full
recomended xp os & activesync 4.5 (not beta)
minsd & sim out
ac addapter connected (ac power from orig transformer)
hart reset your device before the update
connect device directly to computer's usb plug
run the update
try radio only &/or the all update you can also try on a different pc
if all didn't work read this and see if you can find somthing that works on the 6900
good luck
to be on the safe side i will go over general insraction
battery full
recomended xp os & activesync 4.5 (not beta)
minsd & sim out
ac addapter connected (ac power from orig transformer)
hart reset your device before the update
connect device directly to computer's usb plug
run the update
try radio only &/or the all update you can also try on a different pc
if all didn't work read this and see if you can find somthing that works on the 6900
good luck
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Thank you for your reply!
I tried but still same, stop at 1% when I flash Radio WAN OS, stop at 2% when I flash Radio FS. I tried to unlock simlock and CID unlock, but it doesn't work on my 6965
called a few places looks like the radio chip is fried. sorry man...not looking good.
try update again with this method
I got almost same problem. I tried to update GSM rom but update fail and my ipaq stuck at hp invent logo. try following steps to see if it works for you
this is what I did to get this fixed.
1) Get the battery out of the iPaq, and wait for a few minutes while the "serial" image fades away slowly.
2) In the meantime, prepare your cradle, plugged into the AC charger and plugged via USB to your PC.
3) After a few minutes, with the screen of the iPaq completely gray, put the battery and battery cap back on (with our without SIM card), and put it on the cradle immediately.
4) The iPaq should start coming back to life, as if it were being hard reset. Let is stay on the welcome screen (i.e., do not tap it or anything).
5) Restart the upgrade process, it should proceed from there OK
Thank you to origianl solution provider
I also meet such question.
actualy. I met the same problem "No GSM" after wrong update. I thing I tried everything, but I Didn't try to flash the device via mini-sd card. I don't know the right address for GSM area. Did anyone know?
caoxt said:
I also meet such question.
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COME ON guys some one can help us , i have too the same problem please help with radio stack !!!!!!!!!
me too,, really nedd help here.. my only phone sable...

P4350 quite dead after USPL'ing

I tried to USPL my P4350 (SPL & IPL 4.xx.xxxx) in order to update to WM6.1, using Herald-USPL-Beta3. Everything went OK until ROMUpdateUtility kicked in, and gave me an error: FILE IN USE.
So I started the ROMUpdateUtility again, with the screen still blank, and suddenly the P4350 turned off. I'm 100% sure the battery was at least 90% full during USPL'ing, so why it turned off; I have no idea.
Problem is: I can't power up the device anymore. No LED's, even when attaching it to the power adapter.
Any tips on how to fix this, or is it fair to say my device is now really DEAD?
Some suggestions of a Junior Member.
1st. Try a soft reset. Didn't work? Go to Step 2
2nd. Try a hard reset. Didn't work? Go to Step 3
3rd. Pull the battery off. Put it again. Try to turn it on. Didn't work? Go to Step 4
4rd. Wait replies from advanced user. End.
Thank you for replying
However none of the options you mentioned worked out.
I'm stuck waiting for some expert guidance here
Hi, it's been a while, but today I finally made -sure hope so- some progress..
I purchased a HTC Touch HD two weeks ago, from which I plugged in the power adaptor to see what my P4350 would do. (specs are the same btw as the P4350 power adaptor; output 5V, 1A) On this attempt however, the left LED on the front of the device turned RED for about 5 seconds before turning off again. I plugged in the adaptor again, and it lit up RED again. However, the device did not respond to an attempt to power it up.
What does this mean? Is it not dead after all?
Any tips on what to do?
Thanks again.
Wow man, I'm getting somewhere now!
I got the device powered on holding the RESET+POWER+CAMERA and it now hangs on the IPL + SPL screen.
What is very strange is the following:
IPL 1.08.0001
SPL 1.08.0001
as to where these were above 4.xx.xxxx before I did the USPL'ing. I am a 100% sure.. (not so sure anymore now to be honest.. )
The screen displays USB in the left bottom corner, because it is connected to the USB power supply.
I'm afraid to turn it off because it might not turn on again...
Where do I go from here?
Well, I finally got my P4350 to work again
I noticed I was able to start into bootloader mode using CAMERA+RESET, unlike previous attempts to do so. I don't know what caused the device to boot after 6 weeks, but I guess attaching the Touch HD power adapter did the trick.
At first I followed the instructions at topic "Goldcard for Herald", but somehow I wasn't able to make the MicroSD card bootable using my HTC Touch HD for the formatting.
Instead I went to page 5 of the topic and discovered this comment by leptir79, who stated the creation of the Goldcard could easily be done from a DOS-prompt in Windows, with the MicroSD card in the SD-cardreader on a PC or notebook. And this is what did the trick for me:
- I put the SD-card in my notebook cardreader (drive W: ), opened a DOS-prompt, and ran the following command to format the SD-card with the correct priviliges: FORMAT w: /FS:FAT32 /A:4096
- After that I copied heradiag.nbh to the blank MicroSD card to see if my P4350 would boot from the MicroSD card. And it did. From this tool I ran some diagnostics tools to see whether my device was fully functioning, and I got no errors. I noticed that among the diagnostics tools there was a tool to Flash the device with a new ROM
- So I downloaded HTC_P4350_WWE_4.17.405.2_4.1.13.44_02.94.90_Ship.exe, extracted RUU_signed.nbh to the root of my MicroSD card (along with heradiag.nbh), and renamed RUU_signed.nbh to heraimg.nbh.
- I started the P4350 into bootloader mode, booting from the MicroSD card. Heradiag.nbh booted up, and I chose to use the Flash ROM utility that came with heradiag. The device automatically found heraimg.nbh, and started the flashing procedure for my device. After confirming, the flashing started.
After a few minutes my P4350 rebooted, and my device is now running Windows Mobile 6.0. Everything seems to work just fine now.
So, if you don't have a second (working) WM device, but do have an cardreader on your PC or notebook, this really is the best option to create the Goldcard imho.. (even if you do have another WM-phone, really, try this procedure first before installing ActivePerl and all the perl-scripts)
Thanks everyone for all the procedures and help. You all did a great job, but most credits in this case go out to leptir79 who gave me the breakthrough in getting my -left for dead- device to work again.
This is a gold trick thats what i'm waiting for...
I have my heralds bricked since 2 months ago... Yup....really bricked...means cant do bootloader mode or hard reseting on device...
And already sent it to the HTC care center, and they ask for mainboard replacing...which is too expensive for me...400US...later cancelling it...
Searching out this forum, and didn't find a solution to reprogramming OMAP via JTAG...then my research suspended...
Untill I found this...
All I need...just to enter to the bootloader...powering up the brick
Can't wait to try this method @home...ASAP...
For now...just looking for 5V, 1A Charger first....
TIA frummel...
hie i have a hera100 does not detect on active sync when i try to update rom stops at 2% try diffrernt roms some stop at 7% my IPL 4.14.0002 SPL 4.10.000 i tried formating my 2gig and put heraimg on it nothing happens. pliz help how do i do it now phone shows three colors i cant hard spl coz of active sync. ithanx in advance
Attach phone to a computer with a mini-USB cable and install a RUU ROM.

