Newest H2Os Launcher port - OnePlus 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is anyone able to port the newest H2Os launcher to cyanogenmod13?

+1 ... Would request anyone who can port the launcher. I really like the layout of the launcher.


TW Launcher (Stock Launcher) 5x5 MOD?

I am running X-NOTE build 5 (MJ7) with TW Launcher and I was wondering if there is a 5x5 MOD available? I don't want to use another Launcher, I want to have a TW Launcher with 5x5 grid.
Please advise.
I found it here:

Touchwiz launcher weather PORT

Looking for touchwiz launcher and accuweather widget port for LG G2. Would like APK signed files not flashable ones if possible.

5x5 icon in homepage with stock launcher

hello. i love stock launcher in note 3 rom stock based rom modded.... can anyone tell me if is there an app or a xposed module for change home page set icons to 5x5 without install another launcher? thanks

[Q] Help Me Aurora Note 4 Port V9.0 User, I'm New In This Site...

How can i change touchwiz launcher of this rom, i want to ad Note5 launcher as default launcher.
Can anyone have idea for solve this....

Need the new wallpapers from OOS 3.0 beta

I installed OOS 3.0 but for some reason in my ROM does not exist the new wallpapers. Anyone can help me.

