Safe upgrade to 3.15.15 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have a UK o2 XDA, is it safe to flash it with the 3.15.15 rom update from O2 NL?
Thanks in advance

Yes it is...

This worked great. Whats the Sim Toolkit?

SIM Toolkit is a standard for putting simple menus on the provider SIM card, which can then be displayed by the phone. Sometimes used for reading and writing mail, although more convenient ways are present on the XDA, and for electronic banking and other provider-partnered services.

After I flashed the xda I had Sim toolkit, i restored from backup and its gone! Can I get it back?

Sim Toolkit
imordey said:
After I flashed the xda I had Sim toolkit, i restored from backup and its gone! Can I get it back?
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I upgraded to 3.15.15 from O2 NL, I restored all data from the PC, and after that the XDA was downgraded! Therefore you couldn't find Sim Toolkit. Have another upgrade and copy your files etcetera form My Documents folder, you get 2 of them after upgrading !

Hi I'm intrested using the ROM update tooo do you have the link to download or setup file ... my e-mail is [email protected] or post here

Hi imordey
If you use RUU ver. 3.15.15 from the NL O2 webpage...
Did it change the language into dutch?
Maybe its a stupid question?

No: language on O2 3.15.15 is English.

I tried to change the OS from ger to eng using the ruu.
I get an error every time that the rom image can not be found.
Is there an easy way to do this?


Special Edition ROM

I'm new to all this. I just got my first XDA and i need to unlock my sim code. I'm not sure how to do all this unix stuff. Is there anyone with all this done. And could they send me a copy so i can flash it to my rom?
My Rom ver. is 3.14.13 if thats any help
Also is this rom version too early for the XDAunlock tool?
Seek and ye shall find
Your best bet is to search through the relevant posts (its a long and laborious job) but you will find what you are after.
Also look at the Rom Kitchen and you will be able to 'cook' your own rom and then flash it via your cradle. I do not have a Unix machine but the kitchen will create an exe for you to download.
As for sending you one, I doubt it as the rom is usually about 15Mb in size and so is a no no. Get to the kitchen, start cooking and enjoy the fruits of the XDA gurus labours.
As a word of warning some people may not be so forthcoming with info as they prefer people to search for their answer before posting. Just to let you know and prevent annoyance with regular posters
Goddame, go to :
It's the easiest way, you can cook there your ROM, and after download it ,even as an .exe.
Just be carefull to read the different choices, depending on the ROM you choose first . (don't choose a T-Mobile one if you're not with T-Mobile . I have an O2 XDA UK , and I choose 4.0011 ENG WM 2003, all is OK , before I had upgrade the RSU -> 4.21 on the O2 site
You should read the different threads about that on the forum, so you can have the feed back of others, what to do...or not, problems, etc....
Thanks for your help.. I should have looked around a bit more. I have had a look at the ROm Kitchen and it makes things alot easyer. I keep looking about for more info.
Thanks again.
There is a tool to unlock your XDA made by the super guys here .. check the Unlock forum ... Hint: it doesn't work with ROM 4.xx
Biso007 said:
There is a tool to unlock your XDA made by the super guys here .. check the Unlock forum ... Hint: it doesn't work with ROM 4.xx
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Does that mean that if I have a Locked O2 XDA and I install 4.00.11 ENG WM2003, my phone will still be locked?
Also, can I upgrade my O2 XDA 3.15.15 ENG to 4.00.11 ENG WM2003?????
Thanks Amit
amitk75 said:
Does that mean that if I have a Locked O2 XDA and I install 4.00.11 ENG WM2003, my phone will still be locked?
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Correct. First cook a ROM based on 3.17.03, unlock the phone using XDAunlock from Start/Programs/Phone., and then run the installer exe for a ROM based on 4.00.11 (for instance).
Also, can I upgrade my O2 XDA 3.15.15 ENG to 4.00.11 ENG WM2003?????
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Yes you can.
Thanks Lads I've updated my XDA no problem.
I got a update to 3.17.03 from O2s website then cooked me a Rom update to 4.00.11 WM2003 in the Rom Kitchen.
The only problem i have now is that vodafone won't give me the settings for there GPRS connection because the phone isn't a vodafone autorised phone. Does any one have the settings for vodafone in Ireland? If so please forward them.
Goddame said:
The only problem i have now is that vodafone won't give me the settings for there GPRS connection because the phone isn't a vodafone autorised phone. Does any one have the settings for vodafone in Ireland? If so please forward them.
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This is the very essence of silliness. "I want to pay you money to use the service your business is about providing." "No, you're not authorized to pay us money to use the service our business is about providing."
I got on to vodafone a gave them loads. So they put me onto there data support and he emailed me the settings and it worked. Why do you have to go through so much s**t to get what you want off companies like these????
Any how it's working fine.
Thanks everyone for your help!!
My XDA is running perfect :lol:

Want to uninstall WM2003 and go back to O2 original ROM

Installed T-Mobile WM2003 from the ROM kitchen.......... Network very weak and the phone has become very slow. Now I want to move back to O2 original ROM (WM2002).
When I try to install the ROM I get an error message :
"ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error getting connectiontype"
and the 02 ROM installer cannot communicate with my XDA.
Can someone please help me get back the original 02 ROM, with sim unlocked???
Really need some help here. :?:
I loved my phone as it was and I was stupid to experiment with it !!
regards ,
If you used the kitchen to cook your ROM then it shouldn't have any impact on the RSU part. Plz give more details on your RSU version, your network MHz and what types of problems you have ?
BTW, did you upgrade to 4.01.00 or 4.01.16 ?
To get back to PPC2002, you can use the SD method
if you upgraded to the 4.01.16 I had this problem too.
you can't use the rom.exe method via the cradle if you've put this tmobile rom on your XDA, you have to use the SD flash method.
I upgraded it to 4.01.16
Radio version installed is 4.21.00
a. The XDA has become very slow (I have a lot of free space on the XDA)
b. Network signals are weak.
Going back to 2002
I received from a friend a pre-release version of t-mobile ppc2003 a few months ago. He put it on my phone via a sd flash. T-mobile has just released (for free) on their website a final release of ppc 2003 and the one I am using is somewhat unstable at times. Does anyone happen to have t-mobile ppc2002 so that I can upgrade. Thanks.
Diki said:
a. The XDA has become very slow (I have a lot of free space on the XDA)
b. Network signals are weak.
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a. there is a bug in WM2003 and there is a tiny program that should be placed in the \windows\startup directory to solve it. The program is called Clear_Notify.exe ... simple search and you will find it.
If not, then it's a Radio problem that impacts the ROM part. Few hard resets may solve it.
b. if you mean the indicator on the window tray, forget about it ... the point is the ability of making/receiving calls. If you face real problems, I think it's the 4.21 RSU, but be extreamly careful ... upgrading the RSU is very risky especially with this RSU 4.21 on your device!!!!!!.
Good luck
tellan said:
if you upgraded to the 4.01.16 I had this problem too.
you can't use the rom.exe method via the cradle if you've put this tmobile rom on your XDA, you have to use the SD flash method.
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1. Can you please send me the steps for installing the O2 OS on a SD card?
2. and once it is installed and working, can I just go ahead and delete all the folder (windows program files etc) from the phone memory?
What are the risks involved in writing ROM to SD Card?
I have no idea of this. Can you please help me?
Hi Diki,
Did you get a soution to your problem yet? I elaborate on the same problem.
Thanks for your answer
I have the same problem and I still don't know what to do. Please elaborate if you can.
:roll: I have this problem too. If someone find the selution,PLS send me a Email: [email protected].
:roll: I have this problem too. If someone find the selution,PLS send me a Email: [email protected].

I have the Offical O2 (UK) PPC 2003 (4.01.12 ENG) Rom!!!