O2 XDA Exec (Universal) Won't Power On after Unccessfull ROM Upgrade

I was trying to Upgrade my O2 XDA Exec Rom with Windows Mobile 6.5 by explode. The process went successfully till 99% and after that it ended up with Error. Then I unplugged my pda from the pc and tried to restart the device. I was surprised that the device did not respond to any of the following
Soft Reset
Hard Rest
Boot Loader mode Start (Bulb + Power + Reset)
It is totally blank screen whatever you do.
When I connected the device to the pc with usb cable, a Red Light is shown for 2 seconds and then goes off and a message comes up on the pc that "USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED".
Then I tried to Remove battery from the device for a whole night and the next day morning i did all the above procedures again to get no results.
Kindly Help me out
Dinesh Kumaar
dineshkumaar said:
I was trying to Upgrade my O2 XDA Exec Rom with Windows Mobile 6.5 by explode. The process went successfully till 99% and after that it ended up with Error. Then I unplugged my pda from the pc and tried to restart the device. I was surprised that the device did not respond to any of the following
Soft Reset
Hard Rest
Boot Loader mode Start (Bulb + Power + Reset)
It is totally blank screen whatever you do.
When I connected the device to the pc with usb cable, a Red Light is shown for 2 seconds and then goes off and a message comes up on the pc that "USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED".
Then I tried to Remove battery from the device for a whole night and the next day morning i did all the above procedures again to get no results.
Kindly Help me out
Dinesh Kumaar
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Try to reflash with another ROM
And maybe your battery is not working
Good luck and don´t forget to vote!
Im new to this forum and spending a few weeks doing searches I have found a new world of things I can do with my M5000! Only problem is I have the same problem as this guy. The problem started with no GSM, No Protocol version and no IMEI number, After countless rom installs and failed all I thought I left the sim in? Took batt out, No sim, Put the batt back in and now it wont turn on or do anything.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem or its it an expensive paper weight?? Im lost without it!
ronnie5 said:
Im new to this forum and spending a few weeks doing searches I have found a new world of things I can do with my M5000! Only problem is I have the same problem as this guy. The problem started with no GSM, No Protocol version and no IMEI number, After countless rom installs and failed all I thought I left the sim in? Took batt out, No sim, Put the batt back in and now it wont turn on or do anything.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem or its it an expensive paper weight?? Im lost without it!
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Welcome to the forum
You have a great device!
Have a look here:
Hope it helps and good luck,

