Just upgraded my Asian O2 XDA - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

For those that are interested i have just upgraded my Asian O2 XDA (Philippines) to the new ROM version 3.17.03 and radio version 4.12.00. This was problem free and the enhancements seem to work fine.

Did you download the from sourceo2 ?
hi ..
great to hear that it works for you ? where did you download the new ROM ? did you download it from sourceo2 ? also, does the wireless modem feature works ? its a feature i am looking forward to .. given that i dont expect to see Bluetooth in XDA in the near future ....
pls adv. thanks !
cheers !!!!

ROM upgrade
Can u tell me where to get the upgrade? salamat


New Dutch O2 ROM Version v3.17.03 and Radio Version v4.21

:lol: Maybe you already know this, but the Dutch O2 site offers a upgrade to Rom v3.17.03 and Radio v4.12. I'm currently downloading this version so I can't tell what's new so rest will follow !
You mean Radio 4.21 probably, not 4.12...
:shock: Sorry, type-error. I didn't see on the O2 site what's improved in this version. I hope less 'No signal' messages !!
Can i use the unlock on this versions ?
regards. lars
I already managed to get my xda unlocked thanxs anyway!!
regards Lars.

O2 has 1.11.170 available for downlod

Hi All,
Just to let you all know that O2 have the upgraded ROM (ver 1.11.170)with BB and radio 1.04 available now on their website.
See my Hmmmmm post above. I didn't spot this thread before I posted.
I just went to O2 site but can not to see the new ROM for OIIi. Only v1.11.69
Snap. O2 IIi Downloads page.
If you know different, linkage please.
O2 have withdrawn the 170 rom as it had issues!!! (like the others don't!!) That is why it is not there any more. :lol:

on O2 site i found just 1.11.169
It was withdrawn because it was crap. Blackberry didn't work.
i just downloaded v 1.11.169 , hope this is the latest
I downloaded it one month and a half ago and i don't see the difference between v.1.11.169 and v 1.11.170 except Backberry v.2.0. If yours is good,I think you enjoy it.That's the best way.
i see the radio rom is still 1.00
andy-c1 said:
i see the radio rom is still 1.00
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Click to collapse
The radio in rom for Alpine v1.11.170 is v1.04. Check it again,pls.
where can i d/load o2 only has1.11.169 on there website not 1.11.170
You can't. It was flawed and withdrawn...
firmware 1.11.170
Does anybody know when this update will come out
i cant ask o2 they keep telling me to call 02 asia as im in australia
Could someone maybe ask o2 UK
just a quick question, does anyone ever risked or ever brick their PDA in trying to upgrade the PDA using the ROM ver 171 ?
is it safe to do upgrade ROM even via the website ?
I'm worried if it would broke down my PDA. :-(
here's what I've found in the website:
The latest XDA IIi System Software is available for you to download. New and changed in this version of software, v1.11.171 are:
* Updated BlackBerry Connect
* Improved Bluetooth Connectivity
Please click here to continue
This software is for Xda IIi in UK and Ireland.
and I'm living in AUstralia.
is it worth it ?
AlbertWT said:
just a quick question, does anyone ever risked or ever brick their PDA in trying to upgrade the PDA using the ROM ver 171 ?
This software is for Xda IIi in UK and Ireland.
and I'm living in AUstralia.
is it worth it ?
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Another question - on next page O2 asks for IMEI and phone number. Somehow I can find IMEI on my device but how can I obtain valid UK O2 tel. No??? It was bought on ebay... So is there any links where i can download this latest ROM ver. without tel number? Thanks.
I downloaded the rom with my imei and a romanian cell phone number from the official site. Didn't updated it yet...
There is now a v 1.11.171 available at the O2 website.
my emei doesn't work, can anyone give me a working link to the 171?
thank you.

Looking for O2_UK XDA IIi Orginal Shipped ROM latest ...

Hi there ,
I'm looking for the latest O2 XDA IIi Win2003SE Orginal Shipped ROM for my XDA.
can anyone help ..
Cheers pals
Thank U guys for your fast response and help ..
attached is the link for the needed ROM from O2 website :
with best regards ,
This is also application suite
ONLY for XDA IIi as it will not work in any other device ( as O2.Co.UK says in there website )
If you wana try in your , take with your own responsibility .
KSE tools and Voice commanding tools as well

O2 XDA - Downgrade to original O2 ROM

I have recently upgraded to 2003 using xda-developers ROM. Now I want to sell my Wallaby as I have now got a new partner in a XDA IIs. Can anyone advise me how to downgrade to the original O2 2002?
Download the ROM and install it....
Sorry mate, where do I download the original ROM from?
Directly from O2:
or from the ftp here:
Excellent, Many tks Stefan.
Upgrade XDA O2
papabey said:
Excellent, Many tks Stefan.
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Click to collapse
hai, i want to upgrade my XDA O2 Asia but i confuse what rom that support for my O2, I find it in http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=ROMVersions
to many version. can u tell me please ?
they all work on your wallaby device
it all comes down to what language you want
and how new a rom you want
a good pointer is the higher the number the newer the rom

newest & best xda neo german rom

Hey @all!
can anybody tell my what the newest an best stable working rom for the xda neo is? when it is possible please a german rom and please with download link!
thanks for your work here! unbeliveable.....
please help me....my xda is crashed down! it is a crazy problem! if launched an emulator for c64 games and after ending this software nothing works--->softreset--->now i have only 2 icons in windows tasklist (today and coldinit) camara, comm manager dosent work, nothing works!
now i want to upgrade my neo to a newer version but what is the best version?
please please help me....you guys here are the only persons who can help me!
The newest official o2 ROM is the 2.15.447 from o2 homepage: o2 Online
And the really latest german ROM is the Qtek 2.20.739 ROM: Qtek [email protected]
The best way to get your device working again is to make a Hardreset!
thanks a lot for your work! i will test it today in the evening and then i give a report!
thank you 1000times