I have just got my xda back from being fixed by O2 and they seem to have upgraded my rom.
Before I sent the xda to them the rom was simply the latest ppc2002 rom from their website.
However now everything has changed and my rom version is 4.01.12 ENG
This seems to be an official release form O2 as I have their auto configuration and boot screen.
My bootloader has also been upgraded to V5.22.
I have backed up the rom using XDATools and hope to upload it to the site although its approx 31mb.
This seems to be all official and what everyone has been waiting for however if i've completly missed the point please let me know (politely please )
As an added note I have two broken xda's for sale: -
1) A 64mb XDA with the above rom installed. The screen is smashed, and will need replacing, or you could just use the motherboard in another xda. The unit does not charge for some reason, possibly the fuse which is a simple enough fix.
2) A 32mb XDA with the above rom installed. The screen is intact, however will most of the time it will only display lines, you can get a screen sometimes but this is very rare. It must be possible to fix this, but its way beyond me. Again the motherboard has been tested in my other xda.
Please email me at [email protected] if you would like to make me a serious offer.
So how do the rest of us get it. Do we have to send our XDA's back to O2?
So did you uploaded the ROM yet? can you provide us a link? thanks
Don't forget the main question. Does this version incluudes the wmodem application????
Already wrote him a PM for getting this ROM. My Kitchen is waiting for it....
:twisted: :twisted: Yeahhh gr8 I hope this one would be perfect I want to try it
any news,
wmodem, build number ...
i´m ready to give it a try
joking ?
is topic joking ? o never heard before about 4.01.12 rom best regard
i WAS starting to think that this guy is telling the truth but no sign so far... damn, all that excitement for nothing
after one day of hopes that´s it.
at least someone with inside o2 info can confirm/infirm the existence of an O2 WM2003 either in beta fase?
Official O2 PPC 2003 4.01.12 ENG ROM
Official O2 PPC 2003 4.01.12 ENG ROM
The file as promised.
The programs on it are: -
ClearVue PDF
ClearVue PPT
File Explorer
Microsoft Reader
MSN Messenger
Photo Contacts
Pocket Excel
Pocket MSN
Pocket Word
SD Backup
SIM Manager
SIM Tool Kit
Terminal Services Client
Wireless Modem
xmail from O2
The usual settings including
O2 Auto Configuration
Hope this is what your all after, let me know.
thanks for the file, sorry bout my doubt but it took so long.. so anyone tried this yet? does it work with asian XDA1? im still downloading it. it will take some time for me coz im using dial up thanks.
great !
it IS real :shock: thanks Martin
how on earth we only found out right now ?
any insiders ? is it gonna be official or it's an old tryout from O2 ?
It HAS wmodem but I connect through Irda (i have no serial on my notebook).
Can someone try and confirm that it works on Irda on Windows XP
Steps for using wmodem:
1. install ircomm2k from
2. add a new modem (manual selection Standard 32600 bps) on the new com installed by ircomm2k
3. add to AT commands AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","apn","",0,0
4. create a new DUN with the number at *99#
5. use if there is any username/password
Mine works fine but I cannot connect. It does communicate and ends on "verifying password" step.
Any help ?
thats great!! thanks very much martin,what about the auto config? does it show any asian provider? such as thailand AIS, DTAC or indonesian indosat, telkomsel, etc? thanks in advance...
adit said:
does it show any asian provider? such as thailand AIS, DTAC or indonesian indosat, telkomsel, etc?
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Shure not....
Would you as provider support other ones?
Incluuded in Auto Conig should be:
O2-DE Loop
and again Thx to Martin for sharing and uploading....
breaking news )
Ok everybody.
Install this ROM ... then ... click on SIM Manager
THEN .... surprise ... it will install IA Caller ID (customized picture of the calling person)
This is indeed a surprize.
Thanks O2
Re: breaking news )
decebal said:
Install this ROM ... then ... click on SIM Manager
THEN .... surprise ... it will install IA Caller ID (customized picture of the calling person)
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Normally this should happen Automaticly, since the CallerID.CAB fiel is int eh startup directory....
But it's a nice trick to get it working...
Soory, forgotten to mention, that this ROM is now available in the Kitchen. I also tried to get the Autoconfigration working. Cooking went fine, but i didn't have the possibility to test it.
So fell free and test this ROM with Autoconfiguration......
great !!!!
i test it in this afternoon it have a bug in this rom .... may be A30.09 much more better thx for kindly
ps. i check in rom update O2. it have 3.17.03 only where is 4.01.12 come from ? ....
Whats wrong?
Hi, i just installed the ROM and now it works perfectly well, caller ID installs automatically at the startup when the welcome screen appear after the upgrade? XDAMAN, what was the problem? i am using DTAC provider (okay, theres no autoconfig so i had to set up everything manually) everything works perfectly well? i feel its a lot more faster than other ROMs i tried (Siemens ROM, T-Mobile, betas, etc) the best ROM i've ever used!thanks again martin
too slow and unstable for me
hello adit ,, i live in bangkok too <<< may be we can met and talk about xda ( i have a lot of program for u hehehe )
i decide to cook this rom from stefan kitchen ... and it's no have bug anymore ... Great . i garantee it.
but i didn't check battery lifetime .. who can tell me . is 4.01.12 better than other rom .. ?
ps adit please u email to me at [email protected] ? may be i have a new xda user friend... : )
I'm really in love in this forum :lol: Thanks to Martin for uploading this new Rom and to Stefan for the hard work on his Rom Kitchen.

