Blank messages - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a samsung galaxy s4 i9507 running android 4.4.2. Sometimes when a friend sends me emoticons in text messages, the text message comes up as blank. So I am assuming it is one i don't have on my phone. Is there any way to update emoticons without updating the android version?


[Q] Issues with MMS

Hello....I recently bought a new Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4
I am having an issue where when I am sending pictures with text underneath and the people receiving them receive the picture but the text has a play button versus just the text. When they send me pictures with text underneath it doesn't show a play button. I even had someone with another S4 send me a picture with text and it doesn't show a play button on mine.
There must be a way to change this so people receiving my messages don't have to push play but should just be able to read the text.
Please Help!
Are you using the stock app?

[Q] Text message blocking gone?

I remember on the Galaxy s3 there was a folder to send spam to. Did they remove that from the s5? I have a person I don't want to receive text messages from still texting me. I have the Verizon edition of the s5 btw.

[Q] Samsung Gear Live won't send text?

I got the Samsung Gear at IO (yea) and have been going through the user adjustment phase, happily have pretty much everything working (I use a Galaxy Nexus as the phone stock. I receive text and I can send emails (from the watch) but for some reason I can't send text from the watch. It says it is sent, goes through all the motions, asks for recipient, clarifies to send to the mobile number and gets the text via voice and then says it is sending and gives a success green check, but the message is lost does not show on phone hangout or messaging log, nor does the recipient get it.. Anyone have any ideas?? or is my problem unique to me?
Hidden choice message on Phone for sending text
Finally found my "missing texts.. when I was sending, the phone was opening a choice dialog to choose between Google voice or messaging, I chose messaging and checked always and all is now working, buy the way retweeting to twitter using the bunting app has a similar issue, it opens the native vs edit retweet chice, which cannot be set to default one way so you need to pull the phone out...

[Q] Messages in Call logs

I have recently bought Galaxy S5 and have Lollipop. I don't know if its the phone or the software that is causing the trouble.
Basically when i go to call logs, it also gives me log of text messages which is fine by me, but the problem is you can actually see what was written on the text. Is there a way to disable that feature, i don't mind mind having a log of text messages but to display the text that is annoying.
Anyone knows how to disable that?

No Text's Notification Sound when Chat Window is Open?

On my Sprint Galaxy S5, which I just got this week, I noticed that there was no text notification sound when a new message arrives when the chat window is open. Is this for real? When i am texting someone, I do not look at the phone all the time. After I send a text, I place my phone down and wait for the whistle sound to notify me that I got a text response. This doesn't happen with my S5. I only noticed this when I actually look down and saw a whole bunch of text that came without any notification. Is there a way to fix this? I do get sound notification only when the text window is NOT open. I've look in all the settings to no avail. Anyone know how to change the settings within a file on rooted device? There's got to be a solution for the default messaging app. I do not want to use a third party messaging app.
I'm on Sprint Galaxy s5 4.4.4 by the way. It's rooted with towelroot and everything else is stock NK4.