Xda Orbit from German to English. Please support!

Hi to all,
It seems that I have very comlicated situation. Firstly, I have flashed my german rom with extended customized rom and now i am stucked at my O2 screen and nothing happens. I can just enter to boot loader mode. When I enter to boot loader mode and when I want to flash with HTC od DOPOD or any wwe rom I get eror 244 - no valid ID.... I can not use my XDA orbit any more or boot it to windows so I would really like someone to transfer to me his experience. Please help.
...or please if you know where to find Xda orbit GErman rom to download. Since no one can update to WWE his non WWE rom I would like just to make my Xda usable with old German one. Hmmm, ironicly NOW I CAN not find that german rom to download... Please Help!
do anyone know where can I download GERMAN SHIPPED O2 XDA ORBIT rom?
I do have original O2 orbit from Germany, but i do not know how to make a image of the rom so i can send it to u. I'd like to help u but if u can tell me how to ...
i cant quite follow on what you mean by "flashed my german rom with extended customized rom".
did you fiddle with your extrom or what?
nevertheless, eror 244 - no valid ID, means you are flashing an incompatible rom. this is due to your machine only accepting o2 xda machine code roms. only way to get passed this is to acquire supercid, meaning unlocking your machine via
in order to flash the htc or dopod roms.
since there is no o2 xda rom around, akaik, you will not be able to regain your system, unless you are able to flash an alternative rom, which needs you to be supercid. havent heard of anyone being able to dump a rom properly yet, neither being able to reflash it to another machine
Thanks Termodac,
The think I do is - I have installed EXT Rom in English on my German O2 Xda ROM. I stucked myself at O2 Xda orbit log screen. I can not go further with booting. I am hapy anyway that I can go to boot loader.
Do you know where I can download GERMAN Oreginal Xda orbit rom so I can return to old one and at least use my machine???
Can we expect easy way of changing rom like with Qtek s110 or Xda Neo???
Please can anyone EXPLAIN DETAILED INFORMATION and procedure of unlocking via imei chack.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Termodac,
Yes I fiddle with my ext rom
The think I do is - I have installed EXT Rom in English on my German O2 Xda ROM. I stucked myself at O2 Xda orbit log screen. I can not go further with booting. I am hapy anyway that I can go to boot loader.
Do you know where I can download GERMAN Oreginal Xda orbit rom so I can return to old one and at least use my machine???
Can we expect easy way of changing rom like with Qtek s110 or Xda Neo???
Please can anyone EXPLAIN DETAILED INFORMATION and procedure of unlocking via imei chack.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Termodac,
The think I do is - I have installed EXT Rom in English on my German O2 Xda ROM. I stucked myself at O2 Xda orbit log screen. I can not go further with booting. I am hapy anyway that I can go to boot loader.
Do you know where I can download GERMAN Oreginal Xda orbit rom so I can return to old one and at least use my machine???
Can we expect easy way of changing rom like with Qtek s110 or Xda Neo???
Please can anyone EXPLAIN DETAILED INFORMATION and procedure of unlocking via imei chack from the BOOT LOADER LEVEL
Thanks in advance
Thanks Termodac,
The think I do is - I have installed EXT Rom in English on my German O2 Xda ROM. I stucked myself at O2 Xda orbit log screen. I can not go further with booting. I am hapy anyway that I can go to boot loader.
Do you know where I can download GERMAN Oreginal Xda orbit rom so I can return to old one and at least use my machine???
Can we expect easy way of changing rom like with Qtek s110 or Xda Neo???
Please can anyone EXPLAIN DETAILED INFORMATION and procedure of unlocking via imei chack from the BOOT LOADER LEVEL
Thanks in advance
This is great Idea wich can solve my problems. I will Just need NBH file for SD card flashing and it must be from XDA ORBIT. Please make this image anf if it is possible please tell me your progress. I also do not know how but I am reading...
Thank you in advance
same problem
Dear psrejic,
I'm Junior Member, and I have exactly the same problem that you have. I need the original Rom of O2 XDA Orbit so I can return to wm5 or wm6 then I can connect to activesync to unlock the phone, after that I can install other roms... please someone reply to us the link to download this image...

Help me I'm stupid! Orbit boot problem after bad flashing

hi I've tested a new powermap.exe dopod rom but after reboot my O2 still freez on boot screen (I can see only O2 boot screen with radio and rom version), so I can't connect my Orbit in windows mode, only in IPL boot (via usb) but I've this error when lounch any rom:
INVALID MODEL ID ,with any original rom
INVALID UPDATE TOLL ,with any modified for imeicheck upgrade
yes, I've unlock my Orbit via imeicheck but now I must have the original Germa rom for repair it...please anyone konw the solution of my problem or have any original German O2 rom?
help me please!
Hi ...
If you had unlocked your Device with IEMI Check, and everything was fine, and you sure that your device is now CID unlocked, than try T-Mobile original ROM (should help) IF not? So ... Welcome Here
I supposte that the only way is find the original O2 GERMAN rom, anyone have it?
I'm stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!
do what j0kkk3r propose, find tmouk_shipped rom and try that one. it helped me
thefamous said:
INVALID MODEL ID ,with any original rom
INVALID UPDATE TOLL ,with any modified for imeicheck upgrade
yes, I've unlock my Orbit via imeicheck but now I must have the original Germa rom for repair it...
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That's strange... I thought that you should be able to flash any ROM after unlocking, not just the original German one. Maybe something went wrong during unlocking? I suggest that you send an email to those guys from imei-check, maybe they can offer you a solution.
grun said:
That's strange... I thought that you should be able to flash any ROM after unlocking, not just the original German one. Maybe something went wrong during unlocking? I suggest that you send an email to those guys from imei-check, maybe they can offer you a solution.
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I've just sent email to imei support, look:
you only can get it back to life with an O2-XDA-German-ROM (which odes not exist right now).
The other option is to send the device to repair (service centre).
The unlocker can NOT work in case your device has a malfunction (it is described in DETAIL that the unlocker requires a working ActiveSync connection on the our web site where you purchase the unlock).
----- Original Message -----
>Hi, I'm disperate (and stupid man).
>my orbit is stuck on boot screen exactly as manples'. i tried to flash
>pdamobiz custom ROM. i can enter bootloader.
>I've just buy your unlocked service but now I can't install any rom because my
>orbis still on boot O2 screen ()freez).
>So your application strart only in windows and via actyvesync mode, and I've
>no connection in actyvesync mode with my stuck orbit.
>only solution is to found the original rom, do you have the O2 GERMAN rom?
>please help me!!!!
>I've bought the Orbit in germany (O2 operator, and in origin there was a
>best regard and excuse me for my bad english.
phsnake said:
do what j0kkk3r propose, find tmouk_shipped rom and try that one. it helped me
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do you know where is the TM shipped rom? I have O2 Orbit and originary was GERMAN rom...
someone in this forum posted his own web page, i guess its there.
the solution is in this magic ROM (I've O2 but this is the compatible rom Tmobile, i suppose...)
thanks to all.
I Had The Sam Problem
HOW DID YOU DO IT MANNN??? I have tried to do this with a tmouk ROM but I always have the same error. WHAT IS THE CATCH????
It is posible only if your Device is CID unlocked ... If not ... only service or imei-check...
Cheers ..
to jokkk3r:exactly, lot of people flash first, then read. ooops I dont have supecid unlocked-whats now, please help im desperate....
& i dont understand why anyone is trying ROM thats well known for flashing probs-pdamobiz- it could be interesting to find out how many of us had troubles after flashing
2 phsnake:Yes, but how many ppl have it installed and workin WELL? Witch ROM you thing is the best for O2 At the moment?
psrejic said:
HOW DID YOU DO IT MANNN??? I have tried to do this with a tmouk ROM but I always have the same error. WHAT IS THE CATCH????
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I apologize for you. My orbit was originary German and locked, so I'm unlocked it with imeicheck utility, so I was installed a HTC wwe ship rom. And yesterday I has a problem with powermap rom. Now I've solved with TMobile rom, I don't know if working because my Orbit was CID unlocked (I belive no, because if now i try to install htc wwe ship rom I've wrond ID error message..) Do you have try to install via bootloader mode? enter in bootloader, so double click on tmobile rom.
2 jokkk3r im using dopod shipped, im quite happy. its +-new dev. it'll take some time till here will be some roms or at least tools for cooking them.but most im waiting for is extrom unlocker like is for universal,thar U can use it like a storage

